HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-02-16, Page 5Nomormit 1.4-- A a From The Hottest Dea THE 1960 PONTIAC' OUTSOLD ALL COMPETITION ,IN CANADA. N HURON COUNTY, - PONTIAC OUTSOLD NEAREST COMPETITOR BY BETTER THAN TWO TO ONE! e r •. �i'r'w qy tr,.,�yhrvY�yy.,wrr - . •. DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, Feb; 14.—Mrs. Wtlf,red,.;Whitman, Of Dublin, i$ nurEfing at the bonier -of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baech- ler. Mrs. Baechler has not been in very good health this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pearce, London, were visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, ,• 'ra i. P ntL n& us Sr 4.ui y e vil s . , The World Day of Prayer will be observed . in the Unite,. ,Chtireh,:ziort.,-..Prid4wititeinraen, February 17th at 230 pan. All are welcome. Mrs. Cecil Blake will give the address and guest soloist will be Miss Bertha Blue, of Ripley. Miss Betty Elliott is a patient at Wingham General Hospital, having been admitted the first of this, week. Mr. Roy Deane, Stratford, spending the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Keane, Lu know, called on his grandmoth r, Mrs. Margaret Moran, on, his way back to Strat- ford: Mrs. Irma Anderson, Pauline and Billy, of Goderich, visited. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sherwood and Robert on Sunday. Mr. T. C. Anderson, on Tues- nQf,1 wo successful ' auiction sale of :. live= stocky t his farm._ -.While he and Mrs gders!)zei + 'e -m, ° -"Vino" up farming altogether, they did reduce their stock so that Car- man might have a rest and a trip to the West this summer. Mr. William Irvin went to -Winghanz hospital on Friday of last week. We hope he will have a speedy -recovery and be able to soon return home. Local L.O.L. No. 324, held a successful euchre on Monday night. Fifteen tables were en - ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Feb. 19, First Sunday in Lent. 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon. ,(Junior Congregation and Nursery.) 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Thursday, Feb. 23- 10 a.m. Holy Communion in the Chapel. 8 p.m. Lenten Midweek Service, REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., Db., Rector. Mr. J. F. Stephens, M.A.,,B. Ed., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church • The First Sunday In Lent 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. The Meaning of the Cross "THE' COST OF DISCIPLESHIP" (1) Nursery aryd Junior Congregation EVERIN6-:W001411 "TO GLORY OR TO SUFFER" (1) REV. W. J. ten HOOPEN, B.A., B.D., Minister. MR. GEORGE ESPERT, Organist and Choir Director. ONE -OWNER P with 90 -day or 4,000 -mile warranty y imaimmurimmimmermarlimmermiontur '00(Pontiac f tiacJ'60'Strato.Chief Convertible Pontiac 2 -door. Finished in gleaming sun tan copper, Economy 6 -cylinder, driven only 13,000 miles, equipped with automatic drive, equipped with automatic, power steering, radio, windshield washers, finished in • ;power brakes, radio, driven only 8,000 Tasco turquoise, can not be told from miles by prominent London executive. new. '603frato-Ckoef Station Wagon -4-Door, equipped with automatic drive, radio,. windshield washers, wheel discs, t, power steering, power brakes. This unit with exceptionally low mileage has never been used commercially. "60-Strcrto6Chief Pontiac Sedan Finished. in Royal Buie metallic, with .automatic drive, radio,, windshield wash- ers, and ,wheeldiscs. Only" 14,000 miles and looks like it never left the showroom. '60 Vauxhall. -Victor -Sri Sedan, finished in metallic -.gr. vi(_ith .red_ leather interior. This low-priced unit has only 7,500. miles on it. Savet1 675 $600. at 4 '60 Renault Dauphi This__sax finished_ in_. -.d -medium grey with leather interior has been driven only 3,600 miles by a Goderich man. Owner's name on request. Priced to •sell. • LISTED BELOW ARE A NUMBER OF 1960 PONTIACS THAT HAVE BEEN Lease Cars OUR STRICT STANDARD OF MAINTENANCE MAKES THESE EXCELLENT -VALUES '60 Pontiac Station Wagon' Equipped with radio, windshield washers, Strato-Flash 8 -cylinder,, finished in tur- quoise and white. Sells new, $3,870. _$2,395 mommommoommiereamommoroloom '60 Strato..Chjef Ponticic Sedan Economy 6-cyl. engine, radio, windshield washers, finished in jewel blue. Cannot be told from ar- new car. ONLY $1,995 '60 Strato..Chjef. Pontiac 2 -door Equipped with economy 6-cyi. motor, cus- tdm radio, windshield washers, -back-up lamps, wheel discs. Royal blue in color, 21,000 miles. ONLY $2,095 '59.Strato-Chief Pontiac 4 - door Equipped with radio, windsField washers, two-tone, a clean car. " ONLY $1,495 STILL5LEFT! 1941 VAUXHALLS AT THE OLD PRICES! Beat the new import tax ViCTOR 4 -DOOR SEDAN $1,995 Phone 7'$p MOTORS LTD. ZURICH "THE CAR KING Phone 608 b F HURON COUNTY" EXETER Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. 0. LOCKHART- ROYAL, B.A,, Minister Mr. H. de Jong, Organist. Miss B. J. Woodruff, Deaconess 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "THE UNKNOWN GOD." (NurseryandJunior Congregation). Vitoria Street United Church "Fellowship Awaits You" 10 a.m. Bible School and Adult Class; 11 a.m. "LIFE -=ON or OFF THE 'BEAM." Family Service. Junior Church. 1.30. p.m. BENMILLER Unified School and Church. 3 p.m. UNION Church Worship after Sunday School. e REV. STANLEY MOOTE, B.A., B.D. Organist -leader, MRS. J. A. SNIDER. GODERICH BAPTIST - CHURCH 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL --All Ages. 11 a.m. "THE VOICE OF AFRICA." 7 p.m. "ISRAEL SUSTAINED: 8.15 p.m. FIRESIDE. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday, 9.50 a:m. Family Sunday School. , 14 a.m. "Thou Shalt Love—Thy God and Thy Neighbor." 7 p.m. "Piercing Revelations in Scripture.", Wednesday, 7,30 p.m. Mid -Week Devotions. REV. E. A. COOPER, Pastor.—JA 4.9306. gaged yin Play. Winners were: ladies, Mrs. Graham McNee ai d Mrs. Wilbur ,Brown; gents, Nfor.apk-teaf !ODE ris Ivers and Wilbur Brown. W.I. Hold Successful Party..: - The Dungannon Women's In, stitute held the annual card party on Friday night. in the Parish Hall with a good attend- ance. The winners were: Ladies' high, Mrs. Mel• Stewart; ladies' low, Mrs. Will Petrie; gent's highen, 1efrb. F.in rnt igani ° gent's low,: KMc1 ee n, ctne ° stands;: .I'thure]te.card, `'MrsElliot rtgst,�.eros on • gram; nebrest°birthday, Beverly McNay; \nearest wedding anni- versary, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Young. There were 28 tables for progressive euchre. Re- freshments were served at the end of the program. Mrs. ' Robert Reid and sister, Mrs. John McWhinney, of Port Elgin, on Sunday visited their sister-in-law, ,Mrs. M. Shackle- ton. They accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Reid who visited friends at Carlow. Born February lath at Wing- ham General Hospital, to Mr. 11Continued from page 1) and citizenship, Mrs. L. Walzak, arranged two coffee parties in honor of 103 New Canadians who received their citizenship papers. .Members of the Chap- ter attended the* formai cere- monies which, are held at the Huron .County CourtlitiiisiNvid later extended a welcome to the guests.., 0,,1[;; in oM 'specially prepared for em Each new citizen is presented with an I.O.D.E. greeting card inscribed with the recipient's name. Court officials, mayor of the town and members of Pro- vincial Parliament are among the guests.. Refreshments are served at which time many new acquaintances are made and a social time enjoyed. During, the year the Chapter, was fortunate to see several fine Alms arranged by the film con- vener, BA's. E. Weaver:' "That They May Live," a film showing and Mrs. Harold Maize, 4th con mouth-to-mouth breathing meth - cession of Ashfield Township, a od used for artificial respira- i son. ton; the St. Lawrence Seaway, Y.P.U. Holds Crokinole par#y. and a Canadian travelogue. The Chapter appoints repre- -The Y.P.U. held a Crokinole sentatives to the Goderich and party in the -United Church on District Film Council of the Monday night. Eleven tables Bluewater Flim Federation, the were engaged in play. Winners Girl Guide Assogiatioh, the Can - were Karen Dawson, Betty Irvin, adian Cancer Society, the Queen Bill Blake and Bill Metier. Elizabeth School for Retarded Lunch was served at the close Children, and the Canadian of the evening. C.G.I.T. Plans Skating Party.— Mrs. T. Richards and Mrs. Herb Finnigan were, in charge of the C.G,I.T. group on Monday night at the church. "God works through us" was the story told by Mrs. Richards. A question period followed. The roll call was answered by the eight girls present. It was decided to hold a skating party on a pond near- by. Mr. and Mrs. Don McKenzie entertained the _ Signal C,-: ba s o- 1 k ting party vrr ti es r1k 'ne•night last'week. They were later served lunch at the house,,. FOR YOU WE HAVE 10,000 sq. ft. of factory space, or any part of it, For Rent. Also Office Area that we will modify to your Spe- cifications. Steam heated, with a complete sprinkling system throughout. Please Contact or Phone BRUCE E. RYAN. or GORDON- iKcMANUS The Goderieh, i, nal -Star 'Turaday, b, „, k Film-. PA ,+m , All merchandise is, doniateci.' E lmo Fund, Conveners of the ways alid lA,M. So G. no it means committee, Mrs. A. Alien And St. John b and Mthe frs. Cfth. Socket[annual F, arrangedashion of Unourder therogentear Mia.pab for leci Show, which was held • at Ha- the past year's ' accomp bourlite Inn in September. This have been very grit is an outstanding affair, and may I conclude this x me bers of the Chapter give a wishing the* aha ter N rest P , success ,in •x961, 5 Manus, ' -.,,:r-e,;- c s Mr7.8.:141.,:e':10:0,:tiorpre'c!ntrhThi1"`sCl~tlt"e.L'h#tt �.steter us the€X961 y11'34.t t whole heart d support and in- terest, �v ich success slate of oilicers `. w ` mpossube. Trays of Regent, Mra. C. Ed'w fancy pastries` and vice-regent, Mrs. J. W* served by the tea committee at 2nd vice ire xtt, Mfrs. A. d intermission', and later a buffet I se¢rei?ry, e r t , , em lunch for the people participat= assistants retary,. Mir$ ing in the fashion show, merch- tassistant Mist ants. and friends. The Chapter Hughes; amandy; e felt very sympathetic towards Mrr ar N. Gandy; .# the refugee problem throughout secretary, Mrs.` '* the world and resolved to make Echc).ce secretary, Mr's a special effort to make a sub- stantial contribution to this secretary, Mrs. G. ; .M' cause, by sponsoring a "Refugee standard bearor, Tea" held at the home of Mrs. Coates; immi:gratio Glenn Hays, in April to which film convener, lt�rs. I..'_ the public was cordially invited. Commonwealth vela , The work of the Chapter has vener, Miss '. Saunders; been before the public on many and World Affairs occasions throughout the year. Mrs. G. L. Ellis; The Chapter is deepl indebted .public' Y convener,- Mrs. I Ersk" to the editor and the staff of the Signal -Star for their generous bership, Mrs. H. $et�go co-operation and use . of the - - gdeal of their ,tune and tal- zts-.ta:rnte:,tbiinv t, a suc- cess that itis. °Clothes and acces- saries .are made available by the- ar gratefulto m ortheir e without Would be i coffee are press for monthly meetings and Makes ares One a .events.. a convener M Consumers' Association. These sopeciatec eaRets. Th c vAe M. conveners keep the members in Harper, has employed various formed on all phases of their mares -of work, and support them in , publicizing the Chap- whatever way possible. On Em - .ter s action's, the newspaper pre Day week -end the Chapter presented to the Park Theatre framed portraits of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, and her hus- posters, TV and .radio. The Chapter believes that a mem- ber's enthusiasm for her • own work is' one of the best methods Count Doub'I. It isn't often a youth' both of his grandfather same gime in the same r in the same hospital. Yet this was done la in Promoting good will and band, H.R,H. Prince Philip.when John Walter so To. celebrate the I.O.D.E. Dia spirit for the Chapter, and Mrs. Gordon rWhI mond Jubilee Anniversary the Donations were made to the South street, went.to Al Chapter felt a luncheon meeting following National and Provin- Marine and General HO with the Ahmeek Chapter, tial Funds: Lucy Morrison, Pro -visit his grandfathers, I -Qs., ,join,,, would bg fit vincial Services at Home and and Walter, of Saltford'' tBl ..,:. n:e A b wer�.p,��e-.. rRad; Provincial Filzri, Nation l�is�paternal�gratldfath,e,, to holt this affair at the Bed al Filtrr;'Peaee Garden, Cdrttm Geo �.�. ford hotel. Mrs. H. 13. McMahon + 'n ro other, er'; iia wealth Relations, National Em- grandfather, were shat of London, provincial education I ployees Pension, Canadian same room in tlsn hospl.. secretary, was guest speaker. Scene, British and European Schaefer, who uncle The Opportunity Shop oiler !Overseas Relief,°'Korean Fund, minor operation, has ated by the ,chapter continues National Shipping Fund, Demo- turned hdme and is pro to be tete Main source ,of rev- cratic Action Committee Fund, quite well., enue for donations, bursaries, and the regular work of the Chapter. Much of the credit for its success is• due to -the faithful work on the part of the shop conveners, treasurer and secretary: The shop is under. the jurisdiction of a committee}- formed at the annual meeting. ' The treasurer, Miss E. Cooper, 5 attends tri all finances and at various intervals transfers re- ceipts to the general treasurer, Mrs. R. W. Hughes. The secre- tary, Mrs. J. Skeech; sends out Rnt.tS. :. f. "duty., slays" LO mem hers, and markers volzneer s`to work for a three-month period. YOU WILL ENJOY THIS RALLY WITH N1 REV. JOE BAKER AND HIS HANOVER' u. CHORALAIRES • Plan ,to be with us at the CLINTON LEGION HALL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, ,at 8 p.m,.': We can . supply a Gospel team for any Church Se.,. for young peoples groups in the area. ..._.._ SOUTH, -111RON YQU H_ FOR CHRIST Spring Cleaning SPECIALS on FOR BEST INTERIOR COLORS and FINISHES .9 8 gal. Reg. 7.95 Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle W. M. C. DAY Speaker --Miss Sarah lnfurnari, Hamilton,; at both 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Services. 10 a.m. Sunday School. Classes for all ages. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Bible Study, - "DOCTRINE OF THE HOLY GHOST." REV.`'H. C. CRACKNELL, Pastor -- Phone JA 4-8506. THE SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY. 19 11 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE. 3 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL., 7 p.m.. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. CAPTAIN AND MRS. R. PETERSEN VISITORS WELCOME Church of the New Jerusalem Revelation 3 V. 12 and Ch. 21 V. 10. For a positive knowledge of the life hereafter and a LIVING FAITH in JESUS CH IST, as God and Saviour, read "MY RELMON" by HELEN KELLER and "HEAVEN srNO • , by Emanuel Svuedhnborg. andits Wonders and -HELL SINGLE INDIVIDUAL IN THE WORLD'S HISTORY EVER ENCOMPASSED IN HIMSELF SO GREAT A VARI- ETY OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE." By Robert Ripley. These books may be borrowed by applying fo Leonard Cole, 23 Piston Street, Phone 7700, or • bought for 35c. The Swedenborg i*ondation Inc., New York 17, N.Y. 7tf 1 -L 0 p F FAST DRYING - EASY TO, APPLY 431) PAINTS UNLIMITED COLORS • WE "GOOFED" — YOU SAVE ON OUR OVERSTOCK 40 KITCHEN BATHROOM SUPER SPECIAL qt. Reg. 3;35 TOUGH -- DURABLE - SCRUBABLE - BRIGHT Get a Head Start on Your Spring Cleaning it Your Best Bargain in Years - FREE ! IP. -Draw on TV RugValue 18.00 _, • , r..! .� isJ ,.n N�1 Ml Nil GOOD FOR PAINT & ROLLER TRAY. (1.98 Value) for 99C I _, ! Mr I Me +R I:hlr tall NON 4i!!1 t_ 1 ,CL1P THESE COUPONS • wri II FREE! al[I iMin was 111 NRI _l IMO: GOOD FOR I No.1 RUBBER$ET BRUSH (1.25 Value eNW ! for ir 1 Iva.1"1x1 1 > *It Vies tali taw t lrkt r , MCARTHUR & REJLLLu:. west St. Go e