HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-12-08, Page 11r '0.4,,, 7., ,t,r:.!..'"i tit- : '41.....e tt qv ry i 11/2 -LB PIECE 3 -LB RING A&P's BIG FANNED FQODS SALE Choice Quality Reg. 2 tins 27c -SAVE 6e JANE PARKER QUALITY Bakery Features at AQP BAKED IN A&P's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKERS Jane Parker Reg. 49c -SAVE 10C APPLE PIE each 3 9c STOCK UP YOUR'FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRICE Jane- Parker -Spanish BAR -CAKE Jane Parker Individual, CINNAMON WHIRLS Jane ParLUer Seeded or PLAIN RYE BREAD Reg-- 39czy-SAm1CT . 10w each 29t Reg. pkg 33c -SAVE 8n pkg 25c Reg. loaf 22c -SAVE 5c 2 24 -oz loaves 39t A&P Choice Cut F CASE OF 24 TINS $2.5,2 - SAVE 72c GREENBEANS CASE OF 24 TINS $148 -- Henley Choice Quality FRUIT 1� t Reg. 2 tins 31c -SAVE 2c 20 -oz tins SAVE 24c CKTAIL Reg. tin 31c -SAVE 7c 20 -oz tins CASE OF- 24 TINS $6.60 84c -- Std. Keiffer IONA PEARS CASE OF 24 TINS $4.44 - Reg. tin 21c -SAVE 5c 20 -oz tins SAVE 60c. Weekend Super -Right ,Q ual iter Meat Features at A&P GRADE "A" OVEN REDY Ib 21/2 TO 3 -LB AVERAGE, :GIBLETS REMOVED, FOR FRYING, ROASTING, BROILING GROUND CHUCK 5 9c CHOPPED SUET 625s SHORT CUT' PRIME RIB ROAST 59< 1e 5 9< FRESHLY GROUND LEGS, THIGHS, BREASTS CHICKEN CUTS BONELESS, SOLID MEAT Oast.lb�®`�ic FANCY QUALITY, SLICED BEEF LIVERb39c BURNS, VAC PAC Ib49cHOLOGN'ARINGS SMOKED 1 -Ib cello pkg 49c WIENERS PORK SPARE RIBS b49c swE-G'r PICKLED, 2 TO 3 -LS END CUTS BACK .BACON SWEET PIc KLEZ , CENTRE CUTS OR SLICES BACK: BACON SEA SEALD CANADA INSPECTED COD FILLETS COOKED AND BREADED ......SCALLOPS 1b59t 16 79c 1-16 pkg 27c Ib 6�c BULK SHRIMP 2bsl.59 TASTY CHIP VEAL CUTLETS ALL -300D, SM ,KtD, RINDL" ES:3,cSLICED SIDE BACON 5 -oz pkg 27c. 1-1b pkg�5 9c r FROZEN FOOD FEATURES SNOWCROP 12 -oz pkgs 3c 2 Reg. each 19c - SAVE 5c A&P FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 39ozPkgs47C Reg. 2 pkgs 33c - SAVE 3e More Savings at A&P A&P Fancy Quality, TOMATO. JUICE ,. 42o -oz tins 45c A&P Reg. pkg 89c -SAVE 10c NECTAR, TEA BAGS pkg of -90 79c,, Gerber. R. 2 'tins 456 -SAVE 6c MEAT FOR BABIES ., 23'/= -oz tins.39c Reg. lb 23c -SAVE AN EXTRA sc JEWEL SHORTENING 2 M pkgs 517 Reg. 2 tins 25c -SAVE 5'c ' 4c Off Deal White Swan Reg, pkg 53c --SAVE 4c TOILET TISSUE pkg of 4.rors 49c Christie's roplcies Reg. pkg 45c -SAVE 60 MINIATURES CHOCOLATE ' pkg 39c Regular & Quarters ' Reg. 2 lbs 53c -SAVE 11c MARGARINE MONARCH. 41-I6 pkgs 95c Christmas TABLE NAPKINS pkg of 20 3 5 c Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Special s CALIFORNIA., NEVJ CN.OP, FANCY GRADE, NAVEL ,^,A',tFOFRNIA, NO. 1 E 5 -Ib cel'.o bag 5 size 7 C 88's 9, doz GRADE, LARGE CRISP CLUSTERS DATS ES•EMPEROR 2 lbs California, Fresh Now Crop Fancy Grad, A 1+ PL s Ontario Grown, Cold Storage Stock, Fancy Grade, McIntosh imus Fresh Tangy Taste, Japanese Me 4l No. 1` Grade, Approk. 9 -lbs Ne 8-oz35c alm pkgs 3 -Ib cello bag 3 5c :brill, nt� +9 9 t box CAULI LO ECalifornia, Snow White, No. 1 Grade,, Cello Wrapped each 3 5c a llfnrnia BRCCOL� NC. 1 Grade Ige original bunch 210C � C BRUSSELS Green,alifornia NQ.Fresh 1 2 'bs 3 5c ' - - - - - - -e" - ATOES 1X49i 5ib LIDO BISCUITS Priced Low at A&P CREME SEISATION 16ozpkgj9c FAMILY MIX VEDETTE VICTORIA T.V. SNACK REGAL • 2 -Ib package 69c package 39C 16 -oz cello package 39C 16-ozpackage 35c 14 -oz cello package 39C SPECIAL 45c OFF Plus Extra Savings i at A&P. A&P REG PRICE 11.09 SAVE AN EXTRA 10c TOTAL SAVING 55c tHt OQ►!wt K.aAHIKC i PAEIFI. I!A COMP04V LTO SUPER KING SIZE A&P Special Price c , AAP MEANS DEPENDAIIILITY .All -P.rices..in..''i1t.iiritid.:iuuarantead . T.blr_owth tic, 0,,10thh 'a J Dungannon DUN'GANNON 'Dec. 6. Omar .Brooks, 'of Lucknow, but - formerly' a resident of, Dungan- non, has sold the ftrm on the 4th concession qt Ashfield, farm, to Jbe I atiphin, of Ridge - town. 111x. ,end Mrs- • Dauphin Paye two childr :rr Ga u_`,�,ra,d,, o1=" ptifbliers'c Til :ate. J. C. Durnin, o;f Kitel"iener, was home for the Meek -end. We extend congratn.Ulations to J. C. who has passed the primary ex- aminations of a five-year course. He is wilth Butler, Dooley and Clarke, chartered accountants, in Kitchener. Durnin Phillips .with Mrs. Phillips, op Monday afternoon, attended the -funeral of his aunt, the late Mrs. E. Philips, Auburn. Mrs. Glen Weaver was called to the bedside of her brother, Russel Myers, in Chatham hos- pital, who was seriously ill. Last wbrd' is that he is improv - 'ng and recovering from a rup- ,ur•ed u,ppendix. C.G.I.T. Plan Service. - The %.G.LT. held a pot luck supper for their m•emlb•ers at the United ' hurc.h 'on Monday night. Mrs. 1). Philips accompanied al the -34ano for the CjG.T.T, hymn. Doreen Culbert gave the roll call. Mrs. T. Richards super- vised the girls in the painting f plaques. An initiation took ,]ace for the new organization. X discussion was held on the c-andlelighting service for Sun- ' ay , December 18 alt 11 a.m. Tom Fowler, a Stratford Teachers' College Student, is practice -teaching at the Bast Line school, Hullett Township, of 'Whiieli Warner r , rr.Ladt rs -teacher.- • Mrs. Heller Ee ly was sadden - A lasF weck_tp, hear of the Y e tiwl °.oiw.11f ` ebusrn : 1 I%win Mundt, of Milverton, who was Killed in a motor accident. United Church W.M.S. Meets. -Mrs. Herb Finnigan was hos- :ess for the United- Church W.M.S. Friday afternoon. Mrs. E. -ft'iv.l:�tt led in the devotionals and iVLrs. Mg Reed read the Scripture lesson. This being he Christmas meeting, carols were sung and "Advent" was the theme. Fourteen members answere Lthe roll call and 36 home calls and 216 hospital calls w•ere"repetrted made last month. The election of officers resulted :n the addition of Mrs. T. Rich- rds and Mrs. II. Finnigan as f':G.LT. 'leaders, Rev. T. Rich- ards was present for the duties of installation. Mrs- E. Rivett will he. the rc'preientl Live for the nominations committee. Mrs. Ivers read a letter from Mrs. ' tarley Vlgc,te, Goderich, on "Friendship. Mrs. C. Blake •ead all article entitled "Person to Person," and Mrs. M. Shackle - on read a Crristian steward - 'lip article, "A',ugys talking about money." The next meet- ing will be at th'e home of Mrs. M. Shackleton. Mrs. Ivan Riv- ett will be in charge of the, devotionals and Mrs. T. C. An - ,nm The Goderieh Signal -Star, Thursday, December. :Otic, /900 19 de Jerson will .take the -study book. Frank Glenn returned home ast week erid from We:.Itminster `Iospital, London, after a suc- cessful operation. STVIIIMENST pi e t .4tOt `j uests with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice were ?4r. and Mrs. Wa;lia'm Redman, of Orton. They also visited. Mr. A. G. Webb, -who is a patient':in Wingha'm hospital. uill.in vishors ..arl John - Mr. and Mrs. Fran and Terry were Su with Mr. and Mr sten, of )3luevule. Next Sunday, Dec mer 11, will be White Gift 'Sunday at the United Church. Gifts and money will go to the needy to 'help make their Christmas more joyous. Mr. and Mrs. Simon De Boer and Mr. John Kirk received their Canadian citizenship pap- ers at Goderich last week. Forty-three took their oath of allegiance. Mr. Anugs McDonald under- went surgery in Victoria ITos pital, Landon, on. Tuesday, We wish him a speedy recovery. Recent visitors with Mr, and :Mrs. Elwood Bv,rbour were Jim Petta,pieee, of Kinloss, and Mr. -and Mrs. Ken Barbour and fam illy, of Belgrave. Ivan McQuill'in, of Elmira, Barry 'McQuillin and Miss Sue Scott, of Waterloo, were Sun- day visitors with their parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred McQuil".ln. 1 Mr, and,Mxs. Angus McDonald,'and familymoved this weer„ into the home of lVirs. D, ,(.,.. 1MoAonald, -, QNNYJ JQK.• ON[I\T•B'1i10'OK, Dec. 5. *-- ,MiSs"Lfcy'' difipean,of',Zr`t 'tTe! visited Miss Josephine and Mut; David McAllister over the', week- end and attended the 4Q'th ding anniversary anniversary of Mr: and Mrs. Joseph Thompson,, of Gode ridh, which Was held in 13014 grave Saturday evening. 50th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jefferson and 'Debbie attended the 50th wedding anniversary of the tat- ter's grandparents, Mr: and Mrs. Willows Mountain, of Loucks baro, on Wednesday exteniDg of lag week. This was ,a ,surprise_ party arranged by the couple's daughter, Mrs. Elgin (Gladys) Josiing and Mr. Josling at their home at Londesiboro. ' The room wa§ decorated with .gold stream- ers and the dinner table was centred with a three -tiered wed- ding cake. Following dinner, the.bride and groom of 50 years were presented wilthr -a step - table and matching caffee table, and also a large plant of yellow mums. We wish tthem many more years of happiness to- gether. Husband to wife buying native jewelry: "Our government sends these peopleeeonomic aid,' dear. ft.isn't entirely up to you!" ANIEMPOININNIIW i Federal -Provincial Land Assembly Project 11 RESIDENTFAL BUILDING LOTS AVAILABLE Lots will be sold to prospective hope -owners on a first-come first-served basis starting at 10- A.M.' in the Police Office -West Street, '-Goderich. Decemberi2and 13, 1960 . Price $ 825:00 The purchase price includes approximately 50 per cent of the cost of services. The remaining cost of providing sewers, watermains, sidewalks and hard -surfaced roads. will be collected by the Muni- cipality over a period Of .15< years by means of a --special tax levy. ' • Sale of- the lots will be conducted at th'e Police .-A-ffiee; W -es -t• S,neet--CodericYr; =for the--twe-clays-onl-yr All further sales will be handled through` Cen- tral Mortgage and Housing Corporation's office at 1254 King Street .East, Kitchener. 48 ,what do y credit union loans tactual cost? • Coh You Get $50 $100 $200 , $300 $500 $750 $1000. $1500 ,_ $2000' ' Average ,,,Monthly Payments 6 mo. 12 rho. 18 mo. 24 mo. 30 mo. 36 mo. $8.62 $4.43 $ 1 $ $ $ 17.24 8.87 6.09 ' 34.50 , 17.76 I 12.19 9.41 C ' 26.64 1818 14.11 .n 44.41 30.48 23.52 19.35 66.61 45.70 j 35.30 29.33 88.83 60,96 47.05 38.73 33:20 133.25 91.45 70.59 ' 58.10 49180 94.13 ' 77.48 66.41 (This is a "level payment" plan. The "principal and inter- est" plan payments start slightly higher "and end up slightly lower than shown here. The total interest you pay will be the same either way). Better still, use the "SAV>= WHILE YOU B`ORRbW,; ,plan. ;i a • WHEN - YOU ARE OFFERED CREDIT SOMEWHERE, ADD UP ALL THE CHARGES YOU ARE ASKED TO PAY. THEN COMPARE WITH, THIS TABLE. ALMOST ALWAYS, CREDIT UNION CHARGES ARE LOWER. LOANS INSURED 3 W4VS 1. TEMPORARY DISABILITY. -.Makes your monthly payments. 2. PERMANENT 'DISAMLITY -- Pays off loan In full. 3. ,•DEATH --- Loan is paid in full. There is absolutely no extra, charge for this loan' protection insurance. Goderich Con munity Credit Unior 27 SOUTH S" . JA 4-700*