HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-11-17, Page 5Rev. and Mrs. James J. Mor- Rev. Morrish's sister, Mrs. John rish and their daughter, Mrs. Tabb, at the home of Mr. and Howard E. Craig, 'Flint, Michi- Mrs. Gordon Smith, Britannia gan, spent the week -end with road. — STARTING TODAY - Mahood's Esquire Restaurant on the Square, God- erich, is giving away one full -course meal to every - r o a *. -1 Y.. writ' the �'sa5i 1¢r : •w1th .. W.O. '»i'� �. � � ....�. certificate on their birthday. Just a way to say "Come,-'tQttt •aud; atlaix' , c, Yd y k - OPEN DAILY from 7 a.m.. • to 8 prim. ----- CLOSED ALL. DAY WEDNESDAY L. MAHOOD & SONS, Prop. 45-48 OT'. Additional Classified imminummilmammuLairraiminum G. Coming Events CHRISTMAS FAIR at ,Knox United Church, Auburn, Friday, November 25,, a17,401),01,..,-0azo.'.; sored by the Woman's Associ• :at?icin.aJ Clardsctirias.•=~ Fdeeoratiorrs, novelties, aprons, fa°frer-•w.tirk; baking, including Christmas cakes and puddings, home pro- duce and candy. For advance orders contact the president, Mrs. , Art Grange. Tea will be served. 4546' YOUR CONSIDERATION IS NEEDED FOR Retarded Children'sWee NOV. 13 - 24 Are You.eaIIy Doing What You Can for These Children fn dee 'It will help them and you (in heart) too, by giving a donation to this worthy cause, Send it to the local treasurer of the Retarded Children's , Association Ir. R—.C.-Erocterr 1.4er,„,Y arren;,,,Streetr, tGotieris b Mayor E. C. Fisher Town of Goderich x . —45 w` tetortetctW ztEit' '- wtz-tete- ztatet;,ttU'-w'� lmowetetc-tetztefoata-Eebitteoete-tU'- ;o etmta - Rtl3e '" ► t -- t ro►;+•atcymmetzw, TOYLAND NOW OPEN .. - a E. Friday Nights to 9 m. A ei a71' ti -A GA th A A a . Ladies! When was 'the last time your husband took you dancing?„ Some time ago? Well, this Saturday night at the Gode- rich Arena in the auditorium, the 'Goderich Men's Softball. (.club are sponsoring a dance for adults and just in case your hus- band hasn't mentioned it to you, you can very nicely sug- gest to ,him, that you both can e1jjoy a tine evening of dancing to a't .'"s+•t0 tt`_.'StTailiS..,pf'"Stew and His 7 'Collegians" fo7r;just '.W +1I a-:.,lMWF...rat4.4 Amtsini.l..•,(�pOi-,, able. 'S ih can dance .from 8.3a p.m. till 12,00 and there will be door prizes and ' lucky draws also. Plan now to attend with 'your friends and remombe"r it is .this Saturday, November 19, in the Arena Auditorium: 45 It's Graduation Night at 'the Home and School meeting on Tuesday, November 22, sit 8 p.m. at Victoria School. Guest speak- er will be Mr. J. W. Coulter, In- spector of Public Schools. -45 Note •a change in location for the Jaycette rummage sale, Sat- urday, November 26, 2.30 p.m., in empty store next to 'Cornish Electric. 45-46 t3 GDCI NEWS Volleyball!' Volleyball seemed to be the order of the day at the high school last week. On Tuesday, the Senior 'team went ,to Clinton for a warm-up game, in preparation for WOSSA: Tlow- The local association of the Girl Guides and Brownies will meet on Thursday, November 24, at 8 p.m. in the Guide room, in Victor Lauriston Public School. All mothers' of Girl Guides and Brownies are privil- eged to belong to the local as- sociation and are expected to attend this meeting. -45 ever, to Clinton's disappoint- ment, Goderich neon the best two. out .afr.flirce' gaYne -Bixtt on. Wejd�nesday af�ptjernoon, the girls the m .en teachers, who, by a s'tro'ke of good luck, managed to defeat the senior girls. The team travelled to London on Saturday to play in the WOSSA finals. After defeating West •Elgin, they lost to Kingsville by two points. Kingsville won the championship. The school.I, very .proud of their Senior Vol- leyball team, even though they did not come out victorious. It is a great honor in itself even to play in a 'WOS'SAmeet. Con- gratulations are extended to coach Mrs. Skelton and her team. Gay Christmas trees are the theme of decoration for the Christmas bazaar and tea in the new hall at N:orth.Str'eet United Church on Saturday, govern,.er 26, at- 2.30.Baking, .candy and miscellaneous Christmas gifts will be displayed for sale. This year a new booth "for the birds" will be featured.. Bird feeder stations, bird food, treats, etc., btvrhl be old, .arcade -'by those-. ex -- Pert -In -this -hobby: ome-e r?yy, limited supply. 'Excellent free advice. Wonderful idea for those problem presents. Suit- able for all ages. Bring your friends and stay for tea. Ad-. mission 50c. Men especially. welcome. On Thursday afternoon, a Re- membrance Day 'assembly was held in the auditorium. in charge of. planning was Mr. Shaw and the cadets. Jim Lodge was chairman of the assembly. "0 Canada" was followed by the "Last post," two minutes • sil- ence and Reveille. Marion Sutherland read an excellent Poem, "For the Fallen." The singing of "0 God Our Help In Ages Past" made us` rememher all those who had been killed c.nd the address by Rev. A. E. Cooper made .us realize how Sale of sewing, knitting, H st-m.a s -ea home baking, Saturday, Novem- ber 26, 2 prrn., a't MacKay gall. Tea will also be served. Spon- sored by The Salvation Amity Home League. -45 Harbo'urfiite Inn Saturday rrtgh•t-,i-biTeen°rdar eev Wirth, Monte Wide r:" -"'See -ad-page 0 Par special announcement. -46 The Goderich Women's Hos- pital Auxiliary will meet on Monday, November 21, at 2.30 p.m. in the Board Roam, of the Hospital. -45 s�ccaac:xca�. lucky we lire that Canada is a I FiGURE SKATERS TOTAL. free country. The Boys' Athletic Associa-I45; MORE ARE SOUGHT tion sponsored their annual Football Dance last Thursday Adult figure skaters in Godc- evening. The auditorium was rich are invited to join the beautifully decorated in the ,Goderich Figure Skating Club school colors, blue and white, fort :'his season. The club now with streamers end the "Vile- i �•'� ings' " football helmet's. The" has a mernibership orf 45 and highlight oif the evening was more senior ,memlbers are the 'beautiful rendition of "In'sought. At. meeting. last week, the Evening by the Moonlight. ,1. ., ,.� did fL 'a.. TPA s? e 7r r.' he dub' end : "`G.ixoid ��i.�,h�:s�.r,....��� :....... F'reneh b the 'football team' is in a good financial status. i a' • = �,s�% 1 � - •-r: � ., ., cele ell b Mac - professional -Ir. -under -"rife able Saturday�witft 3 Wanda Mae directitrn of Francois (Mr.. Dor-' ,n land). ' On Friday evening, November 18, the Annual Commencement Exercises will be held in the auditorium at 6.30 p.m. Many graduates are coming home for this important occasion. The guest speaker will be the Min- ister of Education for Ontario, the Hon. John P. Robarts. We hope that this will be a most enjoyable evening for both par- ents and' graduates. The Goderieb Signal -Star Thursday, l oveMber 17th, 1960 GODERICH BAPTIST CHI,�kF�; 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL -All Ages. 11 .a.m. "IN LEAGUE WiTH SATAN." 7 p.m. ,-"THE 'ABRAHAMIC COVENANT." 8.T5 p.m. •Fireside Service. ...., .. .. ',u�s:�' vim+ w.. �, . E. Voh KE1TZ,-Mintstor. iN. ,Tve TO .n, (�. �y� �( (,per �y��p, .,t:1r M:YT e('i��. �M4v G+'a.' b Donald nald and Miss Diane Hamil- ton instructing the four classe( beginners, juniors, intermedi- ates and seniors. NEW COUNTY BRIbGE IS OPENED TO TRAFFIC The largest bridge built under the Huron County Road Pro- gram for 1960 at Summerhill, on the Base 'Line from Clinton to Auburn, was opened to traf- 'fie last Friday. This 1182 foot bridge is a three -span steel Mr. and Mrs. Don, Wiggins structure, and is over a branch and children, John and Karen, of the Maitland River, four miles of Kingston, visited over the north of (3linton.• County work- week -end with Don's mother, men are busy 'bu'dding up the Mrs. John Wiggins. ,, approaches to this new bridge. -USE OUR CONVENIENT LAY -AWAY -PLAN P. z0 ‘‘,. Come; Choose From the LARGEST, GRANDEST SE(ECTION of Toys Made PARENTS: Bring .the, Youngsters To See O u r Wonderful and Exciting New Toys Our Toyland is a fantasy -land come true . ' it's brimming over'with all the old favorites and the brand .new toys that children of all ages are hoping for. Next to the "Northpole" thih is the easiest place in the world to fill those "Dear Santa" • 1 HOCKEY GAMES ARE SCARCE THIS 'YEAR. We stip have a good selection. d SPECIAL 'JON GNAGY "Learn- To Draw Outfit" for Six Years and Over. A complete "Learn To Draw" outfit based on Jon Gnagy's famous step-by-step TV Teach- ing Method. $3.98 Show Your Girls Our Colorful DOLL DISPLAY 'New LAND'Opening Special LIONEL ELECTRIC AIN SETS This outstanding train buy includes a streamlined diesel, 3 cars, trans- former. and track. Remember you 'can rely on "Lionel" quality. COMPLETE SET FOR ONLY • 1 .95 USE OUR ELEVATOR SERVICE to see the Most. colorful, most attractive TOYLAiI'ID DISPLAY IN TOWN — SEE OUR CAROUSEL of Sparkling toys — SEE OUR "DOLL BAR" — SEE the Mechairical Toy Section — the C.C.M. Skates, Trikes and Bicycles. You'll Be Fascinated. 111111110111111111111111111111111 * -Dolls * Plush Toys * ,Prams Games * Sleighs * Dinky Toys * Toboggans * Model Craft * Wagons * Holster Sets * Skate- Sets * Tricycles • Presto Sparkle Coloring and Glitter Paint Set Paint water, color pictures that sparkle like jewels. Presto Paiflts A Brand New Idea --solid paints in Plastic Holders -12 Brilliant Colors. For six years and under. Our Electric Train Service Is Animated 'or Your Boys' Pleasure E. BRECKINRIDGE HARDWARE PLUMBING -HEATING - GIFTS TOYS and UTENSILS Corner North' treet and TheSquare -- Goder'ich , JA 4-8131 ta71r9kr➢ltytlralralMtlhlialtlodeivatlbait t7la esDooi7jtl alfa amrtlkr lttlalso;trl ivedomom3,0** ittllt i)0,30,00000arl!'rlo a;r►t'iit rl oil at k zeko ei;ttimttamemtrt3ta: tm,00t t`'at;tr»..„} lt; ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH November 20, Sunday next. before Advent. 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector. MR. 1. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. THE- UN:I.TEa-CHUR,CH...OE- CANADA,..'. North` SfreetrUici ecVChtWd 10 a.m. SUN`bA.Y SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING SERVICE. "GOD'S WAYS AND MAN'S WAYS." Nursery and Junior Congregation. REV.' W. J. ten HOO'PEN, B.A., B.D., Minister MR. GEORGE ESPERT, Organist and Choir Director. 00 Knox.. Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, .B.A., Interim -Moderator. Mr. H. de Jong, Organist Miss B. J. Woodruff, Deaconess 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. . 11 a.m.' MORNING WORSHIP. "THE, SIGNS OF THE TIMES."-'"' . THE REV. R. G. MacMILLAN. (Nursery and Junior Congregation). Victoria 'Street United Church I?, "FELLOWSHIP 'AWAITS YOU" 10 a.m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m. Family Service, Jr. Church. ' "WITNESS WITH THE WHOLE LIFE." r, 51.30. ' Benmiller Unified Sunday School and Church. 3 p.m. Union Church after Sunday School. REV. STANLEY •MOOTE, 4B.A., B.D: Organist -leader, MRS. J. A. SNIDER.", • ;e FREE METHODIST CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 9.50 a.m. Family Sunday School. , 11 a.m. "FAITH: HE THAT COMETH TO GOD MUST BELIEVE." 7 p.m. "FAITH: GOD IS A REWARDER OF THE SEEKER." Wednesday,'8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. REV. E. A. COOPER, Pastor—JA 49306.. Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle 10 a.m. Sunday School. Classes for all ages. 11 a.m. "Who shalt separate us from the love of Christ?" 7.30 p.m. Rev. Mel. Holmes, of Exeter. Nov. 21 -25 --at 7.45 p.m. The Goderich Zone Workers Training Course ' I f the Clinton 'Pentecostal Tabernacle, under the direction of Rev. W. H. Moody, District Sun- day School Supervksor,,t- "Operation S.S. No. 1." REV. H. C. CRACKNELL, Pastor — Phone JA 4-8506. THE SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20 11 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE. 3 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. -7--p.tmr EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Mr. R. Peacock, who is leaving for full time service will preach the evening sermon. CAPTAIN AND MRS. R. PETERSEN VISITORS WELCOME tp d�aprat{ztr.'i?�c�aE�c�'oE•�i� �?atCi�iaE c�itEi"tfiE�i-�E•�a��?{�i�t�i�i�iE�atkaa�°�i-t�yTi�rc��sEw�cl�t�iby�C'i�u�a'���'- it }AM;:Vr Al,_.f,.`J.•Yr�i.vy..+{Sggi�.'.+:r.::YA•-",•• mr..+r,;^'^•.�:+vfp/�� y•f,`.`x^:n:;dJYrs•.'.: