The Exeter Times, 1891-4-9, Page 3DE. W. II. GRAHAM AN BLEFIViNT FUTIN GEYLON 198 Kingtreet West, Toronto, Ont., By•um-BABox eBALT..n.cen. xt attest be 10 or 11 o'clock. We have cra-velea ten or twelve miles. I can't go ea much longer. Heat Why, erspiratiort TBEATS CHRONIC DISEASES -and gives Special Attention to SKIN DISBASES, as Pimples, Meer*, eta, PRIVATE DISEASES -and Mealtime of a Prieate Nature, as Iropotenet, Sterility, Varioocele, Nervous De- bility. etc., (the result of youthful folly and excess,) Gloat seed Stricture of long standby, DISEASES OF WOMEN -Painful, Profuse or Sup :‘•to. pressed idensMiation. Uleeratiou, Leacorrlema, aud, 0180611011VS-9 SAO, tO 8 non* Displacemeuts a the Womb. Suneseral o on to a,rem. OW, was pouring out of US; our clothes were 'syringes% wet. The only thing that. lid not look as if it was dying was the old oboe) in front of us. He bad not turned 0, heir, and his tracking now WAS wonderful, u4deed. Not it sign of track or broken branch orany- thing could I see ; but on he went, 'slowly, -because locomotion had to be slow in such stuff -but -with rooetwonderfed certainty, as though he stew the elephant, ahead of him. So we went. on And 00, from bad to worse, Exeter Butetter Shop TTptaito9Euo for another tlY0 'hours ores), then ise.sudden- R.DAVIS, Butcher 84, General Dolor 41(14 noses esteem resupplied. TIYESDAYS, THOR'S OS AN it sA.Tomas at thei maiden ORDERS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RR OMB PPORIPT ATTENTION. MO conkr4 411,0 N-EWline ofvf onithy and bonottady, by thosA of •nbcr (I• young 4,": They TO ICCIVUOttitti. ZttrOCSIOICY liNv. Any olio coo do Oda I% 1441 W. AKOWA VICO ttlbtri WO IMMO ..0.111. o Whit. You o it dolitl, YOUr OPUO ,APWk .‘40.0 IDyoor ntuo to Out work:. tido ht 10 tiAlltolytknwhildlod, 1 1;ng1w0ntlettld OlICOOOR llotOliftr notkon Pa:onto OTO 10. :Ong froto O*3 to 00 rot work Poi OPwatall, igoct 4,1oco once* Ulla coroilenco. We call toroblt oo the enp, Woroicac owl twaty041'11E14 nosro le e41101t1 bolo• ruts esessestass rases. stett ssze 4r,s Od),, Attittad, 31.tt3tP, ei Ftl'S.Ots CU Ft-E'VOR ce te .(.11 c ars, SU M P 1-0 THE BEST COUSH MEDIOME. COLDITDROGGIATS EVEB71711E373. eq. ”CHRbOttuyeorIolrolox tondo bY JohnE., utiwiti;1 loy.N.Y"nt Work for Oa. Ileadar. yOti otp7 011 m0I40 91 f0004, bid u rim froth roll qui 0417 bow 11 (10(10 ltt ot tN10 fie • day at tho klaIsk lk%tt ADM Of Yeti gO Roth acme*, oll ITe. /a ATW rari 41141aCiti5CiO COVI Cilitlitnitt Pig 1011 your itano TOVAIM IllOcnvnel, only to the waoh. All /a Ern. tinotIct.bt ft.a 4,try tterktr. 110 matt ;10tit ua:row:log 1,11,XNI'Llatibl lotottt, , Adlocia tit oure, INiON11 W., 11110:14, )141A14 Cures Berne. Cuts. Piles in tbrir worst form Swellings, Erysipelas, Inflammaikin, Frost BiteteGbapned Bends and all nkm Ihseases. MOTS PMN EXTERMINATOR Imanttge, Sciatlesi Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Tothaeho, Pains its everyform. By all dealers. Wholesale by F. leDally & CO, thlat'itig Flo ° 340,11.,40,1cAN t AGENGWor A pamphlet of Information and ab. street of the lawsobewing How to Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade Darks, Copyrights, aent free. Addles MUNN & CO. 361 Broadview. , New MORO'S SPECIFIC COFIADE MARK REGISTERED ) o. Solo Proprietor, R. SCH01,1634), Senorietd's Drug Store, Brat $T„ Tedunixo. The only Remedy which will Per- reartentlyeure Gonorrhcea, Gloet, a nd allprivate diseases, no matterhowlong standing. Was long aud successfully ire& in French and English liespitils. Two bottles guaranteed t.t. at; -c tI4 Prim.... worst case. Every PCI? bottle. bottle ha s aged,/ jvceni y s nature on . the le, bel. None i• o t li, e r genuine. Those who have tried o- ther remedies without avail will not be disap- pointed in this, :VIontion this pap° . The situation, in the coke regions con tissues grave. Considerable destruction was caused by a naval combat at Valparaiso. Suburbs of Ottawa lying along the Rideau are in danger of a serious geed. Charles Crawford, a native of Ireland, died, at Philadelphia at the age of 106. C. P. Huntingroa heel purchased the .Ash - lend, Cincinnati 0t Indianapolis Railroad. Mr. R. If. llock, the well-known Ottawa, 'Valley lumberman, died at. Aylmer, Que,, on Tues ayt eight. Archbishop Walsh a Dnislin expreeses satisfam ices with the results of his ensile/ace with the Pope, Beth Havemeyer end Claus Spreeltele elm the report that the letter had suede an agreement with the Sugar Trust. ,A. Berlin report. says that the action of the Italian Goverrsreent in recalling Barois Faxa irons Washington was caneed by the threats of the Mefie Society, examieletion mule by the New York Statti engineer mid surveyor shows that front I4 te 1800 the American eide of Niagara Palls has receded a mean dielauce of over 30 feet and the Horseshoe Falls over 4 feet. SENOLit,4 CI gAti'lt,"1•511'1,1 u"'a ut'Lli,Teraftatiathal to us, and we will send you by express, 0.0,1),, this elegant watch which you can examine, and If you do not end it all and even more than wo claim for it DO NOT TAKE IT, but if perfectly sat- isfactory, papt the Express Agent OUR SPECIAL CUT PRICE OF $5.35 and take the watch. such a chance to secure a reliable timepiece at such a ridicu. lously low price is ,,, seldom, if ever be - Y : fore, offered. Thio ,,a `e- 1, '‘,4 is a genuine coLp NATCH,rnade M....tt,r fr 0(.: COLD OVer composi- of 2 plates of SOLID 3 tion metal. It has solid 'bow, cap a.nd crown, hunting ease,beautifully en- \J4V graved and is dust - .4%V proof. The works are Waltham style, richly Jewelled, with expansion balance, Is regulated, and we warrantit an accurate time- keeper. It is suithblo for either a lady or sontieman. A guarantee is sent with each watch. Address GEO. W. WYATT & 00., Watchmakers, Peterborough, Ont. SEND US $1.00=1:errl enereerr, we will send you postpaid this elegant ELDORADO DIAMOND SOLID GOLD FILLED RING These rings are now worn by ladies and gentlemen in the best society, and have the same appottrance as a ring costing moo. We guarantee aperieet fit and satisfaction. Address Geo. W. Wyatt &CO. Jewellers Peterborough,Ord. : s Toronto •+•Rwr•npre, A Weil Known Lady Tel s Of Croat Benefit Derived From Hood's Sarsaparilla re, For Debility, Neuralgia and Catarrh I TOROtiTO, Dec. eft, 1890. "C. I. now & Co., Lowell, ;Mass. " GENTLE:UN ; For many years I have been suffering front catarrh, neuralgia and general debility. I failed to obtain any permanent relief front medical ad- vice, and my friends feared I would never find anything to cure me. A short time ago I was induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. At that time I was unable to walk even a short dis- tance without feeling a Death -Like Weakness overtake me. And I had intense pains from neuralgia, in my head, back and limbs, which were very exhausting But I am glad to say that soon afterI began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla I saw that it was doing me good. I have now taken three bottles and am entirely Cured of Neuralgia. I am gaining in strength rapidly, and can take a two-mile walk without feel- ing tired. I do not suffer nearly so much from catarrh, and find that as my strength increases the catarrh decreases. I ant indeed a changed woman, and shall always feel grateful to Hood's Sar- saparilla for what it has done for me. It is My Wish that this my testimonial shall be pub- lished in order that others sufferino as I was may learn how to be benefited': "Yours ever gratefully, "MRS. M. E. MERRICK, "36 Wilton Avenue, e‘ Toronto, Canada." This is Only One Of many thousands of people who gladly testify to the excellence of and benefit obtained from Hood's Sarsapa- rilla. If you suffer from any disease or affection caused by impure blood or low state of the system, you should cer- tainly take Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared only by C.1. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses- One Dollar ly stopped. I raa into " L Ve/liars, of course, dashed the nee into the same hole which he had almost jabbed right through "L." W-roeser ! here he comes, everything 3110 by this time. No one could see, and any felling in 1111 directions ! The noise of hie stoppage in front mese *tellision along the enurspet, the swaying of the trees, the crash - whole line. sug and then the awful thea, who can For hours Iliad been cerrying ten-pouod desershe them? "Well done, +Adman ; yon By Jove ! how lucky it was he had not done that in the fearful eta/ we hAd crept through earlier in the day. We couldnever have eseaped. "Is" slowly, with bus rifle clutched its his hand, creeps Meta by lam nearer to the rogue.' He gets, to within ten feet of him, the "rogue" stops swinging his leg to and fro and suddenly wheels round on "L." "L's" rifle is raised, bang! bang I There is a screaming trumpet, a swaying of trees in all direetious and the "rogue" was one. " Come ose," shouts "L." Off we dash, tearing our way thresugh the jungleand the Jungle tearing its way through us. The whole place is covered with blood, and there ORO be no doubt. that the elephant is badly wounded, "Look out" Bohosno-Uondi stops an beckons me, and I crept up to him, for 'tie my turn now. Oh, yes, there he is looking straight At me about twenty feet of. "Look out, he'a going to charge Wait until lee's quite elose ; Pli back you up," whispera rifle and I had realized the earnestness of life. I had made up my mind Oise, once througls with my first elephant, the rest were eafe. Never, no never, um, for the finest tusker, would I again go throsigh all the agony I had been enduring Milne 6 o'clock- Yes, my mind was fully simile up, this was my first and last elephant. I had thought of nothing. but this determination for bonne when tins amide* stoppage took place. " Whet is up? Is be there?" This was he expression on every face. All zuy keen- ness was back. I felt equal to anything. " a.nd Bolsomo.Housli holel a wInsper- ed confab, and I almost kill myselt in my efforts to hear witat it 15 all about. Not a word ean I meke exciterneut is intense. Quite too awful. Then the eld. mail disappears in the eadergrowth, ghcling away like il. etudes, without the elightest mined, of effort, the undergrowth (dosing be- hind him, leaving rot sign of him. Crawling up to "L," I whisper : " 'What " S-111, a ---h I" saye .Now, my whisper lead hardly been a. white nee. I had looked it more than anything and to be met with a scowl asul was fearfully irritatiug, " L" then went on to whieper eousething, but what unearth he said I eould not inake out, for just then my bet brushed against a tree deadening all other ampule. Having recovered thie shoelss I agaiu looked IVisat is itt" Thump came something into the emals of any back, and, glaring around, I see my faithful Velliate also looking " What is it, t" He, too, bad crept up, terror het/ depicted all loser hien. At this moment the ludicrousneee of the whole thing burst upon me. I could not help laseginnm Seizing my handkerchief I stuffed it into my mouth. Stop laughing could not. The arm ized expresmon on face was terrible. Thromug enyeelf on the svaod that charge hee a veteran. Yes, t here he was. had go t ray elephant., airs DANOBROITS zacnir. How Well, even now.. after all this flescrip- tion, I hardly know how it lied happened, A -._ u sug.4 Roes 3101re 114xeeutiou. ot 11* He had changed right on to me, and I had n laretCh Theo et the Nuzzle, dropped Ise» witls ray first shot, That was s.ink,V;V:iiistVoZioUW:WO‘ 'et sn'S,esesste.3.."ese'seteeteeeetehtleStNneees.. 'eteneteeeeeteass.- eee, • t to infants and Children. oesatortaissoweliadapteritoceildrersthat est* cures Calle. Constipates?, reconmeeditas superiortoany presmiption Sour Stomach, Diann/see, rauetatme. Nails worms, eve. Wen and Promoted di" lawn to me." If A- Aantiatt If 11 gesgoz, * 11180. 040 -rd_ gt.—st Without 44=0= Pielagaticalo Tag CENTAllit C0310"4", 77 Murray Street, T. quite certaise, for there he eves, Isis isuges, ' The new (teeniest gun which wart recently carcass only veven feet from where' steed. tested at Plozk, in the Province of Posen, It was moregood luck then atonal manage- does not promise to Ise mue of a mimesis. meet. Ilea the bullet not killed hire According to reports from Germany 'several steneously he must have exisahed ree in hie necnients deeetred while it• lead beiug 'fired JAIL Where were the melee'? They were con- snieneusly abSerit, There W45 Uity other rifle Iiiug on the gronud, but utt eooly to be SCSI). The interpid Vellian had not been able to seam1 that charge, and " eeeime Per - pen get up a tree, why. Ise did so fol.' Our .prize was a magnificent' elephant, fully ume feet. "L's" two bullets had pen- etreted a little too far heck to be fatal, The shot he got was 3 ditfictlit one, the sudden- ness of the, elephant's swerve 'omits' putting him off, or possibly the bulleta may have &tweet eir a sapling, This old rogue" had felled him eeverat times. Ohl Bolsomo-Hondi meentime has taken - off the Mil, which he bards to use with great politeness, and I see f asu once snore instill I. ed its the olti 111414% good graces, front the manner in widen I shot "my first elephant. ..--,.. ........040.........w-- --,,,- The Vae of Cream, There are very few people who have abundance of eream ta 11SO 100 make limpet use of the advantage. 4111 go id housekeep- era know, nowatleys, that 4 cup of the beet made coffee in the werld ie *stale flat and msprofitable without CIVR,M, unless indeed it be drank.. after dinner.perfectly clear and strong. It is a barbarism that only a few of our cheaper restaurants are tiOW guilty of, Wolfer eetfee tvith milk. On the contrary it seems to us that tea gains nothing, but i ground I buried my fitee in my areas, but rather loses some of ste &lice, of flexor . whenever I looked up and YAW the perspir- when served with cream, gaining a body ! ing fssces, protrudent oyea and woebegone . that is inconeistent with its nature. There i appearance of the coolies and the intense are none of the breakfast cereals that are auxiety depicted an "L's" face lest niy gig• itot doubl,y delicious served svith creem. A '. gling Omelet be heard, off I went again Into pasty, half smoked dieh of oatmeal served ; paroxysm after pars:etyma of laughter. with thin milk le spite a, different dish hooking up on one of these occasione I saw front the same grain when each ker- ;., llolunne•Hendi, who had returned as quietly nel of the mush is swollen out to full ' :18 be had gone, staring at me with the ut- , distinct perfection, and it is served hot I most contempt and au almost fiemlisli look ; with ice-cold cream. There is aomething of rage. I saw the old chap had lost all re, particularly delicious in whipped eream 1 apect for me, and this stopped my giggling served with any kind of sweet fruit. fit, " One must maintein one's dignity even Preserves of all kinds are excellent in. a cane bra,. Ws." with whipped creatn, yet what a com- " The 'rogue was elose here, had been ly- paretively rare thing it aa to see them tia Runs Easy NO 13ACKACEla 43. ...TA' ONE IN no: to,' leret'ivivo catalogue tontaining tosumenims Von, tundra:4 or people oho have sowed front * to °cords day. 25,000 T1OW success. fulIV Used. Agency can bc .Vnere there le a vacancy., A NNW ititgriTioN for 0,n:; saws sent fits With etteh ntooldno; by the use of tin.; tool everybody eaa file their own sawe now and 110 1, better than the greatest expert can, without it. Adapted to all crosscut sawa. Every One who owns!. NAT olt011Id have one. Softly (0 (10731(0 moOnfootora tlaenda. Ask your dealer er write poLuINO SAWING, IRA. COME CO. 30/3 to 81.1 8. Canal St., ohichgo,11.U. R OF YOUTH Nervous De- hifty, Seminal Losses and Premature Decay, promptly and permanently cured by Does not inte ere with met or usual occupation and fully restores lost vigor and insures,neofeet manhood. Price 93 per bob. ' Sole' Propzietor, H. sOiloknato, soh& .ro• • • • - '1:iruct Store, Drzt SzaBuT, ToSoNTo. Mention this paper. lug awe, bee seemed ee,suess and hod got served in this way, except, in families where up and gone on," said the old chap, us a wlsisper evidently implying that I was the cause. "What do you propose? said" L" "I think I know where he going and WO must make a detour and cut firn off. Ho has gone to the river," said Bohomo-Honeg. added jnst before serving. Creamed chicken, " That is just as well," said "L," "for I or chicken served in a fricassee in which the would not go uenis him in this jungle." No, yolks of eggs are freelv used with cream, is Ia.." mumbled old man in a doebtful way, esp....hilly delicious. There, are few dishes (No no, nor he mither) that was very eer. scoeir‘st eitlilloiewht the same sort of going we had turned to our right, and aftee there is a French chef, The use of creara in soups and meat dishes is ouly beginning to be understood in this country. There are few of the thick white soup that do not owe tIseir perfection to the cup of hot cresun of fried ash, that rimy not be appropriately served a is oreme, or in cream sauce. Clem a cream sauce is made of 'milk, and it is very nine made hi that way, but by way of vox - been having so much of, we struck a ridge iotyonalso luso of genuine cream and see with a, very decent game tmek on it. Here isow excellent the -change is. 4eroquettes one amid walk upright and in comparative ailed teeny other slainty entrees of meat owe comfort. The jungle got more open as eve their supremo excellence, to else use of cream, went along, and presently we struck on On Thus far 3343 have not touched upon the al- °lel, abandoned paddy field ; not a. Louse most innumerable delightful desserts that to be seat ; everyttlung growing up into may be made with a, fouudation of cream. juugle Charlotte Reese becomes the simplest of desserts when owe the art of beating.cream "The people are dead -fever ;" said is acquired. This can be done with an the old ruan with the greatest unconcern. ordinary egg whip, but most persons And I wondered how many villages he ha. ; can succeed better with a creamehurn. The seen pass awn. From his age, which ordinary little churn of tin, a cylinder but mieht have been centuries, but more for his nttee uneoncern, I came to the conclusion that he must have seen many. He seemed to think nothing wbatever of it. two incises across, is of no praetieal value, and therefore a delusion and a snare, To be ef" use a churn should be a cylinder at least three • mot a half inches across, and Crossing this woe-begon and forlorn vil- about ten inches long. Cream can be rapist - Inge we hated, and the old limn said he ly beaten in such a churn. As the. froth would go and. reconnoitre and see if the rises it is s.kimmed off on a sieve, which is " romie" had not stopped at the old tank here, before going on as far as the river. Thc tank in all probability was dry, but still might have 11 little water in it, suf- ficient to tempt the elephant down, he thought ; so off he went to see, we sitting down meantime. "The 'tank is just here, the eid man won't be more than five min- utes," whispered "L" 'Visions of water, cool, refreshing water, floated before me, when "Enawa mahat- mas, ia "-the old man was back. The " rogue " WEIS there. He was down in the aank and seemed very restless ; we had better come quickly. Taking up a handful' of sand, the old chap, holding his hand aloft, let it slowly pour away, obseiving meat carefully which way the wind carried it. To me, uninitiated, there did not appear to be a breath of wind, but he made up his mind at once that we must go round. Trudging off, we once more crossed the abondoned paddy field, and entering the juugle, orept stealthily alone. Presently I heard something. It was my confcunded hat this time, but most certainly a breaking. branch. Yes there goes another! The "rogue" had the -tank then, he was restless. How my heart throbbed against mg ribs I Here, at last, was the " rogue." Staring into the jungle I conic). see nothing, but from the noise I knew he must be quite near. Ah, 13ohomo-Hondi points at some- thing " L " stoops, nods; and, turning round,. beckons te me, his perspiring face beaming with delighe He pouats into the jungle, and though I strained my eyes hi. that direction until they nearly drop out of my, head, I can make out nothing. How I did stare I could see nothing, nothing whatever, nothing bill jungle. Suddenly something moving caught my eye. Good heavens, 'tis the "rogue's tail Here wethin fifteen feet, I had all this time. mis- taken his huge form for a rock; I had no ides, we were so close as that. Yes, there he was 1 He evidently did not know we were there, for he was slowly swinging one leg to and fro, and with his ears cocked was keenly watching thopa.th he had himself just come along, evidently expecting something. Yes, there was no doubt about it, he had either scented us or heard us, and was now lying see wait, probably to make a charge, placed over a pan to drip. There is always some cream in a quart that will not, heat to a froth, and this will drein into the pan and should he used for coffee or some other pur- pose. It is not necessary to beat cream to a froth in making ice-cream, or in making desserts in which cream is esed, P,avatian creams and all varieties of mousses call for beaten cream. That grand. triumph of the Froech chef's art, a gateau St. Honore, is made with a combination of puff paste and the boiled paste for eclairs and cream cakes. Whipped cream properlyflavored and sweet- ened and a suitable decoration of candied frttit completes the dish. Ali iced or cold pudaing made with a mixture of whipped cream and boiled rice properly flavored is one of the best desserts we have. WRIER ROME, Escape arum Grinswood.aad: so-met:Amu —Report From ibe lieeroy—StsMeituf iiitt Ian. Troops. to Deal With the T ra abbe, Cere'rere. April O. -ft is offieleUy rue- ummeed that Mrs Gs -Inwood, wife •af E., St, G. Grimwood, the British political agent at 083(13)5053. 100hd10115d10111 10 approae 4 . Marnpur, the vents of the recent masseaere The at* day of the trail, it appears, five a tile British troops, 114 compeny mith accidents occurred, one of whieb resulted ' Lieuts. Ourden, Boileau, Weeds, Buteber, the death a gt)itiley, 3171:0 10.11708 four owe Luoard, and Calvert, has arrived safely at lestaretircaetasttOeataeoinrather Itli)eylteiStiae buTrshetinagecoirsletril llt: emeeltrab4sincipourfa,theCorsavrleittsh doeffitamehrarne , vat tQat: fauty weiogoftduetoitipatij, tseacberously captured by the rebeb3, ere it)tare7isttheteuriarceottlenlr held as prieoriers at Manipur. powder. Ifow great this force is 1)1517 110 in- . A force of 600 Glioorkas nnd Cowley'l 14311101!(ram rtl lcttbatAfter$;11)(l811°ts ilgdta?mnhavearrivd attalsluM, 11131743 b4etabreech tlata111,ec0mesontltdirettreutofrLisihorti detached,. and la burled baekwaril with such Alanitille. It is believed ail the membere 14: nictlteill enifetrz4tiin7 yea,tbtn, ittee" Ai Our,,I t thegneeer • Chief Commissioner Quinton's staff are tett with the exception of Mr. Brackenburg. The L WORTICIS are Moaostalwapserious. On ded Ickusdowile, ieeroy of India, ba: this =aeon me moo ems killed, nine1 cabled to the Imperial lolovernment that the ners lost the fingers of their right hands, and . Indian forces are abundantly able to deal entered the right eye and penetrated te the ever the revolt of the ANS;t1111 4111/01111ell, and bseurea joeunettsdter7iten.deet gr:,:rteles.eeseribyewmeourtateieweeoutail. .,, twialtnhartecoorei3bIlliestrialet tNioicneipriu,sr,Nevrittheroutaitina.ddin; ,• intimetes that etigoraue and effective mee. the 'surviving gunnere. As for the toetli fie read, ! sures will be taken at ORQR 49 an:raze:et the Thesegrywsome sights neturally they kept at a rah+ distance, esperially after i usettiussue epirit anti lATVent its revival. If precedents are followed, Manipur aill be it 'was discoverei that, four Betakes:mute of deprived. of even a eembladee of arRoisemYs fragments of the breech. reserveshati been dangerously wounded by and, in future be under Ilse direction O. a On the second day of the trial nineteen 1 ri”orous military governmeut. !The slaughter of the Chief Commissioner soldiers were so severely woeedee seat their ,.! of A.ssain and the officers and P1R14 of :du prompt removal to a hospital became nem- 11 Goorthe. eseort in Manipur ia alinest ver - I, tain to reeadt in a further addition to the ram. failure. Terrified as they were, the gunners - EldKre in viner vQ"4" wiIh the Cbili(le the new i,,n, in fact, proved ft tomplete 4 map of British India, bringing the British could not take x preper nim, and the lane , frontier. seldom reaelied the iityg,11. In one inesauee, Manipur, although ailjareent to issara, is indeed, they went entirely wild of the mark no part of that prevince; it ie au independ- ent). killed an unfortunate peasant in the ent fitate, ruled by a Rajah, who par. no neighboring village. When the village heard ' tribute to the British awl who exer lees perated and assumed ao bostile sus attitude the, Peleflego ef Imking N1753". 7140 '*1511.. /8 of thie Accident they became terlibly teas. absolute power within its borders, ext slit that the officer in command of the guuners as mdependent as the great,nativelting,irms did not dare to continue tile esercies. On of Hyderabad, Owalier, aud. Initore. it is the following day two orderosvere eeret from situeteel in the corner between the tees s ea - Berlin, one mammoth:is officers to imam ee, producing districts of etesam and caelvar. mere experiments testi'. the seew gen lead l'he.greater part is tableland, -no rielser another orslering that no more such gnna Ise soil in the world, as the tea planter,- litiow manufactured for the Oerman army. waseausedh3. o,feagmentorthehreeetoymee fear that t IR OtltiVe3 Will bicome inflamed Love's Limitations. Smart Tramp--" Please, mum, folks say you sets a chair at the table fer y'r husband at every meal, yet he's been (lead a year." Wielow-" Yes. A meditun told me if did that his spirit would come and occupy "That was some time ago, I guess." " Yes. Why ?" "Cause a medium told nie only yistiday you was very foolish to keep up that eustom 'came y'r husband had met Queen Eliza- beth, and Helen of Troy, an' Cleopatra, an' -an Venus, in the spirit world, an' married 'ern all." " The miserable brute! Come right in, and I'll give you all his clothes,' and his watch, and everything the old fool left." Horrible as is the massacre in Madagascar, there are some punishments in China termed judioial Which exceed in fiendishness any- thing that a 'Malagasy could accomplish. An account was recently published of an execution by piecemeal chapping in the Flowery Kingdom. The victim was tied to a. stake firmly, and a Man- darin stood by to see that the exeeutioners did their duty. • Literally the poor wretch was stripped gradually of his flesh on breast, arms, and legs, and then, as a coup de graco, his head was struck off. Long before that state of the ordeal he must, happily, heve been insensible .11,111k.Immoom...wasOk KILLED BY BEA.% A Hunter Attacked by UrttiltWaile Trait bur a Deese. well. There is no denim that thin slisturhenee will give the Viceroy of Utile the oppertun- ity to amsex Manipur, repeating the pro- ceedings of lewd Delhousie m Linde end Lend Dufferm in Bermah. The tribe who attacked the Consmission- Word hes been received at Prince Albert er's camp -were probably Is ages, who gate' 80 from Devil's Lake of the death of an Indian mind: trouble on that frontier souse years :too. It ie altogether improbable that the Manipuris themselves were hosts" They live au the *plains of the tablelana, have rd - ways been mends of the planters. gems- their own eotton and indigo, and breed the shiest ponies in the world. indigo,, is the birth- plaue of polo, end their players have el weys beaten the israolt Calcutta toms whet:ever they have met.] Muster. It appears that that the Indian and a younger brother got on the trail of a MONO, 'Which they follo ed till about dusk, when the man told the boy to proceed home and be weld fellow the tracks s little further. Veiling to return, seerehing par- ties were formed. When found the body was cold, but not frozen, showing plainly that the poor fellow had died but a short Vane before. FrOTI1 indic diens around the spot where the body was found, it uppears he followed the tracks of the intiose till he suddenly came on the nest of a hear, which must have attacked him, as his head, body and. limbs were dreadfully lacerated by the ferocious animal. The Indian had firecl a. couple at shots at the bear, severely wound- ing him, judging from the marks of blood around the spot where a tussle for life took place. The bear must have dragged the man some distance, as a bloodly trail show. ed plainly his track as he crawled back to the place where the body was found, and where be had managed to light a fire. He Dared the Bears. Mr. Henry Hope had been presented with two little bears, which were during the day tied to separate trees by long chains. These bears -were constant objects of curiosity, and it was observed that the sure sign of their being mit of temper was when they licked their pews. One morning they were evidently in a very bad humor, and we 'were all looking at them, when the General sold, "Not any of you young fellows dare to unchain one of the bears." "Why, you are a great officer, and you won't do it," was the reply. " You mean I dare not?" said Sir Willoughby, very indignantly. " No 1" we exclaimed. He took a short stick out of one of our hands, and went to the bear. The little brute licked, his paws more and more as the General be- gan to unwind the chain, while we chuckled with delight. No sooner 31131.5 the clutin unwound than the bear clasped the General's portly form in his arms.In vain he struck him on the head with his stick. All Ins breath was crushed out of him. We all rushed to the rescue. Every one bela- boured. the little anie al, and at last he left hold. of the General, who sank panting to the ground. We could not seize the chain, and off the beer went through the flowe.r. beds to the house, scattering a group of ladies who were sitting on the terrace. The hear dashed. through the hall -door, drag- ging his °hails after him, down the wide gal- lery, and straight into a china closet, with glass doors, whichstood, at the end of it. Then came crash ! crash! 1 erases ! ! All the establishment rushed to the rescue, and at lest the bear was secured; but not until the closet had beeonie the 'scene of dire disaster. It, ntay be supposed that after this the bears were never tied to the trees, but were kept in durance vile. A Shrevepret (La.) beet of the blood -red. variety weighs forty-six ponds. It gre-w on Silver Lake soil. New York now has a larger ares, and mileage of asphalt pavements than has either London or Paris. In the language of flowers the mushroom means suspicion. In writing as well as in, speoeting, one great secret of effective elognence is to say what is propee and stop when you have done. -IS wift A wellegigh incredible story eons et, from Belgrade. l'he King of Servia is said to be so infatuated with the young and beautiful tottutess Bray Steinburg, wife of the Ger- man Minister at the Serviau eapital, that the lady's friends are trying to bring about her removal from the scene. The boy Sov- ereign's marked attentions to the Countess at a recent Court ball are alleged to have at. treated the attention ef all the vests, and nothing else istalked about In certain circles in Belgrade. An amusing little instance of the educe, tional system as carried out in the house- hold of Tzar is given in a sketch of $t. Petersburg society which appears in Utmere Zeit. The Emperor and Empress, we are toldamt merely superintend but they direct the education of their children. It is not many years ago that the young Grand. Dukes were punished by being deprived of their pudding sifter dinner for any slight mistake,. and if ever they lost a pencil they were taken to tisk for suck an act of neg- ligence. 4'1 6 "'R. Et f; 9/ ru G. °lager, Druggist, Watertowii, Wis. This is the opinion of a man who keeps a drug store, sells all in.edicines, comes in direct contact with the patients and their families, and knows better than anyone else how remedies sell, and what true merit they have. He hears of all the failures and successes, and can therefore judge : s: "I know of no medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat; or Hoarseness that had done such ef- fective work in my Coughs, family as Boschee's Sore Throat GerinanSyrup. Last winter a lady called Hoarseness, at my store, who was suffering from a very severe cold. She could hardly talk, • and I told her about German. Syrup and that a few doses would give re- lief; but she had no confidence in patent medicines. I told her to take a bottle, and if the results were not satE,factory I would make no charge 1 for it. A. few days after she called and paid for it, saying that she w ould never be without it in future as a few doses had given her relief.” 0 •