HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-10-06, Page 5ssi AS Blood tests and breath a yThe Appellate Court; afirming a conviction for "drunken driv- ing," said that the average' per- son may testify as to the condi- tion of a suspect, and that in- toxication is a matter of com- alyses arebeing used increas- ingly to establish gull't, or in- nocence in impaired ;'driving se` charges, says the Ontario Safety Leulgue. A recent legal decis- ion in New Jersey is of interest,, mon observation. • Great Bear Lake in the North- west orthwest Territories is the largest all -Canadian lake, area 12,000 square miles, and fourth largest in North ,America, being exceed- ed in size only by lakes Super- ior, "Michigan and Huron GetYour TV rese- 4.1 IN TIME FOR The VORLD SERIES and the subiegpent FOOTBALL GAMES. NEW '61 MODELS — PRICES CUT ON ALL '60 MODELS. E. C. RIVETT 'MUSIC SHOP Fully Equipped For Prompt andEfficient TV Service. 34 THE SQUARE — GODERICH — Dial JA 4-9432. alk+ ' —11 cords of wood boug/it last year from farmers by =the pulp industry DID YOU.GET YOUR SHARE Each pioneer dealer has.been supplied with local 4tetails. on where, hew and -who to -sell- to. Drop in to -day for complete information and a demonstration of Canada's favourite Chain Saw. A. •R. HI � `' field. ireDepartrnent. a 7 Neve Members The funeaise`Vlce wa 1 C F�r'IihlR A. OMPSON Seven -new members have Monday afternoon at the Lodge H �� 140 Th• b funeral • home far Arthur Roy A graveside committal ser - .n OUSe �� Hiel�s, 45�, v►nho died i,p London. vire •will be held on Friday at zrrenilaerslup up to 94 the lair Rev. A. E. Eustace conducted 2 p.m. at Maitland cemetery for The Guaerich Signal -Star, Thursday, Q�et. 6th, Lions Club Gets OBITUAR :hip; Mrs. IGeairge Castle, Bay - .-'Citi'zenss,ci2'Goder""ielf and 1%4 tract., are reminded that Fine ,Prevrnt.inn stee.,lk,:°,rill-Iki ti'V; o;4 in, Canada, October '9 to 1a: - Fire Chief J; J. �iioegarth, of the Goderich Fire Department; says that the department has been fortunate in having no major. ,Fires in the past 'year in town or the. surrounding townships of Colborne and Goderich, which they also ser- vice. Only one fire, and that a car garagq, and there has, been no loss of life through fires in Goderich this year, he said. Fire Chief Hoggarthr who has been a fireman since 1927, and his brigade of 16 men are very proud of their new fire hall. This they moved into last year. He says that the citizens of Goderich should ,also be proud Teen Town Dance AT SEAFORTH ARENA Saturday Oct. 8 To the Music of "The Strato-Tones" DANCING FROM 9-12 .., ... -.:39x eme WINTE CO IF TE)ACO s5950`1 LixtMODEL 400 Complete with 12" attachments - PROFIT WITH PIONEER Canada's No. 1 '•Chain Saw . • - s21250 MODEL 600 j . ,Complete with 16" attachments •„�'! - a THACK SALES &. SERVICE 115 ST. DAVID STREET' FUEL CHIEF HEAT/ -NG OIL VIC WALDEN TEXACO DISTRIBUTOR \FOR Ell "-Pe-ro1'eunr'-Tradnets- and Burning Fuels Goderich, Ont. ' JA 4-8812 For 24 Hour -Service CaII Residence JA 4-8348 een accepted into the Goderich Lions Cub to bring the total • e the service Interment A. in Chester A. Thomrpson, 66, who ld�`stileir netw station ,f. r -6i cjl-�ub<... „I�h +. „mex1211US call Laer on l t num i s n n his the for f h�c o t y ,Maitland cemetery. ' A native of Goderieh Town- ship, Mr. Hicks lea „,a., son . of the late Mr. and Mrs."'William •Hick` ; 4fi Vista 'Ielorrg rte= dent of the'township. Surviving are five brother.s: Joseph, -Detroit; Frank, Choice - land, Sask.; Howard, Walter and Morris, all of Goderich Town- ship; and two sisters, ° Mrs. `Harry Watkins, Goderich Town- be inducted on Thursday even - this fall, the. G,aderich Fire De, in Qctabex' , . • r partment,-, will "fro d ��0, µen g, -m i 1ta ce eLi it n n d. .p _ Iaa� :rfee ed.layet , Liesis I-i'fo�trse� ��n1 en �"tir�� Te'td'cil s 'off bi T)istrict v � e rno Morley o r ole M •- c -Goderieh and district Will hey invited to come and visit the Lean, of Oranbevill;e, who will lire hall. be paying his ofiidlal visit to The Goderich • Fire Depart- the club on October 13. • At the same time , as seven ment is on, call 24 hours a new members were accepted, day, seven days a week • and the resignations of two mem- has a reputation for speedy, ibers were accepted with regret. good service. In fact, in less They are Bruce and Alla? Mac than,\one minute after the alarm Donald. . has been sounded, all . firemen With the Sunset 'Hotel closing can report for dirty and be on for the fall and winter months, their way • to extinguish the the Lions Club found it neees- blaze. They have ,asked Tawn sary to select a new place in Council far another standard which to ,hold their dinner fire truck in the near future. meetings. On a decision by.. All firemen are trained in how vote Harbourlite Inn was the to use the inhalator and are choice .of the Lions executive always ready to render first aid. and the next meeting and sub - Chief Hoggarth is e Iroud of Sequent meetings will be held his equipgient for a town of there. .•a.-. this size. Most of the other An additional $500 has been towns. in Huron County, like voted by the Lions Club towards Clinton .a41i1 Seaforth, have thea•, siding the work of the Boy town firemen operate the fire Scoutsand the Scout House trucks whichare owned by the they are erecting south of Gode- townships. I rich. This brings to a total of Fire Chief Hoggarth thinks $'1,000 the money voted in that that more organizations should way so far. hold discussions to make their members realize the fire hazards in moderate homes today. Fire- men are always ready to tell of the dangers when 3-0 amp. fuses are* used instead of the 15; and that an overloaded hydro line can turn a 'home into a ruined mass_ --The -, temptation of matches left for children, or the careless smoker m�vho .. drops to sleep, or forgets to,use the ashtray, should bb a reminder to everyone of the danger of fire. - ,Th .I. f e,r-- dineets -tris^ WaItcr _Tigers• country -wide message this year The September meeting of to 4,000,000 homes. Check your the W.M.S.acrd W.A., of Port home against fire hazards, and Albert United Church, was held on't give fire a chance to- start. at the home of Mrs. Chas. Craw- - ford with ten ladies present. Mrs. R. E. Crawford was in -A sum of money is to be loaned to a youth from Goderich to aid him financially in start- ing his studies at the University of Western Ontario. This new service of the Lions Club comes under ,the Student Education committee of which. Dr. R. W. Hughes is the chairman. sliest .an . Monday., He 'was born in Chicago, the. only son of the nate Mrs. and r AA . :r' ix , e,:.Illi, eC;a a f,: ^ 6 tho:..,d: 'e4:, s: +da�ii•"htx'fi Il 5 A $ty (letg'be 2r�d �t..-. the `Royal i'lying Corps �� 4 - in World War 1. Mr. Thoinpsbn Lucknow Nursing Home. He. was a mail •••clerk for 38 years, had been ° minister `at .A ktleid; and was superannuated last ! Ripley -and Aix urn'Blytti Pres, year. byterian Churches, residing for He is survived by his widow, some years in the Auburn Press Muriel Bellman, one daughter, byterian manse. Burial tool; 'Shirley, of Fort Pierce, Florida; place in Kintail cemetery. two sons, Wil'liarn, Of 1.+ondfnnx old Donald,- of Sudbury; olio sister, Mrs. Clifford MvManus, pf Goderich, and seven grandchild- ren. REV. R•O'iRT MacCONNKI44 Funeral services s ere Acid Tuesday., t r yin-��aday a ,a�.�eFd 1? O* tertairi Church .'fur Rev: Ii;:dbe k Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John McBride and Nancy, of Landon, spent the week -end' With • Mr. and Mrs. • PORT ALBERT charge of the meeting, taking PORT ALBERT, Oct. 3.—Mr„ Elwin Petrie and Mr. Gordon' Martin left on Wednesday' for Gogama , for • a week ,.to - hunt mmcrose., Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hoy, Terry and Timmy, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoy, of Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Knight and family,' of Since Mrs. Walter Tiger, the Sarnia. Port Albert news correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Jerry' Moore, of faz-moving. nT vi' T-- ell--tI`1tti"-` ah to Goderich, a n'ew correspond - Mrs. Bill Tigert on Sunday. ent has been named: , She is Mr. Art Dickson ,has purchas- Mrs. Mel Dickson, of Port AI - Fd Walter Tigert's- farm. Art Bert. Mrs. Dickson's phone finish a two year course_. at the Agriculture ;.- College at Ridgetown this year. We wish him every success. We are glad • to report that Mir. Will Vrooman, Nvho had surgery at Victoria Hospital, London, is much improved and will go to his daughter's, Mrs. Don Johnson, in Brantford, on, Signal -Star. as a theme "Our NeedyBreth- ren." Plans were completed for the October Thankoffering at which Mrs. S. A. 1Maote will he the spesiker. Delegates ,were appointed to attend the Sec; tional meeting. It was decided to have , a pot luck congrega- tional supper on Friday, October 28. Mrs. M. Dickson took the chapter in the study book. -38-41 Phone JA 4-7922, 0000omee0000oe000goo FIRE PREVENTION WEEK OCTOBER 9 — 15 Don't Let the Ever -Present Menace of FIRE Threaten YOURw -TMHome and Children number • is Dungannon 25 r 4 ncl Port Albert residents are respectfully requested tp 'phone in news items' to Mrs. Dick -ion in the future. Mrs. Tigert has been a loyal and efficient cor- respondent for. some time now and her contributions have been deeply appreciated by The BINGO at LEGION HAIL SATLJRDAY. OCTOBER 8 AT 8.30 P.M. 15 GAMES — $1.00. 4 SHARE -THE WEALTH Jackpot Combined. JACKPOT OF $90.00, IN 58 CALLS. Sponsored by Canadian Legion Branch 109. No person udder 16 admitted to Legion Hall PROCLAMATION FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Whereas hundreds of lives and millions of dollars in property are lost by fires in Ontario each year And Whereas ninety per cent of these fires could have been prevented I therefore declare the week of October ..99th to-15th..a.s Fire Prevention Week' -= and call, upon all residents to carry out a p"rogram of care, clean-up and common sense caution not only for this .Ong week but at all times, in an effort to make Goderich one of the most firesafe communities in all '9of Canada. E.'C. Fisher, Mayor DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU Drive down To Our SPECIAL Thanksgiving Dinner MONDAY, OCTOBER 10 sa ,,From 1 to 3 p.m. For ,Reservations Call Bayfield 8 ' MENU — — Price $2.75 Tomato Juice Cocktail—Assorted Hot Savories Consomme with Croutons Tot Roa.st Turkey with Savory Dressing or Prime Rib Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding Creamy Whipped Potatoes—Baked Acorn Squash or Corn Nibfets--Frenched Green Beans or TTiny. New Peas - Tossed Salad with our own French Dressing `or Jellied Sunshine Salad • Assorted Crisp Relishes—Hot Home-made Rolls Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream or Apple Pie with Cheese or Butterscotch Sundae with Toasted Almonds or Orange Sherbet with DeLuxe Spice Cake Fresh Fruit Bowl—Flavorful Mints Tea—Coffee—Milk—or Sanka MAKE . THE FOLLOWING cHECKS NQ's/_ A --and the remedies where needed ACCUMULATED RUBBISH AND 'LITTER CHIMNEY FLUES and SOOT CONDITIO'NS ' CARELESS SMOKING AND UNISERSIZED ASHTRAYS CURTAINS OR PAPERS NEAR OPEN FIRES GASOLINE OR KEROSENE CONTAINERS LEFT OPEN OILY RAGS, DIRTY MOPS IN CONFINED SPACE - - FRAYED WRING AND OVERFUSING REMEMBER -An Electric Fuse is Y our Watchdog --Don't Muzzle It! --� AND — Of Prime Importance - Check Your Insurance Policy Does Your Insurance Give You Adequate Coverage? Call the Undersigned for Advice and Service-- MALCOLM MATHERS-JA 4-9442 ALEXANDER &. CHAPMAN—JA 4-9662 MacEWAN INSURANCE -1A 4-9531 HAROLD SHORE—JA 4-7272 W. J. HUGHES—JA 4-8526 KEN CROFT -JA 4-7253 ., The LITTLE INN - Bayfield, Ont. OPEN DURING NOWAY WEEKEND Regular Dining Room Hours. w• Appreciaiion..... Having disposed of The Print Shop I wish to thank all my customers who so faithfully patronized me during the many years of our business associations. It was- a pleasure to meet and serve you all. - I also wish to convey my grateful thanks to "THE BOYS AROUND THE CORNER" of Hafnilton and New- gate Sts., for the pleasant surprise and presentation at the close of business, Saturday,' October 1st., 1960 Thank you one and all. CIdrence MacDonald P.S.—T, my successors, Messrs. Clayton Nivins and Kenneth M Her 1 wish them every success. 39x 5 9• of list: Basement Rubbish.` Unprotected jot:ts -above furnace and smoke .pipe. Untidy wood pile. Ashes in wooden container. Sagging smoke pipe; defective joints. Joists resting on brick chirhney. Oily rags or waste. Paint and polishes. - Exposed wood lath. Fire Prevention Week is �ctober 9-15 •. B A FIRE (HIEF! D.O IT YOURSELF !. ' Want to check yourself on "firebug" 'spots First Floor=Oil or gasoline stoves (summer your home? Here's a pretty good checking stoves). Wood box close to stove. No ' metal stove shield protecting wood floor. Curtains close to stove. Move pipe close to ceiling. Matches within reach of children. Elect4ric iron connection. Cleaning fluids. Oil heater. --'Celluloid toys. .Sweepings in registers. Second Floor', and Attic' -••Electric drop cord hung on nail. Haphazardly -strung electric wires. Rub- bish. Zlnstoppecl_ore paper -covered flue hole. Gasoline stored --or used in house. y on bracket. Offset chimney. Chimney Outdoors•--Moss-covered or curled • shingles. Motor (or car) with defective fuel or ig- Chimney not ,high enough above roof. Clition system. (Also in connecting' far- Wood exposures above chini'hey. age or 'workshop). Knotted drop elec- Soot in chimney. Radio- or TV antenna improperly ground- tric light cord; improper fuses DON'TGIVE FIRE fiPLACE TO START PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF`.pObtRIO•ii ANS. msnin .,,..,.QON NECTION WI'TJI PIRE 1'pREVENTION WEEK BY GODERICH PUBLICthtLITIES COMMISSION tl