The Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-12-08, Page 5' • •rt oderich W. 1. Members.Guests At Meeting Of Tiger Dunlop W. 1. • The Tiger 1)un1op Women's Institute welcomed a good num- ber of sinernbers from the Gode- rich branch, at their NOvember meeting, Mrs. N. Clairmont ex- tended thanks on behalf of her members. ,-'ss7'..sssVstsspeatgrsfsohs . the Huron County Islarary, Mrs. GiIen Etkrtrier;ssatOpmssantgat bys L. Westbrook was intro - dud by Mrs. T. Hunter and thanked by Mrs. T. Clark for Lithe London area donvention. Some of the ladies attended the ° LoncleSboro tea and bazaar and reported a good atteilden& with many beautiful articles 'for sale. After the bUsiness part, Airs. Minter, turned the meeting her splendid talk on library work. A box Of books was left fisher and Mrs. Doug' McNeil' sang in their usual fine voice, accompanied by...)11:4-s.,..,..sikisbie4 tfilogie-' at the ,piano. They...wve much enjoyed. ' Mrs. Lamb gave a report on . ...... .... . ...... , for winter reading. 'They will over to Mrs. R. Buchanan who be in 'charge of IVIs13. R. Bean. auctioned off home made bak- A millinery course is being ing in a very capable inTaniVr. planned for February.io A tr, Hostesses were Mrs. E. non/ - Mrs. Orval. Ribey, Mrs. Ray golzwrYa. Helen Fulford, 1VIrs. 0. Falkifier and Mrs. J. McBride. .Prizes for marked copr W06:Anw..4)10116..e& V. Kingswell ' ,and • Mrs. R. J cwc11. WHAT WOULD THEY LIKE ...ROSES? OR MUMS? 0.1 THIS •FLORA-cHEQUE MAY BE EXCHANGED FOR FLOWERS OR PLANTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD AT ANY OF THE 24.000 -MEMBER SHOPS OF THE FLORISTS' TELEGRAPH DELIVERY ASSOCIATION AND ITS INTERNATIONAL AFFIL- IATE. INTERFLORA. INC REDEEMABLE IN FLOWERS OR PLANTS ONLY. DON'T GUESS... COME IN FOR NEW LET V0yR LOVED ONES AND FRIENDS- CHOOSE • THE FLOWERS THEY WANT • WHEN THEY WANT THEM • WHEREVER THEY ARE I Now you ran give a floral gift and be sure it's right! Send our FTD Flora- Checafes . . . your loved ones and friends exchange them anytime, any - ,place, for the flower a or plants they want. Give them the fun of choosing and the chance to take advantage of special seasonal valuess-Flora-Chequea come in $5, $7.50 and $10 denomina- tions and are available now at our,shop. Any one of the 11,000 members of FTD in the United States and Canada (or 13,000 florists abroad) will redeem them with a smile. To make something warm and human and wonderful hap- pen . . . give a gift of FlOra-Cheques. Come in or phone today. • AI J DENOMME Flower Shop -The Square Dial JA 4-8132 • • PS:" • „011111111111101MINMINIIMMINIMI ZfZtVii-tVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV,MV VV:14141441 .: . „ ... . . •..........,..: ..e..;:i.,..::::;..44%.,:',"*. •::i4:::',:::0•::::i:,,,,,,k•••::,,,,,,,,..v.:::::,,,,,,,••••:. ••:,',..."::: .................. ....... . ..,‘,:*- 41. t.'". -I 6folitri-seeking-a-gift--th r throughout the year. ... that will bring pleasant memories of you as the 'donor, choose a chair ! And choose it now, from a splendid assortment for, modern, traditional, Colonial and contemp- orary homes. Many of these, used in 'pairs, would make the nicest gift of all. A. Small D:eposit Will Hold Your Gift UNTIL CHRISTMAS e, BROADLOOM AXMINSTER 9x 12 CARPETS Special 79.00 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS_ All Types - Newest Coverings PLATFORM ROCKERS SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PRICE ea. $39 SEE OUR- LARGE VARIETY OF A combination of inexpensive Christmas decorations can be transformed into a handsome panel to bedeck wall, window or door. All that is required is a piece of poster board, double faced tape, the new metalized saran icicles and Christmas balls. CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE SPONSOR CHRISTMAS FAIR Gun Goes Off, Woman Loses Leg Below Knee Mrs. Alma Boyce, Albert <>- street, is progressing favor- !born in Hullett Towtssasp, but ably a11ter having had her loft lived fur a time in Goderich -inches below 'the knee follew- yGeoar:riacy. often visited in °•,-)r="„g' -E1414.*44W. lost considerable blood im- itieda,e,,y 'following the mis- hap!' icer son, Ken Boyce, 26, was testing, the Mechanics of a shotgun in the Boyce kitchen to see if recent repairs to it were satisfactory. '1`sso shells iwere. in the .bre,ech .at -the time Police said the 12, - gauge shotgun went off as Ken was testing the shell ejection mechanism. Mrs. Boyce was walking across the kitchen floor when the blast from the „shot gun struck her. Ken laid the gun on the tabde • arra rushed to her aid. She was later transferred o Alex- andra Hospital. Ken's bro- ther; --William, 22, was also in the kitchen at the time. Police Chief Fred Minahall, Who investigated, said no charges would be laid. He ruled the incident as ac- cidental. Dr. N. C. Jackson was the attending physician. The 'Christmas atmosphere enjoyment`Of the many patrons. was evident, on Saturday after - 'noon, when Norway pine, poin- settias and prancing reindeer graced MaciKay Hall for the Catholic Women's League an- nual Christmas Fair. The guests were welcomed at the door by Mrs: Leo Walmak, president of the League, and soft Chiistmes music was played throughout the ,afternoon by Mrs. Carl Sohneiker, which added to the 1Tris atirvived by his widow day- afternoon. Mrs. BoYce Xargaret, Tol&do; bwo sons; two daughters; t .brother, M. P. War- rener, Toledo; a brother,. Thom- as, Goderich, and a sister, Mrs: Margaret Vallery, Toledo. Yuletide holly circled the glowing red and green vigil lights on the individual tea tables. v Tea w s p oQu r e d from the main tea t a b 1 e, covered with a white cloth and centred with an inter- esting winter scene wit14Santa .and his sleighload of gifts. Pouring tea were Mrs. J. B. Reynolds, Mrs. Leo Miller, Mrs. W. A. McGuire, Mrs. C. J. Gib- , bons, Mrs. W. J. Chisholm and Mrs. 'Joseph Helfer. Tea -room assis.ants s were Miss Margaret Evans, „Mrs. J. Warren, 'Mrs.. Clyde Everett, Mrs. Wilf Rein- hart, Mrs. Ben Johnston, Mrs. J. Earnshaw, Mrs. Ben Chis - hold', Mrs. Carl Camon, Mrs. P. McAuley; Mrs. C. N. Ander- son, Mrs. Lloyd Etue, Mrs. Leo Chisholm, Mrs. Earl MacLaren, Mrs. James.Donnelly, Mrs. Bert Baechler;" Mrs. V. L. McGeough, Mrs. H. Robinson, Mrs. Ellis Jeffrey, Mrs. Lang Foster, Mrs. Walter Taras, Mrs. Frank FRIDAY, December 9 ' Leddy, the Misses Jane Carter, Junior "B" Hockey 830 p.m. Jane Lassaline, Donna Masse. ,Sarnia vs-.-Goderich. ..,---;--frel-artmrgen-unt5"-alTd-11 ating schemes weredone by SATURDAY, December 10 Mrs. W. A. McGuire, Miss :Vfarg- aret Evans, Mrs. C. J, Gibbons Figure Skating 1 to 3 p.m. and Mrs. B..L.-Walzak. J.ke_yatiolts_haz- aar groups were: sewing, Miss SlJN•DAY, December 11 - Helen McCarthy, ' assisted by Public -Skating 14 years and :qrs. D. A. Samson, Mrs. V. L. under - 3 to 4.30 p.m. McGeough, Mr. 0. Hanly, Mrs. Public Skating - Teens and Wilfred Kinahan and Mrs. Tony Adults 8.30 to 0 p.m. Wisser; knitting, Mrs. Rabph 1 Clarke, with Mrs. Joseph Heffer and Miss Dianne. Gundari; bake table, Mrs. C. Pollock, with Mrs. C. Ramer, Mrs. Grant Chisholm, Mrs. Connolly, Mrs. Tony Masse and Mrs. Ben Chisholm; candy, Miss Carrie O'Neila, with Mrs. Reg. fWillliamson, Mrs. Peter Bergmans, Mrs. Harold Alii and Miss Joyce Alii; country store, Mrs. .. erra rs. R. Buchanan; tickeits; Mrs. John Evans 'and Mrs. Dan Murphy. SCHEDULETHURSDAY, December 8 -- Learn to Skate -1.30-3 p.m. FREE - Elementary 'Schools, Spon- sored by Goderich Lions Club 4 to 5.30 p.m. OBITUARY RICHARD WARRENER Mrs. Gordon Sutcliffe last week attended the funeral of her uncle, Richard Warrener, who passed away suddenly in Toledo, Ohio, on November 26 at the age of 86. The late Mr. Warrener was • pies, Mrs. Horton, R.R. Gode- rich; doll and bassinette, 'Mrs. D. A. Samson; hand-knit child- ren's sweaters, Mrs. George Hamilton, Mrs. George Morley; lace tablecloth„Mrs. Ken Croft. The "Gede.ilich Signal -Star, Thursday, De'eeinber 8 i800,711 KINGSBRIDGE .KINGSBRIECE, Dec 5., -Mr. t:nd. Mrs. J. Deit;ie:t of Breslau, spent the week -end with Mr. arid Mrs. Mark I/altcri and family. Mr. and Mrs. B !Lansford and family visited relatives here .t.Ws..past weekend. n liatuldtiorfS` :Fr.ed,* Orawford tiv 'Vreier mar ti n . !Tarnilton, ilton, spent the week -end with his father, Nix. Andrew Martin Newly-weds Honored -.Or. Friday evening last, a reception for the newly-weds. Mr. and • Mrs. Mrs. Juhn 110disaiNt Val6 held Jfk a .Agi:ettitural. 'Tau. Daricall enjoyed and' at° 0 'WAS? lunch W4fi Ail aitldres‘$ was xead 'iss Jack ,Van Osth, jr., and purse of money was presented to the. bride and rcroorn by 15,04Viivgillt.'"'It4‘08;1 *F" presse3 apprecia3tion' for , 1:A9414 14s,%ltAindy• '''Velyn Watson, Mrs. 1 Muni Jubibblaon, and ,Mr. flwamliy, ,GA{erich, .atte N the ile,. al .of IVIrs. Ed. ggins in Bruss loSt nogidaY. TO THE VOTERS AND TO ALL WHO'HEIXED MY CAMPAIGN IN THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS I Offer My Sincere Appreciation GERRY WHALEY sciecievetectomeircicicwiesmictomcsoccimicitts icstszsgs-iii-eleassiziomeetessagissuovemmiclocIisOft foR C RIS1 PHILLIPS A Electronic Industries Ltd. STEREOPHONIC and ' TV SETS The New Models are In Our AIIi for Complete Satisfaction. Showroom 34 THE SQUARE, GODERICH JA 4-943i CALL US FOR EFFICIENT TV and RADIO SERVICING MONDAY, December 12 - Learn to. skate, 1.30to 3 p.m. TUESDAY, December 13 - Learn to Skate, 1.30 to 3 p.ni. FREE SKATING Elementary Schools --- nsoied-6y-Goderich Lions 4 to 5.30 p.m. Junior "B" Hockey 8.30 ,p.m. St. Marys vs. Goderich. Winners of the draws were: fl $50.00 bond, Mrs. John Evans, Oro WEDNESDAY, December 14 jr.; turkey, Mr. Robert Smith, Industrial Hockey South slreet; Christmas 'cake,Trg Mrs. F.. Lapaine; bushel of ap- TOYL,AND " IS illfON DE RL ND- anc! atBreckeriridgeiartiware` You Will Find 3 FULL FLOORS of 'Wonderful Gift -Suggestions-for-Everyone-ern-Yvnr-List-- DON'T MISS OUR MANY SPECIALS •,, 210 *unt-VtRiDaittraar-DIDINDMaiOrDarMANINANDMI-DaraDarN 12-2aDt=t2•03,:2i--2,1MD4-=1, -`,41-2,fAIV:^,ttal,32M-gMaaatr 4-104-MtitOMIIVOZ-MtVetMeeti4.4~.-tetWetetatetg-6,--..:titC5MOCIZVgWe. 100etWattqC te tEPZIatCtatete-t.,, -4111t 'WM01 9111/4k 7----eximmeoxiiiitaHextmer BRlNGTHE • to see our ELECTRIC TRAINS in operation oii tile scenic layout. THEY WILL BE FASCINATED END TABLES and (94 COFFEE TABLES PRICED AS LOW AS $9.00 bi ALSO - A New Line Now on Display 74 Brass Tables and Smokers, . - LAMPS Standard Size - Attractive Styles NOW 44.95 -D-D- HASSOCKS - HALL Titzts - C-LOTHES 11./UVItERS CHILDREN'S TABLE SETS - KINDERGARTEN SETS LODGE FURNITURE WEST ST.,GODERICH 7 to,10 p.m.' To the Electors of Goderich I wish to thank all those who supported me at the polls on December 5 and to wish one and all a Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year. Kenneth Croft atutaittattanantoutattiatutiattattattattaattimaa -1 - To the Goderich Voters My sincere thanks to the voters of Goderich for supporting me at the polls on December 5, Wishing one and all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. Bert Squire • Wilf Reinhart Electric and TV Service Hamilton St. Dial , 8122 t , 4 Be Sure to Get Your FREE DRAW TICKETS, Toyland Free Draw for Child's Table and Chair Set. E.LOOR.D.RAW-for-Vr-esto-Autanzati.c-dr* Each $1.00 Purchase entitles you to a Free thaw Ticket': You may choose which box to place your tickets in. C.C.M. Skates 'Froarelf-Strelit and 41 Hockey Equipment . , n • Odd REE STANDS 89c COVCCIC-titZtCaltZtatgAZ4ZeCtZeCIZZ'Vttlt-C-C4'.°4742C°Z*V-ViA CHRISTMAS LIGHTING and - TREE DECORATIONS INDOOR and OUTDOOR WCEC-P,(N.MtEtTigtat,gfetWZ.VVV,IVIAMTK,V,T.EVV-Z4c,C,Ztg.t4r4tZt'etVen'ti.'tZgle CHRISTMAS TREE iiALLS FROM 5c u" w.saisiststmcksissisiciciesssmckstslicsctiiciesmatssetzs;4,1vosaszsmsn'scsasig USE OUR ELEVATOR SERVICA to. reach the gift -laden \UPPER kLoons ,c,,..-vvc_vvctm.,,octakwNr.g-,a:6cvgogocvemwA:.,,m,..,,,,mwozoz,igvg SUNBEAM PORTABLE ELECTRIC 'MIXERS .....19.98 BATHROOM SCALES 599 and,. -up - 7" AUTOMATIC SKIL-SAW, complete, Special 39.95 1/4" ELECTRIC DRILL 39.95 <FZ7ZICtatV4P4pete-teteTZWIC-tetZtateRtZteMTCCVAMOVCCIV-74VC44441 A LEWYT Motorized Beater with revolving nylon brush. Beats, cleans, fluffs rugs; .sweeps lint, dirt, even heavy sand into the powerful„ Lewyt in one quick stroke. Regular $119.95. SPECIAL • , ..... $99.95 OTHER MODELS AT $79.95 SENSATIONAL NEW AUTOMATIC Hardware 'PhoneJA 4-8131 PLUMBING - GIFTS TOYS ' sompastwoomellitis000kyaikitaksetvonmpormolo somphrealeablegamortmompare4iiiedookxotioocialoationifolit;o0uosoOmitatMilighle