HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-4-2, Page 3DR. W. 11. GRAIIA3A.
108 Kin tr eet West
Toronto. Ont.,
TREATS d IRONIC DISEASES --and "givos Special
attention to SKIN DISEASES, as Pimples, Uleere,etc.
PHIVOTE DISRASES—snd Diseases of a Private
Nature, at, Impotency, Sterility, Varioocete, Nervous De-
bility. etc.. (the remit of youthful Jolty and sxcegs,) Gleet
toad Sttietoie of long stooling.
DISEASES or, \Y0MEN---Painful Profuse or Sup
pressed Menstruation. Ulceration, Leucorrhoea, and, al
Pince Hours -9 eau to 8 p.m. Disp)teeements of the Womb.
suudays, i p.m. to 3p.m,
,IL«.•., ...•••••••••••••••• ,,,••••••••••••.,••
Mxet er Butcher Shop
Butcher & General D ager
Marcie, •supplied TUESDAYS, THUR'
!' r i cn
. , YS
Mei esd
. .ni S, 1113
-. AT . t C Dtl'
aria mrue]nt Nett it ;ertrrrlt
�: w [ , and b , ,act by their C
t` Lc a 54 I et ::1. awl b, dict/
e,eL ca 1't,,, , rKPrebeytivr.lay
o n
"f, roe rag e,11Z:e l:,Pu. L.A Ir.;tarn.
Ir. L - r
r, te, We et: ..f
riy. N,. la a:rle
yours r r sl y a s -r•tn to e[ n h. 11..1..i, ary
moa rr, rr. 1 t..1 n••e nOLdIhi , i,• Ii% 11.4 1 04(7.•
13i. -,:g • rr't 7. ,-•,$=4 to a:el rrni..rk ail otna+,:,.
Fadi r .c .. a Ire rpCe. woe r•,rit .•v
yaim erag.
p.32.12,11; u -r.*[ a •, las G'IPr No s,d.tt,M,7-'4M,7-'4,7uIola Vaniglc+raa •, teat-. 'A`ta'�VIIst:4'tf..Al M,7-'4,7ut,tSIA, hang.
THE dE�fppW,nQ,}1NEO.
20Le 1Y 11r,IIa2Ic:e EV r•UEBL.
. • to Rt: «.»- tut:.la'[^S :1'
Ptecettt News front that Interesting quer.
The British and African Steam Navigation
. Company's steamer Cameroon, Captain L •
•Clancy, has arrived in the Mersey from the
West Coast of -Africa: The Cameroon also
touched at the Congo- At that time all of
the trailers on the river with the exception •
of the Dutch house bas rt -moved to xhe left •
bank of the, river, wind* is under the jurie-
diction of the Portuguese. 'Phis exodus took ,
place in order to escape from tee tremend-
ous taxes and other impediments, whichich
the so-ealleM " Free " State
.put into force
at the eomiuenceme'nt of the year. Flying to
the Portuguese for freedom from dues and :
taxes scenes a reversion of the general rule,'.
I but the merchants aver that the duties of the
Portug ase are light compared with those
-of the Congo Free State. As an instance,
6 one house—and t tet' not the largest— i,
would have to gay :'inti for a spirit license
at. Boma and the same at Matadi. The land ��
is taxed Eo Innen Per yard, and iloubfe wi ere
facto;lrs;ire cteett•eten it;canoes, serf !mate
and white auol Week employee rare also
•i;liable.fair Nosy duties and 1ieent,ee. The
. Cameroon did tint :.1e at llienty hetuetsar0l
iowil e.: toile sielint se a itme. From the time
tl etno men left 1lnmay and Ohl Calabar -
until ,site returned ti, eel Celaber front the
south four deaths hail wenn-ell auuulgst the
whites amt to Emmy live i We:. *'able
Iads iee's ne (lved sikwe the Cameroon arrived
rewrite health improved.
Suicide of a Soldier.
scoot oo a year is i t as Wads ba J ,hili,
ta.•••dnaa,trey.„, tt ,':,'t nal 1ccgc*ir, 9
let r.4, ass Geake a, *nob, t at we +rn 1 ell
-^ t : w tyrant fun, `5 to
tear a' u
Ilk b t an, r a:
ah a
,10%dayatthe e,not.ordno: :.la,e-rgo �. -` #"• l
o,. Beth test s, ate mgt. to en, ko tve;
ttuetittay,uvan e-r,1.Rrrt•84 home g,v.i
,n,^. a :t same Crave anti a.•n.l of e., 4-) {'7
ta:e **eggs. Asato nen. 4.erat 1 a) a l iii f r
4,r,y ttt.thrr. ae MO gra, f. n. slang
*'U14"h t.1I•.Ad;8 8sittb^
.+11`1sU;.Aa tY.,
)ttn'4A4n, mien'
Cures BUMP. et1, 1911..4 in their worst forty .
8wcltings. Erysipelas, Inflammation, Fra'at -
Ditee, Chapne 1 Rands and all Skin taiece:en 1
eetw, tee. Sciatica Fbcuroatism. Neuralgia.)
I4*hacho, Pains in everytorm.
By (411 dealers. Wholesale by k, F.Aally & ('o,
Apemphletof Information and ab-
stract of the lana, showing flew to
Obtain Patents, Caveats, Trade
Marks, copyrights, sent ir(t. j
361 l3roadNwal. y
New reek, ;a
(TNaOC M41145 11C61iTLWLO. )
Sole Proprietor, H.
SCHOFIELD, Senoaoldrs Drug Store, Enat ST.,
TORONTO. The only Remedy which will per-
manentlycure Gouorrhma, Meet, and ell private
diseases, no matterhow long standing. wasiong
and successfully used in French and Euglish
hospitals. Two bottles guarantied to cure the
worst case. Price, $1
per bottlo.SQckfree
bottle has my sig-
nature o11the la-
bel. Noneo t h e r
genuine. Those
who have tried o-
ther remedies without avail will net be disap-
pointed in this.
Mention this pape .
In etaamps [simply art a
^�® �QSr.guaranteeofgoodfafthJ
to us, and we will send you by express, C.O.D.
this elegant watch which you can examine, and
if you do not find
it all and oven more
than we claim for
but if perfectly Sat-
isfactory, pay( the.
Express Agent OUR
0.r $5.35 and take
the watch. Such a
chance to secure a
reliable timepiece
at such a ridicu•
lonely low price i8
seldom, if ever be.
fore, offered. Thie
is a genuine COW
Fi Ll,ED N,,mado
oi�.i platesWATCOL QOtlb
COLD over composi-
tion metal.It
on 1 has-
solid bow, cap and
crown, hunting
case,beautifull en
graved and is dust -
proof. The works
are Waltham style,
richly jewelled, with .expansion balance, is
regulated and we warrantit an aootuate time.
trooper. It is suitable for either a lady or
gentleman. A guarantee is sent with each
watch, Address CEO. W. WYATT & Co.,
Watehmalrors, Peterborough, Ont.
SENDUS Si ®®aladasiiporpaperthd
'p V �A a size ofyotlrflllger, and
ve will send you postpaid this elegant
These rites are vow
worn by ladies awl
gentlemen in the best
society, and have the
same appearance as a
ring costing a $26.00. We
guarantee a perfect fit
and satisfaction.
Geo. W. Wyatt & Cor
Peterborough, Ont.
staying at the Calonado Hotel, the prisoner
prolueetl a revolver and threatened to shoot
himself. He had written to his mother, and
to a young; lady to whom. Ile was engaged,
intimating his intention to commit suicide.
but he afterwards telegraehett that he hall
changed his intention. He new wanted to
be allowed to return to Scotland, but the
Stipendiary sentenced him to fourteen days'
OFFICER. hard lal.our.
The death has been reported of Lieut,
Another London Mystery, , General Barter. C. B.. of tee Bengal Staff
.t (ONGE£f;tTION ON STEM , •
The Manchester and Sheffield Railway
Corps, who served in ve ali tions during
the liulien mutiny, inududingg the capture of
Delhi, and tieing severely wounded at Bud-
bekserai; and the els°connnanded the first',
will abolish second class 'carriages atter brigade of the Kandahar column iu the last
April 1. , Afghan way. The gallant , erteinl died at
Mr. Henry Irving has receited the great Sutton on the lith ult.; in his sixty-third
compliment of election to the Marlborough year.
Club, his proposer having been the Prince of The tendeonrs pro'*ratntnes for simmers
Wales. . - employed on the London and North-Western
On .Mumlay morning Corporal Ginn, 'of'; It3iiwaY elite into operatiou oil M4laday:
the 17th Liners, committed suicide in one • The officials have been making extensive in -
of the Active at Shornlltlk' team, by slurit, guides at various centres where mmn+ters of
leg himself ....i. a llartiui•1lenry, carbine- men are employed, with a ceety to the het.I
Re lied served :24 years in the regiment. ter regulation of the working hours, and
At the Jersey Assizes on Mond
juryet' •i
r ell.
for infants and Children
"GasLuriaesaowena4aptedtocbzldrenthat O*torfu,cures Celle, Coustlpatton,
(,reeowmenditaasuperiortoanyprescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation.
norm tome." Ii. A. A nems, M.D., =US 'worms, gives sleep. end prone:Wen at
a118o, Oxford Ski•, Weal/74 - i• Y. " Withhout iejetioua wadi .
Tan Cru ries, Comore, , i Hurray Street, N. T.
, large numbers of additional slime heve been
on tee cirrieed. The number of shnnters hasb,.eu
increased le in t t ) r cent.
y about t t3 pe E, n
a to consider their verat:et *n one PF ARIA F WITH.
cage it was elicited that a, juryman had
heard, neither evidence nor pleading:, Leine} , At Little Lever, near Bolton, on Suetlay,
- Time en indeed the theater and teat of
two brothers, mimed Nathaniel and Robert ' illusions ; nothing is so ductile. The rniud
deaf. The court fined Liln t5 for not mere Will the Newfoundland Trouble Ca -ase stretches a -t hoar tow century, mud atrarfs
Honing his iuhrtnity, and declarei1 the pre- AA:iAcox, were drowned. N,:th:,Biel nenr• $Rxa can tax?— Important De- : an age to an noir.-1F.merson.
l I ed a the river IrFnell n •a raft whichp F
n n the
it a
, d•
rims rsheedill'rS void and ^eouuIieara'el 110 raft, L \("" w`" r . , ^rt'
.. �n'8 .a E are, their n to a )r n
case afresh. t' ><ized, and, Robert ia;�et11�4j, tate ouu•�er of CisipA—The New QrIF?v113 �s�A'0ilinn'"' ' '� �
y �• lies.,,,, er lace anti seine,
the taco, made. a gallant nut fruitless attempt Dance as Ftu�sta s 911ir•
The Star of Tuesday says that the left leg , sin•
at IePL ue Robert was got to the bank nes .' eistory.— I)iekene.
sand right hand and arm of a wuaatan t:'E!re cons^imus l y a man who swam out to him, , It is extretme:g' improl•atlte tlDtat young n2 ;Va.....elm, not );,earl re vice or reelev
found in Regent Lanai, Bethnal green, on reed Nathaniel's Ind w:aS roeevered, but the I'..cliser.Wilhelna win nuke a speech upon' ole r ,t•, a _Oruartonly produces rnetanclroly.
\1t)nday mote. Ilio lams, tvluth trete etfortsatresu.,itaticierininotlainstances trere the ?tetvfaundlanEl' fishery dispute, bat it-''"::'t,urySntits8
wrapped bit coarse material, were takers to tlnsenceessful. E' a nIl
Ha -Ailey Mortuary, and the canal Will tee •
dragged. ; The.i'able of tile i the >1to a and the
A plague of rats has recently manifested
itself at \Melhold and adjoining periehen in
rrfellt,andon€omefaarnnsthetlepte,lalions. One Day a We11•fe:i and Sega. ewe Kati
have been very' extensile, On one farm came aero.? an()hjeet 1ne.deief "tug:t Wins, z• A5'h:41 vii .::;tilt:> we 1DDas4 have n: the
alone 7.i i0 rats have been trilled since Oct- and its :Owlet Oecupatinn seemed to new take question is one of the greatest •it lit.tey :Inti sin=•hilts- of 1i:r,.<e n* € converge :tali t s
last, and the work of destruction is still Care of a Liberal Piece of Cheese. Having , danger anal • may require an Angle-F're1801i we, ainat l•"l:e'. ti:e, • trill tell s rams
,mite; on. For this slaughter the. fanner I/:is had :several years' l ,perienee with Men and';war before it can be atraafe•lueur.,l out, foie u r
1..a:,M .i :il las. Their \Machinations, the Rat Loekell the truth ala sea they du l ti:ers.—jHo^he•
tt• o h (around over with (creat (.`are anti He was pie here are aana:•E:d at the prncti,!;illy too tow:mei.
r. Ai'lla�rton, who, whena member f the
Melee of Commons, was known as the
cheunpinn plot -her," woe in the lobby on
1 sestl e+, &terin,-t. hi' snuff-box to old friends,
t -!21 tura .tives•enti 1.ilr:rals:ili ie, Mi V liar -
tee lies retired tai a liberal pension from the
• .'.ttornev.t.enerd.shipaaf tai eetern Australia,
may be said without fear of owaitra,lietioa: Peep.e. ! DD r.a 4 fit sir a where they i? at-
treat he 15 tate➢seam its re`=rees nith the ' a last ere . gee tt,eyts,,:r°,io:ertap.
5 P c .'a1a_.a s At.r:..al-�.
keenest interest.. Englishmen are only keg
• bhe, laayipilat c<f CE•ve iy is : ti ,.rs ; ut+t
bet,innin ' to realize that Co ttinent1 l Isi+... �� tact a^ w re eve a`, Teeniest to elti r idler
�a F ,. r�t.�, B
mei statt•srncn haves lone bcliet'etl timet tee ,t, W AA al:1 l',
still Engaged it this Osemp:ation when a
Mouse Appeared anti Wautesl to Know what
was nj).
't AA h, , the into is," •tai' Berl the gest, 14 1
have more cheese hertz than I esu possibly
1 lent at one meal, and as ('!me a spoils qutvk-
and it Is j)rohable that he will sot k to re•anter 1y in this Climate, I wag ICtiting for Su:lne tsar sooner or have with aai int:at 1' .ui•1,. to In friteidetep, s ie lave. '.ve•,rt ' ter► hap
1':arliementary life in this roouury, one to eome along; and Ac ells of a Foram.' power. It ie certain tiitat the lesser 0 red ts111 - pier t➢+roul,u our l;:luera:aee than our hieew•
" You are very, very Generous," said the ' . 1*'1t'e �i'akos 1(re.
:1 Coleraine correspondent states that on \loud e, be accepted, sold if 'etvfouu.l"t;ukrs firtsan a 1 -
i \lnnote;(aafternoon the Portr'nih lifebioaet lstas rt Don't lleatiou it• Just Ate p iu=idf• .. otherwise they aro ole titfetl tie La ride It i.1 very ricer t9t 8t one t^ :t to elm/lenge
`" .,,, lain, lied tU •to to th0 a`+gl�taanCe of :a vow e;1 c 4' p nouns, is Cat •.7 .mat *(a 27 rs `D7 �a A,
pa •s rho Choc t tort will voaa
awakening. it v-n^.aLl sitar tie; TO 'Il,Ir- �11r
jrrecedented sPectacl(a of the $ti*i:>lr Gov- If 4', • iKa eine Negate ealmetar, to
erAntlent seeking ti, t!faalr+'fi a6 *'93-;5'4 4-. rater,: remeti'r nt t1ta' .au+: eH^l 111!4*, 'it;'D -ca
l! y $,•d,,.:..4 1 e, r1 dl: s 14J.iO'. DrUl.--
colony*, anti elle ter, ra t+ly het➢fA!ve thee 1 tsrri
riA . a>igtnt,,,tnrl lit 1sg.
when told he- the Ministerial ticee•,ltlll es II',1,2 islight *lies, Pent very a°.timtll7ating;.
that the a alternative of sueh eaee roil t•. a ._- 19.e1�:,Iac,
i ,• "nie-Mate
FortheWersderful Succuss
of Hoc,rivs Sarsaparilla,
the Mo,.t Popular and
Most Extensively Sold
Medicinein America.
e floods t -il• teii➢.a tioseesses great
medicinal. merit. which it positively
demonstrates when fairly tried.
It is most economical, being the
only medicine of which " TOO
Doses (Inc Dollar" can truly be said.
It -is prepared 1.; a Combination,
4,0 Proportion and Process Peculiar to
Itself,. tanknown to (,slier Iarepal tiOns,
and by which all the medicinal value of
the various ingredient: is secured.
• It effects rentatrt•'•n•Io cutch whets'
other medici*i s have utterly failed
to do any good whatever.
• It is a modern medicine, originated
by experienced pharmacists. and
still careft*UIy prepared under their per -
fit'ingg fi cos of distress in :+kenr, Romig. (but The A1ouriH WA no ----•r „mien' tit the
C t' w • a4 , max. 1 n. •]t
•"a1aCE- we °:+''''' !f . C;3"li;! i i D t 1 D
flu the ]lo]t'S Crit{' lost h39 greats and ,llnitlaed ii!(it than there w'1S as Crash aaattl sae forand � , t»y 1 I• 1. ''#`. e'%..1 :a .i• we interest i�e\f! fr.--13 tl:, (:c
Out to recover it; two athero jinaped atter: tailta.rlf Ti'an"rd, tQr a generation as the nosh i f a war, + • mem/Seam u lire We tan'1 t' 15 ?silt C.,•,411
to assist hien. and ell three tr1're gni! 44t4) ••,;All: tha*'a the Way it Works, in it :1° et ,lid or totett,'.r" ful, w -it i 1'9> ?.i3:cit Imit , t.r.5 R Erato t":ruil fry —3A1 D.41 r:e.
the beat in a very esli4* stcd state, the Iltne'rie 1 the Rat. '• 1 eoubin't , * " moo, it Dowager; lilve rr '-,411.1 :n f,;r . :1r as (1•-ene, a ta81;=, t age, a e...lie;ie3 ; nee re
11ae111n1 being unable to purr td to the tic"- se ion ! 1 sett, sponge onto.ee'alnew•rlere• 6.1'8 ilt,*tp14 0 1 4 t"a„ 104., �,0 1 1,31 ;1 t,..,..1„...,,. -('t 1 elr stage.
tree ell vt'sseI. sf r r r:ast:mtge.
A'f Fi. F rnaA1 idA'3." R • , n I' 1 , ;.t a 1,•S 1 Bili•'• Ot cf l vitt •9^-^ ;.rad
A Belfast- tele ;r 81u states *Beat two fire- a lint flet t•tugist t" tee:isl l:sett the :throe , cr;.u'4 4'1"i"'"'"1 a,' an' , sal I Q 4 1:.eiA asst use• " 4,-
r � tee t �, 2 5 �' -t f cE,..c17. n 1• '4 at
mein :et Lisburn. one irking the a3111terititeal- in grant A ;i1'tion. lief glade ea, eerie '-4a c�t,la'13 t•.:+t te.9e:ora r '+, -. ,sell . ,. a° r.,a ei trinali IISr�Ia..'T dent of the brigade, were seriously injured a •a 1 uir,"eve." an i n* t nem c 1., .,err
es -
owner at the e,taablhhmeut, :and 585 as+ist• •• Well. I !ewe that to 01* to tic 841 1 ,
p ll**L tans t:ae •.t nine.* 1' a l al that if
a4Dt, were arrested pending investigation As let emu in on the geosenll 51(c,r an*t In{ lie. ; 11:.,59.. 1�t''.848 4 t*,4319.1 145 * - lFl C04 *, •''i ' Butter r '1 Re
iiutte. from CO read t re
to tit• origin of the fire.
II hoe 'tl a. ha1:•1 of •14'4'1 rl tint. Ammo" _ y.
by the fall of to well, Wm. Meister, the if And diet's uta Pe Emile," T.
Tb- following notice was issued by the
emnai; r•.ttion $lepertlucnt on Tuet�4laay after•.
• newton 1 -Intending ellUgralltt+ to the
smithy,n provinces of Brazil, to wint•h free
peerages have been advertised, are warned
their triletworth3 information has been re -
roved ley telegraph to the effect that the
1rovin�'e of San Paulo is trip suitable for
iritish t•m1g;t:autS.
Rudy on Saturdaymoruin • MO acres of tnan ae he students' up the rear t-ar, looking
o e.84.8 r i)aw• ; for a pk8 04 to sett<,tht,
non,.iinre on the estate f Me. • , o Th•! 54)8*'fae'91 individn:atin the seat look -
non, of Balhnaeourte, at, the fent of time
(..attee Mountains, were totally 41e•troye,t t: ed ar lriva ra wine" ami then 418 tppul
by fire. That the fire was malicious was ; `"+ \ 0 u , ,tat have it :1t 11,.1 n,,. * o the
evident frons the fact that when Mr. hove Abenali • ":,ia:111y:.•o t 1nav OCCupy !t.'
son's employes wired, they found that the 1'netrewee'•he,l,led mem looked elutnfaund•
plantation had been ignited 1n six different edsbut slid :•`taro the se tit-
pieces. I}'yon obj.'ek to my smokily', inquired
the lean man.
Atthe WestminsterPolity t'otu•n,,anSatur. oWouldn't make a continental's differ -
day, Willing, Burns, foreman se•aif'ol.ter,was , t.** ''f I (1101: this is the smoker,” 5.8101 the
The frowst•i,aited man did not reply to
this, but, fired up his favorite brand of the of contempt of court and heeon iecittt,, to tlt'r:•"tnluluad than *uev:at'tuu"prei preparations
" Ptnrty busk and stormy day, ain't it:" prison. Am -online -1y he intends :cakit,g; *lin r,t;it"! I:a�tt',eruie, woe of 'Arhi,•tt l�uve such
put, in Umlaut man. House of Lords if this Tulin;; is correct. Cele *110Nit"nablc (uigin.
The crank ptiered at hincaa moment. "Hull!
that's nothing new," he replied. " Every
idiot know:; that."
This seemed to nonplus the Imo matt, and
Ile gave up his attempt to be social.
tiponssilaility to eed there. Ione slay t(e•tlay? into re`738'.tem.; t1ar, tit a1'.D3; iat.i it, lit :i ti`, . (?*ie'f,.an9$t i1Se; tE'r C -a 160.5 fanat{ ;. -. 8t:"3i2b
Ifoolte we *,haat bade on carte' sluing." hilt it in felt that the 4111* 18 I of tic,- t alae is -t4 ; e: e* s t() :lta't: a a. 448112tnre l,rfore it, Ac•
?tf)83AL: For i1 heathy, before judgment as a/ rE:eSrAn-(a'a,ralMi. •tttti*e11;11t Its t':telas,ien vise , ,astal
1 eperience acquired at the expense of able one, ! at %Ili%D, the prods:e'tien t,f an eats.' Fitt
Others is :Omitting as well as Vatual•le. - ; ft/ria tiff+ 8'. *4'nrt` tit ?Pet
ile en^t',1 *11* tt..^a �?Ir't1t
— -,� t The ftc:1-ltel of tee llritr�;t Juke , i8 matt tr,trtae•d nl1 $.,i tla• i,.•+1 tw" g481-'te} •, $'situ
A Vain Attemptto he t$oeiaa, Jackson abduction eal`:e was mu xp;.'t*'•.t. t a1 ,silanuit11i-ito. ;t1. tt;att•t' -+ orAvilll. it en dial -
t' lain Ihavt+ Chia treat, nti•+ter':" paid n Hitherto the idea iuexntlttt *lest ar Irttsb;entl • rnvt:a'r.••. the �-t•aat,l,.tnla+)ry 7►Dw
was justified in eotnp87linsgt h vile le neo I „4'•t,rteselee-nag. the saute oesett are about
ate de tett .Bela t et I areas:sea at Anet rt^•stain.
grieely.hearfleal. frow-haired, tong -limbed
sonal supervision. t,ltarg;ed with attempting to murder his wife.
It is clean, clear and beautiful in The in isomer walk•tl into the pnli•ee station
Vappearance, pleasant to take. and anti .bated that he had killed sus wife. She
always of' equal strength.
soy It has proven itself to be positively
• the best remedy for scrofula and all
blood disorders, and the best tonic for
that tired feeling; loss of appetite and
general debility.
8 Itis unequalled for curing dyspepsia,
sick headache, biliousness, catarrh,
rheumatism and all diseases of the kid-
neys and liver.
WAS f9und in tug al1nt131 dvh*g Cilllllit.e)11,
haviu`g=heen beeteU about the !Jean with a
Imam r, I'risouer, wilt not long ago macre('
front mental aberration, was remoulded.
Early on Monday luorning fire broke out
at a public -house at tit. (4eorge's, near
Bristol. The tire brigade attended, and,
while they were emleavouriug to extinguish
the flames, the wall of the hong.: fp.:
ward, and two men, named Bra n and
Cronin, the former being superintendent of
the brigade, were buried in the ruins.
Brown was killed, and Cronin seriously in-
9 It has a good name at home, there Tipperary correspondent reports the
being more of Hood's Sarsaparilla prosecution there last week of Miss Queue,
sold in Lowell, Mass., where it is made, Slaughter of an aueticner, forhootiug at the
police while at an eviction in the month of
IJecember, 1889. She had been in conceal -
hent since. The bench required her to
• v' Her
sureties for good
behaviour. lottr:
ggive sure i
ather stated that se would 11ot give sure-
ties. • he was then placed in the dock and
sentenced to a month's imprisonment. The
girl's removal to prison was the occasion of a
AWelsh piper
than of all other sarsaparillas and blood
purifiers combined.
unique, o
Its advertisingq a ,
1 honest, and thoroughly backed up
by the medicine itself.
A Point for You.
If you want a blood purifier or
Church, in the Garw Valley,on
strengthening medicine, you should get aiBettwsy Ch
the best. Ask for Hood's Sarsaparilla, Sunday. Owing to a dispute between the
and insist upon having it. Do not let rector and the curate, the latter was tem-
p poaarily suspended. The congregation sided
any argument or persuasion influence with the curate, and at the morning service,
just at the opening of the sermon by the
rector, the congregation, numbering about
100, all left the church,. save three. The
came thing was repeated in the evening,
when a congregation of fully 250 people
rose and left the building as a protest against
the, rector's action.
Herbert Ross, 12, son of a gardener, at
Lincoln, committed suicide because he had
been threatened with chastisement. Dur-
ing a quarrel he kinked his sister, and
his mother said his fathcr should correct
him at night. The boy replied that if his
father beat him he would poison llitnself.
11 went to Dr, Brook's surgery, where he
Wee employed as an errand toy. Being
afterwards missed; Perch was instituted.
Towards 'Welling, Colonel Ridge's gardener
e, was searching the shrubbery at Monks Man -
you to buy what you do not want. Be
sure to get the ideal medicine,
Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $15. Prepared only
by O.I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
100 Doses One Dollar
°r Runs Easy
11Q BACKAeare.
h ete
m or for hens' eggs, when lie dlseovered tice
y- i- dead body of the boy, and by his side a
:.`,r 'LTA let N. Tee le levees: • ',toeing -lie bottle of prussic acid, which had been taken
cont 1 i test o �Irel 5 d s i .. I+ who
am sowed rout 4 to 0 or Is Ball . ,, P.bw success, and 8 moil
, mI re!t o , op e r ft'OM the surgery.
with film, pro-:t•trat he Matt gilt ..I•, nt Herlihy 1'lse inns vont,. :runt the:smith See i,lantitt
Of ,any of those tr.aatg re-5iuu•: in it meet to 01441 :ten thea, eertein pktee5 on the .African
which .a wife has lt'g;,t tt'antt1y. That lta, saint Smith ,'�ue ettean metes late tooter,
been knoa•ked nn tie- deo, f. ,aa4 '.tell a'7 till'to ]ut It i•* lobi ,l* u, than half the pt'.•t of
old-time axiom that the 1•,8av t:lelat84 the t l,t,.e:a�t h48 11• iu Ltsedi :3. •nut: -,4.,t tl inn,
litiOL3lhi tnflietilig reo-o* alalt' 4-h:aste: A nn•tet (ati t.' To tee r emit of fat .at, l eel to tie per
upon uwife when She .9('38 r1"ell 1.- 'a It,' a t'ltt ' t :Mitis• matter. Its oiler is whit;
Judges unanimously tints that fin' A,uue 1,.15 it is 40 ell agreetthte taste, is suita1ale for
no right to imprie'on hi wife, : that she eo•.la its,, iran'pnse-s, '8804 18 being, pur is t* -o4 by
must have perfect fr. c,lenn to Kt Lt l frit n(1:+ * Q•: rear. wlra) IIrleer it to mer e':'int. Veing
anti that if she deeline'; r-- lie e with 111*:, tea. 1r•"'tta044 Acid, it •le'a'st'. with go -steer ease
meet not 1.18• force to enlnpcl lacy. F*uther, thee 111871y butter, x1111 psi Ireefe»a.bie• so .,tiler
Jaeltson is distinctly w.arne(1 that if he in. wino to the bail hinter winch t0ooitell tiuds
terferrs with his wife amain he will lie chilly it'i tvoy tea mar►:•*. It 1^4 also amore aattrate-
fully used. Agency enn bo �iae2' here there is a A curious bigamy case was before the
vacancy. A NEW nolatT10N for fi?,ng saws sent fres ''
flee theirownby nt1° adotitbette•;^an°tae beinBootle
witllremarrying' Jan SarahJane
greatest expert cog "ZtIthout Atl.rted te au Anges Eye, though another woman whore
he married twenty years - earlier (Sarah
M'Minn) was still alive. He pleaded that
sixteen years before he Married the latter he
was wedded to Eliza Murphy, but believed
her dead when he married M'Minn. Since
then he learned that his first wife was alive,
and till he heard of her death he did not
marry Eyre. The, case was remitted to the
At the Birmingham Police Cour` last
week John Pollock, aged twentyfour, who
described himself as a gentleman's son, from
Scotland, was charged with being drunk,
and threatening to shoot himself. While
cross -out saws. 111v,,ry one wbo twigsr. m:,..' ah0nt
have one. No dl!,y to pay 180 mnnafnetara In Panda. Asst
yyour deitlOP �or write E4DLnINfa• S.t.W8PKO la *A.
011114`:d., 808 to 811 S. Canal St., E:t•:eno,1 .
RFIORS Circ YOUTH. Nervous De-
bility, Seminal Losses and Premature Decay,
promptly and permanently cured by
Does net interfere with diet or usual occupation
and fully restores lbst vigor and insuree.neefect
manhood. Price. 411 per boa.
Sole Progt.aetor, H. SOHOI'utili, nano.
Sold'%?3rug Moro, Fr'> R 'a'DET, TORONTO. -
Mention this paper. -
A Family 's ragedy.
She cause into the room, where he sat
alone, with a glittering knife in her clench-
ed hand amid the folds of her dress.
Her face was white and drawn, and her
eyes were wild and haggard -looking.
He, the man whose name she bore, sat by
the grate -fire, deep in thought, and never
heard the slippered footfall of the beauti-
ful woman who now stood behind his chair
with a strange, Bold smile upon her lips.
Suddenly with a gasp
she cast the knife
from her toward the bed of glowing coals,
but it sank silently intoa divan at the other
side of the room.
"I can not 1" she moaned wearily. "
can. not 1" and she fell in a white heap upon
the floor at his feet.
elceYes!ne expression ssion broke
across the gothic granite of
his cheek, k, and
he murmured in deep, tender, Seventh regi-
ment tones : "what is it, my darling?"
But she spoke no word—only raised one
white hand toward him, in which was clasp-
ed a lead -pencil.
She had been trying to sharpen it, poor
girl I
Her Fifteen Minutes.
At exactly fifteen minutes to tight
His step was heard at the garden gate.
And then, with heart that was light and gay,
Ile laughed to himself in a jubilant way.
And rang the bell for the maiden trim
Who'd promised to go to the play with him ;
And told the servant with joyous air,
To say there was fifteen minutes to spare,
And then for fifteen minutes ho sat
dim and he hekl his hat.
In filo pa
And waited and sighed for the maiden trim
who'd promised to go to the play with him.
Until, as the elock overhead struck eight, '
He muttered " Great Scott I it 13 getting late '
And took a turn on the parlor floor,
And waited for fifteen minutes more :
And swore to himself in a dubious way
And thought of those seats in tho froniparquet,
And midnight came, and break of day
That day and the next, and the next one, too,
Ho sat and waited the long hours through.
non timceliew on' and the years sped by.
And still ho sat, with expectant eye.: And lengthening beard. for the maiden trim
Who'd promised to go to the play with hint ;
The lynchings at 'New Orlonte ni:cde a
profound sousatron ati Eig,.p . batt tela -cele
of Italy the condemns:Mnu of the alt -eel has
been. neither loud nor emend. Iu t.t
Britian, where critics ate emu:rtlly -ent-
Treasure Lyinc Idle m India,.
11'• 1N eeitlnratl'1i in the Allah 111,841 P'tod,'E$'•
that the trea"nre4 lying i•ll•' alt India in the
spoken npon what they set nt " Amerman at::tn sh'tpe of leteolt. ter 4restme :tai amounts to
barl.arisms, the uewslrtpt•r have
lien $1,330,0I3(),tl(n1, Acompetent attthorityeues-
singularly ueanintous in exel ,iug the slatugh. ses that " in Amritsar ettg' :111,n• there are
ter on the ground that the b*.aadtlur:aly jeweistotitsvalueof tel»lte),*Dt,0." Asregarde
Mafia is out of all relations with mu.Ivtn some other districts the figures that have
civilization, and that the miscreants of New been furnished are not Tees astonishing. The
Orleans were bandits who had mostly fled miserable eva.!eteof Montgomery is estimated
from tbeir own country when it became ton to 1)1ssees about 50 lakhs in ornaments. The
hot for their safety. In F.nglan•i the whole hillsides and valleys (d Kultt are put at 4.
trouble is laid to the universal l.u'k of eon- lakhs. In Jhelum two fifths of the wealth
fidence among; Americans in their own jutli- 1 of the diKtlict is said to he vested iu pro-
cial institutions. pertyof this nature, kind in1..ohat,"probably
ilispatcbes received by the Foreign Office , one of the poorest disitiets of the pravince
at Berlin from St. Pam sburr convoy very in this respect the estimate le taken at 500
unwelcome information pointing to the con- : rupees for each Hindoo fancily, and 10 rupees
elusion of a formal tre my of alliance be- for each Mussulman family, and a lakh in
tween France. and R.:ssia. Until recently the aggregate for .the Nawab and other
the Czar had resisted all attempts of goin Raises. making a total for the district of 76
beyond an entente with France. ' he draft of laths." A taint is worth about $35,000.
a treaty prepared in Paris in 18e7 and ap- eissereeneee 'ti
proved by M. de Giers, the (4rand Dukes ,,
a t the other chiefs %
Vladimir, ti 1
of the imperial council, to the part of Russia, i
but was again presented t,: ihiut. after the
last elections in France had confirmed the
permanency of the republican forge of gov-
ernment in that country, and was again re-
jected, has finally received his sanction.
As au event of such immense internation-
al innportenee as thcs cannot be kept seeret,
it is expected that 111. de Giers, Minister of
Foreign Affairs, will cause informal notifies- ,
tion to reach the Governments of the drei-'
bund. As a corollary of the alliance, the
Czar, it is stated, has signed a degree be.
stowing upon Pre-et/tent Carnot the Grand
Cordon of the Order of et. Andrew, the
highest Russian decoration, and one limited
to members of the imperial family, This
decoration has hitherto been conferred as an
e •l - con-
n ae
honor on
sovereigns exceptional S
If he
with the Russian throne. t
Foreign Office here hasanyprecise know-
ledge regarding the terms of the reported
Russo -French convention, highly-plaecd of-
ficials have not been allowed to share it. The
honor conferrech'pon President Carnot is the
open talk of the diplomatic circle. The an-
nouncement that it lead been conferred has
been telegraphed under the sanction .of the
St. Petersburg anthoi'ities. No often die-
patch Can be obtained regarding the con-
clusion of the treaty.
Until ono night. as with palsied hand
He sat in the chair. for ho couldn't stand,
And dremined in an almleesi war. slit: come
And opened - he. rtn,r cel 1. 1,•• • 'withered
• frame.
The moth, bright ray: tnnta • i tic silvered
01 her who had ii'ftueo -thee, .1 sperm.
And then in tones that he se mine tc hear
She spoke, and she said : •Are you read,-,
and whish was then rejeetea by the ('tar,
Natives friendly to the. Italians defeated
hostile Soudanese m two battles near ?1las-
No complaint is nettle about short, mea-
sure when we have a peck of trouble. -
A small boy is not ueeesserily impecunious
because he is strapped. -
Legal gentlemen while looking atter the
law clo not entirely forget the
The worst of sLt' cc is leu • whom pa. eiou
For• 18yspepsia.
A. Bellanger, Propr., Stove Foun
dry, Montagny, Quebec, writes : " I
have used August Flower for Dys-
pepsia. It gave me great relief. I
recommend it to all Dyspeptics as a
very.good remedy." •
l;d. Bergeron, General Dealer,
Lauzon, Levis, Quebec, writes: "I
have used August Plower with the
best possible results for Dyspepsia."
C. A. Barrington, Engineer and
General Smith, Sydney, Australia,
writes; "August Plower has effected
a complete cure in my case. It act-
ed like a miracle." -
Geo. Gates, Corinth, Miss.,writes:
" I consider your August Flower the
best remedy in the world for Dys-
yspepsia. I was almost , dead with -
that disease, but used several bottles
of August Plower, and now- con-
sider myself a well man. ' I sincerely
recommend this medicine to suffer-
ing humanity the world over." Gil
G. G. GREEN, Sole Maoltfacturcr,
Woodbury, New jersey, U. S. A.