The Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-01-05, Page 9SCHOOL NEAR AUBURN TURNS' DOWN A SCHOOL AREA PLAN e M Ratepayers e f ,.r U �. No. py 5, gethere•d in the Schee Hod n tl riff ,-le t-4xx; --14-14044 durwpn the proposal to form a 11,1,e.:ett Tow1I ahr p. Ohio ed .Ai'ea. 'A,• 4 ough the section would re- ceit a $500.00 grant, 'the rate- payers decided they would Ike ' continue to catrey on the busti- :e:•s of their own section; 'Mr. Ralph D. :Munro was ap- ,prointed chairman of the meet- ing with Frank Raithft y as secre- tary. The financial statement was written on the blackboards and this was accepted, as *ere the minutes of the bast annual meeting. Mr. Raithby reported that the section earrins an ac- cident policy on the pupil's. All pupils pay five cents a day for hot school 1u phos and the bal- ance is paid kfr the section. The chairman of the school board, Wal4iarm .Moss, reported that a new carp had been• put on the well to stop the surface water from flowing into the outer well. For the first time, a man bad been hired for the 'summer mer months , to �. � cut the gress, ie?aea' nee „a: ratepayers .'rtokke of the imrprorved a+f appear- _�c: +. i;elle, csnts irntne.new htel1oha:nlink,Qeyry7eweit["iIeeteg1ele egret ted by the Huron County road men atroas the front cif the schao9 yard took place. A.: new wz,r:jc Uo the front entrance, now at the n13nlh-went corner of the chc al -yard,' was recommended. Mr. Harold Mott:binehey, the de actor representing U.S.S. No. 5 on ,the Federation of Agricul- ture, reported attending nine rne•etinge during the' year and l 'lc cf the work of that fawn r;an zatign. Ile resigned and .no one was appeintyd to repre- sent the section. The elect:on • of trustees took place and Mr, Keith Arthur was re-elected for & threie-year term. Other trustees are Moss Ted Beet. The secretary - treasurer is Mr. Frank Ra-i-thiby. Helslnkrl, if nme.rly known as Helsingfors, ,i .the o2rpital and only large city in 'Finland. Ice- breakers have tokeep the har- bor open iin ,winter. DUNGANNON DUNG',ANNON, Jan. 3.—Visit- Mrs. Hugh M'1A hinney and' ors with Mrs. Swine Henry att � aini' of Cellar Valley, and: 0 Ohni:A mos were r. and Mrs, Mr. and Mars. Lee Barrack spent fiobeet Pur..d'o:ta, ,Whi.'tell by;r,c r.. a,_ env deo lest weeks with her . •ViSiters with t Mrs. --Margaret M artee• and, s 4 .Asr� 1VI.r , .AJrv' Moran and family, London; Mrs. Lynda and Mrs, James Keane, Lucknow; Mr. Ray Keane, Strat- ford; VLr. and Mars. Frank Moran, Lanes. Visiting Christmasweek with. Mr. and Mrs. • Cecil Blake were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wilbur and son, Bradley, of. Kingston; Mr. Palmer . 'Kdrlpaitriek and soar Brian, of Agincourt, and Jim Blake, Toronto. Mr. Tam Fowler, student of Stratford Teachers' College, re- turned to studies Monday• after spending tihe Christmas vacation with his 'parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Fawner. iChristaivas visitors with Mr. and Mfrs. Robert Irrvin weoe Mr. and Mrs: Percy Blundell and -Melvin, of Go'derieh; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morrison and Kay, of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Irvin, of Belfast. Eck. Scrutan, junior, Goderich, spent some holid'a'ys lash week with his friend, Norris Sampson. Y• { mother, Mrs. Ett- T5I t';'`1' s' ,lYl o•LGoza side, Marie-BravlCsi c�€•« cke4V, spent same holidays with her Mend, 'Patricia Ann Eedy. Mr. ,and Mrs. Ken (Lois) Thomas, ZToa'onto, spent some holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster and also with her sislter, Mrs. Wil- liam Bradley, Goderich. Little Fay Bradley, Goderich, visited Cher grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Len • Ohristilnw and Mrs. Elizabeth Christilaw vis+i;bed at New Year's with Mrs. Abner Monnis. Miss Suzy Young, of Toronto, visited her friends, Dr. and Mrs. H. A, S. Voices and Harry Fong. Mr. Joe Wong, of the Vokes household, visited friends and relatives at Tillsonburg and Toronto. During rCheisbmas H'o'lidays, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reed were their famdqY, Mr. Jim Reed, Toronto, 'Miss Eleanor Reed, Alma College, $1 Thomas. anrd Miss Jewell Reed, Ki•tch- ener. �.RT, 'Mr. Bert Maize and son Del- .�..w a ... th m spent Christmas with e "'"`er's d'a'ughter s.; ANNUAL; January SALE(Marlene)) La Rocq a and has- -'bund, off Sudbury. Mr. and Mrs. Carman ,Hayden, of Alt Wool ,„ -,� Rill -and Jim, were New Yea'r's �� sirtor's''1m'f+Ir- the lady's brothers, Edger and Harry and her sister, vi Miss Iva Carr. 4 ter of Mr and Mrs. ..Gordon Schultz; underwente tansilee tomy one day last week at ,Gode- rich hospital and is now re- cupereting •art home. Mrs. Minnie Jones spent, a few days° last week with her b'robh;er, -MY: Willman Marsh, Goderich. Mr. Wayne Brown returned last week to his air base at Portage la Prairie. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Park were Christmas visitors with her" brother, Mr. Clayton Ladd, and Mrs. Ladd; Myth. - Mr. Delmer Maize underwent a tornsilectomy on Tuesday at Goderich hospital. Rev. W. J. Rees and Mrs. Rees, of iBeentlford, visited last week with, ,Rev. T. Richards, Mrs. Richards and Phillip at the par- sonage. Y.PW. Meeting Held. •--•• 'The ing Monday night in the churc basement. J'oa'nne Crozier pre- sided and Annette Dickson was in •charge of the devotional per - Melva . Boyce presided •at the• piano for the 'hymns. The Scripture lesson was read by Margaret Ann Rees and Lynda Blake 'gave the prayer. izen- +h,ip and community service were discussed in the topic of 4 -Working -for -Peace," taken by - A Inretbte- Dickson Plus All I)iegontinued Colors 4 SALE STARTS TUESDAY, JANUARY 3rd. THE BEST SELLS FIRST .... SO SHOP EARLY F. E. HIBBERT & SON GODERICH — 160 THE SQUARE JA 4-8811 "We've given up GCJING WITHOUvT for N'ewYear's" ,t "Our New Year resolutions this year have a lot more to do with getting rather than giving up ... tlianks to'the B of M. "Seems that for. many Old Years past our money appeared to just melt away, when there were so many: things wanted around the house ... a modern stove ... a desk for Dad's den . . , a decent TV. Finally, it was Dad who put his foot down. "'Starting with the New Year,' said Dad, 'we're going to get some of the things we've gone without for. far too long. We're going to finance all the things we really need under a new purchase' plan I've been look- ing into — the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan. It's a modern plan that's designed for people just like us. Come the January sales, we'll get what"we need at bargain prices and do our paying for what we buy with a single payment each month.' "So°this year, we'll all have to watch our pennies a little more closely, but it's a challenge and the whole family' is going to pitch in. Mother's the keenest of all. It's hard to say whether it's the life insurance pro- tecting the loan, or'the pifospect of a new stove, that pleases her most. "Anyway, we're one family who fig; ures we've found the ideal New 'Year's resolution' for 1961. How about you? Isn't it time you considered giving up going without?” 'MY .BAN H' 10 ? 1111101 GAA01A Ca Similar Happy New Year Resolutions may be put into force for"YOUR family at your neighbourhood branch of the BANK�F MoNTkEt commencing January 3, 7961. r • • Goderich Br�aneh: 'BEN tORLESS, Manager eduou it i'7m4e • • • WO! KING WITH,CANADIANG1 WALK ,OP LW* !MOS 1017 HOSPITAL PATIENTS GET GIFTS DURING YULETIDE Contributions ofgilts and 'treats to the patients of Alex- andra Marine and General Hos- pital at Cheistinas were received from the ,following: Saftford Oorrrmunity Club; Ahrfie-ek•; and Maple Leaf iCliaprters of the T.O.D.E., St: George's -Church; The Salvation Army; Mrs. J. J. Traffic Fines Given In Court .Numerous fines Were red tri te's court' here last Thursday. Pleading guilty to unpaired drivin>Q - Oasey 1ud one s:-fi eF. p100 Wet- costs ' ar 14 days. For driving 'while his license was udder suspension, Wilfred Graham was :given five days. Levi Louis Rhynolds, off Ham - Main, was fined $OEO and cos 10•r weeding. Several charges Of failing to obey a signal light, speeding and impaired driving 'were ad, journed until, today. LOharged with having stolen a part of the old age pension of James Haggit, coif re•eawater, James Bailltie, 30, of Teeswater, had his case partially heard then adjourned •until today. Pleading 'guilty to 'being in- toxicated in a public, place, George Westlake was film,, $i10 and casts or' two days. Suspended sentence was given to B. R. Robinson on a charge of failing to obey th•e signal of a traffic officer. Police claim the accused crossed . tfheOpaith of a funeral procession despite the ignarl given_ by a treffie not to do so. Chan (dr.:SY: ili3i' Kv >-nff'�rtc•K ra �a.`:'- `�a. eo The doderich T'kttr rc t Y,, 4.441.14111 , ?; u1 •r ' Oiei-s "i' TC Yv?rt'!C SAS 7GS tirl5 , iat.•. a .. . SALE Starts THURSDAY, JANUARY 5th AT 9 A.l. Every Item in the Store Is atm Reduced Pricer TOCK SUITS Reg. to 69.5o From 29.00 57.00 „ITOPCOAT eg to N>I<LE, Jan. 3.—.Har M � • p'py New Year to ail ! The anAssociation will �� t0 ��• O Nowl5 hold. thehe January meeting on. u ur a n g 5 Tuesrdray, January IOth in the ithureekeebasemenitteattaa2.30eepem. rl-Pomtesses will be Mrs. Edgar Dougherty and Mrs. Reg. Ryan. 'Holiday visitors included: Mr: and Mrs. William Spr,orul and Gi'ld'a, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sproul and family, or Auburn, with Mr. and Mrs. Merles McNee and family; Mrs. Henry Horton, of Lucknow, and Mrs. Henry Farrell and daugh- ter Janet, •of Kincardine, with Mr. and Mrs. Oalllanrd .Bere and 'family; Miss Mary Nivins, of Galt, with her mother, Mrs. Dave Nivins; Miss Helen Rut- ledge, of Tnronrbo, with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Rut- ledge; Miss Marion Orserr,�t..N., of London, .with her paren , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wiggins; Miss Don•na 'MieNee, of Stretford, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: G. McNee; Norris Rirbey, of West- ern University, London, with his parents, Mr.-, and Mrs. Orval Rli,be ' Douglas Squires, of Tor- en 0, wv"Eh ns paren rs;`"11tCi°'71ii 1 Mrs.!Howard Squires; Miss Kathleen MdDiarmd, of Tor- onto, and Allan, of Midland, with, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David McDiar+inid, - We are glad • to report that little Judy Matthews was able to come home foam Goderich hos- pital last Friday. The Y.P.U. enjoyed a bowling party. in Goderieh . last Friday Mrs. OrIa•nd Bere has been engaged as teacher at the Crewe school; she started her duties on Tuesday.• Mr. and Mrs. Earl -McNee a'nd Dale, ' of Balmore, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross McNee, of Nile, were New Year's visitors 'With the Gra ha m McNees. Mrs. Elwyn Sil4,ib had, the misspoRT - fortune to break both bones in her leg on Ohmietmas eve when she slipped and -.fell at the home cf a friend. • Mrs. Allan Dickson has been 50 Ffoggarhh;-- iGoder-ieh-----Graduate ... Nurses' Assooiabi'on; Women's lfonpital - Auiei.4iery; • Catholic Women's League; ,God'erich Kinsmen; Goderich Lions club. •Gifts to :the staff ,were receiv- ed from: • Mr. William (Skip) MacDonald; the medical staff; Mr. Floyd Ledge, Mr. Ed. Stiles. Several patients remembered those who care for them' also. . OBITUARY MRS. JAMES J. DONNELLY The, death occurred at Pinker- ton on Friday of . Mrs. James J. 'Dannelly, mother of Mr. Justice 'Franck Donnelly, of Godtericth, in her 90th year. A lifelong resi- dent. of .Pinkerton, she was the former Julia C. McNabb. Her husband, the late Senator James Dennehy; - was. -r wni r_.. _meimrber of the C anadien Senate whom he di'etin 1048. They were mar- ried at Chepstow in 18915. MTS. Donnelly brad enjoyed good health all ha iitfe until she be- came ill' about six m'on'ths ago. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. WiHiam (Mertis) Flannery, of North Bay, wind' , Marie, at home, and five sans, 'Clare, of Perterororwg+h, Arthur, ofd'' Pink- erton, Gerald, orf Ori1lia, Harold, of - Pinkerton, and Frank, - of iGoderieh. MRS.-ViB1RINIA (BARRBOUR) SPORTCOATS USERS Made - to - Measure Suits and Sportcoats Tailored he- Freedman ', and Warrent K. (ruk DRESSING PYJAMAS- DRESS SHIRTS Reg. to 39.5a Reg. 9. "W N•ai 5; 0 to .98 to 2Z9L_ 18.00 to 3 GOWNS- Reg. to 18.95 Now From 8,48 a patient in -the-- Qoderiehhos- pital for the past two weeks; we wish her a speedy recovery, New Year's visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brindley were Mr.. and Mrs. Carman Brindley and dour sons, of Benm51ier; Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore, Barbara and Linda, of Goderieh: Mr. and Mrs. ' Leonard Brindley, Larry and Nannie, of . Dungannon;, Ernie Mc?iliwain, Reg. Brindley and Miss Dorothy Wolff, of Nile. HONORED ON 25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY A New Year's Day dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Odliiayson, Lucknow, had a sur- prise ending when their family presented them • with gifts in ihonbr' of their 25th wedding an- niversary: --Their- -e-h4-lLaderee George, Jim and Jayne, Lurk - new, and Mrs. Wilmer Moran; London, gave them a• silver tea service and tray While their brothers and sisters wave them en occasional chair. Mrs. Henry Drennan baked a three -tiered wedding cake far the -occasion. Over 30 were present. They included: Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Moran, London; Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Collins, Stratford; MT. and Mrs. Harold Miamian, Strat- ford; Mr. and We, Henry Mee thews, Nile; Mr. and Mrs. Henry :Drennan,''iLuicknrow; Mr. ,and Mrs. Tack Collinson, LGodierieh; Mrs. W. Drennan•, Lucknow, and Mrs. G. Col Uintsan and Bill, Goderidh. RU N'DLrE Word has been% received of the sudden pasging of Mrs, Al- bert Rundile, Ohara. She wes the former Venda Barbour, of Goserieh, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Barbour who now reside in Landon, and sister of Freida, Mrs. Gordan Goutier, of Taranto. Mal: Rundle passed away on New Year's 3 and leaves a sorrowing h sand and three teen-age Baur hrtesls. .She is a cousin to A r. Mel OulA rt, and a niece tor. anrd Mrs. James Sherwood, of bcrwn. HAROLD ALAN TIGFi TI' Rw. Wilfred Wri:ght, Port Al - 'bent, conducted funeral services Monday 2r£lernob n at the Lodge funeratl honra for 112-rr Iligert who 'ia,aned away in Alex- Iantdera H'a'ypa/ball, Godierich, after a ehoort i11m e+ss. to son of MT. and Mrs. William Ti,gert, Pont Albert, I1aro:fd+ Akin was only Ili &onrfms old, Survtirvinig besides his parents are ra brother, Lloyd, ,and sisters, Sh'n' on, Shelly and Susan. Inter- -,las Iliter- f:,Yas in Port Albert ceme- tory. r Signal -Star Want 'Ads Bring Fast Results ! W. J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone JA 4 8132 DAY or. NIGHT RK :SH'lRTS WORK PANTS SWEATERS SOCKS IELTS TIES Jewellery HATS UNDERWEAR Regto;:69s .- Reg. to 595 Reg. to 7.95 Reg Reg. to '4,95 Reg. to 10.95 - NowFrom .;.98_ Now 388 Now From ,98 Now9 Now 2,98 REG. 1.50 REG. 2.00 REG. TO 2.09 FROM 69c REG. TO 8.50 Now 1/3 to 1/2 Off REG. TO 9.95 Now 5.88 REG. TO 1.25 Now 78c Agent for 244rr. FILM DEVELOPING ,S��r PRIDHAM!S MEN!$ ON THE SC:UARE IN GbDER1CH: F0 Now Operated By LARRY ALONAM. M,° Phone JA 44141