HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-10-27, Page 9c:u FOR A. - GREENER THUMB By G. MacLeod Ross WatchingBird Watchers , Lt; has been rioted that.:the :bfr tiva' >; hers � e o have watch- ed all there is , to be 'watched to watch other watchers. Stud- ies have now been made of their habits, particularly those who ,letend to build . (backless huts. These "hides" of theirs, though vulnerable from behind, seem to be used to protect the watcher from the object watched. The groups, it is found, may be familiar in origin, for the Chief Watcher, or :header, usually identified by possession of the -largest fiend gasses, (Sears, no 'Quist) but also curiously, by sv,.. , rt. 1 eg ^, I i cam=e ., gal, 'I,s::-sr<zrxr times joined by Imrnatur•es, guided no doubt, by sonde un- explained Sense. of migration, The motive seems to -be a de- sire for food, which often con- sists of bananas or some 'gl'utin- ous material, very similar to otic sandwiches. These are often wrapped in a substance resembl- ing cellophane. After the meal this curious wrappi},g, 'together with the skin of the banana, is thrust under a bush in the primitive Ebb ROSS SAYS— Men buy, Life Insurance not be- cause they are going to die but because their families are going to live. Life Insurance is money bought on instalments for future delivery. Let's talk it over. ' EBB M. ROSS, Representative, Goderich, Ont. Ask about our complete range of Group benefits. _ Site /882 HEAD OEF/CE • WATERI 00, ONTARIO instinct or belief; no doubt, that perienced any, and before you new bananas or sandwiches will undertake any of the above pro - spring •from the seed or bulb tective measures, make sure you thus planted. In order to place have removed all alee^ted leaves all this watching of watchers on and have picked up any which a more mathematical basis the have fallen. Some people advo- well known watcher and writer cate removing the top iri eso:f ,on what has come to be know& soil around a black spotted bush as Sehwentlelian genetic s, to ensure all thesfatle'n leaves Stephen,:.d'otter, has evolved a are removed. If you Wish to lbw. This law states that if a Make doubly su��e, sterilize the tmedium keen watcher is elated. round around tale bush using math .a n sink -eels votsk y -. s' L S a --av lana f f' n , . 105 o offspring of the two heteroenzyr. ,Ryes Fluid to one gallon of Ines is invariably two unk'Getls _ tyly';attee. Whilst on the su 'e• YFta N � .'FJ' , ce. �� •i'rict�' M 4 -Las. �.i) r- ir�es :. ,; DePar very keen indeed. {lent =.. Agriculture, Parliament To express:the .the law " more Bldgs„ Toronto, has issued a simply. for easy, memorization; revision 'of"Pamphlelt 325: Hints U x MK equals %U f- 3 MK + un Rose Growing.' It is written 1 VKI. , Watchers watching 1yy J. • C. Taylor of O.A.C., watchers in, 'Wren ..County, -or Guelph, and contains matter he even in Goderich for that mat- uses in his4alks. A copy can be ter, are asked to report any obtained from the above ad- divergeiices from 'the mean of dress. this formula which they may Plant ` Purchase observe in, the coarse of their ,Bulbs ordered from Cruick- watching. Perhaps it should be made clear frons the o:utset that the observations of' clock watch- ers are not required at this time. Watch watchers only; please. Perhaps too, we had better !hank the twatched watcher whose watch has been watched by more watchers than that of any other watcher, by name Stephen Potter himself, for this formula which heralds a definite break through the hide of a most abstruse and little known phenomenon which is even now sweeping across Huron County. Protecting Roses No roses should be pruned in the fall. It is a good idea to tie a cord ,around each H.T. bush and draw the canes gently to- gether. After this you can drop a bottomless carton over the bush more easily,' Next fill the carton with soil taken from an- other part of the garden. The Vast seetued. to be much 'het -ter from the point of view of black cit.--Retwevers �r. v or r SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE S TO INCLUDE A NEW -APPLIANCE SERVICE v Superior Maintenance Service, with 13 branches in _Western -Ontario in the Cleaning Business, is now expanding its Goderich, Branch to , inclrtde„ repairs to all makes and types of Electrical Appliances. This Appliance Service. -Dep- artment will... be owned. and operated by Gerry Amoroso, former owner and Service Manager of Valley Appliances Ltd., Creston, B.C. Complete Service Will be Given to the Following Items • REFRIGERATION Domestic,— C,ommercial • LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Conventional — Automatic • FURNACES Gas — Oil • ELECTRIC MOTORS' -A11 Sizes • RANGES-- - ' HOUSEHOLD PPLIA ICES -- _____ Electric Gas Small and Large 0 shank were received on October 15ith and have been distributed to .menvbers concerned. And, tell it not in Gath, but the bulbs ordered for Harbor Hill rockery 'have also arrived. So far the response to the calf for volunteers to help plant them has been miniscule. There are 17010 to instal. The ,Thuinmib had put in about 500 crou,in about six hours when rain stopped play. 'Preibably longefore this is in print the whole side of Ilarbor Hill will be black with willing helpers. His slight ac- quain'tanceship with the hill has impressed the Thumb with the enormity of the work of the Founding Fathers and Lsuppose Mothers too, who, in the earliest days of the Society enTheedded IYt those reeks in the unsuspect- ing hard underbelly ,of the hill. The decision as to. whether it will be , necessat i to resort . to dynamite or c'c:r.prr tion B to let the bulbs imbedded has still to be NEW DEPUTY There's a new Deputy Chief in town, reports Police, Chief Minshal1. •It's a- bl?ack 'Persian cast which has wandered into the police station ,and 'madd its;df rig) t , at home'. It climbs up into the Police Chief's chair and insists on staying right there until heaved out of it. CaII or Phone - For Prompt Courteous Service - 216 East St. - JA -4.8434 41=42 • G. If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now and then everybody gets a "tined -out" feeling, and maebe bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodd'a Kidney Pills. Dodds help .stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which'ruay often cau, a hark. ache and tired feeling. Then you feel better, rest better, work better. Get Dodds Kidney Pills now: Look for the blue box with the red band at all drug counters. You can depend on Dodds. se "PAY TO THE It took only moments to write Jill's cheque from home; it Nvill take hili only Moments to turn it into cash ht his local batik. Jim's cheque is only one of 2,500,000 Handled every day by a clearing system operated by the chartered banks that reaches into every corner of the nation and runs around the, clock. This vast and efficient system _, which enables Canadians to transfer money simply and conleni- ently from person to person, place to place, is one of many ways in which the chartered banks keep pace with the needs of a growing, expanding Canada. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMIMIUNITY 7 1- r ro (WITH BILL SMILEY) Bye -the time you read this th Canadian landscape may be. a bleak as the inside of a publi lavatory, but I can't resist paean to the finest autumn 1 memory. The other day ,1 wa out for a Last, long draught o that most heady of brews— perfeclOctober day . in th country -and, as usual, I gre quite tipsy on 'it. . • Standing at the top of a hig hill, I could see for miles i every direction. The sight w enough to make a poet wee at the inadequacy of words, o a painter. curse the scanty rang of his palette. it„was. one o those blue and gold days, whe the world is still and waiting. e s c a n $ a e w 11 n as p r e n High, high, out of sight and sound, a couple of jet aircraft drew their careful chalk marks across the sky. Far beloyr was that eternal showoff, the Bay, bluer than ever a maiden's eyes, 'broken only by the islands, like so many bonfires in their crim- son and yellow flame. And back from the water rolled the bril- liant; tapestry of the -fall fo}iage; the green fields, and silver, _indin�,river� ,_ _,�_•_ I stood there with my child- ren, Even they were momentar- ily hushed by the magnificence of this Canadian—fall, day. r couldn't help wishing that life would always .be as sunny, as clean, and as -exciting for them as it was at this moment. Then I started to get hungry. A typical Canadian. On those rare occasions whish we 'are touched to the quick by life, beauty or truth, our gastric juices, temporarily quelled, start to bubble like a home- brew mash, and sky, forest and lake are dismissed with a "sure is a swell view)” * * And we hurry home, duck out of the golden afternoon into our caves, turn -on the idiot box, and sit there swilling ',beer, watching the football game, and drooling over the odors from the-ki"Ic�l"ien. ' * :k r The Japanese, theytell me, can sit for a whole day and con- template the beauty of a willow leaf, or a tiny• pool. You can belabor the average Canadian with the most riotous colors, the most extravagant vistas in 'the world, and within seven - min- etes he's wondering what's for dinner. * •x. �. . Mind you, I believe -the Can- adian has a deep, if mute affec- tion for his native land. But he :,hould be reminded at intervals o'f how lucky he is to live in this country of freedom of b_ulin,l -'3r(1 trf-ttq..ezcs:.eIt o -- liners. There is no person on ci.rth with so much to be thank- ful for as a Canadian, on a fine October day. Think of all the poor devils who don't live. in Canada in the fall. How would you like to be an Australian, for example? Dawn there it's spring right about now. No anticipation of cosy winter nights with the trees snapping and the furnace rumbling for him. No looking forward to those brisk, blood- curdling days of midwinter, for him. Nothing ahead for him but month after month of brilliant monotonous sunshine. It must he depressing to be an Austral- ian in October. * How about the Englishman in October? What he has to face 1' six solid months of days spent in the fog and drizzle, and nights spent in the Dog and Whistle. By spring, he is so wet, inside and out, that he'd never notice it if the entire. r.i,.nd sank quietly to the ocean floe'. * Maybe you think the folks in the Congo are abetter off in October than are Canadians. Not a hope.- You've jus¢ (earned how to pronounce the name of the new president, Kisamafuto, when he's replaced by a chap called Mongoloidijit. �: :r• * Perhaiis you'd rather spend ')ctober in Cuba, where, Tarzan he Apeman was recently de- lounced as a loci if imperialist nterests. Or in the States, nrhere the voters have to face hot grim decision whether Pat Jacquie should go to the .White house. No sir, for food and friends, 'nd all God sends, there's no 'lace On earth that's quite as ine as this Canada of ours, in )ctober. And I'll stick to' that, given thou4h my daughter pick - 'd for her leaf collection the ither day some brilliant sumach leaves that turned out to be poison ivy. CREWE CREWE, Oct. h8.-- to present- ation was held in Crewe School •'ecently for Mr, and Mrs. Doug- las Reid, when the friends pre- sented them with an electric coffee percolator and a purse of money. Mrs. C. Chamney, of Belgrave, and Mrs. G. 1VMeLaughlin, of De- troit, visited on Saturday at the Raymond Finnigan home. Mr. P. M. Finnigan, of Tor- onto, visited his brother, Ray - !mond, and atit iid'ed' the funeral of, their unclejt Mr. Richard Fin- nigan, of Goderich. WEDDING GORDON — WHYARD The marriage ceremony was performed at London by Capt. Fred Goobie, . of the Rectory Street Salvation Army, of Del- ores Arlene Whyard to George Charles Gordon, of Thorndale. The bride is the second .oldest :daughte aisf „Mx ,,w)44 24 :41b rl, Whyard, or London, formerly of Sealforth- and Dungannon. he . urrd rs. George. Gordon,,, gf Landon. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a lace strap- less dress over satin; also a 'lace fingertip jacket to match with a crOwn of pearls with a fingertip veil. She carried a white Bible crested with red carnations. She also carried a lace handker- chief which her grandmother, Mrs. Nat. Whyard, carried on her wedding day 52 years ago. `Her sister, Betty Whyard, as maid of honor, wore a powder blue nylon over satin dress. Her cousin, Judy Sylvester, and girl friend, Darla Vennor, as brides- maids and her cousins, .Janie Sylvester and Brenda Kneeshaw, as flower girls, were dressed in pink nylon over satin. Her brother, James, was ring - bearer; Edward Johnston, Lon- don, cousin of the groom, ..was best man. -The ushers were • LONDON PAIR REMANDED I The Goderich Signal -Star � IN MAGISTRATE'S COURT (was fined $60 and costs. or 14 da'ys jail and. h�,is driver's Two London men appeared in i 1 i c e silt c eluspendc'd for six Magistrate's court here last Fri- months when he pleaded guilty day charged with unlawfully ob- to driving a motor vehicle care Lansing valuable securities at lessly in Goderich in October. Crediton daring the month oil John Askes, NorVal, was .fined July. They are Beverly Albbott $10 and costs, or two days, for and William Kelly. Both were having no holding brake$ when remanded and baii elected trial he had his vebieIe ,.checked _ apt. by'' tu'Y i Ba +fi> 1d 7 tit I t7 et;ol�Ser. . Arthur Showers, 17, 01 Owen A charge against Leonard firm .deliniite• .an,dfo,441A » s ip'"r%CFr#7L4Yli4 :.susnd,-was sentenced to eight Kerr R:R.3xjdericit n lr -R indefinite in the reformatory pended, 'was dismissed. when he pleaded guilty to fail- ing to report to the 'probation Hit's true that a fool and officer in Grey County, as 'anth ,his money are soon parted— when directed. He was on pro- then tell us how they got to - bat on for two years for his part in the theft of a TV sept• gether in. the first} place? from the ,home of Russell John- _- -------'�--- ston in Ashfield Township. George Dawson; of Goderich, Lloyd Henshaw and Ernest Kneeshaw, cousins of the bride and groom. The couple will reside in London. r You Can Benefit FINANCIALLY IN CANADA'S FUTURE GROWTH BY INVESTING IN Mutual Funds Phone J. Allaire, district manager, at JA, 4-7671. KING MERRITT CO. LTD. , CANADA One call brings you Me wonderful world of warmth FOR DETAILS ON SSO 011 FURNACES OR BURNERS COMPLETE SERVICING. OF LAWNS, GARDENS AND SHRUBS GOOD TOP SOIL SOLD. Also Sod Cutting and Laying; Power Rolling for Lawns. * 41111111111111 IVAN'S NURSERY Top of Dunlop Hill Phone JA 4-7171. 8tf ticluilimnevSenke, CLEANING and REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES ,143. KEAYS ST. DIAL JA 4-7298 -a4xTF FOR GENERAL INSURANCE See KEN CROFT =FIRE —AUTO — LIABILITY— CASUALTY—Phone JA4-7253 • 2.3TF MORKE'S Landscaping and FLOWER SHOP Formerly Goderich Flowers W -hen it comes to Renovating a Garden — new- or old — Bulb Planting —"Tree Pruning or any garden care planned for this Fall -31-4IT- WILL -APPRECIATE -- Our Experience and Expert Advice. in GODERICH For Wedding .Bouquets,- Sick Room Flowers - or Funeral Arrangements DIAL JA 4-7° 99 Bruce St., near Swimming Pool Goderich -34tf l Elsewhere call your nearest Imperial Oil Sales office ed for Modern, Living • Low Down Payment Easy Monthly Terms • 5 Years to -Pay • Guaranteed by Imperial Oil Thursday, Oict. With, 1060 BUSINESS LI.RECTGILY Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC ACf OuyN,�yyTANT P.O. ,: 47$ '•.'.,f r•".7':a Phone JA 1 9S2 GODERICH ... R.W. BELL " OPTOMETRIST F. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist The Square JA 4-7661 Albert Shore, . Sr. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT OFFICE ' RESIDENCE 38 HAMILTON ST. 89 VICTORIA ST. GODERICH GODrr1ICH PHONt; PHONn, JA 4.9452 JA 477686, A. M. Harper & Co. Chartered Accountants Office Hous• JA 4-7562 JA 4.7642. 33 Hamilton St. Goderich • AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and body repairs,, glass, steering and wheel bat lance. Undaspray for rust prevention. :•1aiMiD.S.0.N•!-S T- -exaco=Servie Nd. 8 H'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 William E. Andrews Y Architect Sarnia Goderich KI. 2-5361 JA "4-9652 38-4'2 Stiles Ambulance Roomy Comfortable Anywhere -- Anytime PHONE JA 44142 = 77 .Montreal St., Goderi,eh ;�v,=r Butler, Dooley & Clarke Chartered Accountants P.O. BOX 248 PHONE 8253 39 West Street Goderich 'George Turton INSURANCE Co-operators Insurance A Complete Line of Casualty And Life "Insurance. Prompt; Efficient Claims Ser- vice by Goderich Adjuster of CIA. 351—F44:trRead--- -- =Phone-~W74n -- 4 W. MacDONALD ELECTRIC CO., LTD.. Phone SA -7851 L.EGUE qnd drive at ease! Prompt RoaTd" Service, Personalized Travel Material Valuable Personal Accident and Bail Bond Protection are just a few of the Membership Privileges. Join the world's largest family of protected motorists todayl— Over 7 million members belong to OML-CAA-AAAI GEO. JENNER P.O. BOX 39 ' GODERICH INSURANCE; FIRE and AUTO' ' REAL ESTATE W. J. HUGHES 50 ELGIN AVE. E. Phone JA 4-8526. SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES Commercial, Industria(' and Residential Janitor Work FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates . Phone JA 4-8892 or. JA 4-7427 C•HAPMAN. • GENERAL INSURANCE" AND REAL ESTATE Bank of Commerce Bldg. Goderich. Phone JA ' 4.9662 A. J. Alexander, Res. - JA 4-7836. ,, C. F. Chapman, es. JA 4-7915. 'T'%:•• ••• \ }d r rf'4, f.;n{::r.}r:{{}::it?i ?'s'YF:: ?.•4: i, CANADA SAYINGS BONDS Taw{ yeas Hour, bq wstalmenfs or for cash, at ay 6ro4/4. of flelzogor • THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA r SO4r. n ;