HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-10-13, Page 7Y1 TOWN PUMP FIRE In 1$.96 "Dorothy Dix'L_Mrs. A shroud of smoke over the'Eiizabeth M. Gilmer—began her town Sunday night resulted in j eolurn•n for personal advise in a run for the firemen at, 11.30 !a daity newspaper. It was the � _ Cleat � Pan. Zhc, town dump was blaz ( t I °pular "'advice to -the love- in,g and the consequent smudge l lorn" feature in newspapers. was thick enough to .demar}d a 1Today, most n,e•wspape„rs carry „remedy. A purely routine call�`helpful and informative fea- and a quick solution. tures on personal problems. • GEORGE 'w�:.i z„n S H� � iJ R H October °16, ,x._3814 , qc . after 1.30."a.m. holy Communion. 10 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a mn. Holy Communion and Sermon. (Junior Congregation and Nursery) 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Tuesday., Oct. 18, Si. Luke's Day. 10 a.m. Holy Communion in the Chapel ., `1'REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A., D.D., Rector. MR. J. F. STEPHENS, M.A., Organist and Choirmaster. THE UNITF,.D__. HURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church 10 am. SUNDAY SCHOOL. • 11 a.m. MORNING SERVICE. Nursery and Junior Congregation. REV. W. J. ten HOOPEN, B.A., B.D., Minister MR. GEORGE ESPERT, Organist and Choir Director. - THE SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16 11 a.m. •..•NORStttP SERVICE....... 3 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 7 p.m..—.EVANG.ELISMIC., SIERYICE,, Thi`ir"rreiapep m. a'xayer -Did Bib)e aSrtudy�; "The Book of Exodus." CAPTAIN AND MRS. R. PETERSEN HOLMESVILLE sIfOtaalVI ''JISVII ILK, Oct .11. - Phe 81st anniversary.af Ilolrnes- ville United Church was ob- served Sunday with the min- ister, Rev. E. J. 1Roulston, speak- ing -to large congregations at both services.: The chureh was beautifully decorated with white owel'sa and branches oI colored f li.a er ,,,The, laoira 4 ndsw the anaders tfP' b ' ttlirargafilSt,'AieL Lloyd Boitd, sang bwo anthems .;t each seiavice, with Mrs. Ed - Ward Grigg and Mrs. Les Jervis taking the duet parts and Mrs. Wm. Norman and 1VLrs. Edward Grigg taking the solo parts. A man's quartette, Messrs; Ca r- rnan Tebbutt, Jim L'olb+b, Irvine Tebbutt and Bert Finlay sang a part in b1lr,e last anthem. Guest soloist at the evening service was Mr. Wm. Craig, of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson grown, of Warren, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawson and family,,. oaf Oakridge Acres, London, were guests at the week -end of Mr, and. Mrs. Harry Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Murray, of Dundalk, and 1VIrs. Chas. Bis- sett, of ,Goderich, were guests at Thanksgiving week -end of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yeo. Miss Minnie Proctor, of Clin- ton, was the guest on Sunday of Mrs. J. B. Mac:VLath. F/Sgt. Ivan Jervis, Mrs. Jervis and children, April, Debbie and Donna, .of Ottawa, were .guests .t the weekend of Mr. and 1Mrs1 Les. Jervis. Holid'ay guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wm: Norman were their son Jack; of the University of Toran.ta,....,and ...Mr. .and Mrs Dewar Norman and Lorna and Ivan Dailey, of Orillia. Mraaaaat Gleirr:araBanff;-Al&a:r was -all e-gzrest-for ri,v--days-64 Mr. and Mrs, Frank Yeo and called on some of his former ,r diaahh}cors. . Miss Sandra Williams, of the Burlington Public 5'ehool leach - Knox Presbyterian Church ° REV D. J. LANE, B.A., Interim -Moderator. Mr. H. de Jong, Oyganist Miss B. J. Woodruff, Deaconess 10 a,m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. MOitNING WORSHIP; (Nursery and Junior Congregation). ' ,Victoria Street United Church HARVEST ANNIVERSARY • and LAYMF#N'S SUNDAY. DR. JAMES A. GUEST, Speaker. President London Conference Laymen. I, ey. S. A. Moote conducting worship. Mr.- Frank Bissett leading choir BENMILLER and UNION share this service with 10 a.m. School • at Benmiller: Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle SUNDAY, OCTOBER .16 10 a.m. Sunday School, classes for all ages. 11 a.m. Worship Service. "AND JESUS CRIED.” 7.30 p.m. • EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Rev. C. Fletcher, Kincardine, Speaker. °Tuesday, 8 p.m. — Prayer Meeting, Bible Study. Friday, 8 p.m. Young Peoples. REV. H. C. CRACKNELL, Pastor Phone JA 4.8506. You are invited to come and worship with. us. ta Taylor's Corner TAYLOR'S CORIalER, Oct. 1'I. —Anniversary services in Zion Church next Sunday, October 16,x- at 11 a:rn. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Mr. Holley, Grand Bend, is the special speaker. . The choir is preparing special music. On Sunday, October 23, the &'al2eijt ..L -rJl2, 4' 44:44 7 S e4t Will be oibserved.• .Mr. and ..1114...,.Iim.. Matheson aislfd4b;> af' Tor4n10,, spent the • holiday week -end with Mx. and Airs. Wan, Snyder. Mr. and Mrs., Murray Oke, Stephen and Mark, of Windsor, were visitors with his parents, Mr•. • and Mrs. Irvine Oke. Mr's,. Sam keNall spent the l week -end in Ajax with Mr. and, Mrs. J. Kielt. Mr. and Mrs. '1. R. Rostron, Donald, Dennis and David, Ham- ilton, spent the Thanks riving week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ginn. - Mr. and Mrs. Allan Walker, Hamilton, were visitors at her brothers' 'home, Albert and Irvine, Oke. Mr. and ' Mrs. Gerry Ginn apent the week -end in Oshawa Avila). her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Gorrie. While there, they :.ttendel the wedding of her cousin. • Miss Marilyn Holmes, Tor- onto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ho4mes. Mr. and Mrs. Chester MeNall and family, of Waterford, spent the week -end with his father,+ Mr. Sam MoNall. The W.A. met in bhe church last Wednesday afternoon. A business meeting was conducted by the president. Plans and comimittees were forinedlar the bazaar and bake sale. The col- lectors for the painting fund aaeraaarma so media During—the.. • afternoorratheaaantaaessatan5WetiF,ta quilt.. The hostesses for the day 'were Mrs. Ron Pennington Ind Mrs. Peter Harrison. Inv, staff, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams. Mies Eleanor Yeo, nurse -in - !raining at the Royal Victoria Hospital. Montreal, Que., has returned to her duties after Tending Thanksgiving week- snd with her parents, Mr. Band Vfrs. Frank Yeo. ' Mr:a Bert Lobb is a patient in 'he Clinton Public Hospital. - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holtz- aanir and daughter, of Niagara were •weok-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Grigg. The W.M.S. oaf H,olmesville United Church, met in the base- ment of the church for their re. ular October (meeting. Mrs. Stciwart Farquhar was in charge and gave the call to worsh p and prayer The Scripture les - con and comment's were given aby Mrs. Jack Yeo. Mrs. Barrie Walter read a trilbute to a form- er W.M.S. Worker. Mra. Ninian ateard read an article on giving thanks. `• Mrs. Wm. Norman' re- viewed the Chapter in the study gook, The meeting •closed with prayer by Mrs. S. Farquhar. The W.A. meeting followed, with the president, Mrs. -Reg. Miller, giving the call to wor- ship and reading the Scripture. Mrs, Ninian ,Heard..-• gave the eommen.ts on it. Mr's. Reg. Mil- ler was appointed official dele- 'Yate to the W,A. Presbytery in Ry:ch. ,I-Iostesscs for the day were Mrs. Les. Jervis and Mra. timer Potter. Those things that come to the man who waits seldom turn out -to be atie things he has been waiting for. ii000oo0000•0000•oeooeoso®ooooossoe0000a000000geoeso00©0000° so i CLOWNS PRIZES JAYCEES FALL FESTIVAL ';',40,401,F, Or eANAD, OCT. 22.- OCT. 23 AT PLANTE& WORTHY Esso SERVICE HAMILTON and VICTORIA STREETS 3 FREE CHANCES • 1st Transistor Radio - •, 2nd,Schick Electric Shaver Vortabk • :3rd ,.Light • 4th Portable Light • 5th Portable- Light PRIZES DONATED BY PLANTE &' WORTHY TICKETS FROM ANY JAYCEE -$1.00 For GAS or CAR WASH.. e000000000al►oi pees of °°hoof)° owls tiroof DONNYBROOK DO'NINYBROOK, Oct. 11. — The October meeting of the W.M.S. and • Ladies' Aid was held Iast Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Stuart Charn- rrey ,with a good attendance. The call to worship was„Ayen. hy Mrs.. Charles Jefferson wii"o had charge of the W.M.S. meet= ing. Mrs. Marley.Johnston arid Mrs. Ernest Snowden read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Gordon Naylor led in prayer. Mrs. James Leddy react a poem. Mrs. Wesley Jefferson gave a reading on Christian Steward's'hip. The girls sang "Jesps bids us Shine." Mrs, John ,Hildebrand read a poem. Mrs. Stuart Chamney read the minutes of t'he prev- ious meeting. Diane Chamney received the offering. Mrs. Tom Armstrong had ,charge of the study book. Mrs. Jefferson closed the meeting with prayer. The Ladies' Md meeting was in charge of Mrs, Tom Arm- atrong. - Mrs. Ray Hanna read the lesson. Mrs. Armstrong closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs: Hildebrand invited the iadies to her home for the Oc- tober meeting. Miss Lucy Th+ornpson, of Bronte, was at her home here aver bhe 'week -end, also visited Miss Josephine McAllister. Mrs. Verna Doerr, Sheila, Brian and Harold, of Niagara Falls, were holiday visitors with Mr. and' Mrs. Stuart Chamney' and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves, of Toronto, were week -end visit -- ars' with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and .family. Miss Gladys Jefferson, of Woodstock, visited Mr. and Mrs. James Leddy over t`he holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffer- son and Elaine, visited Sunday with•lf.r, and Mrs. Don Jefferson and Cheryl, of Clinton. Mr. and,Mrs. Sam Thompson and family were Sunday visit - 'ors with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson, of Win:gham. TRADING IS BRISK AT GODERICH STAMP CLUB A meeting of the Goderich Stamp Club was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. V. Bidner on St. David ,street. r, ay cover von ' . igerra was seen, showing the new 'issue cf four commemorating Nigeria's independence, as well as other stamps. A great deal of trading among the club members took place, and the meeting ended with re- freshments being served. ' The next meeting will be held in two weeks' time. Anyone interested may obtain -.further information from Murray Rior- don *at $$68. ' Additional Classifieds E. Cards of Thanks ARMSTRONG.—The relatives of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Arm- strong wish to thank their la -i. n a:: t4 —neighbors, the staff of Alexandra 'Hospital, ,Goderich, Dr. Wallace and Dr. Vokes. Esgeciai)j . thanking Rev. Mr. Richards and the Stiles funeral home. -40 :N,oALLLSTER.: X Wisb, to thank my friend's and neighbors for the -cards and gifts I received While in hospibal. Also special Wanks to 'the staff of Wing - ham hospital and " Doctors Corrin and Finlayson. • Mary Lou McAllister. THE YOUNG PEOPLE of Knox 'P'res'byterian Church wish to thank all who helped in any way in making the 'delegates ao bhe Synod Rally cumfort- 'able. A special thank you tp the people who toolt, billets, especially those from other congregations in town and in the surrounding area; to the Bedlford Hotel, motels and tourist homes for their assist- ance in accommodating the young people; to the Ladies' Aid of Knox Church fur pro viding meals on Saturday and .Sunday; to those who provid- ed transportation on Friday'` night and on other occasions over the week -end. To any- one who wasinconvenienced. at any time, we offer our humble apologies. Your kind concern for and interest in our .Yeun,g People .is deeply appreciated. -40 G. Coming Events - Har ourlite Inn, Gbderic•h, every Saturday might,--1i.-T..een record dance with Monte Snider. Every- Wednesday Lions Club Bingo. -35tf A rummage sale, sponsored by the Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, will be held in Mac -1 Kay Hall on October 13, at I.30 p.m. For pick-ups phone 8560, Mrs. George -Chambers, or leave' articles at Legion Hall 3840 Saturday, October 22, come to Knox Church auditorium for the annual Brownie and Guide tea and bake sale, 2 to 5 p.m. -3941 TWICE AS MUCH. -for only 'ONE CENT °'more, Monday, October 17th, • thrit 22nd, at RJEC'K PHARMACY, during the Rexall One Cent Sale. ' .RIECK PHARMACY, Square near Col- borne "St. . Phone JA 4-7241, Goderich. -39 4'he Goderich Kinsmen Club annual. paper drive will take place later -this month. -40 Tea, home haking,.,..0 ,rristmas puddings, candy, Wednesday,1 November 9, at Victoria street' United Church, 2.30-5. Auspices of Church Women. -40 The joint luncheon of The Ah.meck and Maple Leaf Chap- ters to mark bhe 60th ,annivers- ary of bhe founding of the I O.D.E. in Canada, will be held Wednesday, Oc4ober 26, at 1 p.m. at bhe Bedford Ilotel. The guest speaker i., Mrs. Hu':'h B. :McMahon, . Provincial, Educa- tional Secretary, from London. All former chapter members are most welcome and if plan- ning to attend, please contact JA 4-l656 or JA.,4-9605 by Wed nesd'ay, Oclobcr '19. Tickets may be obtained at the Bedford Hotel lobby. „ Price $1.50 per plate. -40 On ,Friday, October 21, The Goderich Horticulture Society will hold its monthly. meeting at the Anglican Church Parish Hall. •A good attendance is re- quested to she Mr. Bob Turn- bull, of London, demonstrate flower arrangcments. Come and) bring a friend at 8 .p,m. -40-41' •Goderic'h Women's Hospital Auxiliary will meet on. Monday, October_17, in the board room. Paradise is not a locality— it's a state of mind. GoJericb. Duplicate Fridge• Club v, ill he resuming their -activities on Monday, October 17th, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. A-- A. Nicc.1, West St. The club hopes for a good attendance of ,all former mem- bers, and extends an invitation to anyone wishing to join. -40 Reserve November 5 for baz- aar and'•tea by Taylor's Corner W.A. Opens at 2.30 by Rev. E. C. Smith. . -40 GODERICH BAPTIST CIjURCH 10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL—ATI Ages. 11 a.m. "CHRIST CALLS MEN." rc 7 p.m. "BECAUSE." 8.15 p.m. FIRESIDE. E. Von KEITZ, Minister. W. BETTGER. Organist. FREE METHODIST CHURCH WELCOMES, YOU 9.50 a.m. Family Sunday School. 11.00 a.m. SERIES ON "THE LORD'S PRAYER.:' No. 3—"Thy Kingdom 'Come, Thy Will Be Done." 7 p.m. "l'he' Great Exchanget Christ became man, that man might be IN CHRIST." 8.30 p.m.—Fourth showing in the series of PILGRIM'S- PROGRESS in full color on the screen. Wednesday, 8 p.rn. — Prayer and Bible Study. REV. E. A. COOPER, Pastor -•4A 4.906. SS EPPARD't H E P PA p DTO p t district bringing home a Targe S31d7PY Tt1N •Oct. Si1;kEPP TON -Oct. 11. -- �7. 1 � and Mrs. James l3ushill, of London, spent the week -end with Mrr and., Mrs. Wm. Pett and Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Bogie spent bhe.holiday- week -end with the lady's sister, Mrs. Oak, Mr, Bob Oak and family, Oakville. ford, 4mI .)bit's. : r•.tl t,- 4,Wa fLynda and Douglas visit- ed over bhe week -end in Tor- ontq wit Amba iaragYa�•r ��►K A14w and' daughters. Mr.,, Norman Hoy spent a week hunting in bhe- northern moose. Mr. Jay Catlin, of Detroit, • pertt the hoiid i) with his cou- 9ins, Jim and Jerry McCabe; Mr. and Mrs. E,•°Pritchard, of Toronto, visited during the holi- day with the Faster family. Mr. and Mrs. N. A.nderson and Shirley, of Toronto, and Jerry, of Ottawa, visited during the laatitiaat with .tlae ters. ..-. The crust that for -ms on boil= t1;•m�ilk- F ,,4 , va,l.uat$le protein ca led `laaetaa iurr'nite It is an aid to digestion, especialliy for babies and invalids. 1 The Goderich Si041-Star T1a.�irsd'ay, Oe . S'tb, ll l O i` Announces (tsar+ final Program of the. Season. t+ •'���"' . ' rap �b # T' lilt;' ` �. a► �rc ricutiJ"' I ietids tab week, October 15. In expressing p ng Appregiation for your ` 'patronage during t-1960, the ; man. 'ag9esri+enta hopes~ - to, :`,trey►►. a>r0 r'ta: riCsa: k"t >► '.A' the birds ,again ,fly north. ° BLE ITE Blade or Short Rib. saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas This. Coupon Good- For - 25 EXTRA GOLD BOND .STAMPS with the purchase of a TABLERITE RUMP ROAST coupon, "valid until Oct. 18/60 This Coupon Good For 100 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS with the purchase of one Bayers Aspirins 100's with free children's aspirin coupon valid until Oct. 18/60 This Coupon Good For 50 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS with the purchase of one SAYERS Nose Spray Deal with free Bayers aspirin 12's coupon valid until Oct. 18/60 No BLADE REMOVED' L 3T 43c PrirneRibROAST Eb 65:c TABLERITE MIX or MATCH 'EM MACARONI and CHEESE -- CHICKEN LOAF 21 PICKLE and PIMENTO .6 -oz. pkg. ROYAL GUEST-�v�._ SAUSAGE b Tray Pack ,=lb. Pkg. C 43c C I A R ETTE S All Popular- Brands Ctn. of 200 3.09 IGA — 11 -oz. Bottles a Tomato for 33c TABLERITE LARD . _LAR1-Ib: Cartons for 3 3c DOMESTIC SHORTENING BETTY CROCKER -"Family Packages (AKE MIXES 1 -Ib. Carton - 3c c 3for85c for TABLE -FRESH PRODUCE LARGE FULL CLUSTERS This Coupon Good For 50 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS with the purchase of one tin SUCCESS 40 --oz, Heavy Duty Wax coupon valid until Oct. 18/60 This Coupon good For 25 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS with the purchase of one RED -L' HADDOCK FISH STICKS coupon valid until Oct. 18/60 r^ Pero LARGE SOLID HEAD LETTUCE 2-f�r35c FANCY — 6 -qt. Basket ' CANADA NO. 1 c 3 -Ib. Poly Bags for;119c ONIONS CANADA NO. 1 DRY , 6 . 3 -Ib. Poly Bag 119c SPECIAL ATTRACTION SATURDAY AFTERNOON at 4 o'clock. The C.K.N.X, Studio Orchestra, live and lively, will be present in per- son to highlight a Lucky Draw Festival in our store. .Drop° in at 4 o'clock for their special' musical program and' share' in our big prize draw for cartons of Belvedere Cigarettes, big boxes of Tide Soap Flakes 1400 extra Gold Bond Stamps' or numerous other prizes to be announced while you are here. Remember the date and time -. Saturday at FOUR. I!N.IJP1 GT GA FO'ODLINE. South& Flgin Sts. Goderki