HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-10-06, Page 6The Goderich Signal -Star Thursday, October 6th, 1960 I. Articles For Sale 1, /WC the best toilY in used ap- ipliasces, see Shore Appliances, °ea the Square. Your Frigidaire Sealer. Branch agent for CNR '11011eY.,- Orders- rfituw and used refrigerators, -mums, :.washing machines, dry- , %sites, low: terms. good trade r•.• 4;0. GAS .r.kiige, new, can be used. ;or either Prepane or natural, gas. 30 inch size, 4*burner,! sh,ip worn, regularly; !••el!s fur $345,00 -- one oni),! ],7250. h..1 E. Brecken- r.idge Dial JA 4 elm. 2FRCIIN' T 'END I cl r, tits ;Ford tractor, complete v.ith .yould„--maise,gasoion.ssuure load - or. Apply 112 Trafalgar gt. 39x 4r4owanges. See turnbysi.89 St. thwiel street, Goderich. -19t1 •nyouinvic suppiies (rubber pods) mailed postpaid in plain, Sealed envelope with price list. Nix samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept- T-53. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Ham- , ilton, Ont. FOUR ft. refrigerator and an all white enameled coal • and wood kitchen annex, both in good condition. Phone 7989. 39x ONE chopper, roller, Mixer, and other mill equipment. Priced for quick sale. Contact Mervin Hodges, Port Albert. 394N OA'_y1PBELL'S I.D.A. DRUG STORE 47,11 Colognes Dial JA +7532 -39 SCOURS? ' IVIASTMS? Many diseases can be controlled safely and economically with veterin- ary health products from R1ECK, IPHARYLACY Square near Col- borne.. St. Phone JA.4-724-1, Goderich. -28tf 171NDLAY natural gas range, 22" Model, four burner, oven snd bfoiler, like new, Apply 17 Albert St. or phone 9522. '39x l'BOY'S, winter coats, size eight and ten; young lady's coat and suit, size 112 and 14. -Phone 8458. -39 GIRL'S "Little Nugget" brown three-piece set, size -6. Also black ballet shoes, size13-B. Phone 9495. , -39 11111/11/401 2. Cars, Trucks For Sale '55 CADFAAC sedarO power brakes and steering, immaculate condition. Any reasonable offer. Can be financed. Phone HUnter 2-9383, Clinton. -38tf ONE Travelall International ,oation wagon; one Cadillac 54 Fleetwood sedan. No downl payment. Payinents can be ar-t ranged mOnthly. Apply Ivan's Nursery, phone 7171_ -38-39 • KEN CROFT Real Estate and BusinestVreitifr. 1955 FORD sedan delivery, V-8 automatic, removable backi seats, ratho, and carrier. Owner,' , going overseas. Must selLoW. • • ; J. Roop, 6 Quebec Rd.. RCAF Station Clinton. 39x 83 Victoria $t., Goderich, Ont. .0411.gre.,wit1.94r-Qff.lcx1-. Phone.orA 4:1253 YOUR •' HALLIDAY HOME I AGENT LAT FOR 14ESS in a, lovely Halliday Home N.H.A. Approved; V.L.A. Ap- , proved. See our homes before you build. HOMES $3,900 DOWN—new, home on Mary St., only built last year, 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, luxurious living room and a gleaming 4 -piece bath. Full sized baseme'nt, excellent for a recreation room Low monthly payments would carry balance. ONE of Gdderich's, sdteliest and most luxurious homes. Situat- * ed in an exclusive residential area across from Harbor Park. The value of the home is far in excess of the asking price. Hot water oil furnace supplies steady even ligat in this fully insulated luxury home. Terms can be arranged.4 THREE low down- payment homes in residential area. 'WE specialize and carry a com- plete stock for all Sparton TV's,1 and all tubes and most parts, dar other makes of TV. B. R. litmday, TV, Radio and Soundi Serece. Phone 7961, 147 Wid-1 clay St. 22tf IFITLL line of M -F machinery; and parts. New Idea and New :Holland haying equipment. Used machinery and. Purina chows. George Wraith, Mont- real St., Goderich. -31tf 1959 DODGE, automatic, 6 cyl- inder, will take- older car for trade, PhOne .8828. . -39-40 PONTIAC coach, •1951, w it h 1953 rebuilt engine. .Mechanically sound. $150 cash. Phone 8857 evenings. ,-39 • 34 Facq boat, 7ta lop. motor, trailer. Port Albert. •See Jack Gre_en. -3442 CUT flowers, gladiols, asters, mums, snapdragons, flower ar- rangements, baskets forsany oc- casion, tomatoes, tulip bulbs. L. R. Holman, 187 Cameron St. Phone 8852. -37tf ELECTROL•UX• Sales and Ser- . vice, c eaners and 'polishers. Also reconditioned units and repairs. Bert Harris, Goderich, phone '7917. -37tf FIRE Chief chimneys; steel and , aluminum roofing; roof coating; colored Flexalum aluminum sid- ' ing. Guy Ives & Son, Contract- ors, Tt. 2, Clinton. Phone 1612 38-42x '55 MONARCH, in good condi- tion, no decent offer refused. Phone 8726 or 62 Albert St. -39 '58 6-CYLEVDER Vauxhall, low mileage, very good condition. Will sell for reasonable price. Call between 5-8 p.m. at 197 Bayfie-ld road, phone 7146. -^ 39k 1950 G.M.C. pick-up truck, at! „Plante's Service Station. Aub- rey Walter. 39x 'A FULL line of portable record 'players from -824.95 up; 21" censole ;TV, only 8229.95; used TV's, $50.00 up, overhauled and ready to enjoy; aerials, rotors and supplies. For all your TV and radio needs see Hutchinson Raclin and TV, 308 Huron Rd.] Phoile „TA 4-7831. -39; f VACUUM CLEANERS SALES AND SERVICE Repairs th most popular makes of cleaners and polishers. Filter ,Queen Sales, Varna. Tel. collect • Ilensall .696 r 2.. -39tt • GREY kidskin jacket and 'musk- rat coat, 12 to 14; Hudson seal coat, size 10. -Good con-, dition. Phone JA 4-8763 even -I • ings, JA 4-9471 daytime. -39 'WINDFALLS. • PIck your, own IfacLntosh ;and Snows, $1.50 per; • bus. 'Poring contain-ers, P'none r7096. assaldne orehard. 95- 5-- BUIEIR-seden; in- A 3--Rori dition. Phone 7522 Or 8854, Goderich. -39 3. Real state For Sale A BARGALVoolIorne ono-N;apier St. with almost one acre of land. The land- alone will some day be worth double the price. Frame home has 4 bed- rooms, 3 -piece bathroom, big living, .and dining rooms, kit- chen and attached garage. If you know a bargain when you. seeone—by all means look at this valuable_ property. Easy terms, low ffiterest. A HANDY man's home—if you are looking for a .large home to fix up this is the one to buy. The property at the moment is a bit rough looking but • has a terrific potential. Buy it, fix it up, sell it and make yourself some monell Or buy it, fix it up and have a splendid home for yourself at lower than rent_ LOTS...-.. .2 Orr Cayle;', 66 x 132. QQO 104 x 100. 1 On Nelson St., 66',r132 11 On St. David St., 66 x 80. '1 On Albert St.,. 55 -x 85. 2 0 n Picton St.., 36 X 132. 4 W. J. HUGHES Real Estate Broker General Insurance - 50 Elgin Ave., E. Phone JA 4-8526 Ranch style, three-bedroom home, 3 years old, close to schools, large living room-, din- ingtroorn and kitchen with lots uf cupboards, 4 -piece bath, iaundry tubs in basement, oil furnace, garage, good sized lot. Priced at 812,500 with low down payment. HANDY MAN'S SPECIAL Buy this incomplete new, house fr.- fraction of price of; new home. 1 - Three -bedroom white frame home with 2 extra lots. Priced; reasonable. Three-bedroom brick home, iiving room 16 x 15, dining roomi and kitchen', good basement, ; 'furnace, garage, nide lot. Priced reasonable. Also a number of duplex and income homes. HOLSIIDIN ei,ws, milking. Also Owb units Surge rr.ilker. Phone! Carlow 2107. -39 USED McClary coal -and eh-ctricl combination range, in goad n-; dition. Arthur's Fu-rniture,' Auburn, -39 LADIES' tan fur fabric coat, sire 14, eat Phone .7363.. - - -39 ' WASHER—used, but in excel - dent condition, ready to go for; „ • SFRVICF • P.M PL-01"ty1F.NT HAROLD W. SHORE tAt-ESTAIE-BROKR"`i: General Insurance Phone JA.4-7272 . Your agent in the Goderich. District for Kernohan Barnes I • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 Brand New — Three -Bedroom Bungalow Completely modern, with Large, bright living .r,00m and dining room, kitchen Jtist loaded with cupboards, tiled four -piece t bathroom, three comfortable bedrooms each with more than ample closet space, this brand r.ew home is centrally located near schools. :House has full basement, and is.heated by gas fired force -air furnace. Sub- stantial, dol,vn payment required. New Brick Bungalow — West Location Just finighed, this brand new home with all modern appoint- ments has tiled bathroom with built -in --vanity sink, cupboard - lined kitchen, three spacious t.,edroarns, each with folding door clothes closets, large, oright nom and dinette with gleaming hardwood floors, a full dry basement and forced: - air, gas-fired furnace. In a quiet, residential west location. Here is the ultimate in modern, com- ifortable living. Family Size Home — Near Hospital Well loeated, this home has three large bedrooms and a three-piece bathroorn on s.tcond floor, living room, _dining, room and kitchen on first floor. This property is •in'an exceptionally good state of repairs and is offered at a low price for cash. , • Business Property ; Large store 24' x 70' with apartments. 'Available, immedi- ately, on the Square. Reason- ably priced. We Have Lots of Lots • 2 on Elizabeth St. 66 x 132 2 on Widder St. 66 x 132 1 on Victoria St. 52 xs104 1 on Blake St. 66 x 90 1 on Elizabeth St. 55.x 132 1 on Park *St. , 66 x 132 - Farms, Farniss_Farros Many excellent farms listed throughout Huron, Perth and Middlesex- counties from 50 to 250 acres, priced from $6,000 and some with exceptionally !ow down payments. • Farm and Rural Saressmen: Harvey Lassaline, R.R. 2, Goderich • C. E. Laithwaite, R. 1, Goderich Roy Lamont, Zurich IFrank MacKenzie, R.R. 1, Ripley LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED. 1 On St. George's Cres., 100 x 1 On Mary St., 66 x 132. WE HAVE one of the largest listings of farms in Huron County 'from $3,300.00 to $75,000.00. Numerous cottages and lake frontage. NUMEROUS local busines-s op- portunities. No information--; given' over phone on these. LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED ' KEN -CROFT 'Farm Salesman: John I. Rapson 152 South St. — JA 4-8559. FOR RENT Two-bedroom heated apart- ment, $75 per month. I LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITE)) MALCOLM MATHERS 1 1NSURANCg .AND REAL ESTAfE OFFICE years of trouble-free service. E. Breckenridge Hardware, Dial JA 4-8131. -39, One of the most interesting large family homes in the west end of Goderich. This is. a dwelling containing sPa c Mus S1VIALL Clare Jewel cook stove; • amongst other reat'ures, a large library, large attractive hall and stairway, lovely living room and dining roam, and modern, bright kitchen, also main floor powder room. On second floor, master bedroom has its own powde roam; there are four other be rooms, bathroom, large heated, gunroom. ' Large grounds and many other features. . h.p. electric 'motor. Phone 7729. -391 BOAT, 16 foot Nipissing, 25 Johnson motor, lights, paddles, preservers, speedometer, com- pass, canvas, etc. Tteasonable. ' Phone JA 4-9521, 4 Britannia Rd., Gocierich. -39 C9AT.# and Wood range with ‘waterfront; piano and bench; , racking chairs; large trunk; Banner dustless ash sifter. 99 Lighthouse, week -ends. .39x IRMIRIGERAITOR, '14 cu. ft., inevr, fully autathatic, 75 lbs. frozen food storage, adjustatole fatal -mg, etc., $349.95; also vaeu- rim cleaner, tannister type, complete. -with accessories, $64,95. Thanksgiving week -end . Special—bath dor $349.95.. E. Breckenridge hardware, Dial JA 4-0131., -39 Caler1114tFlatif) and chair, in green nylon. Phone 9383, • 6 -39 MLACIEC seal fur coat, gray lamb trim size 1244. mauve winter toot,. gray lanib +trim, size' 12, , both in excellent condition.' Phone 'MM. -39 41.4666.666,-. 1 33 X 1954 itt, geed co'nditi'on, 3 rooms plus( 3se, battrOom, $1#100. APPIY 1)ex 52, Baliield„ Apply eiVening$ After 7 Or weekends. -30-40 • ALEXANDER -ANL/ CHAPMAN, Bank 6f Commerce Building Goderich, Ontario ');non down and .as low as! George Ashton, Fordwich LAKE front building lot, 102' tfrontage, by 140' to lake batik, lpus 50' oVer,bank. Lot serviced iwith sewer, hydro and water, located on Essex St. with access to lake. Price $4,000.00. Con- tact Peter MacEwan Real Estate, 44 -North St.. JA 4-9531. 36tf JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker _Clas'sified Ad Rates'- REGULAR- CLASSIFIEDS 50c per issue for 20 words or less-(e:Ito Avords • and figures .02 cents each per insertion). Payable in ad- vance or no later than Wednesday noon of week following publication &I Advt. If biked after afore -- mentioned time, 25e extra + for bookkeeping expenses. 25c extra for office box nomber. COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIED RATES (for business firms, trades- - men, etc.) 75c per issue --15 words or less (extra words and figures —.03 each). Classified display $1.40 per inch, ° NOTICE RE SIGNAL.STAR BOX NUMBERS When an advertisement car- ries a box number, inform..? ation concerning the identity of the advertiser cannot be divulged to anyone. Wednesday noon is deadline for receipt of classified ads. ' — Display advertising rates on request. Deadline for dis- play is 5 p m.. Monday of week of publication. APARTMENT, ground floor, pri- HONEST,, reliable m.an wanted roor4S- and for tank .de4ver-34.--seridee,- Wals bath, freshly deoorated, partly -ing to work ond bondable. ..Sal- lurnighed_...‘ washing facilities,lary and commisaions. Apply to elose .to.,....upS.skssussissr141.--;96-0/11riLiftraigfaRTzoWAVX,-ie?04:42.1 ' Goderich. Phone ).„4.4-957I. 13. Auction Sales ment ,$2,000.-= Also two-aparts ment house, very reasonably priced Choice lots for sale. We ,have ;a large f farms -in Huron-eountyr Per buying and selling, contact JOHN BOSVELD Real Estate Broker 40 Wellesley St.," Goderich ,Phone JA 4-8762 Salesmen: 'Joseph McConnell, Seaforth Angela Bosveld, Goderich C. Buruma, Clinton.,6 FIVE -ROOM house With bath, FOUR -ROOM front apartment, on Square. Large bright living room, kitchen and dinette, two 9. ..4.gents Wanted bedrooms, full bath, hot water. Immediate possession. F. T. AUCTION Sale of household ef- fects from the home of Alvin McAllister, 345 Huron Rd., on SA1P UR DA Y, OCTOBER 8th at 1.30 p.m., the following: Pre -way large oil space heat- er; Coleman small space heater; Gurney modern enamel .:AtiTtriz-v-unge.,--intem.aiionaist Frigeratar; Easy . washing ma - i shine; .2---oyash tubs.; .,2s,bnitern loaloss4tIeril. Audio couch; easy chair; 5 oak dioing room chairs; small cab ,net; end table; metal -bed, springs and mattress; 4 -drawer modern chest; chrome table; kitchen table; MacAulay chain saw; table saw; numerous tools. Other articles. • TERMS—CASH. Alvin McAllister, Proprietor. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. -36-39 1MR. AND IVERS. W. I. 'Willer, St. Helens, are celebrating the•ir 50th wedding anniversary on Thursday, October 1.3. They ;will be at home to their friends afternoon and evening. -39 -39' AVON CALLING , Armstrong; phone 8517. • -39t1 FOUR -ROOM apartment with NOW IS THE TIME . , With, hot water, private entr- to secure a good AVON ter - :ince: Reasonable rent. 23 Regent St. 39x TS\ 0- BEDROOM apartment, above business college, heated, unfurnished. Available im- mediately. Phone jA4-7450. -31tf HEA'rED apartment, living room, large kitchen with -built- in cupboards, 2 bedrooms, util- ity room and bathroom. Avail- Oet. 15. P -hone JA 4-8344. rAfter 5 p.m., JA 4-8170. -35tf INICFIX furnished single rooms for gentlemen. 11.1 Trafalgar ,St. Phone 8831. -34tf HEATED apartment, 33 Hamil- ton St., $70.00 per month, living room, two bedrooms, kitchen, etc. Occupation on October 1st. For farther particulars write P.O. Box No. 969, Goderich, On- -34tf ALL 'year around home, gas heat, (brand new), three bed- rooms, for rent or sale. Port See Jack Green. home. 151 Church' St. Phone -3442 7113. • -38tf ritory, and be prepare'd for 'big 'Christmas 'Selling Season. Write Miss V. M. Mosher, P.O. Box No. 36, Owen Sound, stating telephone number. -38-40 RELIABLE dealers wanted. Fine opportunity to establish own business Household pro- dotts to sell at high comniission and bonus. Details and Cata- logue on request. FAMILEX PRODU'CTS, Dept. A, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal, Que. -39 10. Wanted (General) A 1925 TO 1910 convertible wanted, 2 or 4 door model. Pay cash for best car. Please.write R. 0. Cheyne, 15 Jansusie Apt. Rexdale, Ont BOARDERS wanted. 'Private TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES MUNICIPALITY OF COUNTY OF HURON , PROVINCE OF ONTARIO To, Wits NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , • that the list- of lands to be sold for arrears . of taxes in the County of Huron has been pre- pared and was published in an CLEARING Auction Sale of advertisement in The Ontario choice livestock, implements Gazette upon the 3rd day of and grain will be held at the farm of Walter Tigert, lot 2, 6 of lands for ecpotepmiebsera, the list Lake Range, Township of Agil- sale for arrears of taxes may be field, opposite Port Albert Air - had in'the County Treasurer's ort, Highway 21, SATURDkY, OCTOBER 8 office. default of .,payment of at 12.30 p.m tax,es as shown on such list on i1-8 Hereford tows; 17 Here - or before TueSday, December ford calves; 19 Hereford year - 1960, at the hour of two lings; Hereford bull; 9 York isi'?„lock in the afternoon, I shall pigs; 200 Sussex Red, pulletsi, at the said time, in the ,Court 40 Rock -Leghorn hen; model D House, Goderich, Ontario, pro - Case tractor; Case 3 -furrow plow; Case side delivery rake; iMc-Deering ;tractor disc harrosv; 'Case springtooth cultivator; New, Idea manure spreader; Massey:Harris fertilizer drill; 3 - section drag harrows; 5 -section drag ;harrows; Cockshutt rubber wagon; -hay rack; Massey -Harris tpower ni6wer; power buzz saw; 'Bell electric hammer mill; 700 \hus. mixed grain; quantity of Albert. honsehold effects; many articles tao numerous to mention. No reserve as the farm has been sold. - TERMS—CASH. ""Walet,r"Pirett',Preiptfetde,4'''. - • Donald B. Blue, Auctioneer. -39 471•11,"•womaT 11: Business Notice 14. Services Available CATALOGUES of gorgeous per- sonalized C'hristtnas cards are on display at The Signal -Star Office. It's definitely not too early to make your Selection now, Come in and see them! ONE-BkiDROOM -fu rn i she dt SMALL apartment or two rooms apartment, all. convenience.s4in return. for work as. janitor. Rgewood Park, phone JA 4-. No children. 1,Ilte—StC3C 8891.- ' -33tf Signal -Star'. 39x 1 CONSTRUCTION MEN — Fall-, TWO :girls 'to board. Mrs.- Dan and winter accommodation,1Willis. Phone 8749. - ' -39 modern self-contained house -1 - - keeping units, off-season rates.1000m •and board, suitable for Central location. Maple Leaf two men, 'single beds. Phone Motor Court, 54 Victoria St. 13730 or 115 Britannia Rd, -36tf - ' '-39 ° ; THRFF-ROOM, • °heated ,- apart:11 I . : 11. Employment Wanted ment, with two-piece bath, hot water supplied. Phone 9455. -instil brick immediate posses- -37 sion, full basement, part cash, terms. Write Box 80, Signal -- Star. -39 T.—TheidriMrate—WaTIM • HAVING TROUBLE selling your property? Let our eight years experience in selling real estate in Goderich assist you. For an accurate market valuation and good selling results rcall HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker 38 Hamilton St. Dial, JA 4-7272 LISTLNGS WANTED —Farms, Summer Cottages and Town Pro- perty. Alexander and Chapman, Realtors, Bank of Commerce buildin g, Goderich. Phone JA 4-9662. -18 HOUSE, modern, 2 or. 3 bed- room, wanted to buy. Cash -pay; 'ment. ' Write -Box 74, Signal - Star. 37x 5. To Rent TYPEWRITERS—Portable and standards. Skeoch Office Sup- plier, phone JA 4-8652, Goderic,h. -36tf -A beautiful brand new ranch- MAKE your housework - easier S50.72 per month for 12 years'style brick bungalow with at- by renting a floor polisher and - only .ftached garage. Large pleasant vacuum cleaner from Shore Help Wanted You can have a beautiful 'living room, dining room, Wall plianees, on the Square, -ltf • [ . YOUNG woman desires part - COMFORTABLY f u r ri i s h -e d time housework, two half days single- rooms, with living room a week, Tuesday and Thursday ence. Dial 8433. .ifid kitchen for your convenipreferred. Phone, JA 4-7158. 38x-tf 38x ., - . tICIMM—alianfiaiir—s, IrritXPYRIENCBTrIktYgr'ililr-de contained,-"gecond floor, h,eated,' typing at home. Write P.O. Box ,infurnished. Available October 1357, Goderich, Ont. - 39 1. Phone 72'96. . . 38x ceed to sell by Public Auction the said lands to pay suoh ar- rears, together with the charges thereon. NOTICTE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that if any of the said. lands remain unsold, an ad- journed sale will be held on ,Ttiesday, December 29, 1960, at the same hour and place and at which, municipalities may re- serve the right to purchaie any of the said. lands. Goderich, September 6, 1960. • - —JOHN G. -BURRY, sq-erksTs•Wa\ssmosss -36-48 \PARTMENT, new kitchen and bath, view of harbor and 'lake. Reasonable. Adults only. Phone , TA 4-7884. -38 COMFORTABLE heated apart- ment, 'private 'entrance, four rooms and bath, laundry facil- ities. 46 Nelson St. 38x-tf HOUSE, three bedrooms; three- piece bath, living room, dining room and -modern kitchen, gar- age. Av-ailable October 1. Phone 8830, after 6.30 p.m. FIVE -ROOM heated self -contain - cd --apartment. Possession im- mediately. . Contact Glen Slavin, Highway 8, 11, miles from Square. ' • 38xtf F U RN I S H E. D cottage, near Square,. oil furnace, attached garage. Apply Wm. Gilbert, Barge ,Collingdoc, North ad., Goderichi • 38x7tf your own lot an these terms. See us now. -Plan this" winter. Build in the Spring. lwith loads of cupboards and breakfast area. .0' .Sunroom, 4 - ie til b th ti 12. Tenders Wante,4 SEALED TENDERS endorsed "TENDER ,FOR POST OFFICE BUILDIN G, ZURICH, - TARIO," will be received until 4.00 p.m. (E,D.S.T.),THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1960, at the of- fice of the 'Secretary, Room B325, Sir Charles 'nipper Build- ing, Ottawa, Ontario. Plans and specifications can .be seen and obtained at the. of- fice of the District Architect, 225 Jarvis St., Toronto, and may be seen at ,the Post Office, Zurieh, and the Builders' Ex- change at London, Ontario. To be considered each tender ,must be: 1. glade -orin the printed forms • supplied by the Department in accordance with the condi- tions set forth therein - 2. accomPanied 'by a security deposit in the form of a certi- ...fled cheque or bonds as spe-ci- -fied in the farms of tender, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, q1115 BULLE'N'S Cabinet Shop, Castom furniture, kitchen 'cup- boards, furniture repairs. 1,84 Gibbons St. Phone p-631.' 'fih -31.if Experienced, Licensed AUCTIONEER . ALLAN MacINTYRE Lucknow Phone' 281 Lucknow, Collect (Can be contacted each Wednes 18. Personal -38tf, sasamonsoimil OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex Tonic ti`blels help "pep -up" thousands s-----s---ssdaysat-Lneltrotras-Sale),-• tifssmerssowcesserro—sSasts-Sllooesnlys------------•"° -9tf 09c. At all druggists. 39&41 WATERLOO CATTLE BREED- ING' ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Art Used" Artificial Insemination ,Service is provided from .bulls of all breeds, We are farmer owned and con- trolled and, operate at cost. Summer calling hours: BetiWeen 7.30 and 9.30 a.m.,- week days; 6 and 8 p.m. Saturay evenings. For service or more information call: HU 2-3441, Clinton, or, for long distance, Zenith 9-5650, Clinton. -17tf. . Lost And Found. REWARD' to person returning brown wallet oontaining money, personal papers, set of keys, tos,t in front of Jerry's Hard- ware Store, Tuesday afternoon. Please contact Arnold Hugfill,' 92 Cambria Rd. Phone JA 4-9437. -39 KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY — Expert, re -upholstering, refinish- ing and repairing. Work guar- anteed. Reasonable prices One - week's service. Phone Cornish Electric. 33134x tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment, fast serviCe. - Work Guaranteed-. Louis Blake, R. 2, Brussels, Phone 42r6, Brussels. it - 37 -40x SHARP Tug,.„,.TOOTIS! Saws: hand and electric, skates, cut- ;lery, etc. Part-time farm work and with contractors ;C to wall broadloom, four bed- . . iroorns, double closets with slid - ling doors. Kitchen is a dream UNFURNISHED, ,self-dontained• ALES and service man to re- Chief oAf Adnsinistrative Services 'Ujirdea;Coating Shop. -39tf Huron 111c1 opposite ., apartment, available immediate- present Singer Sewing Machine.', s, •N and Secretary. ly. R. H. Cornish, West St, Co. Salary, commission, medi- Department -of Public Works: phone 9421, -17tf cal benefits and pension plan,. -39 Itransportatien optional. ApPly PRIVATE Office, heated, at 46 in.' person, Singer Sewing Ma - West , St. Malcolm Mathers, chine Co., Goderich. -30tf Real Estate Broker. Phone . JA 4-9442. -24 AMBITIOUS man or woman to take over eStablished route for Nationally Advertised Watkins Products. No investment. Pos- - HOMES Stucco, 3 bedroom . 5800 Instil Brick, 4 bedrooms 9600 'Solid Brick, 4 bedrooms 9375 12 Years Old, 1 floor • 12150 New 1 floor 13400 1White rey 3500 A new, modern, large brick ranch -style bungalow in an ex- cellent area overlooktng the lake. This is one of the finest new residences, „,combining all of the newest features and in- cluding 3 large bedrooms, den, breezeway, attached garage and a large mahogany -panelled re- creation room with a stone fire- place. A business location on West St. (formerly Fred Beever's). A very good parcel of property, and large building formain floor store, and having two living apartments on second floor. Near the lake, a very well maintained, 2 -story, 3 -bedroom dwelling, In excellent repair; 106y room, dining room, ONI kitchen, new bathroOm•, new furnace, attached garage. MALCOLM MATHERS 46 Wiif Phan* JA 44442 .Inturante A99fif Rog itstato Broker p ce e a , recrea on, room 16 x 30 with natural fireplace. Forced air oil furnace. Laun- dry tubs, washroom with show- er. Location overlooking the lake. Make an appointment to see this spaoious home Our listings include other fine homes from $16,000 to $30,000 827,000 buys a prooerty with a yearly income* of $3,900. Terms can he arranged. Income properties with good living accommodations. Several businesses for sale. We also have several inquiries from out of town clients for business opportunities arid business loCations. AROYOU INTERESTED IN SELLING?? Sinsle lots and parcels of land, up to 7t42 acres. TWO apartments, both on sec- ond ron do flororK_RTHats. -privateqntrances. , si. e min I Two-bedroom wartime house, lexcellent condition, with garage, io,cated near the schools. Priced to sell. Located on Hincks St., tw9- bedroom bungalow, newly decor- ated aluminum windows, with cxtra lot, 146 x 154. ?rice $6,000. TQ RENT TWO BEDROOM apt., heated, ieparate entrance, not, suitable for children—f,55.00. TWO-BEDROOM apt., exclusive district, heated -1865.00. ' THREE OT four-bedroom house, antral location --480.00. ALEXANDER and CHAPMAN Goderichz--Phone JA 4-9662 with E. E. Cranston "Realtor Manager Phone JA 4-8801 100 ACRE farm for sale, 12th concession Ashfield. 95 Acres worloable, five ares bush, nine - room solAd brick house, bank barn 40 x60, hydro and running water. Property of the late Muhl° Matheson. Write in- it•hone W. R. Mat1esO1,4Chesley, ne pho460, Wenings 20? -1W..; 425f, Looking far a- business? Res- taurant with cabins on Lake HurOn, garages and service sta- tion, farm machinery repair c-hop—a going concern. Nursing home—a money maker. Lovely four - bedroom r e d brick home, hardwood floors throughout, newly decorated, choice location. Full price $10,800—low down payment. -- In the village of Dungannon, very good six -room house, only $3,000. Mortgage available. Also excellent five -room house in country, only 82,800. 160 Acre farm, south of Gode- rtioh, fourobedroom home, lots of water, hydro, barn 40 by "70, garage. Full price only $8,000, half cath, This is ;an exception- ally good buy. For Sale or Rent, three-bed- room' home, close to Square, suitable for business. It- has many possibilities and is priced to sell. 20 Acres of highway frontage, outh of Goderich. Price $4,000. Income property, four apart- ment brick house in choice loca- tion. A' real- money maker. .Full# price $12,000—down pa - with water heater, partly *.flitil-lweekly, Write to F. Granger, ished, including rangette, frig., '350 St. Rooh, Montreal, Que. washer and oil space heater: Four rooms add three-piece bath with water heater, oil space heater, unfurnished. Agent, Miss Mary B. Howell, 12 St. Vin- cent St., phone JA 4-8042. -39tf FOR RENT TWO -OFFICE'S 328 and 357 square feet in new building, Bast and New- gate Sts., Goderich. For particulars*. see " A. F. WILLIAMS, Federal Bulilding, Gaderidh; or phone JA 4-7758. ;39-40 ATF ONCE, for rent, four -room unfurnished redecorated .apart- ment, over stofe on *rquare, private bath wall water heater. W. Hern, phone 9404. -39 -APARTMENT, four rootns and bath. Apply O'Brien's Meat Market. -39tf FOUR -BEDROOM m od e r n *home, with large living room, dinette, kitChen and four -piece bathroom. Available November 1st. THREE413-F10+1110()N1, two-storey home, living room, dining room and' large kitchen'. Available middle of October. THREE-ROOM apartment, east 'end lOcaLion. (Mailable mediately. $25.00 per month: Apply Ilarold 'W. Shore Real Estate Broker Dial .TA47272 _ '113NDEft FOR FURNACE -3942 Sealed tenders, clearly marked to contents, will be rece-ived by .the undersigned until Friday noon, October 21, 1960, for sop - ply and installati,en of a new oil sr gas furnace -With a capacity of 187,000 BTU's, or of sufficient capacity to guarantee proper Of , 9,„ STATIONARY itl\IG'1NrI1EB Sealed applications, clearly marked as to contents,' will be - received by the undersigned un- til Friday, October 21, 1960, for the position of stationary ,en- gineer, 44h class or better, at the Huron County Home, Clin- ton; duties to commence Nov- ember 1, 1960. Starting salary, $3,000 Der annum, pins usual' employee benefits. Please sup- plk)suitafble references JOHN G. BERRY, ClerloTre a sure io County of Huron Court, House, Goderich, Ontario, $4,090 to $6,000 AND lVfORE That is what a large number of 'OUT Dealers are ,making in their districts. If you are Interested in starting with an .orgpfluzation where you can work full time, the yen': -round, . write us im- mediately. Your age 'must be' between 25 alid 55, no experi-f ence or capital -needed. Prefer -1 ably married. Rawleigh's, J4116--ZA, 4005 Richelieu, Mon- treal. -39 CONIPAIIsPION rw^nted for elder- ly lady in 'Goderich. Nursing! tot required. 'Write to Box '78,1 Signal -Star. -39 operation and satisfaction for the Huron County Registry Of- fice; price to include complete installation as required. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. -39 .Goderich, Ontario ANDERS FOR L.C.B.O. STORE ANID WAREIFIOUSE Sealed tenders are 'being receiv- ed by the !consulting engineers, William S. Hall and 'Associates Limited, 794 Eglington Avenue E., Toronto, until 12 o'clock ,noon, Wednesday, October 19, 1960, for ,the constroction of a liquer Store in Goderieh for the Liquor 'Control Board of Ontario. Plans and specifications may be obtained by the general don- 11960,"on deposit of fifty dollars ($50.00). Lowest OT any tender will not necessatily be accepted. William S. Hall and tractor from the consulting en- gineers on ,or after October 6, Associates Limited, 794 Eglingtan Ave. E. Toronto 17, Ontario. -39 15. Notice To Creditors A. Births BROWN.—At St. Joseph's -Hos- . ; pital, Brantford,, an Saturday, , October 1, 1960, to Mr. -and , Mrs. Steve Brown, Brantford, a daughter.. ' CROFT. At Alexanc4 Hospit- al, teoderich„ on September 28, •1960,*.to .Mr. and Mrs. KP.fuleth Croft, Goderich, .a son,: Michael Kenneth. HUTCHINS. — At • Alexandra Godei-ich, on Octo- ,ber 2, .1960', 'to' Mr. and. Mrs. Pauf Hutchins, Goderich, a 'daughter, Lorrie Charlc;ne. JONES.—At Alexandra Hospit- -11; Goderich, on October 1, 1960,- to Mr. and Mrs. Elwy'n Jones, Goderich, a- daughter. ALL persons having claims against the' estate of ISABELLA ,MacMURCHY; widows late bf the Township of Ashaod, in the ';/.2 iittron, who died 0111 ua nbtoyu t the li;th clay df-Sapttmi---tf- ber, 1960, are required to file; IA, game with full particular's! wed15itthli clay the oufsoloOertscribgne1.147n. t.1,iaes after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at Goderieh, in the County of Huron, this 10th•day of September, 1960. HAYS, PRIEST & HAYS Goderich, Ontario, Solioitors for the Eqate. -37-39 IN THE BSTATE OF George Bernard Wilson, ' late of the Township of Goderich in the County of Huron, Yeoman, All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file 1,he same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 17th day of Oc- tober, A.D. 11960, after which date the assets will be distribut- ed amongst the parties erititled thereto, -having regard only lo the -claims of which notice shall have been given. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 26th day Of September, £D. 1960. E. B. MENZIM, Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the said Estate. 16. Public Notice WILL no longer be respon- sible for any debts incurred in my fralme by my wife, Violet MacAdam. -38-40 mornimmor , 1 LLEWELLYN. — At Alexandra Hospital, Go•depidh, 011 Sep- tember' 28, 1960, to Mc and Mrs. Prancisilewellfri, Gode- rich, a son, MARKHAM, — At Alexandra ,Hospital, GpderIch, on Oct°- , -John Maitham, Godenieh, son, John Richard. PARK.—At Alexandra Hospital, - .Goderioh„.on October 4, 1960; to (Mr. .and Mrs. John Park, R.R. 1, Dungannon, a son. SPROUL.—At Alexandra Hos- pital, ,Goderich, on Septem- ber 30, 1960, to Mr. and ,Mrs. Clifford Sproul, RJR. .3, Au- burn, a son, John Mark. o i 111111111111111. C. Briefs Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edwatd Fuels, tank truck -dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone JA 4-8386. -39ti There's a large stock' -of lamp shades to suit your every need at Shore Appliances. Come in and look over the interesting variety. , -10tf Schaefer's Ladies' Wear Ltd., offers you a wide selection in carp.ets, wall to -wall, expertly installed; draperies, pattern or plain; glee the new patterns in wallpaper. See these lines lh the store or in your home. -25trf Tlerbert 'MacAdam. 3941x - "vommommor Additional Classified Ads on page 12 6 ,66.4