HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-11-10, Page 7ST. .GEORGE'S CHURCH November ta, Remembrance -Day Se 8.30 a.m. Holy Communion. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m. Remembrance Day Service. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Friclaif• Now. a -M enotaph Service. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR,,,,M.4.,,.0i-D., Rector; • SIEVP.itENS4.,.MA:0.-Orgallig.,.:AIDALG11947ntsterV4 mlomemoraminomermis., THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MORNING SERVICE. "THE PROVIDENCE OF GOD." Nursery and Junior Congregation. REV. W. J. ten HOOPEN, B.A., B.D., Minister MR, GEORGE' ESPERT, Organist and Choir Director. Knox Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Interim -Moderator. Mr. H. de Jong, Organist Miss B. J. Woodruff, Deaconess 10a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL: 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Mk. PAUL SCOTT, WATERLOO COLLEGE. (Nursery and Junior Congregation). Marais Charge Nets 3 Months. Ernest Francis Daer, 20, of Goderieh, was sentenced Tues- day to three months definite and one month indefinite in the re- formatory for contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile. . pleaded—guilty laefore Judge James Rennick of Tor- onto. S-sakssTalsseiltki*WMIAik a charge •against Daer of raping a 14 -year-old Goderich girl was -withdrawn. 4 Anti -Brucellosis Toll Hits 53,300 A national brucellosis"centro program launched three years ago has resulted in the removal and slaughter of more than 53,300 Canadian 'cattle. Abotit $3,500,000 has been paid by the federal'government -SOsniaensation to..owners cattle that haye been destroyed as result Of the eradication phygrahlas%; ,sas,...„.sereasa-sasss Tile level of infection, how- ever, has been less than antici- pated s ffi, , ay o ciaIsof the Health GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH Ji 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL—All Ages. 1,1 a.m. "JESUS PRAYER COUNSELS." 7 p.m. "NOAH'S SHADOW." E. Von KEITZ, Minister. W. BETTGER. Organist. FREE METHODIST, -CHURCH 1 WELCOMES. YOU, 9.50 A.M. Family Sunday School. 11 a.m. MEN AND MISSIONS AND REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE. 7 p.m. "THi SPIRIT BAPTISM OF FIRE."' Wednesday, 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. REV. E. A. COOPER, PastOr—JA 4-9306. 1 Victoria Street United Church "FELLOWSHIP AWAITS YOU" — REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY — 10 a.m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m. "REMEMBRANCE—The Other Side and This." 12.30. Benmiller Mission and Baby Band. 1.30, Benmiller Unified Sunday. School. and Church . 3 p.m. 'Union Church after Sunday School. REV. STANLEY MOOTE, B.A., S.D. Organist -leader, MRS. J. A. SNIDER. Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle SUNDAY, NOVEMBER' 13 10 a.m. Sunday School, Classes for all ages. 11 a.m. MORINIIN WORSHIP. - 7.30 p.m. EVENING WORSHIR- REV. H. C. CRACKNELL, Pastor Phone JA 4-8506. of Animals Division, CanadaDpartment of A,griculture. Results to date indicate that on average about 8.5 per cent of the herdg are infected, and, on a herd or animal basis, only 1.5 per cent. -,,inereatsd use. sof• -pasteurize, tion has reduced the possibility of 44-ucella infection in .naan. salt,t0;;;s4,..sistora0.• veterinarians, as long as infecled animal*. re- main as a reservoir, there will be a hazard to the public and particularly to farmers. ft was in recognition of this -hazard and in art neffort to re- duce the economic loss to pro- ducers and maintain export markets that the Health of Ani- mals Division undertook the brucellosis eradication program. About 30 per cent of the country's total cattle population have come under this program. To date, 167 areas have been declared brucellosis certified. • , • TB DRIVE NEARS GOAL Fewer than 29,000 cattle re- main to be tested under a tuberculosis eradication pro- gram that was begun in Canada 37 years Aso. Officials of the Health of An- imals Division, Canada DeParts ment of Agriculture, anticipate that within a ..ear the entire cattle population of nearly 1 ;•eisor•=eve.;;;L•7••: 1 • • .• • I DTANC NG THE \ SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY,' NOVEMBER 13 11 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE. 3 ,p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Pral.er and Bible Study. "TheBook of Exodus." CAPTAIN AND MRS. R. PETERSEN VISITORS WELCOME - 41 Music by Elgin Fisher and : • the Rhythmaires • • . • Round,..and-,,Sguare,--Dancinl : Admission 75c • :BLUEWATER LOUNGE: • . e itHigliway 21 • JA 4-8264• • ••••••••000••••••••••• •Y U. S.: No. 1 SNOBOY LETTUCE CANADA NO. 1, PARSNIPS f„. SPY or MACINTOSH FANCY APPLEs6bacikt. head 24 oz. pkg. amimaniailmemwspi•••muipimmoNision CARNATION 704-t1A4 1 L K 3 tins, 39, HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 2 11 oz. btls. 39c • FREEZER FEATURE , ZER-O-PAK POTATOES 2 Pz Pkg 35c REMINGTON'S SP'i or MACINTOSH FANCY . 3 lb bag CANADA NO. 1 39c 19c _CABBAGE 2 heads 27c - U. S. NO. 1 RED EMhRO1 19c GRAPES TOMATO SOUP 3 VEL LIQUID - DET E RG E CATELLI LONG 2 lbs. 25c 10' oz. tills 33( 24 oz. tin 69c SPAGHETTI 2 Pkg 29c CATELLI R C ELBOW MACARONI 2 lb Pkg 29c TABLERITE MEATS PORKLOIN TENDERLOIN END ROAST 1GAFOODL1NER . BURNS PEAMEAL HALVES SOUTHSTREET,. GODERICH Cottage Rolls Ib. 65c lb. 49c PORK ROAST RIBIND lb. TABLERITE RINDIESS BACON 1 lb. pkg. 69c TABLERITE SLICED 6 -oz. pkg. ' Chickentoaf 2 for 49, '54 Additional Classifieds. G. Coming Events The «annual bazaar of North Street United Church wil)' be held in the church hall Satur- day, November 26, at 2.30 pni. Tissesesysilishe asniammoth hake ITh VelTraTfd—ffikeTralf: eous table and tea ‘vill be serV- ed from 3 to 5 p.m. A special attraction will be articles of in- terest' to bird fanciers such as bird feeders ander bird- . food. Everyone welcome. -43. Sale of baking at.Dencmroe's FloW.er Shop, on Friday, Novem- ber 18th, at two o'clock, spon- sored ,by St. George's Church - woman's -Guild. ' '' -44-5 Attend the Rummage Sale on Saturday, November 19th, Macs Kay -Hall 'at 1:30, sponsareeby Beta Sigma Phi." .Anyone wish- ing to donate clothe's, please call JA 4-7865. -44 Harbourlite Goderich,i, every Saturday; Young people's night, 9-12,1-1i- Teen Hit Parade1 dance with' .711ante• Snider of CKNX. Recorda from the hit parade -ace given as prizes every - -44tf week. Lions bingo every Wed- nesday night. Saturday night, Navel -fiber 19, a dance will be held at the Goderich Arena with Gerry Denorny "and his orchestra sup- plying the music. 'There will be door prizes and ad -mission is' just $1.%00 a person, but it would be much nicer you brought a partner. This dance is being sponsored,by the Goderich Men's Softball Club, and a good time is assured all who attend. Dancing is frc-m 8.30 till 12 mid- night. -44 Thank -offering meeting, Nov- ember 17, 8 p.m' . Goderich Bap- tist Church. The speaker will be Mrs. A. C. Dixon, London, a retired, missionary from India. , -44 The Girls' and Junior Auxil- iaries of St. George's Church are holding their annual tea and bazaar in the Parish Hall on Saturday, November 19, 3 to .5 p.m 44 45 In Worsell's Hardware on Sat- urday, November 12, from 2.30 to 4, a sale of children's mitts, home baking and other articles 1?y the Helping Hands. . -44 The annual •Christmas Fair, sponsored by St. Pet'er's C.W.L., will be held at MacKay Hall, Saturday, December 3. Aprons, dolls, knitting, home baking and miscellaneous, table. Tea serv- ed from 2 to 5 p.m.• -44-47 'Phe regular meeting of the Ahmeek Chaliter, I.O.D.E., will be heldsat the - home of Mrs. Guy Emerson on Monday after- noon, November 14, at 3 o'clock. 'Mrs. (Rev.) K. Taylor will be the guest speaker. -44 The November meeting of the Goebert& Horticultural Society will be held in the Anglican Church Parish Hall at 8 p.m., Friday, Nov. 18. A team from lhe London Horticultural So- ciety will lead a discu•ssion on "The Diseases Of Trees of This Area." Everyone welcome. -44-45 The regular meeting of Noth SSreet Evening Auxiliary will be held on TuesdaY, November 15, at 8 p.m. in the church parlors, This is the Thankoffering snefit4, ing; Jaycette rummage sale, Sat- urday, Nove-triber 26, at 2.30 o'elloelc on the Square in former Jayleen store. -44 and 46 12,000,000 will have been tested. Only small areas in northern Alberta and in Newfoundland remain to be coirered. Progress in testing led to re- moval last month of restsictions on the movement of feeder sgsitle rz.stisekyards in Wt. ern Canada. These feeder cattle need no longer be submitted to. t.14,4nottimastgAtssarssasssrass-ss'ers- tess than 2800J 41-tle remain to be tested in the Peace River area of Alberta and less than 1,000 in Nevvtfoundiand. "Tuberculosis testing in Can- ada has been a long and tedious task,", commented a •federal spokesman, "but the eradication of this disease from cattle has contributed to the welfare of the livestock industry." KENNEDY WINS • Feelings in Goderich were mixed, just as some were sur- prised and others were not, at the result of the election in the U.S.A. on Tuesday. Senator John F. Kennedy, Democrat, de- feated Vice -President Richard Nixon, Republican, in the pre- idential race. LADIES' BOWLING High single in the Ladies' Commercial Bowling League on Tuesday evening vont to Pearl Needham with 243 and high triple to Pat Tanks with 595. Red Wings lead the league with a score of 4r1. HURON CROP REPORT Because of the recent snow and cold weather most of the cattle.. inauran. County are nous stabled or have excess to shelt- er. Some fall plowing is' still undone. There are some turnips to harvest yet. -NILE Visitors over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wiggins and Eric were Miss Marian Orser, R.N., of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wiggins. SAILORS WIN' Group standing as of Wed - November 9th; was: W L TF AP St. Marys . 3 0 0 21 9 6 Tillsonburg • *1 1 1 25 15 3 Sarnia 4 2 4 29 25 3 Goderich 1 0 0 12 2 2 London 0 3 ,0 . 5 41 0 1 Observe 60th Anniversary Residents o•f the Auburn dis- trict before moving to Blyth in 1912, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Sunn- i geour .o -erved their 60th wed- ding an iversary last SatiirdaY with a ity dinner and re- ceptiotissfor ' /their, . irks:ids—In' 'Myth -Memorial Hall. '"'Ngiiii`geour if a:lie:AV-tit VesteViraisraittsha,And.sissa.the „son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Aleg Scriingeour.- He has been a barn framer and. contractor since 1899. Mrs. Scrimgeour is the former Emma Garner, daughter of • the late Mr. and Mrs. John Garner, of Auburn, and was 18 years of age when she was married, in 1900. Following their marriage, they lived in the Auburn dis- trict for 12 years before moving to Blyth. They have been both . very active in community affairs and Mrs. Scrixn,geour.is known in the Goderich district, being a• past president of 'the West. Huron District of the Women's Institute, as well as holding of- fice in many other organizations in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Scrimgeour have a family of three sons, three daughters, 14 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren, Their ebildren, are Clifford, Belleville; Murray,' `Tillsoriburgs Everett, Blyth; Mrs. R. W. Baxter, Chatham; Mrs. Jack Cameron, Eltnira, and Mrs. Joseph Marks, Windsor. The eldest son, Frank, died by drowning in 1926. PUPILS ON TOUR Mrs. L. Jambe, teacher of U.S.S. No. 9, Hay and Stanley townships eBlakes School), and 24 of her pupils from near .Zurith, toured the County Court HouSe, IVIuSeum, Sheaffer Pen plant and Bisset Bros. Creamery on Monday. 090000111000000004110009011 e lTeen Town: • • • 'DANCE • • • • at Clinton Legion • • To the Music of • 0 "The Strato-Tones" 01) • : • SATURDAY, Nov.12 • cing, 9 to 12- • -44* 0 **0************0****0111 • TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH NOMINATION MEETING A Nomination meeting for the Township of Goderich will be held on Friday, Nov.25th, in the Clinton Town Hall, between the hours of,, 1.00 and 2.00 p.m. • Nominations will 'be r‘ereived for the position of a Reeve, a, Deputy -Reeve and 3' Councillors for the year' 1961 also for 2 School Area Trustees, for a 2 year term. ,If an election is necessary, it will be held on Monday, Dec. 5th, betvhen the hours of 9.00 a.M., and 6.00 p.m. at the following places and 'with the following Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks: • ' Ward Place 1 Orange Hall 2 S.S. No. 2 (basement) 3 House of Albert Schilbe 4 House of H. Tyndall 5 House of H. Thompson 6 Township Shed DRO roll Clerk V. Falconer _ H. Fuller Cliff ,Sturdy G.C. Ginn ' Chas. Wallis Wm. Mcliwain E. Trick Les Pearson' Reg. Geo. Wise, H. Thompson Miller N. Heard R. E. ThoMpson; Clerk 4445 , • • a The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, November 1004 1960 1 ° O. H. A. Aurtior 13" HOCKEY -S aS.ssa.S.S.SSISIESsea GODERICH FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 at 8.39 P.M. Goderich, MemorieArena ADULTS - .50c. ,Students and Children :25c _SUPPORT THE SAILORS sass. 1.• Pre -Christmas ELECTRIC SHAVER SALE • PHILOSHAVE 1 SCHICK or • SUNBEAM ALL AT ONE LOW PRICE $19.95 N. T. ORMANDY Jewelier 94 The SQUARE- — GODERICH — JA 41841 AINIMMINFIIII.1111111MMININIMEss 1 COMINo. TO GODERICH EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS ° In MacKay Hall, Goderich . Sunday, Nov., 13 at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 16 Thursday, Nov. 17 Friday, Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 20 • at 3 p.m. Bringing Timely • Messages for These Distressing Days . Evangelist — JOHN M. MARTIN of Hawkesville, Ontario BRIplIT SINGING — CLEAR MESSAGES ALL ARE WELCOME BEAT THE BAD WEATHER GENERAL ELECTRIC 3 HEAT AUTOMATIC DRYER OUTSTANDING IN ITS PRICE CLASS TD A420 MacDONALD ELECTRIC 133 BRITANNIA RD. W. — GODZIttali JAI 407851 # HI SPEED DRYING SYSTEM # PORCELAIN TOP and DRUM ,MAGNETIC DOOR # CONVENIENT LINT .TRAP AUTOMATIC NO HEAT FLUFFING # SAFETY START SWITCH $ OPERATES ON 115 or,230 VOLTS 'LARGEST CAPACITY OF ANY DRYEK # G E WEITTEN WARRANTY ONLY s a. • • - s - ' .179 db,