HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-09-22, Page 3i:3k: ,Ft y4 Mr. Nor ma n MacDonald, „'unlop Vain, Alberta, • is upending a , few days with • Mr- and Mrs, F 's Eu :oalzed Cliff McNeil and family, Nile. SUNSET .. DRIVE4 7'��sL�eeles•;�as# ,a# lG�d��ki;�, Highway At Ptaque Unveiling While modern" developments' r for the Huron of the future roared overhead and on land a few hundred yards away, a gath- ering 0-,454 Par-Zalla n Thursday afternoon at Saitferd n ..ofd triput{e to the memory. of o digin ui5 �''�' Ciizei� WYz �•� b h� founded 'Goderich in 182,7—Dr.' William "Tiger" Dunlop. An airplane skimmed repeat- edly over the Dunlop cairn and big eartli,moving trucks lumber- ed their leads into position for Carroll Baker and Roger Moore the new million dollar bridge as the small : group watched in friday, Saturday and Monday— silence the, unveiling and dedic- Sept. 23; 24, 26 ation of a plaque at the Dunlop .`'Gal=n to honor the great soldier, °WESTBO TND!, physician, author,, statesman and v j �` phiro:stipihaer who was part and parcel of Goderich's birth. As Warden John ipurnin of Huron County removed the pur-, -Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ple cloth temporarily covering the plaque, Rev. S. A. Moote, ,of Victoria .Street United Church, Goderich, dedicated the plaque in the following words: "In memory of Dr. William Dunlop and in recognition of his con- tribution to Canada, Huron and Goderich as a Christian gentle - Ray Denton and Karen Steele man, physician, we dedicate this plaque. With confidence T-• 11717 ments, s we dedicate to this plaque. Frofessor James Scott,'Huron i�County historian, formerly of Seaforth and now of Ottawa, delivered e red a brilliant b Ila h tori nt is c" az c a., ig #": etefl �. nttl, with .Mid i". ..�? �'wI i i etsonal observations ag to his 'sa inkling . personality, pro- fessor J. ltf"'=�Stt- ilfreless~ Sheba! -'I oI the De-par'tmen•t of History,. I U• •af T., and ,a' rn i bei•, gf the Ontario Archaeological and His toric Sites Board, explained the rode of that beard in having the Ontario pepartrnent of Travel and Publicity ere.et such plaque in``_ order that there might be preserved` for posterity the spots of historical interest in the province. Reeve. Dan Beuerman, of Mc- Killop Township, was chairman of the ceremony. Others who spoke on this occasion were: Reeve'Ralph.Jewell, of Colborne Township; Mayor 'E, C. Fisher, of 'Goderich; Mr. E. L. Cardiff, M.P. Goderich Fortunate Professor Careless stated that Huron County in general and Goderich in particular was- for- tunate to have ,associated with its early development such an historical figure as "Tiger" Dun- lop. In commending. the re- membratice, .he said, "People. who do not consider their past - will care little for their future. That is why it is well Doi e- mem'ber today !Huron's pd t in a world that is 'becoming rather ruthless; an individual .who ignores his past is likely to be - carne _ruthless ...in..the . future," He pointed out also that the erection of • the plaque has a value -in �tha�t no•Slars�;and::.gents it -would ;become- air -interesting. historical site • for tourists. "Huron county's first citizen .has-at�..lo.n;g..last been reragnized. in a tangible. ,way," said Pro- fessor James Scott at the open- ing of his address. Pointing to the cairn, he said; 'Whether there was a' stone or a, plaque here or not, 'Dunlop's contribu- tions will live on for he was a man with 'a combination of head and heart which was truly great." • Professor Scott spoke of Dune lop as an .adventurer, "because he was not afraid to -go out into the great unknown"; a man with great appreciation for "the good earth from which our susten- ance comes and who said on seeing Huron County for the first time, "This is where I want to live and die"; a man of kind- liness ,Waith. -a great capacity to help the less fortunate.1 In extolling the qualities of Thursday—Sept, 22 ,- SPECIAL, - "The MIRACLE" Randolph Scott and Virginia Mayo --Sept. 27,. 28, 29 "The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond" TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY that 'Dr. Dunlop's example sof devotion through his disciplin- FIRST SHOW• AT DUSI<C ed talent'''�to the high destiny Children under 12 in cars free. of Canada may stimulate other citizens to kindred achieve - PARK THETATRE --x44.1344o7t.ir Mind if we ask you a question? Why are YOU staying at home_so-:much....pow-o-nights??? - =We'd -'--tike- to -see -you- back in the theatre, as it used to be. AND we've some- thing to show you. Take Wednesday, Thursday, Friday anal Saturday of next week, September 28 to October 1, when we show 'BELLS ARE RINGING".. -It's in. scope and Technicolor, features Judy Holliday with Sean Mar- tin, and it's packed with git-n-go. We know you'd en- joy" it. Ahead of it we play "STRANGLERS:"OF BOM- BAY", Monday and Tuesday, it's adult entertainment and you may not care for it; strictly for our thrill fans. But we've some good ones coming. Notab y "THE GREAT- EST SHOW ON EARTH","LEAGUE OF GENTLEMEN" .,;,and most especially "MASTERS .OF • THE CONGO JUN- GLE", a 'documentary, Don't miss that one. Oh, inti - dentally, we don't cared if you brush your teeth with Old Dutch. All we peddle is entertainment. Come up and see us some time. Just now we are .p.taying "THIRTEEN G 1b YS". B -r -r -r. ' The Goderich Signal -Star, Thursday, pit,', 'rld, IMO Will,DecideOn Y. MICHAEL, GREER 13 PP Mei eat t1�eix ,eo#•tage at 1 i r - '-antra. Old Post �ffj'� BAYFIELD IS KILLED The flown Council is to make a tour of the old post Office building on . Weft street and dis- jcuss at a council committee !meeting on Thursday, October 6' what th is to be donewith ' � h rt r �.naL Glka ,• raised the ` question at Town' Council meeting on Friday even-; • "I've heard :e� .suggestZons.•k ealtR, the disposition of_ the, old Post Office -building; cold wea- ther is -coming, on and "we'll have to do something about it)," :he stated. "Probably ,we should let it stand for a few years," he add- ed.' "We did that with the old ,collegiate 'building and It has turned out .to be valuable pro- perly. Maybe the Post Office will be 'the same," he said. In this •connection, a letter was received from Wm. E: Andrew, Sarnia architect, offer- ing to convert the old Post Of- fice into a Tawn Hall. The letter was ordered -"received and filed." Warden John purnin of Huron County is seen unveiling the plaque at the William "Tiger" Dunlop cairn last Thursday. As he did so, Rev. S. A. Moote, of . Goderich, Thirteen -year-old Mi ch a el Greer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rett Greer, H.R. 3, Brayfield, was killed on . Saturday when he tumbled from a milk truck he was riding. miles on tw sd uth. '.of °' 3ayfitl ia' 3•TeT � L ?oliee said the truck was driven by George D. TaDbet, 3a, ,of R.R. G.H.S. TO SPEND $125 FOR HARBOR HILL BULBS The weekly column, "For A •Greener„Thumb"1 ' G. MacLeod Ross was printed in the first press run of the Signal -Star this week which is on Tuesday morn- ing. Since that time a correc- tion in copy has come in which we make note of in a later press run, of necessity. -Referring to Harbor Hill, the column read that the.G.H.S. decided to spend $225 on bulbs for the "new" part of the hill. This" figure should be $125. 1`ncidentally., 'Brigadier -Ross recently •under- went an operationbut.isnava progressing."-sfavor:aluly .in.,..r.e. cuperatron at his home. seen at far right, dedicated it. A small , portion of those who attended the, cere- mony are shown in the background. S -S Photo by R.H. "Tiger" Dunlop, Professor Scott said: ...."He was a man with a.strong sense -of public duty, with a deepe g nerosi•t y.of spirit to his , r�erghbors,,a m•an not aifra2d -af ai yone"and iro$dentified hire= self completely With thi`a com- munity, which he bequeathed to You- arrd me:' _ _ ... Pioneering Type The qualities that fitted Dr. Dunlop to be a picneer when the Huron tract was opened did riot belong to him exclusively, Professor Scott said. "He is merely the prototype of the kind of pioneer who came into. this county aid When today we .honor William Dunlop and Cap- tain Robert Dunlop, rwe are not just honoring these brothers, but all _ the pioneers ofour county who needed the, same requirements in order to exist and carve a good 'life out of the primitive forest. We are likely to think of "the Tiger".. as a fellow Who just en- joyed a good time and, let us make ndr mistake, he sure did. In all y researches, every time I :carne upon a record of an historical moment in Huron's early days, when "the friger" was present, miraculously, `.`The Tiger" seemed 'to have a bottle, sometimes of champagne, some- timmes.-whisky; ".but`_ •_ice did., not have- water -in- i t. "This man is still alive and I hope' to the members of this ad succeeding generations he will always remain alive for every .man and woman' and 'boy and girl in Huron County." OBITUARY MRS. MARRY M. A. REYC1 A r Daughter of the late Rev. Jasper Wilson, a former: min- ister of North Street „United Church, Goderieh, • Mrs.' Mary Maude Alexandria Reyeraft, 76, of St. George, died, at Brantford General .hospital on Saturday. A native " of •Camlachie, Mrs. Reytraft was the 4 widow -nf the late Rev. J. F. Rey'craft, a form- er minister at Victoria Street United Church, Goderich. Rev. Mr. Reycraft also had charges This Happened! A total of 83 ••� applicationS was received by Bill Currey, ;�;pfx..Gotiericismwhe3srzhe razr a • classifiectr= •adveriiserrre in -- The Signal -Star recently. The advertisement sought part- _tincleihelp -at CCurrey's Service, Station on the Huron road.' "I sure was pleased with rich response since 1 never- ex- pected such a flood of applic- said Mr. ants," Currey. Toronto, Platen and Por t Arthur. Surviving are: two sons, John, of Tilbury, and Maxwell, -of .Tor- onto; one daughter, Mrs• K. C. (Margaret) Cragg, of Toronto; one sister, Mrs. Lorne A. Eddy; of St. Marys; one brother, Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, of Toronto. The funeral service was held ::t Brantford bn ,;Vfanday. Inter ;Hent was in Farrington ceme- tery. A \classified ad in the Signal- t at Stratford, London, Brantford, Star gets quick results. PORT ALBERJ: PORT .A1J$ET, Sept. 19. -= The Ladies' 'Guild • of Christ An- glican Church 'met t the home of Mrs. Elton Draper on Sep- tember 14. Mr. and Mrs. 11•. C. McKenzie, Karen and Murray were among those who attended Kincardine fall fair on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter .Tigert with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Tigert and Laurie, of .Goderich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Miss Anndtte ,Dickson apen.t the week endwith Miss Sharon Rollins in London, and attended the London fair on Saturd y. Mrs. M. 'lodges is in Code - rich, at the home of Mr.• .. and Mrs. Arnold Hodges :whim Mrs. Hodges' isiihospital.lta1.. We wish sh v .a-lY reeavery. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Petrie-. arty visiting ••.•their,daughter, Charles Crossett,; . )lx'..: and"'family :°,tri"1'a.ngton. Mr, and Mrs. Mel Dickson and Miss".ine ''.lodges • were .among these #ttehding London. fair en Friday,' The Harvest Thanksgiving service will be held' at Christ Anglican °hunk on Sunday, September 25, with Rev. Wi1- fred Wright" conducting the ser- vice. .__ DECORATION DAY The annual,, decoration -day services at the -Veterans' plot in Maitland cemetery is to be field on Sunday, September 25. NEW:.. MODERN... J. Denomme' FLOWER SHOP Phone 1A 4 8132 DAY or NIGHT Agent- for 24 -hr. ---- FILM DEVELOPING • 52TF ry FInfiCru r•: OUTDOORS or INDOORS Our Complete 'Stock of Top Fashion Fixtures Will Suggest.. i: IiTI r - for,Jskuttegorohtm.x;., h�re Apphances ---52- The Square- dA -4- 241 MEMBER MacEWAN �: INSURANCE 44 North St. 1 Phone JA 49531 AN INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT • • '•:{ii{: oti•:::i'}.}:::}%};•}{:'.`>$:::'r.::::iR::n;;:}};{v'.'i+:}il:;:{:%i::'r'•:;5:}:.i;fr,'t•eY<i:i t..: v. Jr...•r.. ran 5 EVERYONE •}iF,.::v::x:::+::.i:}{}„•{yv ir•.;::;.•r y5': :i41•}}•`}:::.: r ::•{{.}'r,. ;•M1 r,};r rrfy.--.•.r"tri'£;:t:':::>' .{r/. .f:. rd:iv:*? ...• • :.••i1! it:,.`.try}}r ••}}i .<•�,K�2•: :i>.::c. rr%•YG:r'rt;`+.;.1.,'i�?�o', •firx. g v}ri.} tri:: Y{{{:•}r.}}i.Mi,.Y}}:L.}•" ON FOOD, Y+J :S!Y�?:2:+::i:¢'r.:.!•..'!?:.'?7>!ti� f:•S�:ti:{;:?•,':�`,t:�::•'::Si flff.ri �i�•,.:M �y, • HERE!,. .M1:ti:+ '::vii::?':�ri�:v •:.L:;f•{ }4':i`>:•i:' :�:}::�>ti: aple lea upe'rmarket Thousands of Dollars in Stock LESS 1'To ere's How ItWorks: FOOD SAVINGS atyour Thuettips. • Do your shopping . at BLUE'S low -shelf prices — When your purchases are totalled at the cash register a further 10% will be deducted . On each $10.00 in purchases you will SAVE AN: EXTRA . DOLLAR — ST • CK UP WHILE THE VARIETY IS COMPLETE as Gift Bonus stamps will be given out with all purchases OR you may obtain a pair of nylons FREE with each $29.00 in cash register tapes that you save up. COME IN AND LOAD UP FROM A WHOLE' STORE FULL OF BARGAI • • di o