HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-02-16, Page 4, • `,110: GO rick Signal -Star, Thursday, February 16t1i, 1961 .44.4 14.0 krtides. For :Sale Vibe best buy in, used ap- es, Re Shore Appliances, , Square. Your Frigidaire ;1? ,Erancb, agent for CNR orders.-12tf FT, ,NEWS: JET'cleans, p01 - hot Steel stoves. JET is • 743ic' and used refrigerators, es, washing machines, dry- IlOrne-air conditioning, Best th,a, low terms, good trade Wances. See LumbYs, 39 St. -4d, Street, Goderich. -19tf I • 1.-E 'bredHolstein cows and ers, accredited, vaccinated, ,area tested. :Phone Bayfield ' 41' or 58 r 41. 7x LaitOLUX Sales and Ser - ,r4 Ofeaners and polishers. reconditioned units and s. Bert Harris, GoderIch,, 7917. -3711 1. Articles For Sale , BROWN suit with two pair trousers, size 38, practically new, price $25. Phone 7W4: 7x WEEK -END SPECIAL — 2 -pc. Kroehler davenport bed, rust brown. Reg, $229.00. Special for Bank of Commerce Building .$120:430 at Sisekstent 'Furniture': '" alatIllegtchr4ritario, • 717 777177,,,,,,, — ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN 5 T NWO used bookcase headboards. _ and two chests, finished i being cleared at Lodge Furniture.. . -7 lio VACUUM CLINERsF'MviCE . 4r s AND SERVICE most popular makes x‘,1ean.ers and polishers. Filter en Sales, Varna. •Tel. •collect .,Sall 696 r 2. -39tf , W chains to fit most saws, VI $11 up. Thack Sales and 1, -ince., Phone JA 4-7922 • • - , -40tf a.,ED mixed hay. Donald -uette,.. R. 1, Dungannon. e 81 r p, Dungannon. 7-8x 3r1ENIC supplies (r ubber 1s) mailed postpaid in plain, ed envelope with price list. r samples 25c; 24 samples Dep,t,Tr53. 1-11abber Co., 136'x' 91, Ilam- Ylic Ont, e specialize and carry a com- e 'ee stock for all Sparton TV's, .4 all tubes and most parts other makes of TV. For a • d trade in ,a new '01 Sparton, g wire, trinsformer TV and •ed TV's or ,good used_ radios, "me DT call B. R. Munday, 127 glider St. SA 4-7961. -49tf WEEK -END special at Black- stone Furniture. Kroehler rock- ers, priced from $39.00. -7 SEE the new 1961 sryle Lloyd & Gendron baby carriages. Priced from $39.50. Blackstone Furni- ture. -7 'It -RADIOS for all rakes of and trucks. In dash, under roof Anounting, ,combina- io car and .home radios, etc. ve-in car radio service. Inson Radio & TV, Huron -2tf forage harvester and on, just 1 year old- Model, We have ia large listing of uStrial tra.ctor with Davis farins in Huron' •Citurirsr: Moder "R" Minneapolis For buying and selling; ‘ceiitia tor; Ford -Ferguson tractOr-; "Z" Minneapolis tractor , loader; Model "H" Inter - Rani tractor. Special winter a on new tractors. air -ton emotional truck in good ; No. 15 New Idea power- Fexoff spreader. George 17atth Farm Machinery, Purina Phone 1285, Men treal St., erich. -3tf 2. Cars, Trucks For Sale RAMBLER Sales and Service. "Canada's No. 1 compact car." Reconditioned used cars. Thol SA 4-8391 for "demonstration. McGee Motor Sales, 42 Newgate St., -7tf 111111111111111111111111111111W 3. Real Estate For Sale JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker Four-bedroom home, double living room, basement, furnace, attached garage, choice location, very reasonable price with low down payment. Brand new home, attached garage, choice, location, over- looking Lake Huron. Priced to selL. 'v, . 160 Acres land, good house and barn, lots of water, hydro, 21 Hostein milking cows, and all the equipment including new milking machine and tractor. All this for only $14,000. Down payment only $4,500. .80 Acres liand with some valu- able bush, four-bedroom house, barn, full price $5,000. Mort- gage available. prospersitis farm with a good six - All this .for only „ _•,..,y7.140"1.40'64e• - Cardinal Homes No have a real nice heme, and to save you money. N.H.A. and V.L.A. approved. FOR SALE Several good building lots still . available. In. village, district, store room house. $2,200.. Choice lots for sale. corn—$51.50 per ton, rvered in Goderich. 15% zsture. Contact R. Mays, 47 rvey St_ Chatham, phone r 'gin 2-8269. 3-8x •IkBy' carriage --WI ot—:-Weit er. Phone JA 4-8312 after o'clock. 7x CAMPBELL'S. I.D.A. DRUG STORE DuBarry Cosmetics • Dial JA, 4-7532 -- -7 r,ITTOMATIC Zig-Zag sewing chine, original price $230.00, on buttons, forward and re - e, makes buttonholes. This aehine can be had for balance g $49.00 cash or 7 pay- nts„, of, $8.00. Write Box 15, gnal-Star. 7x 1 Acre with excellent buildings 2 Acres with house and barn 22 Acres lightly wooded 99 Acres on highway, reasonable 40 ,Acres pasture property. We have several real nice A-1. homes for sale m excellent con- dition, in good locations. Avail- able for occupation in AR May and June. No informatio on these by phone—please. 2 Business blocks—good in- come. Several stores. Some excellent businesses. For Rent ' Office in new building, 328 sq. ft. Heated, well lighted. Jan- itor service ---$47.00. RIGHT NOW We have clients ,anxious- to purchase homes by spring. Can we help you sell yours? ALEXANDER and CHAPMAN Goderich—Phone JA 4-9662 °E. E. Cranitori • Realtor Manager Phone JA 4-8801 JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St., Goderich Phone JA 4-87t2 Salesmen: Joseph McConnell, Seaforth Angela Bosveld,Goderich C. Buruma, -10tf BGE milker, new condition. one HU 2-3396. 7k AINK. beds with springs, usefi a short time only. tOdge 'Attire. . -7 G machines, used. Priced quick sale. Lodge Furni- KEN -CROFT Real -Estate and Business Broker 83 Victoria St., Goderich, Ont. General Insurance JA -4;72 YOUR HALLIDAY HOME roem house with modern kit 50c per iSSIO) far 26 words . Rent FuRmstim„ EColuasuskfil, ItAssdivtaotses,.7: Son, R. 2, Clinton. Phone Car- heft- and44,44,1*.i/otra „wbrar-and, figures .02 cents each -per insertion). Payable in ad- vance or no later than Wednesday noon of week following publication of Advt. If billed after afore- mentioned time, 25c *Ora for bookkeeping expenies. 25c extra for office box numbor WELL cleaning. Guy Ives and 17. Business Notice vailab e immediately. FOUR -ROOM, ground floor apartment, $45.00 per month. Available immediately. For ap- pointment to inspect either of the above properties call Harold W. Shore, Real Estate Broker. Dial 7272. -6 ONE or two furnished rooms with kitchenette and bathroom. Phone 8881. NICE comfortable furnished room, private entrance, suitable for two, Meals available. Phone JA 4-9983-111 Anglesea St. -7 FURNISHED apartment, heated, four rooms, all conveniences. Phone 7352. -7 FOR LEASE—Supertest Service Station, corner of Hamilton and Victoria Sts. Ideal for mechanic. Low rental. Apply to Ted Elliott, Box 238, Wingham, phone 679-W. -7-10 TWO-STOREY house, gas heat- ed, modern kitchen. 117 West St. Ivan Bean, phone 7156. 7x COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (for business firms, trades- men, eft.) 75c per. issue -15 worcis or less (extra words and figures each). Classified display $1.40 per inch. , NOTICE, RE SIGNAL -STAR • BOX NUMBERS When an advertisement car- ries a box number, inform- ation concerning the identity of the advertiser cannot be divulged to anyone. Wednesday noon is deadline -for receipt of classified ads. _ Display advertising rates on request. Deadline for dis- play is 5 p m. Monday of week of publication. StD BULLEN'S Cabinet Shop, MORTGAGE LOANS "CaSto'iter-turritturegtiritc/lep,:.-,iNV ,: boards, furniture repairs. 184 Gibbons St.. Phone 9631. -314 WATERLOO CATTLE )3RIEED- ING ASSOOIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Farmer owned and controlled. Service at cost. • Choice of bull and breed. Our antificial breeding service will help you to a more efficient ,livestock operation For service or more information call: Clinton HU 2-3441 or for lotng clistatnce Clinton Zenith 9-5650 BOOT' Cattle For Better Living. -50tf amitimmaisomis 15. Notice To Creditors ALL persons having claims against the estate of FRANCIS SYLVESTER° DALTON, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Heron, Retired Rail- road Brakeman, who died on or about the 30th day of January, 1961, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the 4th day of March, 1961, as after that 8. Help Wanted 12. 'Tenders Wanted date the assets of the estate will be distributed. FEMALE help wanted. Apply e y f Dated at Goderich, in the r, TENDERS for the warble fl Bluewatei Cleaners. County of Huron, this 3rd day spraying of cattle in West BUSINESS opportunity fdr, .a Wawanosh Township will' be re - of February, 1961. mature Woman. Good baek- ceived , by the undersigned up /ground. Able to teach and direct others. Write Box 12, Signal -Star. -7-9 REAL Estate salesman, experi- HAROLD W. SHORE enced, for expanding progres- sive office. Full co-operation and REAL ESTATE BROKER . assistance provided. Generous General Insurance advertising. Applicant should! 38 Hamilton Street llcriow Goderich and district. For Phone JA 4-7272 appointment, call Amos Corby, phone 598M, or write Box 512, Broker). -5-7 for (Wilfred McIntee. -5-7 Your agent in the Goderich District for Kernohan Hpmes REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEED MAN for established Route Watkins Products. Be Now, For As Lownew As ,independent.. , No experience You may buy a Kernohan Home and lot. Recent changes the National Housing Act have substantially reduced down payments and monthly pay- ments. Free catalogues and complete information available to service egcellent rural AVON frOfirthis-trOlter.- 'etn-todan terriforrer--- Plitt -Sara; dignified 'work. No experience necessary. Four -Room House, Barn and Openings in Grey -Bruce Goun- Garage—In Saltford ties. Write Miss Mosher, Man - The McConnell property in ager, P.O. Box No. 86, Owen Saltford is now offered at a Sound, stating telephone num- very law price for immediate ben -5-8 sale and polsession Call this broker ted -at APPLICATIONS .will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until 6 Five -Room Bungalow p.m., February 28, 1961, for This comfortable home has grader operator for the Nown- three bedrooms, living room, ship of West Wawanosh. Rate— kitchen and sunporch. Central $1.00 per hour. Lorne Ivers, location, low price and reason- Road Superintendent, Dungan - able down payment. non, Ont. -6-7 - necessary. Full or part time. Write J. Gauthier, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal,. Que. -5-8 AVON COSMETICS has immedi- ate openings for maturewomen to- 6 p,m.,,'Mareh .4th, 1961. Tenders to state price per head for each spray. Tenderers to supply all necessary equipinent ALL persons having claims and help. Township will supply against the Estate of ELIZA- the warbicide. BETH J. SHIELpS, late of the JAIF. Foran, Twp. Clerk, Township of Colborne, in, the R.R. 2, Auburn'.County of Huron, Widow, who -7-8 died on or about the 1st day of February, 1961, are required to file the same with full particul- ars with the undersigned by the llth day of March, 1961, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 10th day of February, 1961. - HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate, -7-0 %lents' funds availableen lif)lioleAtitelitt.itikstibfrgt&OrAgtrV ments, hotels, motels, building lots. Prompt courteous service. For information, phone, write or drop in. UNWED. ODUNTY INVESTMENTS UM., 3645 Bathurst St.,Toronto 19, Ont. JU 9-2125. -7-10 HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Goderich, Ontario„ • , Solicitors for the Estate. -6-8 THE undersigned will receive sealed, markedtenders up to 6 p.m., March 4h;1961, for sup- plying . West Wawanosh... Town- ship with approximately 500 lbs. of warbicide. Said warbicide to be delivered under the super- vision of the Warble Fly In- spector. J. F. Foran, Twp. Clerk, R.R. 2, Auburn. -7-8 -SEALED-, • marked applications for the position of Warble F1' Inspector ro-r-Vire-s-f Wawanosh Township will be received by the undersigned up to 6. p.m., March 4th, 1961. Applicants please state hourly rate expect- ed. Inspector is to provide his own transportation and will be required to -collect the spraying fees from cattle owners. J. F. Foran, Twp. Clerk, R.R. 2, Auburn. -7-8 •AGgut LIVE FOR LESS in a lovely Halliday Home N.H.A.Approved, V.L..A. Ap- proved. See our homes before you build. ONE of Goderich's stateliest and most luxurious homes. Situat- ed in an exclusive residential, area across from Harbor Park. 'Terms 'can- be arranged., THREE low down - payment homes in residential area. A BARGAIN- Home- on Napier 'St. with almost one acre j of land. If you know a bar- gain when you see one — by 'all means leok at this valuable property. Easy terms, low interest. WE HAVE one of the largest 'ns of farms in Huron County from $3,300.00 to $75,000.00. NUMEROUS local business op- portunities. No information given oyer phone on these. LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED KEN CROFT Farm Salesman: John I. Rapson 152 South St. — JA 4-8559. Chief chimney's; steel and minum roofing; roof coating; lored Flexalum aluminum ad- ; . Guy Ives & Son, Contract - R. 2, ClintOn. Phone 1612 low. 3-13x GER electric sewing ma- , like new and under guar - tee, zig zags and embroiders, mplete with all attadhments, ull balance or take up pay- hts of $5 monthly. Kindly Iy to -Box 9, Signal -Star. • 6-7x .*••• 1•A, • -END SPECIAL —10-pc- rledFoom group, double dresser, ihest, bookcase bed, ribbon ring, Sealy mattress, two bou- it,lamps, ,bed lamp, 2 shred - foam pillows. Special — 09.00.. Blackstone Furniture. ^ -7 to Johnnie's Place, 192 SL, knavn as the Atlantic ve of Goderich. All kinds of furniture, antiques, wash - machines,' refrigerators, es. bought, sold, and. ex- ged; We buy, we sel1. ing too big, -nothing too 7x zEisTo SPECIAL — 2 -pe. enport bed suite, turquoise wheat combination. Reg. .50. Special,' $i*.op .at stone 141101,ture. cow , 'fairt� eight old, due to freshen in , bred Holstein. Jack Arm - phone Auburn 65r 16. -ZND. SPgali.ta Z.pc. rt bed tulte. hifOrn and ercniblnation. Ileg.4199.00, 1$129.00. Dlackstorie MALCOLM MATHERS INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE OFFICE See us for Goderich Properties for sale. We Have FEMALE „ bookkeeper wanted for afternoon , wArk_j_n_loggl, 2 on Elizabeth St. 66 x 132 garage.. Apply in -writing to 1 on Victoria St. '52 x 104 1P.0. Box 248, .Goderich. -6-8 1 on Blake St. 66 x 90 I WOMAN wanted for invalid 1 on Elizabeth St. 55 x 132 lady from 9 p.m. to 7.30 a.m., 1 on Park St. 66 x 132 twO to four nights a week, Farm and Rural Salesmen: Harvey Lassaline, R.R. 2, Goderich C. E. Laithwaite, R. 1, Goderich Roy Lamont, Zurich Frank MacKenzie- R.R. Ripley Geofte Ashton, Fordwich MALCOLM MATHERS 46 West St. Phone JA 4-9442 Insurance Agent Real Estop Seeker 1111111111111111111. W. J. HUGHES Real Estate Broker General insurance ' 50 Elgin Ave., E. Phone JA 4-8526 *44.4 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES our line of daily necessities such INVITED. as: Vitamins, Tonics, Cosmetics, --....msawmaisismm Food Products. Household neces- 'sides. Every home, a prospect. 4. Real Estate Wanted High commission, bonus. No risk with our 30 day trial. FAM - 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. .7 McCormick power drill, 15 -run; 13. Auction Sales NEW panels and rusted sections replaced. Motor tune-up. Brakes, lights and exhaust system put in perfect condition. Will also have your car- safety checked. Be safe. N. W. Winterstein, Lucknow. A. & B. license. -7-12 19. Lost Aiid Found VALUED keepsakes lost. Three pens with one matching pencil, matched set inscribed; possibly lost at Arena on Monday, Febru- ary 13. Ted Williams, phone 7665. Reward. -7 A. Births .6 G. Coming Events SUPPORT THE WINTER WORK CAMPAIGN 4-11 Don't forget the World. Day of Prayer, Friday, February 17, at 3 p.m. and 7.30 p.m., Victoria Street United Church. Guest speakers—afternoon, Mrs. S. A. Mod* evening, Mrs. R. Peter - Public School Inspector, and his 1 panel of experts wi4 discuss Education Today. Everyone is urged to attend and the ladles will please bring lunch. - . -7-8 The annual birthday party 61 the Mary Hastings Sunset,CirCle Club, Goderich, will be held in MacKay Hall, on February 24, at 8 p.m. Euchre and bingo will be played. Lunch will be served. Good prizes, everSrone welcome. 14.3Wksi.9i4 .50:-,aelAtgv. - ., SUPPOR.T THE WINTER tm- s:--flillORKX1WILIVA. , • .! -Goderich Horticultural So- ciety Will meet Friday, February 17, in the Parish Hall of St. George's Church, at 8 p.na. Speaker: R. J. Hilton, B.Sc., Ph.D., head of the' department of horticulture, Ontario Agri- cultural College, on the sub- ject: "Propagation of Plants for the Home Garden." -6-7 Plan ntAft3to come to the St. Patrick's supper, sponsored by St. Peter's C.W.L., March 18, in the G.D.C.I. cafeteria. -6-8 1 Harbourlite •Inn, Goderich. Every Saturday night, 9-12, Hi - Teen record dance with Monte Snider. -6tf The regular meeting of the Goderich Women's Hospital Aukiliary Will take place Mon- day, February 20, at 2.30, in the Board Room. A tea will be held after the meeting to wel- come new members. -7 The ladies of Goclerich Town- ship Federation of Agriculture have planned a special family night Friday, February 24, at .15 p.m., in Holmesvilie United Church basement. Mr. Coulter, AUSTIN.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on February 8, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Austin, R.R. 3, Goderich, a son, John Paul. BAUER.--At Alexandra Hospit- al, Goderich, on February 11, 1961, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bauer, Goderich, a son, Rich- * ard Donald.' CLEARING Auction Sale of Farm, FarmStockand Machin. ery, at lot 28, concession 6, Hay ip;-12T-rnite-south-of4.1-ills green, on Parr Line, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21st at 1 p.m. CATTLE -18 Holstein Chws and heifers, first and second vicinity of Bayfield. Phone Clin- calves, 4 fresh, remainder due in ten IIUnter 2-9284. (ReVerse February and Mareh;- 1 Jersey call.) -6 cow, carrying third calf; 2 year. old Holstein heifers; 4 young calves. All cattle blood tested. 9. Agents Wanted ITORSES-1 Pinto pony. PIGS -2 York sows With pigs. IN DIRECT selling you can oper- POULTRY -500 DeKaib hens, ate a 'profitable business with 1 year old; 800 Hybred chickens, Red -Sussex Honegar, hatched January 12th. MACHINERY --Allis-Chalm- ers D 14 tractor with power take -off (new); 3 -furrow mount- ed plow; heavy duty, 10 -ft. culti- ILEX PRODUCTS, Dept. 25, vator; chains and heat houser; LISTINGS WANTED Farms, Summer Cottages and Town Pro- perty. Alexander and Chapman, Realtors„ Bank of Commerce buildin g, Goderich. ...Phone JA 4-9662. -18 LISTINGS of farms and two, nd four bedroom homes urgently needed. Firi T 17i t se ing results list today with Harold W. Shore, Real Estate 131oker, 38 Hattfilton St. Dial 7272. 111111MINIMINPINIP 5. To Rent • -5tf COMFORTABLY turnisTie-d. single rooms, with living room and kitchen for your codven- ience. Dial 8433. 38x-tf Red.hrick home, living room, dining room, large bright mod- ern kitchen, 4 bedrooms, full base/tient, new gas-. furnace. Priced reasonably, with good terms. " 4 .44441144 PRIVATE office, heated, at 46 West St. Malcolm Mathers, Real Estate Broker. Phone JA 4-9442. -24 One floor, 2 -bedroom home, living room, large bright kit- chen, garagellnd extra lot. Fnll 0106 $5,000 - Alga Inahy other honit's and lots. " LISTINGS Atik INQUIRIES INVITED TYPEWRfl'ERS Portable and standards. Skecich Office Sup: plies, phone JA V,1652, Goderich. ,36tf RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN IN Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent -op- portunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's, Dept. B-216- 189, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. MAK.E your-- housework easier by renting a floor polisher and vacuum cleaner from Shore Ap- pliances, on the Square. -ltf 4111111011111111MIIIIMM, 10. Wanted (General) BOARDERS or ro antlers wanted. Sin1e beds. laundry clone. Mrs. J. Gottschalk, 55 ,Cambria Rd. Phone 7202. -2tf APARTMENT, one bedroom, furnished, all conveniences, Ridgewood Park. Phone 8801. -4U kOLLS and dresses wanted, 40 years and older, in any condi- ticin. Box 17, Signal -Star. 7x CONSTRUCTION MEN! Winter accommodation., modern, self- contained housekeeping units. Frig and gas range. Off season rates, central location., Maple Leaf 'Motor Court, 54 Victoria St. 11. Employment Wanted EXPERIENCED farm hand', single, desires work, starting April 1. Phone JA 4-7411 or HU 2-3235. -'7 ONE- BEDR061$11 apartment, above business college, heated, unfurnished. Newly decorated, Available inimeditittly. Phene JA44450. -6tf MODERN five -room house, full' basement, oil heated,, Pari $t available March 1. Phone 7739. 11 Tenders Wanted 66 Allis-Chalmers combine, fully equipped; front -mounted 8 -ft. swather (like new); New Idea tractor manure spreader (like new); 3 -section drag harrows; Otaco rubber -tired wagon; 16 -ft. combination grain box and hay -acki-2-wheel-trailer.;....G.ehragnk mer mill with endless belt (like new); 3 -drum steel roller; 2 iron, gates; '36 -ft: Cardinal bale eleva- tor; Bush Hog rotary hay or pasture cutter; 'Woods milking machine, 2 single units; milk pails; electric grain cooker; water tank; rubber -tired wheel- barrow.; large feed trough for hay or grain; 32 -ft. extension ladder; rubber -tired buggy; 1000-1b. scales; quantity lumber and.tentest; snow fence; 200 -gal, SIDEWALKS: gas tank; quantity 4" tile; 3 On the west side of Albert -St. colony houses; 2 oil heaters; from Park St. to,St. David St, chicken shelters; egg washer On the north-east side of Mary St. froth Hmcks St. to Oxford St. On- the south side of Mary St. from. Hincks St, to Oxford St. On the 'west side of Warren St. from Britanina Rd. to Cayley St. On the east side of Widder St. from Cayley St. to Blake St. On the West, side of Keays St. from, Britannia Rd. to Raglan St., 16, Public Notice _ NOW finance your new or late model used car purthase at Bank Rates through Harold W. Shore, 38 Hamilton St. Dial 7272. -7tf MEMBERS of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Associa- tion and other interested parties are urged to attend the annual meeting of the Hospital Board which will be held on Monday, February 27, at 8 p.m., in the Board Room of the hospital, at which time we will receive the firiahcial statErnent, tlie auditeis-r report, the report of the Board and elect members to the Board of Governors and conduct other business. TENDERS will be received by the undersigped up to February 27th for redecorating the inter- ior of the auditorium at Mac - `Kay ,.Hall, including entrance hall and stage. - Preupt varnished wbodwork to be M -varnished one cot. Two coats of paint on walls and tell- ing. Colors to be selected,, by the committee. The contractor to repair all breaks in walls and ceiling before commencing work. • 'State trade mine and grade of OM you propose to use, also•t'date -when work can be co pleted. rther particulafs may be obtained from Councillor Mrs. Y. May Mootiey. Lowest of any tender not neceSsarily accepted. • ...S. H. Blake, • Town Clerk. -7 C. Briefs Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil 'Co. products. Phone JA 4-8386. -39t1 For ChAmpion fuel oil or Hudson Sterling coal — call Overholt goal Company, JA 7421. Prompt delivery assured. -44tf Steam lath, 118 Anglesea St., phone 8281 or 7617. W. Chas. Breckow, Masseur, 5-8x STORE WIDE CLEARANCE IN RUBBER FOOTWEAR — 1:1,PECIAL melts_ Libber boets„ regularly $7.50, now $3.95—wo- men's overshoes, reg. $5.95, now $3.95—children's goloshes, 99c and $1.98. AHL'S SHOE SHOP, 56 East St. Telephone JA 4-8193. -6-7-8 D. In Memoriam JEFFERY.—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. John Jeffery, who passed away February 18, 1959.. Sweet memories, will linger for- ever, Time'Cannot change them, it's - true; -- Years that may come cannot sever •' • • Our loving remembrance of —Ever remembered by band and family. E. Georgene Ellis, Association President. Auleen Ciirry, Secretary -Treasurer. -7-8 Vv. NOTICE TO HOLD COURT OF REVISION RE LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS TAKE NOTICE that a• Court of Revision will be helden.the 3rd day of March, 1961, at -7.00 p.m. for the hearing of complaints against the proposed assess- ments or the accuracy of front- age measurements arid- any other complaint which persons interested may desire to make and which is by law cognizable by. the Cotirt, at the Huron County Council Chambers, sec- ond flpor, in the Court House, Goderich. Local Improvements have been completed on the fdlloWing streets: and other poultry equipment. HAY AND GRAIN -Quantity mixed baled fay; 800 bushels mixed groin. FARM—At the same place, 3 n.m., the farm .will be offered for sale. Consisting of 100 acres good clay loam land, all work- able, L-shaped -barn, house with all modern conveniences, on County Road. Immediate-Vpos- session. One of better farms in Hay Township, 'also in bean area. 10% Down, balance 30 days, sold subject to reserve bid. CHAITELS—C, ash. Gordon Coleman, Proprietor, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, George Powell, Clerk. wissior...s.amigamiwamrao • 14. Services Available FOR piano tuning- and repairs musical instriinientt dr acces- , sories, eontact Boss IV101/1, VC/Ingham, phone 13644. 7-8x The Evening 'Auxiliary of mot rotofturchwia in the church Pad& at 8 P.m., - Tuesday, February 21. -7 The Local gssociation Girl Guides and,Brownies will hold a Rummage Sale on February 25th at 1.30 p.m. in the Cornish Elec- tric Store. -7-8 PERSONALS Among the former students of the Goderich District Collegiate Institute who were home to at- tend the school's At -Horne on Friday night were Jo Parsons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Parsons, from Alma College, St. Thomas; Pat Prevett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Prevett, from the University of Western Ontario, London; Carol Allin, of Kitchener, danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allin; Susan Sale, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs, E. F. Sale, from Havergal College, Toronto; Jim Blake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake,. from the - University of Toronto; John Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris, from Waterloo Univers- ity. REGISTRATION KINDERGARTEN - CLASS • 11011111.1 CHILDREN WHO ARE 5 ,YEARS OLD BY DECEMBER 31, 1961 IF APPLICATION FORMS ARE NOT RECEIVED BY FEBRVAItY 21st — CALL, - VICTORIA SCHOOL JA 4-8722 C .7-8 •BELL LINES by W. VV,.. ,H.aysom 'our2--telepho manager, E. Cards of Thanks HILL.—Mrs. Hugh Hill wishes to thank all the friends and relatives who remembered her while a patient in the. hos- pital here and in London, who sent flowers, cards, and so forth: Special thanks to Dr. J. W. Wallace, Dr. N. C. Jack- son and to Professor Mc- Lachlin. -7 JAMES.—I wish to thank my many friends fof visits,_ flow- ers, and cards received while I was a -patient in the hospital. Special thanks to Rev. G. L. Royal, Dr. J., W.. Wallace,- D. J. R. Leitch, Dr. N. C. Jackson, the nurses and staff of the hospital. - Mrs. George Jamea. -7 . ; ROACH.—I wish to thank all my neighbors and friends who re- membered me ,while I was in the hospital. All the flowers, cards and visits were 'appreci- ated. Special thanks to Dr: G. F. Mills and the hospital staff. Mrs. Burt Roach. -7 WILSON.—I wish to thank all kind relatives and friends who sent letters, cards, flow- ers and fruit and thdse who visited me while I was a pat- ient in hospital. Special thanks to Dr. G. F. Mills, the nur§ss and staff. John Wilson. 7x SEWERS: On Jones St. from Hincks St. to Oxford St. On Gibbons St, from Bennett St. to the South TrunkSewer. CURBS: On the north side Of Elgin Ave. from Waterloo St. to South SL On the South side of Lighthouse St. Gfrom Wellington St. to W400).0 St. - Goderich, ,Ontario. rebruary' 16th, 1061. S. 11. Make, •Town Clerk. -7 SHARP T001.6 VIC. are pleas- alit to use!. SOW,. Wend and Mrs.11*W. Hughes, Nancy and elettrie; SkateS, 'cutlery; C. II. John were in Toronto at the Homar, Huron EkLoPposite week -end where they attended Undercoating Shotp.., •-ltf the Digelow-Atkey'Vedding. , • THE GODERICH WOMEN'S'IN- STITUTE, sponsors of the muscular dystrophy campaign, wish to thank -all .orgoniza- tions, business places, unions and Goderich people, Jack Cory and 2nd Group Cubs, J. Ladd and 4th Goderich Scouts, Mel Bell, and 3rd Goderich Scouts, E. Breckenridge Hard- ware, Mayor n. Fisher and Town Council for their co- operation, Goderich Signal - Star for their publicity. '-7 F. Engagements. ' ,MISS 'WANDA WILSON FINDS THE PRINCESS ADDS PLEASURE TO PHONING More and mote people around town are talking about our new Princess telephone. Many customers (in Goderich have already had one installed and from all reports a lot- -of others have expressed considerable in- terest. What do they like most about this lovely new telephone? Well, this what folks are saying: "It has such a nice light feeling when you pick it up." . . . "I like it graclial styling — that low, modern look." . . . "It's color.' ! . ."I like the way it glows with a soft light, and then lights up for easy dialing at night whenever 'You lift the receiver." It really enhances the room. These are people who know all about the new Princess. What about you? Have you looked at the display of Princess phones in our office at 53 West Street? If not, it's something you should see. Next time you're down this way be sure to drop in. You may prefer to call us at JA 4-8301 and find out more about the new phone, or ask Our man in the green truck. • The smallest telephone directory in our territory covers listings of more' than 1,500 telephone customers ,,from Baffin Island, near the Arctic Circle, to the bushlands of Northern Quebec and Labrador. Among the customers are some 25 Eskimo fam- ilies in the Frobisher Bay settlement with Other Eskimos at Goose Bay. Eskimos have proven to be great users of. the telephone. 'As a result, the Bell, in collaboration with the Department of Northern Affairs, com- piled a list of Eskimo families us- ing the telephone service and had it translated into Esk- Imo script. This list, together with a sheet' of instruc- tions, also written in Eskimo, which outlines the proper use of the telephone was delivered fa the storthern nat- ives. This has turned out to be a popular item with our Eskimo friends. A year ago our company initiated° the first fling distance telephone service to the growing nor- thern outpost of Probisher Bay, linking this tiny com- munity With the outside worldl No longer does our great wasteland of the North seem so distant as the saying, goes, 'f -It's no. further away than the near- est rrt ehl iesp hwoeneek. '-'6,nd welcomes Crediton to the list of dial exchanges in operation in the Company. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoy wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Beverley Carol, to Mr. Paul Michael Webb, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Webb. The wedding will take placeii Saturday, Match 11, 1961, at 2 p.m. in Victoria Street United Church, Goderich. —7 • -