HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-4-16, Page 1AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE., "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FAIL WHERE THEY MAY,' VOL. XVIII. NO 30. EXETER, ONTARIO, TH1TBSDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, 1891 fiEGAL. 1 U. OIOIRSON, Btarieter, Soli. -.,▪ ,. oitnr of Supreme Court, Notary Prt#lie, 3oaveyanoer. Commissioner, &c M3uaev to Goan. 0Moo iu Pans on's13look, Exeter. 11. COb1INS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, lite., Ih:i;ETBB. - ONT. °Mee ever the Post Mee. 11I1LIOT do ELL.IOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &o, (te. :K 'AToney to Loan at Lowest hates of interest. OFFICE, - MAIN. STREET, EXETER. n, V. 4LL402, a. ELLIOT. ENTAL. 1)R. C. Ii. INGRAM, DENTIST. SuacessortoIi'.L.Billings. (Member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons.) Teeth inaortea with. or without Plate. in Gold or Rubtor. A gots Anmeth etia give la for the paiMesa extraction of teeth. Plates armored ftrnily iu the mouth by 'Rasmus' Patent Wyo. QFF1OE : Over O'Neil's Bank, Lueau every Friday. . s IN S 1I.fl.N ,D1;NTIST.I4.D. ?:►nail's Meek, Main•st, Exeter, f xtraeta Teeth without pato. ,Away at BBFN8ALL on a Drat Fri lay; Craig, falcon.) arra fourth Tuesday; and Touren onthe last Thurs- day of each mouth. NIA Die&L T W.1330WNING M. D., M. C t! • P. 8, Cxraduete Victoria Unlve tyt Oftlee and residence, Ddm:riou. Lain a- ory. Exeter • 11.1 B.YN.DMAN, coroner for se County of Huron, OMoo, carp .alte =arling Brae, store, Exetor. R. J.A.ROLLIt'S,M.C.Y,S. 0. Oface, Main St. Exeter, Ont.. Residence, trouee recently 000upied by P. Mol'htnipa, Beg. r t F. CUTPEN, M. D., C. M., • • Graduate Trinity University, Tor- onto.Fol. Trin.'Mod. school. Perorate ; Grad,. Am Inst•.Craulology; Member N. Y. Acad. Anthropology; ',ember Col. P. S., Ont. otlhoe, Da3hwood. Ont. DR. DAVID M. STAEBLER, 3J (UNIVERSITY or TORONTO) Physician. 8Surgeon. 87 in New York, and w rater of in Vienna, Austria. arcs, : OREDITON, ONTARIO. R. WOODRUFF Diseases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eye glasses and Spectacles furnished for both Near and Distant Vision. Always at home. except on Fridays. No. 185 Queen's Avenue, London, Ontario. AUCTIONEERS. A J. ROLLINS, LICENSED 13- • Auctioneer for Counties Huron and Middlesex. Residence, 1 mile south of Exeter. P. 0.. Exeter. BOSSEINI3ERRY, General Li- • oensed Auctioneer Sales conducted in allparts. Satiefactionguaranteed. Charges moderato, Reiman P 0, Ont. HENRY EILBER Licensed Anri- tionoer for the Counties of Huron and Middlesex . Sales oon ducted at mod- erate rates. Moe, at Post -office, Cred- ton Ont. H. PORTER, GENERAL D • Auctioneer andLandValuator. orders sent by mail to myad5ress, BayfleldP.O., will receive prompt attention. Terms moder- ate. D. H. POUTER, Auctioneer. VETERINARY. Tennent& Tennent EXETER, ONT. Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. OFFICE : One neer South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. Air ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, SURVEYING. FRED W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En- GSN•JiIER, ETC., e °Moe, If petal rs.Samweil's Block, Exeter.Ont INSURANCE . HE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Head Office, London, Ont. After 31 years of successful business, still oontinues to offer the owners of farm property and private residences, either on buildings or ',entente ,the most favorable protection in case of loss or damage by fire orlightnins , at rates upon such liberal terms. that no other respect- able company can afford write. 42,575 poli: cies in force lstJan ,1890._ Ascots $378,428.00 in cash in bank. Government depost, Deben- tures and Premium Notes. JAriRs GRANT, President; D. C. McDosetn,Manager. DAVID JAnirr:8, Agent for Exeter andvieinitv.. oa� 4D 4 0. Rousing Sale —04.T TIME— Big Bankrupt Store, Exeter .11" 11 11 It 11 BC 11.11 11 11 11.11 11 II. till Ike ► In order to reduce our stock, which large, we are holding a Rousing Spring sale too • This will be a grand chance for good new spring Goods a • quality consideritl. We don't boast when we say that. H For this season we have the choicest stock ever shown in Exeter. Wo simply make an assertion, which we are prepared to prove. at prices that we guarantee are lower than any regular house in Western Ontario dire lname. \\'e always go Below the Lowest >.1 © 1 w ' If so, be one of the first to attend this sale: bargains there will certainly be, for our large stock must be reduced `v at once, DO YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY ? z Let those come now who newer came &yore; Alla those zVlao always came, come more and more. 4 Is ono of our leading departments. Our stock for this rn 121 season is simply immense. We are the only house in town showing the NEW FRENCII DRESSES with n PA braided sleeves. Don't buy your dress till you see what wa can do for you. ra H We Control a Number of Leading Lines. o Ask to see our special make of Black Henrietta. U For 69c we will sell you a 131k Henrietta worth 900. 1` MANTLE GOODS, PRINTS, SATEENS, MUSLIN S, EMBROIDERIES, ri HOSIERY, GLOVES and PARASOLS, b El 0 O to 0 El rraII b will find All 20 io 30 per cent. below regular prices. Wide-awake q� ..pp.pp�eae gbugy�eyrs�+wii. eoutr store fullof �p�4�a 13X0 E.Y'1,,Id iLL& .h .134.�CAI S during this great spring sale. If you want a huge bar- gain now's the time and our's is the store: we'll give you the lowest price possible on a square deal. —OUR STOCK OF— Ready-Made Clothing is very large. During this sale we will sell Boys' Suits for $1.00 ; and Men's good all wool suits for $4.99, regu- lar price $7.00. GENTS FURNISHiNGS all go at sale prices. An immense assortment of Bats and Ties all nobby New Goods at 20 to 25 per cent below regular prices. M ZOO°' We Lead. the Trate. We have the largest, choicest and cheapest stock in Exeter, Ladies' Oxfords for $I.00, regular price $1.35. See them. Clothing to order; Perfection in fit and style guaranteed. Be sure and attend this great sale—Groceries, Boots &Shoes, Clothing-eyerything goes at sale price. air DayToda And we ate showing a first lass range of Men's and Bay's suits, Men's Hats, Ties and Braces, special line of Wht Shirts, —ALSO — AR ASOLS, PARASOLS Every lady should see our l+rasols before she purchases s our's are the best value vel' shown in Exeter. Bouw,ht olleap, they are sell - ng cheap. All the new shades n fine all,wool Heuriettas. i fall line of fresh (groceries always at J. MITA VISE f CO, ()ORDEz4BED NEWS 'rapt. \variousSourees'1'ltrougIt out flan DIStriet. r .Arlt,. A collie, of yeuthe of Mitelae ll were last Pair peat an jail end fined for stealing eg;e Mr Samuel Marrirtt, aaf Blanchard, has refused a,3t() from A.uae rieaet buyers far two yearling fillies. Mr David MoConuetl, of Hilibert,returned from Deloraino, ',Manitoba, a few days eao. He event the winter there. On Tuesday evg of last week, Mr 13egr's house. Mitchell, narrowly escaped destrue. tion by fire. Tho stable was burnt. Mitchell constables are looking abarply after Umtata and, arresting all who wrongly absent themselves from aahool. Fire M Listowel last week deatroyed the Grand Central hotel. Lows 610.00C; in - sumac 57.000 John Ororar,ot 13irtlo, formerly of Strat- ford, h mentioned as the probable At. torney General in the Greenway Adulinis. tration. ,'That tired feeling" it entirely overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which givea a feel ing of buoyancy and strength to the whole system. The death from In grippe is announced of Mr A. Stewart, saddler, of Stratford. and Mr \Vin Johnston, of Downie, both old re- sidents of Perth county. Mr Joaoph Agar's barn, Fullerton, was deatroyed by fire ono day last week. In- sured in the Usborne .4 Hibbert Co. for $050. Hie gross loss will be about $2,000, considerable fodder being burnt. The Transfer Board of the ,Moth church has allowed tho transfer of the Rev T. M. Campbell, of St Marva, from the Guelph to the Bay of Quinto Conference, to take ofleet in June noxi, On Monday last Mr Richard 13ronghton went to Kirktou to finish some buggies, On Wednesday he accidentally fell into 'cellar, breaking one of his ribs, and was obliged to return home.—Mitchell Advocate. Tho other day Mr John Shine,of Hibbert, received a letter that his brother Daniel, who has for some years been holding re- sponsible positions on railroads in the Western States, was accidently killed. Listowel town council has decided to adopt the electric light for street lighting purposes. The price to be paid per lamp of 1,500 oandte power is 12 cents per night for 16 aro lamps. The contrast is for three or five years, and commence on Sept 1. An old and respected resident of Hibbert, in the person of Mrs Oliver, paeaed peaoe- fully away recently. Deceased was suffer - 1 -d lug from inflammation of the heart for some Parasols for $1.00, worth $1.40 Parasols for $1,35, worth $1.75, J. A. STEWART, Dealer in Bankrupt Stock ninfmnagnmegionzoit This Space —BELONGS TO— J. P.CLARKE Whose name does not, often appear in print ; but the fact is none the less true, that his ,store is well filled with suitable goods for the season before us, and our customers tire not slow to s l,y that for choice patterns in PRINTS and SATEENS thers are no better. Every day brings its buyers and ad- mirers of them; just call and see them. Get our prices, and we shall be pleased if you select and buy, and if not we shall not cry, but ask you to call again. Every department is full and will mention them in another issue. J. P. CLARKS JOHN WS2TE * SON Publisher and Peel -pa -later ■r — _ .1.1:1110MiM•NSM,•�. lar MININ^ time until she wail called away in her 83r1 year. The Listowel Fair Association will be disbanded, having become Auencially ern, barraseed. 4 debt of over $3,300 was too much for its directors to struggle under. The call from the first Preabytbriau Church, St Marys, to Rev T. A. Cosgrove hag been snstained by the Presbytery at Stratford. A1r Treuniman, agent for the Marvell Company, Si 3farya, recently !mutt*? with paralysis. is very low and rapidly sinking. Hia recovery is considered hopeless. While r Copley. of Fullerton, a driv- ing r - ins through the wood on a load of lose with his eight =ear old son on Thursday, the latter fell off, and a leg following struck him on the he..d, fracturing his scull. He only lived a abort time. Mr sad `ire A ;4ac:eon, of Stratford, were presented with a silver plate aortic', previous to leaving for Belleville. Ur M. declined a' banquet, and bis Wanda took the above methal of taatifyiug their eaten) for him and Lia amiable partner in life, Anderean boys We organized a bare ball elnbfer the ensiling season, with Qflloere as follows : President. Noble Johnston ; .1r WS President, \YrlliantEpptett; Secretary, .las Stephen ; Treasurer, James Robiu•ou t ommittee-•-Wea ,Hyde, Humphrey Ander. Ron and Fred Epplett. The name chosen for the team was "alto Anderaron Night, legates, The annual vestry meeting r Trinity ehureh, lllanehard. was hi ltl on April Gait at 1 p.m. The NI/Awing Pa1%-te,r.•ra were sleeted for the year, viz: Air S. Diovan. r , clergyman's warden; Aim Cititteek. p,,- pla'a warden, stud Sgm't Dinsmore, .ieteeate to Sycod. The anunst veetiy meeting {Ft St Penns ehar;9t, HirLttaas tsta' pldao (Ai Tuesday (otiosity! at 2 p ur., v;b•'n the following atfiee•bearcrei were atspoin'e 1 for the mining year, viz : Mr"lVia►• f.t fsirae + a, clergyman's warden; :sir ,tieeaua elms Irvine pei)ide'a warden. ROA 'Afr Hebert Cre;'ry. sr , *lel-gate to Samoa. nil iliums, lsarutrny prowled throughout. eitr,irr taerx. Parkhill ;sailers are complaining of the bad state of the streets in that town. London police twee cost tbo city e'.25.5oo per veer. The. eity exglottia on the streets $31.7700. 1200 tone of freight were shipped and 1,00 passenger ti hats were sold at Park- hill station during the month, of Mareb last. There is an agitation on foot for the es. tablishment of a Normal School for\Pestern Ontario, at Loudon The idea ie a goal ono and should ba parried into effect. For killing W 0 Itowe at Strathroy,afew weeks ago, iu a row, }debt Morrill' gets seven years in the Ringeton pleaalteetiary, an indictment of manslaughter haviug been brought in against him. TomFogarty and W. Collins, recently ar- rested at Lucan, were sent for trial sit London Friday on charge of stealing a gold watch, the property of Hosea Purdy, of Mese. Forgarty is in jail an two or three charges, and wllina is ont on hail.. The death is announced of Mr Richard .,oandrott, an old and highly respected re- sident of London township, which occurred Saturday morning at his residence on. the 5th concession. Ile was known to many residents of Middlesex county. The jury in the trial of the stabbing affray on Geary'e farm Landon township, iu whish Ben Hubbard was killed by one Hodges, particulars of which were given in last week's Tunis, brought in a verdict of murder, date of sentence not set. Last week Mr Hugh McLeod, a well to do retired farmer, of Parkhill, died of inflam- mation. He died in his 75th year. On Wednesday, Mrs Henry Mark of Parkhill, also died, in the thud year of her age after about three week's illness, Christie Simington:aged 30 years, of un- sound'mind, living with her aged mother about five miles from Thameeville, left her bed. dressed herself and, unnoticed, left the house about 2 o'clock Sunday morning, and walking into the river Thames was drowned. The Municipal Committee of the Ontario Legislature has thrown out the clause in Mr Waters' (member for Middlesex) bill to amend the Assessment Act, which proposed to abolish the statute labor tax in favor of a commutation at therate of $1 per day There would have been profit to the muni- oipalities in the ohange. On Wednesday evening an explosion occurred at Patrolea, which proved to bo Bradley glycerine works, which are situated about half a mile from town. How the explosion occurred will never be known, as the three workmen named Albert Bradley James Chambers and D McDermand—were instantly killed. Sufficient of their re- mains have been found to positively identify them. The side of the head and part of the leg of one of the victims . were found about 500 yards from the scene of the acci- dent. The ground on which the building was situated is strewn with small pieces of bones and flesh, and the remains of the three killed already identified oould be put in a bushel basket. Suoh an accident has never occurred in Petrolea before. Where the building stood is marked by a hole about fifteen feet deep and thirty across, caused by the foroe of the explosion of thirty quarts of glycerine: HURON. At Mr Ross' sale in MoKillo the other day cattle sold for $52 per head. Robert Montgomery, aged 60, ne of the oldest settlers of Wroxeter, was fund dead in bed Sunday. P, e 0 The Rodgerville Cheese Company have secured the services of Mr G E McTaggart, of Seaforth, to manage their factory . this season. Mr John :r. Wilson. of Seaforth. has been gazetted Lieutenant-Colonel of the 33rd or Huron Battalion of volunteers, in place of Lieutenant.Oolouel Coleman, who retires retaining his rank. One of the census enumerators of Sea - forth, has come across a family of eleven ohildren, the parents being married about fourteenears Its almost un yi Im necessary to say that they are of the Teutonic race. Mr Wm Hartman, of the 14th concession of. Hay, and Miss Mary Middieholtz, of the Babylon line were joined in the holy b .ads Free Trade Dead NOT A BIT OF IT! It is tree et the recent elections tate majority did not seem to favor free trade with the U. S. But we present to you a trade policy which eanzot fail to meet the approval of all, viz ; the privilege of gelling your produce in elm highest naricet ,►ltd at the saute time buying all your supplies in the very lowest market (Bargain Depot). We loll air all high , taritrs and unnecessary expenses, dna ahaarinz our profits with our custoinera, thus you see we have unrestricted recipro- city and at the same time maintain a patriotic and true loyalty. 9, simple solution of this vexatious question. To prove the genutnenesa of oar intention we issue eprize leghter which entitled our cnatomers to a discennt of from 12 to 1M percent on ca,h purchaee9. Ceti and ice the beautiful presents we give away in this way- ea lovely lot of tlrese goods jotin, also the last eousir nnreats of our beau- tiful prints. ,f . .A . ROSS. of ntatritnt.ny' on 'Tuesday fait, W them every 1,tie ,. T• . get Mid frim in ligestiQO, ha iaaacaeas, eaaatipa:ton or t'rprl liver without d.st'irb- r.tig tae atetntcla., }Dx,ijog the h x(•1•, take '1tl f •av diafiYi et Cart' 'a L tdla F4i:.'r d'a1Ct:, May will lIb a° a yon Mas (irra^,e :der'anl..ia 1,i ltar c f "'3r la. L. ;+.fel arils ti: af.., zhago ao bas l: en a e:uti- s'ut at the ToranIe G'aaeervatery a•f mewl, has Jaen. tvann,iaa t,i.'•len bezels ai it y sat at recent musical entertainments littlest city. Li the death of Mrs Noble \Vhifop,wif.el► oe erred is elintfnl, on Willey. the 6th r"net., that coanan^artaty Urea ons of its eldest. residents, oho br.'ing at the time of Ger death at the advanced age of 83 years. A lati named \Vdliam Murphy, aged 13, of Elutail, near (a oderie h, Whila J'slaying with a loaie.i revolver accident), diaeliarged it, the bullet entering his right side, mediately over the region of the heart. His ease is serious. Mr Win Hudson, who for neverat years; has been on Mr Eherberdt's farm in Hib- bert, has rated the all McBride farm in Tnckeremith, from kir Thos Connolly, far it period of seven years, at the annual rental of X00. Mr and Mrs Ivison, of Kipper, bad the misfortune of a runaway last Saturday. While on their war to Hennaih, their horse took fright at a pile of wood on the road, and turning rouad, threw them both out. Mr Risco had moral ribs broken, and got it general shaking up, At the last meeting of the Brussels conn - oil a contrast wag made with the Electric Light Company, by which light at the rats of $40 per aro light per year, or abant 11 cents per night, will be lea iced. The con- tract to date from January let, 1891, with option of continuing for 8 or 5 years. Mr Tbos Farquhar, of fiullett mored his effects on Friday, to the fioulden farm Ot1i con of Hay, whish he had purohasel at auction not long einee. Itis situated about it mile from Hill Green. Mr Farquhar is an industrious young man, and the goad wrebes of his many friends go with him to his new home. Tono:Ixo BANE BILL Mae probably will not accept Ottawa's Challenge, as Mr Gillett of Toronto, the manufactnrer of Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder, is very short of help and thinks playing ball a waste of time when they could got work, Imperial is sold by all grooere and is the Best. Mr Bishop, member of South Huron, has presented a petition to the Legislature from the South Huron Farmers' Institute, ask - ng that counties bo divided into equal divisions, according to assessment, ranging from 5 to 9 divisions, each division 'o have only one representative, thereby reducing the present large representation on County Councils. On Tuesday of last week Mr Robt Bell, eldest son of Robert Bell. Esq., of the town- ship of Tuckersmith, was united in th bonds of matrimony to lilies Katie Ford, eldest daughter of Mr John Ford, of th same township. The Rev S Acheson formed the marriage ceremony. 'Te with the many friends of the newly couple in wishiog them all prosperit happiness. Why go about hawking and spitting when Nasal Balm will remove every vestige of your catarrh, and thus relieve you of this disagreeable habit? Inoases of cold in the head, Nasal Balm gives instant relief, and there is no case of catarrh it will not aura if used according to directions. A. single bottle will convince you of its merit. On Monday evening of last week a num- ber of the friends of Mr Robt Eaorett, son of Christopher Eaorett, Esq„ of the town- ship of Hay, met at Mr Eaorett's residence and presented Mr Robert Eaorett with a fine set of slippers and handsome gentle- man's companion, as an expression of their esteem and respect for him as a friend and neighbor, Mr Eaorett, mate a feeling re- ply, in whioh he assured them that their kindness would be always remembered by him. Mrs George M. Chesney, died at the residence of her eon -in-law, Mr Wm Dale, Huron Road, Tuckersmith, on Thursday the 2nd inet, Mrs Chesney has been in poor health for some time, still no immediate danger was anticipated until within a few weeks of her demise. She was the- third daughter of the late Mr William Pearse of Castle Douglas, Scotland, and sister t Mrs Hugh Chesney, of Tuckeramith Sh came to this country in 1850, and >'Was married to the late Mr George 11. Chesney, in 1852, whom she survived 12 years. Theyr had a family of eight children, six Baugh'-; tare and two sons, all of whomare living Children Cry for Pitclie;'s Castors;