HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-11-10, Page 2The Goderich Signal Star, Thursday, November 10th, 1960
--E — The County }Town Newspaper of Huron —0---
Published 4 1,
by 4t4.
Signal -Star Publishing Limited
in its 113th year of publication
.urN',IS ,t14 q,u•., .x-4- t,, ..., n«Sb :t,t 1�:�u ,y t;�e... a ;S74; ,?uy
Subscription rates --- .-.,$3 t,: ,a.- :Pz .
,...,Tpi.I.A�w. .rn..
• sst�IIdcmm�;- ?tilts, Office' Du a t14nt -OLtwiT
. _ ^ -^•.�ai'•ltwb
Member of . C.W.N.A., O.W.N,A. and A.B.C. ; d.
Circulation—.over 3,400 GEO. L. ELIAS, Editor and Publisher.:
RE:'+IEMI3RA. CE, I)AY is many and grinning hack, wryly, in return ! ' It
things, It is a red "11" interposed on is 'truly a day of remembrance 1
November's calendar page. It is a poig- ;P1iis day of remembrance could, indeed
nant .•silen('e,• two minutes, softly inserted should, have in even greater signifieauee:
into a busy morning. It is a ,day of coni- It should infuse a. new urgency into the
Temorative ceremonies at cenotaph' and gospel of pea(•e and promote that gospel
onumeu.ts throughout the world, It is lilt(' ;111 ,''luntries, among all peoples, ev-
a day of --artificial red poppies and a poem erywhere_ The thought of war should
beginning,: "In Flanders fields the poppies become as abhorrent as the thought. of
blow .between the -crosses rot" on row.'' pestilence, of poverty, of squalor, of• any
01 the other unwanted things that dark-
en the thoughts of mankind. It should
lhring the resolution that never again shall
mankind find the necessity to trails its
youth iii the Illllyderous arts of \yarfare.
Nor 8110111(1 its industry find -'the necessity
to plass-produce those grotesque impleni-
ents of (1,strllctioll. Remembrance Day
51io113(1 111spir,'reason and restraint to all.
governments, everywhere, irrespeetive of
poi it ic'a4 atul->-nt t1 -ns. .
ft iv a great hope, a wistful thought,
shared 11y an immense majority of think-
ing people throughout the world. If our
clay of reuieiubranee could bring this bud
to fruit.iOn. then we might attain .a new
- It is a da3• which Branch 109 Canadian
Legion, Goderieh, in common with other
Legion branches throughout Canada, will
-never forget. The Goderieh branch has
-annually seen to it with pride and dev-
otion" that the "tor('h.' of rellie111b1'anee
be "held high". And once agaili this
coming Friday their 'Memorial Service at
the Cenotaph in Court Molise Park will
cause residents to ;.:e ne1111)er tl1(' sacrifree5
made by soldiers from it's dist riot in
two world -wars: ..,, •
It is a day when •a inot1ler's eyes
brim with tears as she busies herself in
the kitchen ! When a d:1,1 may. stand he-
fosssAl reo .ort`rt.A oi ,i . sk iiea :so -.garb&,' ,,,41)1[ RIV r13.ernla• 'oi":OM. Tnik1.1i ;,ate: cruse&r tengesrred- hat Tbn: Ai�amr k.
ing--"the- gr:rr-on- the yo�tri g fi'1flCi v's fare in Pliinders Fields, and elsewhere: be invited to visit Goderich -and
look over the power situation.
HURON ° .:EDITOR NAMED HEAD, Deputy • Reeve Mannings sub
geste•d trying to get the county
•interested in developing -its own
Our congratulations to Doll South- po„ihle se1'vie.e to this organization. hydro -electric power. -
1tTiss B. Kilpatrick ,.won the
eott, editor of The Exeter Times-Ads�ocat.e, , Next year a spring meeting of the watch in a contest conducted by
on being tlec•t0d presi(lont of --the Western ( (l(1ittion is to be held about the middle Wallter H. Harrison, jeweller.
Ontario Comities Weekly 'Newspaper Ass- of April. This gathering is appropriately Dr. Gallow was chosen pre-
oei•ation. The annual sleeting of the assoc- scheduled for Listowel, the home of George sident o'f the Goderich Horticul-
Lural Society for rhe coming
elation was held at fitrlttford on Saturday. Tallia111 publisher of The List'ow•el Banner year. Other ofHicers elected
An aggressive Editor with 11is sight and the retiring president of the '1 011-- were: vice-president, H. D. Reed
contin:nall\• alined at- ft,thire, 1,levelopinents, thin �vho has (lone a .splendid job' in office Lane.and secretary -treasurer, W.
be can beycounted on g� gunning Eur all c]ururri�r the pat year.
# t -'T f3EEN
K:L,V'G'SIBII H G'E, Nov. 7.
gr. and Mrs. Jack Austin and
Mr, Charlinsky, of South Porous
pine, visited with Mr; and Mrs.
Clifton Austin over •'the week-
Mrs. Suttar, of Detroit, spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
yril Austin.
, .isitam•-''d .tilt- spray's home
this past week were Sister Marie
Ellen and Sister Marie .I iniby.•, ..
.a4„;the Immaculate ; Heart of
lark Order, Mary Grove, Mich-
igan; Mrs. William Clannon,.
daughter 'and husband, of 'De-
troit; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald ,Dal-
ton and family, of, Toronto; Mr.
:Maurice $awler .and two sons,
and Mr. Larry Saunders, of Tor-
onto; Mr. J. P. Sullivan, of Bol-
ton. Mrs. Bowler returned to
Toronto with her son.
Mrs. M. MacLennan, of Corrie,
spent the week -end with Mrs. D.
Mr."and Mrs. J. Fitzgerald and
family, .of Stratford, spent the
•week -end at their home here.
Mr. Wilfred Austin is present-
ly spending a few days at his
Mrs. P. Vogt and Mrs. J. Kin-
ney returned to their homes in
Detroit after spending a few
days visiting friends.
On Sunday, October 30th,
Ret�:'Father J. Atchabowski bap-
tized Laurie Ann, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doherty.
The gad -parents were Mr. and
Mrs. William Berry, of Fort
Congratulations to• Mr. and
Mrs. John Van Ro•oy on the ar-
rival of a baby daughter, Dianne
the dosing on Sunday, the guest
speaker lovas Rev. Father
Thomas, of St. Augu..rtine. Other
visiting priests were Rev. Father
Trekker, Of W Ingham, ;and' Rev.
Father Malak, of Leamington.
50 Years Ago -1910 15 Years' Ago -1945
• The .ninth Victory loan...w;as.
At' Shep,parcllton, the. WiIIing being successfully carried out
Workers Bible class were plan- with Huron County far exceed-
ning a banana social. Admis- ing its original objective. Two
sion was to be 15c for adults of the Goderich salesmen, Ned
and 1Oc for children. • Sale and Ted Plante, were over
At 'Town Council,,J2:eevesR,eid, •ihe�^�$100.,091�,�,lmarkr�s x t,
waite, ,ve11 known residents of
Goderich Township, celebrated
their golden wedding with a
family dinner at the Park
At Nile the Sunlbeam Club
held a masquerade dance with
prizes going to Mrs: Orland
Bere, 11onald Dickson and' two
Nevins girls. Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Schram 'provided the
W. C. Attridge, Ivan Louzbn,
Bill Woods, R. C. -Hays and Ed.
Mason were in northern Ontario
hunting deer. '
_ 10. _Years ego-= -1950.
Charles M. Robertson, Gode-
rich, was elected president of
the Huron County Temperance
At the Goderich plant of the
Hole,pr-oof---Has" •; -•-a-- new
work agreement was signed re-
ducing the work week to 42
hours and raising the wages
5 '., per cent. The committee
representing the 90 employees
7 included: Nora Will'iq; Ramona
provincial convention. Jenkin, Doris' Cooke and Doris,
Mrs. G. Bissett presided at the Chambers.
regular meeting of the Goderich Marilyn Butler, Vicky Thorn-
1,Vomen's Institute. Mrs. R. T. ton, Martha Rathburn and Helen
Phillips was named secretary Jackson joined the Goderieh
of the relief committee for the Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
district. Mrs. Wm. Abell was which celebrated its second
named to succeed Mrs. Marshall birthday with a banquet at the
as secretary -treasurer. Bedford Hotel.
( c 11111 1 1 g
0 Years Ago --1930-_.
NEWS �RRE�p �N DENTS Fire completefy destrgyetl the
R dwelling on a farm owned by
Olivet Cook, Colborne Town-
e The rural news eo're.p-,nplents for any the new:, ,111(1 preparing it in the form of ship. he chimney is believed
�' 11_ _ ..-.a._ ?x.iiiat >;i a-- - -.ti-... ts_i-p-.v.___isitra =11,,. ,. 1 p4kpe r--!-.s.-1-in otype.. • to •have=pbsen=-�dl( etive, -----
v a k a i t -
vice for their respective 0� minunit es, , '''Pile rur;1l correspondents- do receive At- a meeting of the'Liberal
:.xecutive of the riding of North
They can not be pialsc'(1 t���( bi,,llly for sonic' criti('sin frolll:otlri� people, but 011 Huron, J. J. Robertson, Colborne
their loyaly. R s(dellts ill ill' areas ser-- till' al 1101•'Ila•n,i they' are given ennollrag- Township, and J. W. Craigie,
Godei;ich, were 'among the dele-
ved by these correspondents .sll.,ttld I'l' ill ('olllplllllF'li1,y oil 1,'c�ision. ons and gates appointed to attend •the
nlize the job it . is, to 'w...:i t• 1111 a eulnnlun- . (t;l llrlil(1 „of the 4,urai area living in other
• ity news budget eau•h W':,•l: and give co- part : of ('i111 10, and the w'orld,asayy that
operation' by providing th0 (•orr0,l►,lil�lrnts Ole. 0'i ttillgs of the rIiral correspondent
with newt items w'heln.01 0'1 1)•is,ll(le. are v'Alar make, this. 11•'vu-spapel': 'Just like
' What nicer. tribute
The Gt. Marys Argos-•lolu•na_ has a letter from g�urne . �
more rural news '(•(1'1.0 ll (1:1 11',5 than the .co111d be paid to •ally news writer
averages now•spaper and has til ;n t', say: `• Weekly newspapers, • are placed in
"Our correspondents - reil 1:1' n \ :doable the lop off eg,lry of personal, journalisin
serviee 'to the tespeet;tie 41••'g*Iit(0i•li ((ls Leeatit,e they ,•ontain in every issue per
they serve by pollli(',zin ; til ' a •'' v it yes sow!! hell,:, 1 i(.,nt, people our readers know-.
(yr their local (rgairizat'olls an l reoor(l- 11 has ofte:l boll s.i1(1 that (nafues are
ing the proTress of their ,'��1;J 11.111.11y that J1ew , 1121(1 each issue(f the Journal 12giis'
eould not((tliorwt
ise be ('oa41�'�1. vrill vent's. that fa,,r•-• Appreciation is ver
"The task of. being 0 e'',stlolidellt 10,113y (!lilt' rho IILtuly ('(,1'respondellts w•ho
lis not 111 easy one. It ill\ !Ci'5 1) lot of 111'e 'nlakill,(.r, It. pol.ail!;e to give this ser -
phoning' and illtervi.'\1k-ing in;11 gathering, \ lee
While being; elected w,(i•(1•'11 of 0 cowl- 111(• year. I11 c i,ow ,,f this: Warden Durbin
ty brings a man undeniable honor and pros- 8llggc.t411 1. hat t here should possibly e
11 sort of -Deputy Warden appointed who
tige, it also brims him ;(,l(0't11ill.g else-.--- could represent the County at some affairs
heavy demands on his 1'111._'. These de- \, lie„ 3110 Warden found it impossible to
anands often have an effect on his 11,:)rmal 0I t(11(1 at that time — maybe at a time
activities, even the parti,•Illarline of work when two 4iflerent ,greetings were sched-
he its engaged in \vhi''h, in 11►e ('aseof the 1d('II at• two different places at the sane
average county warden, is that of farm- time, .
ing. When a plan is silt i,ient.ly public The suggestion, seems quite a rens- ered "most useful" by the rural
spirited 'to serve in .1110 interests of his ((11111110 one and would go a long way- ty- housewives.
An analysis showed that an
fellow ratepayers in the role of \vaitJcIi, wards taking a1. load off the shoulders of electric or gas stove ranked next
he deserves all the assistan-e that 0011 be the Warden. If wet are not mistaken, that to the washing machine, and
given him.. This point is p.lssil,ly over- i:1e11 has already been implemented in two was closely followed by a ye -
looked sometimes with the result that. a ather counties. There are nowdeputy frigerator. All three were in
85 io �8(�p nt.,of the• farmw�, is Ilnintentiun.01T .. ±--he v a -2=4•e1- s-'- - ' . , (' or Counties, aT- homes and were the chore o
is obligated' to neg]e('t his own1r.'rs( 111 tholtgh in th( llitt('r c 0u11t.y'rthe assistant three-quarters of those survey- Liam Haskell, 49, of i
Hamilton' affairs and Business bee•a,ise of lack of i, !town as a ('OI11tttIsslonalt'e. Fourth piece of egiiipment I street, going west on ,tlhe bridge,
tilde to do otherwise. ' .With life getting more complex and considered .most useful was an !collided with a oar driven by
automatic clothes drier. Al° (Kenneth Nic(kol, 509, of Glencoe':' Warden John Dufniti of
Mir On is 11(I'\ more municipal details to be attended to iaugh Pound in only 11 per ;Due to the snow-covered bridge,
completing a year of ex°% ''les t' service 1121112 ever before, it Is conceivable that cent of the homes included in !the Haskell car skidded into the
to his -native county. lIe •ba l'e t no stone the ditties of a County Warden are heav- the study, the drier was named !stopped car of Kenneth Nickol
unturned in his unselfish and eager desire ler than ever -before. To keep in step with as pavers by over half of the one of the most useful labor wo-!Damage when the brakes 'were suppto both ears was about
to fulfill the obligations of his, office to the changing. times, maybe a change in themen who had one.
fullest extent, We were in1e1•cst)'(l, there,- 5('t-1,1) for a County Warden would he nal �$5OE00•
fore, in his remarks at, til('--111iroii'Warde)ll's order. Maybe it is about• time•, he should) -
Bangpetiast Thuritlay ev(•12ing, He stale,) :]11t\'c a break and he blessed With the
that since January lie hall 01`01(10x1 1.95 assistance of 1 pc' pIIty Warden. Then, he
meetings in co' inection wit I► Comity Conn- - wotild'' have the opportunity of living a
ail affairs. At that rate, lte will average more normal life (luring the term in which HUDSON STERLING COAL
about our meetings a w, ok by the end Of fie i;; in otfi('0.
Farm Wives Name
Favorite ,Appliance
Horsemen Hold
9th Banquet
Sanctioning of night (harness
racing in Ontario in the • none
too distant future is foreseen
by Gordon Johnston, of Meaford,
publicity director of the Can-
adian Rating and Trotting- As -
S tial;ion:.rile::spolsesst-theaninth;
trail',banquetoolf the-Goderich
Trotting and Agricultural As-
sociation„ here Saturday night.
Other speakers included Gor-
don Findley, also of the C1RTA;
Mooney, chairman
of the parks committee, told of
improvements under way at the
track 'which will be ready far
the 1961 season.
Neil McRann, of 'Clandeboye,
was awarded a stop watch for
turning in the best performance
during the Goderich season.
The 'watch was presented by
Hu�'1h 2Ii1(1, secretary tot' the Friday until Sunday this past
GATA. week in St. Joseph's• Church, At
The suit, cleaned the Goder-
ich French, Dry Cleaners
way always wins praise.
Goderich French Dry Clean-
ers dry cleaning is safe, effi-
cient and completely sat-
isfying. Try it today.
Mary, who wasbaptized last DRY CLEANERS
Sunday. The god -parents Were' T
Mr. and Mrs. William Van Dyk,
of Goderich.
Devotions Hetd.—The Forty WEST ST. JA 4-8452
Hours Devotions were held from C. R. LC>WREY, Prop.
Tile -first book about a pos-
sible voyage to the moon was
written nearly • 18 centuries ago
by a Greek writer named Luc-
ian. The author said 11e was
and John Hanna, a •memlber of writing of "things that are not
the Ontario Racing 'Commission. and never could have been"!
AT • 8:30 P.M.
15 G2AMES — $1.00:
4 SHARE -THE WEALTH Jackpot Combined.
JACKPOT OF $85.00 IN 57 'CALLS- • ,
Sponsor,sd by Canadian Legion Branch • 109.
No person under 16 admitted to Legion Hall
- Memorials
.Finest Stone and"Experienced Workmanship
Call or Visit us for Information or Appointment
--- District Representative —
59liainifton 'Street e" '„dA 4-7861
After Hours --Z00 Gibbons St.L JA 4-9465
"' -33tf
Selections Were Never Better
SAVE $ $ $
During This Value -Packed
Crkf,LUIY-R tr,
What does"the Canadian farm; High on this list of useful
housewife consider the most home equipment came these
useful piece of equipment inlelectrical appliances: a freezer,
her home? la vacuum cleaner and a' floor
This question was posed to polisher,
352• homemakers residing in' Other items ,mentioned by
each county and district of --On- fewer of the women were: an
tario by the rural sociology, unit ironer on mangle, an electric
of the Canada Department of food mita*, a sewing machine,
Agriculture, in conjunction with an electric coffee maker and
the home economics service of toaster.
the provincial, government. Comments Dr. Abell:
The answer: a power washing "These pieces of home equip -
machine. ment which save arduous phys-
The survey, reports Dr. Helen ical labor need to be recognized
C. Abell, who is head of the by farm women and their hus-
rural sociology unit, listed 37 hands as a desirable and neces-
pieces bf equipment as consid- sary part of farm family.living."
Chief of .Police Fred 1Minshall
investigated an accident on"the
anford Rridge__on Sunday at
1.10 p,m. A car 'driven, by Wil -
Ladies - Free! Free!
• Your Choice of Hat and Purse with your
purchaise of any
Ladies' Winter Coat
All New = Plain and .Fur Trims
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Ji'ist because you've fallen in love • It is no disgraee for a man to fall,
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ing the whole girl.
* * * * l)ienssion : a ''method of confirming
To be without some of the things 01 hen in their errors.
you want is an inc1ispeusahle part of * * * *
* * -4 *
A man may learn from his ltihle fo
be a more thorough gentleman than �)f
he had .been brought up in all the draw-
ing rooms in London,
* +Ilr`
'To take ° refuge front life, is th refuse
it. 'Life generally offers due sc:npc, for
the loading initinet in a man or a worn -
4 i
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*t h `'eery iow ptiC , ut tto price at -ail.
Hoed ve hate to those who are too
weak to love.
* _* * *
A woman might as well propose
her husband will claim she did.
'* * * * '
The magic or first lo'aeois our ig'no-
ran04 that it can ever end. -
* * * *
Tho chains of habit are generally too,
small to be felt Until they are too strong
to be broken.
"Triple Filtered" to assure 100% Free Burping
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Take Your Choice* of
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Weatherized Outers, Warm Quilted and
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Boy's B'9 Coats
Warm Quilted Lining -- Sturdy Overcheck
Wool Outers -- -.Attached Pile -Lined Hood
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112 The Square 1A 49552