HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-12-01, Page 15s SHIPSillARRED I uar aamst Ishaps . - JaPan has Made aiailable four ,* ships ior the run to Eur-ope to replace Dutch, vessels barred .0 from Indonesian portS. SUBWAY NETWORK New York Cit, with 237 miles of subway, has the 4argest mupally-owned transit sys7 tem in the United States. TINY NATION Andorra is a 1.431pstiansmile‘ republic in the PyrOnees ktuder °antra a -Eand the Span - Isla, bishop of rgel. , lights Wherr room is unec- , , - etipied, 5. Use a pail of water as the foundation for the tree. I 0. Presents 'Should not be plae- ed under tree until Christ - In Christmas Season I mas Eve; wrappings should be safely disposed of as soon insurance companies in Can.acla Christmas, traditionally the season of festivity and happi- ness, vnill be marred, for many it seasonal 'fires and accidents art to take their toll, warns the All Vanadwinsur- ance,„,Fedgratian.- • -- Officials of the Fed-era/1DM MEMBER , 9 , .4,. MacEWANi, ... ..* V A ••• $ 2 "v. INSURANCE 0 sr, z 44 AGENCY YOUR AGENT OF PERSONAL it s _ SERVICE _ 44 North St. Phone JA 44531 AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT 5') as 'possible. 4 7. Candlesc are hazardous; use electric decorations, ..lbut eheck that they do not over- load electrical .eireuits. ,11 8, Choose electrical gifts of •ap- "ItrakelliVilAiairiliVt- . liable seals a inspection. 4 Avoid: grep,ge.,,,..acpX414 nand litirners;:" A - said many Christmas tragedies can be averted by greater care in the choosing of toys and dec- ,0174tio44-., eit9atetY-PxPerts a4vi§-7 ed that eitemistry sets, fire arms, and toys:Xequiring aleo- kerosene- ArlikggizigiNCV., livable sho net be given to ,small children. As a 'final, safeguard, use Of such toys by children of all ages should be supervised by adults. Christmas trees and decora- tions, symbols of festivity, are potentiai" fire hazards, officials warned. To help minimize the dangers, they recommended the (following precautions; 1. Choose a. small tree; it is less hazardous than A, large one. which represents more th,an 220 fire,. automobile and casitattY 2. Keep trees out-of-doors as Jong as .pOssible; remove - -them as Soon as needles tfaiL 3.Never plaie trees near fire- places, heaters; doorways or I, staircases. ' 4. Always turn out electric tree alk.v7 Tractors Have :,Pemonaiities i Not Unlke Stubborn Farm .Horses (By Harry Boyle) A balky horse was a mighty diffiCult thing to gowith t along wi Higgins was cranking and crank- ing as usual. With- hat pushed up on his forehead . his smock lying 9.44,4141..q.#fsLIMPA'#.4t ,,1440•FAil-T447•4: 0,A-:tiratigiwat. 414 ,•11-1$ a ibalky could cause D left hand firmly anchored t'bthe onteroper.:;,a44 fialigit.7411FgoZtg, h1.11froth-at 'ehe'nftloutil- like a Dutch 'windmill on a r dy to give 'up and sit down Alst about the time he was windy day. !The tractor was in ex austed, the hswld for much the same condition as us - ore ou ual . . . very dead. • no aparent reason switch its tail kid decide to move on. He stopped and looked up. There were • a fair share of panting. His conversation was balky horses in the township in plinctuated by a choice set of those days, too. at seemed at descriptive adjectives which in time as • if all the horse- themselves should have warm one - ed up the tractor motor. He didn't say much, and then with a most datermined _leek in his eyes he planta his feet wide apart and grasped the crank and began turning in earnest. Then the tractor kicked . and when I say kicked . . . it is for the benefit of city people -who may not be aware that a tractor packs as much dynamite in its wallop as an old-fashioned American mule. Higgins seem- ed to coil up like a snake and then he unwound. The langu- age began to blister once again. * * 1 offered to try cranking the tractor, but by the time 1 made the offer he was buried beneath the hood of the contraption with a hammer and a wreneh. For at least five minutes there was a busy sound of metal on metal. Finally it stopped. ."1 think haVe it fixed,' he said , quite Proudly. He started cranking aild -rept ltVP steattiirfor an, other five minutes. This time the tractor was quite unrespon- sive. There didn't eVen seem to be a kick left in the metal monster. Once again he buried himself under the hood , .. this time locating a dislodged wire which apparently had deadened the motor., The motor would turn over . . . cough a couple of times and then soggily stop. That was encouragementat least. "It's flooded," was the announcement. For five minutes we stood and smoked and talked about every- thingexcept the tractor. Finally he went back to work on it with a vengeance. His hand slipped and he bash- ed his knuckles on, the metal. children out of the kitchen while stove is in use_ 10.Don't use gauze-ilike:cloth for children's party dresses. 111. fake sure that toys and Sports equipment are not left trn the floors, especially near staircases. A bird called the Greater Yel- trading gypsies in the district, lowleg migrates 10,090 miles brought all the balky horses in the province back to our •town- ship. Father, who considered himself to be a keen judge of horse -flesh and a keen trader, found himself at one time with two balky ',horses. When one would ge the .other was certain not to move. I am firmly convinced, that, tractors, like horses, have per- sonalities. Some are sweet - tempered and easy to get along with, but some, like the old character owned by Higgins, can be mean and pesky. You can, however, become as fond of a 'balky tractor as a balky horse. At least some men like Higgins are capable of this feeling. Coming out from breakfast one morning I decided to try and straighten the garden gate up from its rather ,melancholy lean. It was a .brisk autumn morning, the sun -not yet high enough to banish the night's chill. The iron. work on the fenoe Was clammy and cold. The clear morning air was polluted with loud noises . . . the hammering ofmetal on metal and now and, again the asthmatic cough of a ' tractoi which refused 10 get ,Fttarte'd. Neighbor Higgins was 'having another round with his balky tractor. * * It seem q that every time we go to a silo -filling at the Higgins place his tractor acts up: Being newt door neighbors of Higgins, usually go over early -to help him get set up for vvork-guch as sild-filling. This year 1 ar• rived shortly after daybreak and • from Patagonia to Canada's, north and eaeh year arrives and hatches its 'first eggs exactly between May 26th and 29th. Since the end of World War Two' more than 450,000,000 -peo- ple living in countries within the British Commonwealth have assumed complete independ- ence. SAVE HEAT -- SAVE IV1031EY- Block Winter's Blast vtIiAulai sash and doors — -plus :adequate Insulatinn !! ,CALL ITS 70 QUICK SERVIDE -cmtetviivemeadneteur FOR A REWARDING WINTERTIME HOBBY PROJECT I Modernize Your Basement • = We have fhe ideas and the mat- erials to take care of your plans! From Modest Improvement to a Modern. HIGH STYLE Recreation Room =WI —INQUILICE7NOW a—ront•-- a liOME—IMPR OVEIVIEN'r LOAN Thiou-gia Natienal Hot4ingAct Your Bank will advise you as to details:— Thei. See JOHN JEFFERY' and ON . . For domplett—and ECONOMICALLY, PRICED— Has your hand e.ver slipped off a crank on a chilly morning and struck cold metal? ,If it has, then you will know about the ,Rumbiag.",„.4experience really is. He hopped on one the, Oth a-11.4 ' blod, oil and ail - into his mouth. * 1 * For at least three ii•iinutes he stood stock still. Then with his hat ,perched qn the back of his head . . . his hair buShe,d out over his forehead . . . blood streaming from his knuckles ...- face spattered with oil and blood, he walked up in a very determined way to the tractor, took hold Of the 'crank, gave it a turn. The tractor started... without a murmur OT a choke. The motor pufred as smoothly as it is posisble for an ancient tractor' to purr. The balky trac- tor _started just as Higgins nerves were at breakin,„a point, Then Higgins 'pattKi the trac- tor affectionately, grinned and we were at work. The tractor, as if sensing a victory, didn't balk any more. The Goderivh Signal -Star, Tbursday, 1;ecember 8tb 1880 3 ecora riumer Of Canadian Paintings Used Paintings by a record' number of Canadian artists are featured D11 thiS,paar'S..allti..vtraasi cards. They range from' winter. gAmes by such noted..paintem.as widely -acclaimed Svoi$11 grapilm "81E44," of the wOld'I'q greatest paintuo. " These include the° *nits ex such masters as Rembranllt, Van Dyck, Henri Matisse, Yineeut Van Gogh, Leonardo Da Vineil John Constable, El Greee ona. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. MentrleadDIltrald andPaul Radii' rick to colorful, bouquets of flowers by Emily Sartain. "With the increase in, interest in dis tinctively Canadian scenes, one firm alone has douAaled the num- ber of Canadian artists featured on its Christmas greetings. "While we used the works of eight prominent artists from this country last Year,. we are noepublishing 16 and the num- ber will probably be increased again next year," said the firm's president. As well as MacDonald, Rod - rick and Miss Sartain, these in: Rae Millerank-Panabakerit elude Harold McCrea, a Mc - Roland Gissing, A. Sherriff, Scott, Franz Johnston, Witham Winter, Tom Roberts, CorneliuS Krieghoff, F. 5. Coburn, Fred Brigden, H. H. Leeming and Earl Bailly. Adding a unique touch to the Christmas card scene this year are greetings featuring fine -re- productions, made possible through a process devised by ,. I PHK- THEATRE BIG SCREEN — TOP SHOWS —COLOR — I-N?w---ftlaying------THURS:r FR -1., SAT-.7-DEC--.-8r9,---- YOU'LL CHUCKLE! YOU'LL ROAR! at this latest bundle of 'British buffoonery by the same . uproarious cast 1 Charles Hawtry — Hattie Jacques and Co. in - "CARRY ON TEACHER" MON., TUES., WED., DEC. 12-13-14, Adult Entertainment Juliette Greco —2 Orson Welles — Brad Dillman A -tense -courtroom -drama inv-01‘4A.'ng.Aix people from.opposite walks of '-'CRACK IN THE MIRROR IN CINEMASCOPE 163 ELGIN AVENUE Pun GODERICH Dial i.JA 4-8171 VVITtilitutIVITIVM sidgRIAMIMIIIMVPTIVVTMVITUAVVV9 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS from WOOLWORTH'S PP1NG HCURS • V * OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY FOR MONTH OF DECEMBER OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 P.M. * BEGINNING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, to FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23 (Inclusive) OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK * OPEN DECEMBER 24th UNTIL 6, P.M. Itattaituittatta, 444 4444444 4444444444444 4444444 , DOMING — Sophia Loren and Clark Gable in — "IT STARTED IN NAPLES" in Vistacolor FUR FARMING Fur farming startdd in Can- ada in 1878 with the breeding of foxes in Prince Edward Island. 'CI-112/S7MAS •7770ES kel. -PE• iNDUSTAIAIZIVItet:17=4 Bok 177, Stratford Phone, 271 or 1650 —0— A Complete Line Of Industrial Rubber - PRODUCTS HOSE — air -oil -fire - hydraulic — V -BELTS TRANSMISSION and. CONVEYOR BELTS - We also handle MILL SUPPLIES —0 -- CALL or WRITE 24 Hour Delivery 48 letetitteSCECIVECCOMMOVITSOMetZEVISO IVAN- LOUZON, • Top Of- Dunlop 'Hill• We'll Have the TREE you want and.Will Deliver to Your Home on time. Call—JA4 - 7171 or drive out and CHOOSE YOUR OWN 4849-50 - . Daki-XlaiDiDai-DiDatDatiWatEaDV4222aDM-20M-4,024MDMIXDINOMMTAD61424-MaikarkekailiT4-1124.1M24-k*DalriDtlab 3C-teltAMCV-teMMOVVVVVCICWOMOVInteleteltetCeet.13MtetC1M1V.:Att4CACIOVVVV.ii IT'S HERE from PHILCO 0. H. A. Junior "B HOCKE SARNIA VS GODERICH RIDAY;DECENdiElit at 8'30 P.M. Goderich Memorial Arena ADULTS - 50c — Students and Children - 25c SUPPORT THE SIFTOS AnalEMOMMENEEIMINIM' 11111111.' ,c,awavoc womotmcvmemmtcommattrovetpovvvvomim..6 Complete Supply of CHRISTMAS FOWL TURKEYS---i:GEESE CHICKENS DUCKS Choice Quality ORDER NOURS, .EARLY O'BRIEN'S MARKET no SQUARE Dial JA -4-8632 itstiot*sootusaiisiaststsolvisorsookisoksistsooktoostiro,tioolstit PHILCO •'-; THE ORATORIO REVERBAPHONIC SOUND Do This exciting d-evelopment ' in Slereophonie, high fiaelity \ vili . turn, your, V .,0 room' into -a vast .coneert hall and_open Florious vistas of ,-mtisival delight. ,r You- your family, your friends will be thrilled by this new dinfension 'in ifiti sound -- this truest. of High Fidelity. ., vi "HEAR IT TODAY ,--. PROVE IT TO YOURSELF'! g AM :and FM Radio, — Garrard Deluxe Changer — Record Storage Space IVery Reasonably Priced at — ' u308 HURON ROAD — GODERICH . V HUTCHINSON' RADIO and TELEVISION rg ,- Dial -JA 4-7831 ItgatDiDiDairiain-2-4mDizzdtailmaDin&W.,,a2Di=ciat-Dizamm-DiiTizaaisaeite4,1ci=i4*1--2a1Stsatotir, ',40-q-PPPVIIIMIMVP'RP1,9M14VVIMWPIM14141-1147414:3 cqQ Pr/ , as well as our Customers. WE ,ANNOUNCE Our New Name and Address tlzfr SO SANTA CAN FIND US ,,s74 'PP R. J. NEPHEW PHOTOGRAPHY 95 TORONTO STREET .Goderich Corner �f Picton St. -find- Highway 14o."8 FORMERLY MacLA mum:matt tt aguttiratt IA 4-7924 's STUDIO - ltimuitatitt 11*