HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-10-13, Page 4' 'I'ii G del; ch Signal• Star, Thurstday, ° .,, O�1ioi�er• NNN•••N•N•w•M•••••0•N_•••••R••••••••••••••tmeo••••“••••••*•4e0i*“.0w!•.0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••NN•N•••••••••••• ••••••••A•••0•H41104111400040O001)**0.00•••••••••0•0•••••• • LIONS ,CLUa GODERICH M• 4 FRIDAY, • •• •• • • • • • e . • •:. • • • • • �, • • •• • • • •• • ,, • •W�lc�me You• r Lions Club Peanut Man • Your' Purchases HeIp Lions.WelfareWork•• • • BUY FACTORY FRESH PEANUTS PEANUT BUTTER' MIXED ° NUTS 34-40 i i S•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••e••!•••+iia••e••i1i••1to•1•t esee•••••• ••••G*•••••••or m>X91•N•masses•ld omes••••.•••••••••••soseeesoom••••e•••••••••••O•••••••oemessievBe••S• s•••••••••••••••••Z ... _. FROM 4 P.M. ON. — • BARN BURNS la last week .along with the! ` - aa -.-- , _ ,,season's• hay crop, several•.n.„,,,. y � /y r- :5.... ave - __. _.„season's co[lVLL.'�[1115.t.u:Lu:•bi�i1Q-'vi-.,�jaCiWkl!1�YFr/�j•�. ��' �'. '-rpigs; and 100 hens. The barn' mp�l"etely. destroy -ed the- 20 -by .40 -foot ° k�''rh on the.. farr-n•--af4 as a_inme siructure • .e•rected 1 years ago. ncornes ._ Mr. Bromley was working int uburn at the time; when the three, East Wawanosh Town -IA ship, three •miles northwest of; fire was discovered by his wife,. Blyth„ late Tuesday affernoon;the barn• was a mass of flames. HURON COUNTY HOLSTEIN BREEDERS' ANNUAL HEIFER SALE CLINTON FAIR BARN Friday, October 21st 1.30 D'S 1. Actredited, Vaccinated, Blood Tested or Listed. A select group of Huron County bred Heifers. They in. clude p-rize winners at the Huron B & W Show. Some ardR•__from C.O.P. darrtss Many- are sired by and bred to top unit sires. Some fresh by sale time, the balance due soon after. Also a few second calf heifers with good R.O.P. records and from good R.O.P. darns. BOB SHORE, Auctioneer. Fo'r catalogues write: ALLEN BETTLES, Bayfield, Ont. S. C. GALBRAITH, Blyth, Ont. 3940 Definite progress has ' been made. by Huron County •families' in recent years with respect to their relative , incoine standing,, reports The Exeter Times -Advo-' rate. Of those • who were in the . '$4,000 to $7,000 .bracket, many have moved up a notch to the choice $7,000 to $10,000 level. 0-titers-, whose inoo-m es h;4 -been between $2,500 and $4,000, have climbed to• the next higher cate- gory. All along the line the, shift nas been upward so that there are now more families than ever in The middle -or -better brackets •left lia_J11e lower in- come positions. • The facts are set forth in a Canada -wide, copyrighted break- down of 1959 incomes, made by STiales Manageniz.nt. The study reveals just how earnings. were actually distribut- ed .in each community. It dis- closes whether , the so-called "Saverage• income," as reported, ,,really amounts to a small num- ber of families at the upper end of the income scale compensat-, 1/er I ,ng for a .large number at the lower end or whether the dis- tribution is .somewhat uniform. The finding is that 42,4 -per- cent of all Huron County house- holds had net incomes last year, ,after payment of taxes, of $4,000 or more. With so large a proportion of family, units in*,this category, they had at their disposal, also, a large part of the local buying power. •As a group, they ac- counted for 66.2 percent of all earnings in the county. The growth of the middle -in- come families is good news to -retail merchants and to other business men who 'have' found them to be The mainstay of the HEATHER BEAUTY SALON LIGHTHOUSE STREET , OFFERS YOU THE TOPS IN BEAUTY CARE 3 GRADUATE OPERATORS TO SERVE YOU Harry Colclough -Len Pounder '. Elizabeth Holton FOR APPOINTMENTS `CALL JA 4-7461. •EVENING APPOINTMENTS—LEN and ELIZABETH -25 • economy. • - The figures on other income arroupings an Huron County place 9.3 percent of the, local households in ,the $7,000 •to S10,000 bracket. They received 17.4 percent, of all incomes loc- ally in the year. To those in the $2,500; to $4,000 class, comprising 29.4 percent of the population, went 2n.5 percent of the income. WORLD SERIES TENSION TEST s How tensioncontributes to accidents in industrial plants was illustrated with a.. `World :'cries picture by Joe Connell, of Kitchener, speaking at a meeting of, the Industrial Ac- cident Prevention Associations at Goderieh last Thursday even Connel1 said he checked l on four industrial plants in K::ch.'ncr "where radios were in- s'o :ed to enable the employees( La listen to, the World Series h.::,ebur:l games. . On the first e iy of the series We•dne'sday of For A Smoother Befter , • DRIVEWAY Longer lasti' too Saves Time and Money on Your Driveway PROJECT last week, when the game end- ed in a close 6-4 score in favor of Pittsburg, four minor in- juries were suffered by employ- ees in • the .aforementioned plants. By way of contrast, no in- juries were reported on the sec- ond day of the series when the Yankees won by a big 16-3 edge, The fact that no injuries were reported indicated there was not the Vision on the part of the listeners that therewas en the first day, he stated. Taylor Elected Director, �FU. . Robert Taylor, of Varna, was re-elected Huron District direc- tor of the Ontario Farmers' Un- ion at Clinton, Wednesday of last week. With Mr. Taylor are sub -direc- tors Edgar Rathwell, of Bay- field; George Campbell, of Sea- forth, and Ray Manna, of Au- )urn;women's director, Mrs. George Clifton, of Brucefield; sub -director, Mrs. Thomas Gov - n oc o ea or ; secre ar Harold Govier, of Auburn, and treasurer, Mrs. Carl Dalton, of Sea forth.• tiue,t speaker was OFU vice - resident Ed. Morden, , of Shel- liurne, who warned delegates that a depressed agriculture, caught in a price squeeze by chain store groceries, could pull down the economy of the whole country. Mr. Morden advocat- ed a strong farm organization wirie�li could stand up to the grocery chains. E HAVE THE EQUIPMENT FO NO FUSS —.N0 j;VIUS — NO WORRY • OurM obi's Mixers bring the correct mix and right amount direct to . your driveway. Huron . Concrete Supply Limited JA 4-7361—Or Write—R.R. 1, 'Goderich, Ont. YOUR JOB – Arimaimmor CANADA SAYINGS BONDS &upurc now, bq inslolrna,fs or for cask, at o114 brcek of tl�e""RogaC THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ri General Motors and Buick introduce of action Now! Full -size -living in new -size surprises the Full size '61 CK ..ate. .-s::s ' �� r '' ,��'• the Special -size BUICK ST. GEORGE'S GUILD I Mrs. C. Videan presided at !be meeting of St. George's Churchwoman's Guild. Sorip- ture was read by Mrs. B. H. Munday. A pot luck supper followed the business session. A pro= ;ram, consisting of solos by 'Dianne Nicholson and instru- mental numbers by Judy Pat- 'airson, was enjoyed. Mrs. P. Hill a.nd Mrs. A. Kn.eesbaw gaffe accourLs of their hoi,:way trips during the past summer.. ' • You Can Benefit FINANCIALLY IN CANADA'S FUTURE GROWTH, BY INVESTING IN Mutual Funds. Phone J. Allaire, district- • • Manager, et 'JA 4-7671. . KING MERRITT CO. LTD., CANADA . r :fi✓rria wiu v� %ei sax'::.,.•r:.::;; Buick re 4 -Door Hardtop 1 ASTINE AS N'•EW AS YOU CAN GC? cal w!t.wF4.11I comfgrtt, fu•lJuxury,irp„a trimmt;r, full tize-ar •a> With a car that's so new clean through, Buick .was able to start right duon on the ground and compromise.onno component all the way up. tT STARTED WITH AN ALL-NEW FRAME •..,......_.����.-.����:�. .�_.�_t;�1��':aR°rt1.-Prunr��i•�•e��,.....,..:.•-... ay for lower door sills, a smooth( r,. quieter ride, easier handling and bearer insulation orthe body from road shot-!:. 5 The new frame allowed a NEW CONTROL_ARM 'SUSPENSION From this came flatter cornering and mirror - smooth going over the bumps as well as the highway. IiuiPk has a new semi -floating rear axle, too! This combines what 'nig seers call Torque -Tube Drive and Hotchkiss Drive— • giving you the finest features of:both. , The new axle allowed a NEW HIDE -AWAY DRIVE SHAFT Buick put a totally new kind of double -joint ...into a 2 -piece drive shaft. This let it' bend down under our feet and down went the hump in the middle to give you far more flat floor space - than before. r.X.:•: r:•.4 ••• h...b . - .” w..+N!+N•Yr+r.,Kiivr+wwri::V,NYW iYht$?'M'�P'•'�+{ :1!,- . i v {!r. �: d ?. K s -. r �"� .... r ,,,, ,M• .r. r»...:r .r......4, + . •' r ,wr �:+wr.•r.�i.^:�•^' .carr f ;:�. • •';::''ti'l'l. •i}}:? r::::::, :; •.}� �.... t i �r r.. ......... •.,.....r .r...,�,..•.••}'r:;:�::}4:'iii:%ii:{%'r....:. ..... ... •. r ... rr..,.r .. :?; r }:;'r,. !. r<. r'i •.'•: 4 :h is : r:+f ••. r. r fir Buick Special Deluxe 4 -Door Sedan fyyy . rlrrrrn v+++w v� r�1rNr v wv+7t i+,rN• Yr•M�r.'-04VY�A90.••.r:•.:.'r'r::•:•.•. rXAvo^^t lM/h»2.'`•r�... .. r • : • •:: r v r::.,rr i'.2 +�p,v,. #...,'•, �rJ//,{,^, +sir : V r"'"'^^9Af61a ffrriY� { frit/i jr %rte• rrrr; r"i40�1p,M�KW } '�y''r "+%Ypi„A4�y4. >r.,f�'•rirr f '„r.'..... :: ti,. ,c-�;.,r:. Buick Special Deluxe 4 -Door Estate Wagon {-, murnomnimerre .KINGSTON AND VICTOR) STREETS f�7%r�/i00�yp�y� A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE!' ,..Whitewall ALUE!- ,..Whitewall tires optional at extra cost See Your Local Buick Dealer • 'Bigger than small THE BEST • OF BOTH WORLDS Now! ,,The room, ride, gb, pride of the costliest cars plus the sav- ings av- g in sand ease of the small It took combined GM and Buick ingenuity to work the near miracle which made this car possible. Here is lL.-SIZE]]IVING WITH NEW -SIZE CONVENIENCE. COR/IFORT? STRETCH OUT! The Specialgives you more headroom than most new -size cars, nniore legroom than •inost new - size cars, more shoulder room than most new - size cars—and more total room for comfort. CANADAIS ONLY ALUMINUM TRANSMISSION Not another new -size car has it! New Dual Path Turbine Drive is the liveliest automatic in any car. It's like having two transmissions—one with an oil connection for infinite smoothness, the other with a direct mechanical connection for greater go and greater gas savings. CANADA'S FIRST ALUMINUM V8 puts the power in the Spbcial. It de- velops astonishing power per pound. The Special got this power without adding weight. And there you have the start of a great gas savings story. SAVINGS? TERRIFIC! The Special gives~ you the gas savings of a com- pact without giving up go -power. It sells in a price area you'll- like without giving up looks. The miracle explained: the smartest engineering in years plus the new wonder materials. M-161 B AMISMOTORS PHONE JA 49231