HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-03-16, Page 2The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, March 16, 1961 Wr.n"::4 Established� Gv •':A•,:,r cry �4A+'T:'.E4.-94A V4 ittar --0— The County Tolien Newspaper of Huron ---D-- 'cr a. O � O b s Ptt lie bbv.d `; r U t arc '•fy` ' ,1 �' ��K+"' �o�'' ' Signa] -Star Publishing Limited Subscription rates - $3.00 a year. To U.S.A.S4.00 (In advance) Authorized as second-class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. Member of C.W:N.A., O.W.N.A. and A.B.C. Circulation --over 3,400 GEO. L. FT.T,IS, Editor ani Published" IS FLUORIDATION DESIRABLE? Having been grvited per..i on to ` install a new waterworks system in Cod- .erich by the Ontario Water Resources Com- • Aission, the Town is patiently awaiting further word .from OWRC, r in the mean- . time, those citizens who are in favor of the .fl.uoridatiou of thetown . water supplies -should be doing soneiiug to create an 'interest in it. The. wad 'as recently clear- ed for municipal action along this line • 'when a special committee of the Ontario government concluded that fluoridation was definitely an effective way of prevent - '.rug tooth decay. Their report r0 - commended that lllunicipal.lities he perniit- -ed to fluoridate their'*ater without hav- ing to resort to passing a by-law to do so. A very tiny-tilnount of fluoride, only one part to a million part:; of water, is • enough to make teeth inue11 I11ore resis- 44. The vote for hog produeers.44.)mmit1eo members at Clinton 011 Mardi -t h, vv'eut. off smoothly as was expected said the Clin- :ton News-Reeord editorially. Col'ntneitting further, the News -Record ,,,,aid : - A. lack of voters from the farot'f eorir?<ers of the Comity ivas evidenced in t hat rio candidate was elle>ted from the four townships farthest away. ° .lIowever, t hat could almost have been: predicted, too. A majority of the seasoned members of the hog producers association were eleeteti. and probably this could have hcen predict- ed as well, but on the morning of the vot- ing. there would ha'Ve heel) few takers for such a bet. lip four .Free Enterprise men- new -t o the group who were elected certainly will gain in experienee and wisdom during:the 1„0„�gths_..�and ttii will do iloharm to anyono, most" certainly not to' them- selves. No one could have predicted how,many of the nearly 6.000 hoer prodlteer 1n the bounty kohl•( ,have eO111e to vote. That 1,184 made the trip to Clinton was gratify- in'ng, even though it could hardly be term- ed a fair representation from the producers throughout the County. The main task ,of the group eleeted will he to join with the 12 ,committeem4 n ta11t to tooth decay for lift provided the wat(ar i5 available to children while, their teeth are forming. It will also help, to a lesser degree, teeth which are complet- ely formed. .Fluorides Neither add taste, n ilor, nor odor to the water. Nature floes. not always add just the right aino'unt to water supplies and it is 11 simple matter to adjust. the fluoride content of water, upwards 01' downwards. to achieVe the one part ,per 1111111011 w11ie11 is ideal. Children who are fortunate enough to be raised in areas where the water is fluoridated, eith- er t hrouunderground deposits or as g>11 s a result of supplement, will have on the av- erage two-thirds less' tooth decay than those children w•h(i live in non -fluoridated areas. In view of this, fluoridation of ;(((1 1'ie11's 'Water til1l)plle5 1s_ something which is well worth coll,idet'atitnl. ,;EXPECTE.D �1 FROM THE WORD BY • GODERIICH ,,,..M1NJSI',ERIAL A'S ttra'AMON JESUS WENT A LITTLE FARTHER (Matt. 26:39) hung in agony on His own cross, Letters To Editor Goderich, Ont., March 13, 1961. Editor, Signal -Star. Dear Sir: In connection with the forth- r.aming vote- on liquor lounges, 1-deUb S01 uYidexs ' c i' that .municipal councils have nothing whatever to say about the number of licenses "to be issued, to whom they are issued, r I . (By Rev. E. A. Cooper, Goderich we would do well to ask our- or for what premises.It is a peculiarity of the Free Methodist Church) selves if our consecration to The athlete who goes a little His service- meets today's chal- farther—a little faster—a little Menges, longer—wins the race and the 'Leaving eight disciples at the prize. The student who goes "a little farther" than Other students — in concentration in class - in home study -i in thoroughness of preparation— stands highest in examinations and wins the scholarship: The businessman who goes "a little farther" in study and know- ledge of his work—in giviing superior service and value — wins over competition. But of all areas of life where going "a little farther" wins coveted advantage, that of min- istering spiritual blessing to others—of • bringing the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ to bear upon the sin -problems and heartaches of our day—of making our lives useable to God as surrendered upon chan- nels through which He may work—ought to challenge us most. It was in"this area that our Saviour and .Master showed us the way to great fruitfulness by means of this very principle of "going farther." Pictured as the Righteous .1 Servant• b,y Isaiah, surely o1.tx._ Lord "went ,-f rt -beg"`- in service' fro>,n Middlesex 1.11esex County on March 1nd , to mankind. The Gospel by gateof the Garden of Geth- s..emeane, and taking the three "inner circle" disciples inside a distance, "He went a little farther"—in distance—in intens sity--in intercessory heartache for a lost world. Sweating blood - drops and Uttering strong cries, as we read of Him in Luke and Hebrews, our Lord surely went farther in prayer. In our day, when family devotions and the mid -week prayer service, are not commonly used, and personal private devotions are brief if at all, we would do well to ponder our Saviour's example in this respect. However, it is in His con- secration to His Father's will, wherein it is recorded that "He became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross,') that we see Him, at utmost cost "going farther." In order that we might have an atoning sacri- fice to trust as we seek pardon . in order that the forfeited presence of the Holy Spirit might be redeemed back to man- kind, He went the whole way in onsegrat 4n, -for. Ft= May :we - determine to "go farther b, with Him, and . make ,our life -dedica- tion like that of Paul: "That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings." select oil' of -their number to I•epresentil "describes Him as one who I)istriet 10 on the Toronto Board.- WithIwas so busy meeting human needs that, at times, He had that one mall \\•ill go a lot of faith, hope not leisureto permit Iiim to and trust that he \\'ill do what he can for'eat. When we\see Him meet - the betterment' of t he hog produces in'ing the need of lone of His cap - TN nroil and Midi-1'1(14;ex in the pub]i(• near -tors in Gethsemane, healing his ear; and the need of the thief ket place. - _. . ,on the cross, even though He It was rather amazing that til(' vOtlllg'i ' -hoidd be as dost as it turned out to he. This .should serve a5 a suggestion to each Down- lted man that though hundreds of menvtd forhim. other hundrds slid not, lintpreferred other representatives. With this in mind. the stat of tht' elected may not be: too solid, hilt at least he is made awarel that there are- Others of other opinion \v,it11 which he unfit rerko The answer is a state of e011ipl'01111SP (111-1-11a .'-=-t=1ritT.. -Ni-- i#- 3 +t -0- i--1:�r frioe(10111, hill )asie beliefs. The solution should he at least as'successfnl as the weld- ino of the French and .English Mations in - Mernorvs � Lane 50 Years Ago -1911 County Council reported 81 inrnate's in the House of Ref- uge The tender of W. Agnew to supply bread at $2.75 per cwt.. was accepted, and an ae- count for $35 for the burial of aiTarr as-15rdered,'-•pa-td_-.- On fhe occasion of Queen Mary's coronation. the LO..D.E. was .collecting from all those with the name of Mary, gay, Maria, Marian or Marie. Mrs. James Clark, as treasurer -,of the Goderich Chapter, was to forward local donations to the provincial headquarters. The money wottld he used to -pur- chase a gift for the new Queen. Joseph McGraw, Dunlop, met with a painful accident when a horse fell on him, cutting his hand and bruising him badly. At Dungannon, J. •H. Medd intended having an auction sale a.ou, .40 'horses. - - 30'Years Robert MacKay, who had 'pre- viously donated MacKay Hall to Goderich, als remembered his home town i his will. Sums of money wee left to Knox Church, the C ildren's Aid, So- ciety, of God rich, Alexandra Hospital, the oderich Colleg- iate Institute, t e town library, Maitland cemetery, and the Public School Board. Mr. Gordon McPhee had had two pairs of twin calves born on his farm inside of a month. Mr. Charles Hallam, of West Wawanosh, lost his barn,' some livestock and machinery in a fire which started when he fell while carrying a lantern. He was severely burned. - Mrs, Harry Shackleton and daughter Madeline„ Asquith, Sask., were visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Allen, Goderich. Mr, Shackleton expected to join them at the close ,of the school term. 15 Years Ago -1746 Andrew Holmes, a Goderich Township farmer, was severely injured` wizen a frightened heif- er knocked tan down. Mrs. Holmes dragged her unconscious husband opt of theej� animal's way. Mr. D. A. Stirling and his daughter Mary later helped carry Mr. Holmes to his house. Mrs. M. P. Chaffee was ap- pointed superintendent of the Huron County Children's Aid Society. She would succeed H. T. Edwards who had recently resigned., , At the commencement exer- cises at G.C.I., the J. A. Graham shield was presented two Jim Bisset. Field Day competition awards went to Jerry Ginn, Donald Scott, "Donald Holmes, Victoria Baechler, Maxine ' Oke and Eleanor Willis. Bob Need- ham won the Strathcona Medal" for rifle shooting. At Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Raithby, who were moving to Goderich, were presented with a table lamp and a wall mirror by the community. n tt 10 Years Ago --1951 The fire brigade was called to the farm home of John Hind - marsh when fire spread from a , stovepipe , into, the wall of . an upstairs room. Albert Mero, Bruce street, died in Alexandra 'hospital of gunshot wounds in the abdomen and right leg. He had been testing a shotgun in the base- ment of his home and was alone at the time of the accident. Mises Shirley Robertson and Eileen Glidden successfully passed their Grade V music ex- aminations. -Little David Montgomery, Dungannon, Was badly scalded when he pulled a pot of hot rnflee off the table and over himself. He had to be taken to Alexandra Hospital for treat- ment, to the Canadian nation we know and lore. .and it's w•i-Leonie rtn thfsse of other;-eclnntriesj vvho.iiiav wish to make their home here. A one-sided type of government or. la«, 1.111 not attract others. nor will it Pro- vide those who a healthy atmosphere already reside - under its for care. MARCH DRUG SALE SPECIALS, t D•e4• B ran SALE ENDS -MARCH 19 — OPEN SUNDAY, MARCH 19th, 2 - 5 P.M. SACCHARIN TABLETS ;• Grain 500's 1,000's 39c - 59c HEAVY GRADE I.D.A. Wax Paper 100 -foot Roll -12" wide Regular 31c 29c or 2 for 55c "GOLIATH;" Writing Pads Big Value --200 sheets per pad Note size,. Letter size 25c 49c LATEX RUBBER GLOVES with suction grip 39c pr. WRITING PAPER - Stuat "Hall - • VELLUM 30 sheens 30 envelopes 49c Moth Crystals Two Pound Bag NOW ONLY 5 9c . Ideal for us.. in Vacuum Spray I.D.A. BRAND HEAVY GRADE MINERAL OIL Odorless and Tasteless 16 oz. Reg. 65c 40 oz. Reg. 1.25 49c 99c TWO SPECIALS BOBBY PINS 150 for 39c ToiletTissue Pink—Yellow—White Two for 25c Six for 73e O 9 Cent Specials Ladies' Plastic Rain -eat folded into plastic carrying case TWO COMB SPECIAL - BObby Comb and `Curl Comb Bathroom Scale REG. 6.95 NOW 4.95 COLD ,DREAM . SOAP Bath and Cgmplexioh' Luxury 2 for 25c — 6 for 73c CAR WASH BRUSH 99c Attaches to any standard 1-6" gardth hose. Plow control in the handle. - MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS 500 FOR ONLY 98C Wash •Cloths 12"ry, Square TerCloth ' Reg. 19c each. 2 for 25c ByHd- resistance to aeolds1 I.U.A. BRAND � P -HALIBUT LIVER OIL Capsules ' • Excellent source of Vitamins. A & D .100's.. Reg. 1.15 . ... 89c 250's. Reg. 2129 1.89 500's. Reg. 4,29 .. 3.49 CANDY KERR'S HUMBUGS 1 V Ib. 'Bag. Special Now Only 39c Sunglasses Aviation Type Green Letts - Metal Case MARCH SALE SPECIAL NOW 79c CAMPBELL'S YOUR FRIENDLY I.D.A. DRUG STORE Phone4S3 2 t erich'. Liquor License Act that it gives no instructions to the board ex- cept to authorize it to issue lic- enses of seven different classes. It fixes board membership at three, provides for paying a staff and holding beard meetings, and says licenses May be issued to anyone who is a British subject and a "fit and proper person." We read of deputations be- fore the board objecting tolic- ensing premises close to a church, school or public park. The commissioners listen ,polite- ly, politely, and in due course ; the lic- ense is issued. There is nothing to prohibit or discourage „ lic- enses in such places or. any- where else. The Legislature left all this up to the board, which does exactly what it is author- ized to do—issue licenses. It is the duty of the board, with approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council (the -pro- IF YOU HAD' INVESTED . . $5,000 in Commonwealth Inter- national Corp. (a Mutual fund) in January, 1944, you. would - have $28,923.89 today and could draw $289.00 per month. CALL— JOSEPH - P. ALLAIRE Phone JA 4-7671 Your King Merritt & Co., representative in' Huron County. vincital Government) to pre- Canada's first transcontinen- scribe the days and hours when tal air flight, from Montreal to Liquor may be sold, --served or Vancouver, was made by J.D. consumed. The only time a McKee in 1926.. municipal council has anything to say is in event of an applic- ation by a licensee to the board for extension of standard hours. This the council evidently may recommend or not. Toronto city council several imes-ase -tlie-glice a ivar not to issue more licenses. Whe1t three ore=were=-=issued; in 1958, Controller Brand said it was "against the wishes of city council." Objecting to estab- lishment of a hotel and beverage, room in a residential section of Parkdale, citizens, city council and the Legislature member ap- pealed to the Board. A license was issued. In opinion of a Toronto man, speaking at Exeter a not long ago: "The number of outlets is limited only by the number of people Who apply. Very few get turned down." W., E. ELLIOTT. Of Canada's total agricultural production 69 per cent is sold m the Canadian market and 31 per cent is exported. An estimated 4,211,400 Can- adian's recieve cheques from the federal government -each month family allowances 2,- 500,000; universal old• age pen- sions 900,000; civil servants and employees of Crown Corpora- tions 340,000; veterans and de- pendents 189,000; aged, disabled and blind pensioners 157,000; members of the armed forces 120,000; R.C.M.P. 5,400. ' 1 T. PRYDE & SON -- Memorials -- Finest Stone and Experienced Workmanship • DISTRICT aI n. REPIESE.NZ;TJVEr- Gibbons St. JA 4-9465 • 50tf r AA -caw rank F - JA 4-7861 -or 200 LOOK TO YOUR SPRING WARDROBE NOW BLUEWATER CLEANERS 38 WEST ST.JA 4-8231 With life insurance I can be sure... "...Sure of an incotne for my family, if 1 shouldn't live Yo take care of tFiem." ... Sure of an income in case I become disabled. ... Sure of an income at retirement . an income which 1 can't lose, and can't outlive. "I'm playing it eompletelysafe. I've math, certain of inr•ou►e fur the future uri,i, r any of these possibil- ities—through life. insurance , with substantial saving values." Today is a good ,In to.talk to a London Life ?r>j,resrntatice,, London Life Insurance Company #lead Office: London, Canada , d7 FREE TOWN DELIVERY With Ea. $2. Purchase CUT COSTS alt AT YOUR FRIENDLY YLM AYLMER PRODUCTS OMINION TIE'S WEEK. TOMATO CHOICE HALVES OR SLICED AYLNIER AYLMER BOSTON BROWN CATSUP 4 PEACRES 5 BEAMS WITH POBK 3 AYLMER CHOICE SPECIAL SWEET AND TENDER — AYLMER BRAND 35c CflOC I E PEAS PEAS & CARROTS 2' TI'Ns DOMINION QUALITY PRODUCTS — DOMINO BLACK TEA BAGS oFKGso 55c DOMINO CHOICE TOMATOES 2TNZ. 18 OZ. BOTTLES 1502. TINS 15 OZ. TiNS 4• 16 OZ. • TINS SPECIAL $1.00 SPECIAL $loo SPECIAL 4' `.' C i:. SekelAL McCORMICK'S PLAIN OR SALTED JERSEY CREAMSOIJAS 1PKG.3SIAc BISCUIT FEATURE - McOORMICK'S 21c BANQUET iSSORTMENT COUNTRY CLUB - INSTANT' COOKING FANCY SOCKEYE IIOOD O�, TS ROBIN SALMONTIN 5�c F1W TS i VEGTAPLES== No. 1 Ontario POTATOES No: 1 California Crisp Solid (HEAD LETTUCE Guaranteed Good'Cookers. 50 -Ib. bag $139 Large'Size 24's 2 for 29c REDEEM COUPON NO. 3 FOR SILVER WILLOW D1NNERWARE truth won( VALUES EFFECTIVE IN GODERICH UNTIL CLOSING TIME, SAT., MARCH 16 •° PKG. OF 32 RISC. '32 OZ. BAG • BAKERY FEATURES SUGARED, PLAiN OR CINNAMON, -RICHMHLLO. DONUTS 2 RICHMELLO - HOT CROSS SPECIAL c SPECIAL 25c ,PKGS. OF 12 SPECIAL 49c BUNS PKG. 55c OF 12 CHRISTIE'S CINNAMON COFFEE RINGS EACH SAVE Sc 30c ELE/dYTHING is GUARANTEED M 1 N 101 DOA i1 I'ON STORES LIMI1'E.D v