HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-4-16, Page 5NEWS NOTES oaNaorAN. Mr J A Masatle,ex-1fI P for Richelieu Que., is dead, The tirbt locomotive to as through the. St. Clair tunnel made its trip Saturday, The voters' lists used in the recent general elections contained 1,090,000 names, A cable from London says the French Cxovernrnent has consented to admit Canadian .hog products. The Toronto Separate School hoard has decided to substitute the teaching of type writing and shorthand for that of music. The prospects are bright for au almost unprecedented crop of various kinds t'f fruit in the neighborhood of rimaby this year, A United 3tatea sarndicate will es, tetanal smelting works ux Llamttton, and propoas to invest $10,004,000 in the same, Alias Clive Sinderaon, of aiedi lee Rat, tasted the contents ot a bottle au a ;belt in the pantry anti died in tifteen minutoa. It was atrychnine. Montreal L'Etendard says that the non -disallowance at the Manitoba School Act, will oonsiderably shake s Oorile,laration, Hon. Bilward Blake leaves for British CloIutinbia on April lath in connection With the arbitration oaae of the 0 P R. end the Dominion Government. The Canadian laonntnotive and Engine Worka Company at Kingston. Ont., luta closed a contract with the C. F R for fifteen locomotives to be cam- plated in least than a year. Albert J. Woodward, a butcher, aged about fifty years, committed auicide at Woo,is.tock, Friday, by .hanging him- self in Ilia alaughter house. Despond. eucy is auppoaed to be the cause. Shore Woodside, living alone on a farm near eladatone ".+tan., tried to take lira life by cutting his throat. Not stc+so nldtishing thta he swallowed car. beim acid. The friends of Clarke Wallace, P, West ').ork, preseuted him with an Address end a magnificent oil painting of himself Tuesday evening at the Masonic 1t•afl, ,Parkdale. The population of Winnipeg is estimated at 27.000 and the aggregate valuation is $19,995,370, an increase of about one and a third millions over last year. Richard Ratcliffe. of Ratcliffe & Par. tell, stove manufacturers, committed suicide at St Catharines. Friday, by banging himself. Melenaholia, brought on Ly la grippe, is supposed to have been the cause. Stationmaster Molaeen or Oxford Junouon, I, 0. R., Halifax, was shot Friday by a passenger named Murray on thie Quebec express train bound east. •alurray stepped off the train and fired at McKean while he was passing hem on the platform Mr W, R Meredith headed the list of 30 benchera elected by the law Sooiety of upper Canada. tie receiv- ed 939 votes, against 682 for Lion Mr Hardy, 663 for lion Mr Frazer, 637 for Mr Dalton McCarthy, and 381 for A1r Idington, Stratford, who was the last on the list of aueoessful candidates. Fire did about $50,000damage Friday nicht at the iano storerooms of .Heintzman dv Co., on King street west, Toronto, and to the stocks of Tobacco dist txofdatein and Sturtmaker Quinn, in the stores beneath. .Recent accounts from British failure bia give most favorable aocountp as to the mineral deyelopunents, A remark able discovery of gold was made near Lytton, 0 k' R by two 1 iborers who have been quietly working a gold - bearing quartz lead The ore onassay giving 9.000 ounces to the ton. John Hughes of Deere, Renfrew Co., bailiff of the fifth division court, gave* a stranger a ride. After a short time Hughes asked the stranger to hold the 1i ,ea while he filled ilia pip' . While Hughes was engaged in filling his pipe the stranger gave elm a sudden shove, upsetting hint out of the sleigh, and drove rapi,ily away, florae rnd man are still missing. .flexports of wheat from Manitoba and the \orth,tvest Territories up to date this season were 8,700 000 bash, It la estimated that 1„3001100 bushels remain in the hands of abippera and rntllera, and,perbaps, 77+0.lat0 in hands ot farmers. foe eonaumption has tirnutinted to 1,251,000 busheat, so that the total crop of ,Manitoba and the 1'erroories last tall amounted to a little over 12,010,000 buabels. Mr Dewdney, superintendent of Indian affairs for the Dominion, in hie annual report refera with regret to the shocking itnmortaitty diet twists arno .g Ilrttiah Coluuabia and Northwest Indiana lie esyrs la grippe was parti- cularly severe on the Indian tribes troth the Atlanito to the Pacifier and hundreda died from its effects. Tne total Indian population is given as 12205, of which 17,770 reside in Ontario. The Binbrook local option protest was to have been proceeded with Satur day, but;,it has been dropped. The leading temperance people or the township have formed a syndicate, and rented Robert Young's hotel for five years. As this is the only hotel in the municipality, this will settle the diffi- culty. John Leach, a boy from the Orphan's Home, was sent to clean a stable while his employer. Mr Becttsted of Dunbar, went to a neighbor's to get his .mail. When he returned he found the boy suspended from the upper floor by a rope that was used to hold a pole between the horses. Life was extinct. Last January Martin McLean ran away with the wile of a farmer named Arnold, residing near Easton's Corners, near Brookville. The eloping couple were arrested in Regina, N. W T., and brought back The trial came off when McLean was foun rl guilty and sentenced to seven years in Kingston Penitentiary for eloping. James Wilson of Woodville, a con ductor on a train running from Niaga, a to Rochester, when entering Rochester was thrown from his train by coming in contact with a telephone wire. A switch engine backing down at the same time ran over him and he died immediately after. The placing of telephone transmit. tern in churches puts a premium on laziness. A Hamilton man lengthened his wire in his house Sunday morning until he could hold the instrument to bis ear comfortably in bed. Snuggling himself up beneath the bed covers he lay all morning listening to Canoe Curran's discourse in St. Thomas churb. MIMI) BTATka. Barnum, the great ,bowman and the prince of ,humbugs, who died last week at Bridgeport, Conn., at the age et; 86 years, was wor have millions of money. At Kenton, 0., 100 disguised men went to the county jail at 2 o'clock Friday and took out. William Bates, who murdered, E,1war+1 Limpet, a policeman, on March 31, and hung him to a tree. It has been developed that two of the Italian citizens killed by the New Orleans mob were notorioua criminals. Traina was a professional robber and oui•throat in Italy, sad Bagnetto was a murderer who oseeped from. Italy only to meet hes just deserts in America, Forty masked men broke into the jail at Zealand, tiYasb,, on Saturday, and shot to death Joan Rose and John Edwards, who were convicted of the murder of Hans Frederickson and hue wife about a year ago. 'l'he men were confined In jail awaiting a new trial. (News of a bloody affray near the junction of Black and Clurreat.rivers at Newport, Ark., is published. Light men indulged in a free fight,two being killed and two more badly wounded. Tae tight took place in s► stave camp belonging to the Oxley Stave Co. A jug of whiskey was the bone of con- tention. A statement prepared of the fo eign shipping which entered the harbors of the Argentine Republic during the last year show that 9,638 vessels, with a tonnage of 5,286,647. entered Argen- tine ports, Great Britain leads the list of countries, having more shipping than all the other countries put to gather. The number of British vessels was 5,302, and their net tonnage 5,106,581. Ruttiness failures during the last severs days number for the United States 211, and for Canada 32—a total of 243 last week, and 256 the week previous to the last, For the corres ponding week of last year the figures were 209, representing 176 failures in the United .States and 33 in the Do- minion of Canada, MilierochesOnt,, April 10 —An accident happened Friday at Hutchin- son & Co's Worka, on the Cornwall Canal enlargement, at Milleroches, by which one man was killed and another injured. They were working in an excavation when the bank gave way, burying one man named Poitrae. and breaking the arm of Jno Cummings. Previous to the last Dominion elec- tion Mr P. D. McKellar, of Sebome, Wash. 'Per., telegraphed to the leader of the 29th Batt. Band at Glencoe that the band could draw upon him. one dollar for every one of a majority that Dr. Roome had in Glencoe. Fri- day last the treasurer received a cheek: far $26 from Mr McKellar, 26 being the majority obtatded by Dr. Roome in Glencoe. 'fhe Bueno Ayres police have closed the Salvation Army halls there on the ground that the army twas not recog- nised by the church.” The latest story about Parnell is that he was secretly married recently to airs. O'Shea's oldest daughter, who is a ward in chancery. The Newfoundland Government has instructed its official's to refuse licenses tor bait to Canadian vessels and to grant them to Americans tree. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When shehad Children, she gave them Castoria. !ztir i11 Mills. IARECET REPORTS. Wheat , , $1.02to $L05 per bush OUR S1U LING PRICES.. Flour, Strong Bakers', $3 00 per 100 do Best Family 2 75 do Low Grade .. 2 00 '• 13Ian .. 90c, Middlings , , , . , . 1 OW. Screening, 1 OOc. Ohop ., .,, $1 '20 to 1 30 cc c, ii <a Ohop stone running every day. agErTERMS CASH.. Tito EXETER alfif+LII1TO Coy.. s. 10 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send us your address. we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all about Dr Dye's i,el. brated Bleotro-Voltaic Bolt and Applianees,and theiroharmingeffects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and man- hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted, we will send you a Belt and Appliances on a trial, VOLTAIC BELT Co.. Marshall, Mioh. MARKET REPORTS. ESET Ea Red Wheat .. Spring dost... Carley Oats Waver S.lad Timothy •, ,... Pea* Oorn eggs Sutter Flourperbb1 Potatoea,por bushel 4pplee,per aag PriedApplespr b goose per lb. Tnrkeyper lb Ducks per lb Oliiokensporpr aags,dreaeedper100 Boat «, R idesrough, .,. dressed . Sheepskins each Oalfskine woolperlb Rae porton nstionsnerhuae Woodeeraord CONSUMPTION CURED; An old physician retired from Practice ,hay ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula o1 a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and pnrmanentcure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous eomplaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases. has felt it Lis duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a desire to releive human suffering ,I will send free of charge, to, all who desire it, the recipe in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp. naming this paper. W. A. NOYES. 820. Powers' Block Rochester, N. Y. For Over Fifty Years. Pail Wheat..„, Spring Wheat Bax,ey- vet .» 044 4. 4. 44.1 444. 103 to 105 1 03 to 1'5 95 to 00 80 51 to 52 4COGo475 1 40 Go 1 70 7o to 8b 40 to M 1550 15 17 co 017 00005 0 50 to 0555 1COto2'J0 0 4too50 005 to 006 0680 08 88o007 025 to 030 600to625 500to6J,i 200 to 230 350 to 390 060 to 2`1 060 to 050 o1$to021 5 coto6.01 „, 240to300 aT±?rARYa 1 02 1 03 1 02 1 C3. 0 50 ' 54 Olovcr Seed„„.,,,„ .. . ........... 3 75 4 25 Timothy....„,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,1 25 1 ac 118 a .............. .. ...'............... ...., 12 0 15 Butter F • 15 017 Potatoes per bag , 50 55 Apples perb rain „ ,,,,,, 050 Wool per lb 20 020 Iiayportou ,,,,„,,...,,, 550600 Bran per tori ,,. 14 00 14 00 Shorts ” ”„„,,, `20 00 20 00 Oatmealperbbl „».,. , .. 5 00 7 00 11o(s,dressed Ter 100. ...,.,., 5 00 to 5 25 LONDON, Wheat, 1,08801,10 per bus. Oats. 510 to 52e per bus. Peas,630 to 66e per bus. Bar- loy,atelting, 501 to 57o cr bus. Beriey Feed, 481) to 48o par bus Corn, 6110 to 67o per. bushel., MRs• WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sink child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth send at once and get a bottle of Mrs, Vl'inslow's Soothing Syrup” for children teething. It will relieve thepoor little sufferer immediately, Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistske. about it. It aures Diarhoes, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic• softens the gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. ' 'irs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup” for children teeth- ing is pleasant to the taste and is the prosody - tion of one of the eldest and best female, pphysiofans and nurses in the United States Prioe, 26 cents a bottle, Sold by all druggists. throughout the world. Be sure and ask for .. Mas INSLov '. '3ooliINe 'SvnuP,". TORONTO. Toronto.April 15-Wbeat Spring --No. 2 1.120 tot .13 per bus; sed wintor.No.2.112 to 113 tier bus. Manitoba No2hard,1.03 tol01, Na.3,010 to Mc ; PEAS 80o to 810 per bus. OATS 54o to 50c imbue. FLOUR, extra, $4 00 to •"4,15 Per bol ; straight roller. ,Z4. 80 to $4.85; strong bakers,84,00 to 44.10. BARLEY, No 1, Me to 64e ; No 3 extra. 500 to 58o; No 2, 580 to 59o. OH, WHAT A COUGH. Will yon heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- selves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50e., to run the risk and do nothing for it We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cougb. 71 never fails; Wrzr NOW TREAT ?—Why not treat such troubles as bails, pimples, blotohes, sores. homers, eruptions, rashes, skin irritations etc„ with Bunlcck Blood Bitters. It i filled with virtue as a blood purifier ant goes right to tho right spot. 1t makes tat akin bri,;ht and clear, while also invigora' ing the entire eystem, Surrosiaa-..Supposing you suffer iron some disease Suppose it is dyspepsia o, biliouaneas or constipation or bad blood. Suppose you learn that Burdock I3lao,i Bitters has cured thousands of eases o these and similar complaints, Don't yoi- suppose yon ought to try it ? It cannot harm you and in nine cases out of ten it curse, F. J. KNIGHT HT T r k'aucy and Staple Groceries, LIQUuRS, CIGrARS, TO13ACC V, &U., &C. (Now located in afaea's okt stand, 1Main•at) For finest Groceries and Teas, Be sure to call andsee plc; For in thocornor store, in 3laee's block. Yon will find we have the Await stook Of goods that people. daily use. Our loss and Coffees and our -"glee, We keep in tine --bath clean and moo— And those who've purchased aught have faun F uliaixtoenounces to the pound. Upon tho shelves you'll always find' Canned meats of every sort and kind; Molasses too. and honey Sweet. And Syrup thateannot be beat; Dried Fruits and Raisins, sweet and elm, Fine Cheese and Butter may be seen, Put up in bottles of all styles d Oils In foot everything your heart could wish, From sardines up to salted Ash, A lI kinds of brushes. brooms and rope, Baskets, ivash-' Cards, tubs ar soap. 11'c will sell you eheap by lots or weights, Or trade for produce, poultry and eggs.. School Statistics. Figures and statistics are not usually interesting reading, but a study of the Minister's of Education report for 1890, just issued, gives so much information ot various kinds, that it becomes both inter eating and instructive. We make a few extracts therefrom that may give people something to think over. The school population in Huron, between the ages of 5 and 21 years, is 15,600. In Huron 15,000 of these attended school for some time of the year, the proportion being 8,000 boys and 7,000 girls. The average attendance in Huron was 7,571, or 51 per cent ot the total attendance. In five other countries the per tentage waa as high or higher than here In Huron there are 213 teachers employ- ed, 133 male and 80 female. The idea that more female than male teachers are employed thus being erroneous. The highest salary paid being $700 ; average salary of male teachers $401; of male $279. Of the certificates held 127 are 3rd class, 81 Provincial 2nd class ; and only 3 Pro. yinoial lat class. The total receipts for Pul.lic School pur- poses in Huron, was $114,112,94 ; of this sum $74,963,99 was paid in salaries. Then comes large amounts for seats, maps re- pairs, &c. The avec age cost per pupil in this comity was $6.57, Out of 42 school districts in Ontario, the cost was higher in 31 of them thau in Huron, so that the people here have no special grounds for complaint upon this score. The average costlier pupil was higher in Brant than in any other, being $9.83• There are 4 Separate Schools in Huron, excluding Goderich, the total amount rale. ed therefor being $5,064.37 the total number of pupils in these was 222, while the average attendence was 79. Usborne. The following are the names of those who were prom .ted at the promotion esamin- a'ion, held'in S. 8 No 5, Ushorne, on March 25th and 26th Names appear in order of merit i From V to VI,—Gertie McCord. From Jr III to Sr III,—Lila McCord, Jennie McDonald. From Sr 1I to Jr III,—Nelson Prout, Lily Westoott, Willie Frayne, Garnet Frayne. From Jr 1I to Sr II,—Emily Wood, Violet Willis, Norman McDonald. From II part to Ii class,—Maggie Rus- sell, Vincent Wood. From I part to II part,—George Westcott, Pred Cornish' Willie Routoliffe, Edith Mc- Cord, John Richard. J. W. AOGARTH, teacher. . ... 4 Woodham. (Too late for last week.) li,,rnrra—Last .Sabbath the pulpit of the Methodist church was occupied at 10.30 a,ui. and 2.30 0 m. by the Rev Charles 17 . Pony, of the Toronto Conference, and Grand or- gsnizor . of the Grand, Orange Lodge of Ontario West. Both sermons were inter- esting and nter-esting'and eloquent, the latter being ad dressed to the orangenien. On Monday evening a large audience (considering short notice and state of the loads) as+embled. Li the town hall to hear his celebrated lecture, on "Canada the Great Britain" and '"Ot ang lam". For over an hour, he held the un-. brokou attention of his Imams while ite attic coursed to them on these themes, in a very instructive and eloquent manner. He will be available for preaching or leotu'ing; until the first of next July.—Phe scarlet, fever which has been lingering about here since the beginning of the yes: has recent - , Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ly departd. F. J. KNIGHT, Hardware ! BUILDERS, S, PAINTERS, PLASTER- ERS, BLACKSMITH' AND WAGON MAKERS' TINWARE, ETC. NEW SEEDS I Steel Nails, Shingles, Lath, Finishing, Casing. LOCKS—Rim, Mortise, Dead, Rabbited. " Famous Gravity, Rini Mortise. HIN i ''S. --Spring, Butts 'T' and Strap, &0 " Wood ani Brick, Shutters, &c. Boiled and Raw Oils, Turpentine Somerville Lead, and readymade Paints, Varnishes, Japans, Plaster Hair, Calcine Plaster, Portland and Akron Cements, dee Blacksmith Coal, Iron, Horse Shoes, Nails Cast Steel, Carriage Axles, Springs &c. Wagon Matteis' Rim, 7lnbbs, Spokes, Wheels, Triimnings. Eavestrough, Milk Pans, Cans, 20, 25, 30 gallon ; Tin Boilers, &c. Furnace work. BINDER Twtxx—Common sense, Crown, Blue Ribbon, Composite, Flux. FnRlun is 1 Seeds—Mangold,Turnip,Clover Red, Alsilte, Timothy, and all kinds of garden seeds. Churns, Barb and Annealed Wire, &c• Baby Carriages to hand, cheap. A CALL SOLICITED. JAS. N. HOWARD, W. H. MORGUE, Proprietor. Manager. T1iJt WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCEC0. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE WATERT 00, ONT. This comxany has been over 3ighteen years in successful operation in western Onario, and soatinnee to insure against loss orllamageby i'ire Buildings Merchan- dise, Manufactories. and all other desorip. tions of insurable property intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or cash System, During t'io oast ten years thisCom- panybas issued 57,096 Policies. covering property to the atoountof $40,872,039; and ;said n tosses alone 3709,752,00, Assets. 4176,100.00, consisting of Cash Bank .Government Deresitandthe an- :tssesssd Premium Notes on ons and in •oxee. W WALDEN11f:"D.Pres,dei.t0. at. L'AYLoa Secretary. J.B.NUGnEs,In- spector . 3HAS. SNELL. wont for 19aeter and vicinity. OENTRAL Drug Store 41116 A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on band. Winan's Condition Powd- er the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family reoip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store. Exeter. C. LUTZI ZURICH CARRIAgE WORKS —FOR THE SUMMER TRADE— We have en hand the5nest assortment of Vehicles, including BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, GLADSTONES and NV*EtONS Of all kinds, we have ever shown, ROAD CARTS A. SPEOIAL L'Y. The wotk it first-class, of the best material and latest styles. Our workn t are experienced, and we guaranteesatisfact on, Prices as low as are consistent with first-class workmanship and Materia]. Call and seeour atoek. FRED. ECESS,Prow. 4111021 -17,ZX) Syr xlg Stook of Shelf and Heavy Hal dwax'e TAMES, !/—. ...-OONSaISTING OF--- _••.,�., 1o1M�,��M�"E , I S iMlM , S ETC HALF CAR NAILS Window 'wasps Putty, Paints and Oils ALL KINDS OF WIRE :— BARB, BUCKTHORN, FILED and ANNEA At Z,tow est Cash Pisces, BISSE .1 1 BRO first -glass stock at Tiuware to select froa.'°-B.B Life is too .short for Aug BUT HIGH ENDEAVOR. I endeavor to produce the very best goods in my line, not only the best in quality and finish, but in valve. I am sending out some very beautiful MILK CANS this spring, Jar exceeding any previous effort. My stock of material for spring work, such as Eavetroughing, Roofing, &c., is extensive and complete, and workmanship is the very best. I solicit your order for TROUGHING OR ROOFING Guarani: eeii)g Satisfaction. I have without exception the nicest assortment of MILK PAILS, STRAINING PAiLS, to be found anywhere, ranging in price front 20 cents to $I.00. Note the price of MILK PANS t Small size, 75c. tta $2.Oo per dozen ; Large size, $I.00 to $3.0o, Who would go without a Dipper when you can get one for 5 cents? EVER YOURS, WILL FOLILAN-t - NOTICE. A .Fresh and JVew STOCK OF GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY Jnat arrived at the family Grocery. Also Pure Extracts and Spices. A beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with one lb. Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood Roller Flour for sale. Call and examine our goods before pur: chasing elsewhere. G. A. HYNDMAN. a.** Qualm One Door South of Post Offlc° —HE HAS -- A NEW AND COMPLETE --STOCK OF -- Boots & Shies. 1 ruhlongii sivio: Sewed wpia. $ Repairing promporkt] asttenecded tolity. ya z 0 /Q 0 THL BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGG-EST YET Overcoatings at any price ; Suit - jugs at any price; Panting; s at any price Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 leave your ordera early, for with the beat staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimming, n Trimmings, a d the 0 best Gutting in Town, you are sure Of sstlsf,,o- 6324111141.. lioo C. @ GEO. MANSON, DO YOU WANT TO BTJY FIRST -CL -SS FURNITURE AT LOWER RATES THAN SHAM GOO'S —ARE USUALLY ,SOLD--- —THEN CALL AT— GIDLE 'S —ONLY FIRST-GLASS— Rela".able Good s At Prices Lower that so -car, led give Houses can �t iitrl� Uryqe rtakin in all if a BranC en S. S. GFIDLEY,, (Successor to C. at fi. Gialey) oCurrIL` LO''l?S' erica,1;