The Exeter Times, 1891-4-30, Page 3•
198 Jing Street West,
Toronto, Ont.,
TB.F.A.TS , CHRONIC DISEASES—mid gives Special
atteutieu to SKIN DISEASES, as Pimples. Ulcers, etc.
PRIVATE DISEASES—and Diseaees of a Prieate
Nature, as hnpoteney, Sterility, Varieocele, Nervous De.
Wit.. ON. (the result of youthfal folly awl questa), alcet
Red So ictin e of long standing.
DISEASES OF WOMEN—Painful, Profuse or Sup
preseed Menstruation. Ulceration, Leueorrinea. and, al
Displacements of the Womb,
Mace Hours—Omni. to S p.m.
Sundays.= eonto»,m
Exeter _Butcher Shop
Butcher Ger eral Dealer
shot stetement of the uature of the
m teria1 whieh is exciting so inuelt ineerest
hi the world at large in connection with the
disease called tuberculosis, mid to give
some idca of the an who has presented it
to the worlde and the methods ahich are
need in Its preparation, will be interest-
ft is a difficult taek to inake the matter
perfectly plain to those who are not ao-
cuetomeel to hear the terms commonly used
in such diseuesions by men of science, But
I shall try to exclude scientific terms aa far
as possible, and to give a plain statement
of the faets.
In the thot pluee, a word in regard to
Doctor Kocla He is a man who now stands,
at the age a forty-seeen, at the head of the
metlical world ol ncientific experimenters.
He began his iitedieell life in the Franco.
Prussian War net au assistant surgeon in the
• • at all fierce, and will alwitya run away, so army, and served threugh that war. He
He aarealees.
Saks an old seal fisherman "Thanks to
the lugh latitudes which a inhabits the
polar bear is not likely to be killed Mr The
polar bear:is-an :enormous latimal, weighiug
abaut inneh as a fair eixtel ow bat it isnot
that it. is not hard to hill. 1 one, „w an•established himself after peace hail been
restored in a small eountry town in North
1741, _i___
‘.„ T bT,
the iceand amweacheil it with great eaation Prahnlor.
Aleut women dispose of one in a very re.
markelde manner. She found le aeleep „n Germany, and there attempted build up a
NI front the leeward statt, basin, previously tt'llile doing this, his interest was exeited
ust4oresupplied TUESDAYS. Tauft3 improvised a weapon by fastening the nmfe in the low forme of life which are known
as ; O
AND SA,TUDDAYS at th el :esideu she carried to a stick with lacings of seaL baeteria and lie ccupied all the leisure
ORDERS LEFT AT TR SHOP wILYleather, which served to bold toe gether her that camt4-3 him in tite study of these
4 E , ILE
°EWE PROMPT ATT'ENTION, uneoto forme. It was; throagh work in this field
! promote. Having got elcse to the
e scious beast she thrust this spear dee into that he first secured prominence in the
* 1st hody behind the left foreleg. It died al, striemille world, mid it is searcely fourteen
most without a struggle. It is curious feet Ye,ats sir''''' his first work wds Puhlislted•
PO;SOUOUS, t - _ _ ,., . ,.. 1. ,..,,,, iiaoi, a -.... x.. ....: .r..... g az oral eharae.„
h011tda the meat is very whole.- h cf.,- ,iii tivii;:lolreki ttrta•ageepzroirraileitol lioigt re turrpn ila al ozcaelloe.d
thEtt the her a the polar bear is actually
; some, and tootheome as well, resemblino ' ''''
1 _ reee , ereast1ft:ui. We Ea:: ,!.. ,i. !...,C,.. 'I. a ;au; Vti,•1 I . _ na"i UL "W
,t D terieties of the lower forms of life than an
x(71 .11 lee*5-5ftenn. t V 911 :,‘, ;Or I:11V- 03 11:e n• -oh, 11.1:115 50 ' ewer somewhat,
el ',pry am lrA Mill.,'S II liir'","1*1` A ,704RT t 'Kt Ikgr eGrt to connect them with special forms of
les,eeer.ar5 e51,315a. tfteruft 1N14 to GO 1 ft r a *".ft Ift.511^.1%/1 =TO* diseaRe ; but these tirst papers were followed
oet eeea ear r a Ira c4 Tram We .,.., ,t.31,2/;,17,41t1V f Ch.
4 tr2Zitt ilfti.:Pi.sIttW'Xz,41-,:'.4retwfs.:kiim "1 out surprised at Charley sshilatelering by the publication of a little hook upon
so muelt money (ma phonograph, " Well, ' 1'1 undinfektione-Krankheiten,' which at.
4 e l'in not He always did like to hear hinieelf traeted attention among all seientific medi.
1 lk," leltelrrsuriu, and secured for its author a call to
Manlier ' tiomp' on the road.' exclaimed II
4, (.' was given it position there under the
a Western conflector, as he eaught sight of Imperial board of Health, with all the
a viet.itn "1, dudg,e ItYn, eh dangling 1°41 4 facilities liecessai7 for the prosecution of
waysme teiegrapn patC. further work in the study of the ceuse of
Snooker—" I bought these threedlollar - disease.
The werk that Doctor Koch envied mi
trousers in a fitof econoniy." Hunker (sur
veying the garment)--" I (-Ion% see the tit. I before he went to Berlin was prosecuted
'under great ditlieulties, and he overmine
- --------- a obstecles that would have blocked an ordin-
'se's Amoy rorcantrr ts t
r.' t, Vastest to Useattilc%eapst.
ni*tl.i 1su4l,f0e.
UT. ilaeeltitie, Warren, Ta., U. 0.A.
--• woe. ea Fowls 1,050 *554 1*7,,Ta45r,,,
yea sftftv Er,* 4.156 VII 1,541.1,4 14 44111
WW1 ykt;“„'•Z.,1 tv4 4,0 8-1441 tit) terk t5
CIO 5,115Y 5* ex ear*, 5,11 45,80 Z,4'kl55
5, rus Aw
AMC.V:741,,,V MP. -1-fte.
.5431 101 CIN71",8C 44 4.111 40
MA, V% ftif
44444 61,•.0Z.40' t .1/
64 ar, 4 VA: , **111141^111, remur41.
4'A1,514 14 P„. ite.,.;Ptikl.:31 a we.
mdaNAO. 4 to.. luitataNtl, '
Cure, Surma Cute, Pike: in their wart form.
Swellinge Erysipecte, intlanimatiott, Frost
Vito. liapped Hand(nal all binDisease.,
S'ehttica, Rliettutati,m, Neuralgia.
• To bathe. Pains in iweryform..
ny alt tlealeri. Whole:elle by F. Is.11ally& Co,
fp 51It Ast
(I1A T
Apamphlet of Informatton tilidab-
strset.of laws,showing llow to
Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade
Barks, Copyrights, sent .frec.
361 Broadway'.
New 'York.
(TRADE MARK auoisTenco )
a Sole Proprietor, IL
liCHOEIELD, Senoneld's Drug Store, EMI ST.,
•l•eamiTo. The only Remedy which will per-
manently cure Gottarrlima, GI oet, and all private
diseases, no matter how ong standing. Wa.slong
and successfully used in French and English
hospitals. Two bottles guaranteed to cure tho
worst case. Price,$1
my sig -
the la -
0 flier
who have tried o-
ther remedies without avail will not be disap-
pointed in this,
Mention thls paper.
per bottle.
bottle has
nature on
bel. None
SENO SG 6, 'A:1=i% 1:IT:lab;
to and we will sena you by express,y.O.D.,
this elegant watch which you can examine, and
if you do not 11nd
it all an d even mor°
than we claim for
but if perfectly sat-
isfactory, pay, the
OF 55.35 and take
the watch. Such a
chance to secure a
reliable tiniepieoe
at such a ridicm
10518134' low price is
• seldom, if ever be-
fore, offered. Tbie
is a genuine COLD
of 2 plates of SKID
COLD over Composi-
tion metal. It has ”
1 solid bow, cap and.
. crown, hunting ,
ease,beautifUlly en. ;
„12?" grayed and is ) dust -
are Walthaproof. The works
m style,
richly jewelled, with expansion balance is
regulated and wo warrant it an accurate time.
Per the Wendel -is Success
of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
the Most Popular and
Most Extensively Sold
Medicine in America.
Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses great
medicinal merit, which it positively
demonstrates when fairly tried.
2 It is most economic -A, being the
only medicine of which zoo
Doses One Dollar- tan truly be said.
3It is preparvd lay a Combination.
Proportion and Process Peculiar to
Itself, unknown to other preparations,
and by which all the medicinal value of
the various ingt edients is secured.
A It effects remarkable cures where
other medicines ban utterly failed
to do any good whatever.
5It is a modern medicine, originated
by experienced pharmacists, and
still carefully prepared under their per-
sonal supervision.
6It is clean, clear and beautiful in
appearance, pleasant to take, and
always of equal strength.
7It has proven itself to be positively
the best remedy for scrofula and all
blood disorders, and the best tonic for
that tired feeling, loss of appetite and
general debility.
It is unequalled for curing dyspepsia,
0 is
headache, biliousness, catarrh,
rheumatism and all diseases of the kid-
neys and liver.
n. It has a good name at home, there
Zi being more of Hood's Sarsaparilla
sold in Lowell, Mass., where it is made,
than of all other sarsaparillas and blood
purifiers combined.
in Its advertising is unique, original,
14/ honest, and thoroughly backed up
by the medicine itself.
A Point for You.
If you want a blood purifier or
strengthening medicine, you should get
the best. Ask for Hood's Sarsaparilla,
and insist upon having it. Do not let
any argument or persuasion influence
you to buy what you do not want. Be.
sure to get the ideal medicine,
Express Agent OUR i
Sold by all druggists. $1; six for sa. Prepared only
by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apotheearles, Lowell, Mani.
100 Doses One Dollar
keeper. it is suitable for either a lady
orils''ija PT's
ary luau's efforts and discouraged. him ma -
course, to attempt the solution of the pro-
blem, to wit; the discovery of something
that would prevent the advance of the (lbw
ease by preventing the growth of this minute
plant in the body,
The difficulty of such a research is em-
phasized by a knowledge of the fab of the
minute size of the ormenisra with which we
hare to deal. It varies in length from one-
' halt the diameter of the red blood corpuscle
to the full diameter of the saane object. I
can be seen ouly with the very best micro-
scope, med, in dealing with such minute
bodies, the diffieultiee are aluaost insur-
But the solution of his. problem, with many
others, has been becoming more and more
clear, as work in the depertment of science
eaileU " biteteriology- has progreseed parts
of the world.
From :lie knowledge.gained in laborator-
ies devoted to this spectalty, it was not diffi-
cult to determine very closely what this par-
ticular material, used aganise tuberculosis,
is, even before the azutouneement by Koell
of its conipesition.
In order to anderetaiiii what ie is, e few
werds ist regard to the development of trao.
teria in genead aro lieu -wary.
Tate • • nem:010hr is not a chemical that
eau be iteele like other drreas lee an ordinary
chemist in lin °raillery tal;e• dory, fts
cheinieal nature isnot yet miiieretood, and
lite prebebilities are that it wiil be a long
time before it is understood. It is not a
compound that eau be male by ordinary
chemizal reaetum ; but it is a result of the
vital aetivity of the bacillus of tubereule-is
when grown under artitleialconditious in the
It is only one of a great elase of complex
chenneal eompotuuts that have come into
our knowledge within the bet few yearn, as
pthroegousisleytio! the lite history of bacteria has short account or what oeeurs in the test
tubes used in the beeteriological laboratory
for the cultivation of bacteria will serve
better than anything else to make plain how
these compounds are formed, and what this
material pi perticular is supposed to do when
it is iptrodeced in the homan body.
Men one attempts to grow a pure =hue
of bacteria, it is done by transferring a min-
ite quantity of the baeteria, upon the pewit
of a needle to the interior of a tube which
contains a substance in which they will grow
and widen will give nourishment. The
plants are sown by plangnig the needle
tirely. But, animated by the same szientifie threlogh Ids SubStalice from top to bottom.
.enthasia,an and dogged ,pkit of persistence This being *lone, for a few days the bacter-
:" Oat he has shown ever :since, be conquered ia go on develoPing, Olt° what is ealled 4 col•
• WI (113sta:dee. oily, a mass of them becoming large enough
Front the time of his removal 443 Berlin, 10 he P''rfeetlY tlistulgui'able bY the naked
Irked for a time Wow that. his main effort qt',.„ , , ,
i was toward the solution of eortain problems - Atter tiles neveloputeut bee gone on, how.
1i8 eonueotiou with the disease that le known ever, fors ehore Utile, it ceases, and the vole
ony does not enlarge at all, although the
by the Facia tile term " whertmlosis," !
, This is a dieease whieli may :meek any vitality of the baeterla eontained in the col.
i part of the theiy. It eecurs eon, emanouir ony is unaltered.
in the hines, and is there calla " (wanting- Now thie eeesetion of growth 15 44. constant
time- itioay 141.0 fievir upon do, eei„, and . occurrence, mad Isnot due to the of the
1 there ere different foetus there, the won exhaustion of the rettrient material—of the
imam= mid terrible (31 which ie teat known . elements proper for the growth of the teener.
I as 4* Inoue." la. It is due to ehe formation of a rew
I There Is even 4 lowsihility that the dread- ! series of compounds on the edge.% of the eat.
,ed disease eitlled leprohy may be classed as en, efween 11 and the remamder of the
ia variety of uthereulosie. It occurs in tho nutrient medium, compounds prohibit the
Joones, tra the johate and in the lytriphatie further development of the bacteria them-
iglands of the 'body, and May oleo attaek the selves*
various mucous menffiranee. These eompounds are made tip of the
Inasmuch tte tubensulosis is said to pro. : ehrudeal elements left heltind in the sub.
dito,z... in the fora la No„:„11 it. appears in the ; stance .wl ick nourishes the bacterin after
lungs Moue. „onmseventh of all the deaths i 040, have taken out the other ehemical
., t hat oceur atriong•tiviliml people, it is plain .. mown's neeessary for their own develop.
!how impertant meet be anytlung that will . meat. They are of extremely emnplex o0.
permit or even a hope of its arrest „t, of it, „ I:etude:diem and are exceedingly unstable, so
. prevention. ! that they cannot yet be studieS by the ordi.
1 There is hardly 511810117 of Which at least ! miry means rtt the command yet be etndied
this rby the.onlinary means at the commend of
;one member has net been attaeked by
amtlytieal chemistry. But thg are of cop -
!disease, and it is its wide.s.preati existence .
: that accounta for the great Interest and ex. ' gta" tiecurrenee in all marmot media in
:viten:ea that has attended the tuimmuce. with+ bnotera are grown, and each limiter -
of a memos ium,--not eat+ individual, huteach variety,
went of the probable dieenvery
of its arrest ;After it lute attacked a victim, i --'so far as oor knowledge yet extend% pro -
7 a special form of compound which
My Own acquaintance with Doctor Koeh, '
i began in the fall of 1$45, after his return prohibits its own development, and. may
from India, where he ha41 been sent by The • nave no influenee upon other bacteria at
• “Manun Oovernment at the head of a com- all'
.:miesion for the investigation of cholera. 1 Such compounds form parte of a new elites,
At that time he had been Made Professor to which; has hen given the name of ptoulaa
of ifyglene in the University .of Berlin, and hies. They are apt, when extracted in a
had had plaeed. at his disposal a building . pere state, to be extremely virulent poisons,
which occupied as lona spate as the whole , l'hey ceriainly do prevent the growth of the
of the Medical Sehool building in Boston bacteria that produce them, and if introdue-
(lees, for purposies of general medical educe- 1 ed iu Rutile ently large quantities into nutri-
ent media, will actually destroy the bacterie
M that time—arttl there was no ehariee 1
I themselves
when I saw Mildest in December—he Wet& I They itre easily deetroyeal by heat ; at any
impress one as it self•contained, thoroughly , rat% that has been supposed to lm :ease with
balanced man of science. modest and units- all of :them until recently ; but there are
stoning. Close contact with him confirmed ; n°10 known to be a few which resist the
this impression. • temperature (If boiling water—that is to say,
Two months ago, when be was surrounded / are not destroyed or decomposed by it; and
by all sorts of men, all full of praise and ex- 1 that is thecase with this meterial of Koch's,
eitement in connection with the annotmee- 1 which resists with more or less persistency
• ments that he had made in rega,rd to tuber- , t is: application o teat up to tho temperature
culosis,these same characteristies were those ' 6t '''11"g water.
' . Now. bearing in mind wbat has been said
which struck one first.
.. o 1110 fn.:nation ani action o these com-
e The great modesty and unaesuming char-
peunds in the experimental laboratory, that
acter of the man, in the face of one of the
most tretnendouS and Momentous discoveries . !hey prevent the further daelopment of the .
o„cLaia, about which they are formed, it, is
that medical science had seen, and the fact. .
• not ti un t to un erstan what occurs in
that was borne in upon one, f,•hat all the work
land all the sacrifices that he has made,: have the body about tuberculous nodules when
; tins material is introduced.
:been done purely for the sake of humanity
: at large, and not for personal aggrandize- ; - .
It does not cure by destroying the bacilli,
but, in a way, ))T electing a well o necrotic
;mint or pecuniary reward --this IS the most
!striking thing at tint sight in the character 683" about them, so that they spread no
, of the man ; but it is uot in the least surpris- finther in the body, and are deprived with ,
! ing to one who• lia.s known him before. greater os less certainty of means of nutri- 1
So far as the experiment ha.: gone, he gas don. That is -what is slipposed to go on
• when this material is emploe ed.
been perfectly justified in while he has
claimed for his materiel, as employed against Certainly its action is as wonderful as
!tuberculosis. 13tit this is something very anything that has been used in remedial
different from what newspaper accounts medicine. It is used in extremely small
; have led most people to believe. doses ; usually, to begin with, not more
The me testy of his announcement and the than one milligram of the original 'Material,
neeleqy of his claim are in accord with the and it is not taken by the mouth, but is in -
character of the man, and have at no time teoduced directly into the lymphatic eireu-
nleaut that there has been a clue diseovered lation by injections tinder the skin.
foe the mo •rt advanced form of the disease. It produees no effect when taken by the
The implication and assertion that such mouth ; 1100 when introduced under the skin
1 has been the case have led. to many painful even in exocedingly large does, unless the
scenes, and many fatal disappointments on person be affeeted.with tuberculosis.
thc part of patients who have had false The results that have been obtained thus
'hopes aroused. far are mostencouraging in cases of externas
The implication and aszertion made by tuberculosis as well as in the tuberculou-
authority are that in the external forms of affections of the bones and jointe. One
1 tuberculosis the process may be arrested by reason for this is tha'. the restate daft be more
the employment of this material ; that in easily seen, and another that the oppor
1 the early stages of pulmonary tuberculosie tunity for getting rid of the diseased mea -
1 felraisherl, erial is greater.
ai our knowledge yot goes, these So far as the cases of tuberculosis of the
assertions are borne ont by what has occur- lange are concerned, the results are not yet
definitely obtained. Certainly, in many
red hi the hospitals.
The material which is used, and to whiCh cases, there has been a very marked im-
the name paratoloid has been .given, is one provement in the general condition, and
of extreme power and activity ; but the equally an improvement in the local disease
method of its action is very different from of the lungs ; but sufficient time has aoe yet
gone by to =able' us to determine exactly
ordinary drugs.
Thediseese tuberculoeis is produced by one how far these beneficial results will extend.
form of the low plant fife called becteria. It There is no question, however, that one
is a special bacil'us, a minute body having a of the greatest hoops has been conferreS
rod shape, t p ossessed of very great upon suffering humanity, and that, while
vitality. :S • v, which is diflicalt to its benefits may not. extend so far as our
dest I; • e 11 grows in the differtmt desires may at first have led am to kope, we
par s •.! dy where the dtsease is si it. nevertheless have reason to believe, that ia
the early stages of all forme. of inhere t,
" 0 rg 14111 , WaS first. discov ered, sat 1. pulmonary as well as ollowe we olrealy
tad and deseribed by Koch, and it was the have a means at our ,c erm f ,r pre
evidence furu et? by him that this initiate tion of their further .10 ee oeinent
plant was actually the cense of tuberculosis, 'roe especial lessen t this fact shonld
that famished the Possibility for the first toach, particularly o 1 it; medical profes-
great advenee in the seedy of this human sion, the absolute in, oortande of nutkinee
al1 eery diagnosis of tbe existence of the
, gen leman. A guarantee is ant . wie3- ee er ONE DIAN. WrIte Dr' dose ' elle
watch' Adare8s CEO. W. ea° gc.'nettglirgsillienietiAnfTigetio' not$ 11'n eneo
Visatchmakers, Poterboe-- ifT & 00., et
3 or r; '
ugh, Ont. fudy used. Aneney can be at wnere they. a
vacancy. A Naw INvIni'llON for 11,';;;; BMWS 135,11:
US $ 000 and a sliP of PaPer the ;fliths?:°t,terPto."1-einn'eLilyeull'riortellf Yo";e1C.-1Vtrte.ii.4-4V e e 1
size of yourtinger, and greatest expert cim without it. A.:opted te a 11
I WO Will send you postpaid this elegant cross -cut saws. Every one Who owns silo ttt
eve one. he duty In ply; 175 mon facture 1st Oan An. A
ELDORADO DIAMOND cuy /43E),I.ey or write POLDInIS'G ElAw;,:kW T.1
SOLID COLD FILLED RIND ate tare 008 to 8. Canal Gt., ehleitgO, 1,1
These rin are now
worn by tidies and
gentlemea in the best ERRORS OF YOUTH. Nervous De -
society, and have the bility, Seminal Losses and Premature DeoaY,
Same appearance as a promptly anti permanently cured by
ring costing $25.00. We
guarantee a perfect fit F.; „ 8
and satisfaction.
Address Does not interfere with diet or usual ocottpa'tion
and fully restores lost vigor and insures norfect
Geo W Wyatt&Co.
. nunhood. Place lei per
Jewellers SH:raBSall,PTTolgO.01.104
Peterborough, Ont. ""'ention this paper.
Having shown this, the next step was, of disease or, ite one of my own patients put
for Infants and Children.
• •Testorials so well adapted tacluldren that Castorla cures Colic, Constipation,
E recommend it az superior to any pucriptioe, Sour Stomach, Diarrhtea. Eructation,
Kills Worms, gives 4leep, and promotee di -
known to me." ha .8„ AasenEn.31.71, gestion.
So. Oxford St,, SZooklyn, N. Y. Without injuziou.s medication,
TEE CONTAelt COMVINT, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
it the other day, " that no cough or cold Latest From Europe
should be neadeeted," paid that evmy case of
the kind should be subjeeted to all the
modern means for diagnosis that scientific
resource has plaeed at our contemn:1.
Primrose Day m London—England and the
" TEE YOUNG ASSASSIN."(.LilianStruggie—hvenile Immigra-
tion to Oanada—Italy Enlarging Efe
or za FaTUOUR character, 'Dhow . was celebrated in Ehe:attd
Daughter Devalue a Princess.
On of the most remarkable unions of re. , • ,
atisemetsliede:tui::ivIsilaret-Ignof mLouvrlady Bweaaser-4170-
cent times was that of Prince Alphonse de
chitnay to th,„ granddaughter and heirese correct day. Tories, youug and woro
af 51 man wel,known hi Paris, in the days o
of peituressee in memory of the deceiteed etates.
Eugene Sue, as Mieltael the Assassin," A nem and man 1`-
s more fervee"t antr'eere
muitber of years ago a very wealthy miser f
laid wreaths at the foot of his statue at
Wits murdered in Paris under the most-
myeterious circumstances, anS his valet and W ten:Mester, some ineeribed with uppro-
eook were arrested on suspicion. There priate mottes, " Peace with honor" being
W145 no proof whatever of them guilt, exceptLbo favorite. Primrose dam ee were bedecked
thihicfnhoetfitolimatlitehre toimaostekhr,a,41 listened to words
his sole heir.and had become, o;ilituonieile;tarle.., for this is their one day of the
under a will,
In the miuds of the peopiii, 110Wever: The hope eherished 114 eortle (marten(
there was a suspicion that the valet
committed the murder in order to marry ste
struggle has been finally al-a.ndoned. The
the cook, who he knew would. have a great
' last effort was made by the Liverpool Shim.
fortune. The couple were discharged after
a trial and immediately continued the popu•
s°eN14.12leeinrsg' Atosst°acklaeti:,d21; atil:teaglueemoliferl:noi!lwethailis'e
lar suspicion of foul play by getting nett. -
son, who was reared awl edueeted with the
ried. To this worthy pam was liorn sbuurrey'tsoabbosaerucuepfoinen4.ibh:negplanen.ol,onberooutgoititticplaresish,
greateet care. In time, be fell heir to the at the Foreign Odie to take steps to induce
enormous fortune of his :patents. Ile built the Milian llorernineut to walt•Iraw the
a megnineent residence m the line du wee proclametion refusiug elearauee 4:4 British
re, vessels, Sir Philip Currie and .etir Thomas
thlotazehbel and had TA large
Saaaleriten were afraid, howeter to 0,34;m0
the midst of all this
such a hruve responsibility. and' the meaner
splemlor, the son of" Michael theAssassin"
heed solitary aud mieerable. Ile had not VMS reterred to Lord safishury early this
month. The Liverpool shipowners heve
a single friend but hie washerwoman,
Irauded by the suspicion fastened on his witk his arrival f-tiho'sm trher,i‘
, father, the youttg 01211110144100 50445 shunned
In every one. To him even the doors of "Lord Salisbury IS not aware of ;my 1 tile
'the most bourgeois society were closed, and of international law which would pi event
Iris great wealth never proved an open the Chilian Government under the ettietind
teearue to the home of the humblest Parisian. circumstances from refusing elver:wee W
; Ire consoled himself by devoting Ins often- any port lying in Chilian territory. St. tong
tion to his stables and te bit stud of blooded as the refusal applies to all toreign veeeels
beretee He ha(1 the grandest turnouts in alike, it is cuthely within the competeuce
of the Chilian Government to (10111114' whether
suelt a step is, in their intereet. necessary Or
not, and the inconvenience whieli unIrti.pity
it must cause to neutrals does not in itself
furnish her 'Majesty's Government with any
grouml for resistance or romenstranee."
Bach time he drove out the " 704405 14513105.
S111,'" as he was known on the boulevards,
astonished the frequenters of the Bois by
some new ana unkne equipage. Now 15
would be an English drag, quite a novelty
in those days (tithe Empwe ; now a victoria, Some agitation 111854 1)0011 caused in pliant -
lined in rose satin aud drawn by six white thropie circles here by the publicatiou ((1 4414
horses ; a private hanecnn, resplendent with Ottawa telegram meth% that the Canadian
• armorial bearings or a massive Louis XIV Government is thinking of stopping or re-
coaeb, varnished and gilded, with the ser. etrieting juvenile immigration, the
• vents gorgeous in phi hiee, plush and grounds that it is promoted by meretmary
LCiindividuals, and that it majority of the
youngsters are street waais or workhouse
paupers. The statement seems to be alemrd
m view of the extraordinary efforts evhieh
aro being made here by Canadian agents to
encourage emigration to the Dominion. A
large proportion of child emigration 14 due
to the Society for the Promotion of Christian
Knowledge, the members of which unsel-
fishly devote tune and money to the work,
Great care is taken in the Seleu.tion of the
youthful emierauts. On Wednesday the
Allan steamer Sardinian left Liverpool with
a large contingent of bripht, robust girls and
boys, under the care of the Rev. John
Signor Caloniboe Minister of Finance, re-
cently appealed to his colleagues in the
Italian Cabinet to help him toward the goal
of financial equilibrium for which he was
He readied the very climax of his glory
when he startled Perim by bringing -out it
carriage made exactly like that in which
Napoleon III and Eugenie took theirairing.
He had the same number of postillions,
his horses were of the stone color, and his
machmau and footman wore a similar livery
t that of the imperitd household.
A story is Lola in connection with this
venture of the "young assassin." Under
the Are de Triomphe, the gateway from
which radiate the grand, avenues of Paris,
the Emperor alone was entitled to drive.
On a bright spring eveaing, however, when
the avenues were -crowded with vehicles and
everybody WaS driving to tbo Bois, the
"assassin" drove under the arch unchecked,
his carriage being taken for that of the
At last one day he was missing from the striving by cutting down their deffereld de -
Bois, and Paris read that he died in his partmeatal expenditure. The result of that
splendid palace, his last moments soothed. by appeal may be described as startlime, for in
thehumble and sole companion of his wretch- oely one dope,' tment, the Foreign Oiliee, has
ed life. On her he bestowed, on that deeth- retrenchment been found to be possible, and
bed, by a tardy act of justice, the right to that only to the paltry extent of 140,000
bear his name. Their only child, a daughter, fmnes yearly, etlheted by the abolition of
was thus legitimized and made his heir. certain consulates abroad. The Minister of
This lady became in time the wife of Prince Marine not only declared retrenchment lin-
Alphonse de Chimay, and helped by her possible, but has presente a. bill to the
vast fortune to restore the ancient glories of Chamber for the creation of a 110W reserve
a house fast falling into decay. squadron of seven first-class iron clads and
three cruisers. Should this bitl ha passed
every ship will practically 14(5 414 commission,
and the entire navy on a war footing, a
state of things which affords another signi-
ficant commentary on the Emperor of
Austria's recent assurances that peace will
be maintained.
A Ballet m his Head Forty Years.
An interesting surgical study is that of a
Mall who has just died at St. Gallen. This
man, a certain Christian Zogg, was a soldier
hi the " Sonderbund "war, forty-three years
ago, and in the fight at Kiemengrate he was
severely wounded ith a bullet in the head. ee ethrwe
The surgeon could not extract the ball, fcr
ib h d piercedbehind the (1 1
against the hard skull. No one thought he
could live, but he did, swearing always he no
had the bullet still in his head. Of course,
letter a time no one believed him, though he
suffered from terrible headches and • 'pi 1.1
sional feeble mindedness. But when he died
surely p
his skull was opened, and sely enough he
We have selected twi or
had lived for over forty years with this bul-
letin his head. The skull at the point where
the bullet lay was three or four times as Croup. three lines from letters
thick as elsewhere, and a piece the size of a freshly received from pa-'
very small egg had been forced aside. rents who have given German Syrup
....1.:=11156=511=111111. I
Influenza is raging in London and other
English cities.
Mrs. Two -Thirds --:Now don't read the
papers any longer, dear. It's my duty to
walk down to mother's and show my new
The Other Third—And. I suppose it's a
husband's duty to see that you have the
new bonnet to show?
Mrs. Biugo—" There I knew it. Those
moths have got at your dress suit and eaten
a hole right through your pocket." Mr.
Bingo—" I'll bet they were female moths."
The desirability of making small social On
te rtainments useful as well as ornamenta
appears to press from time to time on the
minds of hostesees. The question, what is
the best thing to do at a smell function that
SS neither a dance nor a dinner, nor even a
formal reception, has been solved in many
.American houses b7 the introduction of
readings as 510 pi-ce dr- resistance, preceded
and fU wed by the best available music.
Consideriee te growing taste for elocution
neer° is au wonder tha13 such evenings are
to their children in the emergencies
of Croup. You will credit thes.e,
because they come from good, sub-
stantial people, happy in finding
what so many families lack—a med-
icine containing no evil drug, which
mother can administer with con-
fidence to the little ones in their
most critical hours, safe and sure
that it will carry them through.
L. WILLITS, of Mrs. jas.W. Km;
Alma, Neb, 1 give it Daughters' College,
to my children when Harrodsburg, lay. I
troubled with Croup have depended upon
and, never saw any 11 ±11 attacks r f Croup
preparation act like with my little daugh-
it. It is simply mi- ter, and find it an in-
raculous. valuable remedy.
Fully one-half of our customers
are mothers who use Boschee's Ger-
man Syrup among their children.
A medicine to be successful with the
little folks must be a treatment for
the :---.4den and terrible foes of r.-ihilcl-
hooL Nhooping cough, croup°, diph-
theria and the dangerous inflamma-
tions of delicate throats and lungs.