HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-09-22, Page 2s-srs 1 The Gabriela Signal -State Thursday, September 22n4, 1960 - nberirli tligna-frtar —O— The CouritrTown Newspaper of Huroe —0— eig Established 1848 , eeeeeereeeeee ssr s it 1 -13th year of publication Published 13g., sv4VI,S11,41, Signal -Star Publishing Limited oik eee t 0 ja, Down Memory's Lane 50 Years Ago -1910 - 11 At ' town council, Councillor It Wallace wantei the pollee to have power to Censor the move g 'plotless ..(itiinaseshoviri „in the eecal theatres. He complained , of a film in which men and woe intee4 ereabeiii'g:shea einekiA,Xight .rnd lett. • - The openings this week .at the different showrooms in town inhered in another busy season, for' the milliners and their -as- sistants. Popular styles display- ed included mushroom shapes in ebites, pluehes and beavers with high crowns, toques, and dtooping models in black velvet. Mayor .Cameron received a letter from the Chief architect of the Domiaion'.Public Works announeing that plans had been completed for the addition to the rGoderich post office. 30 Years Ago -1930 About 4,000people attended the Goderieh Fair which had had more exhibits than in pre- vious years. Many new models efe radios and other electrical appliances were on display. Harry Sturdy had the Silent Glow oil burner (burning fuel oil in an .ordinary kitchen range, and a larger model for fur- naces.) George Laithwaite, J. W. Salkeld and Irene Sloan won many prizes in the horticultural department While (winners in the school children's section in- cluded Gordon Yule, Roberta Johnston, Ida Elliott and Joan Lee. Public School Inspectors Bea- tember : ,".Should. eieenior ..have ea car INT.nite,.„.1(111.ei ' in the.anatter. eat eara is worth.- what earn and Tem had been busy at - his future.Duringethe school 'ending various school fairs and _ , ere. Stitackiptiori- rates --noo a year. To 1LS.A.$4 00' an advance; Authorized as, second-class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. , Member of C.W.N.A., 0.*.N.A. and A.B.C. Circulation—over 3,400 GEO. L Editor and Publisher. THIS IS "JAYCEE An outstanding member of the Junior Chamber of .c.lommeree clubs in Canada, -Gederich Jaycees are taking particular pride in observing "Jaycee Week" from September 18 to 24. For a town the size of Qoderich, the focal Jaycees have an organization which is far more .active -than many sirch clubsin municinalities‘much larger than Goderich. The latest evidence of its prowess was the Winning or a,' Safety Award competition, together with $500, in a Dominion -wide contest. Other similar aehievements haN,-e been ,recorded since the Jaycees were or- ganized here. JUNIOR'S CAR Although not ,eommon, eomparatively sneaking, in our area, this is a family problem which usually collies up. in Sep- WEEr Since the Goderich of tomorrow will be determined by the young men of today, it is important that they take anactive inte'rest in _matters whini.' Will 'affect the future success elf Goderich. 'And this, the Goderich Jaycees have done and .will con- tinue to, do.'..S.enior bodies might well give ear to the reeonunendations, observations and projects of these Jayeees. There is no individual or no organization from Nvhom persons can libt learn something. for their benefit. And Goderich /van learn from the Jaycees ideas which -could .we11 he utilized for the future welfare of the t own. AND •SCHOOL effect on his, grades. Somewhere along the line a parent must :decide whether his son's version ..of "keeping up with the + AUBURN 4. AUBURN, Sept. 20.-4Mr. and nell. Mrs. Fordyce Clark gave Mrs. Ralph Jackson and .Sharan, the prayers. A reading was of Mitchell, spent last Sunday 'given .by Mrs. Thoines Haggitt. with her 'parents, IVIr. and Mrs. The study took was taken by 1 John Wee, and Robert Daer. Mrs. Gordo e R. Taylor. Mrs. • „Miss Diane !Popp, of Blythe is George Sehneider gave a read- .vendiug a•eottpleACkveass-WIth Ong, , 4,44T . interesting. topic on her grandparents, Mr. ad WIrt.'the mission Work ot.theeehureh ,Meree4th Young. ' - *Inir; marng.4.,Qarleik1.42A-Vese4 bGleirWitlow, Ohio, are visiting - at the, Wagner. home .on the Vase Line. . . , Miss Agnes Douglas and her father, AndreW Douglas, of Clintoe, and Stanley Douglas, of Gorrie„, spent last Sitaday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirkcon- nell and (family. , Recent visitors witla Mr. and Mrs. Louis • Ruddy were: Rev. and Mrs. Richaid A. Whitford fr-nd Mrs. Bessie Merrill and 'daughters, of Port Huron, Mich; igen; Mrs. A. Welsh and Miss Catherine, Welsh, of Gaderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Govier and Gordon. , IMr. and Mrs. Lorne Popp, Douglas, Dianne, Robert and H'arry have purchased a small farm from Mrs. Arthur Ward across from the Blyth cemetery and will shortly take up resid- ence there. Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Kerr end Winston Kerr, of Benmiller, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Bradnock recently attended Elmira fall fair where the men toOk part in the horseshoe pitching tournament. (Mr. Kerr and Mr. Bradneck each received cash prizes. Mr: and 'Mrs. Fred Toll, Mr. id Mrs._ Kenneth. McDougall,. Bernice and Allan visited -on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stew- 'aolleandefeliaileteataamiltone. 'Mr. Robert J. Phillips is e Patient in Victoria Hospital. His friends wish him a speedy re- coveey.- ---- - -- - - --- ---- - • Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ryan, of London, spent Monday- with his cousin, Mrs. Charles Straughan. The Light Bearer's Mission Band of Knox United Church met, with the president, Sharon Ball, in charge. The assistant leader, Mrs. , Arthur Gtainge, gave an introduction to the Scripture lesson read by Lois Hallam. The meeting was clos- ed with prayer by Mrs. Grange. Harvest Horne Services.—Tile 77t1 Harvest Home services were held last Sunday at St. Mark's Anglican. Church with the rector,' Rev. • R. Meally, in charge. The church was beau- dfully decorated With...bouqeets of .floWeri;- fruits, grains and vegetables- Mrs. Norman Mc7 1-nerhey afireild&M'llirelfilit.k organ, The choir sang ,an an- them at the morreng service and a duet was sung at •the evening service by Mrs. John Deer and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell. Ma,ster Donald. • Kirkconnell, ,(31 Goderich, spent last -Saturday with his grandrparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirkcerenell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland 'Allen visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson at Varna. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilson, Mr. • and Mis. ,Meredith Young, Miss Marjorie Young and Miss Diane Popp 'spent last Saturday at London fair.' Anglican Guild.—The Septem- ber meeting of the Anglican Guild of St;Mark's Church was held at the home of Mrs. Nor- riaralielVfaClinchey with a good at- tendance. Mrs. John Deer pre- indging,many..ef -the-exhts- . answerr eon/se-v.4, depends -on y ear, :Aasses,oalaci .home work *Shoaeld...torne Feehneleeteewas ad,a,rt.ised, at 15c per yard and flannelette blankets *at $2.00 per pair. Ladies could purchase new fall coatg-for -$19.50 and 'hate. for 'Bread was two loaves for 17c and 'butter 36c per pound. .4- 15 Years Ago -1945 The fire brigades of both Goderich and Auburn responded to a call to the Colborne Town- ship farm of Hugh Hill when hey in a 'wooden -silo took fire. Fortunately the fire w.as check- ed and no serious damage re- sulted. At the annual Huron Black and White Shaw held in con- hection with Blyth Fair, Baxter, en Thrton, .Colborne Township, showed two grand champions besides winning two firsts and a second. Hume Olutton, also of Colborne Township, won four various 'thing's and ° far be it from us to first, not a ear or other extra -curricular even.. try to give a correct answer. The activity. The insurance survey, revealed --Vest ewe' --c-atrAtrisr--to---repeat s6ine of the -t-hat--had.grades -do not improve when findings of an insurancecompany which Junior is,promised a car if he does better. recently complete& a complex. survey, It They -are likely to get worse. Insurance came up with the not surprising conclusion statistics indicate that "most" teen-agers that cars do affect grades.. But "the fault are involved in aceidents at one time or is not the automobile: it, is the manner. of another. Tf you do decide to allow Junior its use and, ir to speak, the rules of the to drive, don't aeeept his idea of safe driv- ame.- ing. It may not be Mature. Make certain The survey indicated thargrades and that he is properV. and prpfessiohally cars mix, •providing parents control the trained. That's whatithe man who corn - "mi' arid- do so with strong -authority. piled the TecOrds.,,from the. survey made by A ear or extensive- use of a ear given to a the insurance, company said. And he based 16.-year-oid almost always has an adverse his remarks on cold statistics. -"- PLAN NOW FOR THE OUTURE The eeremonv of the unveiling of an looks unkempt. Possibly when the new 1Talfraill'r-frircrivritre-rs---"111Pte'ret; --m- file -lac -al branch of the Red even before, a road can be built across -the -Cross had been busy preparing railway traeks.from the narth to the' edge 346 new articles for shipment overseas. The Lions Club had of the small 'plateau on which the cairn charge of the colle.ctine of goOd stands. Grading work could provide an tied clothes .with the Stew*art approach to the cairn site by car for those flower .sho,p ae •headquarters. people who find it too difficult to climb the The I.O.D.E., and many church many stairs on the oppOsite side of the hill., icirliganizations were also assist - The site could be made into a small, beauti- g*. 10 Years Ago -1950' ful park. A high beacon tower could he Goderich citizens- were shock - erected on the hilltop which eauld be d London learn of the sudden death seen at night for miles around. There are who had boefenMre.nJg.aRg R. dWilrger other ways also in which to make the site furniture and undertaking busi- .. ness in townefor 30 years. He one of interest 'and one which would at tract ,many passing tourists. But these liiA bcoemenmvuehriyt aaegaviersi.n ,ehurah improvements will no doubt be given pro- ' Work on ther C.P.R.-bridge on per consideration by responsible parties harbor hill was -at a standstill . because of the steel shortage. in dile course. It was hoped that the bridge - . would'rbe coMpleted in a short - .Lime after the necessary steel 'Tiger - cairnjast sThursday wls an inspirational one. But attendance at it was rather sThall-about 50 persons. Does this mean that people are not interested in this sort ':of. thing? Or does it mean that many haven't the spare time to attend on a :Thursday afternoon but probably would done so had it been held on a Sunday aft erpoon. At any rate, the plaque is erected. The cairn has been tidied up and the tomh, stone has been replaced 'by one on which the inseription about Dunlop can 'now be plainly read. Even the weeds for a con-, siderable area around the cairn have been scut' down. But •rthere more,„„shrub- rbery-covered land in the vieinity which MORKE S Landscaping and FLOWER SHOP Formerly Goderich Flowers. When it comes to Renovating a Garden—new or'r old --- Bulb Planting — Tree Pruning or any garden care planned for this Fall YOU WILL APPRECIATE Our Experience and Expert Advice. For Weddieg- Bouquets, Sick Room_ Flowers or Funeral Arrangements DIAL JA 4-7921 99 ruce St., near Swimming Pool • Goderich -34d was teld by Rev. R. Meally The itSaa.,,ThedretteaVgilli was in ehaige of the business period. The minutes were adopted as read by the secre- tary, Mrs, Ed. Davies. The treasurer,„ Mrs. GOrdon R. Tay - or, gave the financial statement. Plans were discussed about the aecorating of the ehurch for the harveat home services. Rev. Mr. Meally 'closed the- meeting with prayer. A successful evic- tion was held and a lunch serv- ed by Mrs. IVICOlirichey, assisted by Mrs. John Daer, 'Mrs. An- drew Kirkcennell and Miss Diane Kirkconnell. McKay — Holland, — The RJC.A.F. Chapel efeeeglinton Radar Station was the scene of a pretty wedding when Mrs. Jessie Holland, daughter of Mr. and Yirs. :Harold Phillips, Blyth, was united in marriage to Lundy McKay, Auburn, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George ,McKay. The bride wore a dress of pale green nylon over satin with white accessories, and a corsage of pink rosebuds. ,Miss, Paige Phillips was her sister's brides- maid wearing a dress of pale mauve nylon over satin and a corsage of yellow rosebuds. The best man was Herbert Kirkby, Following the ceremony, a -reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. ,The bride's Ireetherereceivedethe guests wearing a green printed Attess,12,and,..a...coxsag.e-a.bronz mums. She was. assisted by the - groom's sister, Mrs. William Moss, of Auburn, who was wear- ing -a -blue- ing to serve the guests wee Mrs. William MeVittie, Blyth, and Mrs. David McOlinchey, of Auburn. For a wedding trip to Northern Ontario, the bride' wore a black and white wool dress with a- corsage of red earnations. On their return they will reside in their home an McConnell street, Blyth. 4-H Club.—Trie second meet- ing of the Auburn Aces A -IH Club was held with the presi- ,dent, Shirley Brown, in charge. Minutes were read‘by the secre- tary, Margaret Sanderson. Three rew members were present., making 19, taking this fall pro- ject. Mrs. 'Davies 'explained about hospitality and gave the ,girls tips for oth the hostess oue ing room bou•qued .arrangements were judged and the correct one explained. — A beautiful bouquet of tinted gladioli and wild carrot and other wild flow- ers, arranged by Mrs. Davies, won .great admiration from all the girls. Ea.ch member wrote a; -informal invitation to a party. and these were read, The girls are required ',,to make a file to keep informative material for entertaining guests. These were explained by Mrs. Daides. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies spent last week -end with relatives in London. Little Miss Rine Brown, of Palmersten, is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. aria Mrs. James Hembly, J. H. Jackson Dies.—Funeral services. were held Monday .for John Henry Jackson, 71, who • tt To Editor sive ed'ple's died dIT inOrarigffeevVine, CionungL Hnoest- waAsnavimailarbelse stoidreadt wtiiitehr.Miaraso.:Crosrcdr?pntuRie Tay- i a son of the late 1VIr. and 'irs. A. C. Jackson. Surviving his .wife, the former Eliz eth ebar'.Many At Air Begley, of Blyth, 10 Whom he on, Jack 13. Jackson, of Tort Force Day Show, was -married in -1916; also, pne Dover, and one daughter, Mrs. David ,(Marilyn) Bray, of Van- Numerous persons from. Gode- couver; two sisters, Misses Lot- rich and .diAriet joined the tie and Laura Jackson, of G.ode- 'nearly 10,000 people who Wit- and the , giant Maritime Patrol rich, and four grandchildren, !lewd. the Air Force Day pro- Neptune also put on interesting A Part' Dever-nOWSDBOr pait140 tair'gRxi24.k,i7.44.,41,104i4l5t74444W9-44ratianA,, tribute to him as a man who I 'Feature oftheprogram - was in the hangars were -many, 'piayed aur imp.grtant,14art.„in4Arthe .appearance of 'The rGolden intricate including the development .of Port Dover aiiffirivka-italhkir,,,3gaidglio.44400410-eArrhtoqVa teen, district. Going there in 191-19;' jets. Another crowd, prea•ser nicians at the RCAF Station, he opened ae, brench ef the was the huge, lumbering ROM' . Clinton. Sterling Bank- of Canada. He was a marl of determination and genial personality. Later, he went into business for himself, „being engaged in fanining,-eattle Poising, operated a grobery'•store and managed Port Dover Unit- ed Dairies Ltd. •He aled owned a large Jersey farm near Jarvis which- he disposed of about. two years ago. (He was a 'member of Grace United Church and was an honorary elder at the time of his death. •'Mr. anxi Mrs. Jackson were on a trip to Honey Harbor When be took ill and, was taken to hospital at Orange- ville where' he died in his sleep, Search and:Rescue Canso am- phibian aircraft demonstrating elet-assisted .take off. Other spectacular displays were by the "Red Knight," a flaming red T33 jet trainer and the "Smoke Eaters" ix smoke -trailing eye. chron•ized aerobatics in Chip- inunk trainers. , The .helicopter Safety sign: "Wath out for school children ... especially if they're driving." pee••••liosoimosemee Brownie Drive-in CLINTON ONTARt0 "THURSDAY 'and FRIDAY September 22 and 23 THE RISE AND FALL OF LEGS DIAMOND" - (-Adult --Entertainment-)- , Ray Danton, Karen Steele "THIS REBEL BREED" (Adult Entertainment) Rita -Moreno, Mark Damon (One Cartoon) , GARAGES — Houses Store Fronts — Kitchen Cabinets or any type of WeratiOns at moderate cost. Call for FREE ESTIMATES WE SERVICE and GUARANTEE' All The Aluminum Windows and Doors We Install. CARPENTRY WORK done to your specifications - by Experienced Workmen. BRUCE RYAN — 175 Brock St. — JA 4-7762-, -37-39-41 11 • to, SATURDAY and MONDAY September 24 and 26 DOUBLE FEATURE — "DIARY OF A' HIGH SCHOOL BRIDE" Anita Sands, Ronald Foster "GHOST OF DRAG -STRIP HOLLOW" Jody Fair, Martin. 'Braddock Hot Rod Gang e er —.---- P service was held in Knox Pres- lread by Mrs. Andrew Kirkcon year. Born in Auburn, he was Newport, Shropshire,1 byterian Church with Robert Engle Rd, Sept. 14, 1960. Mr. GeOrge Ellis, Editor, Goderich Signal -Star.. Dear Mr. Ellis: Following receipt of The Goderich Signal -Star, I thought an extract from one of your interesting Oticles appearing in it would he of interest to our reader.9., I enclose part of our newspaper, showing the re- prodnelinn of your article. Your comments have certainly e‘n.i.:ecl churchgoers in this area to stop and think' (Editor's note: Part :Cf the, article refer - cemetery and and also to the fact that attendariee at the church service (eight in all) was a sad commentary of changing times in England withei sharp fall-off in church goers since the eed ,Bisset, jr., preaching the ser- mon. 'Because Mr. BiSeet was about to enter a course at the TJniversity of Toronto in Tore- paration for the ministry, he was presented with several gifts from various organizations of the church. w Program on Channel 8 RO Met Tao . Eva Ttaoller of' Room m1ON. thrimigha.m. FR, I. .15-12.00 THE KINDERGARTEN OF THE AIR FOR R PRE-SCHOOL YOUNGSTERS . THEyt, MOTHERS LEVISIOAI .......samiemeemesemmomm TUgSDAY and WEDNESDAY September 27 and 28 "NOR MOON BY NIGHT" (Color) Belinda Lee, Michael' Craig (One Cartoon) Fill The Car on Tuesday Night Bring The Whole Family 01.25 ADMITS .A CARLOAD a THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 29 and 30 — DOUBLE FEATURE -- "GUNS OF THE TIMBERLAND' r (Color) Alan Ladd, Jeanne Crain "BORN RECKLESS Mamie ,VanDoren, Jeff Richards - (One Cartoon) 00000011.000911100411000000 Anniversgry Gift A Genuine Colemat2, gas -lite with la TOT� ed -1111 Gas Furnace This handsome Gas -Lite is yours as,a giAt or ordering Coleman - Gas Furnaces during Coleman's 60th anniversary celebration. Act now! Colernan• 'heating means satis- faction; Back of every furnace, there's a $500 Warranty Bond. Only with Coleman can yoy get " this bbnded guarantee. „ See.your COLEMAN 'dealer or USTioN TRIM BOY SCOMPANY OF CANADA,LIMITED 35 COLBORNE ST., GODER4,Ca1 PHONE JA 4-8317 of World Wars I and II, and.l particularly the latter.) Sincerely hope that you fully enjoyed your trip to Me,rrie England:P I certainly liked' the" headline "Ellis in Wonderland." Yours faithfully, D. Watts, Editor, .__TeheNeweort and Market Drayton Advertiser. Contest Won By Brucefield Man PRYDE & SON — Memorials Finest Stone' and Experienced Workmanship Call or Visit us for information or Appointment ---- District Representatiye.- • FRANK hicILWAIN 59 Hamilton Street JA 4-7861 After. Hours -200 Gibbons St': -A---4;9465 YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR CONCERN -33tf. Robert Allan, of rirucefield, topped 22 contestants in the 1960 Huroe County pasture competition, agricultural repre- sentative D. H. Miles announced - Monday eight. Mr. Allan, who was world hay champion in 1968 and has won awards in -early every phase of rfarming, won this year's award for five acres of regular Ipasture and .11 acres of after- math, with a earrying capacity of 17 cows and 111 calves. Runners-up were William Turnbull, of Brussels, and Joseph 'Babcock, Londesbor- ough. Last year's winner, Alvin Betties, of R.R. 2, Bayfield, was competition judge. Mr. Allan -will compete in the Lake Huron -Georgian Bay Zone competition, expected to (be judged by September 28. The provincial competition will dee judged. October 3 to October 5. THE WATER' MAIN A representative from James F. MacLaren Associates was in ,f.4nderieh Tuesday. Tie Vas' look- ing over preliminary drawings ghowing the gocation of a iStio. posed water main on Highway , O. 21 and Daylield road be- tween tritarknia rroad anti 'the Site of the neW chitario govepi- ment hospital. GODERICH BRANCH 109 CANADIAN LEGION Decoration Day Service Veterans Memorial Park fkitaitland Cemetery Si.ipdajf,,- Sept. 25 1960, at 2.30 p.m: , The public is toidially invited to attend. Legionlaembers and Veterans meet at Legion an at 1.45 P -.M. In eVent Of ram, will be postponed until r, Sunday, October 2, 1960.37 , - • . , .41 •-• AT THE ODERICI71 MEMORIAL ARENA Fri., Sept. P. at 8.30 p.m. Adults $1.00 Students 50c Engagement Extraordinary ! ! THE NEW YORK HARLEM SATELLITES - Sputniks. of Basketball THE GREATEST' FUN' SHOW EVER fealturing — ROOKIE BROWN—Star of the Movie: --"THE HARLEM GLOBETROTTER" with Clown ,Prince Goose Jr.' YOU WILL SEE — Clotruing Basketball — Tric,k Ball Handling — — Plain and.Fancy Pun — — THE MAGIC CIRCLE SPECTACLE — Done with Black Light in Complete Darkness, PLUS A Basketball Match Between THE SATELLITES vs, GODERICH ALL-STARS ms A SHOW Y01.1911 szvEt POIVIET 1 1 Ss