HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-4-23, Page 1act
LH. O LOKSON, Barrister, SOU-
,* otter of Supreme Court, Notary
Puttlie, aonvevancer.. Commissioner. 40
pfonev to Loan.
0Mae in l?anson'sBlock, Exeter.
Barrister, Solicitor Conveyancer, Bic.
i'ixr,T'Elt, • Q.
*Mee aver the Pest Office,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers ao, ado.
t Money to Loan at .Lowest Bates of
A Grand Display
o' -
Can be seen by visiting the Shaw Room
of A. J. McTavish ee Co. This stock is
very complete, and any lady thinking of
investing in,a new hat or bonnet, abonld
see through it 'before she decides. One
great inducement is the PRICES, which
are lower than any in the trade.
Ribbons, Feathers, and Flowers -all
go et these reduced prices ; an endless
variety of shapes to choose from.
interest. I t
a. v. amain. x. ZblkzoT. in
Suseeasar to IL L. Billings.
Alembor of the Royal College of Dental
3urgeons.l Teethivaertea with or without D,
Plate. in (lower Butter. A sate Antestbetic
;iron for the p unless extraction of teeth,
'skates secured firmly in the mouth by
Vs -moos' Patent Valve,
OFFICE : Over O'Neil's Bank. t
Dream every Farley,
• S. b
Talon's !Metz, Min-st., Exeter. T
Extracts Teeth tvltbout h
pain, Away at Hr;;senes on P
first A'rr'ay; Craig, Second y,
and fourth Tuesday; and a,
Unfelt entire last Thurs. it
oath month.
day of b
.•raven _- -_ _-...,- _...,...,; .,__.-- -„
T w. BROWNING isle D., Al.. C h
tl• P. S fir adnate Victoria Univers- tyt
(Mee and residence, Drrmaiion Lebo s-
tory, 'Exeter.
)R, D.YNUIIAN, coroner for tae
L... County of Huron. face, opp..stte 1
Carling Bros. store, Exeter.
0. Office, Main St. Exeter, Ont. 1
Residence, house recently 000upied by P. t
Ido1R rifpa,Esq.
..-+ ' F. CUTTEN, M. D., G. M. t
. • Graduate Trinity University. Tor-
onto , Pol. 'Prin. Med. salmi. Toronto ; Grad.
Am Ins t.. Craniology': Member N. Y. Acad. f
Anthropology; \lentbor Col. P. S., Ont.-
odico, Dashwood, Ont.
Physician, Surgeon. oto. Having spent tho
winter lof 1855-87 in Now York, and winter of
1B$7-83 in Vienna, Austria.
Diseases of the
Eye glasses and Spectacles furnished for ,
both Near and Distant Vision, ,
:Always at home, except on Fridays. 1
No. 1S:5 Queen's Avenue, ,
London, Ontario.
.• Auctioneer for Counties Huron and
Middlesex. Residence, 1 mile south of Exeter.
P• 0.. Exeter.
TO BUSSEN1hERrY, General Ili-
a • censed Auctioneer Sales conducted
in allparts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges
moderate. Hensel'P 0, Out.
HENRY EILBER Licensed Auc-
tioneer for the Counties of Huron
and Middlesex : Sales oonduotcd at mod-
erate rates. Office, at Poet -office, Cred-
ton Ont.
.JLJ . AuctioneerandLandValuator. Orders
sent by mei' i o my address, Bayfield P. O.,
will receive prompt attention. Terms moder-
ato. D. H. PORTER, Auctioneer.
Tennent & Tennent
G raduates of the Ontario Veterinary Col-
Orirzolc : One door South of Town Hall.
_L per cent; $25,000 Private Funds. Beat
Loaning Companies represented.
Barrister, Exeter,
Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En-
office, UUpetairs,Samwell's Book, Exeter,Ont
CANADA. Head Office. London, Ont.
After 31 years of successful business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property,
andprivateresidences, ,either on buildings or
contents ,tlre most favorable protection incase,
of loss or damage by fireorlightnine, at rates
upon such liberal terms. that no other respect-
able company can afford to write. 42,375 poli:
'cies in force lstJan ,1890: Assets $378,428.00
in cash in bank. Government closest. Deben-
tures and Premium Notes. JAMES GRANT,
President ; D. 0. MdOO uLD Manager. Berm
You can got anything you wish
this line and from 25 to 50 per cent..
cheaper than the regular price.
Go. Dress Goods at 3',e.
I23e, 5e.
200. - as tt 124e.
aeeial line of double -fold Surges. Ask
to see them.
.J.MoTAY/Sit CO.
Ihstt rs-Mr i Visitt 11,'1;1 Ford, wilo has
sen attending the medical college in
orouto daring the past session, returned
ome this week, Ills many friends are
leveed to see bite looking so well after his
ear's work, and join in wishing hint every
wits in his studies.--Tlteaeagon far mak-
g maple syrup has been ebort this year,.
ut bas been generally improved by the
macro around here. -:Mrs Hogg and family
ho recently sold their farm in Usborno,
ave come to resident this place.
11itIt;rs--We are sorry to learn that little
Jost Gallaher, daughter of Mr Francis Gal -
her is seriously 11 with inflammation of
troth lungs. We hope the little girl may
on rt coven -Our V, S„ Mr W. Shilliug-
aw, was called away Fast week to attend
ha funeral of a sister. He and his wife
went to the funeral and Mrs Shillinglaw in -
ends to remain for a few weeks. -We learn
with regret that the barns .belonging to Mr
Jawes Olver, who Left hero n abort time ago
ar Port Alb- rt, limo been entsrely consum-
ed by fire. Part o1 tbo contents were saved
snd the building was insured, but Mr Giver's
use will be heavy. -We learn with regret
that our geuial music teacher, Mt Hawkins,
utends to leave urs and go to Bruseele
whero bo has a position as organist and tbo
promise of a largo class. Mr Hawkins has
been with us for several years and has cans -
td considerable boom in the musio line in
this neighborhood.
rank Leslie'soP pular Monthly
Fon MAY, 1891.
A new and admirable portrait of the Hon
James 3-. Blaine appears on the front page
f Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for May,
Thieh contains a notable illustrated article
iy T 0 Crawford, the well-known Washing
on correspondent, setting forth officially
Secretary Blaine's views, labors and plans
apon the great subject of commercial lieei-
prooity between the United States and
Latin America. A new serial story entitled
'John Maggs,Barbarian" by Scott Campbell
going in this number of the magazine,
whioh also contains amongst its numerous
illustrated articles: "Going Abroad," by
Frederiok S Daniel ; "A May Day in Japan"
by Norma Lorimer ; "The Bamboo," by P.
Horden ; The Sandwich Islands and their
Volcanoes," by Edward Spring; "The Won
derful Fireboat New Yorker," by Frederic
M Dey ; "A Robin Paper," by Nelly Hart
Woodworth; "Elephant Sport in Ceylonr"
by MacMahon Challinor ; and "The Ocean
Telegraph Cables of the World.'; together
with several short stories and poems by
Joel Benton, Douglas Sladen, and others,
This Space
Ceram Various Sources'l'1•irougli
out the District.
Mr James Henderson. of St Marva, sold
bis celebrated stallion '"L',rd Ulliu. ' Frialas
to Mr John Reidle, Lynwood. for 52,000.
St Marys has formed an athletic Associa-
tion, with these officers ; Air W. C. \lute-
erip, president ; litr H. F.:sharp that vies
and Mr J, W. Wood, second vice,
Imperial Create Tartar Baking Powder le
eudoreed by all our leading Chemiets and
Physioiaus as the purest and beat. 'tate no
other. Sold by all greater;
A Listowel public. meeting has resolved
to (ora a joint atoclt company with 850,000
capital to build and operate a furnitu't
factory. Tho meeting meant busiueee, and
there was a roost unanimous expression of
opiuiott to stand by the town.
A sad and fatal accident occurred at
St. bert'a saw mill, Logan, about four
o'clock on Monday last. A young man.
Joseph Walden, about 21 years of age, was
sawing a elab, when he was jerked on to
the saw, and was cut almost in two, the
teeth entering the heart about four inches.
Death, of course, was instentanepua.
The number of prisoners committed to
Stratford jail for the year ending September
910 1x90 was 122e or a decrease of 28 over
previous year, The greatest uuv:iber eon
fined at any one time was 20 The total
cost of maintaining the gaol was 4:1.507.04.
The Government inspector reported that he
found the gaol iu perfect order,
Tile venerable ex -pastor of Knox. church,
Stratford, Rev Thomas McPherson, died on
Sunday last, in the 1+let Year or Itis age,
He was born in the county of A.utriru, Ire.
land, and same to Canada in 1849, and in
the winter of the satno year settk'il in Strat
ford, from which time until his death he
had been a valued and respected resident
of the piace. His wife died on the Otb of
September last.
Mr J. IL Howard, of the base line, Bien -
shard, bas this spring brought into his
neighborhood about 10C rows which were
veld to the patrons of the Blausbard cheese
!a°tore% Thia is an excellent idea, The
cheese industry is an important one to the
farmers, and by being able to etoek tip in
the spring they will bo able to vend more
milk to the factory and got better returns,
at a very small extra expense.
Whose name does not
often appear in print; but the
fact is none the less true,
that his store is well filled
with suitable goods for the
season before us, and our
customers are not slow to s
that for choice patterns in
there are no better, Every
day brings its buyers and ad-
mirers of them; just call and
see them. Get our prices,
and we shall be pleased if
you select and buy, and if
not we shall not cry, but ask
you to call again. Every
department is full and will
mention them in another
Wm. Jauoth, Hills Green, has sold his
valuable farm to Wm. Conset for 56,000.
A lady in Clinton presented her husband
with two children at separate births inside
of teu months.
Dr Sloan bas disposed of Itis fine resid-
ence and farm in Blyth and intends remov-
ing to Toronto.
Wo aro sorry to learn that Mr F. Case,
of Seafortb, is again seriously ill, and that
but alight hopoa arc entertained for hie
An otter measuring 4 feet 6 inches, and
weighing about 40 pounds, was last week
naught on the farm of Henry Monteith,
Mr Wm, Cudmore. of tine London Road,
Tuckersmith, lost a valuable horse last week
from rupture. This horse was one of a
large team.
1,000,000 white fish fry, has been deposit-
ed in Lake Huron at Goderich, during the
past week. Last week 1,030,000 were
placed in Lake Erie at Port Stanley.
The old town hall at Wingham has been
sold to the temperance people for 5125.
They purpose moving the building to a
vacant lot close by and fitting it up for a
lodge room.
If yon are nervous or dyspeptic try
Carter's Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia
makes you nervous, and nervousness makes
you dyspeptic ; either one renders yon
miserable, and these little pills cure both.
Mr Rodney Adams, of the Bayfield Road,
near Goderich, has in his possession eleven
head of fowl -hens and roosters -which
weigh 135 pounds, or an average of 12 and
a fraction pounds each.
Messrs John Reeves and James Miller,
of Goderich township claim to have felled,
cut, split and piled 20 cords of beech and
maple in 2a days, on the farm of Mr Geo.
fiudie, 7th con Goderich township. Can
this be excelled i
A post office twinge bank has recently
been opened in connection with the Hen-
eall office, and provision is made for deposi-
tors depositing from $1 00 to $1,000 in any
one year. The farther privilege is also
given of depositing in all l3,000, but not
more than $1,000 in any one year,
We regret to state that the condition of
county clerk Adamson is not improving
much, and his many friends will regret to
learn that during the week Le has been
failing considerably. His trouble is paraly-
sis of the spine, and although conscious, he
is gradually growing weaker, and fully
realizes that his end is near. le has filled
. his present position for a great many years,
and has been regarded as an almost indis-
peneible assistant to the county council, eo
thoroughly posted is he upon municipal law
and the general transactions relating there-
BRIEFS lir G . A„•n:•l ;.1 t Tl
n•av «1,rtilnlierw at leis u,,au' :;rr rr:•.,'
\['Ewen. tire „ W.•s'eru S.1r Nests„' pP 'etas
'r. etinir a largeAt) x01 diet a•x*,•, 4
hie ar,e'ebaar-e f burst,. Iftt, t a ..
bane no d nbt but he mall ',grana ° :a It sr
urlrnber of cnope•s.-11..v J. S. 11. n it•rna':
ne"d 1. nil EJcro1d ed' ono. mei ire et tart• t
hr+ , reentiin e•east. in a c .nvle' „f we
4l.-” Rade who lof' for NI •uratst tt:t I to ..aft•
j.ntr,tnv Anti sr°tired wank vie. 1' li.t.-
lee arrived. at ,toe:d pas I.> n, was b e' e
-inne-Town serib" has heel. teatime ins
poration for H,•nsell W.' wi I need a f• w
runt,. populati..n. eenre••t% 6t)u au•t the Iwo
•+*gory r, umber is 7u-0 \Ii 11,trre A.,u"I;f,
gave Craig a thing vi,it,-Tate! o'•is.' us id
bring taken and Cha•ley iin.-e it in g•,ed
y' vie --Mr (leo Cookumn, .of the trent eat it
•t•"e. he. bought oqt the no.v baale'r. - tfr
and Kis Jarrett, of tittle (levee, were the
guests of lir and -ire D Nicol --Ur 'Waiter
Petty bas a smiling countenance eines he
has been presented with a tweet baby giri.
-A very su.pieioua loakrng chat voter eves.
ed through here on Suuday last. Q•rery:
Where do these gentlemen drive ft nm, -
Two young Wren drove int;, town nn Sim.
day last in quest of "fire water" and on
being refused, soon left --Rev J. S, lli,n-
&renn Knelled a m'•at i101'rs'ssiv r 111.1"at
in the t'resbyteriaa church front the t' rite
"I will gs ." liry Mr Cerisnli, the eateetneel
ttseter of Sealer:in, preaehrtt in Ilensnll
:carr+ley with reef& aeeeptance. His eon ie
e chip oil the obi blot;.-.auunl_ pithy mei
to the print -Billy Push has dit+pasartl of a
large weather at envie:s: e. The te•achere
of the 'nubile sehnt.el pr,.'poee giving an en
tert:rinaueut before long, -The I. 0.0. F,
puniest+ holding their anniversary eervieea
in their oan hall, on Tuesday ev ning 28th.
We aro gird to see the, the lodge have ad-
hered to their abandonment of Sundae
parades. It is a step in the right dtreetion,
uo'i the lodge of this place take the leaf' in
a goof work of anch !rind. -J. Courts, of
McDonell's nardware Mote, was called home
suddenly by telegram ou Saturday, Have
heard no partioulars.--Mr Thus Cameron
has secured a situation in Brueetield, and
he is a good work can. -Tho latest is that
"rho world is not coming to an end" ae
the promote of consuming does not nearly
equal the increase in formation. Who ever
heard of each rot. -alto annnal meeting
of the Meehenics' Institute will bo held on
Friday evening• -It was with the deepeat
regret that the peuple of Hensel) heard of
the death of the entant eon of Mr Jerry
Keliand, which death ocourred at the resid-
ence of its graudfather Mr D. ''filler. The
bereaved have the sympathy of their friends
in Heneall -Quito a number of new build-
ings are being ereoted in Hensel!, among
whioh are those of Meaers Paterson, Stew-
art, Mitchell, Cook. Arnold and others. -
McPherson & Co have put in a ram stook
of groceries -things aro looking spry, -Mr
Happel was in town last week. -P. Dardis,
of Boston, is after horses. -Miss Maggie
Morrieun has a large music class and any
others wi'Ling the services of a competent
teacher would do well to engage her. -Mrs
Wm Waugh who has been visiting her
mother in Clinton has returned -Rev J. S.
Henderson of this place, and Rev P. Scott,
of Cromarty, paid London a visit this week.
-Rev Mr Bond gave an address to the
members of the Bible Tract Society on
Wednesday last. -Mr Thus Berry, of the
Sale and Exchange Stables, has bought in
some of the finest horses in the country. -
Our flour mill is running steadily and the
reports from all parts of Canada where the
Heneall mill's flour is sold. state it to be
among the finest grades made, and is in
demand. Mr Coot is an energetic man and
worthy of all praise -The planing mills
are turning out work in large quantities. -
Messrs Cudmore and Westoott are again at
work laying the foundations for the several
houses, -Mr Wm Welch received the con-
tract for the new school, to be built at the
Red Tavern, for $785. -Messrs Coad and
Colwill went out fishing the ether day and
came home with a fine pailful of fieb. Some
say th13y met a fish peddler on the road and
made a purchase. Others say the fish were
on the top of the pail, and under the fish
was some green looking material, not at all
fiehy, But the former must be correct as
Richard says it is, -Rev air Sermon the
new English church Clergyman, has settled
in town. We welcome the Rev gentleman,
wife and family amongst us, and hope he
may long be spared to worn in his master's
vineyard, and may he have the pleasure of
seeing many souls brought to the fold. -A
large number are suffering from bad colds
at present. -The society of' Christian En-
deavor which now meet weekly is steadily
increasing, and a good work is being done.
-The Epworth League, in the Methodist
church, is also growing and a long felt want.
viz : bringing the young men and women
prominently forward in church work, is
supplied. All honor to the promoter, Rev
Mr Casson 0 Mr J Gilchrist, a farmer of
the London Road, died on Monday of con-
sumption. He had been ailing for some
time, Aged 58 years ; •ha leaves a grown
up family. -Mr Wm Bell, of the London
Road, has sown quite a large amount of
grain. The farmers are busy. -Mr Wm
Elder bas sold a large number of imple-
ments this season, and does an extra large
bnsiness. He wears with the public, -The
lawsuit Murdock & .Co vs O'Neil was post-
poned for sore reason or other. The lack
of push we are informed was on the side of
the latter.
At Strathroy, on Friday, a lamp exploded
in E. Rowland's office, setting the rear of
the premises on fire,
Mrs. W. Barclay, Ailsa Craig, bag gone to
Vanconyer, B. 0., to join her husband, who
has started in business there.
On Saturday morning fire destroyed the
large stables of A. Craik's carriage works,
Strathroy. The damage will fully reach
John Armstrong, McGillivray, has a living
curiosity in the shape of a spring lamb with
five legs. The extra limb comes out of the
body a little behind the right front shoulder,
and at the end has a eet.of perfectly formed
hoofs. The lamb is well formed in every
respect and quite lively.
A few years ago a debt of $150 was re-
movedby the Ailsa Craig Methodists. Sub-
sequently $1,300 was subscribed to build a
parsonage, which is now finished. It is a
handsome white brick building, commodious
and heated throughout with hot air, and is
a model of neatnees aid convenience.
rf the.
its de-
JOHN 'cv.IfITE alt SON
Publisher anti Proprietor
see,v®,tee v
Netwith-tanding the downpour of rain on
Tneeday afternoon there was a fair attend-
-nee, the entries exec ded that of last year.
rip. "line of heavy horses was good, there
hong seven exhibite, The following is the
•riz., list :
Eforos .--lJeavv draegitt,-X Hewitt,
^;a'a,rat..h hero' ; G Coward, +Nesvltalf,'
ra• t -t' al purpose. 2 %ears olti.- .Alf. Hardy.
Tearer teood all mind"; Alex Creighton,
Taunts farmers' friend' French, -S Hod -
'lemon Napoleon'; Jas Foster, 'Young
at Lawrence,' Pereiueron-•John Stephens,
't"lrall„ni e,' Roadster, ---Geo Gretton, 'A.1 -
tweet 1f eAioiau' thoi Bissatt,'Sir Hennes.'
Two years old, Alf irouside, 'General
Tiernan'; Wm Amos,'Inung Moment Joa.'
Yearlings, -.Dann t2 Luskin, 'Dan Moore'
13tn.Le,--Aged. -W E Lawton, 'Brialiaut.`
Yea, lings-la McDonald, 'Succeed.'
!ha Jukes were 11ts srs Thies Lawton.
Time Litwin, E3, Dunsmore, and gave good
Tato Crediton SpringPITallow was held on
Friday April 17th. The weather WAS not
as favorable ae might be desired, nevertltee
lora there was a large gathenug of purple
and a geed show et Items. Following is
the prize fiat :
Huns,., -Imputed Clydesdale,
( r Martitr'a 'Pride of (Ilasnie;' (;fuss \Volf's N
'('tear the Way; Coward I1rai' 'Nc salt.
Curve year old, . ealey \tielalt's *Bonnie
L•S'ulcicrr e
ro 'orec L
la tS
: Bow's
Iloaietere--rings Iaineett'a 'air
Bonn.'r; (neo liughee '11ighlarel 4Tessenner;
Arreetrong .ti' Tennant'a ''Legit Ma:; rt;"
Carriage,-'\ I,•vingtarn'R'General Grant;'
(leo (Iraftou'a 'Almont Magician; Jaseplig
Pnuipiney's'Lord Zetland,' Beet clydlee- 6
dale or shire horse, I' Curtin'a 'Simple
Juunie: Bast light horse,--Arwatroug d:
Tennant's • Book Maker,'
13nr.ree--Derham, aged, --W Morloolee
'Prince Canadian: 1 year ofd,-(* Mor -
lock's 'Prince of Stephen.' 10 monthe old,
-John Korea 'Royal °roseate.'
Junnne,-Stenon Campion, Farquhar;
Wm Stevens, Woodham ; Wm Baker,
H. Ermine, Seoy.
The spring fair of the Stephen it Usborne
agrielrltural society was h31d in Exeter on
Thnradav last. The weather was propiti-
out and the attendance was vary large, the
show of horses being ahead of former years.
Ie all classes there was keen competition.
Fallowing is the prize list :
HonsES-Imported draught, -Hewitt &
Kay's 'Scottish Hero;' Geo Martin's 'Pride
Glasnio;' D Berne' 'Sir Clifton.' Three
year old, -P Molnnia' 'Lord Gladstone;
Wes. Welsh'e'Bonnie Laddie.' Two year
old, -Wm Harris' 'Young Charming
Cuarlie;' Richard Delbridgo's 'Young Lord
Clinton.' Shire -aged,-Dow & Willis'
'Suooess: Carriage, --Geo Grafton's M.
mont Magician;' W B McLean's 'Raven;'
W Revington s 'General Grant.' Three
vear old,-Jno Harrle' 'Fearnaught Chief;'
Jim Norris' 'Vanderbilt,' Roadster, -Aged,
Thos Bissett's 'Sir Bonner;' Geo Hughes'
'Highland Messenger;' W B MoLean's
'Heneall Clear Grit. Three year old, -R.
Barb ar's'Gold Bird;' S Hogarth's 'Jim.'
Thorough bred blood, -Jae Barry's 'Edin-
burg,' Best heavy horde of any class, J
Willis' 'Saocess.' Best light horse of any
class, Jae Berry's 'Edinburg.' Beat Clydes-
dale horse, Hewitt & Kay's 'Scottish Hero:
Butes-Durham, aged, -Gavin Rose'
'Clear the way.' Two year old, -Thomas
Shapton's'Willolave Jack.'
J000ES.-1IORSEe,-Alex Innis, Clinton. ;
J. Hedging,- Clandeboye ; W B McLean,
Kippin. BIILLs.-Jas Petty, Hensel]. ; Air
vVileon, McGillivray,
The directors of the society wish to re-
turn thanks to the citizens of Exeter for
their liberal contributions in raising the
amount of the prize list, which was the
largest ever given by the society ; also to
Mr Fitton whojdouated a silver cup for the
best three year old carriage stallion.
Mr•A Roth one of our tailors 'purposes
removing to Toronto where he has obtained
a lucrative position as cutter -Rev. T.
Hauch is the gueet of his brother Mr Philip
Iieuoh.-Mr Coleman, of Toronto, one of
the Canada Company Staff accompanied by
Mr J. Spackman, local agent, were in the
village on Tuesday transacting business
at%h the township clerk, relative to the
proposed drain in the big marsh. -Mr T
Jarrott 1st assistant in the public school
here is convaleacent.--Meaera. Hench and
Latta, formerly teachers in our school were
visiting in the village this week. --A large
wedding passed, through the villege • ou
Thursday last. The enutracting 1artirs
were Mr Miller anal Mi:. Hartung,
We have just received a
shipment of lovely Tweeds
lex Spring and Summer Suit-
illgs and fancy Paintings.
They are really the finest and
Lflost perfect lot we have ever
had the pleasure of showing.
The prices are lower than
ever. We will be pleased to
show 'these goods to anyone,
regardless whether they wish
to btiy or not.
NOTE :--A large consignment of Felt
and Straw Hats just in, which to
see is to admire. Prices
BRIEFS -The farmers of the surrounding
country have commenced seeding. -Dr.
Sloan has Bold his residence to Mr Hector
Buir, of Montrenl, for a handsome sum.
The doctor intends moving to Toronto.
His many friends in Blyth and vicinity
regret very much to hear of his departure.
Dr. Ferguson. of Seafortb, Rill take Dr.
Sloan's praotioe.-1\liss Maggie McLean left
on Tuesday to attend the Alma College, St.
Thomas. -Miss Reid, of Guelph, arrived on
Saturday to take charge of the lutes mediate
department of the public school vacated by
Miss Mol1ean.-Mr S. H. Gidley was in
Exeter last week attending the funeral of
his brother.
Kir $ton .
., P. ROSS.
Presbyterian Synoa of I r titan
and, Inion.
Tari'? Syne i met in Len -lou on Monday,
the 2++tli nest. It is tla + i:irgt•et of tie nee
SSn<*dn{:r'rh campriee tee Pre -betel=
camels in Cann lo. It is ee ffii'0sr::1 asf needy
two tsnadr.,1 mita, tyro anal a like ° untidier
of el. lore s'r input 0. There was a lie 1l:RtPY IOP
attendant t•rrser.t. T'"sF Syn• d was opened
with n Real erennoi by Ole, retiring moria ra-
tor, Rev A. McLane, of i1yth, after which
the roll was calla .l acid the gee A. Tultnie,
of Ssmthompton, Was t•li clot mnderuter ;
adjournment afterwards 1111 Tueeday 1001.11-
ing at 0 (Moak. The flreit hour on Tnee lay
woe spent in devotional oacreieee, then "..4 -
lensed report from Stratford Presbytery to
the effect that the matter 10 dieputebcetween
the late llev Thomas Melte raon aua Knox
cliuroh, Stratford, fit re retiring allowance,
was aettled by the congregation according
to the request of the Speed.
A goad elder from Huron has an overture
here on "Pasture in Prayer." It seems
that Presbyterians ate getting laze, and in-
deed of standing at prayg; preter a baif-
sittiig position. This overture asked the
Synod to transfer it to the General. As -am.
bly, whioh it did without expressing any
opinion on it.
Dr Cochrane presentel report from La Best
College, Brantford. This institution lull
had the lergeet attendance this year iu its
history and in every way has closed a very
prosperous year, Report received and the
College commended to the attention of our
fair daughters. The Ministerial Aseoeuation
of London gent a delagatiou consisting of
Revs. Messrs Mollonagh, Carr and Ira
Smith, who convoyed friendly greetings,
and a welcome to London.
The moat interesting case so far before
the Synod is a question between the Pres-
teries of Sarnia .and London sato which has
jurisdiction over the congregation of East
Williams. This congregation, which was
long under the care of the late Rev L. Mc-
Pherson, remained out of the union in 1874
In 1883 Mr McPherson retired and the con-
gregation wished to come into the union. The
Presbytery of Sarnia had in the meantime
been erected and the congregation seemed
clearly within its territory. The matter,
however, was never properly settled and it
bad caused some friction between their
Presbyteries. The Synod decided that it
should be under the care of London.
The anneal reports aro always of great
interest ; they conoist of reports on the
'State of Religion' Temperance, Sabbath
Schools and Sabbath Observance, which
have been prepared from reports from the
nine Presbyteries within the bounds of the
Synod. They occupied the whole of Tues-
day ovg, Recommendations were adopted
asfollows :
On the State of Religion -that sessions
be urged to a more careful supervision of
the prayer meetings and congregations and
to'the necessity of special meetings for de-
votional purposes
On Temperance -that ministers be en-
joined to keep the gospel before the people
as the only means of uplifting and purifying
our race ; tbat our people he again urged.
to throw their influence in favor of Tem-
perance both by their example and by sus-
taining the present restriction laws, and
that total prohibition be sept in view as the
final goal and the only means of putting an
end to the traffic in intoxicating drink.
On 5 Schools --that the attention of ses-
sions be called to the fact that not more
than one third of the scholars in our S.
Schools are committing scripture and the
catechism to memory; and that the higher
religious instruction scheme be earnestly
commended to our Sabbath Schoola.
On Sabbath Observance -that ministers
be urged to preach at least once a year on
this question and that batter laws on this
question be pressed for. There is a good
deal of business yet, and perhaps the most
interesting matter is to come in the shape
of an appeal from a session in Hamilton
pity against a decieion of the Hamilton
A,OENT a. P. R. -Mr F M Tipton, Agent
C P R, Toronto, Ont., says: "My wife
suffered, severely from an atta°k of 'leen
matism, when I was induced to give St.
Jacobs Oil a trial, with the happiest
results. I can confidently recommend
your invaluable remedy as a sure cure for
Vele disease." It ie the best.
At no season in the year is cold in the
head and, catarrh more prevalent than
eluting April. To negleot either means
misery and perbaps fatal results. Nasal
Balm is the only certain remedy for these
•dangerous'diseases. and as a peeoauiicnary
r cmedy should be kept ie over; household,;
;Nasal Balm fists curets IDonsands of sufferers
-it will cure you. Try. ie..
Children Cry for Pitchers Zlstori
BRIEFS -Mr Milton Callender left the
village on Friday last en route to Norwood
where he has bbtained a eituation.-Mr.
Hugh Ross, of Seaforth, has been vieitina
friends in the village lately. -Mr, Caton
Willis has been spending the past two weeks
amongst his old acquaintancesln the
neighborhood. -:lir tem. Callender, of
Parkersburg, W. Virginia, has been seri-
ously i11 for some time past, but has now
taken a change for the better, and his
friends are looking for a speedy recovery.-
ecovery.The annual meeting of Kirkton base bal
club will be held in the hotel on Saturday
evg next when officers will be elected an
other important business laid before th
meeting. -The pulpit of the Episcopa
church. was filled very acceptably on Sunda
last by Mr Beverley of Huron College
Loudon. -The wife of Mr George Mille has
been indisposed for the last few weeks.-
Mr John Doupo has commenced the erec-
tion of whew stable. -Several caucus meet-
ings have been held during the past week
or two by our 'local lights without spot or
blemish, to take in the political situation
of South Perth as it stands to -day. So far
they have foiled to draw the red herring
nerors,the path of 'Mon' of .those wicked
Tories. • '