HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-09-22, Page 6the 0-0ericlr' Signal -Star; Thuxsday, September 22nd, 1960. Ars, A. (CaIder, Diocesan W.A., Head -To AddressGeorge'sSt. W.A. Weddin CHISHOLM -- GLOVER St. Peter's Church was the been of an early autumn wed- • St. George's Church Woman's -Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt as the cling Saturday when &lint Mabel, Auxiliary met on September 13 guest speaker. t /With the president, Mrs. H. Tick -I ' The social service convener,`,alaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thom - Mrs. R. Needham, reported a' k's Glover, London, became the borne, presiding. Mrs. J Mid-' large are number of callsaon sick ►,ride of Lorne Martin, sun of anti shut-inskurinQ tine summer Mrs. Witham J. L hishctim, txiidk the opening hymn. Prayers were ' taken,::by the. -president and Mrs. i 'months. I rich, and the late Mr. Chisholm. nH, Dodd l'e; d --i' - .1"li t'ilARVai •. ` ' here was a rnintrte of silence in memory of Mrs. A. Shore, sr., 'Who, for years, was a faithful and active member, especially in sewing for the. bale. Several local missionary so- cieties are bein4. entertained at women of the Diocese of Huron. •the October meeting at which It was held at Huron College, Mrs. A. C. Calder, 'president of London, and had for its theme, the Diocesan W.A.r and a form- "The Christian Vocation," deal- er rector's 'wife, is the guest ng with searching for ways to - speaker. improve Christian leadership. Flowers are to be placed on This workshop was attended by the altar the last Sunday in. September in memory of depart- ed members. The semi-annual 'Will 'be held in St. Mark's Church, Windsor, October 19th. Mrs. Kolohon gave the were - Rev. Father It. °-Moyninan uflici.- "b y'''St• ..re 7,t V .`%.ttiP" :—'iW ""_ `'P: ,-:°... tr tt it ,--cit ''`-' hv,r"* aTh "4 ' ng,,,.:! ev, p,x. Blay, the treasurer's reportmony. • Tle groom is of the which was very' satisfactory. !fourth generation, buth .patern- Mrs. Shirley Medd, Mrs. Dawn ally and maternally, to be nieru• Kolohon" and -Mrs. J. :11iddletoh rbers of St. Peter's parish. • gave inCeresting interestinginformation on Golden standards of white the 1960 workshop, for Anglican and pink orchid gladioli. adorn- ed the altars and family and guest pews were tied with gladioli petals. Joseph 'Wed- lock, director, and Edward Wal- zak, organist, accompanied the male 'choir who sang "Come Holy Ghost" as the wedding over 140, inc1t ding interested early entered the church. Other members from =Toronto and the selections included "Ori This province of Quebec. _ . Day Oh Beautiful Mother," • At the close of the meeting, •'S .Jul of My Saviour" r nd at the lunch was sei`vcd by Mrs. Kolo- signing of the register "Paris lion, Miss Hazel Hartwell and ! Angelicus." rhe. president drew the. men; Mrs.'1'ich'bar::e, assisted by the, rile uncle, escorted by her hers attention to an article in i tea converser, Mrs. B. Mutid.�y. k;ruthtr-rn-law, Roger Villeneuve, The Canadian Churchman on1 all organization, and also one on the loth birthday of the 1•L .A !London, chose a bouffant. after - 1 BIBLE SOCIETY APPEAL noon gown of Swiss organdy, het,, �}}g cele'ur..ted in Ottawa this Letters have been mailed out embroidered in a delicate rose moith An orig, member- in Goderich suiicitin�' funds fur and cutwor•k design, warn over ship of seven has, now grown to theneedy work of 'the Upperitatleta and tulle with back skirt e - fullness. The grin secs bodice 189,000. . Canada Bible Society: The cam-'..nd slim lily point ,aleeves were appointed to assist Mrs. Barry Mrs. A. F. .Sturdy reminded paign is now under way and! t uttoned with tiny buttons, and •Cudmore and Mrs. Marry Mary members of the 'Waterloo Unit contributions, sent as directed ' he rounded neckline was a Lams to decorate the yhurch il- Cancer meeting to he held in in the letter, will be most wel-' Kitchener, October 5th, with, come and helpful. setting fur her heirloom dia' for anniversary. Mrs. Carman mond pendant. A double circlet Tebbutt gave the report of the ' 1 of hand rolled French illusion, manse committee. The meet- ' elbow -length, was held by a _ng closed with prayer by Mrs. rhinestone tiara. '8he carried a Reg Miller. Hostesses for the 1„•cresceaL.,,,,,.arrart,getnerct of .•redtiay were Mrs-. Ninian,..w,L[eard, Sweetheart roses outlined with Mrs. J. Huller and. Mrs. B. J. till .11usion. MacMath, uve services at si ata Jm4 a rgal „,oerronor'aweax• olwasN ilke., ,;t3nited t .'Ci hell ; ► 11.. The most for your money ins ing an afternoon dress of mint be held on Sunday, October 9t'h;. • � -green nylon- chiffon with inset with services at 9.45 aim` and comfort' mileage to the c• 4�rt�!��1 `< ivaPhd of Chantilly lace in' 'the 7.30 p.ni. Rev. Edgar J. Rout- . _ .__.. . _ B 1 ...... _.. •-- -- , hou1 arrt-skirt: - Mint- green satin .ston._will. be . the,_ anniversary ., a.f4n ciiidin fiaf1ow j .�e Ap p slippers matched the satin waist- speaker. purchase price... : - band of her dress. Her head- World Day of'Communion will • that's the I ,:iece consisted of a large petal- be observed in Hiolinesville Un - t. • a `� 1'ed flower and tulle in green and I ited Church on Sunday; October e • • • blending shades of her lou uet 2nd at° 9.45 ,a.m. • •• •• • RENAULT which was a cluster of, Talisman } • I., Mr. Jack Norman, who has ••• : roses. been working at Val'Dor, Que., •• Paul T. Johnston, London, at- for the summer months, has ; : . • • • ! `ended the groom and- ushering spent the past week at the home • ' • • •• dor �/O'rlJ • were Joseph Drew and' David of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. • • t\ - bride, and �Micha'e ,. Mrs. - •. Pope, London, cousins of the Wm. Norman. _ +� �4 1 Brennan and 'kir. and frank :McCul- _ • • • • \� Patt ick• 'Brennan, of Guelpi, Ibugh and David and Kn. Frank • - • ' •/( ,—,' y, cousins of the groom. Yeo spent last Wednesday in For a reception and luncheon London. , ° HOLMESVI [LE •tII0JI1SVJnad't'', Sept. 19.1 — The W.M.S. of Holniesville Unit- ed Church met on Septem' er 13th 'with Mrs, John Grigg in charge, Mfrs. Reg. Miller read ;he Scripture and, Mrs. John Grigg' gave the comments and prayer. A questions• and answ- ers on Christian Stewardship Was given J'. 24,,,j 4 ie ?Y ger... A teniperance article 'on' temperance in England, was president, Mrs. Jack Yeo, .eon- ducted the business period. The ,ecretary, Mrs. Harry Cudmore, read the minutes of the last greeting and the roll eall. An invitation to the Thankotfering meeting at 'Union Church .on October il'2th was accepted. The cllapte-r in the sf,udy book was reviewed, by Mrs. Edward Grigg. Mrs. Carman, Tebbutt read a poem. A story was given by ,Mrs. Harry Cudmore. Themeet- Lng closed with ..prayer by Mrs. John Grigg. The W.A. meeting followed with the president, Mrs. lteg Miller, in the chair. Mrs. Reg Miller read the Scripture and Mrs. Nirnian Heard gave the thoughts on it. Mrs. Wm. Nor- isiari read the minutes of. the ;aft meeting and rd called the roll.11 'Die 'treasurer's report was-bivell by Mrs. Frank McCullough. Mrs. John Grigg, Mats. Edward Grigg and Mrs. Carman Tebbutt were. • • dor Your Economical Transportation 1960 STUDEBAKER LARK, • 2 door., 1959 STUDEBAKER SILVER HAWK, 2 door. 1959 RENAULT Sedan. . . 1958 FORD Convertible V-8, Radio, transmission, whitewalls. 1958 PLYMOUTH 2 Door• Hardtop, V-8, automatic transmission, two-tone, radio, front and gear speakers, whitewall tires, windshield washers, 1957. RENAULT Sedan. 1957 FORD 2 Door Hardtop, radio, whitewalls. - 1956 METEOR, 6 cylinder, two -door. 1955 METEOR 4 Door V-8, standard transmission, two-tone — with radio. 1954 HILLMAN Sedan. 1954 FORD 4 Door, V-8, automatic transmission, radio. 1953 FORD Convertible, automatic transmission, radio. 1953 PONTIAC 4 Door Sedan. 1953 FORD 4 Door Sedan, radio. 1952 MERCURY 4 Door Sedan, radio. - - •-- . . at _Tiger Dunlop Inn, the bride's Miss Eleanor Yeo has 'return - table was accented with tulle ed to her nurses training course and pink and white floral ar- at Royal Victoria Hospital, Mon- rangements. The bride and treat, after spending the past —groom—later left to honeymoon month with her parents, Mr. in' Muskoka and northern On- and Mrs. Frank Yeo. t'ario points. For travelling the Mr. Wallace Avery has return - bride wore a willow green cash- ed to his home from Seaforth mere jacket -dress, brown an hospital, where lie had obeen a shrimp -shaded feathered hat, patient for ten days. glove leather accessories in -pow- Students from the . district der brown tone and a corsage who were in Stratford on Fri- of Talisman roses. The young day, and attended the Festival couple will 'reside on Princess play of -Romeo and Juliet were avenue, London.Paul Cudmore, Barlbara Yeo, The „groom'•s mother and Bob Grigg, Cathie Potter, Bud ran dmother entertained out of Yeo, Ted McCullough and Jim - automatic town guests and friends at a McCullough. buffet supper !following the wed- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Norman aing. After rehearsal the' pre- spent a day in Niagara Falls, vious evening, the wedding' then went to meet ,their son party, and choir were guests of Jack, at Malton. They. also at - Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Gibbons tended the C.N.E. in Toronto. for a social hour. Friends who held showers for the bride were Mrs. Bud Pope, Mrs. George English, Mrs. Murray Hodgins, 'Mrs. Duncan Drew, Mrs. Robert KIINGSBRIIDG•E, Sept. 19. -- ,Johnston and Mrs. William Mrs. Ursula Hebert, of Detroit, ,Harper., Business associates visited last week -end with rela- • gathered at the- home of Mrs. tives here. Mary Melmar for a get-together Mr. and Mrs. Jos,,. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. E. Pahl and fam- ily, ofilton, aridMar- tin, Jas. ar- tin, of 1LLon, visited at - the s TRUCKS o 1958 VOLKSWAGEN TRUCK Plywood Sides and Tarp. -951-DODGE 1Ton. Express Huron Automotive & Supply Auto Wreckers —• New, Used Parts — General' Repairs Used Cars —� Towing Huron Road -- Phone 1165W Goderich, Ont. KINGSBRIDGE and presentation to the 'bride. Business associates as well as 'members of the Press Club, honored the groom at the Press Martin home this week -end. - Club. ASHFIE4 A.SRFI,ELD, Sept., 1,9. — Miss Bettys Anne `Farrish, of London, was home for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. John Telford, of Sault Ste. Marie,` visited with their cousin, Mrs. Earl Howes, last Thursday.. The C.G.I:T. held" their first meeting of the new year on Monday evening. Mrs. Stuart MacLeai'nan is the leader with Mrs. Ewan MacLean .as assist- ant. ,Mrs Wm. Macdonald spent a , few days in Lansing, Mich., witll her daughter, Mrs. Stephen Elliott. Mrs. Lavina Bunce, of De- troit, is visiting friends here. 'Mrs. Colen MacGregor spent the week -end with her brother, Mr. Ellwood Drennan, in Kin- cardine. The mountains of western Canada are often spoken of as a single range, but there".are in fact four distinct ranges—the Rockies, the Selkirlcs,' the Coast Range and the Island Range. THIS YEAR GET 211E BEST! 1■ ■ SUY s �/ k, • • _ ottAurir • ABILI' Enjoy the perfect comfort found in the warmest hones in, itOwn. Buy 'blue,coar, and' get more 'beat, and better liept... 1110 be; t beating value your money canbuy. Phone us today. MOR ' Mr. Michael Garvey and friend, of Toronto, spent a few days at the Garvey home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitzgerald and family spent the -week-,end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Schuman,, of London, visited with • Mr. and Mrs. Len: Moerbeek this week- end. The funeral took place. on Monday, September 19th at St. Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge, of Frank Daltonn. Rev. Father E. Garvey, at Windsor,Officiated at the Requiem High Mass, as- Riste4 by Interment took place in St. Joseph's cemetery. Pallbearers were Michael O'Neill, John O'Connor, John •• S. Dalton, E gene Frayne, Joseph 'O'Keefe and J. Kenny. Those attending from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dalton, Miss Del ores,. Dalton, of . Royal • Oak, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Brien, of Goderich; Mrs. Jos. Garvey, Dr. and M'rs. MacDon- ald, of Toronto; Mr. Gerald Dalton, of Toronto; Mr and Mrs. 4arnath, of Oshawa; Mrs. O. O'Connor, of Whitby; Mr. Eu- gene 'O'IKeefe, of Hamilton; Mrs. J. Kinney and Mrs. E. Sinnott, of'Detroit; Mr. Frank M. Dalton, of California; Mr. and Mrs. Ripe and Mr. and Mrs. J. Anton, of Kitchener; Miss K. Kenny and Mr. Jos. Kenny and John Kenny, of Detroit. ' Mr. Dalton was a sbn of the late Mr, and Mrs. John .Dalton, and died at' Victoria Hospital, London, an Thursday night at the age of 78. He was 'a life- long resident of his native Ash- field Township. Some years ago, he travelled extensively in US.A., Alaska, Yukon Territory and Western Canada •Suirviving are one brother, , 'Michael, of Ashfleid, one sister, 'Mrs. George Venini, of Calgary, and''several nieces and nephews. Inter- ment was in Kingsbridge ceme- tery. Almost a third of the world's supply .of Tobacco is grown in rho 'CJnite,d States but much is also grown in1. several other areas of North America, Europe and Asia. The finest cigarette tdbae'eo„comes from 'Macedonia an�key y dusty �; iur - FINAL WEEK for pap's le Specials d Vegetab Fh reS Fruit and E McINT4s" PED 8IP LABEL, FANCY GRADE, 3-Ib A cello bag 5( d Juicy e Size, Sweet a^ LLO BAG' Lar Sweet' a GE Fancy Grade, New Crop, VAl-ENC1A Cape Cod�; CRANBERRIES ES Fresh fro►'n Ga�� Finest for Eating I' Ibs�r1,' �Qp o. 1 Grade, Fine `i California, N PESba Pack o�� ' e Vine Rip each 297Ga1.4Jornia, No. 1 Gr � cotivapup 1 Grade, ' C901(11.4C901(11.4-- -- - No `O�S FOR CDO Pascal 110,19c No_ i- C�, MACS CE rade, Washed and C e 1 G` cello ba91 Bradford Marbh,TS - �O t Large Clusters r� C CARROT'S Grade, Sweet, r Guam basket BLUE Native Grow^Gg APES Grade 1-I13 cello bag 5c A&P Fancy Quality " Reg,' tin 35c—SAVE 6c ASPARAGUS T PS' 3 12 -oz tins ' 9, - CASE OF 24 TINS $7.92 — SAVE 48c Choice Red Pitted Reg. tin 23c—SAVE 16c 'A&P. CHERRIES 515-ortins CASE OF 24 TINS $4.76 — SAVE 76c Choice Quality Cut Reg. 2 tins 31c—SAVE 10c A&P W PEA Sr ;/.,� 20 -oz tins CASE OF 24 TINS $3.39 — SAVE 33o • Choice Quality - Reg. 2 tins 27c—SAVE 9c c A&P PEAS 15 -oz tins c CASE OF 2,4 TINS $2.97'— SAVE 27c Ann Page Reg. tins 45c—SAVE 13c - ATO SOUP . .� 10 -oz tins •"•'� � .ti laza .n m„•s Hat. ZI"ii lxjp: rt3AL:r CASE OF 48 TINS $4.76 — SAVE 64c Pineapple -Grapefruit Reg. tin 39c—SAVE 18c JANE PARKER QUALITY Bakery Specials- at A&P BAKED IN A&P's OWN BAKERY BY MASTER BAKER -S Reg. 59c—SAVE 140 each 45c -- STOCK 5c -..STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER AT THIS LOW PRICE Jane .Parker' CHERRY PIE Jane Parker Large' Reg. 55c—SAVE tea ANGEL CAKE each 39c Jane Parker Pineapple Ring '`'Reg. 35o—SAVE 6o COFFEE CAKE each 2'9c "Jane Parker; Home.Style, Plain or Reg. pkg.35c—SAVE 60 SUGARED 'DONUTS pkg0f629c Jane Parker Reg. loaf 19c—SAVE 9c BREAD D 100% WHOLE WHEAT2 24 -oz loaves 29c Jane Parker Reg. pkg 29c—SAVE 4c COOKIES COCOANUT BAR pkg 25c. Jane Parker Reg. pkg 29c—SAVE 13c r. z7yr- r.,sES1;5S.r. 48 -oz tins c CASE OF 12 TINS $3.96 —.SAVE 72c Ghef_.Boy-Ar-Qee _ Reg- tin 27c --SAVE 9c -4 SPAGHETTI8 Meat Balls 4 151/2-pz tins A&P INSTANT ----COFFEE 2z jar 3 '6 -oz lar119 Y 1O -oz jar .39 TWIN ROLLS ,,, .. 210-o=p&gs45c . . Weekend Super -Right Quality Bwieless Solid Meqt Roast CASE OF 24 TINS $5.94 — SAVE 54c SaliaNimiam c Extra Specials at .&P Powder Reg. box 69c—SAVE 6c SAIL DETERGENT giant size box 63c Solo Regular MARGARINE e,, talpde Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS Dare's B scu Lts PARTY' PUFFS Pur�x Coloured TOILET TISSUE V-5 Reg. 2 -lbs 49c—SAVE 9c 4 1 -Ib pkgs E Reg. pkg 77c—SAVE 4c ' pkg of'60 73c w.�Etegy::.lakg...2.9a—,S11 ode— pkg of 20 2 5 c Reg. pkg 27c—SAVE 2c.. pkg of 2 rolls 2 , c Reg. tin 39c—SAVE 9c VEdETABLE JUICE 2 48 -oz tins 69c Robin Hood (White, Spice, Chocolate) Reg. pkg 37c—SAVE 11c CAKE MIXES 3 21_oz pkgs 1.00 - Silicone Ermning Board.. - Reg. 99c—SAVE 10c PAD and COVER set 9( 6unn;'field Blanched Reg. pkg 29c—SAVE 2c • SALTED PEANUTS 14 -oz pkg 27c " Good, Luck, (4c Off Deal) Reg. each 27c—SAVE AN EXTRA 9c MARGARINE .' 4.1-16Pkys99c Meat Features4 at AQP Legs and Thighs CHICKEN CUTS21/2lb b°x Lean Shoulder Cuts Fancy Quality Vac Pao GROUND .CHUCK 59c BEEF K �lE'�' i ,ro +b29c BLACK PUDDING lb33c Aliood Sliced Rindless Pyre, Tray Packer O 1 -Ib pkg S P • Imported Cornish, 16 -oz Minimum' Size' -- Short Cut .,PRIM RIB --ROAST_ lb 5 Ex14•a Lean MINCED BEEF S. vat Pickled, 21/2 to 3 -Ib- End Cuts . Ib 39( BACK BACON lb 5 9C •.veet Pickled, ,Centre Cuts or Sliced—' PORIE - BANE BACON DOCKS Sliced, Fancy Quality PORK UVPR►CED' LOW Super Right Smoked Rindless„ThlokSlicedforBroiling ROCK HENS SIDE BACON w- -Ib pkg 99c t 8chneider's Smoked, Vac Pac COTTAGE ROLLS +b 69c lb 79c Sclhneider's Vac Pac SAUSAGE POLISH lb 19c Maple Leaf 11,29, WIENERS 'at A&P LIDO BISCUITS 7.V. SNACK Creme Sensation FAMILY MIX IARADE VKTQRIA 16aoz pkg3 5c 16 -oz pkg 3 9c 2 -Ib pkg 69c pkg 3 9c 16 -oz dello pk ' 9c X:a 11 tMt ost�rAft rft�t ♦ PACirr. rt* COMPANY Lip. 12 -oz each 49c Frozen Food FEATURE' A&P FANCY QUALITY CORN 2 -lb Poly Bag c Reg. Price 45o - SAVE 40 Ail Prices In This Ad Guiiariatnteed Through Saturday,' Sept, 24th, 1000 Burns Shamrock, Rindless, Smo SIDE BACON Sea Seald (Canada Inspeecr'd) r 1 -Ib pkg 21c each T9c ked 1 -Ib pkg 69( COD FILLETS Cooked and Breaded Whist f BASS FILLETS . 1b 49c, 11b pkg 49Super right, 'smoked, slit d . BACK BACON %-ib. pkg. 5 9c SAVE ON . THESE FAMOUS BRANDS 5c OFF DEAL PLUS EXTRA SAVINGS AT A&P COMET tCLEANSER A&P 'SPECIAL. PRICE 2 GIANT SIZE TINS 4 5 c -A&P Regular Price 2 tiny 490 — SAVE AN EXTRA 4o 8c OFF DEAL GIANT ' SFIC a, 7 SOAN, ICN `tc l 1:144,4!* !IVANI#Ic ' b tI0MMErt” CONTE t 1�r O4 D AL GIANT min Oxy,..:. ol , t