HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1961-01-05, Page 6The Go4erieh Signal Star; Thuniday, January 5th, 1961 i �...ie Society ends $1,175 The Goderidh branch of the ,.1 ,au , :� *Me yr r� s suing its financial statement reveals that the sum. io the Bible Society 'at Hamilton. the detailed statement is: Re4Ce lets: a!l'antee in bank, Dec. Oalst, 1959 $ 70.75 '(efl+ie'ebions 1,1;38.10 Interest ` 1.11 $1,259.96 DitSb'ursements: forwarded! to Bible So- ciete at Hamilton $1475.00 Service charge .1.5 iStaaiFr.�pedr envelopes for m'au'ling (1959) 41.61 Oireuiar letters ('1660) 4320 $11,259.96 C. M. Robertson, President. Wm. Bisset, Secretary Treasurer. WEDDING BOYCE — MOORE The _parson age' of Victoria. Sltreet Udted Church was the scene of the wedcbing' of Evelyn (babel Moore and Dalton Keith Boayce. The bride is t- e daugh- r,.. Af .,Mr -and. -.11w � B Moore, and the gfro-om is the sloe of Mrs. Boyce, Goderich, •and the lame William Boyce. Rev. Mr..-- Moate performed the cere- ,mony. . The bridle was lovely in her floor -length gown of white Frennchlace over taffeta with matching bolero,. Her shoulder - Alength, veil was of -French lace and she carried a bouquet of -- Ted -roses. 1Vlfss Helen Moore, of London., Was her sister's maid of honor, wearing a gown of mauve nylon aver net. with matching acces- sories. She carried ,a bouquet of yellow mums. lames Gillespie, of God'erich, was the groomsman. Following the ceremony, a re- ception was held at "the home of the bride's parents: For travelling, the bride wore` a turquoise wool dress and con""- • LEADING STRAINS OF LAYERS QUALITY- CONTROLLED HATCHING DEPENDABLE SERVICE KINGSBR1DGE Cookie Samples Brought To Tiger Dunlop. W.I. Meet Provide Lunch K„OP1GS&Ri1kGE, Jan. 2.—yr. K1GSBIRFDGE, Jan. 2.—Mr. ,and Mrs. Walter Clare and Mr. Wrn. (Mare spent the holidays in London and Detroit. �;Y1r .luad,.Mrs Joblx,•U' ii1, .Ul;, Hamiiton - spent a few days at their home here. -Zikreiner and Miss Margaret Kracnier, of Hes- sun, spent o day wLtn Mr. Mrs. Eugene Frayne and family Mr. and Mrs. Bruce lion: tv. a and son visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ray 'Dalton this week-ei:d. - Mr. Desmond O`Donnell, of the Ralph. Mi,,e-rler, is spending his holidays at his home here. Mr. Larry Wallace h:,s been hospitalized for the past week. We wish. for a speedy s•ecovery. Mr. and Mrs. P. Murray, of Detroit, visited relatives here this. past week -end. • ---pan• Wednesday, December 28, the annual meeting of the rate- payers of St. Joseph's school was' held in the -school room. Mr. Vincent Austin was re-elect- ed for another term as trustee. Congratulations,„ .to Mr. ' and Mrs. Vincent Austin on the arrival of a baaby boy. Other visitors during the ho:': - days were: Mr. James Martin, o andon, Miss Frances.D:alton, of 'Hamilton; Mr. John Van ()soh, jr., pf Stratford Teachers' College; Mr. Douglas Frayne, cf London; Miss Patricia D'rc:.: :,, of Kinaarc ine..a Mr. -..and,- rs.- Kincardine...„-....„„.. 'S'fl t r and family and 'Miss Betty 1 ou Vassela, all of A''pen,a. Mich- igan, and Miss Shannon S'nr•o;t, sof 'Detroit, visited with reliative here. Mr. Thos. O'Neill, o't M' " ^•n. sncnt the week•en'd at his here. OARLO'W, Jan. 2. — 'line; Mrs. R. Moore read a Poem, Tiger' Dunlvp Woin•en's Institu.‘e I ''ky smile came hack tia use" Christmas meeting withllirpre- ed. to giVe than -to receive.' — - :,ident, Mrs. Tcrence Blunter in Mrs. E. Adlt.iii read an inter- ' tary, Mrs. sh Horton w,,iis i.„9- , In keepii:.4 with the Christ - ',pointed pro thin. Ina4 season., Mrs: G. Young read 'Several thank -you letters were L'Il int t.';',Q.,ii-r,g Story, -"Home for read. A donation was voted to Oliri.i..inas." . U.N.E.S.C.O. toward the sop- An exchapge of Christmas port of F.W.1.0's project for this gifts was much -enjoyed. • '• year' which is assistance for .Favorrte cookie recapes were Jamaica. exchanged a nd the ample ,A.mation was passed that if amount of samples brought pro - any of the. ladies who helped vide(' a d:••'•oTh-lis lunch, The at the T.B. Clinic at Dun;annon ',.--`6Fses were Mrs. R. Jewell, wish to be reimbursed. they Mrs. G. Young, Mrs. W. Meyer should present their bills. , end Mrs. H. 'Bogie. who. are i„nterested -1.11- .the Mil- King Gus,taif Adolph, a Skye& •linery course are -asked to con- en, is one,of his country's lead - Hardy, as soon as possible. - extensr„ve digging trips every CHRISTMAS TREE PICKUP) Residents are rehneste,1 t(°) Pave their Cliritt.,,as trees. out on :the boulevard by 7 A.M. MONDAY January 9, 1961 Your co-operation will. he appreciated. VREES WILL NOT BE PICKED UP AFTER THIS SPECIAL COLLECTION, - S. II. BLAKE, Town i'lerk The Royal Canaclian Navy celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1960, and by a happy foipcidence, the jubilee came when the Navy's strength in ships and Men. was af, a pacetime peak. Above are 5orne scenes from • t the Navy's year: Top left: A St. Laurent class deOroyer esCort; Top centre: Governor Generar George Vanier cuts a huge anniversary cake while Vice-A.dtniral S. Ray.ner, Chief of the Naval Staff, looks on. will reside in .Goderich. Prior to her 'marriage the bride's mother held a trousseau tea. The bride's grandmother, • desboro, and -*Os. Lilian, Cart-, wright, Stratford, presided at the tea table. The bride was guest of honor at a Shower at the home of Miss, Theresa Kirkey. and- was entertafned at 'Betty Allen, ,Goderich. • Buying the r-ight flock - replacement§ is the first step toward higher egg income. YOLI,Can be stlre of that -important first step when you Sal -Link from -your Swift's We believe—and We think the records prove—that the On the market` today, and the equal of any white egg - 25$ eggs per bird'housed .fOr a full year of lay, has gOod feed efficiency and egg4ize with low mortality. This year, head for highef,egg income with' ' the famous J. J. Warren -SOX-SAT-Link from your Order froth us soon. WI% HATCHERY \ Dealer : er Bros Benmilier OBITUARY GEORGE ALEXANiDER BRUCE rich fpr many years, George Alexander Bruce, 78, died Sun- day at Sunnybrook MilitarY Hos- pital, Taranto. The Bruce fam- ily are well-known members of Maitland Golf Club, having won several trophies here aver the years. Their. summer cut!age, is on Bennett street. , Born near Glasgolw, Scotland. Mr. Bruce came to this country in 1910 as first cellist in- the newly formed Toronto Sym- phony Orchestra. Mr.. Bruce had started his ordhestral car- eer with the Scottish orchestra. At his retirement four years ago, Mr. Bruce had performed with the. TS0 for 47 years, ex- cept for two years during the First World War When he was a bandmaster in the army in Mr. Bruce was • one of the mas Box concerts, and he serv- ed as personnel manager for the orchestra. . taught for many years and classes. Mr. Bruce was a life member 0 the Musician's Union and an enthusiastic golfer. . He leaves his w!.fe, Eva; three daughters, M.T.S. W. Thomas, Sarni•a, Mrs. J. McElwain, Gode- rich (who is at present a 'patient in the hospital), and Mrs. J. Ubukata, of Cain') Aorden; one son, Thomas Brace, of Vancou- ver, and 10 grandchildren'. The, funeral servjce was held Wednesday .iitertieton at Tor- onto. Interment was in Rest - haven Memorial Gardens. PORTER'S HILL Mr, "and Mrs. itarry Torrance and family spent New Year's with ylr..and Mrs. Jim Keys, Varna. New Year's visitors with Mr. and Mr§. Alvin Reties were'Mr. and Mrs. Allan Beftilies, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ephraim Snell,- Mr. and 'vex and family, Mr. Richard Snell, Miss Glenyce and Mr. Mac Taylor., Mr. Sack Stirling, Toronto, spent the vveek-end V.ith his !ntyi.her, Mrs. J4111411e9 R. Stirling. • Last Monday 1Vfr. and Mrs. Trarry Torrance and children attended a party at the borne of Vr. and MI's. Erlin Whitmore, Thekerstriith.TownShip, in honor (0,4111,6 761th birthday of Mrs. eatfilnertfi/1" is explakted in ;the WM* '111 the, United etatels. The idesereAsed kirn 'value until .44 be - Top right: Marching columns of naval men; Centre: A special salute to' the RCN is formed on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier Bona - venture; Bottom left: Ships of the Atlantic c ommand; Bottom right: USS Burrfish, TJ.S. Navy submarine, is now refitting at Philadelphia 'prior to being transferred on loan to the RCN next spring. National Defense photos s.rrrer•rrr.rrrrrirr. Arr. MEN'S PYJA AS lassoic sty le briefs :i01Tle with lace tPim Whfte sad colours. REGULAR 39c pair LADIES' GOWNS and PYJAMAS l'yjavn.ls included are tv, stvlos in Gowns. REG. 2.93 JANUARY 1 83 Mangfacturer's clearance of • heavy absorbent cotton terry 191 00 towels. Size: 14 x 26. for I REG. 190 - SALE PRICE LEOTARDS heavy weight fullv fashioned stretch REG. 2.98 JANUARY SALE SLIPPER • SOX Elabol Op hand embroidered %kith Matching soles. Sizes : JANUARY SALE 43', MEN'S DOESKIN SHIRTS Men's f.annel doeskin slrirtii. Assorted plaids. Sizes : S.M.L. REGULAR 1.69 ON SALE PYJAMAS Girls' 2 pee flannelette py- jamas with printed yoke. — Sizes : 2-4-6. Assorted colours. ,REGULAR 1.59 • SALE Embroidered Pillow Cases , Imported hand embroidered and tut work pillow eases. • SALE Dish Rack ahd Tray Set Polyethylene - matching dish drying reek and drain board tray. Available In turquoise, ON' II 77 Alarm Clock mho ped with Support- ing framed bass. Push-button time setter. RIEGULAR 1.49. SALE SLIPPERS Ladles' mocassin style leather. ette slippers With beaded Varnp and fur trim miff. Many co- lours. to choose from. Sizes : SALE p Misses' and Ladies, Brushed exlon Mitts„ Outstanding ye- , S ALE if mils pr. KNITTING WOOL Pot of Gold dabel knit - king wool, I oz. ball, wide variety of colors. ON e SALE QP tor Hand screen in delicate patterns 'and shades. — Size : 52 x 52. Regular price 1.29. SALE INDEX and STAPLER SET AutomatiC Index and handy imported stapler with extra staples. REG. 1.49 per set ON SALE 88 set 41, hateirer the weather --you win1 Beat the weather the modern way with an automatic electric _dryer. Whatever the weather clothes drifhe way you want them—fluffy dry .for immediate storing or damp' d'ry for crisp ironing. No more lugging heavy baskets ofwet laundry to the °clothes line. You can wash and dry a whole load of laundry electrically for leis than six cents. Why be- old-fashioned whet modern electrical living is so easy—so inexpensive. You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. live bettir... ELECTRICALLY -4„1 decth,, koceft GODERICH PUBLIC - minus COMMISSION sit • LEOTARDS heavy weight fullv fashioned stretch REG. 2.98 JANUARY SALE SLIPPER • SOX Elabol Op hand embroidered %kith Matching soles. Sizes : JANUARY SALE 43', MEN'S DOESKIN SHIRTS Men's f.annel doeskin slrirtii. Assorted plaids. Sizes : S.M.L. REGULAR 1.69 ON SALE PYJAMAS Girls' 2 pee flannelette py- jamas with printed yoke. — Sizes : 2-4-6. Assorted colours. ,REGULAR 1.59 • SALE Embroidered Pillow Cases , Imported hand embroidered and tut work pillow eases. • SALE Dish Rack ahd Tray Set Polyethylene - matching dish drying reek and drain board tray. Available In turquoise, ON' II 77 Alarm Clock mho ped with Support- ing framed bass. Push-button time setter. RIEGULAR 1.49. SALE SLIPPERS Ladles' mocassin style leather. ette slippers With beaded Varnp and fur trim miff. Many co- lours. to choose from. Sizes : SALE p Misses' and Ladies, Brushed exlon Mitts„ Outstanding ye- , S ALE if mils pr. KNITTING WOOL Pot of Gold dabel knit - king wool, I oz. ball, wide variety of colors. ON e SALE QP tor Hand screen in delicate patterns 'and shades. — Size : 52 x 52. Regular price 1.29. SALE INDEX and STAPLER SET AutomatiC Index and handy imported stapler with extra staples. REG. 1.49 per set ON SALE 88 set 41, hateirer the weather --you win1 Beat the weather the modern way with an automatic electric _dryer. Whatever the weather clothes drifhe way you want them—fluffy dry .for immediate storing or damp' d'ry for crisp ironing. No more lugging heavy baskets ofwet laundry to the °clothes line. You can wash and dry a whole load of laundry electrically for leis than six cents. Why be- old-fashioned whet modern electrical living is so easy—so inexpensive. You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. live bettir... ELECTRICALLY -4„1 decth,, koceft GODERICH PUBLIC - minus COMMISSION sit