HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-10-06, Page 4bA_, ds P• ' The Goderich. Signal Star, Thursday, October 6th, 1960 •Eit• c Johnstone-- , HURON'S FALL FAIRS Heads Assoc. M E J h t f GOde- r. rig o nsane, o YEAR DECIDEDLay succEssFuLrich, was elected president of the Grand Bend Area Iiarrdress- ere' Association at a meeting (By J. C. Hemingway)_ . field of marketing. Farmers do held on September 23. I not take .kindly to scarcity pro- Other officers elected were: ,Well. folks, by the time You duction to increase prices. Let v, ce-.president, Ron Fratlay. read t iss.the Fal) Fair season us hope that they will never C Band Bend; secretary, Marion a for Huron County will be over 1 be forced. into this position. Belling,- Exeter; treasurer, Mar - afar 1960. f, have had the oppor- " °‘' Uu iiiweelf eattending, sefera1 this In times past, there have been, .1 d- shortages in parts of ()en- ada but development in trans- Year and every one of thein portation .and trade has over- ,t,. . ..i. �• �.,.5' tend yt1i.m�cit2.aa.u� ��p ����af�,lc' �o�'. t1't11sK �'� tf t" Farmers are truely great com- petitors: I can think o$ no, other industry where the producer is willing to put his product be- fore the public and have it judged and a verdict given for all to ,see. There are no patents, guarding Secrets of success in -agriculture. When a farmer de- velops a new and better • strain of livestock, he can not look'for- ward to a steady ,,income from royalties for years to come. He can only hope that he can do even better next year. Perhaps this is the reason that efficiency on -the far,n has increased more rapidly than in other industry. Perhaps we shouldn't say farmers are great competitors but rather we should say they are great co-operators. Farmers readily share their profitable experiences. If this strain of oats yields better the farmertime ago by the Clinton Town I.;.,id Mr. Harman. "Our town garet Delkes, Exeter; r- P ru b ran i M.on ...1:. , Maxx,, . ,.raaa..:, Hyde,. Exe'ter:^ Next meeting of the associa- R re - i 'teteel ''rehr $t�P-,ate h : elM improvement throughout the perial Hotel, (rand- Bend, on world so, that none • may be October 26. • At this • time the hungry. Headway is being hair colors for the fall and made in this direction. Let 1,1,s: winter months will be intro - continue to forge ahead: ! doted. -' PIanning Board, Town Foreman, .Honored T e ,,,,2oderich Towel. C: ouncil F isher "then called upon David held a banquet meeting* at the Ilarinan, the chairman of the Bedford Hotel last Thursday ' Planning Board for some time I ttirw, to introduce the memberA evening which was attended by' on'the Planning Board. members of the Clinton Town Chairman Harman stated that Council and the Goderich Plan -Idle Planning Board was a group Meg Board also. of dedicated nen one of whom The purpose was threefold: is ,rleeeted as'a chairman. 'Tin 1. The Town Council returned �.1;e1 to see that the zoning has the hospitality extended some ;one over as well as it has," 'tells his neighbor., If this strain c'ounc•il: 2. The work of the, was ori finally built without Cloderieh Planning Board was t rh) arae or reason and our job recognized; 3. Town Foreman, has been to try and correct Roy Meriam was honored for his' these faints. Of course, we have long years of service. . lied to L...0 some angry citizens Wives of the members of the :; a result. But it's en asset to have a town with angry citi- zens because in that way only can you have final plans made to zone the town as they would like rt .'Said _\Ir. Harman.. Mr. Harman introduced the of cattle or hogs or poultry pro- duces more profitably it is al- most immediately known by farmers across the country. 'Your Iocal fall fair is doing a good -Teal to spread this know- (loderieh and Clinton Town ledge and even more important Councils, town officials -and the it is promoting better quality. Goderich Planning Board were For the time being, at least, we also present. Town Solicitor J. .^siee4alti etwarry about the, pradue .1i, Hunter, _..Town Clerk S. H. 'tion of quantity but .if we arel Blake and Town Clerk John to sell our products at good! Livermore, of Clinton, were also member; of the board as fol-.. prices the quality must be just i present. lows: Clayton Laithwaite, Jim a little higher than the other Mayor E. .C. Fisher presided Wilkinson, Larry Rieck, J. E. fellow's quality. land called upon Mayor Herb litrckins, and J. K. Ilunter, legal Canadian farmers are, to a Bridle, of Clinton, to introduce advisor. Not present but mem- large extent, dependent on the the members of the Clinton hers of the board are .11aliolm W art market-. -In- ite -e-f- ur-4l'krwn--Ofuncil—re cr:.-- tri- In- MatTiers, Albert Shore and m. pluses, our •top quality. bacon troduuing Reeve' M. Crich, of Currey, ""secretary. ands a ready outlet in United Clinton, Mayor Br•t :ie said the On behalf -of the Town of States at a premium price. -Our former had been receiving some Goderich, Deputy -Reeve James cheebe and eggs also demand akithline in Clinton of late since I;is,et, chairman of the public premium on many markets' bet' the town had not only paved \vtirk; committee, honored Town eause of quality. Even our h -efe the street in front of his resid- Foreman Roy "Sugar" Meriam which for many years has een' once - but also a laneway at -the for his 30 years of "faithful considered lower in .iru;rtty, is 'd' - of his house. 1lewever, :c'rviee" to the Town of Gode- being recognized by the Am- Feld Mayor Bridle, the paving rieh. Deputy Reeve Bisset state erican housewife for the fine c f the laneway was well worthed that Roy started with the product it really k. It is not the years of service Reeve Crich' iowti' in 1930 `as;. a ,teams er.1 nearly tai .av'-asteful:es the. Unit- had -given-'C'linton. R • next, hi hecarrrie'ge'neralhandy-I ed. States prime. In telling of the work of the man and in 1943 he officially he -1 -Since farmers ,have shown :G ud e r i c h - Planning - Board, arise .;Town Foreman, -which ^ through- theft fall fairs how' ;Mayor Fisher stated that post he has since held. "I have cviS,tiiig they are- to co-operate George Ellis was its first chair- found him to be very co-oper- in the field of production and man and added that the job ative and very' enthusiastic quality, let us hope that now for the members of the board, about his job," said the Deputy the need has arisen that they was a difficult one 'entailing Reeve. Town Foreman Meriam v:a.seear autect le :a: coon -u watch and Mrs. Meriam with r,. flowers. In presenting the flowers .to Mrs. Meriam, the Deputy Reeve said, "She's been a great help to Roy in his work. It is doubt- ful if she could ever count the number 'of phone- calls she has received from citizens of We - rich to. ask- Roy to °do this or that for them." Councillor F. May Mooney also spoke of the good work done by Town -Foreman Roy Meriam. I The Golden Prairie Cowboys i from CKNX, Windham, provid-. cd entertainment. • • GODERICWAIRMANSiTALENT FOR MUSIC KNOWN AT 'PEG The current issue of the apart from his classroom lee- rnagazino "Voxair," published! tures in electronics al the AO:;. ey the RCAF at Winnipeg, Mani- ; ''Ray" joined the RCAF in tuba, carried a feature story en i Septemtber, 1951, and was select - f< L. II. R. {Ray) Cutt, son of,ed for the tConiTech (G) trade,} Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cult, of Itis trade training was at the Goderich-. Radio and Communications ., lullo,rvs �.4'h4,o., ,` 1 I'liattaz� .Unit. w.1y a � An interest in music while few miles. from hone. attending collegiate in his home On the successful completion town of Goderieh, Qntario, andiof this courJe.y" a,y" was pos+tied r� ;; M .SC:. ?tt.ia ". � •� t . =a i`a-tt7tobar � ^cv e- ~lx�v:��-`kl..e:�.ii�ft��,ari������ t��` tip 1� vdt , °�L , cornet, has provided F L cutt, November, '52, he applied for a talent that is continually, ine..ircrew training. The applica- demand .by the air rorce. Thus- tion was approved and he next "Ray" is a natural for the'attended No. 1 OTU at London, "Band Officer" assignment here Ontario. at Station Winnipeg. This, -of Onee again F L Cytt returned course, is a'secendary activity, to. the school at Clinton. This time tb attend the Radio Ofl'iee-r' etAixse- at" `lige' rld Tsra OS. This training is now provided at the AOS feria. Following his "wings- parade" in October, '53, "Ray" first went to the Maritime Command on a ,bort familiarization tour, then to the Transport OTU at Tren- ton, in preparation for a tour with 111KU: Four and one half years with the Search & Rescue group gave ".[lay" ;;an.., excellent '`opera wota'- al" .background. He spoke of one successful 'but frustrating st=arch over the.. Hudeot.'_,IIa,3k "A pilot, named Crosby, flying a Norseman out of C 'hurohill, ran into duff weather and was forced to land on the bay'ice. Strong winds began to break up the ice, and the plane sank into the ic`y vatets. The pilot now was adrift on ars ever dim- inishing ice floe with only his tool keit, Gibson Girl, and 4 hunk of raw beef. 'I`he exasper- ating part," continued "Ray," "was the SOS transmissions .that out and scheduling of the‘ many bookings available to the band; their out-of-town transportation and accommodation plus a mil- lion and one other details as to music, personnel, and equip- were being picked up from his ment. tl.d,son equipment—the trans- To get away from it all, FiL missions were too short to allow Cutt likes nothing better than the sensing of a g, pti bearing to round up the camping equi.p- on'"him. So close, andeyet so ment and head for the "White - Mrs, e tt, the, two.. children, Joanne 6 and John- 2, are rapidly becoming as enthusiastic: over these outings as their dad. It, looks like "R.ay" will not be getting away -from -it -all much. longer. . At mid -11960 Canada's labor force totallede...6,d541OQO, corm -- pared to 5,236,0.00 ten . years fart" , shell" and some good fishing. earlier. "It all enaed OK though. After 12 daysel frantic search, we finally looated hien. Consid- ering the meager diet and ex- In September, c5a, FL loaf' crossed the field to attend al Staff Instructor course in pre -1 paration for his present teach- ing duties at the AOS As :band Officer, "Ray" looks! after the administrative details. A job that entails the sorting Service G�dthchChhiiey' S A G and a1tDPA Viee FREE ESTIMATES 143 KEAYS ST. DIAL JA 4-7298 -34xTF III lei SEE toe CY --Tan-co-operate as well in the loins ka"o.trrs of s -ervi }1• GARAGES -- Houses Store Fronts Kitchen Cabinets or any type of alterations at moderate cost. Call for FREE 'ESTIMATES WE SERVICE and GUARANTEE All The Aluminum Windows and Doors We install. CARPENTRY WORK done to your specifications 'by Experienced Workmen. BRUCE RYAN — 175 Brock St. — JA 47762 -37-39-41 reee VA.o'�•.pc . you want to be the proud owner of a product that outsells all others. . you want tb be assured that you can obtain repairs for that product throughout its life. Frigidaire Dryers all feature a Dynacote Finish. Y----- Will not discolor or stain --- .All porcelain interior—no roar h vents to damage o] Convenient Nylon Lint Trap. Full range of heat, control. PLUS a "No Heat" setting. Safety Switch on Door. Shuts off complete operation. Economical on Your Hydro Bill. .. you want those repairs made by qualified persons with all the- necessary ° technical literature, and highest quality test equipment. HUTCHINS�N -RADIO & . TV 308 HURON RD." iVe sell only the leading brands of TV and, radio and use only highest quali- ty parts in our mail -department. ADMIRAL—ROA VIOTO-P1TYLOO--BLECTROHOME,