HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-11-03, Page 7Pinch Hitting As A Storekeeper At The country General Store (By Harry J. Boyle) infrequent trips to the store. They, went early in the morning when the dew was still on the mer holidays my uncle, who ran ground or in the evening when 4/1.0= oncT ator0'atlheVerna, .w; s:.tvo late for harvest- mock. the intersection, of the Sixth I)ay'time tips were for emerg- encies. That didn't.detract from + e„.' 'gall+ firs t, . , dgir Mo'ffiYtIl as{ r �zii tiY erg w,puld be culled away on bpsi- . • * ness. He was an insurance My uncle aliways handed me eat, clerk of the school sec- a bottle of soda pop and a on,' commissioner for taking oaths, treasurer af the township, claims adjuster Or a fire insur- ance outfit as well as a store- keeper, so that he often had to make trips. When my aunt went with him I would be called 9/h to act as storekeeper: This was of course during the •Le time When most people were haying ar harvesting, and made On occasion during the sum - ARENA SCHEDULE FRIDAY, November 4 - Junior "B" Hockey 8.30 p.m SATURDAY, November 5 - Public Skating 3.4.30 p.m. SUNDAY, November 6 - Public Pubtic Skating -3-4.30 'p.m. i4 years and under. Public Skating, teen and adult. 8.30-- until 10 p.m. MONDAY, Navembes 7--- .� Leacrr :s3o� Skate' SE;'. 1.30 until 3 p.m. TUESDAY, November 8 - Skating -8 years and under. 3.30-5 p.m. 15c. WEDNESDAY, November 9 Skating, 8 to 14 years. -3.30.5 p.m. 15c. . chocolate bar when f arrived. This, I believe, vas intended to reduce thearmal amount of temptation. In addition my aunt would usually have milk and chocolate cake, in the icebox. My needs in the direction of, nourishment were adequately looked after. The store proper, was a large square roam, about half the downstairs area of a very large, white brick building. Most of the groceries, dry goods, medi- cines and harness were in this part. A large sloping roofed shed on the side •contained flour and feed, heavy hardware, fenc- ing and just about everything that wouldn't go in the stor. The basement of the store was another treasure -house. Great round boxes of cheese were aging in a cool, dark, sec- tion of.the cellar. There were crates of oranges and lemons, boxes of raisins and prunes, creat oaken casks of vinegar, a barrel of molasses and a great tub of pickles as well as a .keg of old cider that almost on one occasion spelled the end_ of my career -vs a volunteer store- keeper, In a shed outside the store there were barrels of coal oil, a drum of naphtha gasoline for the Coleman lamps which were coming into favor in our hydro- shyecorrrmunity and -open conn tainers-of axle grease- Motor oil was in great drums with numbers on each, representing the grade for winter or summer use. 'Outside it there stood a gaunt looking pump with a handle that measured one gal - '.on of gasoline for tFie occasion- al Model T, Gray Dort or Four 90 car, *. * * My first chore when my aunt n unrl p departed_ _ was _ to don. a white apron and 'lean across the counter. I was the master of all I surveyed. Then I could swing out the great barrels of oatmeal and sugar from under the counter ..and sample them. A good half hour could be spent in examining the labels of the medicine bottles. It seemed as if everybody in our community had. kidney and liver trouble 4,roin*,,,,04g.,,konW,cloring array of Pills and medicine on those fetw. shelves 1tlmnie aopher-sofi could -bet counted upon to call et least twice to see if the mailman had rrived. The occasional young- ster would come for coal ,oil, tea or sugar or tobacco for their elders. •I always managed to put on a very impressive show for them. This was especially so when I. had' to look up the charge books in the rack under the counter, mark dawn the items and give them their bills. I felt, in knowing how much each family owed my uncle, somewhat the importance of the royal treasurer. This seemed all the more important because of the stern lectures I had been givers about never divulging the figures to my school -mates. * * * The arrival of the mailman brought the newspaper and the add catalogue or magazine. It also meant making uprs-several emergency orders that had been telephoned in by people living on the Concession. These were usually for an extra ball of, binder twine, some bolts or ma- ehine oil. Although the ,govern - merit frowned on such delivery service it was considered to be almost he duty of the mailman, whok art'hat time depended for his JO moreear less on the, good will of the Iocal 'member of Parliament, and hence the good 'will of our community.. There was also an element of surprise in the whole affair. Searching . for ,a carborundum 5tonerfile, o ter ep rns, a milk strainer, sticky fly pa!Irer, form- nldehyde, •paraffin, neat's-foot oil, three inch spikes, tauarter inch trip rape, shoe laces, cream of tartar; size 30 jersey -drawers, a yatd and a quarter o -f • 54inch white oilcloth or a box of soft - nosed .22 bullet's brought out the diversity and richness of the stock in' the store. After, the first few fruitless searches for a left-hand file and a dozen ;platinum screw -_nails-..I- also sharpened my wits enough to For Radio and -TV Repairs or Electrical Wiring McNALL _ - Electrical Wiring. Contractors ' -- GODERICH -. JA 4-7549 - CLINTON -- HU 2-9546- 43X �calrh•,., Ri5 The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, November 3rd, i960 PREIMINARY WORI( STARTS ON HOSPITAL "ri' hC 11 "Y ,Wogs al meed Wednesday of last week on the site 'et the Ontario government h:ospital....soutli -cif .C.oder eth.i;,. terday several mien were en- gaged in surveys for the in- staNation of services to do w the earth work. The engineer on the job for. the contractor, Anglin Norcross Ontario Ltd., is Mr.' Max Legg. Mr, Legg came to the Goderich site from Cedar Springs, where the same contractor is complet- ing a hospital there. In commenting an the new hospital, Mayor E. 0 is l `' estimates that,,,it vill add about 900,(00 annually to the gyros. income in Huron County, Ue added that the new .hospital • would boost hozne building in, Goderich' and in the surround' ing area. Mayor Fisher said he - believe1`"" the staff at the hos- pital would be about 300 er- sorzs Awe an average. ,; _,ti. one person for each bees' is re- quired for the new 300 bed liosppital, : . ~ 2c3 X . - r e ..�azra..,iwanw�,r� c• LADIES BOWLING A ' Doreen Desj#ydin took the high single with 271 and the high triple with 574 in the Ladies Commercial. Bowling Lea- gue ,,on Tuesdayt'everting. Dan Vies lead the league standing, with 30 while Red Wings are in second place with 34. Imommillimmarimmominumummammiummirrraminso Choir and Vocal Training Limited number of Boys and Girls (age 10-13) accep- ted on selective basis for combined vocal and choir training in small - groups. All material supplied. Nominal fee. "IT HAS TO BE REPLACED BUT WITi l 1 /iArp R'r ; deal with the practical jokers. * •t: i, An . occasional_ commercial traveler would come along. Finding my uncle away Ihe would look over the stock of his own commodity, 'make up a list of what he thought the stare needed and leave a copy,saying tha he would- o ul d- ca1L thatcnight..to confirm., the order: Then he would treat me to a battle ' of soda pop or .a chocolate, bar and rest for a, time in the cool ,depths of the store and pass the time away in, easy, friendly con- versation. onversation. From these "drummers" I ac- quired a red Whoopee cap which my mathery- wouldn't let me wear, a pearl handled jackknife which I lest down a well, a glass ball with a3newstorm eanrealed inside, which reposed in ' our front parlor for many years and several magazines With reveal- ing pictures which were con- surned . by our kitchen stove' when they were discovered in the driving shed by my father. was Dodi} r ret•-ieulou-sl3.-b3r.:,rrk3r uncle at the rate of twenty-five. cents an hour. This was a sum of .tremendous proportions in those days and helped to con- firm in my mind the solemn wish that someday I would be the proud proprietor of a coun- try store. I . didn't ponder on the mystery of how he was able to pay me this amount, since the commercial travellers were IGA FEATURES WESTMINSTER COLOURED TIssuE PUREX WHITE TISSUE CUTRITE ' 100' - ROLLS 00 2 ROLLS 21c Waxed Paper 2R0L1s49c SCOTT FAMILY -White or Coloured, NAPKINS 2 oka. 27c SCOTT White or Coloured .,TowELS 200's HANK PACK 2 ROLLS 45c Scottis Tissues '2 0k9= 79r 400s ECON PACK Scotties Tissues 2 Pks= 49e SCOTT Towel Holders, ••43c Remington's SGA Foodliner FOODLINER South Street Table -Fresh Produce N. B. 10 1b. BAG CAN, NO. 1 pOTATO.ES bag39,c U.S. NO. 1 FRESH TENDER GREEN BEANS. Ib 19c SUNKIST NO.138 ()RANGES doz 49c Tablerite Meats FRESH OVEN READY BONELESS PICNICS WITH DaEs=414"4: 39c BONELESS FRESH LEG PORK Steaks or Roast 1e 69c FREEZER FEATURE ACE HIGH OangeJuice36ztns 55c ° the only ones who paid cash, the other purchases all • being simply recorded in the nayster• ions- books in the shell under the counter. POLICE SEEK YOUTH GANG A gang of young men bent on mischievous destruction is being sought by the sGoderich detachment Of the O.P.P. The youths are believed to have en- gaged in killing poultry, raid- ing orchards and taking part in other such raids. The gang believed by police to be in their late 'teens "or early 20's, Saturday night shot two turkeys on the Bayfield district poultry farm of- Gys .Vander- haar. •Mr. Vanderhaar who raises turkeys and broiler chickens ,commercially, said the same-- youths have been plagu- ing him for weeks, driving past is -fare ==at= -night -°blowing• ---the car horn and frightening the birds, Mr. Vanderhaar said that the frightened birds might easily smother each other in crowding together. Police have checked several cars in the area in search of the shotgun which killed the two turkeys. The same gang is believed to be responsible for several raids on district apple orchards, Brewers` Retail Store Opened Official' opening of Goderich's new brewers' retail store on the Huron road took place during the noon hour on Wednesday, followed by a reception at the Bedford Hotel. It marked the opening 'of Huron County's first retail brewers' store and the 285th such store in- Ontario. Following a tour of the new store, the gathering went to the Bedford Hotel for- the re- ception buffet lunch. Chairman of the luncheon meeting was R. Herringtoia, of Kitchener, dis- trict manager of Brewers' Ware- housing Limited. At that time he explained that Ontario Brew- ers' Warehousing Company is a pool -distributing organization owned by the breweries to sell their products in Ontario. The new manager of the store, • Pat O:iborn, originally from Preston, 'but for the past 11,:.! years man- ager of the store at Mount Ferest, was introduced. Check- er at the store 'will be Roy J. Kingsley, of Stratford. • Among those• who spoke briefly at the luncheon were Mayor E. C. Fisher, Elston Car- diff, M.P., Charles MaeNaughton, M.P.P,, and Mr. Erie Anderson, of Toronto. "I hope the people of Goderich will appreciate the privilege they," have with this store and will not abuse it," said Mr. Cardiff. "It's quite ap- propriate that the first brewers' retail store in 'Huron' County cthould open in Goderich," said Mr. MacNaughton. "We always fe'Irt that the C.T.A. was an un- workable .mew," said Mr. Ander- son, who was present in Huron at the time of the C.T.A. refer- efide! .m. NORTH STREET W.A. TO AID U. •OF W.O. FUND Mrs. A. Hamilton conducted devotions at the W.A. meeting .f Norrth Street' United when 27 Ladies were present. The devotional theme was "Our Rea- sonable Service." Mrs. C. Stod- dart. read the Scripture and Mrs. A. Hamilton the prayer and commentary. Mrs. R. C. Proc- tor led in singing hymns. Mrs. L• Westbrook presided for the business part of the meeting. Mrs. H. Young read the secre- tary's report and Mrs. E. Prid- ham the treasurer's report. Mrs. W. King -men -read the 'cor- respondiing secretary's report and Mrs. R. Hughes reported for the parsonage com►niitte•e. A donation will be made to the Organ Fund for the new Christian 1klueation Building at Western UniverSnfy. The November meeting will be November 1+7,' a week earlier, because of the bazaar. H." G. ESPERT Organist and Choir Director North Street United Church JA 4-8793 42-43 HoIm'es ville 1 HOLMfE.SV:LLE, Nov: 1. -The serni-annual meeting held in Irtir IN/tiller and Mrs. F. McCullough. The -meeting close& with prayer by Mrs. N. Heard. Hoste•ss•es for the day were Mrs. 'W. Bender; Mrs,., L-,.Bandd.ande,Mrs. J. Yeo. 1Vliss Sandra Williams, of Bur- lington, spent the, week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harm Williams. Miss Frances McCullough, of Toronto, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank MoCulIough. Iast week -end.' . arrrrestvittmte Church met for the November meeting in the basement of the church. Mrs. Lloyd Bond and her group were in charge of the program. Mes. BoncL.gaveethe ca1L to warship' and the com- ment on the Scripture lessons read by Mrs. Frank VIcCullough, Mrs. Kenneth Trewartha and Mrs. Elmer , Potter. Prayers were given by Mrs. Orville Blake and Mrs. Bond. Mrs. L. Saddler sang a solo, accompan- iedeby Mrs. K. Trewartha. The Thankoffering was received by Mrs, 0. Blake ands the prayer af acceptance was given by Mrs. F. :VleCuiiough. Mrs:, II. Cud - More ,read- the • min•utes of the October meeting. It was pass- ed -'to pack a bale to he sent to Miss B 1va Howatt, W.M.S. worker at First United Church, Vancouver, B.C. , Mrs. L. -Bond, Mrs. C. Tebbutt, and Mrs. B. Walter were appointed a com- mittee to bring in the slate' of officers 81:'" •e r • c • i e 'nett ing, Mrs. N. Heard -gave a re- port of the W,M.S. sectional meeting held recently at flack- ett's Church. Mrs. L. Bond in- vited the women to attend the Mission Band `Thant ofl•ering meeting to be held on Novem- ber I4, when Miss Sybil Cour- rice, of Clinton, will be the guest speaker. Mrs. B. Walter :rave a talk on C'hris'tian stew- ardship, and Mrs. E. Potter ,poke on Christian citizenship: Mrs. L. Bond gave a reading and closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. N.' Heard, the, vice•pre- ,ident, was in the chair for,the W.A. meeting which followed Mrs. N. beard read. the Scrip- ''ure lesson. and gave the com- ments on it.. The minutes were read. by Mrs. W. Norman and Mrs. F. VlcCul'lough gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. C. Teb- 'net reported "for the buying eommittee and Mrs.•.E. Greg re- norted for the racial committee. Reports of the W.A. Pre:,ryte• y NILE • NPL,E, Nov. 2. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Graver and family and Mr. end Mrs. Moss McNee visited an Sunday with Mr, Graver's parents at Mitchell. The auction sale at Nile Un- ited Church last Saturday was a complete suctess when nearly $900 was raised. !Mrs. Russel Brindley is visit - 'ng relatives in the Niagara dis- trict. Mr. and Mos. Gordon Morrison and family, of near Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orland Bere and family. Mr. Henry Matthews was able to return home from the hos- pital in Goderich on Saturday: - Gordon ' proiiT suffered ., a heart attack and is a patient in Clinton hospital. "We e wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Graham MoNee and Donna and Mrs - Orland Orland Bere, Maryrbelle and Ruth, were - in Armow Saturday evening where the ladies attended a shower for their cousin who is. being married this month, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Anderson, rrf Arkola, Seek., and Mr. George Wh•:'wefl, of Regina, have been visiting with the ladies' sister, Mrs. H. Matthews and other re- latives in the vicinity. 'Mr, Whiwell has returned home. but Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are staying awhile longer. The Y,P.U. held a masquerade party on Monday evening. CANCEL CONVENTION At a meeting off the execu- tive of the North Huron Coun- cil of Christian Education at the home • of Harry Snell Lon- desboro, it was decided that in view of , unavoidiable circum- stances the 19160 Interdenomina- tional Convention would have to be cancelled. However, plans are under way for an early spring convention in 1061. HALLOWE'EN ,PRANK The morning after !Hallowe'en night, Matirice flicks, 11 R. 2. Goderich, counted his cattle and was surprised to find he had la more than u;9ual. A pollee check on catnl•e missing in the area, however,•provided the ,an - ever. Owners cif missing cattle learned they were at the hicks far'm. A search fair tine prank - eters who staged the Hallowe'en round -up has not located them yet. ST. GEORG TROUSSEAU TEA HONORS LAURINE MacDONALD Mrs. Clarence MacDonald, Bayfield Road, entertained re- cently at a trousseau tea in hon- or of her daughter, Laurine, whose marriage to Richard Madge took place en Saturday. Mrs. Noble Young, grand- mother of .the bridge poured= tea and Mrs. Harold Young assisted in the tea room. Diane Young opened the door for the guests who were received by Mrs. MacDonald, Mrs. W. Madge and the bride-to-be. Showing the gifts t were ` Miss Marilyn Anderson, Brantford and Miss Mary Clark of Goderich. Dis- playing • the trousseau was the sister of the bride, Mrs. Mar- garet Lamond, Brantford. HOW'S HE DOiNG? " v They take their hockey ser- iously in St. Johns, Newfound -1 land. Late Wednesday afternoon The Signal -Star received a long' distance phone call all the way from Newfoundland. Mr. Max Keeping, Sports Editor of the St. .Johns Evening Telegram,' wanted a story put on the'wire to him about James Daw, a New- foundland boy, trying out for the Goderich Junior 'B" hoc- key team. He originally tried out at OriIiia and then moved on to Goderich. Canadiens Hockey Offer The Montreal Canadiens hockey team has offered a substantial amount of mon ey as financial assistance to- wards the promotion of a minor hockey- association in Goderich. Their offer is at present being considered by the sponsors of minor hockey in Goderich, namely the Kins- men Club, the Lions- Club and the Canadian Legion. .Before the Montreal Club would- provide • the money, minor hockey would have toe,. be takerr?�°,,,from''the hands of the individual organizations and a complete dew minor hockey association formed 'here. Whether this could ,be done in time for this sea- son, or whether Al..look organizations would favor ` it, will be determined at a later date. SCORES IN LADIES SOCIAL BOWLING LEAGUE At the end of the first series, the standings in the Monday Ladies' Social League are as follows: Bomihers, 31; Toppers, 26; Loafers, 21; Alley' Cats, 10; Happy Gang, 10; Crazy Cats, 2. The holder Of the high aver- age is Shirley Kennedy with 223 who also has the high triple r;.f '769 and the high single of 302. Other mentionable triples are Doe Queen With 673. Jean Schram 670, and Annette Stemp with 668. - NORTH SI'. W.M.S. The November meeting of the W.M,$. of North Street United. Churchwas herd in the ladies' parlor. on Tuesday afternoon„ , The president, Mrs. W. Moor- head, presided over the business after which Mrs. F. Cur'rie's group took, charge. An invitation was - received ,frog the Baptist W.MS. to at- tend their Thankoffering being held 1s1'nvettrtbei< 17. The devo- tions were led by\Mr's. G. •Atkey and .Mrs. H. 'Palmy. Rev. W. J. ten Hoopen gave a short message. Mrs. D. Mooney introduced the naw study books,. HVRCH Novemb-- 6, 21st Sunday after Trinity. 8.30 a. Holy Communion. . 10 ,a...' • day._School--and--Bibaa-Mass.• 11 '•m. Holy Communion and Sermon. --(Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Saturday, November S-�'- 3 TS.1-Fur. a» Deanery:-- hos -Workshop tr 7 3O"'p:mr -' Choral- Evensong. - REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector. MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA/ North Street United Church 10 a.m. Sli:NDAY SCHOOL. I a.m,-- MORNFMG SC-R1fICE. "THE COMMUNION OF THE SAINTS." Nursery and Junior Congregation. REV. W. J. ten 4O0PEN, B.A., B.D., Minister MR. GEORGE ESPERT; -Organist-and- -Cs-boss"--Directorti Knox Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. I ANE, B.A., Inteirim-Moderator. ' Mr. H. de Jong, Organist Miss B. J. Woodruff, Deaconess 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m., MORNING WORSHIP. THE REV. G. L. ROYAL, B.A., Norval, Ont.. (Nursery and 'Junior Congregation). Victoria Street United, Church "WORSHIP iS MAN AT HiS BEST" 10 a.m_ Graded Church School. Adult Class, 11 a.m. Family Worship and Junior Congregation. "A BtBLE READING A PAY KEEPS T'HE DEViL AWAY." 1.30 p.m. Benmiller 'Unified School- and Church. 3 p.m. Union Church follows Sunday School. REV. STANLEY MOOTE; B.A., B.D. Organist -leader, MRS. J. A. SNIDER. GODERICH BAPTIST CHURCH fi 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL -All Ages. 11 a.m- "SOLEMN PERPLEXITY." 7 p.m. "LIKE CAIN OR ABEL?,; E. Von-KE1TZ, Minister. .W. i3ETTG1=R; trgehist. FREE METHODIST CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 9.50 a.m. Family Sunday School, 11.00 a.m. SERIES ON "THE LARD'S PRAYER." No. 7. "Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, Forever." ., 7 p.m. "THE TRUE VINE, AND HIS LIVING BRANCHES." Wednesday, 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study. REV. E. A. COOPER, Pastor -=-JA' 4-9306. Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 10 a,m. Sunday School, Classes for all ages. 11 a.m. "STOLEN AFFECTION", DEDICATION OF BABIES. 7.30 p.m. "HOW CAN YE ESCAPE THE DAMNATION OF HELL?'? Tues., Nov. -8, 8 lf,m. Miss Jean Ayling from London, E`ng. will show slides of Hong Kong and Formosa, REV. H. C. CRACKNELL, Pastor -- Phone JA 4-8506. THE SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 Special Speakers: Brig. and Mrs. 5, Jackson, of London. 11 a.m. ,WORSHIP SERVICE, 3 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Tuesday, 8.,p.m. Pre',.er and Bible Study.' "The Book of `Exodut. , CAPTAIN• AND MRS. R. PETERSEN VISITORS WELCOME ,J