HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-4-16, Page 4Established 1877 73. w$ . Q sTE=Z, ETEB, ONT. alt iects aueneralbank iabusinees. eceidee sheaccount' of merohanta and titees rsonfaveraldete ,s. 0Eters every ec mm datioracanal sten twith fr. Seinen?usersa;;ive bae;lriegyarinetpleE, n de osite st allowed a P Fra o er coat i:ntero e Irraftessuearesins%et any office of the fifer, haat' Diank- Nons DISCotNTED, & MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AND 1pORTGAGES. t•11w1) ,Y . WW1 /6111,1891. EESEM ARERS, ATTENTION! lir Clieese Committee of the ::r:3 Foreign Produce Ex. c.... London, Erg, has issued .nrutaining tAtlllely sugges- t: the betterment of trade ell Canada that is of special p;vat.F'.: t Ontario iactorymc-n. caT• ratulating the Canadi rl make:s (7,f eht'ese on the advance rnatic, during the last fifteen years, the ciAntnittee as*ext that they have " .ari'it."ed at.. a stationary period,' if they have cot 'actuaE1y ntere ± on a retrograde movelne nt. " ills itadnctment e 1 lei d (isflm make has, as a rule ,ht. hiirwl unkind mud, and a shah Stas- in auric cases creetc:i f aitiionnlrng. Also, it appears *lett tltr,9bagliont this et'ason it t a.a -t, boric marketed their %three, we neeni,t exonerate n1 e.1 V,nes ear taking au un •eti a the fa .torytnen Are ata, ne. as, thoug;i u temporary ey he gained by selling au at :77 int it rising rnarlet. the inners here hate on article foisted on which creates R lasting prejudice � minds against foreign. cheese.. are the snhosit, we may point out is the exception for au English .eeemaker to "let go" until. the cheese as they term it, •`really." Of course weather awl the pasturage, predating a greater or lesser quantity and duality of milk, is an important: factor, which preeti- cal Land not automatic) Cheesemakers best know liow to deal with. Coloring has en most erratic, in many ale oacs to high and red, whereas the outlet for such Ia more eentratetl every year. The boxing in most cases Atom n decide Ideterioration o would strongly urge upeu factorynten the necessity on their part of making this point a particular Study , t. ve,•nabie article like cheese ie at least worth a good package. A well seasoned woos made to lit the cheese more acsuretay ii desirable. This complaint. is especially applicable to R. cleans east of Toronto. Also, there is the serious tatter of weights. Most of the leading houses here have been making (this seassn) a test hi this matter. Im altely on arrival averages here been and the aliserepaocy arising is impossible to comprehend." heeeemalters will know statement what the Brit- •ers expect of them. comma of every city, town, incorpor, aced village and township Shall appoint one or more persons to act as truant officers for the enforcement of this Sat, The truant officer shall, for the purposes of this act, be vested with police, powers, and shall have authority to enter factor- les. actorles. workshops, stores and all places where children may be employed, and shall perform such services as may be deemed necessary for the enforcement of this act, It Shall also be his duty to institute proceedings for violation of the act, As a penalty, instead of $a as at preseut,the bill provides that any pereart orotlI cox mentioned tTone d in this act, a n d d e- sa Iiced aa havingcertain duties toper- form in the enforcement of any of its provisions, neglecting to perform any such duties, shall be liable to a Erne of not less than $25 nor more than $50 for each and every offence. NOTES AND COMMENTS. POI,iTIOAI4 NOTES. The election in three distraets in P. E. 'steed, Feitlay for the Local Assembly re stilted in the return o£ three Opposition met:aims--Dr.Jenkins and Messrs Rohere- sora and Cumiasingslty. T&ais ;ices the Appesition a talai,arity or one in She Assern- hay, laud will tloanbtless lead to a change of ,ovTrot-tient and probably to disso;utiou f the Legislature, nature, whish has been Lib. el,. At a recent elta:tion in Kansas, firs. rty T, Dorton, formerly editor of the ansaeo anti at present postmistress, was leeted Pollee Judge et Jamestown, Mrs Teesie McCormick was elected Pollee Judge t Durr Oak D ,tli are Strongerrollibi- iouist.. titre Burtnu is the widow of a pretninent pe'itieiari who shed from the effect* of strong drink. It is expected that the Ontario Legis- lature will get through with its business about the end of the present month. The public will be quite satisfied as the Legislature has practically,done nothing. si*ss `There is no more harm in the Grand Trunk giving aid to the Grits than in the Canadian Pacific helping the Conservatives What Sir John accepted from Van Horne, Laurier can take with equal grace from Seergeant." Toronto Telegram. Certainly not, if actuated by a spirit in the interest of Canadians. But not so with the G. T. R. ; it was prompted to oppose the Government from pure jeal- ousy... The fact of Sir John having en- eit-raged the completion of the 0, P. R. one of the greatest boons to Canada -is the only reason the Grand Trunk opposed him. SPRING FAIRE, The annual spriug show of the Lnean s ;ricasltural soelety was held en Monday. The weather was fine, the attendance largo til the eltow of hereei the beet in 'tie ,tie, cry Of the snider. Fell:ming iw the prize •1 } + The Mitchell Recorder, for once in its • exis eno9.has'riiadea. good point, which is found in the following. Speaking of the proposed power granted by Premier ns.-Rsavy Draught Imported, --- let, 11 .,1o1Roberc e, 20, Wesley Welsh. ee year olds -let, Jua Cuursev, 9nii, ley Waalela, Roadster, age - let. T Fier, 2nd Geo Rules. Three year t` U, --- T Iles', 2nd, (I W Greet Thoreeedibred, aged, --1st, J D O'Neil, V S. Carriage, aged, -1st, dell dr Printer, 2ald, Ed Maguire, Iareneh;'-1st Helens &Hedgers, Brass,-Duritaut, one year old, R. M. Hobbit. Mowat to the Salvation Army, by which that body can perform marriage cere- monies, it says : "In what sense have the Salvation Army 'tbeen recognized ? ITave they a legal cor- prFrate status ? Mr Booth, the head, front, and back of the Army, so far as its legal status goes, may come through to the end all right. But he may leave an individual representative who may go all wrong. The Salvation Army have accomplished much good in the world and they should be encouraged in well -doing with every reasonable encouragement But not at the sacrifice of sacred trusts Marriage is a divine institution, not a civil one mere ly as they have made it on the other side theborder, of h byobliteratingthe line be- ' ii"Sli . A a - r tv�i oe n '�'ai7.., rights" and a, :proper guard- ianship of sacred trusts. Allp the legal status that the Salvation Army now pos- sesses is centered in one man ; all the property they hold is his. That is not a sufficient "recognition" to warrant Mr. Mewat's proposal." lel. The new law provides that all children between 8 and 14 years of age shall at- tend school for the full term during which the school of the section or muni- eipality in which they reside `is open each year, unless exeused for reasons men- tioned. The present law places the age limit' at 7 and 13 yeerssand the period of attendance at 100 days. The new bill also provides that the police commies- ioners, or, in cases where there are no police commissioners, the municipal Berry's Edinburg;' Aikenhoad's 'Zamora' W B fdol.ean'a 'Creruone' Dumas,- Durhanr, aged, James Suell'a ---;* Gavin Roas''Clear the Way;' John lefeCennell's'Faahion Duke,' Foaled in 1888. -Thos Dinedale's 'Lord S anleyf I looat Bros'" "Tine RoyalFoaled in 1889, Jan sneers—e Wm Chapman', "Don Vatnper; D b'otkieringham's 'Duke of Russeldale, holstein,—J S Gameron's 'Blnevale Chief-' Thediploma was Award- ed to elft dae Snell's aged. hull, J>r;no;rs-HoxsEa--•Heavy, Mr Atkinson, Mel illop ; Jas Hackney, 'Osborne ; 1 Charlton, Dunereif, Light horses,--Jno Dunn, Blake; Jno Roweliffea Usborne; J Forbes, Mitchell. t Mhell BuLL s -Jno Gibson, Denfield; Jos Ai- kinsou, Ssafortb, The spring show of the Ribbert Agricul- tural Society was Isola at Staffa on Wednee. day. The show of home, in point of nein here, was riot large, but the Animal% were all good, The same might be said of butte The following is a list of the suceessfui competitors ; pfonsss--Imparts+l fleavy Draught, -1st, Thos Uolquboun's ',itykerfletei ; 2nd, George Martina, Pride of Manic; 3rd, Jos Brooks' His ',Lordship, Canadian Heavy Draught, three yeara and over,--lat. Leonard But - son's, Farmers' Friend ; 2nd, Roderick Kennedy's, Young Glynis. Cauad'ien Thauaiht, two yeara,-let. Nm Vipond's, Rock ; 2nd, Tiros Mnhaffy'a. Young MoMas- ter. Blood, aged,-Ist, James Berry's, Edinburg ; 2nd. Armstrong & Tenant's, Book Maker. Two years ,old, -let, Robert Barbour's, Gold Bird ; 2nd, James Berry's, Proctor Nett. Bvl.Ls -Aged Durham, -John 1MfaCan- nell's, Fashion Doke. Two years old, -F. 11, Hamilton's, Lord Stafford. Yt'arliugs, --let, John McConnell's, Western Hero 2nd. Alex Roy's, Ring of Tho Realm. Jonoxa,-Leonard Hunter, and Donald McInnes, Ueborno. SUMMON, Biddulplx. Corsc1L nEErING-The council met pursuant to adjournment The reeve and all the members present. Orders to the amount of 814 were paid. 13y law No, 4 appointing Pathtuaaters, Penes Viewers and Pound Keeperswesduly passed, The Rev. Jobe Campbell was heard before the council with regard to a ditch on the high- way opposite } razer church. con 3 ; Re ferred to Commissioner A K, Hodgins with power Mr John Little cemplatued that his cellar was flooded in consequence of a defective ditch ou the highway ; re (erred to Councillor Beatean with power. Tho aunt 01 $2,000 was appropriated for the ordinary repairs to roads for the pres ent year. The council adjoutned to meet in the Township Commit Chamber and Town Hall, I.uoan, ou M11oxday, Alay 4th, 1801, at 9 A. M. W. f. Snsitn.n , Clerk, Hay Council The outwit met pursuant to adjourn on Saturday April 11th 1691. All members present, The followingobanges were made in the patuwastec a list div 85, Samuel Huweaton, dtv til, J Suatzeutreaber ; 49 G Grabiel. In reference to ehause of aebool bound. ries, owing to a cannier petition being re- ceived to take Iota 11 to 14 inclusive in the I II, .11l, and IV =emotions from 8 8 No 2, and combine them with Iota 16 to 18 in the #est con, and lots 16 to 20 inclusive in the 111, 1Y and V con from 8 8 No 10, to fora, a new section, it watt deeided to leave tlatl matter over until the next meeting of thecuaneli. All parties coueernad will tltoretore govern themselves acoardiugly. The public will please bear in mind that the damage done owing to obstruatione on the nubile highway shall be recovered from the ORnere of sant abstractions. Coutraets for gravelling the Center Road were awarded as follows ; Div 1, Robert J. Carlisle, at 55 cents per yard. Div 2, Jae, Greets, at 49 and three fifths ata per yard Der 3, John Shettler, at 58 ants per yard. The following accounta were ordered to he paid ; T Harting, for gravel and daue age to field, $7 451 Chas Grob, harboring indigent, 7a conte ; John White & Son, for adrerttaing, 51 ; Geiger st Kropp, 91 loads of gravel, $6 37 ; J A Williams & Co, flour for indigent, $8 25; U Randall, one months care et Mr Currey, $15 ; John Leslie, goo&. for indigent, $4 ; John Baker, covering bridge on XII on. $150 Tee ammo'' adjourned to meet again on Saturday April the 25th. Sam J. LATTA, Clerk, eut the The spring fair of the Blensherd agricul- tural Society was held it Kirkton on Thnre- day last. There was a large attendance of spectators, but of stook there was a meagre show. In the impoa ted heavy draught, the show was good. The weather was favor- able, and one of the given for the falling off in stook is that the aubatitation of diplomas for cash doea not take with horse men. Another reason is that fats are dying a natural death, The following is tbe prize list ; Hoagies. -Imported Heavy Praught,-' Six entries -Jon White's 'LordRuesell;' 0. Martin's 'Pride of Glasnic; Hewitt Kay's, 'Scottish Hero: Canadian Draught, three years old, --Leonard Butson'e 'Fermela' Friend.' Two years old, Wm Hanson's •Young McMaster;' Rich Delbridge's "Jack: txeneral Purpose, two years old. -Nicholas Shier's 'Young Charming Charley.' Car- riage, aged, -Geo Grafton's'Almcnt Magi- cian;' W W Revington's 'General Grant.' Roadster, aged. -E Hanban's 'Claud Lex- ington;' Thos Bissett's'Sir Bonner; Arm- strongit Tenant's 'Book Maker. Buaas.-Durham, one year old, -John Sutherland's 'Medtiek Hero;' Geo Bentley's Sir Robert;' Jno Brook's 'King of the west '• JIIDOE9-BvLLs-Jno Delbridge, Vaborne; Geo Gill, Fullerton; H. A. Switzer, Blau- sbard.-Hoasrs-W Corniah, Vaborne ; Jos Norris, Hibbert; Jas Hadley, St Marys. BEuCEPTELD. ►-.•.-.- Wliat Sixes Shall 7e Use? At the present time and for years past there has been ranch diversity of opinion eructing amongst farmers and breeders of horses throughout the Dominion of Canada; go ranch so, that there are very trifling ia- dnoements for awbitioue breeders and im- porters to purchase for services good sires of the thoroughbred Haekney, Coach,Clyde, Shire, Suffolk Punolt and Roadster elastics, which, at the present .day, would be profit- able te rofit-able'to the farmer if he bad the offspring of such to offer to buyers, Very few of our breeders today will use a good sire unless the owner of the sire wit insure his mare to be i foalfor re that is a i nawe a email neem a Parion with the expense e tta hed to the cars, attention, etc., that an owner gives a valuable sire. some are Wooed by the owner Weenie mongrel bred Serub or un- sound horse, and there are very many of them travelling and in eerviee In our country today, which would make but very ordinary geldings it castrated, tend only fit for work horses. Some owners of stallions boldly state that a pedigree ie of no int - Patience. Pedigree alone does not do, it is necessary le bare size, substance, individu- ality, symmetry, proper conformation of limbs and feet, action and soundness. The day has come when we want to breed to the beat, and they are none too good to crosa on. cur warea- The road to suecesa is to breed to the best sire every time, and eelt;et the beet feluales to breed from. Feed anal care for theta praperlp' and good results trill fallow. Do not diepuse of your boat filly. keep ber for a brood mare; If the offspring be horse colts, although of good promise, castrate them if from common mares when a year old. Ton many keep sgeh entire and use thein as Sires for their own nonce Sud their neighbor,' mama, It la a mistake, sad as Wail held before,the best aro none ten good, and you only iuduee alters to do wrong by giviug them the service of a sire that will not improve the of epriug, but will rather cause deterioration, If on theother 'laud the dam is a web bred mare and the colt is of good promise.. develop him, and a market is readily found for suck so newer countries than Ontario, and if no accident Waite him at four yeara .old he will be fit for the Snorkel and will bring profitable returua to the breeder, Farmers beware of melee; Lresysa STar mss -The Provincial Re. port concerning the working of the License Act has been reeeired. and from it we make a tow extraetstbat may be of interest. The total number of hotel licenses in operation in the county se 1890 wan ---East Muton, 26; South, 39: Welt 41, In the South there were 5 shop licensee And in the Weal 8. The licence fees weredivided as follows; The Province received from the Balt, 51300,92; South, 52839.71; Weat, 53340,- 03 ; and the municipalities as foilows, South Uuron.-Exeter, 5459.72 ; Sea - forth, 5910.18 ; Godorioh township, 13 pt, 531 84 ; Reynold, $116 76 ; Stephen, $329 06 • ; Osborne, $127 36 ; Kay, 5225.- 56 ; Tnataeramttn, $100,81; Sta loy, $154.- 10. Total, $2385.42. West Huron-Goderieh, Town. $863.84 ; Wawanosb, Beat, $31 10 ; A411otI. $641.82 ; Wawaausb, Weal, 872 60 ; liogbarn, 5150.40 ; Clinton, 8815.78; Aabtield, 5165.- 92 ; Colborne, $189,28 , Blyth, 8214.82. - Total, 52199,56. Blanshard Council. Tho Municipal council mot on Monday tbe lith inst. A•11 members present, Minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed. Mr Henry Cathcart addressed the Dowel relative to the moving out of his fence cn the road for the purpose of plant- ing a hedge feuoo. Tt would take four yeara to grow a hedge fence and he wanted to know whether the aounoit'would allow him the priviloro.io put his fence out on the road for the said term of 4 years, Burry -Sinclair -that Mr Cathcart bo granted the privilege. -Carried. Two beggars addressed the reeve and connaillore. One in the person of a Mr Clark who has labored in Blandhard and in all the surrounding municipalities. The other a Mr Moore who hails from Garafraxa. Both wished to be placed on the poor list of the municipality. Sinclair -Johns -that the opinion of this council is anch that mealier of the pat- ties having ever owned property in the municipality, and that both are now with- ont homee, that this council empowers the reeve to forthwith, lay information against the'9aid parties a8 vagrants (before a mag- istrate) so that they may be committed to the county jail where they will be oared for by the proper authorities. -Carried. The following gentlemen were appointed Path Maatera,Fence Viewers and Pound %eepers, in their respective divisions. The clerk to draft aby law confirming the same. Pathmasters,-Walser Gowans, E Camer- on, John McCallum, James Marshell, R G Radcliffe, P Hardy, Oapt Paiaey, J Quince, Geo Kemp, Chas Milner, J J Bragg, Wm Kirk, Wm Stephens, David Brethour, D Creighton, David Paynter, Robert Bruce, Alvin Arksey, Thor Thompson, Patrick Maloney, Thee Wilkinson, John Mitchell, George Squires, Thos Shipley, Wellington Dinsmore, .Tohn Chittiok, Thomas L iwton, George Cook, David Crawford, Samuel Radcliffe, John McCullough, Geo Webster, H Switzer, Fred Hauley, Robert Rea. Thos Evans, Mathew Forsythe, Wm Peacock, W Wood, Chas Ruthig, John Leslie, Charles Bailey, Henry Switzer, Bartus Rosenbara, Ge i Hudson, John Dawson, Sam Moore, T Moore, John Kenny, M Ballantyne, John Esteibrook, Joseph Sheldon, John tinkling. David Rolston, John Elliott, J W Robinson, Wm Bennett, D Weston, John Nagle, Geo Elliott, Wm Henderson, John Bain, Barton Alien. Fence viewers,-Jno M Cameron. Thos Ora David C• ht John Mitchell S The spring show of the Sonth Huron agricultural society was held in Brimfield on Tuesday. The attendance wasnot large, but the number and quality of the stock were far in excess of former years. The show wuuld have been a grand auocees but for the rain which Dame down in torrents about two o'clock, thns preventing a num- ber of horses from `being taken to the grounds, and which made things very un-. pleasant for spectators, Following is the prize list ; Houses -Imported Heavy Draught. - Aged, seven entries, -19t, T Colgahoun's `Rykerfield;' Innes ik Horton's 'Stud Book Chief;' J McMillan & Son's 'Ringleader.' Three year old, -Seven entries, Charles ' ,. a n's • onoksman C Mahon e Clener Mason's A'Vl y r' i Bannon. Ag- ricultural, P nee• John Reid's .Loid i S three years old, -Herbert Orich's 'Young Davy Lad;' Thos McMichael's 'Dutchman.' Two year old, -Jacob Bar- ro,v'a'Honeet Frank;' Thos McMiohael's. '(clear the Track.' General purpose, three years old, -Chas Rutledge's ' Willie Wild - wood;' Simon McKenzie's'Young Wild Boy.' Two year old, -R J 'Turner's `Maple Leaf,' Diploma for draught horses waslawarded to T Colgnhoun'a ; 'Rykerfield.' Carriage, aged, -Geo Whitey's 'King Clear;' W B MoLean's 'Raven.' Three year old, -Jan. Berry's .'Procter Naught;' John;Barrie' 'l?earnanght Chief.' Roadster, aged, -Geo Whitley a Carlisle;' Johathau Miller to 'Arcade Wilkes;' W B MaLean's 'Hensall Clear Grit,' Three: year old,---ltobt Bar- ber's 'Gold Dust;' Jno Sproat'e'Young ,Teo Gale.' Two years -old, -Wm Pinkey's'Fred Archer;' James Broadfoot'a 'Young Hack- ney.' Irish Hunter, -Thee Sturdy's 'Cam- bridgeshire Swell.' Thorobred blood, -Jed go av1 retg on o n, Dinsmore, Wm Gunning, John Lillie, Jno McCullough, Jno Robinson, M Ballantyne, A Sawyer, Wm Roger. Pound keepers, -J Penrn, Jas Gowans, David Paynter, E McDonald, Thoa Wood, tree Hodson, John Heyes, Jno tinkling, J. Pickard, Sam Moore, Sam Donpe. On motion duly made and seconded the following orders were granted. Ruth Richie, charity, $7 ; Wm Hodgins, ditch 7 line B & R$1; George Spearm, plank, 519.25; A. J Fairbairne, rep bridge, 53 ; Thee Pearson,. part salary, 52. The council adjourned to meet first Mon- day in May at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, Ia Tsar atr'ataTxa-wIrz?-The London, Eng„ Figaro says; "One of our oldeat anb Forpbore writes us, that having suffered for more than ten years from a stiff and paiafal knee, be was permanently cured in less than ten minutes after the first application of St, Jacobs Cil, and asks how we aeoonnt for this ; le It not almost magical?" Answer ; St. Jacobs Oil was aomponnded to cure pain, promptly and permanently. BORN. Spring Fairs, West Williams, at Parkhill, April 22nd, Stephen & Vaborne, at Exeter, Thursday April 10. Crediton, at Crediton, Friday, Apri117, All ossea of lame or week laok,baokoohe, rheumatism, will find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed. and Belladonna 13aokaohe Plasters, Price 25' cents. Try them, Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion, Sold by C. LnTZ, English Spavin Liniment removes al hard, soft Prem horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Couggs, etc. Save 850 by use of one bottle. Warranted the roost wonderful Bremish Cure ever known. Sold by C, Lutz, Druggist, Kynn-Exeter North, on OLh inst., wife of 3. Kydd, of n daughter, In Exeter, on lith inst., wife of John Davidson, of a daughter. MARRIE U, Arxxssox-HAttiLTox-At Brinsley, on Wednesday April 81h, Robert Atkinson, of Biddulph, to Miss A. Hamilton, of Brinsley. ANDEnson-MOANsE-In S1 Marys, on April 7th, 1891, by Ibe Rev A. Grant, Mr Frank Anderson, and Mrs D. Mcknsb, both of St Marys. BOUDIER-WILES-In St Marye. On April 8th, 1891, by Rev T. M. Campbell, Mr Geo Bonbier,andMiss Amelia Wiles, both of 81 Marys. Bell -Ford -At the Manse, Kippen, on the 3lat March, by Rev, S. Acheson, Mr. Robert Bell, to Miss Kate Ford, all of Tuckeremith. Callander -Latimer -On March 31st, by Rev. 3• Henderson, Newberry, at th e residence of bride's brother, Rosedale Place, Seltan, Mr. 0, N. Callander, head master of Norwood Model Sohool.formerly of Kirkton, to Mies Nellie Latimer, late of the township of Usborne. DIED. If there ever was a specific for any or e complaint, then Carter'a Little Liver Pills' are specific for sick headache, and every woman should know this. Only one pill a dose. Try them. A wrawn'sodsa's oi'isxON-Tile following is taken from a letter from Mr D. Davie , Winnipeg, Man.:"Being persuaded to nee Haggard's Pectoral Balsam for a trouble some cold, I was entirely oared by the use of two 'bottles." .,'Vere:' 117'41.1(&k --I abs. The "bones" in the.. B. & C. corset are made of it ••-warranted for a year, too. It's a corset you can wear a few weeks, and then get our money back if it doesn't Shpt. - But ie s pretty sure to suit ---else uldn''t be sold so, For Sale b'R1i*ART, Exeter [Iri: RO , I.,ICENSED T I • Ginner fort the County of Huron, t'herttos moderate. Exeter P, G. PAnsoxs-Iu Exeter, on the 12th inst , William Perseus, aged 77 yeart 6 mos. GINnSAY-In Biddulph, on April 3rd, 1891, Eliza, eldest daughter of Mr Joseph Lind- say, aged 19 years and 7 months. CuzsNEY-In Tuokeremith, on the 12th inst., Isabella Bather, relict of the late George M. Chesney, aged 59 yrs, 11 mos. ,.- f STAND voua ssoosn. -When you make up your mind to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. do not be induced to buy some other pre- paration instead. Clerks may claim that "ours is as good as Hood's" and all that, but the peculiar merit of Hood's Sarsapar- illa cannot be equalled. Therefore have nothing to do with substitutes and insist upon having Hood's Sarsaparalla, the bait blood purifier and building up medicine. OTIC +' TO CREDITORS. lr then SALE -A 000A STOREY and a balr Creme dwelling, good atable ; everything convenient, with throe-flftba or an sero of lent situated on Hedley -at. Will be sold cheep. sturdy to \f16tf Waor EDWIN' 0 4,.px, OTIOE CITIZENS OF THE :lfuniaipality of the township of Ste- phen, more modally of theviltagea, are re• attested to have their promises nut improper twittery condition at once, as the inspector will make hie oi'lc'an tour on or abent the 1st of May next. wlt. Lewis. Sanitary inspector, t1Ainr FOR SAME OR .RENT— That splendid farm of about 70 acres. he- ing north half of Lot 5, Cop. :dl, Stephan. is now ferrate. '.the propertv situated About Timms from Parkbill, on a gravel road and ra ono of the best farms in this section. There aro on rho eternises a good frame house and frame barn end two good fruit hearing orchards. Tho soil is a rioh clay loam. School house within a few rods of the house, and ohurohos and post Klee within li miles For further eertioulars apn'v to Alas iiVnnr.ii. Ap0,m1 Corbett P.O. TENDERS. mastrewssesson • CREAT SURPRISE Is in store for all who want SPRING P --- Summer • C:thing J. fI. GR HIVE has opened out the largest an.l best assorted stock of Cloths that has been shown in Exeter at prices that will surprise the old. est inhabitant. Call and see our $is.00 B'.ack Worsted Suite, and all the latest patterns an Tweeds, Fine PanttivS 3tt3c1, Sprialif,. Overcoiattug. Remember we guarantee a good .fat cv'erytinle or no sale, Give axle a call and see for yourself. a, H. GRIEVE. FARMER BROS., 'Wholesale and, Retail GROCERS WIRE end SPIRIT MERURA 1TS. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed. and endorsed "Tonder for Indian Similes" will be received at this office up to noon of SATURDAY. 91h MAY, 1891, for the delivery of Indian Supplies. during the fiscal year ending 30th June,1e92. consisting of Flo in Beef. Bacon. Groceries. Ammunition, Twine, Agricultural Implemont,Tools, Sm., duty paid at various points in Manitoba and the North- West territories, Forma of tenaer, containing full particulars relative to the Supplies required, dated deliv- ery, &c., may be had by applying to the under- signed or to the Indian CornmisionoratRegina or to the Indian Office, Winnipeg. Parties may tender for cell description of goodelerfor any portion of each description of goods)soparately error all the goods called for in the Schedules, and the Deparment reserves to itself the right to reject the whole or any part of a tender. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted Cheque in favor of the Superintendent tieneral of Indian Affairs, on a Canadian bank for at least five per tact. of the amcu•,t of the tender. which will be forfeited if the party tendering declines to enter into a contract based on su•h tender when called upon to do so. or if he fails to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted. the cheque will be returned, and if a contract be entered into for a part only of tho supplies tendered for an accepted cheque for five per cont. of the am•+unt of the contract may be substituted for that which accompanied the tender • the contract securi'y cheque will be retained by the Depart- mont until the end of the fiscal year. Each tender must, in addition to the signa- ture of the tenderer, be signed by two sureties aeceptableto the Department for the proper performance of the contract based on his ten- der. This advertisement is not to be inserted in any newspaper without the authority of tbo Queen's Printer. and no claim for pi'yment by any newspaper not having had such authority will be admitted. L. VANKOUGHNET. Deputy of the Superintendent -General of Indian Affairs. Department of Indian affairs. Ottawa, March. 1891. I the he matter of the Estate of William Johns, late of the township of Us- borne, gentleman, deceased, Notice is hereby given' pursuant to, Chapter. 110, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, that all persona, having claims against the said William Johns. deceased. who died on the 22nd day of March, 1891 are r squired to deliver or send by post, prepaid. to the undersigned solicitors for James Halls and Thomas Andrews the executors of the estate of the said deceased. on or before the 1st day of June. 1891, .a state- ment in writing containing' their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims, duly verified by statutory declaration and the nature of the security (if any) held by them; and that after the said last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which notice shall have been received as above required, and the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of e at been received shall not have notice aha whose the time, of such distribution. rI,&BUr Et Sot Solicitors for Executor,, Dated this cath• day of Apri1,1891.-3t 1891 1891 A FINE ASSORTMENT —0E— Fancy Goods ss 'Mega Odor Cases, Dressing Cases, Shaving Gases Collar and: Cuff Cases. Manicures etc. —BY -- STAR GROCERY' Mnlzri-ST, EXETER, A LARGE LOT —OF— NEW -GOODS NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW PRINTS, beauties at IOe per yd. NEW MILLINERY. NEW ART MUSLIN AND LACE. Special lines of new Tweed and fine black Suiting,. We will sell you the boat goods cheap. Fresh Groceries; extra value in Teas. ALL ARE INVITED. Highest price paid for Eggs and Butter. We will make it to you advantagoto buy from us. COME AND SEE. DOUPE 86 CO., Kirkton, EXETER Pork Packing House The undersigned wishee to in- form the public that after six months' successful operations in curing, pickling, and salting, they have now on hand large quantities of Sugar -cured and Smoked Hams, Rolls Bacon Sides Also a good supply of Fresh Salted Meats. tc CC .. .1 11 Special attention is given to the rendering of pure lard. A large supply on hand at low prices. 1-1-'1-1 CASH PAID FOR HOGS. SNELL BROS. 8c CO. New Fall Goods. New Velveteens. Si C Dress Goods.. Mantle Cloths, Flannels. Table Linens. Shirtings. Cottons. Cashm.ere,Hose.' Cashmere Glover Kid. Gloves. Corsets. Underwear:I J. ESO M A.TH N St HAY P.O. EXETER NO1l.TIL.