HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-4-2, Page 5NEWS CANADIAN. Fourty-eight • new doctors have received their degreea from Dicten! Medical College in Montreal. George Mackay, Holland Center, county of Gey is the possessor of a cow which gave birth to twin calves •recently. This is the third year in succession in which .she had twin calves, Mr S 0 Brown, seedsman and fanner, of Pickering, was killed by a Jersey bull, on Saturday which he was leading oneelse the drink. No was near at time, and Mr Brown was found dead by his son. Although a valuable imported breeding animal, after hie awful work in goring his owner to death, it was decided to destroy him, and he was shot by the brother of the deceased. 11NITLA BTATEe. Governor Francis, of Missouri, has it*ued a procl'emation ordering a strict qu-'ranttne against southern cattle an account of the Texas fever. It is estimated that 20.000 bushels of spring wheat will be required to supply those with seed who most urgently need at In Kansas. where great die. tress prevails. For the last 24 hours, ending at t! o'clock Friday morning, three deaths were roper ed from la grippe in New York making a total of fourteen for the week, Damp cloudy weather continues in. Chicago, and the epidemic of the grippe has eteedity grown more severe and more fate! since the beginning of the present month, Officials at the i?t'pltrttneet of health say the death rate for the present is unprecedented. The number of deaths this week is estimated at 900. Brl ceilelet. BAIEre, --DIr. Wm. Bell has been chosen precentor of Union churohi he la a deserving young man, We be- lieve he will succeed in has new pool - tion. -atter D. W. Campbell, lectured here en the 10th tilt., on t'Paria," illustrated by beautiful lime light views. --the Easter entertainment in the Diethodiat church on Monday evg., was, in spite of the stormy weather, a eueceas The singing by the little Polka under the training of Miss Annie Compbell, as well as the recitations and the practical address of Rev, Mr, Irvine, of Hensel!, were nighty appro. ciated.-Our enterprising townsmen, 1popular Dir Alex. Mustard, has his carr Mill going full force again, • which ie likely to cantinrao for sense time. We want just a few more such mon as Mr. M. to make thia ane of tho best buai- nese places in the province. -Mr John Rose has been appointed station agent -Messrs John Allan and .las liolmea left here last Monday for Carberry, Man, They leave their families in the me, ntinie. They are deserving young meirand we wish them muoh success. -Mr Cheesney, of the Toronto Vetin• ary College, paid his friends here a flying visit this week. --Mr. Fate, of Delmont/villa, has bought the hotel stand from :lir. James Turner. He takes possession in May. -.-..-- .Dashwood. Bei ,-Ail' J. Voelker returned from his visit in 'lavistook on Tuesday last. -Mr J. Soldon called on Mr Geo Hess, ot Zurich last Monday, -Kr J. Witzel who spent a few days in Baden �` 1 Pturned to Dashwood. -Miss J. ., c(jallum who has been in London for some time 'a at home at present - ltlr. and Mrs, Dirstein spent Sunday in Dashwood. They will soon leave for Saginaw. -Miss 11, Mitchell is in tows) again. -There were services in the Evangelical church on Friday forenoon last. -This is the time of the year for molasses and taffy. Go for it boys. On Monday evening last there was a large dancing party in Mr Glanvill's house The boys and giria enjoyed themselves in the usual way. -Patrons of industry meeting. On Monday Inst the Patrons from the west, east and south, but not froth the north (being ) too cid assembled in Mr Willert's cold) st•hle. After conversing some time about their business they formed in procession to Mr, Willert's hall, The chief business of the day was to arrange for a store. Mr„ J'. Hall and Mr J Kellerman were each in turn asked to matte an agreement with them. But each refused to accept the conditions required. They may try Exeter mer- chants next. -Last week Mr Hagerman took possession of the farm formerly occupied by Mr J. Diller. -Mr H. Ross who is at present attending the Goder- ech High School spent part of the Easter holidays in our village. -Mr and 'Vire H. Schroeder and Mr and Mrs Pfaff spent the holidays in Zurich.• - Mrs G. Hess, of Zurich, visited her parents this week, -Mr S. Hauch spent his holidays with friends in Zurich. - Mrs (Rev) Yaeger returned home last week. The Woodlands, To the Editor of the _Exeter Times. Sir,-Perbapayou can allowmem s pans to inform your readers that the forestry re- port tor the year is ready and wilt be sent free of all charges to all sending their ad, dresses to me, directing to 251e Richmond St„ Toronto, It is pleasant to be able to say that "the efforts being made to arouse interest in this important matter, axe effeotiug results. It rosy be said that very many of those farm. era in the fruit townships whose means en- able them, are improving their properties by planting, principally by owe of trees alongtheir roads or fence lines and in many cases, round their orchards, But what would be a great step in ad. vanoe may bennderstood from the fact that all would be tnuolt better done by a solid plantation of some acres, This wiil act as. a windbreak in a manner, which the row of trees can never attend ro, besides the addi. tional advantage that then touch valuable timber, sueb as ash, cherry, hiokery and the like can be grown, When io rows trees grow to branches, and every branch forme a knot and.often a bend in the wood ; but where many trees ase planted closely and properly thinned when xieceaaary (in the forest tit, y thin themselves by the survival of the fittest) fine Clear wood., tit for Weeny pupae s, can be produced. When we re. merniter how scarce good hard wood must soon become in Ontario, the value of such weld is at once seen. In face farms to -day bring thousands of dollare more, if then possess dither, while many farina are left but clear expenses ; a little labor some years since would trnvo sawed this. Tours etc., R. W, I rrrgrs, .he following item is taken from the Detroit News of March 29th :- "The McKinley Bill, contrary to expectations, has not lowered the price of eggs in Windsor Eggs sold freely . in Windsor yesterday at 20 cents per dozen, while in Detroit they were ob- 1,inable• at 10 cents. Two prominent '•chants of Windsor shipped 120 doz- from Detroit. There is no .n duty." ust be a great surprise to the cans to find that by placing an st prohibitory duty on Canadian s they have helped to raise the price f them here, and created a new mar- ket in Canada for their own "hen -fruit.''. But so it is, The advance in eggs here last wdek was caused by the great de- mand for exportation to Great Britain. Children Cry for Pitcher'cCastori' Lucan, Emmert :fiat Hi ;scow, a1 l -...A very hearty reception was accorded Mr W Hutchins, the member -elect for North Middlesex, at Ligan or Thursday last. He arrived on the aveniug train from the. west, and was acoomparried by Meseta Begg, Campbell and Tbompsop, of Parkhill. He was met at the station a d. putation of some of the leading members of the Liberal. Conservative Assoclatton. among whore were the fcllewing gentlemen :.- Mr Juo Fox (President), Messrs Malt, F 8 Hodgins, W B Staulev, R Armitage, W Stanley, 0 0 Uudgine, P breeu, W Cunningham, Jae Stanley and otheta, The train draw up atmos* tits stirring strains of the band and the cheering of the large crowd awaiting the popular member's arrival, A. torch light proeesaion was formed, and, headed by the band, proceeded to the Central Hotel. Mr Jnr+ Fax, addteseing from the balcony, the crowds gathering in tile atreeta, said be bad been waked to preside at the meeting, and explained that its object was to welcome Mr Hutchins, and was glad to see so many of hie friends present. In n few well-ohosen words ire then introduced Mr Hutebins. Mr W 13 Hutebins, who was received with a 'tremendous outburst of applause, thanked his hearers for the hearty reception they had tendered him,. and whilst regretting that his opponents had sou fit to oppose him by using persona matters against him, instead of Agbtiug him fairly upon the political issues of tlio day, yet he was glad to say that the efforts of his friends had not been in vain, hut had placed him at the head of the poll by a *mall majority, tie then touched upon the political questions of the day, and expressed his viowa ooneerning thong, and closed his speech by thanking the electors for the honor they had conferred upon him, and saki he would endeavor to serve them faith- fully and to the best of his ability Mr Hutchius retired from the balcony amidst roand after round of hearty applause. Mr C 0 Hodg int, Reeve of Biddulph, then addressed the mooting in a short speech and was followed by Mr P Breen, who ex- plained his reasons for supporting Air Hutchins in a very clear, plain and decisive manner, His speech was short but very much to the point, and was received by the audience with great appreoiatiou, and he was loudly cheered when ho bad finished. Dr W Stanley, of Watford, delivered an address in hie usual eloquent style, and was followed by Mr Bigg, who made a short, pithy speech, contrasting the advantages of remaining loyal to the Mother Country with being annexed to the States. The proceed fags terminated with cheers for the Queen,' Sir John and Mr Hutchins, SPEAKING GP TIPs-A tip is a piece of npeoial or valuable information such as this that Hagyard's Yellow Oil is a prompt and effectual cure for croup, colds, hoarsenesa, sore throat, rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains or soreness of any kind• Known as reliable over 30 yerrs. I:urO ANDT t O better evidence IMPORTANT N RuE-�i of the fact that Burdock Blood Bitters is a pertain remedy for all blued discrders can be asked than that of Geo V Thomas, drug gist, of Hull, P Q , whose wife was cured o f cancer by B B B. The family doctor is pertain that the disease was cancer and that it is now cured. HAOYABp'S PECTORAL BALSAM-Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam gives prompt relief in coughs, colds, hoarseness, whooping cough croup, asthma or brononitis. 11 is the most pleasant and perfect throat and lung healer in the world for children or adults. Price 25ot When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she dung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. !z1r Bob bills, MARKET REPORTS. Wheat $1:Q2to $1.04 per busk OUR SELLING PRICES. Flour, Strong Bakers', 83 00 per 100 do. Best Family 2 q5 do. Low Grade , . 2 00 t, Bean . .,, ,,, 80c, Middlings , , .. 90e. Screening,• . , . 1 000. r Chop .. .,. b"l IJ to 1 25 CONSUMPTIONCURED: An old physician retired from practice,hav ing had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of asimple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permsnentcure for Consumption,13 ronthitis. Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections. also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it eta duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive. and a desire to releive human suffering.' will send free of charge, to alt who desire it, the recipe in German, French or English, with full directions f, r preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A.NOYES,820. Powers' Block Rochester, N. Y. 10 NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send us your address, we will mail you our illustrated pamphlet explainins. all about Dr Dye's Celebrated Electro-Voltare Belt and Appfianoos,and theiroharmingeffeots upon the nervous debilitated system. and how they will quickly restore you to vigor and man- hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted, trwe ial. willsmd'youaBelt and Appliances on a VoaTAto Bair Co., D4araball, Mick. ,i ei <t c, Chop stone running every day. fr;FTERMS CASH, TklE EXI.TELt11.1IGLINO Coy. IIA1tfoia REPORTS.. EXETER RedWheat Spring Wawa... Birley Oats Clover Sred Timothy • Peas Corn Riggs Buttes ,.. elope paxis bl . Poteteee,por bushel Apples,per :sag Dried Apples pr b Otiose ear lb. Turkey per lb Ducks per lb Cbiekoueperpr Rogs,.lroasedper1o0 Reef rfideerough, irosaod , ghoopakins each CRlfekipa Wool peri b feayporton rluionanerbuse Woodperoord 404 4.1 11.4 111. 444 414 4114 4141 4114 11.1 1414 644 4114 444 444 ": ;,11.4111 441.4. 4,44 4.4 254 to3op ST:U.0M 1 02 to 1 09 100 to 1 3 45 to 0050 52 to 51 4 40 so 4,75 1 21. to 130 7o to gu O 40 to '•1 1210 13 1400015 00 00 5 0 105-550 1 00 10 1 40 0 4to0titt Ot5100t•6 07 to OS o Otitis 0 07 o25to030 5001o925 400 toe es 200to250 3SOto390 069 to 20 050 to05e ,0leto0ea e 00 toe nn 050 to 060 Pall Wheat 1 02 1 f3 Spring Wheat ..... ,.. , 1 001 alt y'.,. ...,, ,... 4 45 0 48 Oge s.4 S Clover Seed ............... .................... 4 75 4 M5 Timothy ..................... ...... 1 25 1 to Peas 075073 P,gga.................. .....:................. ...... 12 a 22. Mutter 22 0 13 Pntxttoea per bag o 55 Apple* nor barb 050 Wool per 1b ............... . 20 0 20 Bar Porton-- 5 50 600 Pian per ton....... ...,.............. 14 00 14 00 Aborts" " ......20 00 29 OD nttntealperhlai....•.. ,. ° 5 00 700 13ots,dresaed per 100. 5 00 to525 LONDON, Wheat.1,03 to 1,05 per hue. Oats. 490 to 50c Per bus. Peas,O3o to Silo per bus. Bar- lesesialting• 501 to S7oer bus. Bailee Feed. 490 to 49c par bus corn, 641a to e7o per. bushel. TORONTO. Toronto. April 1 -Wheat Spring --No. 2. 9.50 to 99c per bus; red winter. No.2,107 to 100 per bus Manitoba No 2 hard, l 10 to 1 12, N'o. 3,95e to96e; PEAS 78ato 790 per bus. OATS 56o to 58cerbus. FLOUR, extra,$4.40 to 84.50 per burl; straight roller. 3;4. 65 to4.130; strong bakers, 94,00 to $4.10. 'BARLEY, No 1. Moto 93e ; No 3 extra 53e to 5'iot No 2, 58o to See GIIT, Ii'ancy and Staple Groceries, LIQUuRS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, &U., &C. (Now located in Mace's old stand, Main•at) For finest Gr000ries and Teas, Be euro to eall endue mo; For in the corner store, in Mace's block. You `viii find we have the finest Stook Of goods that people daily use. Our Cons and toffees and our Spice, Wo keep in time -both clean and ntoe- And those who've purchased aught have found Full sixteen ounces to the pound. Upon tho shelves you'll always Lind Canned meats of every sort and kind; Molasses too. and honey sweet, A nd Syrup that cannot bo beat : Dried Fruits and Raisins, sweet and clean, Fine Cheese and. Butter may bo seen, And Olives, Catsup, Sauces and Oils Put up in bottles of all styles; In fact everything your heart could wish, From sardines up to salted fish, All kinds of brushes. brooms and rope, Baskets, wash-. oards. tubs or soap. We will sell you cheap by lots or weights, Or trade for produce, poultry and eggs. F. fl. KNIGHT. All Men young, old, or middle-aged, who find them selves nervous, weak and exbaasted, who are broken down from eaoess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, lose of memory, bad dreams, dimness of eight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kid- neys, headache, .pimples on the face or body, itching or peoular sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashful - nese. deposits in the urine, lose of will power tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper,eunken eyes surround- ed with leaden circle, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes inconsequence Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Address M. V. Lubon, 50 Front St. E„ Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numb nese. palpitation, skin beats. hot flashea, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beatquicker•than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc., can posi- tively be cured. No cure, no pay, Send for book. Address M. V. LOBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, Ont. For Over Fifty Years. MRs• •tynNsLOw's ,r10OTEINe SYRUP has been. used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of gutting teeth send at once and get a bottle of Mr*. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething. It will relieve the poor Utile suffererimmediately. Dependupon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. 11 cures Diarhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowel, cures Wind Colic• softens the gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives• tone and energy to the whole system. ' 'Af ra, `Winslow sSoothingSyrup for children teeth- ing is pleasant to the taste and is the proscrip- tion roscri - tion of one of the oldest and best femme physicians and nurses in the United States Pride; 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists. throughout the world. Be sure and ask for "Mas WINSLOY.."• 4o0TUIZW SYRUP." English Spavin Liniment removes al hard, soft orcallouaed Lumps and lilemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sort and Swollen Throat, Couggs,'ete. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known, Sold by 0. Lutz, Druggist, It is supposed to inoorporate the Wm Weld Company, limited, of Loudon, for the purpose of acquiring the bnsiness., plant and good will of the. Farmers' Adyoeate. The capital stick is $40,000. For 30 Days FOR CASH. Come See Friees We naw offer Stack, Tinware land Stoves Away Down. $ eta No 9 Boiers (mafrom beet BradleyTin tint)l, each,,1!..... • , , .. 1 7s 10 qt Tin Pails, (do), each... ... 20 10 qt Tin Pails, (clot, each, rim,... 25 12 qt Tin Pails (do). 4 for 100 12t Pails (do), rim, 4. 50 Steaqt mersTip ...... ............. 30 Stove Boards all sizes 1 00 No. 9 Brilliant Pepensulsr Cook Stove....., ........... 14 00 No 9Wood,Cook, ., ....,,17 00 Fine Art Royal. Coal Stove 20 00 Brilliant 114: welt). " 14 00 Second hand Radiant fiome Coal.. 8 00 One ti Hole Northwest Standard,. 20 00 2 I xteeded Reaerviore. , . , , . , . , , , , 20 00 4 Gallons Coal Oil... „ 70 `i Water Whits1 00 Cliest11u1 13laela=szntt11 Coal, t 7 S1C.A,2T31, Horse Nails .... ................, Steel Nails Com Iron No 3 Daisy Churn.. 2 00 2 90 2 00 5 00 GROCERIES, SUGARS, TEAS. TOILET SO.A.PS--full line•Eleetrie, ;Russian, London, Dignan, SHEEP SICISS, MISES, WOOI, 1,'2CKINs1, ETC. [EGGS, POULTRY, P TRAun. Exeter Roller Flour on liand. at $2.55 per cwt, JAS. N, HQWARD, W. H. MONOUR, Proprietor. Manager. pl:i.E WATERLOO MUTUAL ;- FIRE INSIIRANC EC O , Established In 1863, tfEAD OFFICE • WATERI 0O, ONT, This Mete gale has been over::ighteon years in Successful operation in Western Onario, and aontiunes to insure against toes or flamngoby Miro Buildings elerobau, disc, Manufactories. and all other descrip- tions of insurable property tntondine insurers have tiro option of insuring on the Premium Nat( orOaehSystem, During tee emitter' years this Com- panynas lathed 57,090 Policies. ocvoriug property to the amount of 8140,872,039; and oiled n losses alone $700,752,00. &soots, !, consisting of Oash iBank Government Harslet end the ate- .sseas':a Premium Notes en /sans and in. 4ret. W WALnns/1. D .Presider t1. IAYLon 5o0retary. 3.11.HuonEs, In. speotor. CHAS. SNELL, Acont for i0xetor and vieinity. INTEROOLONIAL RAILWAY OF CANADA, Thedireotr utobetween the West and all paints on tho Lower St, Lawrence and Dale dos Chaleur,Provinee of Quebec; also for NewBrenswiok,NovaOcatia,Prinoe Edward CapeBrotonIslands,andNowfoundlandand St. Pierre, Express trains leave Montrealan d Halifax daily (SU ndaya oxoepted) and run through withoutchango between these pointrin 28 hours and 55 minutes. The through express train cars of the In- tercolonial Railway are briilfantlylsghtod by electricity rind heated by steam from the locomotive, thus greatly increasing the com- fort and safety ot travellers. New and elegant buffetsleeping and day cars areruu on through expresstraine. Canadian -European Mail and Passenger Route. PessengersforGreat Britain nr the conti- nent by leaving Montl eal on ieridaymorning will join outward mail steamer at Halifax on Saturday. The attention of shippers is directed tothe sup erior facilities offered by this route for the transport of flour and generol mercban- diesintended forthe Eastern Provinces and Newfoundland; also for shipments of grain andproduceintendedfor the Enropeanmar- ket. Ttcketa may bo obtained and interims .tion about the route ; also freight and passenger rates on ap plioation to N. WEA THERSTJN, Western Freight &PassengerAgent 9SRnssinHouseRlook,York tit -Toronto D POTTINGER, Chief Superintendent. Railway Office, Moncton, N.B, Jan let 91 CENTRAL Drug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- era the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- ea carefully F pre ared at Central Drug. Store Exeter, C LU'rZ. ZURICH CARRIAGE WORKS 4.44444.4444-.4 -FOR THE SUMER TRADE -- We have on hand the finest assortment of Vehicles, including BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, GLADSTONES sad WAGONS Of all hinds, we have ever shown, t� ^ ROAD O..&1 .- S A, SPECIALTY. l�1.R�. The wotk it first-class, of the best material and latest styles. Our workmen aro experienced, and we guarantees 5tiefactiou. Prices as low aa are consistent with first-class workmanship and material. Call and see our stock. FRED. HESS, Prop REST REDINTIONS-44- CASH 0B' We will offer for THIRTY DAYS the following goods. at Great Reduction in price for OAS. I ONLY -„„ X C t.J TT SAWS, AXES, LAMPS, and LAMP GOODS, COOK and PARLOR STOVES, TINWARE of every DESCRIPTION SLEIGH BELLS, SKATES, STOVE BOAIWSt,""ETV. BISSETT SET BROSa, N B ---We must >aek thou© haying aecaunte to settle to de sa at once Read W. FOLLAND'S change of advertise- ment Which will appear next week's issue of THE TIMES. NOTICE. ,fl .Fresh and JNew STOOK OF GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY Jnat arrived at the family Grocery. Also Pore Extracts and Spioes. A. beautiful piece of glass- ware given away with one lb. Mayell's Baking Powder. Dashwood Roller Flour for sale. Call and examine our goods before pur: chasing elsewhere. G. A. HYNDMAN. Tanii tyles THE BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET Overcoatings at any price ; Suit- ings at any price ; Pantings at any price Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen i' leave your orders early, for with the beet staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine ?trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, yea are sure of satisfao- tion T t�'��}�*♦ A. h/ . 1RM+aiT E L I One Door South of Post Office -HE HAS --- A NEW AND COMPLETTi: -STOCK OF - Boots & Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to.. GEO. MANSON-, DO YOU WANT TO B11Y FIRST-CLASS FUR NITURE AT LOWER RATES THAM' SHAM GOODS -ARE USUALLY SOLA --- -THEN CALL AT - 1A ID LE Y'S -ONLY FIRST -CLASS - Reliable Good s At Prices Lower that so -ca,, led Cheap Houses can give Undertakingif Branches. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to C. & 9. Gidley) ODDFELLO'VS' BLOCK