HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-10-27, Page 1212 me Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, October 27th, 1960 We Have A Complete Range of Cot C.oMsre 'for your Selection The SUBURBAN COAT that's going places! Other Car Coats Priced From $16.98 to '$39.50 IRVINGPOSHINS .A fashionable, new 36".length .. , long enough to give maximum warmth, yet short enough to allow freedom for driving and other activities. Luxuriously styled in SUEOELLA with diagonal . pockets, stand-up collar, side slits and quilted iiniag, Bronze, green, chamois, black, - rust and brown for sizes_, 8 to 20. $29 5 0 Ladies' Wear Limited G. D.C.I. NEWS (By Nancy Hughes) :? Wlkzd,. xdtrr, sf,ow, hail and sunshine of lasrti'"'filOr's�da�� :alteration, the' "Vikings'.'...were.. tiofeate.d,44- Gl at.on, However, they cannot 'say- that they 'weren't cheered on by the stud- ents. 1 ram sure that the spec- tators found it much colder than the team did. Perhaps one Could slay that a little irony pre- vailed throughout the game, be- cause through the wind, rain, snow and. hail of the plays, the team had their moments of sun - 0 collegiate will be closed so' that the stat may attend the Teach- ors' Annual Educational Con- ferenceDungannon W.A. Annual in Listowel. For the past two weeks, writ- ten tests in every subject •have been held for the students of all 'forms. Early nett week, re- ports will be sent out to the parents of all those whose ,,�a�ls �et,°�` �3t.t'��' • a passing standard. Parent -teacher inter - r hew will ,the, k'be arranged for who parents t'henif • . Our . assearbliy on Wednesday will mark, United Nations week, and,; on Saturday, Miss Partel -will accompany �fQur of our cheerleaders to a rally in Wind- sor. , • On Friday night, the Girl's Athletic .Association .is sponsor- ing a Sadie Hawkins' Hallowe'en shine. dance. This, they hope, will be ,,, Orr. Thursday of this week, the the highlight of the week. PLAY SAFE COLD WEATHER AHEAD B1G FALL SELECTION PRICED TO SAVE YOU $ $ $ $ Here are a few examples - 1956 Chev 2 -Door 6-cyl.,- Radio, 2 tone D)iUNiGANNON, Oct. 26. -Mrs. ;Thursday evening guests of Hugh McWhinney •was hostessImary and Tununy Rivett. meeting lot the United t'. :aurch I • • Durnin, Kitchener, WA. with Mrs. Clifford' Crozier presiding. Mrs. K. K. Dawson led with the do•tional period. The annual meeting is being held .in Blyth, Wednesdayf this week. The !laminating cbttn-: mi,ttee are Mrs. R. Stothers, Mfs. Cecil -Valsv.,avid.d/tlxspilerth.cRoi, -nigan. The visiting committee for.. November and December are Mrs. Jack Alton and Mrs: Esther .Ri'Vett. Mrs. Kitchener Finnigan gave a talk on a trip to .the Miritimes this summer. Mrs. �Rayunond Finnigan read an article by Padre Young. The lunch committee, Mrs. C. Blake, Mrs. 'Geo. Ribey, Mrs. `Wilbur Town and Mrs. T. C. Anderson.,' erved lunch. 'Mr. . Jim Blake, Toronto, spent the 'Week -end at, home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Blake M•r. Randy Vander Mark, stud- ent of Theology, was in 'charge of the Erskine Presbyterian Church -service on Sunday. Mr..and Mrs. Ross Man were ather home pr the October r J C. spent. the week -end at home. Mr. Will Elliott, of New Lis - !cord, is visiting relatives in this district and in Goderich. Q Mrs. M. Shackleton stpent a .few days visltiiig lier" ssscl ,. Mrs. Clifford4 Webb and Mrs.. Mr. And Mrs. ,Lionel. I angevin. and children, of Barrie, :return - ad home after a .visit with her mother, Mrs. L. Stingel, Mr. and Mrd.. Anderson Mug - ,ford, London, returned Mon.duy after spending a week -with her mother, Mrs. Abner Morris. Visitors on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Freeman and Donalda, of Clinton. Erskine, Thankoffering - The W.M.S. of Er,skine..Presbyterian Church held their Thankoll;er- ing meeting on October 20th. Mrs. Robt. McAllister presided. Miss Iva Carr took ;the devotion- al. Mrs. Art Stewart took the Glad Tidings pirayer. Mrs. Alvin Leatherland, Auburn, gave a reading on two Autumn poems. Mrs. Frank Young, . Dungannon W.M.S., gave a reading. Mrs. Wesley Bradnock, Auburn, was guest speaker' and gave a varied • and interesting address on NILE, Oct. 24. -Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sproul spent the week- end with relatives tat Capae and Gagetown, Michigan. Mr.. and Mrs. John Wilson and Stephen, of -Toronto, •were .veLk-end visitors.: with Mrs. Esther Rivett, Ross and Bi11. Whitewalls, Wheel Mr. and Mrs. -Earl McNee and Eva Dale, bf Belmore, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnston, of Clinton, were Sunday visitors with the Graham McNee family. Many attended services at Nileon Sun"tl ' Siren Rev, Mr. Brown, of Brussels, was guest speaker and gave inspiring mes- sages- both morning and even - NILE Covers, Washers 1957 Zeyr4-6cyl., Ra o,1 oer DOQLe SPOTLESS 1953 Meteor 4 -Door 1958 Volkswagen 1952 Prefect 1956 Meteor 4 -Door 1953 Chev Pick-up Radio, White Walls, Customline, Very Clean. Radio, Low Mileage, Save Many $$$$$$ Clean Inside, Good Body. Very Good Mechanically. Beautiful Red and "'White, 8 -cylinder, " White Walls. Cleanest Pickup in Tow_n. See this one for sure. MANY MORE Goderich Motors Lt SOUTH STREET . DROP INT�MORR � JA. 4-7308 and Get 'Your '60 - 461 Mernbership... •, • Opens Its Reserved Seat Plan -Friday, October. 28 at 124 The'Square (Formerly-Jayleeh's) Office Open �- 10•A.M. to 6 P.M. ` =� C; MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN ENDS NOVEMBER 9, The $3:50 Season Membership gives you a Reserved Seat for each of the three Broadway Hits ! Student Season Membership x$2.00. NOTE: POS- ITIVELY NO SINGLE ADMISSIONS WILIi BE SOLD. SALE ENDS WHEN 750 SEASON MEMBERSHIPS HAVE BEEN - SOLD. Don't Delay - Get Your, Membership Today' ! FIRST PRODUCTION NOVEMBER 9 10 - 11 Professional Guest Director KEN BASKETTE "Life---1/Vit' athern i t•--just;--a-hi lot y funny-sho:t_'s T H' E out- standing Comedy of our tithe. 8 years on Broadway. 'A record breaking run of 3,213 Performances! LIFE WITH FATHER FEBRUARY PR,ODUCTiON A Sensational Hit in Chicago and New York "CRY HAVOC" will be the God- erich Little,„Theatre entry in the West- ern Ontario - Drama Festival. "CRY HAVOC" - "CRY HAVOC" has been hailed as a feifa1e --"Journey's . End ". This drama will feature an ALL STAR Goderich cast of 13 Girls --,No Men Exciting! Thrilling! Gripping! DIRECTED BY GAIL SULLY MAY PRODUCTION DIRECTED BY ELLEN NELSON "THE HEIRESS" needed love so desperately .. . . she • didn't dare believe he ` was a fortune hunter I, Over 400 performances on Broadway ! You'll thrill to- this truly great love story. - desire i� Your $3,50-Seation Membership gives you a Reserved seat for each of the three Broadway nits. All productions will be staged in Mackay Hall. BUY YOUR MEMBERSHIP NOW and RESERVE YOUR FAVORITE SEAT. ° _ .1 ElSERVATION PLAN" OPEN'S ;TOMORROW " AT 10 A.M. EN 0 GOD LITTLE THEATRE Telephone JA 4-8130 mum 'ICE OPEN 10 a.m. to 6 p.ii. Moiat4ay thrn Saturday M mber ih%p °Campaign OMD® . 124 The *pare (Formerly ,iayleen's) BR*ADW'A'Q' E1tS1 EZOITING LIVE THEATRE!. ing. Special .music was greatly enjoyed. The 'weather affected the •crAd on Sunday ening. The church was beautif r, dec- orated with baskets of flowers, one being in memory of Clar- ence Dustow, placed by his fam- ily. Miss Helen Rutledge, of Tor- onto, spent the week -end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McNee and !family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sproul and family, of Auburn. Recent visitors with their mother, Mrs. Cliff Brindley, was Miss - June Brindley and,. Mrs. Reg ' Anderson and little son, of Goderich: The W.A. met. iia 'the church on Tuesday afternoon with 14 ladies - and three children pre- charge w..._.... and.' opened the meeting wiirn a poem. - Scripture was read by Mrs. D. McDi.armid and topic and prayer by Mrs. D. McNeil The sum of $200.00 was voted to the Board of Stew- ards and $25.00 tothe Sunday School. Mn ,Mrs. D. McDiarmid, Mrs. Reg. Ryan and Mrs. D. McNeil are• in charge , of the bake table in the basement -of the cha,trch an Saturday and Mrs. ,Robt. Bogie and •Mrs. G. McNee,'assisted 'by members of the Y:P:U. are in •e!iarge of the booth. This is in =connec- tion with the auction sale to ld ale. rr lr he Pr/ Saturday......-MrsF-G ,Anne son, Mrs. R. MeNee and Mrs. keg Ryan are the nominating- com-mittee for. 1961.. A dainty lunch was served by •Mrs.- McNee and Mrs. 'Orland •Berle. PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILL, Oct. 24.- The 4.-The W.A. of =Grace Church met at the home of Mrs. ,Bruinsana when the presiderirt,^Mrs. Sower - by, opened the' meeting. Mrs. Wilmer Harrison read the topic. The roll call twas answered by the exchange of a jarof pickles. The secretary's and ttreasure•r's reports were read and adopted. Talent articles amounted to $3115. Holiday Bell money was handed- in. .The hostess serve a lunch. - Sympathy of the community goes otut to the family and fri,endis of Todi East who passed away suddenly ,last week. Ruth Mathers was hostess 'for the ,Sunday School executive mee ing `lt�td"onraMie ing.' Rev. Mr. Smith, 'led the devotions, ,and the, superintend- ent had charge of -the' business session. Plans were, made for the Christmasconcert to be held early in December. The Senior Class will be in charge orf `the decorations, platform and tree. The teachers . are to 'be responsible fpr the program. The Whit;.rGbifft service' will be held an Deciliter 4 and the gifts will be given to the Salva- tion .tlrmy. A pot luck supper was enjoyed. , HALLOWEE+ .-CALLS TO HELP CAU S£.OF UNICEF This-'li.allOwe'en, Goderich Girl Gilides 4nd Brownies plan to do a "good turn" to'help nilliQns of children around the world who lack food, clothing, theater and medical Dare. What these unfortunate children do get is provide i>itr MOW, the United Nations Organization. •Goderich Guides and Brown- ies will wear (;he fantiliar orange and black NIIC ' !lag when they tall onr Goderich homes Monday evensing far a "shedil- bu,t" , of coins: or dollars to help the needy ""children through UN1lOEF. Thy will' also earryy mink cartons "provided by Garri- iner's Dairy. ALUMNI REUNION The .annur$i....,awtuinn reunion of The Al rnel Associction of Stratford Teachers' College is to be held at Stratford on Novem- ber 5. Guest speaker is to be Di. W. P. ,Pe eivSI, Deputy Min- ister of Education for the Pro- vince of Qum. Thanksgiving. Mrs. Jas. Nelson, Hackett's, favored with a hum - units reading and Mrs. Ben Mole, Dungannon, with two Autumn Thanksgiving poems. Mrs. T. Henry tendered a vote of thanks to all and invited everyone to' the basement for tea after which a member of each society thanked the Iadies for their hospitality. Mr. and Mrs. Mason McAllis- ter enjoyed a motor trip to visit their son, Mr. Ken McAI- lister anrl419,&"41:cAllister for a week. ADVERTISERS. PLEASE NOTE AD DEADLINE!' In order to guarantee inser- tion of display advertising in The Signal -Star in any par- ticular week, it is necessary to have advertising copy into The Signal -Star office no later than S p.m. Monday of that ::.w ,•Alt gftt',ttime ',the - man - per of pages to be run that <. mo o' is deter/Oder!. ,,,th:.unw expec$ed display aditertising is brought in after 5 p.m., on Monday, it creates a definite problem to our mechanical staff and unnecessary *disap- pointment to' the advertisers. It is apparent that some ad- vertisers do not understand the importance of .having ad- vertising copy in no later ,than 5 p.m. Monday: 'In order to serve their needs, which we are most anxious to do, it is essential that the 5 p.m. Monday deadline be carefully noted. It is only the small classified ads which can be handled up to noon.on Wed- nesday of the weekeof public- ation. The Signal -Star would sincerely appreciate the- co- operation of advertisers re- garding the aforementioned. ui Teen -Twenty DANCE Friday Night Music by: "The Rockets" Admission.. 75c B_LUEWA'TER LOUNGE Bayard -W. Goderich 4 Toothsome Suggestions from Our, Bakers MINCE or . PUMPKIN PIES EACH .50c PUMPKIN SPICE CAKE Each - 40c - MICE PIE • Ja Drop in now and Chose 'from our HOMEMADE CANDIES Maple and Chocolate Fudge -- Peanut Glace - Peanut �_ Brittle Aint rnd=-Cru it Almond-noel-:,.Peanu#. Chis,..-., ters - Several Varieties of Nut Chocolate - Hard Candy Horehound 'LI Humbugs - Butterscotch. - CULBERT'S BAKERY, West St. Open All Day Wednesday and Friday lights ` Telephone JA 4-794 the all-new ]\.MLPICAN — is tops in ;yt1L>+ Bere• is a neW highly ef,fle ent, heating unit designed to give\ maximum heating value for ,your fuel dollar. The Arcoleader lunit is complete with controls,; 1 water circulator and oil burner ready to be coupled to your existing system conveniently. 1 Finished in attractive grey ham- merloid. Come in and let us .'shovi you how an Arcojeader can save you money. SERVICE ELECTRIC • Plumbing -Wiring -Heating Victoria and Newgate Sts. JA 4-8581 AMMINNIZZIOWNINDI 4 ,s. NOTICE is hereby given to all residents of 'God erich that Daylight Saving Time officially ends in Goderich on October 29th and hereby. call on all citizens to revert to STANDARD TIME At 2 A.M. on S4-bd 3i 4' E. C. FISHER, .Mayor Town of Goderich -42 Lowe -en_ NONE OF THESE LOW MILEAGE BEAUTIES NEED A FALSE FACE 60 FORS') "FAIRLAl 'E .500" Coach. Automatic trans., V8 motor," Custom .radio, plastic seat covers, 13,000 actual miles. Beauti' fill cinnamon, bronze finish,..,. Save $1,000.00 off new.: price 6 months ago. - 58 DODGE • "ROYAL LANCER" 2 dr. H. T.. Full power equipment, low mileage; like new and can be bought for less than half its original price..... _ 58 DODGE. "REGENT V8" 4 dr. sed., 22,000 miles, automatic trans.. Sold new by us. A very sharp car at special low price. 55 1t,AMBLER "AMERICAN" 4 dr. sed. 1 owner, Al condition; come in and drive this King of the Compacts. 53 FORD "-CUSTOMLINE" 4 dr. sed.. Radio, priced 'for quick sale. SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL• 57 FORD "CUSTOMLINE 300" 4 dr. sed - With economy 6 cyl - or, custom radio, low mileage. This car itively like- new in every way. - - 53 DODGE "CRUSADER" 4 dr. sedan: - 57 ZODIAC "SPECIAL" . 6 cyl. sed., custom radio, come in and drive- this sharp little compact today and. --you will be amazed 2-56 PLYMOUTH `'SAVOY" 4 dr. sed's. 1 with automatic transmission. 1 owner cars in sharp condition and priced to sell. 2-56 DODGE ' `REGENt." SIX 4 dr. sed's. Both are one ; oWner cars and in lovely original paint, see these style leaders today. 55 PLYMOUTH - 2 door suburban, new paint, Al condition. 55,DODGE - 2 dr. Suburban. Custom radio, motor excellent shape. eg. irlc DODGE and body . in 53 DODGE' `REGENT" 4 de. sedan. 53 PLYMOUTH "CRANBROOK'" 4 dr. sedan. T 53 PONTIAC 4 dr. sedan. ' 52 CHEVROLET "DELUXE" 4 dr. sedan. - MANY, MANY, OTHERS. • THESE CARS ARE ALL PRICED FOR QUICK SALE, DROP,IN AND TALK DEAL TODAY., Examples: 1953 MODELS FROM AS - LOW AS $195.00. 1956 MODELS FROM AS LOW AS • $895.00. ee Sons Ltd. CHRYSLER -VALIANT GARAGE -- SHOWROOM o • 37 Hamilton St. Dial JA 4-7801 USED CAR LOT 42 Newgate St. - Dial JA 4-8391