HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-11-10, Page 3• htiato HAND BLOWN GLASSWARE Crystal-clear 'exq-uisitelY gru of.,4 hart - European craftsmen in a modern fern • cutting, and in a complete range of pieces at a populgr price. 59c Attractive On Any Table ORCHIDIN A BOW SPECIAL VALUE. 79c Vat ,1-04 .•• • rofereareerromesesmarrareteremeemeraires;er y,TT, --•"•,..:::;.-4,„-•-,,-,- . -,,....,... ip ••••4 • '" - t t• orntrt14.1" zam,. , an - Amster . ittypoLPH Pius One Reel Wide Choice of Patterns SHINES AGAIN Reg. $1.00, • on SALE at 69c Reg. $1.25 NOW 89c EXTRA SPECIAL - Three Reel $2.50 IN1.1.12.0111111.111111118 Regularly Priced at $2, & $2.50 Cup amSaucer $1.29. WALL PLAQUES Ivy Flowers Reg- $3,95 Pair. 'FLASH. BULBS! M2 - DOZ $1.19 H5 'DOZ $1.59 FILM! 120 620 127 2 ROLLS FOR 85c SALE $2 Packet How the youngsters will thrill to able Reindeer, in gkirious color brand new adventures of this love - Special 'Value ancr3 diaten.sion! See Rudolph and other favorites, 7-§e06 reerCnew•-- "-'- 95 wonderful View -Master gifts for three -reel gift packets, viewers - ... .95 Pair *11 the family, here now! View Master With Light Attachment • WHILE THEY LAST DINNERWARE SIX 57 -PCE SETS Or FINE IMPORTED TRANSLUCENT CHINA - PATTERNS SIX DIFFERENT., 39 5, Each Set Contains Service , For Elght With • TWELVE CUPS ,=11MilloNam..1.1m, 4h11 t' ER. • Holiday Movie 3 Lens Turret mm $29.50 The Goderich Signal-St4r,411111r$44Y, NeVelther 1001, :WOO 8 mm Keystone Movie With Carrying Case • $39.50 Kodak Brownie Movie 8 mm •$25.00 Nomad Cameras SA1E' 127 • reg. ;6.95 SALE • $4.75 Flash Guns for NOMAD CAMERAS REG. ,$2.95 SALE $1.95 HENDERSON'S BO 1 K 4 ISUAkE GO DERICW world's gem stones are used in phires, rubies, agates, beryls, Well, over 60 percent of the (stones includes diamonds, sap - IF 75 OR OVER, JOIN TALKS ON UNITED NATIONS industry.The list of such zircons and many others.. OCTOGENARIAN CLUB " embership in the Octogen- GREETINGS TO GODERICH FROM INSTITUTE IN -ENGLAND MEMBER • MacEVVAN sr,.. INSURANCE ' 1* YOUR AGENT OF PERSONAL • AsSO 'SERVICE '• 44 North St. Phone JA 4-9531 AN INDEPENDENV INSURANCE. AGENT gittifaer$-..Ne ...„..feFianders Fields the poppies blow 13et‘iveen the crosses,r0w on row, That mark our prae,.,F and in he a Lc'.'i'd and were Ived, and now we toFIaiidirs Fields. arian Club now numbers about 90. In order ,to have a larger membership, the Kinsmen Club of •Goderich is reducing the age limit to join (from 80 years back to 75 years. If you are inter- ested in Joining 'the Octogenar- ian Club, see idetails 'idver- bisement elsewhere in tlifissue. In an •aceount of Alaska, it 0.1cplained, how_Russia had grown tired of frying to ' de- velop that practically unexPlor- ed wilderness. Finally, is 1867, they sold the country to the United grates for $7,200,000. The general opinion at the time was that the United States had been very rash and extravagant. STORE 11110Nallt iit 44811 The November (meeting of the Children' ; War Memorial Hos- Goderich (Women's Institute at MacKay Hall an Thursday last was largely attended. Mrs. N. Clairmont president, welcomed the guests and presided for the opening exercises and the var- ious items of business. TS: 11. --Mills reported- on the Institute- District Rany which shb attended recently in Au- burn. 'Mrs N. McInnis gave details on the successful bake sale which she convened. Re- ports on the Area Convention held in ,London on November 1 and 2 were given by Mrs. M. Sutcliffe and Mrs. Lenore Brad- ley, delegates. The Institute presented two crib quilts to the rake tip. opt.qtioePetwith the (0; To yot;'froil.‘i.:titilitigliaodo-,n4 throw If 0 bralc..*:,14i4li.vviiii Wt? hII not .leep. III Flanders • ••• n . W. J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP THE CANADIAN LEGION, BRANCH 109 InvitesYOu to Join Them THE, REMEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONY • at the Cenotaph --TOMORROW — Friday, November 11 , All Legion Members and Veterans will form up at the Legion Hall at 10.30 A.M.—Dress, Beret and Idedals. ATTEND"the LEGION ClItIRCEE PARADE St. George's Anglican Church—Sunday, November 13 at 11 A.M. ° Phone A4 8 13 2. DAY or NIGHT Agent for 24 -hr. • FILM DEVELOPING pital in London and were re- ceived by the hospital repreSent- ative to the convention. Mrs. ,Clairmont expressed con- tinued good wishes to .three members who have celebrated their 50th wedding anniversar- ies, Mrs. I. W. 'NeWoombe, -Mrs. W. H. Doak and Mrs, W. F. H. Price. Invitation to attend the Tiger Dunlop Institute meeting on November 30 was read by the acting secretary, Mrs. H. Tichborne. A ,ten minute inter- mission followed when lunch ,was Served by Mrs. H Talmay and comtnittee. Mrs. F. Haw- kins was convener of the after- noon's program. Mrs. F. Sturdy brought greetings from a Wo- men's ,Institute in Surrey, Eng- land, and told of attending a meeting and enjoying,their hos- pitality. Mrs. M. Driver favor- ed with violin solos and Mrs. M. Sutcliffe sang "Little Old Lady," accompanied on tht piano by Mrs. Hawkins, Two students from the GiDC1,, Syl- via Gilbert and Paul Carroll, spoke on the United Nations. Sylvili told of attending the U.N. Seminar at Western Uni- versity and•Paul sspoke on the tself-ineluding_ the events which led up to its founding. 111e explained the functions of the General As- sembly, 'the Security Council, the Se t d ti ,cre ary enera s u es, the International Court of Jus- tice and the Economic and Soc- ial Counc,4. A hearty vote of thanks was expressed to all who contribut- ed ,,to the program, especially TAHTE PARK THEATRE Goderich JA 4-7811 Now Playing—"CARRY OtJCONSTABLE". A riotous bundle of laughs that carries on where the 6"NURSE" left off. Mon., Tiles., Nov. 14 and 15— James, Stewart, Lisa Lu and Henry Morgan Present Theodore White's story of a demolition team in China. "The MOUNTAIN ROAD" Wed., Thurs., Fri, Sat.—Nov. 16, 17, 18, 19— Fernando 'Lamas, Claude Rains, Clifton Webb "The. LOST WORLD" In *Scope and Color—By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Recreating a world of, 10Q million year agoll Sh-h-h—Come early when you see "PSYCHO"—:Adult Eiffiefainment. 14 This Magnificent • • C • "if. r ana • ACIEAWS • The most exit illi boot( about Canada we have ever been ahle to offer you. Here, in..48 stories and articles and 64 pages of -,iT-lust rations (21 pages.in full color); drawn from 50 years ,,of Canada 's- national maga- zine, is the portrait of our country as you never hoped, it could be pa int ed. , PUBLISHER'S PRICE $8.59 , For Limited Time dilly 7.50 4 COFFEE CARAFE COMPLETE WITH CANDLE WARMER Reg. $5.95 PRE—ItHRISTMA$ SPECIAL Mrs. Allen Larder and,iVirs. Amongst the exarnples cited come debased E. A. Ki1gour have returned in the Book of ,Knowledge of used to mean home after a two weeks' holi- good bad words which have be- worker. „,.' day at Massey, Ont., with Mr. land Mrs Max Meier and family. . Misses Grace and Olive Rob- ertson have returned home after visiting with relatives in Lon- don, Hamilton and Stratford. .. SPECIAL .. ELECTROHOME 17" TV ONLY179.95 Fully guaeanteed ,and 90 days' FREE SERVICE, MANY OTHER BARGAINS AT Hutchinson Radio & TV -Miss Carol Opfer, 18, of God- Huron Road. JA 4-7831 erich, ' was crowned Mrs Credit D tf i Union for Huron County ata tropger.,0_,,,le..432r_;ig;e_?4v._;.2:47-_,4,---:;II-S44-0.:-XCIZZWrIt-ir • . • • • ... Wednesday of last week. Miss . •30' Opfer will seek the Miss Ontario is "villain.", It simply a fax= • p_,L Hol, Already ? ? ? ? Christmas Shopping Is In Order! rri• May We Suggest a Miniature Portrait ckb In OHS !VERO ° by—R. J. NEPHEW—PpfessionaI ,Photographer. AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT— , Make Your Appointment NOW - 1 • MACLAREN'S STUDIO 196 At. David St, Dial JA 4-7924 PHOTOGRAPHY IS OUR ONLY .BUSINESS 42T Credit Union title -at a con- vention *s to be held at Toronto next March. A native of Lis- toWel, she attended collegiate at both Listowel and Goderich, A graduate of Goderich Busi- ness College, Miss -Opfer is nowj employed at the W. A. Sheaffer Ben--P-tan-t--a-t• ''G odeach, •Thre.e other *Is competed at Clin- ton, lor tfie Huron title. They were from Exeter, Clinton and Belgrave. !the two young -'-students • who gave such -valuable inforniation, The December meeting be convened by Mrs. E. Patterson when a shower of gifts for the Children's Aid Society will be received. VICTORIA ST. W.M.S. PLANS OVERSEAS RELIEF • The Noventher meeting of Victoria Street W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Mary Cur- rell with 21 present: First vice, Mrs. Eva Horton, was in charge, Mrs. Len Walters reading the Scripture. Report of the sectional meet- ing at Hackett's Church, was given by Mrs. Mary Currell. The third chapter in the Study book was taken by Mrs. Myrtle Good, assisted by Mrs. Mary Currell and Mrs. S. A. Moote. Harold Larder read a story on Christian Stewardship, Mrs. Eva Horton ,cliosed with prayer. A lunch was served by the hostess and Tier mother, Mrs. N. McKinnon. A bale is to be packed for _overseas relief. 'The Autumn Thankoffering service was taken by Rev. S. A. Moote, who spoke on missions. Assisting were Mrs. Mamie Sut- cliffe and Mrs. E. Patterson. A quartette composed of Mrs. N. Craig, Mrs. 3. Crawford, Miss E. Bamford and Mrs. Moriam, sang. "WIN ME" CliR1ONE- sFr?e Entry JINGLE (Santa'syoungest reindeer) WITH EACH -.$1.00 • PURCHASE DRAW Dec. 20, '60 at 8 p.m. "BEST WISHES FOR GOOD HEALTH— THE BEST GIFT OF ALL" Rexall SUPER PLENAMINS Help maintain your normal resistance to infection with a daily SUPER PLEN- AMINS TABLET containing 9 VITA- MINS including B12; LIVER and 12 MINERALS. 10 week supply of 72 tablets $798 Family bottle. of 288 tablets . • $13.98 5 month supply of 144 tablets CHRISTMAS (ARDS Shop Early for Best Selection Special Value Box (EXQUISITE ASSORTMENT) 51 attractive and assorted "8 cards with matching envelopes,' Other boxes ..39o, 59o, 890 to 1.49 • 25 of one kind 1 00, 1.50, 2.00 RIECK .PHAR DIAL JA 4-7241 slit Square net* Colborrip S li-oet,„,,,o-mptozampitlett-mototorr 9