HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-10-13, Page 1010 Tho qotierieh signaistax, GODERICH WOMEN HEAR ..,MRS4, ROOSEVELT SPEAK NUMWCYMen from the Code - 401 district attended the xneet- ' ing at KLtehener Auditorium on WedneSday of last week at 1 , BUSINESS DIRECTORY Rent PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 478. Phone JA 49521 GODERICH ONTARIO R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST P. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist the Square JA 4-7661 Albert Shore, Sr. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT' OFFICE RESIDENCE 38 HAMILTON ST. 39 VICTORIA ST. GODERICH GODER.CH PHONE PHONE: JA 4-7886 .JA 4-9482 A. M. Harper & Co. Chartered Accountants Office JA 4-7562 JA 4-7642 33 Hamilton St. Goderich rpJxuray October 13th, 1960 which Mrs, Eleanor Roosevelt was the guest speaker. It was sponsored by the North Water- loo tint of the Canadian Cancer. Society. In speaking on "The e4- For Education' in Our Democracy,' Mrs. Roosevelt said that it "would be through education,. not by military pow- er, that the differences between he nations of the world would be settled. i-William-ErAndrews - 1tr.stn:.tect. Sarritila* *s' -„GetettiticAti- K I. 2-5361 JA 4-9652 38-42' Roomy - Comfortable Anywhere - Anytime - PHONE JA 4-8142 7Z Montreal St., Goderich ALEXANDER' & CHAPMAN GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Bank of Commerce Bldg. Godericb. Rhone JA 4-9662 A. J. Alexander, Res. JA 4-7836. C. F. Chapman, Res. JA 4-7915. COMPLETE SERVICING OF LAWNS, GARDEN$ AND SHRUBS GOOD TOP SOIL SOLD. Also Sod Cutting andLaying; Power Rollingfar-&-awm. IVAN'S • AUTOoLOT.... Glass -Steering -Body Re- pairs -Lubrication',- etc. For Quality Service, , see DAVIDSON'S TEXACO SERVICE No. 8 11'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 George Turtonl INSURANCE Co-operators Insurance A Complete Line of Casualty 'And Lite Insurance. Prompt, Etficienf Claims Sep - vice by Goderich Adjuster I A. 351 Huron ,Roa L Phone .JA 4-7411 • is limy am*. am OIL Top of Dunlop iU , Phone JA 4-7171. • 28tf 0111.01.0“. o, TOR " A GREENER THUMB, By G. MacLeod Ross 11Scis Pupils Lack Knowledge Canadian Histoty; Says Teacher 'Mrs. C. Edward, the regent,1 ts post war expansion and its _presided when ,.t.he Maple Leaf Part in U.N. and NATO. Mrs. J. Ilindmarsh thanked the Chapter of the LODE Met at the home of Mrs. „Gordon McManus speakeralk. for her interesting and t Blackmore & Langdon • Barker prescribes to obtain his on Tuesdaythought-provoking of last week. Plans .have been com,pleted ...In England they are VerY wonderful results. Imagine, if Mr,st.,b Wniy. Itetferj2raecipolfeteead, for the joint luncheon with the fond of browing flowers. Per- 'OU can, •my de4ight on turning 41144 received from the two winners 1.11„.Page 15, to find that B. S: L. ,44,t)s AkCilY,,,,thekg:Are, sig611,02,,,44,,,v4chultotot, 1*11V-4,1125..bursarie.s...„ .These It -is made of galvanized wire of eourse and what would we wire - pullers do without G.r. wire and .it is extensible. fn effect, it is sold to keep you away forks ischool, 27 miles north of Dryden IVIrs. Geo. Ellis, the standard ver like the extensible from a is still without a I when bearer, carried the flag at the memorial , service of the Can- adian Legion at the cemetery on September 25. Mn. D. lylooney, Empire and World Affairs con- vener, introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. L. H. Diggin, who spoke on "Canada." Mrs. Diggin, teacher of his- tory and Englisb at 'The Gode- inan,Y ipecialist _firms sell their products all over the world. It is, therefore, of more ttun passing interest • to read their catalogues. And now eomes Blackmore & Lang,don's. Their forte is begonias - 32 R.H.S. awards since the War. After that they specialize in delphiniums , 51 R.H.S. awards /4 merit. Finally, they know their polyanthus,. These are'all plants which grow to perfection in Goderich. , The catalogue is, pnly .16 pages, of which six are illus - tions. and eery accurate ones, too. So you can see, they don't fiddle around with panegyrics an.d high pressure superlatives, They are quietly confident, y do more than command 'Lleet`SS: they deserve it. They strart off with their named double be4onias; what we call hcre camellia. Their 1961 in- troductions., are two: :11Idas, a rich yellorx ztnd Roy Hartley, a ft pink tinged with salmon. Price per tuber $5.50. In all, :he y offer 57 t arieties. (pace Heinz) all named, ''vhich- run • from $1.25 to the top figure of $5,50. Turn the page and you come to the unnamed, doubles. These are in four classes: Ex- hibition, „.greenhouk,„ he.dding and ,massed bedding. These range in cost from 75 cents a 'tube i. Tentsrt-a- shot -and 'theSe •,,,arellitt,zbers,,wcrvbtaiin from our good friend, 'Cruickc„ shank. They Aso 'offer some gorgeous pieotee edged daubLax th4i. I nurseries they show 100,000 'be- cronias in bloom at the begin - !king of September: Being a novice at begonia 1_,rowing,r as at many other ac- tiVilies, I have alm4y's wondered at the fact that gegonias seem to love to leek at the ground on which they grow. At least 'Mine do. I was 'always under the im- pression that this was my fault; that 1- had omitted one o -f the several ingredients which Percy THE JOLLEEE PHILOSOPHER BY THE AND • EW -DAIRY SACHELOR JSAIELLOW, WHO DOESN'T THINK NE BONDS OF MATIMONV PAV ENOUGH INTEREST SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES s, Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work FREE ESTIMATES ' Reasonable „Rates Phone JA 4-8892 or JA 4-7427 afe Miss -Me Stewarand, Miss Donna MoNee, 'who are attending „.Tgachers' Training College, The new adopted barbecue fire. In point of fact, it would not be hard, though unnecessarily expensive, to a- dapt such a fork to support be- 4'onia flowers. However, all those of you who are ardent readers of this column are al- ready wire manipulators of the iirst class since you have fash- ioned girdles for perennials and hose supports for --well hosts. . Now you have the idea yo r District CoIlegla te Insta- can' make your own. As offered tute, said that she had question - hey vary from the; smallest 10 ed.grade XII students, similarly nches extending to 15, to 20 to tests made en North York riches extending to 34 A child pupils last year..Few know why July 1st is a holiday but make one, but since all many more know. what July 4 G.H.S. members do not have .stands for. Evidently Canad- children --at least available and inns do not know.enough about anable,, it may be Cada,. 'It is an absorb. ingahankoffering Meeting. in Sep - for you to wrestle with it your - subject, and the speaker.brieflyitember., Mrs. A. M. Strau.han ,elves. You can also buy be - outlined the colorful history of keportedthat response was very seeds. These, grown in (Canada from the.days when it;satisfactory with some $95.00 :mall indoor propagators, at 65 ,a colony, its development!given. However, about $50 00 :o 7QF will flower in seven tht meeting with a suitable Miss Beil14 Long.. Mrs. Elmer, tee: - reading and-4prayer, „ Mrs. ifolivard Feagan then took the chair. The W.A. roll call ',was answered by some 20 ladies giving an article of cloth- ing for children to be given to C.A.S. Those interested in (IC - tending the Presbytery W.A. fall meeting in Blyth the last of Oct,Jber are to contact Mrs. Fea- gan. Final arrangements were made .for the forthcoming fowl supper. Tea was served by the Aihrieek, Chapter to celebrate 1300eWs,..,54,rs.,,I4oemaid Fisher,. the anniversary of the national and loyal. chapters. It is to be held op "WedneSdaj,L7-Octobefr2e-4., at 1 P.m. at the Bedford Hotel and, 'Mrs. Dorothy McMann, the PrOvi n dal -educational secre- tary, from London, hs conSeni- ed to be the guest, speaker. Benmiller W.A. Helps the C.A.S. BENMILLETI, Oct. 10. -- The ladies of Benmiller Unitd Church inet on October 5th when Mrs. Archie Swain °Pon. ed the W.M:S..devotions with a suitable meditation. Mrs. Ben Straughan read 'the Scripture and Mrs. Wilmei' Hardy read the study book. Members expressed gratitude to Mrs. E. A. rCeoPer for ,,her inspiring address at the annual itowards Confederation, and still be needed to reach the months. You can have ciouble,:, becoming a notion during the ' alilaeation. Ladies were urged past World Wars. She mention- to subscribe to the IVLissionary ed a few of its, leaders, the Monthly, World Friends, by the building of the railroad to link literature secretary, Mrs. Ben the country from coast to coast, Straughan. Swain closed frilled doubles, or pendulas at 30 cents a package. And so to delphiniums. The POW varieties are: Emir, with bus. inch .diameterflorets. in royal purple with a white eye; Faust, ultramarine touched with 6ndign- and .eyeless-- Ringdovtii, pinky mazz.vt,w chestnut brown eye. Plants cost around $3.00 but the un - varieties in mixed col: -o-rs-aTc 0.50 a-d'ez The polyanthus have receiv- ed five RES, medals since 1945. Thereare blue with a gold eye, crimson 'and coral with a gold eye, gold, white and pink. Large plants run from $4.50 a dozen to seedlings at $1.20 a dozen, but seeds cost only 30 cents a package. B. L also offers some most striking colors in aquilegias, sad only in mixed colors and all along spurred. The colors range from white, pink, salmon, pale and deep blue, rose, orange to yellow. Plants $3.00 a dozen, seed 30 cents a packet. Of course 13. & L. have other things such as Michaelmas daisies 44. which _look like asters on chry- santhemums. If you are inter- ested in new•ideas, send for the catalogue -the address is Bath, England. And whilst the seeds may be imported without a per- mit, it is the :Simplest thing to write to Plant Protection Diyis- ion, Production and Marketing Branch, Dept, of Agriculture, Ottawa, and obtain permit form to enable you to import stock. On second thoughts, the address, is a bit of a mouthful but being civil servants they are very civil about it all. For IMPERIAL ESSO PRODUCTS Contact Ben R. Chisholm Dial JA 4-7502 Dungannon 19-R-2 -tf Quick delivery is lust one of the many things you'll like 41111kut Andrew's Dairy. Justi 7951 for your dairy pro-, ducts and you'll be sure of complete satisfaction. INSURANCE, FIRE and AUTO REAL ESTATE W. J. HUGHES 50 ELGIN AVE. E. Phone JA 4-8526. .10 E MIMEO 1:70//76" FORYOUR DAILY BOTTLED SUNSHINE How to Treat an ACHING DaiS rills .ti.ATp,l E dre0000 ist ot, tow rots. BACK 74 ectit or just °2.540 down at . • 1"),1„,„9,q1111 nAmu,, NADA SAYI A p• YOU CAN -BUY YOUR BONDS for cash or by instalments at your N 411 • Down payment of 5% - • neighbourhood B of 14 branch • • $2.50-fr a $50-11ond145for-a- • $100 Bond, etc. Balance in 11 . • • Monthly payments. , • Mits. nt. MORE VOTERS GODERICH The 060 Township was printed recently, shows ten voters in 1960 1959. In 1959 the of while SHOWN TOWNSHIP vo ters' list of Goderich, at The Si in an waters was for the which nal -Star of that of unlimber fease over total shown in 1960 the creased to 1,610. ecia[Sehool HANDSOME as 1,600 number in- thatarle iaSt Year an. aver-- . age' ii eafS'erverdifireTt--7.- road and overturned. In other - words, the 'Ontario Safety Lea- gue 'points out, a staggering total of more than 9,000 driverS completely lost control of their vehicles, without the "excuse" of involvement with another car or any Obstruction on the road. ' This gves a ', special meaning to the international tion safety ,campaign. • . Live!" vasa ';$1r,Pw Down and w„.:.„..,, ,.b .7.,...., e ., oorrs FOR TODDLER BOYS Te QUITE 'GRWN-UP' BOYS Big Savings on School Uniform SHIRTS and FLANNEL BLAZERS - Odd Sizes • In Hunter Green or Blue, SHIRTS Reg $2.98 NOW $1.98 BLAZERS Reg. $5.98 NOW $3.98 SMALLER SIZES Reg. $3.98 NOW $1.98 Hell Be Pleased* With Our Smart Manly Fashions Shop NOW for His New School Outfit .or To Replenish His Wardrobe GODERICH TOTS & TEENS 144 The- SQUARE •• 0 . D7. , G I ) .... 4. •• , ............4 0 • • . • 4 rz SAILING IS YOUR SPORT, YOU ARE THE RIGHT SORT LOOK FOR THE LAGER THAT'S RIGHT . •,. C E7 A7. _DI . G • DM7 • ELECT THIRD HURON BISHOP Archdeacon Harold 1-7ederick Appleyard, DD. 55, of Brant- ford, was elected on thq sixth ballot last Thursday as the sec- ond suffragan bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Huron. He will be consecrated bish- op on Epiphay, January 6, 1961, and, assume charge of a'' livecounty northern area of the diocese -with headquarters in Owen Sound - immediately afterwards. Archdeacon Appleyard led on alt sik ballots, and palled a sub- stantial majority of lay dele- gates' Votes on all but the first two. Among clergy, however, he lacked 21 votes on the third ballot, 10 on the fourth, and two on the fifth ballot. • ' Bishop -elect Appleyard. -wilL assume charge of ' the five - county area of Huron, Bruce, Grey, Perth and Waterloo under irection of Rt. Rev. George N. Luxton, • Bishop of Huron. Rt. Rey. William A. Townshend will continue as • suffragan bishop serving the whole diio- pen. . Archdeacon Appleyard was born July 14, 1905, at Clarks- burg, the son of Canon and Mrs. E. Applyard. Biz brother -Ts canon R. T. P. Appleyard, of Prr-ton. Ire received his early educa- tioit at London and Woodstock, :.!rrditt!ed frr,m tie University rf Wf,.-,-tern Ortar.in 1927 and Huron College in 1929. An honorary Doctor of Divinity de gree was conferred on himy h the Univers)ity of Western On tario in 1959. . Ordained in 1930 by the late Archbishop D. D. Williams, he served at ,Bervie, Kerwood, Mea - ford and Brantford before join- ing the Canadian Army and serving y'our years as a chap lain during the Second World War. He won' the Military Cross at Twenthe Canal, Hol- land. BANK. OF MONTREAL e,a44.41,1 ?e)74e 0,0 .T:e need for "Wife" Insurance How would I keep the family together if my wife were to die when the children are still young? It is a disturbing problem; one that is causing many young men to stop and think. A busy father can't possibly play the dual role of breadwinner and homemaker. Relativeare rarely in a positionto provide a permanent solution. A mother's love and affection can't bp replaced. But capable help to keep the home going • can be obtained if there is enough money to pay for it. Most youag fathers couldn't meet this expense out of current incotno* The ideal solution is life insurance on the wife to provide romp "cooking, Washing and mending" while the !IL Childreri art still dependent. For competent counsel in this *#' vety inipprtani part Of family security planning, call the Mao from lvfanufatturers. W. E. Williams Representative GODERICH Tel: JA. 4-7665 060 MANUFACTURERS LIF Fastsafe relief for ' INDIGESTION 'SOUR iTneiMIACH:'' • • • • RE -MESH WITH CARLING'S .C/NCI LAGER BE- CAUSE IT'S so LIK-A-BLY A . • nefraoh with Cinci Lager so likably light! • • LIGHT! 41 44 -the Stomach Powder Paw tiO izeistalkhoe • „. :-.. • "" •• • •• • • • . •