HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-03-02, Page 3.arc StAtat .1 it TYHLDFOR RETIRING CNR TELEGRAPHER' A popular telegrapher at the known by his many friends and C.N.R, Station at Goderich about business associates, is a son of three years ago, Mr, E. A. the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gar - (Darby) Garland is now retired. land, Cargill and for mangy years A surprise retirement party was worked in the C,•N.R., Paisley. recently held for him at Elmira, Married -to _a former- Paisley where he has been stationed girl, Gladys .Blue, eldest daugh- for the past . three years. Mr. ter of • Mrs. Mac Blue, Paisley, Garland will be making his they have a family ref twosons home in •Goderich, Win,.,--3J144-.stationead4atn.,,the:iarfAxep .shatie.s . tf beige: and 1,X(2111,11.1,X(2111,11.lea- Following ea- 1�"ol3vwing--is the -account of base, Centralia and Lloyd, at then, axso a pursecoei'f••.crOli. the aforementioned. party as it Goderich. Mrs Garland was presented �t s s� "z� �i r' o sfamiliarly 'i ` i b as hei r r ell � see Hes glen Daris Cargill, Mr. Jim lilr anold Y g , Y P Darby;� a neighbor from Cargill, now agent at 'Tavistock. ea art Elena, Water/00; Dray. ton, 'London, Guelph and Cen- tralia Weremres present -along with' officials fro • -the- C.N. . and many business associates from the town of Elmira. Cards were enjoyed the first part of the evening and when all the guests had assembled Mr. and Mrs. Garland were called to the front and Mr. Robert Gar- land, agent at Hanover and old uddy, gave a summary of Darby's 45 years of service and presented a very beautiful ICroehler platform rocker in 0 HAIR STYLING "ASID. ALL TYPES OF . BEAUTY CARE 3 GRADUATE OP'ER'ATORS , Harry Colclough ,Len Pounder Elizabeth Holton i FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL JA 4-7461 Evening Appointments—Len and Elizabeth HEATHER BEAUTY SALON LIGHTHOUSp STREET -24 AT THE GODERICH PARK THEATRE JA 4-7811 Now Playing—In Technicolor -="THE TIME MACHINE," with Yvette Mimeaux and, Road Taylor. 'Mon., Tues. and Wed., March 6.7-8. Adult Entertainment. Leslie Caron, George Peppard and Roddy MacDowall .In an entertaining expose of San Francisco's beat .gen- eration. • "The SUBTERRANEANS —tn'Scope and color. 'Thurs.,-Fri. and•'Sat., March 9-10=11._ February's greatest release 79. In a few well chosen words, Darby expressed his apprecia- tion and pleasure recalling many happy associations down the years. Mrs. Garland also thanked their many friends, most graciously, After a period of dancing a bountiful lunch was served, bringing to a close a most pleas- ant evening. The name .sometimes given' to the lovely islands of New Zea- land, the Antipodes, is from the Greek words meaning "with the feet apposite." They are so- called because New Zealand is almost exactly Jialf way round the world from the mother country. - — -., ,One of the best known clust- ers of stars is the one we -know a°s the Pleiades, or Seveh Sist- ers. In fact only: six stars are ,seen with the naked eye. But a moderate telescope will reveal age on his first -visit to the 200 or more. parishes. The soloist, was Mr. Elliott Lapp accompacried.,.:1 • Mushrooms are so much like Miss Margo Grange. The ser-, animal food that they have the vice of song was under the direc- same tendency to decay. Fresh- tion of the organist, Mrs. Nor - picked field mushrooms should be cooked at once. -man 1VIcClincliey, and Rev. R. • COMING TQ GODERIlai APRIL 1�5; ishopOf Ge�rgiciiifld uburn Visit Rt. Rev. Harold Appleyard; D.D:; Anglican Bishop of Georg- ian Bay chose "Lord teach us, to Pray" as his text when he. was guest speaker at St. Mark s . IANA 4 44 4 -?2 r -4Suncjsn day morning. He. thanked. the Rector, Itev.. °I : ,.r' ed1Iy'°flit t1t � ! station to visit the parishes of Auburn,. Blyth and Belgrave and to help get acquainted with the people of the Diocese of Huron. Stressing the importance of .prayer, Bishop, • Appleyard told what prayer is. and the best way to use it. He, said that one should not always expect God to answer in the affirmative,, re- lating to Christ's prayer in the Garden of Gesthernane asking that the cup, be, removed, al- though Ile knew the answer would be no. The whole mis sion of His being would have been lost for mankind if it had been answered in the affirm- ative, Bishop Appleyard stated. He said that prayer is the communion of the spirit and will strengthen everyone if they come before Ilim with deep humility. He closed his address by saying that every prayer has its answer and that God re- sponds to it whether one real- izes it or not.. Rev. Mr. Mealy thanked the Bishop fnr his inspiring mess - Hand Crafted Briars - 20 Styles "THE CANADIANS" — In' Scope and color — 'Starring Robert Ryan; -Teresa.-Stratus.-a� n '°John D J (Coming—"Wedding In" Springtime"—Princess Margaret and Anthony A. Jones, in Technicojor—also pick Shawn's "Wizard of Baghdad." We are Exclusive Agents for FAMOUS :BRIGHAM- PIPES -i -N --THIS ARE�k . . . Sales and Service . GODERICH NEWS ^STAND • ON THE SQUARE AT COLBORNE ST. tf. • M. Sweeney, of Knox United Church read the Scripture les- son from Genesis, 18th chapter. The- ushers -vi re...Mr.-ItMerT J, Phillips and Mr. - Gordon , R. Taylor. Beautiful bouquets of flowers adorned the church for this special service» when °members of the other churches in the village were present to worship with them. -Bishop, ___Appleyard St. George's . Church, Goderich, on Sunday, April 16, for a con- firmation service. Ile is to ar- rive on Saturday -and spend the week -end in Goderich. The God.e ieh. Signal. Star' 'h ayz M ai eb .' challenge, tea him, ", every sermon: has to ba a sionary sermon because have to share, yOW 1now with ethers, and to not - about the other person make sure you yoau'self arm lowing in the steps of Christ. The flarbouraiares• under direction .of Mr. George 13 anan provided the spacial in They sang three ngmbe ializing i.il Criminal law. b "Bless This House" by I3rra Mr. Ilowell paid tribute to the ''('rosin the Bar" 'bY Ada, Goderich Lions Club for thc,,ir �Icks, ,end:,J lapel Wit. hif rens,-work and t'harus» from the MeSSIall Handel, accompanied bey Mr., Mr. 11. leJong. The ushers for this serve were Captains Chas: to Charles Robinson, and Lorne McCartney, and welcomning the Narthex were Mr. Harry Creath and Mr. Earl Elliott, 1WpLEDCU1WRENON AT LIONS CLUB MEETING One-ef: t}ie" quietest :and.. -most i.. I .an -interesting talx> of the - q g solitary birds of the tropics is'distances we see when .we stand the motmot. It can hardly be at 'various heights the Book of noticed when perched amongst Knowledge shows that we see the greenery. The motmot has about three miles from a height no known relatives in the tem- of five No, and 96 miles from a perate zone. ;height or one mile. 9. A Springhme Dream or The Seals Committee for the raising 01 funds for crippled t:ilildre:n was ill Charge 01 the Liotisg(,'tul) meeting at ii'arbour- i to Inn last l hursday evening. l,hairnian was Wm. Rayburn, Nino is cnau•luan of Utstrit.t 1,40. 0 of the Untarlo society for t,rippled tyililctren,.. lint -spealtex"�y�:" °lilt` Butler, 01 l urUnt U dis.0i ct cu Tor Crippled. Children; lits Doris Armour, 01 . London, dis' trio nurse for the society , r.d ward Burrell, of '1u1~uiiw and Iormerly of Goderich. Mr. S. C. Anderson, chairman of the Lions Clue s beais Com- mittee, told 01 preparations for the annual appeal locally.. He stated that about $1,4u0 was raised locally last year. Of this anioun, slut/ had already been sent to the provincial headquar- ters of the Ontario Society for Cripple Children and the bal- ance, legs what is needed to aid locally, - will go forward to the; Toronto office. Bliss Armour said there are 26 nurses .stationed in some 15 different districts in Oiitarid who serve the Crippled Child- ren's organization, She stated that a number of crippled child- ren from Huron County have been receiving treatment at the Orthopedic Hospital at London. viable academie' record, as well as being . well-known for his extra -curricular activities. Ile said that Mr. Howell had gradu- ated from Osioode Hall and was now a lawye1'',in Toronto, spec - lated how they helped children -"a (� �!4:'«'�$ 'S$��. � eit '�' rich Lidns 'Club has done' 'won- derful work for crippled child- ren and I t;an personally testify to this,",said Mr. Howell. MARINERS'. SERVICE HELD Over 300 artenaeci the annual I' Mariners' Service in Knox Pres • - byterian Church last Sunday evening. In the Chancel a,nd Nave of the church were ship 'wheels, a model ship, life -belts, fire -buck- ets, pennants, fishing nets and other nautical equipment and in the Narthex was 'a large model of a lighthouse. The decora- tions were in charge of Captain Chas. Stowe and Mr. Arnold Mc- Connell The flowers on the Commun- ion table were presented in Miss Armour said that the so-. memory of Jack J. • McIver, ciety is interested in finding wheelsman of the S.S. Soodoc children in need of such help who passed' away on July 1, and ,that the Goderich Lions 1960, by his wife. and family. Club was one of ,the service Rev. G. L. Royal chose the clubs depended, upon to inform 21st .chapter of the' gospel 61 St. them of such children in need John for his message; basin it ' of help. on the life of"Peter and Christ's Mr. Butler stated there were '226 service clubs in Ontario who, through support of the Easter seal campaign, raise about 65- per cent of the funds used by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children each year. Some service ,clubs have as many as 40, 50 or 60 children in their respective areas needing the assistance of, the Ontario Society, he said. He pointed out that while there are few in the Goderich area at the pre- sent- fire---there-m-ight-wel-1---be- considerabioI'at some Tithe - in '- in the future. :, c Mr. Butler- said the Ontario Society for Crippled Children will operate on a budget of $1;500,000 for the year 1961 and that all of this money will be needed to carry on. its work, 'The speaker --was tl'rarr%ed . for. his remarks by 'Wm. Gardner. Mr. Bob Hays introduced "Ted" Howell, of Toronto, and formerly of. Goderich. 'Mr. Hays pointed out. that Mr. Howell was a graduate of GDCI with an en= W. J. Denomrn FLOWER SHOP Phone JA 4 8132 DAY or NIGHT bA,gent for 24 -hr. - FILM DEVELOPING '6 2TF BRITISH ISRAEL — The Bible's National Message — We believe that the Certo -Saxon peoples are the descendants of God's servant race and nation. Israel: that our ancient "Thrdho is the continuation ol the Throne of David; and, in view of present world conditions, that a general recognition of this identity AND its implications is a matter of vital and urgent importance. WE WOULD LIKE TO TELL YOU ABOUT IT Fqr- nuc Ci py,.c Our FREE Bocklet "An Infrbduc ion to the British• Isrdel Evongel" Write to the Secretary • CANADIAN BRITISH -ISRAEL ASSOCIATION Itis Ontario P.O. Box 744, Station B, Ottawa, Ont. 944 FutuiiGr�cious Living --- sliaxam 14, tie { !nvite You OPE:N HOUSE and M o Their EL HME DISPLAY •6 _Friday, _March 3rd to -Saturday)._ March lit -Excluding Sunday, March 5th — on WIDDER ST. between alEY & BLAKE The MODEL H -DELUXE IS 'OF4t OF MANY MODELS AVAILABLE FROM KERNOHAN. HOMES For additional information inquire at site or CONTACT The New Model H-DeIux Six -Room Home Including ': - Living Room 20' x 111/2' Three Spacious Bedrooms Kitchen - Ultra Modern with Natural Birch Cupboards, Formica Counter Tops, Exhaust Fan Stainless Steel Sink, Tiled Four -piece Bathroom - Copper Plumlling throughout, 9. Oil Fired Forced Air Furnace w- Gleaming Oak Floors, Full Basement equipped, with Double -Laundry Tubs, Asphalt Roofing, Cooksville Clay, Brick construction. IN THE DELUXE NOME Contemporary Furniture by Lodge Furniture FRIGIDAIRE Appliances, by . 33West St. Shore Appliances – 52 The square PHILCO Console Supplied by L Hutchinson Radio & Television 1 FREE Door Prize - A Six -Transistor Radio REMEMBER. THE DATES —MARCH 3 - 11 .r Visit our interesting Model Home HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATEBROKER 38 HAMILTON ST. — GODERICH JA 4-7272 KERNOHAN HOMES are built by NOWAY BUILDINGS LTD. and sold in the. Goderich District • n by HAROLD W. SHCR 4 9 n- • ",m.mun unw