HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-10-06, Page 1274110 Goderich S gfial-Star, ThursiaY, October,6th, 1960 i,derf evening. We hope thatf �� � � ��,_ • j ' all e s¢.hoo�l dances i..n the, 1storicDunlop `':__._ future will be as surrrssful. Did you know that the Senior Sold; i ,s To Be oeoon [G:bc. i. NEWS Thursday after se•hosl boys on � Friday .after school, and Inas U110 e_upied for s vera 1 .:'t was 1856 when the' title to rehearsals sever -yet -we weemonths,s. 1'lc'i1 LLAN.--In loving memory ley .Nancy, Hugh 1 1 k t buntline tui ..11th of ui rete al the tai of dear mother and ,,rand- � ..• r ua� c i to lase It ti James 'Mr 1illan I then zr a U a 4 a the historic E ,"'.:v ' r 1' eurss we -have lots ef•-V0 1 andi-I eetep"•"wyhte`Y;eme,4e fiessese seee �.� .,. g1-,4111. n o , . s. , a •,u d time in store f„r us. , . > , > v>f..flrhrare. III 135I3 Ju�tu Atwn�°"gass�•d a1ti�,Y i:)�Luiaer fi z School Library, u tavetrl in bygone years, "tent .iogeured the. proeeiz. and pas. 1959. y ',4i, _ e , - "I est _ $4 r e -h 4 ke . 6r:�:C,.� , ,� t , ^*- v�.:. ,,� .. r4,h,Tcy�, -�, ..; �- _ . ... � 1. F - II r. ) � _.� .n , . , . tax) �e�- �.ii1� � ._. r .xt �'t� ,5 �sitt.w. ,. , .w .. ?v s :fxl • - , � � 1, a � . � • � ,tt)k� wa ,_� a e .� as t � 1t ucar •+ess.e E, s:..'s.7.r�.. .T lir.?!'.. .7F�.... ., �i4?'.. �"Azn., apse b+.'=.t? +� JFW.. :."y f '....-_ A +�i•.. K•ri' 'Jim Sc1`tIY' fl."er 1ti;on the lir,;1 e tuiday, -,. \ thuny in 1l 6'44' t`''Oider Gude.rtcti The • loved iiear't hdfds dear Stttlentclear. I realize that I haven 1 written angio it ' Inter -School Gott Tour -I g . 1 lire purchaser was Ferris Cat -,residents' will recall the days fond memories linger every day e 11 i • ' "out Ant'n tin. J1tlJ Littlefield, Detl'uit. �'� � l� �,e.h a dt 1 e u to y commercial engineer in the Allan's" was a popular diver - tin r�rr e in - try it l r r exult \. n in (Je dez 1 1 >h Stn t whole)E e so1 .,w • u week, 11 to o for a yton, Seaforth and Wine hank tak- try to catch you up on all the latest.ink; part, the Guth ich pair inytn- Wel1, the worst is first. Gode-ia ed t -o walk, elf with the •tion Motor City, he and Mrs. c atliu Alun. , rich lost last week's • football' ors for G,DCI. They must have ate sl11111tlet' visitors to Guderich, Later owners of the building, acne to Seafortli 8-0. llowever,llrla:vel conte good Wulf. aid already own the property ::t one time (salted the F,xchang,e r .J The soccer games among the across the count); roast from the Hotel, were William Glazier, they play^Ed a Seed „Slice, and and hotel h ulc just north ut the Henry` Shields, Jake Moser and therefore weren't "slaughtered” =rade nine forms are in the t- as the saying goes. The cheer-� semifinal stage. 9I) gleets 9A Dunlop Motel. They plan to William Webster. leaders did a good job, too. and then 9F plays the winner move the building to their giro .They led. the eager fans in of that match. perty. It i not known whether nn cheers throughout the game . The senior and junior ,girls' .at will be used as a summer cot- HIC KEpNV " looking sporty in their new blue volleyball teams were 'chosen tone or for cunrnlercial pure. and white outfits. And we're this week. I hope they have as Doses. Mrs. Catlin 4s a forinerl ,r,�l1 sthat the boy's will have good luck this year as they had Colborne Township reside nit. surey The old hotel property was sold ,�jT THE -NILE better luck this Thursday in last yeah, don't you? Clinton. Just for "practice," thy I•seem to have told you every- by Mrs. Joseph Allaire, of Gode- th1I1„ but I'}1 write to -yon again rich, who purchased it about NILE, Oct.. 41 Some • Of the team is going to play Ridley 1952• children in the Nile district areCollege' next week. - Sincerely, Saturday: in St. Catharines . anNancy, . Once known u,. s Anthony's confined to their homes because' Saturday: Here s hoping that ,Tavern, it was owned'kry,v4ious of the .chicken pox. they have goad "practising," tproprietors but none more lam- 'The Y.P.U. met in the church Initiation was an all 'round LADIES` •BOWLIN.G I ed than Anthony Allan. Stand- basernent Monday evening with success. Every grade niner took! Jing six feet, six inches in height, Rev. T. Richards in charge. his part bravely and did what The Ladies' Commercial Bowl-Ih' weighed 300 pounds and was Allan McNee was named pre - he was told to do, such as: '.ng League season is well under shine shoes, carry lunch trays, way. Team standings are: Dan-' known for his ability to oust �iderlt for the coming season. any persons from the tavern who Other officers are: 1st vice -pre - made nuisances of themselves, aident,. Joyce Matthews; ,se -ere - floors, and even sing "Farmer' Wings, 15; Flyers, 14; Stiffs, 10; I It was said he could take two tary, Barbara Taylor; treasurer, in the' Dell." Everyone had al After You, 6. lit size men. by the coat Bob McNeil; pianists, Doug to:t of Jun. e, • j The high • single for Tuesday! collar, one with each ,ha ,hand at Fisher. and Neta Sherwood;` Then there was the dance on; evening went to Marie Lang- thesame titn.14 hold them out at Faith and Evangelism convener, Friday evening. There was a neige with 2367.'11nd the highs ar's length and bump their Neta Sherwood; mission and, large 'crowd (many grade gin-! triple went to.- Eve Wilkinson lheads together before throwing world outreach, Carol Pettg�an; err) and everyone hada won with 522. them outthe door. stewardship, Mary1belle - ere; GURNEY GAS-FIRED' HEATING EQUIPMENT By AMERICAN—c$tandard SERVICE ELECIIIC PLUMBING---WIRING—HEATING Phone JA 4-8581 Victoria and Newgate Sts. 1 Rernembranee keeps her near —Sadly missed by :Dorothy, Lloyd and Anna Mae. . 39x Er Cards of Thanks HEY. -I wish to express. my . sincere thanks to friends and relatives for cards, flgwers candy and gifts while I was in hospital. Special thanks 'to friends and neighbors who have h,elpe-d 4n so many ways since my return home. Catherine Hey. 39x WICKS. — We wish to extend sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kind- ness toward us during the loss of our brother, Arthur Hicks, .and for. the beautiful flowers, cards and messages of sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins and Howard Hicks. -30 ST&T ,S,—I wish to take this opportunity to thank my 'friends and neighbor„ for pioneer ..days; Dunlop citizenship sandcommunity ..ser- their cards, flowers, and gifts was known 'as Milburn. Gavin vice, ,Ken McNee; lunch, Ruth _..,.,which I receiized, while a .gat: Green, in one of his historical:Rutledge, Carol Pettman; Bar - articles, said that Milburn "had ,bara Taylor, Joyce Matahew•s; a fine tavern built. and run by recreation, Lyal Maho-n, John �r3oee ipthegeoesen cit• eaest Beee; Lersey,,SessekiWs,an.d, xiazk ,: bbisest .and tun Uy Sohn *.11 .4 Po11C,¢k ient in ,Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. -Also special thanks to the many friends who visited me and to m,y neighbors and friends �- ani 1�rur gnats s ::. for.. g Y�. Cliff tlre�rr.emany actssso,f .ekind se$e. father 'of Anthony Allan, a still Mrs. Cliff Brindle ' and VIrs, and their thoughtfulness. It' I-tter proprietor." Frank Robinson, of-G•oderich, s. The tavern at Dunlop surviv- attended Seaforth lair"�'Jdhn .4papprPriated ed the changes of nearly a cen- Kelly, ,of iKingsbridge, visited Wry. Early in life. it had a Ted an'd Doug Brindley recently. competitor only a mile and a Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pettman half south, at G.airbraid. At are moving this week to their that tavern in 1857, was thelnew home in God-eric:h.. organization meeting of school) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Orser, of ,section 5, Colborne. Toronto, spent ,a few days last Land at Dunlop was part of week with Mr. and ,Mrs. Wm. the - Canada Company's grant Wiggins. from the ,Crown, and appears Mrs.. F. Garniss and, sonsi;n- f�rst in_ the records. • After that, law, Wm. Ratcliff, of Toronto, Hon. C. Hyndman acquired 100 pent the week -end with` rela- acres of land and transferred fives in this district. the sante to John Galt, Canada ,The Women's Association will Company promoter, who made meet next Tuesday in the his home at Ridgewood Park. We are celebrating our FIRST Anniversary with special sale prices on our regular lines of PAINTS—WALLPAPERS—FLOOR COVERINGS C.I.L. Products--liuminum Doors and Windows—Tiling — _____ L . , To our Friends in the town and surrounding district we extend our sincere appro- ciation for their courtesy and patronage during our first year of service. MOM McARTHUR & REILLY LIMITED 36 WEST ST. —:GODERICH JA 4-8532. church basement at 2,30 p.m. Robert Stothers. -39 G.Coming Events Harbourlite Inn,, Goderich, every Saturday night, -Hi-Teen record danee with Monte Snider. Every Wednesday Lions CIub Bingo. -35tf A rummage sale, sponsored by the Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, will be held in Mac- Hostesses 41 gannon Datinty Diners was held on Saturday at the home of 'MTS. Hugh MoWhinney. Party planning was the theme of the meeting. :..The girls also made and decorated eup cakes. A dainty lunch was served bY Marybelle B,ere and Sharon Stewardson. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sproul have a new baby boy at their home. .Congratulations! • , The ,site of ,Reginas Sask., iwaS originally called Waskana, the Sioux Indian- name for "Pile of Bones," from an accuinulation ,of buffalo bones where pem- mican had been made. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR 1 STOP SERVICE MOTOR TUNE UP — BRAKES — BODY REPAIRS WHEEL ALIGNIVIENT and BALANCE This writion avoided.** Of performance' is yours when you bust new FirestOne Town & eotintry tires. See us 'now -before Winter strikes! ASK ABOUT TEXACO Undaspray The Amazing New Protection for Your Car's Like Nothing You've Seen Before Fights RUST and ROAD SALT — It Adheres -- Never Hardens Moisture,„-- Will Not Chip Off. In fact it is a brand new ultimate in preventing rust and salt damage, It's New It's Undaspray! The resilt of teamwork and researchi between auto - body specialists and lab technicians. Davidson Texaco Service To FIRST to be equipped for tlie application of this amazing new — RUST PREVENTATIVE — IDSON TEXACO SERVI Huron Rood Nir Godeilleh JA 44131 p.m. 'For pick-ups phone 8560, Mrs. George !Chambers, or leave Rummage Sale. — Keep in mind the Salvation ‘Army rum- mage sale, Wednesday, October 12, in MacKay Hall. Doors open sharp at 2 p:m. Proceeds to be used for, charity. .Your dona- tion gratefully received. -38-39 A series of prenatal classes will begin Wednesday, October 12th at 2.00 p.m. at the Alex- andra Marine a,nd General Hos- pital. These will be held at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are invited to attend on the above date or plhone the Health Unit—Gode- rich trAckson 4-7441, between Rummage Sale sponsored by the Home and School Associa= tion, will. be held at Tila,cKay Hall, Saturday, October 29th, NOTICE.—Goderich Town -ship Seliosil' 'Area- Board' announ the new Holmesville _school will be open for public viewing on Friday, October 1144h, from 8 to 10.30 p.m. Everyone wel: come. - Frank Yeo, Sec.-Treas. -39 WEDDING SOWERBY =- FEAGAN A pretty fall wedding , was solemnized un Saturday at North Street United ("1111reh when Donna Mae Feagan exchanged marriage vows with Douglas Neil Suwelby' before Reverend A. E. >;~.uetace;, The bride is the daughter - of Mr. and Mrs. Ben- mas: '.gaga i . -Q,f R.R. 4, ,• :odekix.th,) end the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs, B1411ao11.... S w.uisst ; orf kGoderi it/1->',Mrs,.,Baty k,4a . nJ a , Wln haul aunt of the gild Wingham, e c , was soloist and George Espert presided 'at the organ. Given' in marriage by her father, the bride wore a street - length 'gown of nylon chiffon over satin. The bodice featured lily -point sleeves and a portrait neckline, accented by an inset of Chantilly lace detailed With sequins. The b ,uffa,nt skirt was worn over a hotp. A crown of tulle, scattered with rhinestones and sequins, held her finger-tip veil of silk illusion and she 'arried a' white Bible crested with yellow roses and white str`earaers. Mrs. Roibert Van Reisen, of Clinton, attended her cousin as matron of honor and the groom's sister, Miss Pauline Sowerby, of Goderich, :was bridesmaid, They wore brocad-'also wore a !brown velvet sailor , ed taffeta dresses ir; shades of t lilac and green, styled with full sweeping skirts and shoulder drapes of silk organza. Matc.h- iti; hats and crescent-shaped bouquets of yellow and bronze mums e rnpleted their en- sembles. n- „ .tJ ) >c r t '101 C I E )~ 'VE I 1 is were C t I n Bar- bara and Bonnie e4.resigan, o1 t Winghanl, cousins of the bride, who wore. identical dresses of yellow 'brocaded taffeta with Peter hoop skirts -, oc p skt is and I a;Ih neck lures.- They ";carried.. Qld .f .h -L.' Al .aged nosegays of bronze= mums 2 S � eon?'b I2iuC� `l��l.'� ktt .t e � tt . 4 w. bronze. streamers. - )mer Sowel1bY was ,his ,broth er's groomsman 'end the guests were uyhered by Douglas Fea- gan, brother of the bride, and Leroy Sowerby, brother of the groom. The reception was held at the Bluewater Lounge where the pride's mother. received the guests wearing a short -sleeved sheath dress of forest green with pleated cummerbund, . Her accessories were white and she wore a pink carnation corsage. Assisting,. the groom's mother wore a green satin sheath dress with white stole and a corsage cf pink carnations. - For travelling, thew bride chose an olive green sheath dress with wide cummerbund, end a matching jacket trimmed with a perky leopard collar. She- HOLIDAY he SUGGESTS JRANSGjY1NG::a. •a H L.DA Y ��A SPECIALS — • Pumpkin or Mince Pies ea. 50c Pumpkin Spice Cake - ea. 40c Old 'Fashioned Cornmeal iVluf his - doz. 40c OCTOBER 1S DOUGHNUT MONTH Try' Them Orang ,, or Cinnamon Glazed -- .dozen 40c Open All Day Wednesday,. and Friday Nights Telephone' JA 4-7941 hat and matching , .accessoa-ies. A corsage of yellow roses was pinned to her jacket. The voung couple will reside in Goderich. , ,1. Prior to :her marriage t`e bride was entertained at two showers in her honor, one at the home' of Mrs. • Dolly Kelly and one given by her aunt, Mrs. Carl Sowerby. On the Wednes- day preceding the wedding, the bride's mother entertained for- her or her at a trousseau tea. ONTARIO GRADE OVEN EADY and' up This Couoon Good For 11( 7:7- se 1 Fresh Turkeys 8 - 10 lbs. Also Available pA__,_ , _ .___, • . , _ ,_,„b...y_g___.k,,,._ GOLD BOND STAMPS TABLERITE THIS COUPON IS GOOD' FOR with the purchase of one SCHNEIDER'S 11k -lb - Canned Picnics Coupon Valid Until Oct. 11/60 sew 'xximeemer SAUSAGE MEAT This Cou on Good For 50 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS with the purchase of one - LYONS 100 BAG SIZE • Coupon Valid Until Oct. 11/60' Saturday, October 2,2, come to Knox Churdh auditorium for the annual Brownie and Guide tea and bake sale, 2 to 5 p.m. -3941 • Goderich Little Theatre will sponsor a two-day theatre work- shop at MacKay Hall on 'Tues- day, October 111th, and Wednes- day, October 12th, at 8.30 p.m. 'Any group 05 persons in Gode- rich nr district interested in 'play production or just in thea- tre, in any way, please feel free to -attend. Mr. George Merton, head of drama for the Com- munity Programs Branch; of Ontario, will be in charge. -30 TWICE A,S MUCH for only ONEQ 'CENT more, Monday, October 117th, thru 22nd, at RIECK MIARMACY, during the Rexall On,e Cent Sale. Rpm( PHARMACY, Square near Col- borne St. ,Plion,e. aTA 4,7241. The Ahmeek Chapter, IODE, will hold' a rummage sale in MacKsy Hall, on Saturday, CLEVER CONTRIVERS esThe God,eridh Clever Con- trivers held their third meeting on Tuesday at the home of Pst Mcirlwan. The' minutes were read by Gcvven Million and ?bonne Johnson. Suggestions tfor meal plan- ning, table -setang and service, table manners tend good con- versation were discussed. Mrs. Riehl and Gertie Campbell judg- ed exhibits. THEATRE Ali CORRECTION Due to a last minute change in bookingS, the Park Theatre d for this week is in error, rnstead of "Masters of the Coligo Jungle" the picture for Mond aY, Tuesday* and Wednes- day will be "Clue root Iri Hell,P 'ailor, *starring kAlain (Ladd and Dan OVerhity. vseseimmusese This Coupon Good For 25 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS with the purchase of one SHIRRIFF'S 6 -oz. Instant Potato Coupon Valid Until Oct. 11/60 - Thil Coupon Good For' 25 *EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS with the 'purchase of one YORK ,16 -oz. LB. JAR PEANUT BUTTER Coupon Valid Until' Oct. 11/60 This Coupon'Good For 25 EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS ' with the purchase of one REYNOLD'S 12" FOIL WRAP Coupon Valid Until Oct. 11/60 43c 25 EXTRA - GO LD BOND STAMPS with the purchase of 1 -lb. 'pkg. TABLERITE SIDE BACON Coupon Valid Until Oct. 11/60 HEINZLPANCY TOMATO JUICE 2 48 oz.' — TINS GREEN GIANT--fANCY. GR,EEN PEAS 3 i=.49c 2 28 Oz.35 TINS iALAD::DRESSING i6 Ch. 29c JAR SiCIIS4EAFE INSTANT COFFEE JAR 6 Oz. 85c TABLE4RES GOLDEN YELLOW RIPE BANANAS' SUNKIST VALENCIAS ORANGES U.S. NO. 1 11 This Coupon Good For 25 ,EXTRA GOLD BOND STAMPS SIZE 113 . DOZ. tcpNBERRIES SWEET POTATOES 3 FREEZER FEATURES 69c 25t lbs. .25c GREEN BEANS 210 Oz Pkgs REMINGTON'S IGA FOODUNER with the 'purchase of one GOO SEAL Sockeye Salmon Coupon Valid Until Oct. 1Y/60 SOUTH AND 'ELGIN STREETS - GODERICH 49c