HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-12-08, Page 101$; The God ich Signal -Star, Thursday, December 8th, 1960 Btiyung- inIg it a good type to buy. Grade 8 turkeys lack finish and may Tipt For ue have a bit of bluish coloring which indicate -s less fat than the other two grades. 'There is every indication that Buying a barge bird, besides there Will be an ample supply being less expensive, has the �. for, Of uz`ke the coma hull- . � , . ,� �t sn o yo� adtvarii�if�,E, of allowin�„�you to cut dry S,ea'sQxt..:-. And there shou1�i al .:ln.<, ilhor-luarter ' or haloes - ..0 sg4...1 .,.3�`a!'" �;`'��y'u�"lc�pons, end - freeze part for -1•ater-' Wei roasters, ducks and geese. All Many, people fail to realize that these forms, of poultry should f• r ers can be W-1 ,; tti� ,: ;l 1 handled in same gay. that' and frozen forms, according r -to the Ontario Department of Agri- cu]ture Poultry Science Depart-! QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ trient At the O.A.C. 1. Which province has,the great Both frozen and fresh'Ipoultry axe handled in the same way at i est fresh -water arca? the processing plant. Then fresh, 2. In dollar value What was the birds/ are packed in ice and leading product of Canada's those to be frozen are vacuum.' mining industry in 1959? Packed and quick frozen. I,ii-'3, What was the cost last year deed, frozen poultry is often of interest on the federal pub - best because they can be killed lic debt? to'peak"candbtion, whereas birds '4. When it -1s twelve noon at for sale fresh merely ,gain ex-�r Winnipeg, Man,,, what is the cess fat in the interval. time at Vancouver, B.C., and Turkey remains the prime( at Halifax, N.S.? favorite. at Christmastime. The :5. What is the estimated cost of main grades found4in the stores family allowance payments in are special,,Grade A and Grade : the current year? B. Special is the top bird and j ANSWERS: 5. Half a billion it will have the most fat on it, dollars. 3. $738,209,000. 1. -Que- as well as the best amount of:bec. 4. At Vancouver, B.C., 10 meat cm the breast_ Grade A a.m.; at Halifax, N.S., 2 p.m. will not have as much fat and ; 2. Petroleum with a 'value of will have a good coveting of'5427 million. .�w.a.>s-ustmr�u.�•a Fl LOW WEEK -END FARES Good going from Friday morning until 2 p.rn. Sunday. Return leaving up, to Monday midnight TAKE l'HE FAMILY. Ask for ECONOMY COACH return tickets for 2 or more. Available anywhere in Canada on fares over $5:00 A !UI id e ekes Id I Chr as gift—brings Loved ones home for i o loafs See your Local CNR Agent fpr details and reservatlon8 Debbie Selmes makes her first appearance as Poster Child for the 1960 campaign to raise funds for the fight against muscular dystrophy. Debbie is representative of the many thousands of children whose hopes , for the future are de- pendent on the untiring efforts of medical research workers supported by a generous public. Weddln'..brid:.�'s brother, Irwin Campbell, ushered. For- travelling to Niagara 'Fa :s and New York. State, the DIEHL —CAMPBELL 1 aside chose g white wool dress with. powder• bide coat and ac - The home of the bride's par- cessories. The young couple ents, Lucknow, was Uhe setting l will reside in Goderich. on Sa.turdias.,zfor, the....msarr,iage+, of "Gertrude Campbell and Don Ieebreaker *1"a aid --Diehl. Reverend G. W. Kaiser officiated. The bride is: she daughter of t and :Vl, flonvoy Boats G:. nweecf Campbell, R.R. 2,' l.t,�know, and the groom's par-: ents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward', Diehl, of Goderich. ' 'Phe scheme for conyoying the Given., in marriage by her last ships down in the fall from 'father, the bride wore a bal-; the Lakcl'iead to lower lake, lerina-length gown of white net:ports and preceding the first and Chantilf:y' lace- over satin.: sni s upin the spring with the The bodice, trimmed with seed i p b pearls and sequins, was- design -a new Canadian Marine Service ed With a bateau neckline and/icebreaker "Alexander Henry" lily -point sleeves. A pearl will •be- tried this year: If -this tudded tiara held her elbow -1 experiment is successful, the length veil and :she carried -an i scheme will be put into regular arrang'ernent of red roses with:iiradtice. • ' streamers of lily of the valley. The advantages are to the Mrs. William Stewart was her effect that light stations and si er'ns- _T'rafr err oafP-hu'rr'ot7- weal`= •brio-ys-on— t hes-cove--r$ea-ehes- oR Ling a gown of powder blue net the lakes may be kept in oper- and lace over satin with match- ation later in the fall and re - leg feather hat. She carried a commissioned earlier in the fol bouquet of red roses. Mrs. lowing spring. It also assures R.:;)ert:,_._Straughan. sister of. fie shippang_-._:thaL .01e—icebreaker- bride, t1ie—icebreaker.bride, ware pink net and lace will precede them in ice &h- over satin with matching -lea- structions on the course to the ',her hat and .the carried a bou- Lakehead in, the spring and quet of red roses, , . that she will still be available to Groomsman was Garnet Diehl, convoy them -into frozen over brother of the groom and the ports on the fakes in the fall. Strangers Are Offenders TrafficSigns o CautionAgainst . ion a .DrivingThe Square "CYST- sus,. t r n ea a1 .r c w ^6n f w. To warn motorists—most of new sign to be creethd i3Lrfm '1 he im pe. tion report from' gbhem strangers to. Go terich-- of Gaderieh Frew* Dry Clean "Phe Ocean Accident and Guar - ,.C` � �, �. � _:.� �'«.:... .. ' ant A•: ,,gi'4`+ .�t��, .i" °t.�Za . wt�''�h"lllElc• �i ri� err on West � . . Int the Post 1, lice building are to b„e, erected on Court The down tax_ collector re -is to be r1 -retetferr•ed to the Post House Square. This recommend- ported that 89.24 per cent of Utlice comre to bring in a ation of the Public Works cornthe taxes were collected for report. .mittee was passed by Town 1'960 in comparison to 88.8 per n. Council last Friday evening. cent collected in 1959. The Mayor and Clerk are to The signs are to be 36 inches Sifto Salt Mine gave notice arrange a joint meeting of Town long and 112 inches in depth that it would bp appealing to Council .anid P.U.C., to consider 'with an arrow showing the the County Court Judge against an agreement with the Ontaria direction in which traffic around the assessment on their build- ,Water Resources 'Coinlmissipn. the Square mutt move. In one ings Nfumiber 7 and 9, total as- Attempts are being , made to week we found no less than sessment being $61,729. hold this meeting next Tuesday three strangers in Goderich A recommendation was pass- evening. driving their 'cars the wrong ed authordzin�g Mayor E. C. Fish- A by -Law was passed author - way a'l ound the Square, Felice er to contact A. M. Harper, izing the extension of Gode- Chief Fred Munshall stated. Town Auditor, re acquiring ad- rioh's most southerly street — Building permits included: an ditional copies of the 1959 Audi- Sunset Drive — in a westerly addition to the barns of, the toy's Report. direction to ;the high water mark Goderich Trotting and Agricul- The matter of acquiring ban- of Lake Huron. tural Assodiation; building ' of quet permits for MadKay Hall Nexit meeting of Town Coun- a store for the flquor Control was referred ,to the chairman curls to be on Friday, Decem- Board of Ontario at an estimaft- of MacKay Hall committee with ber 16t`h, which will be the ed cost of >:8,000; sax new power to. act. y4 r last meeting of the '1960 Town houses., at a total cast of about To Review Insurance Council. .$62,000; alterations to the pre- Mr. 1Vlalcolm Mathers is to be .Fallowing the sitting of the raises of Goderich Motors Limit- requested to meet with Town Court of Revision, the follow- ed and The Music Sihop.- Cpuncil to review insurance ing matters have been referred Application was made for a matters. to the 1961 Town Council for attention: 91) Narrow roadway from Eldon street to . Wilson street on Blake street; (2) Un- sightly appearance of fields on the south side of Blake street from Eldon street to Wilson street; (3) Practice of permitting goats to pasture in the area south pf Blake street from Eldon street to Wilson street; r fl diconditions (4)Ma tte of o � on lots fronting” on the north ,o f Huron road' betwe . . ide ,H e� t � e;i c3tS' Maptie str i.,a-AWsinwt- street reported to be caused by water vis $tom slhea.s.oa .ia4N:at1.gs as complained of hy._Mx.- Percy,. Harrison. Traffic Regulations A by-law, now in effect, to reg- ulate traffic in the Town of Gode- rich and to control and regulate the use of streets and boule- vards includes the .following: No person shall park a vehicle on any street other than a one- way street unless on the right- haiid side of the street, having regard for the direction in which the vehicle had been pro- ceeding and unless the right - front and night -rear wheels or runners of the vehicle are para- lell to and distant, respectively not more than six inches from the edge of the roadway. ., Where angle parking is per- mitted, no person shall. park a vehicle except at an angle of 45 degrees with the edge of the roadway and so that the right front` portion of the vehicle is nearest to the edge of the roadway, and distant not ;more than six inches from the curb or from the edge of the roadway. Persons are to angle park on Hamilton street from the Square to Victoria street; also on King- ston street from tate Square to Victoria street, exec-ept a small portion in front of the Legion Ha11. The driver of a vehicle, upon aPs ab of a�amhul ambulance, e fire or .. poitet .--de;partntertt-Vliiie'fe upon which a bell or siren is sounding, shat1 imrnlediatel - urrh= ve. iii. tCaC `stand still as near as is praetioable to the right-hand curb or edige' of the roadway and parallel therewith and clear of any 'in- torsec+Cron. Visitors who called on Mrs. Edith Sturdy, 204 Warren street, on tthe occasion of her 8$th (birth kry were: Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Mrs. Clara Lawson, of Auburn; Mrs. Flor- ence Anderson, Mrs. Worthy Fowler and dyye� gh•ter, FJlaine, R.R. 5, Gbdericllf Mr. Robert J. Phillips, Auburn; and Mrs. Eliz- abeth Hill and Miss Sadie Carter of town. The - sri 1'1est state in the U.S.A., Rhode Island, has a pop- ulation of under one 'million, but it has the distinction of being on ''-'of the original 13 14tates of the Union. �"you give * * * * ' Y 4 —11 HYDRO Is yours 50 PAIRS Flannelette BLANKETS 70" x 90" ro SPECIAL only $3.99 pair - .SMICI aha v-.'sgielVelg le.tal-awn o`WTSZI V.Vgl•CS WONDERFUL ! Is the word for our selection of GIFT ''LUGGAGE OUR LUGGAGE DEPARTMENT OFFERS MANY NEW STYLES IN I cEtRL E„CA N'I. and SAMSONITE LUGGAGE iiibbert's Christmas Draw for Ladies' and Gents' Travel Comfort CHRISTMAS BAGGAGE will be Initialled FREE Why Not Give Mom a HARDING RUG , and New Window Drapes for Christmas? AWWW.k W'•r'- m41= 11:4=m @WWW= i wevg Rett Rte'4t t2EtCb=t eMt t"«t<"M?;► ,r.T.- .fid A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR GIFT PURCHASES UNTIL CHRISTMAS octimedrztectPctvgitM tettmet tofarmtvaCtVet t -tCt tOCtBtIC OVVV t tcfc, SWEATERS "PETER SCOTT" and "GLENHILL" all wool cardigans and pullovers in popular colors. A fine wool SKIRT or SLACKS would go nicely with these attractiveasweaters i CMCWOO tCttEt tO[tOCt{ttt=cuseOtt lgtz-Ktetctetat recut tcctrMIO tL tVwelt' s-Mtct,mt Mg Ladies' Handbags in ENGLISH MOROCCO -- CALFSKIN --- PLASTIC — SOFT- " LURE -- PERMATONE and the new LAVALIZE: also Even- ing Bags. Kt1 telicoQt mictsideve iti tOlCtlEtcl _ - to . a ' HAVE SET 1UOiE p mit. $j P CIZ''St' PAP EI NS aid jou With your (aril °, se*Ing Phone JA 44811 ,'Christmas. Shopping Hours OPEN WEDNESDAY' AFTERNOONS a DURING DECEMBER Also Friday Evenings 'til 9 p. OPEN EVERY EVENING' DURING CHRISTMAS WEE* Starting Friday, December 16th PERSONAL GIFTS FOR THE. LADIES PYJAMAS. _- ..GOWNS — SLIPS - BED JACKETS — BRIEFS WILL BE GIVEN TO SOME FORTUNATE PERSON ON CHRISTMAS EVE You receive a coupon for each $1.00 cash purchase, also for cash paid on your account. PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR^ EVERY HOME ,r tgkrt tit t xtett t tt tett "KENWOOD", "BENMILLER" and "HUDSOA'S BAY" BLANKETS BEAUTIFUL MOHAIR and BASKET WEAVE SLUMBER THROWS FLANNELETTE SHEETS, all sizes and in Ibex quality CHENILLE BEDSPREADS, stolid colors and floral patterns COLORFUL BATHROOM SETS, also ORLON RUGS in bright colors "WABASSO" SHEETS and PILLOW CASES: Fancy Pillow Cases in Gift Boxes BATH TOWELS in solid colors, checks, stripes, and floral patterns.. IRISH LINEN DAMASK TABLECLOTHS and NAPKINS. Colorful, alj, Jlnen bridge and lunch sets; also rayon. luncheon sets LACE CLOTHS all sizes GUEST TOI'ELS, plain and fancy LADIES and GENTS HANDKERCHIEFS — a Targe range to choosefrom Dressing Gowns and. Dusters floral and°quilted, also all wool dressing gowns in many styles and colors alettttCtvetckete gtewtCletCtOcut 4,adies' Scarfs and Stoles In a large assortment of wools and colorful sheers in Plains and Florals 4caststa sttti'.csatsamee.►�m,,+gysite ieretta caret{►, tletcietateme ' tometatcasim teres 'i Ladies' Gloves and Silk Stockings .WE - You will have no troublechoosing from the extensive ;;range we carry e�e - . sem" ". j, ib'r.�l'7Ct[[r t�.Cl�r IttezRfeteleV itOt : teftctc�tctt�t�tlziaett�tt�t�t+at -.. . OF COURSE YOUR SIFTS WILL BE BOXED and GIFT WRAPPED tQ trent succo tt M[tlEtixtv EtCtC ing.t atony t tl tCtemi .51 CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF KNITTING, YARNS Including Mary Maxim -- Northland -- Cloudspun and Double Knitting Yarns IBBERT & SON a6biBta6 16 THE SQUARE See Our Stock of "WAEASSO" FLANNELETTES Ideal for Your Christmas Sewing