HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-02-09, Page 2rich Signal -Star„ Thursday, February 9th, 1961
—0— The County Town Newspaper of Huron
11,s 113tk year of publication
Published 46 •
Signal -Star Publishing Limited
GEO. L. ELLIS, Editor ano Publisher,
Circulation --over 3,400
While attending the last meeting. of remuneration and in the process has been
ender/eh Town Council we nOticed the i.tbject'to criticism, warranted and Other -
:Multiplicity 'of. municipal duties which wise, most often otherwise.
• tE.Lets the. councillorg during the coming ye's been accorded sOme honor, yes.
'year. We conld uot help but observe the N''b doubt he's derived some satisfaction,
tOnseientiousness with which these town too, from hi's efforts. But he gets pr4-
tOnneillors deal with their individual re-. ious little else unless, of course, he's rend-
'Tirponsibilities. We wondered. if there was ered such outstanding' service the munici-
loot some way in. which a tangible and en- pality has named„Scalle project or building
during record 'of their. service ,to their after him which is a rare honor.
-follow citizens could be shown apart .fr'em We suggest that a simple little token
any cash payments they receive. of appreciation — a certificate of service
(By Rev. II. ,eevtakenr...Aterough
The Saltford Connnunity Club
held a euchre and 44500" party
at the TownshiP Hall in Carlow
011 Saturday aigbt• Prize win-
ners were as follows: ladies'
high, Mrs. Aaron Fisher; gent's
high, John Clark; ladies' low,
Mrs. Jim Blake; gent's low, Arn-
old .Fisher.
fatililY, of Dungannon,, visited
over -the week -end ---with Mr. aii-d
Mrs. Harold Adams and faMily
and Mr. Harbourne Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoy,
Junior, and sons,' Ronnie and
Garry, were week -end' visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Clacence
senior, and family. -
Mrs. Dave Martin has return-
ed to her home 'after an ab-
sence of three weeks. Mrs.
Martin's brother, Mr. Thomas
Young, has returned to Gode:
town Agricultural School, was
home for the week -end: .
Visitors on tlie week -end with
Mr.' and Mrs. Mel Dickson and
family were Rev. and -Mrs. .
Taylor, of Goderieh, and wee
*bode Dickson, of -SLM.11.111,,
#4,,elassified ad in the Signal -
Star brings quick results.
Three Ways'
To Improve Your Home
In Ithiden-for some Wile. -41
1.k.9.k.-„Or,..,14,9,,,of N,N,,tom•- .Moses1 PORT ALBERT, Feb. 6.—Mr. are ,pleased to report . he is
life or death. I Mr. Art ..Dickson, of Ridge -
Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Chri4
the Apostles, all called' Upon
men . to choose; and ' that will
ever . the high duty and re.
sponsi 'ility of the preacher.
Betm ,,ti Baal and Jehovah, be-
tween the flesh and the spirit,
between the world and Christ,
the choice must be made.
Sometimes• I wonder how
great the number is of those
who were . near to the great
choice of decision, but never
made it. •When the spirit .of
conviction stirred their con-
science, and, all was ready, save
the act of their will and choice,
They sent that blessed spirit
away, saying "When I have a
more convenient season, .I will
call for thee."
Where can you show me pat
when Joshua called upen the
people' to choose whom they
would serve, and Elijah called
npon the people to choose be-
tween Baal and God, a,nd,Moses
called upon them to choose life
rather than death-, or the Chris-
tian„prophets and apostles in
P.SALEntrIgAlig,Ap.4.tO,Men, and
Christ and Eternal Life, ever
said, Tomorrow? No; it is never
Tomorrow, but alwaYs Today.
Choose ye THIS day! If it is a
matter of life and ,death. then
the choice muSt not be delayed.
Choose todayrbecause this may
be the only day for your choice.
Alt appeals, all instructions,
all examples, 411 feelings, are in
vain unless you yourself choose.
``Thou art the man!" Therefore,
and, like the prophet of _old,, choose life, and choose it now.
-I call heaven and earth to
record thiS,day ageinst you, that
I have set before you life and
aath, blessing and cUrsing;
therefore, choose life."—Dewt.
The voice of the prophet ages
ago, and the voice of the preach-
er today, calling upon men to
choose life rather than death!
So today I fling out this„ great
text. I call heaven and earth
to record this day against you
that I have set before you life
and death, blessing and. cursing,
therefore, choose life.
The human race started on
this present course when the
two ways.' the WAS/ of life and
the way of death, the way of
obedience, and the way of in.•
'Then we noticed an editorial in The — could.serve a useful purpose in thts On= dulgence, were set before it in
the Garden of Eden. Wherever
we follow man in his history, we
between two goals and two des-
Alceter grimes-Advoeate which summed the hellion. In a sense, it's a small thing
"'''iti'attt''ttep-n.ieely-and-wi.th-witiehew•e,agceee-eahct..theAse,.*Jn,ay .who. „might not
it reads as follows: appreciate it, Yet we -I suspect that in
It's often occurred to us.that the man, the inajoLity of eases it would become .a
This is .an always discernible
or woman, who serves on municipal council, highly-pRzed momento for the recipient 'note in the teaching and in the
----40-WQ(.11:,14,WAL, or- in.:--el,eqed---posts .has little -and his family, through the years. 1. aehino of _otIr Lorli: what
•to War- for hiS'efrorts after he's retired. Tlie use bf Snell certificates" --*Pril.d 'WhaL.;.separatien.§ •
Hes done his -best to serve his fellow be an inexpensive, yet appreciated wav of what differenees-ehr,the-later-.-c,
teitizens, has put in countless hours of time expressing the community's thanks
y and- effort for which he has received no se rviee rendered. - Salvation in Christ presupposes
the fact that man is in a state
., , -,, that the cross is just an idle
out of which he needs to be
delivered. Let no one imagine
forums. Most people seem to be content gesture on .the part of God, or
tw let other people do their discussing for tchharti s ti t ownasthneot c oescse s staoryhaf No er
them, and when TV prog:riams, made avail- suffered these things. No; the
able information about many of- the sub- eross uplifts itself before man,
jects .the forums used to discuss, there
(The II,uron Expositor)
. Once an outstanding. attraction in
rural areas, Farm Forums seein to have
!run' their course. While as many as
twelVe or fifteen. forums met each week
in the 'atea covered by The ExpOsitor, now
The province -wide organization that
..eo-ordinates the activities of the forums
is 'Conducting a survey in an effort to de-
termine What has contributed to the (Twin -
It is difficult to understand why inter-
est in the forums should wane. The topic's
that the groups discussed were not 'only
interesting, but provided background in-
formation concerning day-to-day prob-
L1'.,,„way of helpful. information. and enceur-
age ;; productive discussion, they also
arose a tendency to abandon the foyums.
Someone has suggested another diffi-'
eulty. As the forums increased in number,
more and more emphasis was placed owthe
soeial gathering, the ear4s,%the lunch. In
the grocess, the discussion topic was shov-
ed into the background and to a great
extent .the main purpose. of the gather-
ing ,was• forgotten. As 'a result, people
became tired of .supporting each week
what in, praetise haebecome just another
There, is little point in attempting to
guess nature _of _the diffi_cult ies faeing
'the forums. That Will be revealed, wheb.
the investigation, 11 OW in hand, is com-
plete. Out of it, perhaps, will' come in-
formation that will make possible a revised'
-given area were encouraged to come to- program of a kind that will revitalize the
gether • at- regular intervals for. a soeial forum -activities: It is to be hoped so,
,get-together. , for the forums — properly. carried on
Perhaps television has had ,something make a major eontribution to the com-
_to. with the _lessened interest in ho .munities ite-whit,h they exist. ' *
A young 1111111 011 e TV file other
evening w as r e 1114, t in g probably with ae-
curacy, that Canada will have 0 'health.
service shortly. B "health servii,e'' is
.but .a service - that would pay for doetors,
Every party is for this. lipparently..
At point in the TV diseussion, however,
was thare any _„suggestion that somebody
Was going to have to pay for these health
-services. That presumably is a mere de-
tail that the politician§ would just as soon
the taxpayers _didn't think about until it's
too late- for thought.
It has been said that Canada, a young
.country with hopes for the futare, has a
farger and broader -welfare program than
any otlp.r country in tbis world. What
has not been said is that the cost of: this'
welfare• program in the • aggregate is a
50 Years Ago -1911
• Three Goderich citizens, W. D.
Tye, Peter MacFarlane, -and
John WhitelaW, died as the re-
sult of a wreck between Paris
and Drurribo on the Grand Trunk
Railway. The engineer, fireman
and a passenger were also .kill-
ed. Mail.Clerk JOhn May, an-
other Goderich rna-fi;- was sev-
erely injurecL
At Auburn, Andrew Millian
squith----who had rented._ _his
farm to George Sanderson. „
At the annual meeting of the
Goderich Township Rifle Associ-
ation the following officers -were
elected:- H. L. _Montgornery, cap-
tain; T. R. Rundle, secretary;
0, Ginn, lieutenant; I. Salkeld,
treasurer. H. Newcombe and T.
R. •Rundle were the holders of
the cups.
Dr. Whitely was again chosen
president of the Canadian Na-
tional Harness Horse Associa-
15 Years Ago -1946
Because •Goderich Township
is bounded on three sides by
water (including two rivers) it
was chosen foran experiment in
the pontrol of ,warble fly.
• At the atTherrie the 400
guests were welcomed by Mr.
and Mrs. A. R. Scott, Mrs. G.
E. Payne and Jim Donnelly.
Dorothy Bradley and Harold
Warren won the spotlight dance.
About $30 in cash and a small
uantity 'of cigarettes were
sto en rom the Venus restaur-
ant -when -entry-was-gained-by.
forcing a- side door.
The fire brigade was called to
the home of oCecil McBride,
Elgin avenue, when overheated
stovepipes caused a .chimneY to
smoke badly. •
10' Years Ago -1951
Mr. and Mrs. Loftus 'Welsh
were given a surprise party to
honor their golden wedding an -
'Louis Ruddy, Anburn, made an.
anniversary cake for the ec-
A .successful "ladies' night"
was held by the Junior Chamber
Add Grace `tour Norway
will modernize a wall
— Memorials
Finest Stone and Thiperienced Workmanship
Frank Mcllwain DISTRICT
JA 4-7861 or 200 Gibbons St. — JA 4-2465
Plus many other ideas for your
HOME IMPROVEMENT, -are "on our shelves.
52 The Square, Goderich JA 4-9241
9.30 to 12.30 — Admission 60c
total reyeime of -the federal government, • c arleton Worsell, son of Mr,. 4.
pl us payments from provincial and and Mrs. C. W. Worsen, and .•„a-1-04. ,commerce in the British Ex-
All Laura Secord candies are specially.
wrapped for St. Valentine's Day.
0:,11,theo.,,,uunside hpi,aphy,ci4nplg9,:4es.
From 9 p.m. to Mid.night
-;tiident at Stratford Normal change Hotel. Door prizes .were
icipal go"verninents. There -is 00 suggec'ition won 'hy Dr. Bert Such' and -Mrs:
0. School, had been elected as pre -
is safe to prediet that it will ensl- aliont that School. - . -Y won a $50 bill while Mr. and
doubro the original predictions. of those IMenabers of the G oderich In- were . the.
Mrs. Gerald "Ticker"• Moro
prlze winners in the
who, IN- in adVoeate it. tormecliate hockey team were:
Sotneone has said that•the trouhles„, in ney, Bud - Sturdy; centre, C At a card party sponsored by
lleltrium are .. due to the decline in the Carpenter; wings, It Stoddaril',•
Nv eaJth,of that country due to the discon-
tinuance of funds froin the Congo.: Would
Canadians riot if the governments at the
1 hat they couldn't' pa y the welfare bill
Every polit leal party is in part respon-
sible for the present situation, and• that
is merely another way of saying that the
Canadian people have brought, the sitnation
on themselves.
— The Printed Word
Qii:le some time ago a man wrote the
following letter in reply to an appeal for
funk from a r.well-known institution and
as it WIlA then.
Said the man : '!For tfl; following rea-
sons I am iinal?le to send you a larger che-
que. have been held np, held down,
sand -bagged, walked npon, sat ppm, flat-
tened nut, squeezea by the Jneeme 'Tax,
,. the §nper Tax, the Tobaeco Ta,x, the Beer
" Tax, tfle Spirits Tax, the ko-tor Tax, and
Py every society, organization and elub,
that the inventive 'mind of man ean think
of to extract what I may or may not have
;in. my possession, for the Red Cross, the
. Black °MSS, the Ivory Cross and the
Double Cross..
' "The Government has .governed my
business till I don't know who • runs it.
am inspeete, suspected, examined and
mauled so that I don't know who Lam,
where I am, or why T am here at all.
"All that I know is that I aM sup-
posed to he an ineAaustible supply of
money for".everY need, desire or hope of
the hnman raee, And because I Will not go
out and beg, borrow .br steal money to
give away I am cussed, discussefl„hoycott,ed,
talked to, talked about, lied to, lied about,
held up, hung up, rung up, robbed and
,darned near ruined. , ,
.** "the only reason am clinging to life
,at- all is to see what the heck is going to
happen next." •
D. McKay:, sobs, Nick Burnsidd,
1). Nairn, George Allison. Mr. D. R. Challenger won high
• !honors at bridge and Mrs. Amos
Harry Sturdy, Auburn, was in-i-A-nelrew. and Mrs. K. Stowe at
Guelph attending a young peo- "500." Mrs. John Cameron.had
ple's meeting. , the high mire' at canasta.
Eleanor Yeo, nurke-in-training
at the Royal Victoria Hospital,
Montrea4 is at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Year for a ten-day ,visit.
The sympathy Of the com-
munity is extended to Mrs.
'artahneirr YAelor o n md e a jtehw eokheorf
Miss Mary Helen Yeo, of the
Young Adult rou and Bb
charge:: assistea the ;minister,
168 THE SQUARE.. – GODERICH – JA 4-75 32
1"Itev. E. J. Roulston, at the ser -
I vice in Holmesville United
i•Church on Sunday.
I Several of the young people
'from this district were in Lon-
don on Sunday night attending
a special Young People's service
I there.
I Mr. Edward McCullough' has
been accepted on the staff of
the Royal Bank of .Canada and,,
has started work in the Clinton
feet of duct work. 175;000 to 200,000. B.T.U. Also 2 Pro.
pane or Natural Gas Space Heaiers 35,000 le 56/060 B.T.U.
There wbre approximately
farms at Juyie 1, _1960. In
Canada there was a total of
3,162,006 at the same date.
should join
a credit union ;
Ws no fun Watching bills pile up—but it can happen
to anyone. When you're a credit union member,
the problem can be whittled down fast.
A credit union "caii help you get out of debt—
and help you start saving, too1
'27 SOUTH- STREiT 47931
Right off the boat
The Volkswagens arriving in Cancida tAese days are quite a
bit difierent from earlier arrivals.
For ane thing` they've got a new engine thet delivers 10%
mOre acceleration and passing power. And a new heavy-dutY
transmitsion (that will stand up to almost any abuse), with new
gear ratios selected to deliver every ounce of the extra
engirip power to the Ovine wheels. (You get bettez_per-
The first gear is synchronized. Now you can slip into first
on the move, just as easily as you engage the other three.
There have been many other improvements too. Among the
mostt,recent; a better heater, and fully adjustable seats.
yi;Ye're constantly seeking ways. to make the Volkswagen
mote efficient. And when we find them, we build them in. So
f4 we haven't dicovered how we can improve the basic
design of our vehidles. That's why.the latest arrivals look just
like the ones that came over last year, the yegr before, and
the yeat before that.
Try as we might, we can't upset the.logic of putting the
driver up front and the engine at the rear. It provides better
traCtion in mud and snow, and the load rides cradled between
the wheels.
, look at the vans. Big, double side doors, and q rear door
make them easier to load than any yae ever built. •
Volkswagens still deliver the goods for, less. Less loacling
and unloading 'time. And less runningi,cost. Your dealer has
the facts to prove it„
Come and drive one of the new Volkswagens this Week:
These are your nearest Volkswagen dealers. They are part of a networkpf 331 efficient VW service tennis right across Canada.
'aircraft of Taus -Canada Air Lutes planned turbine fleet on the ramp,at Montreal Intern
BOX 486, 39 ST. ANDREW'S
PHONE JA 4-8261
- Trade between* nation's is a
two-way street. West Ger-
many is -one of Canada's best
customers. And every Volks-
wagen sold in this country
helps Canada to sell Germe/nr -
more Canadian goods.