HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-02-02, Page 5kx- 'SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING Goderich Community Credit Union Itsgthvidend-Rate'• to 41/4 The,„ Gadera:eh .. , Community :por~ deon/mit-tee-114d,th a1hd ., ���n' �adari�e cr dit i, , .hr+ iii ;its-:. seventh peeodicafl e'xamined tlte^ boor �s ,aiz h l d committees due to officers • t rou hos annualt the e meetingg year a d fo n n d at MacKay Y .term u s x` II a grin '" .1 we a, erring were filled as on Monday evening with; _th the Credit Union's affairs' to be follows: Board of Directors -II chairman, Mr. R. K. Al1fn,' pre -toned that the Credit Union and Andre Deslauriers; Credit examine om The treasurer°manager, Ste- by the Ontario r Credit Union g wi a in good order. He also men- Stewart, S. Hills, H. Chambers, l P siding had been thoroughly d Committee -G. Hamilton; Sup- ervisory Committee -J. John - League's auditor: M ston. a The ' interest (dividend) paid At the close of the meeting on members' savings was in- creased to 412'70 on minimum monthly 'balances for 1960. phen ' Helesic reported that a total of $284,121.00 had been loaned to members during 1960. The 'biggest partof this went for automobiles, consolidation of debts, household appliances and furniture, home repairs, medical expenses, etc. The membership, which also deposit- ed a total of $98,680 for the past year, has now reached the 700th mark. During 1960, two new services were instituted in the Credit Union. These were , Texsopa Chet-int-andChristmas Savings Accounts. A member may now open a separate account on which he may write cheques to pay for certain expenses which arise from time to time such as fuel, taxes, hydro bills, etc. Quite a number of the mem- . bers had no trouble financing their Christmas shopping , last year as -they had -planned ahead and opened Christmas Savings Accounts which earned the same rate of interest as their regular Share Accounts, said Mr. Helesic. "The new. Temporary Disabil- ity Insurance, which was acquir- ed in February of last year has proven most useful as the Credit .ED Union has had reason to make use of it," Mr. Helesic said. "Should a member be off, work through sickness or accident for - three months or -morel -his loan `-payments are made . by Cuna Mutual Insurance Society, and this money does not have to be repaid by the member," he said. Mr. Andre Deslauriers, board member, in his report on the work of the Board of Directors pointed out tti•at many more residents, of Goderich and dis- trict have yet to avail them- selves of the many benefits of- h fered by Credit Union member- ship. He brought to the atten- dtion of the meeting that two f members had passed away and -that these claims head been s promptly paid by Cuna Mutual t • Insurance Society. Mr. Deslaur- h - - ,-iers-also-noted that dire_ to the__. increase of ,Credit Union busi- ness 4o --hire a full-time office clerk. The ^ Supervisory Committee Chairman, James Johnston, re- C a film entitled "You are Cover- ed" was shown, followed by refreshments. G.L.T. GETTING SET FOR "LADIES IN .RETIREMENT" Charged With Cruelty to Pigs Alvin Faulder, R.R. 2, Ailsa tWeddings McCORMICK - YOUNG Muncie, Ind. All Saints Church, Ottawa, Rev. John Duncan officiated at thCrwas the scene ene o f the- eddin g the 2.30 p.m. m. ceremony ony wCi Craig farmer,has been chargedon Satirdayn miss ,.atricl4' rAe.:.AotiermaQ,�+N.�J. i]ar_- th �"iiooroYoung grd Benjamin -Given, in -marriage byxer causing cruelty to animals- fol- Allen McCormick. Principals in father, the bride was attended l u>n .si,11u 5�1 t1]7'y, the a d �����dr�r����^_•,} f�� s pter a :Mrs g ond' enattdh o1 twomi r0 'a3 �iti�d`-SPt.A.Su (itis intop n '1'Y'taltror�r-rl�'?fdiior`.- i4iis�'�'i'6fd the con ent Goderich families - Allen Zavitz, of 'Pimento,and Mi dition of seven pigs found in a barn on an unoccupied Stephen Township farm Tuesday. Four -of -the animals were in such a condition that a veterin- arian advised destroying them, said A. E. Jennings, of Dunlop, chief inspector for the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Inspector Jennings said Faul- der will appear in magistrate's court in Exeter February 14. The order to destroy four of the pigs was carried out under provisions of the Ontario SPCA f (By Constance Pearce) ..,..„l Doxrland,.. presideat, of the Goderich Little Theatre, has announced that the box office for the February presenta- tion, "Ladies In Retirement," to be presented Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday, the ,15th, 16t 1 and 17th of February at lc acK y 1I1, is to be opened next Thurs- Act, following "an examination by Dr. R. S. Roelofson, Exeter veterinarign, the inspector Sully also has her sights aimed added. ,at the Westel';n :Qntario Drama�. ThePigs., .< l werp,.,kllo A.ra axil Festival. On the Wednesday als kelt on Me fdrrn. evening, 1'4r. William Glover, of Toronto, who has been chosen 1` -'WEN DOLL HEADS the prellminary adjudicator, will GODERICH 4-H CLUB ; be on hand to adjudicate .this The first meeting of the Gode- play, and at a later date the five rich Clever Contrivers was held plays he chooses for the region- Tuesday at the home of Mrs. al h'e5tival in'Kitchener will be Don Rieh-1 with eight --members present. -• day. For the convenience of all `nnoun-eted. We all wish Mrs. -The meeting was opened with members, the box office will be Sully every success with "Ladies the election r of officers which located in the R. W. Bell, Qp- En Retirement," but no matter resulted as follows: President, tometrist office, 74 the Square the outcome she is to be con- Gwen Doll; vice-president, Pat and will function .during the Mcllwain; secretary, Sharon hours of 10-4. All members are reminded that their membership tickets should be presented here to choose •from the reserved seat, plans for each of the three evening performances. r: We sat in on a rehearsal this past week, and it is evident that Gail_ Sully, 'the director, has a play and cast ,that are sure to please. We are reluct ant to divulge the story of this play, . but- it moves with in trigue and suspense through a sinister plot unfolding in a dra- matic climax. The setting is England in the summer of 1885 on a country estate on the iver Thames. In, order to focus he action, Mrs. Sully has had er ,set designed to represent hree rooms in one, employing ifferent levels and angled flats or this purpose. Her set de- igners have developed an at- ractive setting, both in color nd dimension. Properties, too, ave -been- seleeted -for authenti- city and ' costumes have been made from the patterns of 'th times. Much of this extensive plan- ing is for the pleasure of the oderich members, but Mrs. • gratulated on having the desire to help mo}}cce .our theatre for- ward in se ch of new laurels. The experii{ne and the critic- ism received will benefit not only. the- actor -6,$ but all those taking back -stage roles as well, and whether complimentary or adverse, all thespians are bound to. -gain self confidence and polish for future performances. And to be sure that we will all enjoy the performances of Shir- ley Cummings, Virginia Lodge,, Wanda MacDonald, Mary Lyne Leonard, Helen Myers, Win Winters and Jack Marriott in "Ladies In Retirement" later this month, pick up your re- served seats as soon as possible at the -address given above. Stewart; press reporter, Sharron B aechler. The leaders, Mrs. Don Riehl and Mrs. Don Diehl discussed the selection of material con- sidering suitability to occasion and style, color, quality and cost; also the selection of line, good ,,posture -b and measure- ments. Demonstrations on measure- ment�-were condi"meted by Gwen Doll and Pat Mcllwain and on color and lines by Sharon Stew- art. 'The next meeting is to be held ori February 7th at Mrs. Don Diehl's home. Signal -Star Want Ads Bring, Fast Results 1 WANTED ' RESTAURANT WA1'1'1tESSES FOR .THE - CL B -.•-GID. Ask for H. A. Mullins Call In Person or Telephone JA 4-8168 SAMIS MOTORS FEBRUARYiNVENTORy SALE a. i TheSe� �i�� tioneit- an Complete) Reliabk 'Cars • at a LOW, LOW PRICE Terms- of your choke -- - Up to 24 Months to Pay - - Call ,SAMIS MOTORS JA 4-931 AND HAVE A SALESMAN ARRANGE A TEST DRIVE IN THE CAR OF YOUR CHOfCE. 1954 BUICK Special 4 Door Sedan, Two Tone Green. Complete with automatic, radio. Fully Reconditioned, with warr- anty. WAS 895.00 _ ..... -- Now 675.00 1954 BUICK Special 4 Door Sedan, Two Tone Red and White. Standard shift, radio, Fully Reconditioned, with warranty. WAS 850.00 Now 650.00 1954 BUICK Special 2 Door, Two Tone Green and White. Standard shift, neWly painted, good tires, a cheap car. WAS 795.00 .-7 Now 600.00' 1954 BUICK Special 4 Door Sedan, Maroon, aufomatic, radio. Needs paint and some body work. ' - - As s 395,.00 1954 PONTIAC Chieftan 6 cylinder, 2 Door. A sharp, one owner, Blue beauty. Radio, automatic, 6 wheels and tires, Guaranteed. - WAS 825.00 �y- Now 650.00 1954 PLYMOUTH Savoy 4 Door Sedan, automatic six. Two Tone Grey and White. A real clean car. WAS 750.00 - Now "595.00' 1954 PLYMOUTH Savoy 4 Door, Two Tone Blue and White. This is la car with plenty of miles left. WAS 650.00 o-- Novi; 475.00 195'4 METEOR V8 4 Door Sedan, Two Tone Brown and Beige. SEE THIS ONE For one week Only 400.00 Sale Continues One Week Only From Thursday, "February 2 to' Saturday, 'February 11 •Your old car - - or no down payment - - arranged at our office. TERMS UP TO 24 MONTHS if you require it, SAMIS MOTORS `87 KINGSTON STREET JA 4-9233. and Garrow. The mother of the Patricia Kennedy, of Algoma groom is the former Olive Allen, Mills, were bridesmaids. Archie younger daughter of Mrs. Ben McCormick was his brother's Alien, of Goderich. The mother best man and ushers were Rob - of the bride is the former Helen ert " Kersey, of Muncie, Ben- Garrow, second daughter of the .Jamin Trow, of Stratford, and late Justice J. T. Garrow and John Harper, of New York. Mrs. Garrow, of Goderich: The For- her wedding the bride bride is the ' daughter of.Mr: chose a model gown of silk or -1 and Mrs. Austin Young and the i;anza over layers of net and groom' is the son of Mr. and taffeta. Appliques of taffeta out - Mrs. Cassius McCormick, of lined the neckline, sleeves and ST. GEORGE'S - CHURCH Feb. 5th-Sexagesima 8.30 a;mr�_ #; Ady Communion. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon. (Junior Congregation and Nursery.) 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Archdeacon Jones in charge of both services. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, -M.A., DIY., Rector, -Mr. J: F. Stephe is, M.A., B. Ed., -Organist$ and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church 10 a.m. -SUNDAY SCHOOL, 11 a.m. A1ORNING. WO,SHIP. the Ordination of Elders. "The Office of Elder in the Church." Nursery and Junior Congregation. REV. W. J. ten HOOPEN, B.A., B.D., Minister. MR. GEORGE ESP ERT, Organist and Choir Director. Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV: G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister Mr. H. de Jong, Organist. Miss -B. J. Woodruff, Deaconess 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. ., - -1-T a.m. "THE- HIGHER VISION:"-- (4urset and J1111101: Cangr-egation) :- -- Sunday, 7 p.m. A• Youth Rally in the Church Hall. 4' atm Victoria Street United Church "Fellowship __Awaits You" _ Tif a.m. Bible School and -Adult Class. - 11. a.m. "A HIGH -WAY FOR YOUTH." Family Service;: Junior. Church. 1.30 p.m. BENMILLER Unified,. School anti Church. 3 p.m. UNION Church Worship after Sunday School. -I VI ANUS-( MOOTS, B.A., B.D. Organist -leader, MRS. J. A. SNIDER. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL -All Ages. ' 11 a.m. "THE .,PASSOVER" (Communion): 7 p.m. "SAINTLY CONFIDENCE.'' . BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE MARCH 19-26 FREE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday, 9.50 a.m. , Family Sunday School. 11 a.tn. "Spirit -Filled Victory over Limitations". 7 p.m. "The Magnetism of Christ:" Wednesday, 7.30 p,m. MichWeek Devotions) REV. f`. A. COOPER, Pastor. -JA 49306. Bethel 'Pentecostal Tabernacle 1Q a.m. Sunday School. Classes for all ages. 11 a.m. MORNING SERVICE. "If the Spirit DweIT in You. 7.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. "Quicken, Raised, Sitting, Together." Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study. Friday, 8'p.m„ Young People's. You aro invited to come and -worship with us. REV. H. C. CRACKN'ELL, Pastor -: Phone JA 4.8506. 11 THE SALVATION' ARMY 11 a.m. 3 p.m. 7 p.m. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5 WORSHIP SERVICE. SUNDAY SCHOOL. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. CAPTAIN AND MRS. R. PETERSEN' VISITORS WELCOME h Church of the,<...New Jerusalem Revelation 3 V. 12 and Ch. 21 V. 10. "Who hath made us able ministers olthe New Testament: net of the' Letter, bot of the Spirit: for the Letter kn- leth, but the Sp?crit giveth Life." 2 Cor. V. 6. Would you like to understand the spiritual sense` cif the Bible? Read-Arcana Celestia by Emanuel Swedenborg. To understand the Oneness of God sit JESUS, road THE FOUR D8CTRI`NES-by Swedenborg or MY RELIGION by HELEN KELLER. These books may be borrowed by applying to Leonard Cole, 23 Picton St., Goderich, Phone 77100 or bought - flgr',25c from Swedeniiorg Foundation lne4, New York 1, N.Y. 4-7 40, chapel train. A . fingertip veil The Goderich Signal -Star, of silk . � �...� wreath• of orange .blossoms and bean, Mrs. McCormick wore a her cascade bouquet was of pale beige traveuling coat over white orchids and white hyo- b dress- and, st k tulle was held by a • cinths. a banana yellow woos dx'ess.ane jacket ensezln -c with green ac itfe4ve t ttOod « �ayfa,atvkich '�ti` � ?�t�� it4: ..� _ 1 ce'tionwas held atFollowing the ceremony are- �e CerelQ. Mr. andMrs- McCormick w d1 l the toast to the .bride was pro- posed by er..unble es T. . ' 1vlr•. x - >r � arch . w 4 .1' U'0'w ` - 2%- fe> � ri .. It�r'otlto. rri�i nom- . ed their When the couple left for a' 25th weddings anniiieksary on honeymoon cruise of the Carib- Sunday with a family dinner. y; ' brua -�r ' Mrs. Agnes Foster atter the R.C.M.P. training grads ail of her grandson, gist, , �r 1 derson, in ; Ottawa.. t.:'i est. Anderson is the son of )d and Mrs. o �T ry al d An erso4 K. ��pyy� p„ +a, 1e�K'SA11r�'+Htf+ 1i'' +orf w-c��► '. been,posted :to Winnipeg. Foster also„visit d ;.in..:. of on �{� r• k- m 'ti J' ainA Watton and Mrs. Norval Ande son and with ",dors. Hattie. Fost( in Kitchener, Lets You DRIVE when the temperature takes a NOSEDJVE IIIIVImnutionolPlp1 a n;,ui m; gillii►1Illllllt GUARANTEE • plus. IrISURANCE MOR -POWER BATTERIES Are Guaranteed' for 15.. Months to 48 Months - de• pending on t h e t y p• ....Plus Insurance.against almost any norm- al driving failure. Customer p s en'ly for service rendered. "Poweii- ealed" Dry Char e MOR - POWR HIGH CAPACITY, ARMOR GLASS Packed with the -- most usable power ever built into a batteryt New "powerized-process" vacuum fill, "locks - in" all the power until the instant you need'it No "stale stock".because Battery Acid is added only when you buy• your new MOR - POWER HI - "CA`'PACITY DRY CHARGE: -51 plates, 165 amp. capacity - up to 70% more power to start with, up to 20% longer . power spin. Your best buy ;•;•; RegLis $2 1A95 Save $12.55 and yo-uc. • old battery, 6 -VOLT DRY CHARGE - Fits -Chevrolet 194Q-54- ,,,,.. Dodg most) --1933-55 ' "Yilttsni-dt il"� 6`Zy7:-•11 9=5(j; `Prk- mouth 1939-55, Pontiac.'(most) 1949-54, Volkswagen - and many others -48 -Month Insurance Guarantee. • withFAC ,alb batteryLLED WET TYPE 6-V.olt;' 3.95 12 -VOLT MOR -POWER HI -CAPACITY DRY CHARGE - Fits Chevrolet 1955-58, Chrysler 1956-58, Dodge 1956-58, Plymouth 1956-58. Pontiac 1955-58 and Studebaker 1956.58..54 Plates. Reg. list 29:42. 36 -Month In- _suranee-Guarantee: With trade-in FACTORY FILLED WET TYPE -12 -Volt; with old batters_ . ,.., 95 I Therefo'rs a every Morcar•Powerandtruck fully at guaranteed Battery I BIG, SAVINGSI I 30 Months Guarantee plus Insurance "POWER -SEALED" DRY CHARGE SUPER SERVICE -,- The freshest power -money can buy; 45=power packed plates, huge 120 -amp. capacity -for action starts in any weather. It's vacuum -filled Power -Sealed for your protection. • .. • 6 -Volt DRY CHARGE - Fits Chevrolet 1940-54, Dodge (most) 1933-55, Oldsmobile (6-cyl.; 1949-50, Plymouth 1939-55, Pontiac (most) 1949-54, Volkswagen. and---many-ethers:--i eg. 24-25:0.95 With old battery ........ FACTORY FILLED WET TYPE -6 -volt. " 9.95 With old battery .. . 12 -Volt DRY CHARGE -Fits most Popu- larlate model cars. 54 powerized plates. 1 4.45 Reg. 27.95. With old battery FACTORY FILLED WET TYPE -12 -volt. 3.45 With old battery Universal Hoseline Type ENGINE HEATER :;. As As. .Lo v1 .4.65 Original Equipment Quality .M oto = Master BLOW-OUT PROOF MUFFLERS Heavier gauge, acid and car, rosion resistant; double -locked leakproof seams. Save up to 50%. C.T.C. Sale Price CHEVROLET '48.53 03-0y1.), 54-57 CHRYSLER & DESOIO (6-cyl.), '99-52 DODGE, 1949-574 (6-cyl.). FORD, '49.54 5.20 6.40 6,90 690. 5.25 '55.56 6.60 PLYMOUTH, 1949-57 (6-cyl:) 6.90 STUDE8AKER CHAMP., 1947-56 4.65 CLAMPS, A Eich L INSTALLATION (most 2.25 to 2.85 MUFFLERS - E X H A C1 S T PIPER rnd TAIL PIPES -t. For every r'r and truck. •79 By putting heat into thecool- ant around the motor block, your car willstart with sum- mer -quick ease. With cord and plug. Others to 7.89 Spray 'ENAMEL So hanttr for those odd jobs - and it's easi- er and more fun than using a paint brush. Wide range of beautiful d e - • 16ratar colors. 1 39 CARBURETOR TUNE-UP TROUBLE- LAMP of 2.49 fot 3.79 Activates lazy carburetors. Banishes water from )Ins tank. Prevents fuel -line freeze up. .98 5 Dress up your - LICENSE PLATES I -DIAMOND CREST DESIGN LICENSE PLATE FRAME Triple chrome. Each.99 2 -LICENSE PLATE. FRAME , ruxtfly chrome with plastic b window. Each 2.9$ 3 -FRONT LICENSE PLATE BRACKET -Sturdy steel, black enamelled. Fits gravel skirt or bumper brace. Each • 2 4 -BUMPER LICENSE PLATE BRAC- KET - Fits snugly. Cadmium plated. Each •45 5 -REAR LICENSE PLATE AND LAMP BRACKET --Black enamelled, heavy steel. For two -bolt mount stop and tail lamp. Each 6 -LICENSE PLATE FASTENERS56 Cadmium plated bolt. spring and wing nut. 4 for 7 -JEWELLED FASTENERS-- VIth 'ed. Green, er Amber reflectnrs. fp, Each •i�/ a --LARGE REFLECTOR' TYPE FAS- TENE R = With Red or Green Jewel. Pair .2•L ELECTRIC SAW; IN 1, sortable JIG SAW 'uts curves and shapes (makes its' wn startingole ,for inside cuts1' - cuts 2x4's tin seconds. Does the "ork of crosscut, scroll, keyhole, abk, rip, band and coping saws. 'month, steady cutting -- no load peed 2,650 strokes per minute With ;uide,,alt jet arid work light iuxiliary handle, rip guide, circle •25 12.98 HEADQUARTERS FOR t 3 M".•CMFTERS Canadian' Tire is by far Canada's Impost supplier of Power Teals. and Homes Shop Equipment'- gave Safety 1 Whetsfone,, PHONE JA 4.7394 , 36:NoitiTh STREET- - _ * : 6Eitic