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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-09-15, Page 9
During 1959 the index oft Partly for the *public's conven- Cenadd's industrial production l fence in handling the coins and rose, eight per, cent to 169, basis'j•par'tly eAce save metal -Canada 1949 equals 100. Another in -!changed from the fbig cent to dicator oif national growth. j the small cent in 1920. rk MORKE'S La FLOWERSHOP_ Formerly ° Oaderkh Fioalvers"' WITit comes to Renovatipg a Garden - new or, old Bujb Planting -- Tree Pruning or any garden care ro planned for this Fall YOU WILL APPRECIATE • Our Experience and Expert Advice. • For Wedding Bouquets, Sick Room Flowers or Funeral Arrangements DIAL JA 4-7921 99 Bruce St., near Swimming . Pool Goderich -34tf .11 i 0. JOINT IODE LUNCHEON wiii"„""'n" �v"„° "o„`" CELEBRATE ANNIVRSARiES The September meeting of 1 the Maple Leaf Chapter IODE, was held at, the home ,qf Mrs. Harry Ford. The hostess had the Canadian flag flying near the door to greet the Ohap> er mem- beT.cl`nS.t.. •. ,,Y• - '..� G4.6 -?"-,a m:.Ca Avu,-. cm ur•-va Mrs. C. Edward, the regent, presided. Mrs. Wm. Schaefer, ,of the Education , Committee„ ,presented her report. • The Chapter voted en amendment You Can Benefit FINANCIALLY IN CANADA'S FUTURE GROWTH BY INVESTING IN Mutual Funds Phone J. Allaire, district manager, at JA 4-7671. KING MERRITT' CO. LTD. CANADA Here's the Modern Plan to get the things you need! B261"IcariViciit.,� .. : • to the $100kbursary award. Two grade XIII students are to bene- fit this year, and receive $125.00' to--assi.st them` at Teachers' Col- lege. Mrs. G. Mathieson, for service tt,b. h abro• d r a cad.. �a 1. , letter from the father of tthe Greek boy; who has been adopt ed by th.e_Chapter., thanking the thia,apt f 9.1- eSsist'al e iitehe family of two girls and seven boys. Mrs. A. M. Harper reported that the -,Canadian Canner So- ciety is sponsoring Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt's appearance at Kit- chener, October 5, and that tickets are on sale Septemb$r 1425 at 75e each. Mrs. Glenn Hays reported for Canadian Association of Con- sumers. .Mrs. A. Allen and Mrs. C. Sockett gave reports en plans for the Fashion Show an September 27. They stressed that the members press the sale and unsold tickets returned to the ticket committee, Mrs. R. Brewer and Mrs. Wm. Gardner, fly September 20. Mrs. Edward outlined plans for a joint luncheon at the end of October with the Ahmeek Chapter, to cele crate the Jub- ilee Year (the 60th anniv �rsary of the national organization) and the 50th anniversary cf the IODE in Goderich. ' e 'w sereteti" �'Yfrn:_- Valw lace's committee. Mrs. Harper thanked the hostess for the use of her home: WINS GOLF MATCH Ken , Doig, former Goderich hockey player and now a mem- ber of'the London -Thames Val- ley Golf Club,, won the Carling Invitation Golf Tournament at Roekway Golf Club on Saturday. He fired a three -under -par 67 to beat Tony Matlock, of Kit- cherPer, by one stroke. Blind- Canvass. OpensSept. 17 Saturday, September 17th, marks the beginning of the An- nual Tri -County Campaign -for the Blind. This year The .Can- adian National Institute for the Blind requires $6,000.00 to con- tinue its 4R service programa t.e tlae:.�' blind nen wemen " and d children in Huron Couelty. Rehabilitation, recreation, re- sidential care and research pro - e': .e:.pLi.ntt:..-with-e;ff tti e means of coping with their trateip disability. These 4R's are vital to the . blind of our county. ' Through the annual appeal fat funds and because of the iuppo•rt of the good people of this community, the' mitt 4R, ervice iirograme is made pos- sible. "You are Their Eyes" when you give to the current campaign and provide services that substitute for sight. - "Many volunteer workers are ready to launch the appeal" re- ports E. F. Wheeler, District Field Secretary. Campaign chairman for this area is' J. H. Kinkead, Goderich, Ont. COMING CONCERTS Mrs. Alice M. Hunt, of Brant- ford, was in town for a few days reneeving acquaintances, end was a guest at the Bedford Hotel. FOR GENERAL wINSURANCE SEE KEN CROFT FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY - CASUALTY 23TF Bring all your personal credit -needs£' under one roof s with a low-cost ,B of M life -insured ban Here is the modern approach to finance the things .you want to buy for your home and family ... to takeeare of expenses for school, college, vacation and soon .. and, of course, to meet emergencies. The Sank of Montreal Family Finance Ptah enables you to plan your purchases and helps you meet unexpected expenses under one single comprehensive plan. _ litre en Ibur odereasons wler-- ve#ether- _M single or married = you should use the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan ... 'MY BANK" TO 2 MILLION CANAD/ANS mesas Model 2103A COMPLETE WITH AUTOMATIC THERMOSTAT k1+JD w. H EThF feee g' fes, ✓ BLOWER Goderich Cammurtity Concert Association has announced dates lwhen there would occur such a Ind visiting artists for the cam_ 1i season as follows: November tumbling and a rumbling from 24 Archer and Gile, folk sing- !their innards as to -make my c I's; March 22 -Bel Canto Trio, :wife turn green and the eyes of vocals; May 2-Ampara, Iturbi 14he movers roll heavenwards. pianist. . `k I still don't know how it was possible for four ordinary hu- mans, in a few years, to accum- ulate so much under the head- ing of miscellaneous. Perhaps .t was because our house had. so y closets. About the only �.a The Goderich -Signal-Star n w house, one of these char- acters earned is `box of 'boaks up To my new "den," a Eve -foot - :,quare converted cupboard. Looking around at its eell-like confines, he quipped: "What's dis, de psyehopatriek ward?" to 5' b We came through the movin ��'� �• ` _ very well, however, especially r! - my wife:. Oh, she cried three C "A, �f+. ... e t re leaving the ala house,' and she ON 1 burst into tears the minute we entered ,,the ntw one,but she's a' •Ne t,1,,,btribdd , xr ...:t. e,, r �.Ii>titiie Well sir, we moved- last week. Considering that .none of the And the next time 1 -have to be drapes„ fit. any of the windows" moved, I hope it's in a hearse. that .vie had to put so many ' 0.._ 5"4. chairs in the cellar it looks as When the °movers were eiving though there is going -to be' a us an estimate, they asked my meeting down there, and that wife how malleo cartons we'd you have to sit on the dining have, besides the furniture and room table to play the piano.• all the usual stuff. He meant cartons packed ' :with books, FREE METHODIST N.M.S. dishes and odds and sods. $he suggested there would be six. PLANS STUDY OF INDIA. Alarmed, I told her Y was sure there'd be at least eight. 1r. tpt 1%11,4 ' t. IA(,ITkf Elk ;:Altf4 1W.`.` 4 Fr' fir' We. had :something like 34 cartons, ranging from things the size of a shoebox to vast card- board edifices which must have housed prefab homes, in their original state. These latter would go through doorways only when turned on their sides, s®®soo©eeee•e•oe®000ie BRING YOUR CAMERA To Huron's "B" Fair The W,M.S. of the Free Meth- odist Church met at the home of Mrs. M. Oliver, St. David street, Thursday evening. The presi- dent, Mrs. E. A. Coopea', con- ducted the meetTrrg:-"' I A. M. Harper & Co.India, and a brief resume of the This year's study will be on A Roy N. Bentley PUBLIC A4COUNTANT P.O.° Box 478.. Phones 4 ,:!952 1 ,13ObERICH"==-'ONTAR IO OPTOMETRIST P. T. ARMSTRONG Consulting Optometrist Th. Square JA 4-7601 Albert Shore,, Sr. PUBLICACCOUNTANT OPPCE RESIDENCE 98 HAMIILTON ST. 39 VICTORIA ST. GODERICH GODERICH PHONE PHONE JA 4-9462 JA 4-76.86' life cf one -of the world's most noted wam6n Madame Pandit,' of India, was given by '-Mrs. M. 1TeKee. The study book for the year entitled "Adventure" w::s ,ntroduced by Mrs. R. C'urnish. , , Prayers for missionaries were; .fi'cred by Miss M. Disher and. NIrs. T. McMichael. :17F,rs. M. Riordon read a letter from mus- ,ionaries on holiday- ie northern j India. Mrs. Cooper showed slides of: Dr. and Mrs. Pastorius who have ecently gone to India as medic- al missionaries from London, S. FORT hi we.. that slid;e.t ,:seneege-_.ixeztt,(lntaria_ A eeepl~.,, < g Ing L. FALL FAIR THURSDAY and FRIDAY thein during etheeordeal~: ,wnee a skeleton. * 5: 'The sorry note about this junk we lugged more than 100 miles, was that it was the bare E SEPT �_ residue. For. a week before we moved, 1- ran about six trips a day from our house to the garb - ENTER the Colored Slide age dump. In fact, I got so - „Co'�rl clition friendly with some of the rats p at the dump that they were elating out of my , hand. Just the fleshy part, of course. • Perhaps we'd have been all re.,,h't if 1,v 'd let the Old Girl 3 BREED SHOWS Holstein - Jersey - Hereford Pis - Sheep and Horses. HURON COUNTY'S ONLY JUNIOR FAIR $8,400.00 in Prizes. . Hundreds of Indoor Exhibits "Where Junior Reigns Supreme" R. JAS. WALLACE, Sec'y. 'T'Velk t :: ttheir-'emission. in India was played' Mrs. L'f Sparks was pianist for the meet- ing. _.ASHFIE.LD-__ ASHFIELD, Sept. 12. - Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Thain, Don- ald, Ralph and Sharonlee, of Scarboro, called on old friends here recently. John ' MacKenzie and Jim West have left by . car for The West. Mrs. Will MacGregor, of Stat- thro�K out everything she want -t icr,_. Alta., has been visiting d to. But the rest of us watch- relatives here. ed her. like jackals following a Miss Mabel Macdonald, of Bore' - Every time she rnade a Windsor, recently - visited With kill, we'd dart • in, snatch a her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex choice morsel, and carry it away. Macdonald. . It was only by using these des- •Mrs. Steve Elliott and Bill, perate"'meIsures that we were of Lansing, Mich.., were guests SUPERIOR Chartered Accountants Office House JA 4-7562 JA 4-7642 33 Hamilton St. Goderich AUTOMOTIVE Glass--Meering-Body Re- pairs -Lubrication, 'etc. For Quality Service, see DAVIDSON'S TEXACO SERVICE No. 8 H'wy. Phone JA 4-7231 r Miles Ambulance Roomy - Comfortable Anywhere Anytime PHONE JA 4-8142 ,-Montreal ontreal St:; Gatrel'ich George Turton INSURANCE Co-operators insurance A Complete Line of Casualty. And Life Insurance. Prompt, Efficient Claims -Ser- vice by Goderich Adjuster of CIA. 351 Huron Road Phone JA 4-7411 ,,ble to save such valuables as with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mac•, ny turtle -neck sweater that c'onald• MAINTENANCE t° -ti®ilee400®s femetteetev s• w£ }a -to cal --- h r t:t-gh--111 waL> ..etea t b ii n u a 1 S u n cTa y, S c h a b I picnic. 1 n' I me, Hugh's collection of tooth- 'aste caps. and Kim's box of the Township Park. • ;�t:he.,dccl dolls. I guess the -0.1d' CongratulatLblis are extended Lady threw out suing items as -.to Miss Barbara Finlayson for • �atany' as five times waning a bursary to Macdonald A lame- crp'wd attended the • O All loans are automatically life -insured. Should you die before your loan is repaid, your debt to the Bank will be cancelled. 0 Monthly repayments can be extended up to two years - or even three, if need be. This means that FFP can be tailored to suit any salary. ® You can borrow up to $3,500, depend- ing on your ihcome, to buy the thing's you want for your home and fam''lly, -or to meet emergencies. O Plpnned repayments help you run your income - instead of letting iit run you. "A If you have a steady' income and can make monthly loan - repayments without hardship, you can finance almost any useful purpose. through the Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan. Why not talk to the people at your neighbourhood B of M branch ... you'll like their helpful attitude. Whether' you are , a B of M customer br not, you will find,a warm welcome. 'BANK OF MONTItEAL. e4 t4dd4 3(44e Oacrle Godeitich Branch: A. B. Corless, Manager. ,WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LTFE'SINCE 1817 FP-1SRR • REGULAR PRICE: $179.65 - «•. LESS TRADE-IN ' $. 40.00. Canada's Only Bonded Heating Line New modern design with big 55,000 BTU input heat capacity. Strong • steel construction with beautiful baked enamel finish. Automatic Thermostat -set it, forget it. Relax in warm comfort the way you like it. Automatic "Directiel-hair" Blower and Control -Turns itself "on and off". Gently and quietly directs air where you need it. • '3UY NOW AND SAVE UNION Coleman® See your COLEMAN dealer or • COM PA N Y of CANADA, LIMITED 35 COLBORNE ST., GODERICH PHONE JA 4-8317 These C'0nar1;011 soldier, are mollifier- of the Neje ms E1neeeene. 1'oree in the Cala 'lheir task. like Haim of a N in the ,iiia,. is 0 ela:llari_ini one Nieh re,Iuire4,careitill>" selected, w'i'll trained men. There'are mauv other ail\antages for Inr'n in the army; „ornl pay, fine prospects !or advancement, travel and adventure, a spirit of comradeship that isn't fut.! lid in any other job. 1f you are 17-25 you can enjoy a career in the Canadian Army. - Ge't full details, without obligation: f'rnrn the lural Army Recruiting Station listed in your 'phone honk, or by mailing this ceuj,on to: ARMY RECRUITING STATION, Dundas Street Armoury, London, Ontario. hl .1111' Middle East.. THE CANADIAN CAREER SOLDIER WORKS FOR • PEACE c Yd Name Address City/town Prov. -Last School Grade Successfully completed Age Phone No. Huron County Council will meet for' a one -day session on Mon., Sept. 26 at 10.00 a.m. in the COUNCIL CHAMBER of the COURT HOUSE, - GODERIC3. Any communications must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Tues- day, September 20th. JOHN G. BERRY, • Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ont. ;r, ,College, Guelph. Young Hugh was the only one' Mr. and Mrs., Geo .Leadbetter who showed any rea.l.enterprise and Barbara, of 'onto, recent - Commercial, Industrial- and Residential Janitor Work FREE ESTIMATES • Reasonable Rates Phone' JA 4-8892 or JA 4-7427 .n the big .move. He gathered lv visited with Mrs. Colin , Mac- ` 'ogether several 'hundred -comic,. Gregor. into the used -comics bus'-' Mrs. R:;,bcrt Fairish on` their( INSURANCE books from aover lI the house, ('t1n�r�tul tiorl� to Mr..and, went Hess, and did a roaring trade,:,recent marriage. They will live 1 He cleaned up $•6 and cut his in the hiouMse forerlyacKenzie.moccupied., !share of the stock. - Fo'r days' A large number of friends, sister in for 20 per cent. for her icy I before we moved, every time, and neighbors gathered in the! the doorbell rang, there'd be a', Tenth school to 'honor Miss 1, freckle -faced kid there, clutch-' Anna Robb with a misceli.aneous', log some pennies, and asking: ,bower•. "Is this where the comics sale • I planned to get in on a good thing, and filled two large car- tons with used pocket books. But I couldn't find any custom- ers. So I pit the cartons out, ion the porch 10 take to the dump. You can imagine my ,ratification when both boxes Turned up among the items the provers carried into our new home, along with two old mops, a broken -legged table, and a .lusted 1.mp, all of w hich we'd ,et wide to go to the dump. Those movers .were- right on the ball. They, were supposed to -arrive at noon on moving; day, and we were all ready for them. That is, we had just half a day's packing left to de, the stove -and dryer to be discon- nected, and few score other .minor chores. So they arrived _ - eat i of that day made the Charge of the Light Brigade look like' a Girl Guides' outing. It was Drily the personalities of the two men on -the moving van -,414.6,, saved- the day. 'Try ver&'-esience. o easy good nature in a basically_ irritating jib. My wife expressly told thein to leave her cosmetics kit until the last. An hour later,.i she learned it had been packed, 45 minutes before, just abead of the stove, washer and refriger- ator. There was the makings of an incident that would have made ,the Congo "look like a Strrlday school picnic. The situ-! .tion• was saved when one of the :novers told her she didn't need no lipstick, she looxed great the way she was. ao®®0000000esev eoo®ido -AL-W-AYS--L-O.( 4--S- SO SMART Periodic cleaning by Gode- A. classified ad in the Signal- • Star gets quick results. - FIRE and AUTO REAL ESTATE W. J. HUGHES. 50. ELGIN AVE. E. Y'hone JA 4-8526. BACKACHEi; . May be Weaning Backache is often caused by lazy I I kidney action. When kidneys get out of , order; expess acids, and wastes remain in the sy,stem. Then backache, dis- turbed rest or that tired -out and heavy - headed feeling mo soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better -sleep better work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. 59 ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN GENERAL INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Bank of Commerce Bldg. Goderich. Phone JA 4-9662 A. J. 'Alexander, Res. JA 4-7836. C. 'F. Chapman, Res. J A 4-7915. James Richardson & Sons Ltd. "Serving the Feed Dealers of Western' Ontario" I'H0 rich French Dry Cleaners During the scramble of pack- itt-g, I stabbed my wife in the gives yqur- clothes the well- back of the hand with the scis- sors, sors, while trying to cut some groomed appearance_.., you string. It went right to the bone, bled like a, fountain, then wish. Try our modern dry- swelled into a dark egg. I rushed her to the hospital: cleaning service today. When we got back, the driver ,, I told her she was lucky.' They'd moved an old lady last spring.: She was fussy and critical, nag- ning their every move. Furni- ture all loaded, she went up the steps; key in hand to lock her f door, and looking over her shoulder to give the movers a final blast, fell and broke both her legs. This story didn't cheer my white-faced wife noticeably, but 'it delighted the movers. * * Some 'ten hours later, in our 11411011111111410' (!►1HRI 1� • FOR THE FAMILYTHAT rl HAS EVERYTHING -and is now paying for it If the payments on too mangy instalment purchases are catching up with you, arrange an HFC Payment - Reducer Loan and pay oft all you still owe. You'll . pay •IIFC Much less per month than you pay now ... keep more of your paycheck ! ... and make only'one convenient payment a month. -L)rop in br phone HFCitoday.. you get more than money, from HFC AMOUNT OF LOAN 5100 500 750 1000 1600 2200 2500 MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS 12 20 ! 30 ;I: months months , mon/l, month, $ 9.46 $ (;.1'' S . $ ... 4633 30.01 . 69.21 44.13- 31.65 91.56 58.11 41.45 146.52 91.11 68iee'l A . 201.46 1" 1. '1 94.(;2 83.71 228.93 1 107 52 95.12 hbeve payments include prrnc,;,a an di ntorest and are basbd on prompt ropaymont, but do not include 14ct51 of Me Insurance, ' HOUSEHOLD fikYAP�CE .'M. R. Jenkins, Manager 35A West Street !tetephbnr ;IA 44383 GODERICH