HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-11-24, Page 809,011.011...,Signalr, Thursday, November 24th, 1960 M !George, W. Paterson, seyeral" weeks. She is conval: STRUCTURAL. STEEL FORNEW as returned eseint,t,- at' 'the homehle' her aBRIDGE FRAME -WORK HERE, trom VietOria klawhter, Mrs. D. C. Aber1)l here she' 'Was a patient for 1Billannia road, 'West. !,01 -Community. Citilit bi,„, Qualifications as follows: Must be over, 21 year$ of age, able, to type, handle accounting and ,,cash and must be willing to be bonded. Applications must be submitted in writing to— GODERIdil COMMUNITY' CREDIT 'UNION LTD. giving"age, experience and salary expected. t4100•••••••••••••••••eeeeeee•e•••••eeeeeeeeeeo ABSOLUTELY FREE WITH THE PURCHASE OF $5.00 OR MORE Your Choice of one FLASHLIGHT or one Texaco Sky Chief Hat ONE ONLY TO A. CUSTOMER USE '"UNDASPRAY" for Rust Preyeiltion '2 • frA With the arrival of the strue- tural steel, operations on the 111:v Maitland River bridge London Gardener frame -work under the Arden., Construction 'Company should r- T I ves la Tier .6. X. Ross' presided at the Noveiniber meeting of the He described the work of plant- ing bulbs this fall on Harbor. Hill and • read portions of the "NewS Letter" from The Ontario Horticultural Society. be completed before Christivas, –4,110,.;pre,.sait,--seettan-High- way 21, in the vicinity -of the new' bridge, and the old Salt: Jto-rd- 4.1,44,Pt9441;_. the spring, it was stated. - Three the planned five piprs are already finished, and pouring of cement continues an the other two. Hurn Concrete Company, who arc supplying the lieady mixed cement, estimate Mr. F. Stacey, a represent- ative of.the London Horticultur- al Society, and a gardener at St. Peter's Seminary at the Uniyers- ity of 'Western Ontario, was the guest speaker. He illustrated his subject of -"Trees" with an excellent collection of colored ere that a total of 225 cubit yards of concrete is necessary for each pier. The abutments on both banks, with additional wing and retain - g walls, are also nearing cam - tion. Pier foundations- extend to a PiCtures, describing bow to ctopth of 40 to 67 feet into the plant new trees. Fle also ex- er o The Maitland River,,which is low at this time, • has been. re- routed into three viaducts to allow passage of the water, while pier -work is going on. New. Officers Dungannon LOL DUNGANNON, Nov. 21.—The Dungannon L.O.L. No. 324I held their annual meeting on Novem- ber 7th with County Master Harvey Jacklin in charge. After the election, he installed the following officers: Worshipful Master, Russel Alton; Deputy Master, Russel Irvin., chaplain, Alvin Alton; remit -fug, 'secretary,- -Jerry -Gran. ston; treasurer, Frank Alton; marshal, Gordon Finnigan; 1st lecturer. Lorne Hasty; 2nd -lec- turer. Ernest Durnin; commit- tee, Ross Errington, Benson Fin- nigan; Nelson Culbert, Allan 'Webster, Robert Irvin; tyler, Chester Finnigan. , PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S I-1.1LL, Nov. 22.— The W.A. of Grace Church met at the honie of Mrs: William. Cox on Wednesday afternoon of last _week, The president opened the meeting after which the Scripture was read hy Mrs. Sawerby. The topic arid prayer were taken by Mrs. A-4,in Har- ris: The roll call was answered with what you would like best for Christmas. It was decided to give 510.00 'to the Bible So- ciety and $35.00 to. .the mission- ary and maintenance fund, Tal - en aThcIes Were---9±orrated Mrs. Wilmer Riddell. 'The De- ceinber meeting will be held early, on December 7, at the home of Mrs. ,Olive -Bell. The ti&koibe answered by the d,onation, of, a 25c gift -Ter a child. The election of officers will 'be conducted so a good ttirnout is expected. The hos- tess served lwich at The close of the meeting: ' _Auto .Body Mechanical Radiator Repairs BY- LICENS-ED- - D avidsgn Texaco' Service 334 Huron Road JA 4-7231 ,netwc-teretclovetatetelmAtatzwetzetemmetwelvelatzvwzgstmoctcletttatmcgtometmewawg-wm'''' plained the importanc& of fer- tilizer,' mulching, staking and pruning. Mr. J. ',Warren ,,thank- ed the speaker (far his address. The door prizes were ,won by Miss Mary Howell, Miss Etta Saults and Mrs. R. Spading. Tea was served by 'Mrs. S. Ar- gyle, Miss D. Westbrook and Mrs. R. Sparling. SPECIAL SPEAKER FOR RALLY AT VICTORIA ST. Rev. Norman H. MacKenzie, M.A., on furlough from Bamnia in India, will speak at Victoria Street United Chiirch in a rally for young people and adubts on Thursday, ,December 1, at a p.m. Mr. MacKenzie, horn in India, edit Cate d inCanadain sociology' and theology, has beconie a ()Teat leader in the field of Christian Co-operatives in underdeveloped countries. He has served -at home ,in the -pro, vinces of Nova Scolia, Ontario and British Columbia among the fishermen. Presently he is on furlough from 'India wrhere, he has been training Indian youth leaelers.in the "New Life': move- ment. Thus his messIM 'will be of wide interest and all con- cerned are invited. GIFTS PLANNED BY- PT. ALBERT UNITED CHURCH, PORT ALBERT, Nov. 21. — The November -meeting of the W.M.S. and W:A. Of, St. An- drew's 'Un'ited Chureh. was held at the home of Mrs. Martin with nine members present-. Christmas gifts for the sick el—shut-ins were -,-discussed:' also a bail for the coming .year. Mrs. Lednor, delegate to the sectional meeting at Hackett's Church, gave an interesting ac- count. Mrs. Hart a'eall two cha-.pters of the stadrhenak-.---The hostess served a dainty lunar.. and .Mrs. ,Caarence, Hoy and boys spent the' week -end at the home ,cf Mr: and Mrs. Earl Teschke, of DeSboro. '6000,00CleWM , • • ;. The MAJOR STORE Continues Its Pre -Christmas SHOPPING PARTY w until NOVEMBER 26th WeekEd Special g MEN'S SUITS , MEN'S COTTON FLANNEL WORIS, ,A11111.RTS LIL SPECIAL $179 ,SPORTSHIRTS Assorted Patterns - each $2.59 or 2 for: $5.00 - MEN'S ALL WOOL • ' SOCKS ALL '-COLORS Reg. $1.25 SPECIAL 79c -Atifiicifr-AwfiK4 Friday MorningMen's Sportsfarts „., One Hour Only 9 to 10, A. M. F REE; PAIR OF NYLONS' to PIRST 60 CUSTOMERS Assorted Patterns and Plaids Regularly $6.95 Special $3.99 — SWEATERS — BULKY KNITS — SHAGS " — BAN LONS — ALL WOOLS ORLONS 11111111111 LADIES' WEAR 05, off . — DRESSES .-r• COATS — HANDBAGS — CAR COATS' — DUSTERS Sizes 8 to 14 'Years BOYS' Cotton Flannel Shirts. Special 99c • f , BRAS 20% GIRDLES off flt f4TA 11/4.W\16E1 CHIFFON.It'a u * * * • ONLY 1 SAVE lale • • •'• 747 r • • MORE JANE PARKER .QUALITY Bakery Specials PUMPKIN PlIE Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Specials Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade, McIntosh PPLE Excellentlor Juice, Choice Grade; Valencia ANGE British Cohnnhia, Jumbo Size 90's,, Anjou 3 -Ib cello bag Fancy Grade 11--arge,--FVm Reads, 14-0. 1 Grade,lceberg Native Grdwn, No. 1 Grade, Pascal CELERY STALKS 209c Imported, No. 1 Grade; Slicers .CUCUMBERS 2 for 1 5C Imported, No. 1 Grade o. • -BROCCOLI large bch 29C 35c 69 5 -Ib cello bag C Ontario Grown, No. 1 Grade, Yellow ONIONS COOKING 5 -lb cello bag 25c, No. 1 Grade, Native Grown TURNIPS SWEET YELLOW Ib 5c No. 1 Grade, Winter keepers POTATOES P.E.I. 50 -Ib bag 1.69 Come See, Ann Page KETCHUP d Reg 55c SAVE 6c Jane Parker CINNAMON Jane Parker, Plr HOMESTY[ Reg. pkg 39c—SAVE 10c ROLLS pkg 29( -red Reg. 35c-8AVE 6c "TS pkg °I 629c' HELD OVER AMMIER WEEK SPECIAL 10c OFF BOKAR 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE - COFFEE 3 -Ib bag, 1 : • 3 -lb bag 1.61 ......4,11146• ,tr.ru You'll Save Cash, on these Grocery Features Reg. 2 btls-39c—SAVE 2c 211' btls 3 7c haricethratty-7-- -Regz-2--timr-39c—SA-VE 1 -0o - White Crozs Reg. pkg 53c—SAVE pkg of 4 rolls 45, TOILJT TISSUE fAot-her ParkJeso Reg. pkg 79c—SAY. A&P:TOMATOES 3 20.-pzlins 49c. TEA BAGS • - Heinz Bread and But.er PICKLES Reg. jar 29c—SAVE 2c 16 -oz jar ' White - • Reg. 2 rolls 49c—SAVE 3c SCOTT TOWELS CAKE MIXES r°1113 Ogilvie (White and Chocolate) Reg. pkg 37c—SAVE 110 3 20 -oz pkgs 1 _•00 Australian Seedless ' Reg. LL—RAISINS, With Free Package of 6 Oxo Cubes — 13c Off Deal INSTANT OXO , pkg of 6073, 2 pkgs 49c—SAVE 3c 15 -oz pkg2 both for 49, Jane Parker • Reg. pkg 29c—SAVE 5c :COOKIES OATMEAL pkgs 3( Weekend Super -Right Quality Meat Features RIB PORTION 11 it ii 3 to 31/2 -lb Avera:ge 1111 SLIPS Arnels, Nylons, Crepes Regular to $6.95 SPECIAL . , • $2.990 1 4- 44 BOYS' Suburban Coats Regularly $12.95 Special$7.99 AJOR STORE 'Malt Goderich. zpoomeatkvighligiswasemaeolokyligiobogiwookoisaisoisedosaawkitiotapadhsoluwiewitiow JA 4.7621 Ib RK - TENDERLOIN PORTION • 3 to 31/2 -Ib Average Ib TENDERLOIN. HALIF LOIN Ib Lean Shoulder Cuts' GROUND CHUCK . Ib 59, Sweet...PikJed,Borielesh Yac;pggc,,,, . BEEF TONGUES.lb 59, Shopsy's (12 -oz Chub) SALAMI . CHUB each 49c —FanCY QugilItirSTiEid— '"------- — ... . PORK LIVER ; lb 33, Small Link, Tray Pack, Pure POR SAUSAGE lb 49c .) • CENTRE CUT ' or CHOPS lb 69, 1 , Jellied, Cooked . . ' PQRK HOCKS'lb _..,..., -i 3 5 c . Sw et Pickled, Vac Pac _ ma 4.. OTTAGE ROLLS lb ) yc Thinly Sliced' - COOKED HAM 1-113 pkg Fancy Quality-- _ PORKKIDNEYS 03 3 3c Smoked 1,0 WIENERS 2 -lb bag 79c SPECIAL. * PACK! 25c OFF Plus Extra Savings At A&P .KINGSIZE .A&P Special Price 40 A&P haulm' Price $1.23 — SAVE AN EXTRA TOTAL SAVINGS :29e 9 Paramount FANCY RED SACKEYE S .14 LMON 1/2.'s tin FROZEN FOOD FEATURES Reg. each 39c—SAVE 2 15 -oz pkgs15c. Reg. 43c—AVE 4c` 2 -Ib poly bag 39c - A&P Fancy Sliccd STRAWBERRIES PiPisaandnd CARROTS APPLE Mitcherl's JUICE. Vitaminized 48 -oz tin 33c MARGARINE Solo Regular 2 1. -lb pkgs 53c AMMONIA Snowflakb 2 1-1b pkgs 23c CUT MIXED PEEL Dalton's 8 -oz prig 19c RED GLACE CHERRIES Dalton's 8 -oz pkg 3Sc GLACE,PINEAPPLE Dalton's Assorted ,8 -oz pkg 370 GINGER ' Dalton's Crystalized • 4 -oz pkg 236 TOILET TISE(JE Purex Coloured pkg of 2 rods 270 Mg RIM AroANTIC 1 PACIPIC 9A COMPANY 1.10 AAP MEANS DEPf. •IDAILITY. Mt PeloggiCin 'Ths Ad Guerentesd Throuh. tdrday, Noyimbor Oh 10.0.