HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-4-23, Page 6DR. W. IL GRAH 1 \1
198 King SLtveet West,
Toronto. .Ont,,
attention to STUN DISEASES, as Pimples, Uleore,eta.
PRIVATE DISEASES-andDiseases of a Prieate
Nature, as Impotency, Sterility, tiarieocele, Nervous De-
bility. ete.. (the result of youthful folly and excess,) uleet
and Stricture of long standing.
DISEASES O1' WOMEN --Painful, Protege or Seto
}tressed Menstruation. Ulceration, Leaeorr1 t a, and, al
°Mee flours -0 a.m. to 5 p.m, Displacements of the Womb,
Sundays," e•m. to Fan.
Exeter .Butcher Shop
Becher a General 1E paler
---111 2LI. KI311/8 F.•^-•••
at EATs
•nstcmerssuriplied TUESDAYS. THURS
Ai:ti axe SAT1JBDAYS at thea :esiden
can: r,•nrDedattu " .l'neetw r,�,
♦ 1 + h••w.. of
rF t
Dud b ,.s
r IDriF to flair
t.L rx
ODD a a +,n6 -ter thy. fivo, Any
ono eon t1a71.at t bac, 4 gC1,t.
M1' A
ll'afa,r rwa-rwiiln t}s ty \ rE. at ct.
Tca,`nre1 n: n rall , rum, to rho work.
w. LL!Liston:.
001tlR i gnma•itttfut. a mat'rr(•sntatef.
ttr u,aear'.stun,,n•tidupnords,
.and now ae,r a las to rat t-rirnce tWe CDD roeDrth la the ern.
10,vmout andMuch y..11 !'Iii No e,aee to explain Wu. Fait
tnftttueti.n Miff. `l'./zrEd t•'U., At 44
rtso'a Remedy £or Catarrh is the
Test, Easiest to Use and Chea
fluid by druEllistoot seat b,7 mail. r
It T. llazeltine, warren, Fa., U S,
Typewriting .riot Light Work,
Would you believe it that the girl type-
writer whom you can see in any business
office down town requires an energy equal to
8,425 pounds to do a fair days worke But
figure the matter out for yourself.
To depress a key on a typewriting ma-
chine requires six ounces of energy. There
are usually 60 depressions aline and 25 lines
to a page ( P g
(foolscap), amounting altogether
to 1,5U0 depressions to a page. To write 15
of such pages, which is usually eousiderec1 a
fair day's work, the typewriter must depress
, the keys 32,e110 times, which multiplied by
six, the number of ounces a depression, and
this again divided by 10, the number of
ounces a pound, will give the astonishing
result of 8,4e5 pounds of energy expended.
This really sloes not amount to much as
compared red tother labour,
yet the result
the marvellous enough
to cause L 1 e et es of
many a fair typewriter to open wide with
wonder ather
-o d' own greatness.
\r n
A Ohlouio Florist.
CI RK.F.nri:f;, W. \'a., April ..- " Rev.
Abner Vernon, who has a mama for eloping
has been arrested at Philiippi. Ile had pro-
bably broken up mare families than any
other man incite State, His last elopement
was with a Mrs. Rebels, a poor miner's
wife, who left a family behind, as did many
others of his victims, whom he induced ro
take their husbands' little savings to elope
with hien.
COOO.OR n crag 1. being made by Johntt
(initl it 'w•A..ntn rtfor us. Header.
r. n t1,3 n t maw a 1110.1a.1.01 ne can
otiy 11, ., hay h w t 1 'rte •a to
Stun day at Mt .tar!, ot.d tr
bt tra., t , 1.11D, lit of
;iia ray's 'nr c u r .4 • t i. u- ,;i,.
r Ii. Donn. i, -r 10
Al it.. IA ( .d 103 t1 RC C l,r
w ,, Kc Molt )oto, trtnfihi„g
e + 1 9A91.1 1.11 114 i,nr„rd.
• it�`0?* 1„11.0.
O., + tunitx, , ttMtt,
'Cures Burns. Cuts, Piles in their worst form,
Swellings, Erysipelas, Inflammation, Frost
y . is
]3ites. thapvarl hands and all.kin Diseases.
13 ' all dealers. 11' holcsale by F. F.Dally C Co,
Apamphlet (if information and ah -
street of the laws,shnwiag ISow to i
pbtain Patents, Caveats, Trade;
Marks, Copyrights, Seta Ave,'
` Addreee MUNN c 00,,/
".361 Broadway,
DIY"" Ii ar�
Solo Proprietor, IL
"Ilit1 IELD.:cfotteid's Drug Store, Faze ST.,
'Lt,Bu:•.T0. The only lteme.ly which will per-
,nanentlycure Gouorrham. Meet, end all private
diseases, no mat ter how lm.n:,-standing. was long
and successfully used in French end English
'itospit its. Two bottles guaranteed to Price, the
worst case. Every
22t r bottle.
nate has �f •
natuu•re o n �VI/�1, other
bel. None . Those
genuine. tried tvito have
ther remedies without avail will not be disap-
pointed in this.
Mention this paper.
SEND eti c.1guaYinseo;m lnha]
to us, and we will sent you Uy express, U.O.D.
this elegant watch which you can examine, and
if you do not find
it alt ancleven more
than we claim for
but if perfectly sat-
isfactory, pay( the
Express Agent OUR
Or $5.35 and take
the watch. Such a
chance to secure a
reliable timepiece
at such a ridicu•
lously low price is
seldom, if ever be-
fore, offered. This
is a genuine COLD
,r „ plates of SOLID
tloIpita,,u neaIt has
„iid bow, cap and
crown, hunting
case,bcautifull en-
graved and is dust -
proof. The works
are Waltham style,
richly jewelled, with expansion balance, is
regulated and we warrant it an accurate time-
keeper. '!t is suitable for either a lady or
gentleman. A guarantee is sent with each
wcdrss'CEO.W.WnTT dc. CO.;WahmaOnt.
Ap®and aslip ofpaper the
4477 i98D HS . 11 size of your finger, and
we will send you postpaid this elegant
These rings are now
worn by ladies and
gentlemen in the best
society, and have the
same appearance as a
ring costing $25.00. We
guarantee aperfect fit
and satisfaction.
Geo. W. Wyatt & Co.
Peterborough, Ont.
Tired Feeling
F elan
Is a dangerous condition directly due
to depleted or impure blood. It should
not be allowed to continue, as in its
debility the system is especially liable
to serious attacks of illness. It is re-
markable how beneficial Hood's Sarsa-
parilla is in this enervating state. Pos-
sessing just those elements which the
system needs and readily seizes, this
medicine purifies the blood, and im-
parts a feeling of strength and self-con-
fidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best
remedy for that weakness which pre-
vails at change of season, climate or life.
A Honig a Outrage.
Art .Engineer Killen.
Mary Ann Macdonald, aged 60 years, a
spinster, who died two weeks ago to West.
monster, had been in the habit forsome years
ofusinghalfa pound of teas day.
A small company invited to taste the tea
recently purchased by a London company at
853 a pound arrived at the conclusion that
it was worth the money.
Noah Morgans, of -Pontypridd, who was
struck on the head during a football match
in Llanelly on Saturday, his since died with-
out regaining consciousness.
On Sunday evening a private house in
Sutton Street, Commercial Road, London,
occupied by Mr. H. Saukhan, was destroy-
ed by fire. Harry Saukhan, aged six years,
was burned to death..
About twelve months ago tho editor of
Light, the principal spiritualistic journal
in London, received an anonymousdonation
of £1,000 for the support of his paper, The
other day another donation of the same
amount came apparently from the same
quarter, but the donor remains entirely un-
A "Gallery for British Art," or a sort of
tLuxembourg," bob '1
o to belle a -
Land i
South Kensington, opposite the museum, to
cost £$0 (C0t
thegift anonymous donor
to the British Government. Ile has since
been revealed.in the person of a prominent
sugar refiner, air, henry Tate.
The return ot sunny weather has caused a
general exodus from Monte Carlo, with the
result that high play and the interest of
visitors have ceased. The visitor from .Lon-
don has had another stroke of luck by win-
; ningg t2000, and bought a railway ticket
1 -with the intention of leaving the place,
A fortunate farm labourer in Kent has
1 developed some skill in the difficult business
of catching stoats alive. He is paid 7s 6d
for each one by an Australian agent acting
for the Government of New South %Peres,
whererabbitsaree si h damage,
F u a,g mu
and stnats are in demand for thinning air
1 the bunnies,
A labourer named Joseph Peach was on
Monday morning cbarged before the Peter-
y borough magistrates with attemptingto
lmttr(ier his wife. It was staged that, during
a domes tie trawl, he snatched a red fret iron.
i bar trout the fire, and ran it into Iter throat.
i The woman lies in a precarious coud tion at
the hospital. The prisoner was remanded.
Major Le Caron, of Parnell Commission
fame, is dangerously ill. Tiro Major has
elided ii! London since the close of the
<'euunission. The Fenian element have not
iolested hint iu any way, but not a little of
is immunity is perhaps to bo ascribed to
ne unusual precautions wlsoh he has taken.
At Belfast en Satan -day William Larmour,
Wel proprietor, was sentenced to five years'
penal servitude for attempting to set fire to
the Imperial Hotel, Carrickfergus, with in-
tent to injure a number of persons sleeping
upon the premises last August.
" I believe it is to the use of Hood's
Sarsaparilla that I owe my present
health. In the spring, I got so com-
pletely run down I could not eat or
sleep, and all the dreaded diseases of
life seemed to have a mortgage on my
system. I was obliged to abandon my
work, and after seeking medical treat-
ment and spending over $go far different
preparations, I found myself no better.
Then my wife persuaded me to try a
bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Before
the first bottle was gone I began to
amend. I hare now used two bottles
and have gained 22 pounds. Can cat
anything without it hurting me; my
dyspepsia and biliousness have gone.
I never felt better in my life." W. V.
EULows, Lincoln, 111.
Makes the
Weak Strong
" Early last spring I was very much
run down, had nervous headache, felt
miserable and all that. I was very
much benefited by Hood's Sarsaparilla
and recommend it." MRS. J. M. TAY-
LOR, 1119 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O.
" I was very much run down in health,
had no strength and no inclination to
do anything. I 'have been taldng
Hood's Sarsaparilla and that tired feel-
ing has left me, my appetite has re-
turned, I am like a new man." CHAUN-
CEY, LATHAn;, North Columbus, Ohio.
Fern's Lofty Treasure Houses and Their
Relation. to the Future.
In one of the most remote regions of Peru,
far up in the Sierra, accessible only by ma -
row and broken roads, are situated the fam-
ous provinces of Carabaya and Sandia, known
by the former name only until 1875. The re-
gion has attracted attention from the earliest
period in which Peru was explored, and is
now claiming renewed interest because, in
spite of the wealth it has already yielded to
the patient delvers in the earth, it is hoped
that there yet lie awaiting the touch of the
present generation further and possibly even
vaster stores of precious metal.
The city of Sandia is situated in a pictur-
esque canon at an elevation of 7,250 feet. It
ha't a population of about 700 within town
limits, and of 7,000 including dependent
pueblos in the neighborhood, all controlled
by the Govornor of Satdite T4 reavltSande,
one must travel for two days by sea, south
from Callao, the seaport of Lima, thence
eastward by a railroad journey of 400 miles,
and after that twenty-eight leagues must he
sww• ‘‘‘,\\e‘N. , \:1.`V\eke‘ \\\\���b`o.\��\`�����.�\\\\���\\1\��1��\"" ,iffy o
tor: Infants and Children.
• "Casteriaissowelladaptedt404ldrenthat Caatoria cures Collo, Constipation,
Irecommend itassuperior toany prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, leructation.
kaowa tome." 11.4. atwaceme ee D„ KilisWI=
Wenn; " dives deep, and promotes di
111 So. O;[drd 8tB, o
., oklyn.
, 2 . . without injurious medication.
Tim Crsw&eg Couraxr, 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
traversed on mule -back before coming to the t o the needs of our modern civilization I
.arkham Sa s :
Mr. Clement R. lY(
vitty whether the combined efforts of advanced ,
"The roads of Sandia are bad ; in their bestappe o s e
places theyare like steep back attic stairs and owed machinery, cinr, skill in intellprospeigent
„ P improved and. intelligent labor
after an earth uake. In others there axe
q shall have their reward in success, or tivheth.
absolutely no roads, and the traveller must er the gold fields of Peru shall go down into'
make his way through bush and bramble as the coining centuries known scarcely more
best he can. The natives cover their heads- distinctly than the treasures called forth by
Aladdin's lamp or the genii of the "Ara-
bian Nights."
It would certainly scent that the outlook
further exploration arid d e
x -
and faces during these mountain journeys
with a carious helmet -like mask knitted by
the women, with skillfully shaped openings
for eyes, nostrils, and mouth, and these
doubtless o often
save them from om deatr
freezing. Several leagues further up the
canon from Sandia is found the picturesque
Indian village of CuyeeCuyo, at= elevation
of 11,310 feet. This is the residence of the
Governor of the community. A number of
outside towns are dependent on this central
one, the whole population being some 4,000,
only 10 per cent. of whom live in Cuyo-Cuyo
itself. There is good military discipline,
v o -
an t Governor d a the call of the a the Indians
leave their homes and congregate in the
village to perform. the {Wits required of
them. The eharaeter and customs of these
aborgines are quite worthy of study.
These people have from early times culti-
vated the soil in the Mee of difficulties
which might well have proved insurmount-
able. Terraces are still found throughout
the mountain provinces, running up hillsides
of more than a thousand feet of vertical
elevation, where it is often necessary to
erect stone walls ten feet high in order to
get twenty feet of level ground in which to
plant their potatoes and barley. Our corn -
mon potato is indigenous to Soutar America,
and is the great article of diet in every In-
dian household. Each man holds from the
con nruufty certain agricultutui lands, and
raises the two crops which are essential to
leis existence, namely, potatoes and coo,
The potatoes aro planted in the proper
season by each Heart, followed by his wife
and all the children who can walk. The
man turns over the ground with a spade of
remarkable construction, the handle fully
six feet long ; the women and children
follow, breaking up the lumps of earth with
crooked sticks or stone harnmem lashed to
wooden bandies, and dropping the seed.
A serious accident occurred at Union
Spring Mills, Bolton, on Monday morning.
A steam pipe burst in the enginehouso, and
the engineer (James Brooks) was found
scalded and prostrate. An oiler and greaser
escaped through a window. After several
hours' agony Brooks died,
On Monday the Rev. Bro. Carroll, Cister-
cian monk, staying at Mount St. Joseph,.
the convent of tho brotherhood at Tulle -
more, went to bathe in the lake situated in
a wood adjoining the convent. He was
seized with cramp and was drowned. The
finding of his clothes and a towel on the
bank led to the discovery of the painful oe.
currence. •
The Ulverston police on Tuesday morning
obtained information of the suicide of a wo-
man named Alice Hall, of Swartmoor, aged
37 years. On Monday night Mrs. Hall and
her baby were missed, the former having
left a note behind stating—" I am tired of
this sort of work ; you'll find me in the
beck." On a search being made the woman,
with the infant tightly clasped to her
breast, was found heating in Pennington
Sold by druggists. 51; six for Si. Prepared
only by O. L HOOD 8s CO., Lowell, Mass.
OO Doses One Dollar
le VI/
RUM; *E�n,(ev y,
Our Liverpool correspondent states that a
favourable reply to the petition to the Houle
Secretary on behalf of Arthur Edward Pen -
fold, sentenced to death at Liverpool last
week for the minder of Margaret Stewart,
whom he fatally stabbed in a cab in that city,
has been received in Liverpool. The plea of
Navin been nt forth in the eta- entre laza of the cit
Mare importance than even the potato is
the coca, which is grown in the warns valleys
of the Montana at. an elevation less than
4,000 feet. To be either contented or useful
every Indian must have an abundant supply' bacteria, Iii fact, if this sort of thing went
of his coca. The dried Ieaves, which have on for a few weeks unhindered there would
somewhat the taste of tea, aro held in the be very little room left on the earth's sur -
mouth between the gum and the lip until face for any other forms of life, and pretty
tho saliva bas extracted all the active prht- much allthe carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and
oiple of the plant, when the supply is
replenished. The effect of the coca habit is
peculiar. Its votaries become more addicted
to its use than does the most inveterate
chewer or smoker to his tobacco, and with
plenty of these leaves the Indians go uncom-
plaining from twelve to fourteen hours
without any food. The effect seems to be to
absolutely allay hunger and even to stimu-
About one-third of the year is needed fcr
procuring means of subsistence. During the
remaining months the Indian of Sandia may
be said to be a good digger. If so be that
the Govornor issues a call he must go and
work ; otherwise he is likely to be engaged
in mining on his own acconnt.
mall's Cre:tt Battery -list they ar
detained to England.
The present attitude of Italy toward the
United States adds great interest to., the
recent discussion in England on the must
160 -ton guns on war ships.
Italy has more of these giants afloat
any other power. The Duilio and D
have each four 101 -tanners, The A
c •oi'Rugg
o 'a a .tai s nr and
Francesco A
D Fr ,
pertments, and with the development of Lauren have each four of 103 tons, A
the country, and especially with improve- , Lepanteeand Italia. also have each fat
ton Funs. This makes tweutyeigh
touners, mounted and ready.
No o point in Lord Brasscy's im
paper on " The Future Policy of W.
Building, read a few days ago befo
Institution of'aval Architects, is
] to at' #a the
t 1 an re zm
striking; than t e l
guns, These monsters, he sot's, will
used in in the ships of the future.
objeetionsto them have been feu
many and too great. They aro of ver;
endurance, and, in fact, some of th
shown grave defects after a very few
They are also difficult to manufactu
very costly. The scoring or interior
is naturally greater in the larger
as the same quality of material lea a
much heavier powder charges and c
utents in roads, the twentieth century may
seta a revival of the glory of this long -ne-
glected land.
TFtelr Appearance Anil Growth.
Oursyatomatie knowledge of the bacteria
is still so meagre, act many species and doubt-
less so many famlllea of diem have never yet
come into the range of human vision, and
our glimpses of their life powers have been
so fragmentary, that as yet we can only try
to bring a little temporary order out of the
chaos ley grouping them according to their
We find, when we minter all the forms
which have as yet been seen, that they all
fall. into one of three classes : spheroidal, pressure. With the original cost o
rod-like, "or spiral. ten gun so great, every discharge v
Further subdivisions of these classes have pensive, and its life at best much le
been made, and geuerie and speeitie names that damn calibres, it has ahead
attached to many hundreds of forms; but to he popular on shipboard.
over these details we need not linger now. Agaiu Lord Brassey points out, the
How they look and what they do is here of gun is very slow in tiring, It is ale
more importance than what we call them. , long gun, and more liable on that a+
Although with the ordinary miscroscopio'I ile struck and disabled.. Then it de
Owers the bacteria look like little balls or „ hydraulic loading gear, which may
straight or spirital rods, we find. when we' aged by hostile shot, so that the b
use the most powerful and perfect lenses, •• self will then hecomoutterly useless
that they consist of a minute mass of gran- 4• Finally there is no need of tire,
ular protoplasm surrounded by a thin *true- • sons. Lord liraasey says the naval
timeless membrane. ties consulted by the Adutiralty h
When we put them under favorable con- eluded that the heaviest ordnance ft.
tlitiona for growth, and give titers food ships should not exceed fifty tons in
enough, they may be seen to divide acmes which b a reduction of more than
the middle, each portion soon becominglarg- from the monsters of the Benbow,
or and again dividing, so that it him been Parcil, and the Victoria. Admit
calculated that a single germ, if kept under now places the limit of maximum n
favorableconditions, right atthe end of two thirty tons, and Lord Brassey also
days haveaddcd to the number of the world's that since such a gun can penetrate
living beings 251,500,000,000 new individual one inches of armor at 1,000 yards, i
ficient for all practical purposes.
trio size of the heaviest guns will all
feetive auxiliary battery ot rapid -fir
which pour a hail o
towers and into open
nitrogen which is available fwtr life purposes i a big gun before it g
in the world would be used up. There would George Hamilton, thi
be a corner in life atutf,and even the master, miralty, recently def
roan, would be forced to the wall, and be- declaring even that
coma the victim of his insatiable fellow- down and bent on the
worider, the laulterium. But, as it happens,
this sort of thing does not go on ; the food
grows scanty ; or the temperature becomes
unfavorable ; or the sun shines hot—and
the sun is a sore enemy of your growing
bacterium; or, as it grows and feeds, the
germ gives alf various chemical substances
which often soon poison itself, or its fellows,
or both together. So the proportion is pre-
served by such a fine balance of the natural
forces that, prolifieas they inc. the bacteria
in the long -run aro held closely ,vithin
bounds the world over.
From the days of thelncasuntil the pre-
sent gold has beeu produced in Peru to a
very large extent, although it is as a silver -
mining region that this county is most com-
monly known. During the period of the
Spanish conquest in 1532, Atahualps, the
last of the Incas, was seized by order of
Pizarro and loaded with chains. To secure
his release the Incas offered to fill with gold
as high as he could reach, a room twenty-
two by seventeen feet.
At about the same time report states that
there was in Cuzco a gold chain long enough
insanity g p p to encircle thei
tion on behalf of Penfold, it is probable that Sandia bears unmistakable evidence of the
in the course of a day or two his committal industry of the Incas. Such roads as the
to an asylum during her Majesty's pleasure district can boast are of Indian origin, and
will be promulgated. just on the borders of the gold field there
are many circular stone huts stili in perfect
preservation formerly inhabited by that
strange aboriginal race. •
In the Department of Apurimac, where
the chacupa or turf is used in the bottoms of
ars or este - ego this is
The spire of St Helen's Church, Ryde,
Isle of wight, which was built at the begin-
ning of the last century, was shortly after
:ompletiou struck by lightning, and it
vas believed that a large bell was broken
t the sante time. This week Churchwarden
:alloway went into the belfry, and out of
arriosity examined the bell. Instead of a
rack he found that a piece of wood which
Fad beenbroken from the wbeelwas pressing
gainst the bell, and stopped the vibration.
On removing this, the bell after being
mftlued for 170 years,rang out in way
which astonished the inhabitants. .
At Southwark Police Court, London, on
Tuesday, two Italians, named Lorenzi Mor-
eno and Domenico Morretti, together with
two women, stated to be their wives, were
charged with obtaining £300 by false pre-
tences from a clergymanresidingat Windsor.
The prisoners saw the prosecutor respecting
the guardianship of a child, and induced
him to place the money in a box of which
Moreno had the key, as evidence of his
bona -fides. On the box being opened it con-
tained only waste paper.
">s tit2. E MAN. AN rr.tr. for iescrt mire catalogue
containing testimonials front ttuudretls or popple who
Imo solved trout 4 to 14 cords dull 25,000 nuw success.
f-lly used. Acouev ren be hat where there is a
vacancy. A IIEW ttiYi\TlON fn • t1, g'saws sent Poe
with each murmur; by the use of tui t t_o1 everybody
cal 018 their own sane now and du iebetter then the
greatest expert can without it. AJ«pted to all
cross -cut sawn. Every one who°Woe a saw shon!d
bate one. No duty in pay we manufacture 1n: afadn. - Abt
OIITNE OU , 80 a write� 1 .11.411.03S43
�(liu ui St., AChiccago,, A 7
Nervous De-
bility, Seminal Losses and Prmature Decay,
promptly and permanently cured by
Does not interfere with diet or usual occupation
and fully restores lost vigor and iusu respe'•fect
manhood. Price. $1 per boa.
SoleProp:ietor, H. SCHOFIEL'D, Scho•
field's Drug Store,' Ewa STREET, TORONTO,
Mention this paper.
The German colliery -owner thinks that
the day is coming when the old proverb
about r` carrying coals to Newcastle " will
have become obsolete, and Germany will
actually send coal to English markets. This
srophecy is based partly on the working out
f England's best seams; but more partieu-
arly upon the enormous improvement in
.ransport through the great net -work of
rater ways in Germany which will be finish -
d about ten fifteen years hence. The
thine -Eine Canal, which will be opened in
about four or five years, is to connect the
RhenisheWestphalian coal andiron industry
with tate German North Sea ports, from
whence itisP to be exported d
and Placed on
the English markets at cheaper rates than
the home production. The Oder -Spree
Canal already in existence is to be widened,
so as to enable larger barges, such as ,will be
used on the Rhine -Ems Canal, to be employ-
ed,. and, along this waterway the Silesian
coal will be brought to Berlin, and again,
through the Spree and 'Havel to the whole
Elbe district and the North Sea.
the can f h' th ld
always dried before the gold is washed from
it, the purpose being, according to the stale -
anent of the Indians, to ripen the gold.
Modern scientists who claim that gold has
power to germinate and increase in the
bowels of the earth would appear not to
have advanced beyond the conceptions of
the aborigines.
The common superstition regarding Friday
as an unlucky day exists in Pero, as else-
where, but still more is Tuesday regarded as
a day of evil omen, and no expedition will be
started on that day.
The present and future outlook for gold
mining in Peru is a subject requiring much
consideration. There is no doubt that gold
is very generally disseminated throughout
Sandia, t of only in the high gravel banks
already mentioned in this article, bathe pay
streaks on or neer the bed rock in the river
beds and in gaerie veins. It is distributed
from the limit oferpetual snow down to
the banks of the Huari-Huari at 3,000 feet
above the sea,
Like their prototypes of old, there came
a time when these unpaid hordes of labor-
ers rose ctgaiust their masters.' Long after
the Spanish had exterminated the nobility
of the Incas, the lower class ''Of Indians as-
serted themselves and drove the European
conqueror from his goldfields. The last rising
of this kind was in 1884, when the Spaniards
were judged and executed in Pliara. This
well nigh put a stop to mining by the whites
until 1849, when the world had become.
aroused by the wonderful discoveries of gold
about the same time,men
in California. At
or Peruvian bark
searching for cascarilla, Pe ,
discovered rich gold washings in and near
Challuma, the result being that some, very
rich nuggets and a large ' quanity of gold
were taken out.. •
And now it remains for modern engineers
to decide and to ptove whether there yet re-
main concealed in these hills and streams
still greater stores of wealth to contribute
A very signit'atut movement is just now
goingoninDakotn. Thedespatchesannounce
that carloads of emigrants are almost daily
leaving for the Canadian North-west, and
that the special agents of our Government
and railways, who are over there promoting
the exodus, are meeting- with rough treat-
ment at the hands of merchants and land
agents. The movement must be assuming
large proportions, since it is announced that
the Governor has left his comfortable quar-
ters to undertake a lecturing tour through
But he will scarcely succeed. The movement
has its foundatiw,rn in the fact that the con-
ditions of lifeinManitobaandtheNorth-west
are superior to those which surround the
settler in southern Dakota. The land is
better, the climate is more congenial and
taxation is very much lower.
ly safe; and bealso con
Iie landing gear, tot t
draulic power has no
pact, and cats be easily p
pared the prejudice in f
management of guns to that i
tainiug sail power on war s tips to
had superseded it. But Lord Brass
that rlo gun too ponderous to be wo
manual power should be mounted o
In the discussion which followed
ing of Lord Brassey'spaper, Admiral
said that the navy would support th
of smaller guns, and that in hnilding
110 tons they had gone too far ; wh
mini Hopkins, Controller of the Na
mitted that the difficulty about monst
was their limited endurance, andadd
"they had all made up their minds t
with Admiral Colomb as to the 110-
being too large." The gun, he sa
been a disappointing onefront the fir
We may therefore conclude that t
of monster guns is over in the Britisl
Indeed, the British appear now to be
ing to the other extreme in their diss
he state—the object of this extraordinary tion with monster guns. In propos
ffort being to counteract as far as possible limit the maximum to fifty tons, the
e propagandism of the Canadikn agents. down to the 12 -inch calibre, or a
above it, and Admiral Scott would evei
down to 10-inoh. This leaves out th
inch guns of sixty-seven ton carried b
Trafalgar and the Nile, as well as by tl
son, Camperdown, and others. The
will keep on presumably to the 16
since many of the naval objections t
calibre do not apply to its use in forts
the limit of the work of the navy, so i
maximum calibre is concerned, seems
already in sight.
J. C. Davis, Rector of St. James'
Episcopal Church, Eufaula, Ala.:
"t My son has been badly afflicted
witha fearful and threatening cough
for several months, and after trying
several prescriptions from physicians
which failed to relieve him, he has
been perfectly restored by the use of
two bottles of Bo -
An Episcopal schee's German Syr-
up. ^ I can recom
Rector. mend it w i t h o u t
hesitation." Chronic
severe, deep-seated coughs like this
are as severe tests as a remedy can
be subjected to. It is for these long-
standing cases that Boschee's Ger-
man Syrup is made a specialty.
Many others afflicted as this lad
was, will do well to make a note of
J. F. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn.,
writes: I always use German Syrup
for a Cold on the Lungs. I have
never found an.equal to it—far less
a superior, o'
G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,N J.
In a discourse which he preached
George s church, New`York, on
Friday, the Rev, Washington Gladd
well-known Congregational minister,
the follow ing striking picture of the pol
corruption of the United Stat
ancient times thieving baron
hands full of blood and plan
times sainted because they
to monasteries. The mode_ r
!. has the trunk lute fox a
ILegislatures for tools, is'
generous and pious if h
1 churches and colleges.
reek with bribery, and of
i times 'under the contr
Nearly every State Legislat
City hall, is an Augean sta
be cleansed without Herm.
Some of our American conte
calling fot the particulars on,
1 charges are based. They mig
their own files.
The case of Baron Fava is the firs
in the history of the :United State
`recall of a foreign Minister to that co
by his Government as a mark of displeae}u,
In several cases, however, the United Stat
has demanded the recall of Ministers. T
first is that of M. Genet, the French Minis
ter, who in 1703 was asked to : withdra
because he sought to destroy the uetttralit
of the United States with regard to the ne
the British
In 1812 h
French republic. ublicMinis
ter was given his transports, and in 1871 th
I Russian Minister, Catacazy, was requeste
to leave the country. The most recent cas
is that of Lord Sackville -West.
ITwelve hundred brickmakers went of
strike against a reduction of wages on Mon
dap at Trenton, NJ,