The Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-03-09, Page 9Tell some people you can't get along without them and be- fore long you can't get along with them. OF LAYERS I/ QUALITY - 'CONTROLLED HATCHING + DEPENDABLE SERVICE 1 0 HATCHERIES to more egg income Buying the right flock replacements is the first step toward higher egg income. You can he sure of that important first stop when you bu.y the J. J. Warren Sex- • Sal -Link (rum your Swift's Hatchery. We believe—and We think the records prove—that the Sex -Sal -Link is the mpst outstanding brown egg la on the market today, and the equal of any white egg layer. • It averages 240 to '255 eggs per bird housed for a fall year Oilay, has good feed efficiency and,, egg size with low mortalityd," • This -year, head for higher egg income with the fatuous J. J. Warren Sex -Sall -Link from your Swift's Hatchery. Order from us soon. - SWIFT'S HATCHERY Dealer.: Pfrirn.mer Bros. Benmiller 4f©®®0G•OOOGeN••••e••• The red cedar tree is a native of North America. It grows in sandy or rocky places from Lake Champlain to the Gulf of Mex- ico.' The timber is used for fence -posts, lead pencils and in a variety of other ways. BUSINESS DIRECTORY xJ irtiy N Bentley PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 478. Phone JA 4-9521 GODERICH —,ONTARIO R. W. BELL 'OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist rh• Square JA 4-7661 Albert Shore, Sr. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT OFF'C'E RESIDENCE 48 HAMILTON ST. 99 vICTORIA ST GODERICH GODERISH HONE PHONE ,A 4-3452 JA 4-7886 ° A. ' M. Harper & Co. Chartered Accountants Office House JA 4-7552 JA 4-7642 Al Hamilton St. Goderich Mechanical -and body repairs, glass, steering and wheel bal- Iance. Undaspray for rust prevention. DAMSON'S Texaco Service H'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 Sties Ambulance Roomy — Cumfortable Anywhere —• Anytime PHONE JA 4-8142 77 Montreal St., Goderich Butler, Dooley. & Clarke Chartered Accountants' Trustee in Bankruptcy Licensed Municipal Auditor 3t� Street JA 4-8253 GODERICH, ONTARIO : tf INSURANCE, FIRE and AUTO REAL ESTATE W. J. 'HUGHES 50 ELGIN AVE. E.". Phone JA 4-8526. FOR A GREENER ° THUMB By G. MacLeod Ross u°Ctgb"-Dispb5a't'?ou.,'''' wed -varieties need'tolge 'Soaped-'. r What to do with the bulbs 1 for . a couple of days. before '. C4, -,..1a, 7 'iw,a �t%��i:G�orCeii` for-in'fir��if=-+eaE+�. .W�:,.:A;. g It is true that they will never with him for an 'Indefinite per I again perform inside as well . as we hope they did this year, sod. When the seedlings have • three pairs of leaves pinch out course, carries a mouthful about ". because forcing them .in bowls the crown to encourage side and peat moss has debilitated shoots because the sweet pea them too greatly. Many people does not develop a good plant throw thein out, burn them, or from the original leader. Plants put them on the compost heap.should, be in the cold frame at This is wanton waste of good this. stage to hartlen off, When living material. When they have the side shoots are an inch 1png passed their prime inside, they select a stronger pair and nip should be retained below decks off the others. until the ground outside permits To prepare the eventual bed, you to dig. Then, select a spot dig deeply, incorporate old man them there. Hyacinth bulbs which' needs filling in and plant ure throughout the soil and then work• in at three ounces per should be set three to, four square yard a mix of two parts inches deep and five inches superphosphates to one of sul- apartl They may not flower nett pate of .potash by - weight year but 'They will make leaf A ter this remember that sweet and recharge their batteries and peas require water when ex - whilst the second year blooms posed to our sun. Sweet peas will not rival those you achieved without scent are hardly sweet indoors, they will make a show peas at all. Burse offers a and brighten a bare spot and so series of six which are "most continue on indefinitely. fragrant." Sweat Peas Next Meeting It is alwa#s well to knows Royal Botanical Gardens something, about the conditions in Hamilton •will supply our under which plants grow in next speaker in the person of their original,,,, habitat. The Ray E. Halward, a propagator. sweet pea is'' reputed to have He been introduced into England proposes to give a - from Italy by a monk in the hensive coverage of Ornamental. year 1700. As a native of South- Shrubs and Trees and will illus- trate it with an excellent col - ern Italy and Skelly it is not lection of slides in color. He fond of hot dry weather. In will treat of some unusual as our very local climate we do well as th,e well known varieties not usually experience what is and to enhance this he will me nt ,by.. liot.4' aveathe.r--- Rills" fir''in�'g 7 1 ir"a`Tl-' ho "shelf; not' ►provided the •plants are kept wet, a position in full sun is desirable here. However, .in dry areas where long periods of sun- shine are attained, some shade, which means a shortening of the hours of sunshine, and. where only seeds, but--•euttings in var- ious stages of rooting. He asks Knight, Sarnia --"Imperial Lon -9 how many will attend so that .don"; Captain Frank W. Oster packages. Bahl; Cornwall"; —• "Imperial Springhecan ismake here, upor`°was when this .Cornwall"; and Captain G. R. wasp' written, so please do not 'Williamson, Sarnia — "Imperial .embarrass your executive b� Hamilton." atmosphere and soil ark mcg-st,{.otvi'zig- Mr. �Ialvvartl to xettitzl---�Appairited -- efiie€ engineers are the best conditions. In Italy, {o HaniiIton wi h any of these ai'c '--`�V'.7tdatns, Sarnia-'- •`Im the seed germinates in the fall, packages. We cannotContinue perial Collinezw ood": R. .1. Bur - makes most of its growth in the, to invitethese experts to ad- `;Ess• Dartmouth, N.S.—"Imper- inild winter, flowers in the titre's us unless we turn out to ial Hainilto '. Harold Eisan. spring and When the hot sum. uin hear their advice. March 17th Montreal --"Imperial Welhtnd":1 mer arrives it produces 'seed II p.in. in St. George's Parish IPhilbert I.armand Victoria Har -i dies. Most I They have their rock and roll stars in England, toe-. ' One is Tommy Steele, shown _above,' Cockney "rock" star and •enter- tainer who broadcasts from the BBC studios in London, Eng- land. Name Masters OfOiITankers Imperial Oil has announced that the., following have been appointed masters of its Great Lakes tankers for the 1961 sea- son: Captain J. Ilurns, 1 Point Edward --- "Imperial Windsor": captain E. A. I) ,• Gs, Sarnia —"Imperial C o l l i n g w o o d": Captain G. C. Kehler, Sarnia -- "Imperial 1�Velland"; Captain A. G, hiiight; ._. rrrirr = "Ihperial Sinicoe"; Captain T. K. R os peon e have Hall. Non-members arew•e'1•:Lour. Ont— •• mp�.rial.Windser": 1 • n but one good c altar 1 • Plant Purchase Inerial Simone": G. J. ?Merrick al method is to sow in February. + Sheridan has now sent cards.,tSarnia --"Imperial -C'nrnwall-':1 indoors in John Innes seedling romp)st.. - (By bulk: 2 clamp loam; 1 coarse sand: 1 ' damp peat: 1 i:,._ ounce of ..superphos- phate per %she'. All well mt�c- their• own isintine for growing a swee eas come. I. C. Jo,e,ro.c. S.rnier- ttt- and• Wilfred T.oberts•on. Corn - to all members who desire cuff Vi logues. If by any chance you wall—"Imperial LEgrrdon. ' bre a new member, or did not ' receive a-, card, write to 13ox What is the difference be - 181. Islington, - Ont. for your twecn a symphony and a con- ed.) Sow in peat nots, one seed 1 r.bpv. Orders, to qualify for the certo? A .symphony is played to a pot,one- inch deep, or in 201 discount form either Sher-Iby the full orchestra through - boxes 1 inches spar_. Cover idan or Cruickshank, must,reach out, whereas a concerto is_}per- it is a n,e vsIAP-e --unt l �e•mkn— fie_rrt txrtreey ,o T2 Cid=r#`6ri ed—bv Che ^arciie'sti snit: rich Some of the hard skin -'rich on or before March 31st., :one or two solo—instruments.' 1 1Milk Marketing Problems Seen ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Bank of Commerce Bldg. Godes ich. Phone JA 4-9662 A. J. Alexander, Res. JA. 4-7836. C. F. Che'pman, Res. JA 4-7915. �.H REGENT TV SERVICE SPECIALIZES IN SERVICE ON ALL MAKES AND MODELS TV — CAR RADIOS and HI-FI Antennae -Installed --- Repaired- or Moved WILLIAM 0. YOUNG 256 REGENT ST. — GODERICH — JA 4-7718 CNEEJZ UP! -THEE MOI2.E " t U HAVEN'T GOT ;THE MORE IS TO GET,/ SuppIan.ting Hog.Marketnq -ones (By J. C. Hemingway) (parent that the "freezing" of 'Just a moment while I refer 'thiid milk quotas will not re= back to a suggestion at the ' duce transportation costs. Wheat .131. d 1 • I am not too \ve1l versed on o ucers annus meet- ing to the effect that no eastern farrh organization had made any objection to Government about thf removal of theltequirement for Wostern-' tl.-.Alii-1,c,-to pure chase ` all grains through the Canadian Grain Board. I would like to state that the Ontario Federation of Agricul- ture reported to the members' meeting of ,June 3rd, 1960, that official protest against this ac- f tion was presented to the Fed- j Coral Government from the c).F.A. While it was unsuccess- ful in preventing Government from introducing this action, it You'll' always find exactly, no doubt had some part in hav- what you want at Orman- ing it restricted to a one year y s.T he supeib quality Whether this move w in I d ' - trial period. means value- that lasts. crease the production of -live- " stock in the West to any great extent remains to be seen: Ap- parently there was a certain amount of grain finding its way to feed lots through machinery deers and I would suppose mo. t farmers who were wanting to feed livestock were already doing so. What will definitely develop will he strong competition be- tween farmers to sell grain. Whichever farmer will sell his grain cheapest will he the one who will sell. This means that his total income for the year May he up a little but undol-ibt- edly the averaee income from erain will he down. This is a hardship that most Western i0••®••®eeeA••••••••••11 rte/` Agfo • rK ... .rieee 4z Kee' 3R uAiiEE+3:pERl4CH, , TF STAMP OUB BILLS! ...With an HFC Loan. Bring in your unpaid bills, ar- range your loan and let us mail checks to the people you .we, at no extra charge. Or, ask us for cash and pay the Illi t, yourself. Either way,you get a fresh start, and kave -only one low zionthly payment to HPC. Drop in o phone ... borrow up to $2500 with up to 36 months to repay. Low cost life insurance available on all loans HOUSEHOLDF1NAN-CE M. R. Jenkins, Manager 35A West Street Telephone JA 4-7383 GODERICH Why do some men get ALL THE RAISES?. Because they make a. swell impression — by keeping Mboth their busi- the problems of milk marketing and perhaps ,my comments are not correct. However, if they stimulate the producers to seek , f��i=�,►atton th y-wrr: ve served their purpose. BUY .FROM FIRM YOU KNOW clones, MacNaughton Seeds have been doing business in West ern. -Ontario for many years.' "ustomu rs know they can be depended uron to provide quali- ty sect( that's true -to variety at a reasonable price.- Since Seeds are Jones. MacNaughon Seeds only business they are farmers can iIf afford. experts in buying, cleaning - While the problems of hog and merchandising seed. Be - marketing has been to the fore- cause tl'3?y know where to buy front for the past several years, and when to buy they can sell itnow appears that the problem . to you at worth -while saving. of milk marketing will now Always ask for Jones, Mac- supply the basis for controversy. Naughton seeds for service . . One of the recommendations of satisfaction . . . savings. . the Milk Marketing Committee which caught my eYe was the 'From your local Dealer, or "freezing" of present milk quotas for fluid milk. By so doing, the committee pointed JONES out that as fluid sales increased beyond the total supply of quota milk, Grade A -milk from the MacNAUGHtON manufacturing trade would be diverted to the fluid market at fluid price. The gain on the SEEDS price would then be returned equally to the producers of manufacturing milk. Exeter Phone 664. This no doubt, in a period of years, could result in a enn- Crediton Phone 3-W. Hess in order and their widerahle increase in returns to clothes neat, well_ reSsed these producers, but it will not P come -quickly. It is also a1 - Start no* -- with our regu- lar dry cleaning and press- ing service. Quick. Reliable. Economical. -•^' ODCH FrenchSee K 0 RDF T DRY, CLEANERSFIRE - AUTO -LIABILITY - 7 WEST ST. JA 4-8452 C. R. LOWERY, Prop. 1 CASUALTY—Phone JA 4°-72 5 3 London Phone GE 2-2258 FOR GENERAL INSURANCE Son of Goderith Minister Has Surprise for Russians ° Lt. Commander Allen Taylor, I vate and his wife lived there C.D., Royal Canadian Navy, son I the Russians were dumbfound - of Rev. K. °E. Taylor and Mrs.1 ed. Back in Russia, they said, from i two to three families :same iSl�. -tyle ..,,: e r.. li ro pi�asu� of 'seeing x1e�, .Yt. ,�,yyy.�i�.. � a _ Q9 Ilse � t b"i� ..e..f Ta l orof Y , (oaerieh, ,r,,ec r114, ai,.oukd.al lam„ eyebrows of Russian naval of- es i o propa- nd a in a favor g a ar .o.t .E,an di a Seers ` .,._ � � an c era , I:if;}At�•t�iY learning- -<tf• the 'sigh standard' ofliving of°4•Vair-'' adieu ' peasants." Lt. Commander Taylor was called to,.Halifax from Ottawa to act, as interpreter on the oc- casion' of the visit of two Rus- sian ships to Halifax. A special- ist in languages, Lt. Commander Taylor speaks Russian. Two Canadian Army staff cars were delegated to take the visi.t- Rrrssian bff1cers on a tour of Halifax. They were taken to the most impressive parts of the city. Then, one of the Russian of kers mentioned he would like to see the homes in which the "Canadian peasants" lived.' When it was pointed out there was no (such thing as "peasants" in Canada, the driver of one of the staff cars suggested they visit his home since he was only a Private in the..Canadian Army. The Russian officers gladly ac cepted "the invitation. So the driver took them to his resi- dence in Halifax -- a 'lovely home. After being entertained there, the Russian ofilters. asked how many families lived in it. When told that only the Canadian Pri- a Economical ARMTH wa' 'f�: i1e the, RR,ti`ssians:'a z Ili et/. visit: --- • RECALL TRAGIC MISHAP OF AUBURN PHYSICIAN When the ice breaks on the Maitland River and the quiet flowing waters become • a roar- ing torrent, some residents will recall the tragic' drowning of Dr. Frank Turnbull 58 years ago en March 12th. • He started out in his canoe for Goderich but the swirling of Maitland capsized though rescued waters hig from canoe. the the Al - icy The 'Goderich Signal -Star, ' hursdayi Ma ,b 1901 water, hesoondied from ex- prpsure. Ue had clung to his 'boast for some time before help arrived to rescue him. Dr. Turnbull was the pbysie- ian at Auburn for several years before this accident which c ai' 1 m.his life- ed f/ • e r , f it `tSTi,re--�iZtidde��'i5• 'S 1 • cess are much u h s ar � ... h e aIn t I/��L�Ufp1l? -.. 1 The-typieal faulty mal..hal . billfold (full of ,pietu money. 4, N �t T� Y � �� THE Lawnmowers -Outboard Motors All Makes and Sizes: Have them put' into top shape Alsso�or� Spring Use ---•- o`b We Service Chain Saws ARGYLE REPAIR SHOP 92 Britannia Road SAM ARGYLE, JR. JA 4.9201. General Construction CONCRETE & CARPENTRY — NEW WORK — Repairs —. Alterations Concrete, walls, walks, floors All Machine Trowelled We Can Do Your Complete Job. CALL Ug FOR FREE ESTIMATE • PERCY RILEY 179 Elgin Ave. E. -Telephoner JA 4-9556 10-12 AVOID • the Nuisance OF A DEAD' LAMP! REPLACE THOSE tiaiul burned -out bulbs now and start the convenience l - of keeping a supply on ° hand. We tock (l.E. Light Bulbs -in all wattaa•es. SEE [ �I� ()R NAME BRAND APPLIANCES aiilri electrical accssories• • SHARE. APPLIANCES 52 The Square, Goderich JA, 4-9241 ''EATING OIL VIC WALDEN TEXACO -DISTRIBUTOR FOR Farm Petroleum Products and Burning Fuels Goderich, Ont. J.A. 4-88121 For 24 Hour Service° Call Residence JA 4-8348 Free! Marie Fraser's new butter recipes..."Tea-party Treats". Avail. • able in quantity for women's groups. A DIVISION OF DAIRY FARMERS OF. CANADA 409 HURON STREET, TORONTO 5 TWICE the -help HALF the work with our 2-Accou P1an I Pay all bills by cheque on a Personal Chequing Account. The low service charges`' are prepaid. Your cancelled cheques are • your receipts. Keep your, Savings Account for saving. Add to it from every • pay. As your balance grows, you'll gain new peace of mind. Start Planned Saving at our nearest branch now. CANADIAN BANK OP ..cOMMERc:E MONEY IN THE BANK MEANS PEACE OP MIND. -