The Exeter Times, 1891-4-2, Page 2THE GOLDEN
this reason I hesitate to tell your father.
' Can the house be Saved? Before Mr. Carter
ek. TALE. OF FISIIER'S FOLLY. weetes, let us try to settle this queetion."
" IS it possible?" whispered Marian.
CHAPTER. 1 1 it was his Indian s,ervant, knew Mz GnIle " Yes ; I sincerely believe so," said IA est-
' stow:menet intimately eau 1 did." cott in an eernest tom. "During the
taunhisrose's moxav. Th.o. eager expreseitou again passed over many years that this Indian lived here, Miss
Weetoott's face, but it escaped Mr. (hater's Carter, he kept ide eyes wide open. But he
.The room with the five winflows, iu the notiee. _titer a shu e 18 begam ; and w.tsehreNNel enough not to betray any signs
eentre one of which etoalc tlohleu Lzunp, the low eteind of musk in the atljoining of eurioeity. He as discreet and honest.
was ail 0111kliniatl-lro".• yh,.:,ztkei, men tolded to thee tIP‘t• of his voiee. Inat,e,d, my uncle, 1 am inclined to thigje,
hung witn large mei emu dle pahnives ; ialtt Through a laug n. Johto, . y.our uncle Amulet Sem:eels- have chosen a better servant.
from, the centre :he eelliitet wee ein;:ioexitled ; had lived aloneu thie, old house -alone with But he developed, owing to the circum -
a great chandelIce. At eoe end of title room this leaulJan. During office hours lie otteu stances which surrounded him, into a pledg-
e fire was heenuni in the open chinmee• ; and occupied his room deivn s ars-thto room in strielien man. All that he had, found out
near the rug. in front of the tire, was placed wheeh that fine portrait hangs ; but he re- about his master's affairs, and the strange
a rwahi•IiIIItee'htableo Iola for thr'o Lealliug veived novisitors there. All Metters of herd- incident that followed, struck terror to his
oveo 2N- tame, to arrange 1. 220 exotie now- ness werearrauged in my room -in the room, heart. He confided an this to nie on his
era ia eentre vase, was the beautiful lamp- least, which-- became mine when I was death -bed. It was quite pitiable."
lightee who hed t2 ed John SS esteott'e taken into partnership. There, in his maghe Marian,. with a wondering look in lier
attem Vet hour ago. ; way, he settled questions of fimutee. No one eyes, whispered " Wiett strange inei-
N antitme room, with so lovely a figure i was erellowed, to pass beyond the stair- done?"
pluevoi theft:. would have better repyesented !eese. Even Marian, to whom he was "One which was the cause of his sudden
a !homer eteitary : a period, oue might eay, greatly attaehed,us i visited the upper flight. This is wlmt he told me. Years
iu eleb r isber'e Foily VMS the 3b1:11e Orstories except when me, oerinestone took ago when he first. hecame my uncle'stare
beatity aud fashion. The girl was plainly her to look at this lamp. At six ehigiek van't• he discovcred that his wester 'sent a
"The secrets which this man has told me,
as hope, -will enable me to restore credit to
I the houee. But nothing is yet sure ; And for
Oar& Ale RN TAX
Efigheet wens ana d4tlels for Pa
lence at Oentennial t.
1870; Canada, 1870 ; .Anstralia
Paris, Prance, 1078
eee XI ate
rity wed Exce
1877; and
TESTLITONIALS SELECT to, seys:-"t dud it
atioz s, and can stronglyrecorimend it
to be perfectly sound eanteteiaa 00 itup perfectly mere 11,22t1
Scitlea or whetter.
Prof.„15 H Croft, P' ublicArtalyst, TOT4)t
"Id tit t 1 • • - b boknetwreol, says
John 11 Edvrares, Professor of Chemis tsivlYe'sU,
a very superior malt heeler:
puremait 22)2(1 110214,
Bev. Ed.Pege.Professor of Chem
site', Quebec, seys :-"I have anelyzedt
manutacturedb v John Ie Watt, Len tee.
istry, Laval tlalver-
e Pale AtlJlt 2)10,
aora hdlere
efoiounnediLtNaolli.enbutaelea caouNieeillutartzxe 1;ueatblit:1, t,e,;;t:aeanlects.suipebrxtvoro
quality, andeempares wah the best ion 14 41=3 broWoll's
also auelyzed ebe Portee XXX ittrit, verv agreeabItn
3 which hoof omellent quelitv; its &ay° 41e• f" a
Itgitsl:rtfertiecrtiap.°areiceouheorf,etill°1et,'n1 °it '111"Te4 advant946h
lutele with eny imported article.
dreeied ; the fair hair was drawn late't from every evening the great liallolohriraS ifeeked Itoaeder of gold. tVith that laiatern in his
the booed forehead into a -areeicat Knot, and , mod hotted behind' us -that is, myself and hand, which eeon call the Golden Lamp,. A DEADLY TRAP.
the *lark velvet robe fitted ehreely tot he tell . the eleries-by the native servant; and ' Mr. Girtliestone wmahl. Walk air me the hoase !
and slender forge Her face was lmilelliAlY - never, under any (4mm:21ist:wee, 113.8 it open. ; long after midnight. He naturatiy 2'13 11 -
handsome • but there Was sernething inorti tgi mail nine the itext niernieg." . that Itisservent weeasheep in bisgareer4. put eettelitrig WU-ter NV t f ts a poenet etnea viten
an mere'leauty in the large brown eyee , • • ' oe An odd charaeter,' said Wet
estet in an - thMi
e lli was following l2'. %etiatil000keeeen like zlidera :,
and resolute enoilth ; each feature expressed 1 Undertone.. - from floor to flour. It Lecathe a faseimehou '• " I knose," said a detective who had beea
that quick. intelligeuce Which awakens con -1 "This eccentricity kil to all sorts 01 rta. O. -a sort of mania. It was like foliowing • to Europe and passed'eoine time in the sot
adence. It Was the face of a women- with tmours.. It was generally believed that Mr. setae uneasy spirit :'.bout these Old rooms. eietk ,)! Loudon geteett„es, g4 bow a. Tack,
tharecrer-awomanlikely teexhibitresource feeirellestone was a man or great wealth ; and and .StaireiViee. And fft year did l.5.. '-P oeeket was onee arrested,- without his cap-.
lila diiiieultsituation. Suett was Marien Cato I his exceesive caution anti seervt waNes sug• , along behind him, with naked feet end , tat. seehee his prieonees owe before he go%
ter, the heallpertuer in the old house. 'Hoovitig,t gested a hoarding tlispoeition. It was . sometimes en -his hands. 111211 he 80111(194 ' to the bent", and without any oue putetiog
toadied the flowers softly with her long . thought eSiat his gold wite stored in great- ' any moment hate. tentelled Itie master 1121221 a kind of. Iwo. h happeno add way I A
eepressive thagees-a touelt of the butterfly% i, heaps in the etzerrets. I often heard these . although lle. (1I* 111 seine' MU* flash- elerective xelot-evae often detailed to gather -
wing in tentiernese-she turned away.anti •i tales. But I have since convineed myself , ed the Lenten, round Ilim with stridei'dit, :iw,s,.. weddings the houses of mallernent,
moved through foldiogaloore into on toljoin- y t hat, these rumours were unfounded." I the nntiVe Wils tOnagile in his moveutente to , ee7estenneteeeei,he, and other public places,
mg room. It was a small room, but meth 1 " 1 ou thecovered nothing er' be detetted. A pextienetr pent I redone omit 1,21*22e10ee a wrry little matt who he
panelled walls.of dark oak, like the dining- " I wilt tell you."' said 'hize Cartes,. "85'Idtewn to hint-et:011e that led tO It went diseovel cal hail nobueteees where he IVIS
ball. In en armchair neer the fire sat Mr.' etly what happeued. ihwittg the year etteng.roont. TWA panel ie in t Irie room : -„,,,,,, awl del nothieh fer allying.
Carter with his head resting on hie hand. that I served Mr. Ilirdlestoneee Imre than I it is within at few feet, Mi- e Carter, of " Ceaimillental wit 11 the Iltall'S Vielle 10
Ilis face was more troubled In expressunt ; twenty in all -I never knew ham to he als• where you are Feated." envoltel othite, were complathate of lerceniee
einee hie interview with Westeott he appear- 122212' ter one iley from his desk. There were I The startled look had etene letek into ' „t eetn.h4 that were ('31128(1 12* the teeeketa
eal to have even InGre, .14111y realieed the tililie WIKIi hP' rileittirivil in the emoting-. !Melian's .face. What strarge ..etory wae te, feue of e„eee, and ,,epeeeelly etek heed,
neagnitude of the calamity Wili011 was pend- house matt an hentr-or two ; those were what this ?" tille bad heerdnothing so 21421,1 heeelnefs. The tleuettives cespeencil. the lit•
ink As Marian approa.ehed him, however. ! I yelled his reetlese .1'o1 for 1 eould hear about Fisher's FullybrIore- Site foollevred tee wire man. hat he evidently hael more
Ile made a strong effort to overcome his i, him paving Ine room, which ie just above the the young tuan'e glance towards the oehtet than e.„,„ eenfeaerate to pass whet Nr.ts
dettession_ odice, with a peculiar tread witholi I hoe e wall, anti apin the music' was almost. Vaud- stolen se as te he o eleeng for the officer pain
•• Is all reativt Marian 1" said he, with never forgotten. It Wite the only .exermee . ible.
toheerfulness in his tone. he took; and ee always foreboded some i "There !" eeid Westehao Pflia'zipg '4"r"s4 7i4zek$V:illif;i:•ili"11111S1184111*' 3^11•1101'4'hfoo rVitate5 ,Illi°,tetl11:041 it.lt1
" Everything." neve and frequently gigatitie Mianeial 1128 10)21). " That panel eau he nuove.r. It het diseevering the pieltpodhet, had bine a
" Is the lamp lighted ?" scheete. I eometintes hineye when I am : is a door that letele flown nerrow stew... 20 : reete,I itvieto by other mAicera and *shako,'
" Why, father, do you think I '201211 128. very besy. that I Qin still heer iunt waiting the Indian 11- .2118.1 me, into a huge ceder. „e1,11." with„at 0anima any stolen suede i,
ee %1that? Would it net be too t Ittanghtlees," ui ,„¢ I of . - V + 0 .t ee • .., • Ins nuo
to oil $loe leughiugly, " on au o'ochaeion 12114." t' looked about hint. " In this thane:mile of 11)11111,18. \1I1,5 eerier, nt : 3.'ottanee „invent wete, neva to eaake the
this e,"
Ae „Ilavian r.vate-All herself beAtti` hien, her
1 ale:5e:44: " Haw et range 12251 .12.112 West.
vett should hoist• returned tohniglot."
" la .:;.. etnengtg" Ktitil the tort wit li z4 siisiie. I have SOriletitnee illtinghts tn, f.2,;itirmis t !WI " n hy, ,zed '4t'. " 4ht1 '4 1. IM'llershliw 8 ±41' 121 1242-, ler a, lain, Inkt 11.8 iitile ellt, titit
" :NIA what ie still stranger. 'she soloied, with. •• there may he rooms tep-st7tiee or demo servatat hide tleis Irani us'!" wty. The tietosettre belonged to ooe of the .
a f,,l.,,eloo irins;4, " seate Mae -1 eltipl: it lettst st elite of whieh we know net hing. --Mt " Ail : 1 eel now email:et' to," .s -:aid ,.getguhtegght, that ,tietnno, iat tanatea
leheS 't.elli ?la . Westkvit -was star iting he- , let rue finiela One airorizOini, tow,trils Ws.steott, " itin 1 iio itS,0 it Oat :Mr. 4 iiSolle- „ng „.„, 2.28012 22' „.itg creme.
hoe ties whitlow When I lit the lamp. Is he . the hour for loeking-up, I heated ..a. atone died -ea mine,. .2 '-'y itight-the Indian a tra,,,,arimg saw (ham impelled hooka
liii,4 to prove a ftiontole" . g.' (11. If .. came front Mr, tfirdlestlnte's . ecialti Mit :ARM, Ilse lam,e of lois old lit killer ..4-4 the r.17.-... ,ori ottengt Is ueed here for Idael:-
" sth 11 mess wielder:nig," t,,:tid Mr. carter. t‘loni. , whist ili,„elloupd Ins obl partner , (li (1 1121) (lee' 4 ; lint thi, wwet, weevil tieh, sem...tete thread and a needle, lie pad-
" He has tlic elieraeter ot being an excellent leonine; fere .ted upon hie :Sek a'1111 in' .. ., to hai. ,..,'4,11teti dietre''exed billl 'etill Mom. 1W e(„1 an etteeeeen in turning, the tail -wickets
taiti *411fl.vm young fellow. Dm 1 fear," he mink upon hiS anis. That woo) hielest day could neve,' 'iheS.tire, it now ; anti it see:mite:
wolt on, *, 2 20 t eveR if he had las unelei ' in the vountineelionete- Ale died that night, rienta, a mine '.7.":Yes 'II' d 114' had 6.t"'"n .tolfetra litlellt it:11::":%e‘tril:1-447kng:(o0 4mt dintl°viaththtibeef
ASK YOU'it exH2OuE
aplibunea every Thursday 12
7, ein-street ,aesrly opposite Fit toa's Je
Ctete,,by John White ds Son
'aria tore.
hains OF anvearr:snia
?irstieeertien, per line ...................10cents
• eh seeseve...t t esertion ,per line
To Menet, lateen ion, adveetteemente should
b seta itt not tetertitan tere,yoesiete moraine
our.10 PnalierEate Rine ttaeraiffehr is one
the ienecet awl best ogulprete iu the 00=0
uroaeell \core entranteed te tie will receive
o 41 prom pt atte make.
DOC stems Itegartlittr, News-
LAnyper,04 who t A ;I, papeypegifickely from
the 1104 111111e. whether dim tt-11 in Itio IMMO OF
anode. r'e„ or whether he lies eutheribed or not
15 reepousible for payment.
2 if a perm'. ordere hie paper allecontinued
he note: pee- all arrears-. or the publisher may
continue toserel it until (be payment. Is mole.
amd then toollect the whole amount. whether
the paper le taken from theollice or not.
Van LT.
r- 3 1n siiiis for eniFeript low., the snit may be
Inqieinvil in the playa where the paper is pub
netted, itithough the etabwriber may reside
room ';" be interposed. " You believe it . trash. " arreete order tuat toe suepeeted matt
eves here? eterien'sehetoas ,,vhere nOt become familiar With. tile Kind.-
" So it sounded to me,' was. hie. Carter's men*. ; anal the 5114,4:•‘.;inly aS folleas• pee aeteetivees fatT, as he determined to get
reply. " Boit it is a etreeoge old Novae and Met lier el:041'412,1e into 4 410wer of eto'el• hint ulw houk ow by twook.' Note? 1(10121
lieencied geuine, he wmati, find it tet easy Mr. t7hrter patised, with a distreesed look the,gold. Ile.tomt . ' 411/1"1""nulti PE"'
matter teh - Ilt•o etopped abruyottet ; for at ' on lois fate. The details of that painful int needle were hewed lima ont just inside the
this moment Westeott 8211120 111 Theehtingo i eilleid Were passing vividly through his
111 his appearance, new thoe the rough cos- mind. West:fitly lie eoneluded ;
86., may ree„i.,mitea. hea ; there Wile little of than ins Indian servant absconded. No one
t .
" No sooner
ttltne was gelle. ‚51.28 reikea Bable. Alr. Carter was Mr. Girtilestone tleatl, strange to 'ay,
he sailor even in It's "et and nothing in I where he has goue. He seemed to me
. int manner. F, 1221(1ell the style of a refin- 411e a man who had received aotne shock. I
geutleume The merchant me from hie.' ilU tnake nothing of 1t11m. Doulotlesoe he
th,,,,,,e,,,,,_ e ....tonally preeented him. p. estIesell a great deal l'af infoieuatiGilltriamt
leaN . she seen him, thought Westeott, 111218259t01', If Me. Gitelleetone was• I ' ' 1
when 'ffe2,ll,....ditio in the equare below the win- er cf1 I '.• . • 4 10m4 '
s , gold, te must lave tound a out. Boit
dowst 'There we some.thing he her look, I, who have lived. hero Ow sine-. 1 • .a.
1 tty per,.
something in her very attitude towards him, n '.' death,I • -I' • .
er s nohe I. iscoveris nothing led
which made him doubt 11 220 WaS all entire
stringer. He had recognised her ; and he
bad conjectured, while in conversation with
thu inerehant, that the beautiful " vision "
at the Golden Lamp could be no other than
Medea Carter. But he had no time for more
1 lel,11 this passing ration ion. The dinner WAS
announced : the folding -doors evert' thrown
open, and they passeti through and took their
seats at the table.
The first object that attracted Westcott'S
glance was the old lamp. Marian's look fol-
lowed his. She smilingly asked him: " Do
you remember it ?"
•" No ;I had forgotten the house," said he.
"1 was seldom here."
"Ali ! It is strange you should have for-
gotten that lamp," said tlarian.
, ..
anti embleret1 about as lie I
ter doing. Neitherthe
egeinat the windows, nor the 180:10.
221124 in the draughty rooms and con
gave Idol tiny 11n:eerie Ito had never
perietwed the least feotr it had all leen
wonder and breatItlees interest at hiakets- Att th,
ter's ways. 'renew endolenlY It'll racoons and unmindful
IIII•nii.ofiThrnmoithe'8xtptijauillet.1 11,1227.‘telit%;`,.:111'101'1.:tiin'ite iallt;5111ZSCetil:tilleh 211,ti telt egiltInbley Pflo'ersetenebeit0e.1 irt
rountlorevenlistenit.g,anoverwlielmiwoa- teatne. There was a tug at his coat 21124 22
vicil°11 tolk Posseesloll III 'II 1 1115rIas' hitter oath, and he knone that his males
ter Wai followin • /der ' a 't •
:".f. • II 218 14t.e,- tigg
of the, r,an oe . remitting a. hand to enter, but
4., ;I:evert:mg Its withdrawal. He knew of a
" tleo 4; that would lw la,rgely attended at
the • aet t21 the Stand anti made up Care-
' for it 50 that when lou left home Ite
leasint-faleed old gobemouche,
took care to be as
rro ern
added, " who can solve it ?"
as to the mystery, John, aloout the key," he Heinle master, but a dead sue -the nonnlese '
Alallti Wile eetzed lay the hooks, and that he
Wescott made no reply, but he eat watch- Marian conlil not help shuddering. ' and would not venture to risk the agony that
: ghost of Mr. Girdlestone.
ing the merchant attentively ; awl he soon , her tremulous notes ehowed how deeliy. all teering away furcibly would inflict. $o he
said quietly : '11 you follow me our surgeon
noticed a look of drowsiness coming over that John Weetvott hall 'een reIatingateet- will relieve you,' and attempted. to walk to
hint. The fottigue and anxiety of the last ed her. The young man rolls itil One, fuel
waam. W.I..0 Sall tried to overcome lteremo- Scotland Yard, half a mile away, the trap-
ped tliief following with his hand in the de -
few (lays were beginniug to tell upon his i 1 l il I
overwrought brain. The more sleepy he tion. He then rose from his chair, and tale-
heleame the more wakeful gree• the expres- ing from his pocket the (imminent which, he .t".'ilri:t=1:111Alarge crowd gathered that
sion on Wescott's face. , had an hour ago discovered in Mr.
As soon as he had assured himself that stone's (leak, approached, Marian andl;pholiiiitat: tile detective had to take a cab and he
Mr. Carter was asleep, the young mau rose ed out tho words written at the foot: "Forlanded the men safely in the detective's of-
fice. Ho WM held by four of the hooks and
from his chair, stepped softly' aeross the the key to the secret strong-roote, vollerin
room and approached Marian's aide. Stand- , will be found fifty baga of hard cash, look 1 the barks lied to he cut off bsseetzeturjenntter4
ieg mhzere the light fell strongly upon him, behind the Golden Lamp." . -- --- extracted. The thief code
pigeon for a short term, but the Shotland
some paces from her, hewhispered: " Don't ' " And now," said he, "1 will steal quiet- Yard authorities frowned on the detective's
stop playing, Miss Carter: your father will ly into the dining -room and get the Ian -
wake. flume a secret to tell you ; and muck term" method and prohibited any further experi-
ho I an thinkmg, ' Westcott replied. will depend, within the next few minutes, . Marian looked up with an expressiou al- :lents of the sort for fear the newspapers
added, " is it nota lantern ?"
" The workonanship as exquisit--But," he upon your presence of mind. But do not most of awe. „ Have you the berditeea_ Twocitilefilakti:eito7ce the expedient as cruel. But
be alarmed," he hastened to add. "Play all alone -to make this search ?" d dli , trap could not be baited for a
" It can be used as such. It is called the as you are playing now, and listen." . Westcott smiled. " I'm not frightened
Golden Lamp. It was called so long before Marian was a true musician ; and at the when I've a good light And was not, the
I was born. It belonged, as you may have moment that John Westcott earnest/ad stood lamp lit by you "--Marian dropped her eyes
guessed. to Mr. Girdlestone. He used to there she wat. carried away by the enchant- i -" lit for this very expedition ? It was my A STORY or TRE GOLDFIELD&
call it mine. It has stood where it now ing effect of florae melody. His unexpected , uncles wish. -Besides," he went on, "is not
stands, I believe, for nearly a hundred appearance startled her; it was like being ' the key which has been hanging there all mow a Famous :Nugget was FOIIIIA1 *Rd
Fact (*111(8 ('4
years. --But the lantern," said the girl, suddenly roused out of a dream. She could these years the key to the secret strong- No one who was on the field at the time
" can easily be detached ; it hangs from a not hide her agitation ; even the flood of room ?'
will forgethe excitement that was aroused
hook, as you see, under the dome. 1,,haye harmony threatened to fall into discord. A ! Westcott steps into the dining -hall and when the " Joker " nugget was found at
forbidden any one to touch it. 1 trent'. and false note was struck ; and then, in a thou- ' glances at Mr. Carter, who is sleeping sound- Teetulpa, that can equal it in weight. It
light it myself aU the year round." bled voice, she murmured, as she half lifted ly. Marian looks over her shoulder, but turned the scale at thirty ounces, and was
"No wonder," replied Westcott gallant.. her eyes from the keys: "A secret to tell never ceases playing. She sees Westcott bought by the. governm9tafar the sum of
ly, "that it burns so brightly."
rde 9"
"Not for the world," Marian went on, Westcott sat down, though without ap- back with the softest tread, he stops and hand; it was thick at the wrist part, .
, etac the lantern ;and , as he comes quickly Z120. In size and slus!:::,:dhesembrea.
"would I miss doing so. It is to 1210 22 sacred proaching nearer ; for his first thought was : touches a panel near the fireplace. His lips tapered off towards the finers.
to reassure the girl. "Do not be distressed, . convey these words to the girl for his voice The claim had been a good one nom the
Westcott could not suppress a smile. hl.'
, p e con c ence in me. Can does not reach her : " This is the way." first, and the owner was one of the wealthy
said he, "for being such a conscientious a frieod."
•• What reason can you have, MissCarter," you not -for your father's sake? He needs '. Marian whispers back distreesftilly : "If men of Teetulpa. So on this day, reclining
i he wakes "-
lamplighter ?" full length, leaning on one arm, the man
The girl fixed her eyes earnestly on West- : "Stop playing :. it will warn me. But searched for nuggets. He made a sweep
Marian looked serious. "It was Mr. cott's face: it was a handsome andsympath- ' tell him nothing.' with his knife to push back some of the
Girdlestone's wish," said Marian, with a etic face. Why was his manner so mysteri- i The girl glances towards the clock on the gravel, and his eye caught sight of the
glance towards her lathe. ; and receiving no ous and perplexing? But his appearance mantel -shelf. "I shall count the minutes. "Joker." He at once covered it with his
look of disapproval, she added : "As long pleased her, and there was a genuine ring in Shall you soon be back ?" hand, and sat up, rather wondering how he
as the lamp is lighted -it was a sort of sup- his voice. She quickly decided: she pat Westcott looks at his watch: "In ten wouldsecurehis treasure without being seen.
erstition with hira-luck will net leave the away all suspicion as ungenerous, and an- ; minutes." If the find became known, every man in the
swered him. " I am listening. Pray, do 1 "So quickly as that I. But it will be like field would tramp to the spot and invade
not hesitate to speak." 1 ten hours to me." his claim, and so prevent him working. A
The young man gave Alexia's a grateful ' He approaches the wall and. presses upon man in an adjoining claim looked up.
glance. "I have come to England," said . the panel, which yields to his hand. He "Found anything ?" be asked. • .
he, after a moment's pause'go on an affair ' glances back at 1Vlarian, and their eyes meet. i " No ! 5e211 the colour, that's all. Pitch
which deeply concerns your father -an affair His heart is beating fast, but her eneourag- !my coat over to me, will you ? it's lying near
of the utmost importance. I have come to ing look makes it beat the faster. Westcott you there. I want a smoke."
do what is in my power to save the old house stoops down and steps into an open space in " Here. you are mate. 13u2 what's the
of Gircliestone and Company from ruin. , the wall. A cold, damp draught of air , matter ? Yon look palco. Don't you feel
Much that Mr. Carter told me had already rushes into the room.' The music trembles, 'right ?"
reached my ears -through what medium, as if an icy wind had caught the keys, For " I'm ell right; only the sun is a bit hot."
and how strange a one, you will hardly a moment the lantern glimmers ; mud He was struggling with an insane desire
guess." Marian sees the light moving away, ,Tolin to latigh ; but he got his coat over the nag,.
The weird stories that Marian had heard Westcott and the Golden Genet have disap- get and seated himself on the top ,of it.
about this old house in Fisher's Folly -and peered.
of the quaint figure of Mr. Girdlestone, who Oro BE CONTINUND.) Then laughter overpowered him, and he be-
came hysterical. Those about him wonder.
had lived here so mealy years -were still ed, but thought the sun had effected him.
fresh in her memory : even while it child, 011951021) 1011 Among Eiroh In a little while he regained his composure,
her mind had been busy puzzling out the and decided to go to his tent. In lifting his
meanin ; of these mysteries. But she was , There is a bird's home and Il0.3pital on Ox- coat he managed to take up the lump of gold,
more puzzled now; and as these thoughts fords street where people can take l.1.1.' mote and 1100118 knew that he had found anything.
came rushing upon her -thoughts which to be nursed and cared for, says it \ Vdt Or ill It WRS not till ten days had passed that
Westcott's vvords had recalled -something the Pall Nall Budget. The proprietor says the (011 12-225 ,noised (21)load, and even then
of her strange mood seemed to, enter into birds stiffer chiefly from consumption and few knew the claim whence the " .Joker'
her expression while she played. asthma -diseases brought on by the birds came,
Wescott presently resumed. "lou re- being plaeed- in draughty Windows_ Con- Numerous other nue
ggt S We', roililtl. of
'member that Indian servant of Mr. Girdle- sumption is helped on by the birds being wei•ght ranging to t we 411 y e ie. en , twe1ve,
stone s?' said he. " Well -I have seen him; inchseriertmately fed on all sorts of things
, t
and ten ounces, and imee 0 six Minces
and he has told every secret he knew that are unsuitable as food. Birds are very t
were almost commou-almost, / IC) I:, (mite.
about my uncle." fond of luxuries, and the more you give
This vas indeed startling news for Marianthem the more they will eat When a bird
She looked up at Westcott with eager eyes is going off into a consumption it is always
and half -parted lips. She even ceased, in eating. He pointed to one and said; " He
her excitement, to move her fingen over is in a consamption, and he will be like e,
the keys; and for a moment there was a ball. of •clown to -morrow -all puffed oute
dead silence. But she quickly recovered Physic will sometimes arrest the disease.",
herself, tend fell into playing soft and dreamy
. . .1/ Soma men divide their lives between
music while listening to all. that now follow- Pamters are not of a mihtaxy turn genes- trying to forget, and trying to recover from
ed from tVesteott. • a ally, yet they stand by their colors, ' .1 118 °Meets of trying to forget.
As soon as the two men were alone over
their wine -though they could see and hear
Marian at the piano, for the folding -doors
stood open -John Westcott turned to Mr.
Carter and said : "There is eomething about
that lampt-and I hope you will not think
nee too inquisitive -a -which interests me,
May I look at it more closely'?"
The merchant readily acquiesced ; and
. the young man, stepping across the room,
bent over the lamp; and had not his back
been turned to Mr. Carter, the expression
of keen excitement whieh came over1)18face
might have puzzled him. Seating himself
once more opposite to his host, after a some-
what lengthy examination of the lamp,
Westcott said: "There is a large key, 1
. observe, hanging behind the lantern. Is
there any:tradition attached to that ?"
- ".1 mennot' tell you," said Mr. Carter.
one knows."
"Do you mean, sir, that it fits no look?"
A slight smile crossed the merchant's
'face. "You know how curious women
are," said he. "1 need scaroely. tell you,
. John that Marian has tried every keyhole
" the house. She leae not solved the
ystery," ., .
' Have yoa no theory, Mr. Carter, con-
rning that key ?"
" None.
"` Has it never occurred to you that it
ht have been the key," said Westcott,
my unele's finaneiel genius ?"
h ! thee is a shrewd lee -nark," said Mr.
• r eseeeteaaaetneee ° co But let me tedlyou,"
inn , I .167 AU ay.
4 The vont,. have decided Met raw -Mg to
take newepapere orperiedicale from 'Ito pest,
otilre, or removing, and hewing them unveiled,
for ie prima Mete evidence tat tutent Waal fraud
er any injurious matelialS.
W1 ottiErr,
Are plmulant to tam. Coutain their own,
Purgative. Is a safe, sure, and ettectual
Inctuorer ot worms in xcuor4dn1i
Sickttentlache and rei eve hi the troubles inci-
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, Pain in the Side, &a While therm -lost
remarkable success has been shown in curing
TIeruIscbe, yet CARTER'S LITME Liven. Pius
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But after all sick head
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CARTER'S LITTLE Lxvm ?nes are very small
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2 Many 60-091103 diseases are simply
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I abinlyityziettt
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