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The Exeter Times, 1891-4-2, Page 1
VOL. XVIII.. NO 20. LEGAL. 13. ')IOIKSO1,1', B%rrister.8o1i- • zitnr of iupreuae Court. Nota Peeks, )onvetrancer, stemrnissiormr, *c efoerev to Goan- Oi coin Peass•an'eBlock, Exeter . OOLr t1Ns, er, Solicitor, Conve7acer, Etc-, T XETER, - ©13T - Ora cover the Post (Mee. F 14140T ; R IiLIOT, Soliclturs, flet tllk4Gyyance i t O, I i"(3. ey to Lain at Lowest Bates of I interest. 1 AIN . $T1/EBT: EXETER. nr . r, £ n 0 li NT 11111, I. INGRAM. I)ENTIST. 'memoir to II. I,.Ilillinga. of the loyal College of !.rental Teeth ;neerteat with or without old or1:t,UFer, h safeAnRethetic a p noises estrectiou of teeth. "tree firmly in tilt reeuth bF zit Velvet. Over O'Neil's Ilrtll<I, every i'rirAn . ti, 0 l iTIST.L.D. Tllitt•st„ Exeter, eta Tootle without Away aC b[raen3.r, oD tar .� '7i"rz 3 i3 : oral trra,n.l aced fotirtlr 'Tctesday: anal Zotaten en the last Thor.:,_ gamer n, ,.:1.1 •n0tttta, aatatasale f) li>AL Y. 133O%i NINUI X. 0., C. 3. Graduate sietarii Untie) ty. ud roaidence. Dora * on L,et, a. seter . HY TllhtAN, ooronor for Ir ty of Tinton. Dales, opp arse res. atora, Iseter. OLLINS,M.C, Matin tit.l:otor. Ont. econtly 000unted bS P. M. D., C. Di„ versity , 'Por rent° ; Grad. N. Y. Acad. S., Ont - AND HURON & MiDDLESEX GAZETTE. "TRW TO THE LINE, LET TH) TAPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY.' EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 2;. 1891 JOHN WHITE & SON Publisher and Proprietor 110111 Qa1111NTSTocKi This : onister Sale of t; s � 0,Q cin ; It artztori i , a „ 4 Elig.a:t • VONDElvSED NEWS `.rot Various sources Titrougli out the District, ?lama. 1 The Stratford sun is defaoct. Bro. Butler is having: hard lines. 'coos church congregation, St Maras, do not consider the caretaiter,;lir Thor' Gordon. is auy way blamable for the late .fire, 'tofu carloads of potatoes wereshipped m St Marys last week by AXr Wheeler, to (.ilumbus, Obfo. 3fr Wet Colwell, publisher aud bookseller of aiitebell, bas assigned. Faiabilitee $6600; ,, -,rga assets. HO published the Advertiser. The congregation of the First Presbyteri- anchurch. St. Marys, have extended a rxnaniruoue call to the Bey T, A. Caagrova, of Part Bopo, Maggie, the eight-year-old daughter of rf d ills John Taylor, Thoradate, recently coin. 4 p_eted a fancy quilt:l 2211 pieces and tlria SATIIRDAY R Jl J6 -.f Sha dill u1 a a'e q iounated. (N JAMES PIOKARD,S OLD STAND.) 1 Chan. Brooke, of Mitchell, baa sold hie i. stallions Mao;titastrr and bis two -year -oil (Canadian) "Tom Roy" to an American buyer for $2000 aud $350 respectively. Mosta 0, J & J, White, of St. Blum'110The Store is Full of Choice Goodin '44k. on the DOLLAR These ;lrt to be offered at prices that will sell them. -------COME AND SEE T1 E JOE Dress Goods at 33, 5, 8.. alul 10 cents ; THE NICE New Prints, in endless variety, at 5, 7:I, and 9 THE NIDE Shirtiugs, at 5, 753 and 10 cents. THE NICE Cottons—yd wide ---25 yards for one Dollar; THE NICEi, Heavy Oottonada 15c. and 20c. A Nice Pair of Shoes for 50 Slippers for 15c. . DAVR) M. STAEBLBR, WVISLit31'TI tic TORONTO/ Physician, Surgeon- etc. !laving spent the whiter of hiss! -57 in New York, and winter of 1il87-3in Vienna, Austria, Oemeit.. CltRDITON, ONTARIO, Diseases of the EAR, NOSE AND THROAT glasses and Speotaales furnished for ,ear and Distant Vision, A1traSs a Yntases,excent„aa.Fridays. jrr No. 185 Quueti AN.w.rtlt London, Ontai+;o. ACC rxoNEERs. 3. ROLLINS, LICENSED) • Auttioncer for Counties Huron and Middlesex. `'Residence,1 mil: south of Exeter. p. O.. Exeter. BO rNBERRY, General Li- • denied Auotioneor Sales conducted in allparts Satietactionguaranteed. Charges vaoderate. ;Honeail P 0, Ont. LBER Licensed A.uo- tie Counties { of Huron s oonduoted at mod - at Post -0/40o, Ored- 10 R, GENERAL andValuator. orders frees, Bayfield P. P 0., talon. Perms moder- 'iTTti, Auctioneer, AMY.* nt & Tennent NETER. ONT. .Craduateeofthe age. tario VeterinarSCol- OFP'TOE; Coe fool seetb°five Hall. MONEY TO`a0AN. ar TO LOAN'.. AT 6 AND at, *25,000 Peivatel'unds. Beet panes represented, . E DICKSON, a Barrister, Dzeter, SirRVE 'YetG. 'ED IV. 1 ARN0(3'14B ncial Land Strum and CivilEn . C SN EER,TOT,C, ,UDstaira,Samwell'eBloek, Exeter, Ont Inks tta, NOF DON MUTUAL ,:ANCE COMPANY 01' deice. London, Ont. ,. of successful business; still ser the ownersof farm property eedenoes, either on buildings or, r.,oat favorable proteetron in oase 'triage by fire orl ightnine, at rates Loh liberal terms, that no other respect- means, can afford to wrtte.ts 42,3752poll:0 fordo1atJan,1800. AseQe $$7beben- GovernmentJo ban's. demist. nd Premien' Notes, Jeanie GaAat2, t;D;C.MeDemme) ,Mpnager• DAVID Agent for Exeter andviCinity• { A TiiousandJ)tlieL a•n Of which time nor space will not allow na to snake mentio The stock is first-class, well -assorted, and in fact em- braces the finest goods the markets San afford. Make haste to get the first selection of these immense bargains. n. A, J. MoTAVI SH & 00 Exeter, March 30th, '91. Centralia. Bsn rp-''fr W.F. Boyle, of Ailsa Craig, Was the guest of hia brother, Mr T. F. Boyle. thin week -lir 8. B. Windsor's new building attracts the attention of passeng- ers on the train, -Our country boys around here say they at all the boiling down they wanted, one ni;btlast week. Jim nearly got his ear talon off. -Our pulpit will be occupied by thee pastor of Parkhill Meth. church on Sunr"ay evg. next. -Our foot ball team went to Liteancn Friday last to play a friendly game with Lucan High School Club and defeated them by the score of 2 to 0. This is the third victory for them this season without any defeats. 41.4411. --41 Goderich BRIEFS -The tugs ''Orcada" and tra,7 EL Seibold," have coin e sea -ser. son's fishing in r's'di trxet.-There was o e in the North et church re were he on' Easter. , evg.-There �a three servicesin St George's church on Sunday ; at the ,two morning ones there was holy comunion. The singing throughout was exceptionally good. - Navigation is ,how ope,i.-Mr. Tudor Marks, of Bayheld, was in the county town on 1VIoncty.-Mr. S, Hays, barris- ter, of Seaford, was in Goderich this week. -Rev. Kr. Berman, . who had charge of St Stephen's church,Goderich, while curate if St. George's of this town, left on tturday for Hensel', to assume chargeof the church at that village.- At al -emergency meeting of the Maitland fiedge, A. F. & A. M., last week; the members of the institu- tion were ente twined previous to com- mencing the s son's duties. -The young peopleofGo rich had an assembly. in the town hall on Tuesday of this week. It waslargelt attended, Clinton, Sea- forth, Henan, and other burghs con-- tributing thereto. -Regular meeting of town council to -morrow. -Dr. K. Ross, of Hamilton, wts in town this week.- bee. 33 l Viotti re -opened on Tuesday. --Mr. A. benomy, teacher of Drysdale public school, spent a few days of the past week with his friends of Goderich High School, -The Government has sold the two old dumping scows to Mr .Task G1ark, who is i ttitig them up as mov- able residencetfor the men engaged in' the firm's fishim business. 0 For any oase If nervousness, sleeplessness weak stomach, indigestion, dyspeptia, try. Carter's Little Nerve Pills, 'Relief is sure. The only nerveneedieine for the price in market. i''ullarton. Bxxxrs-Mr A. Wright, of F,ullarton,who recently lost a valuable horse, was the other day presented with a purse of $59 by his friends. -Mr Wm. Campbell, mason, left a few days ago for Chicago, where he expects to get employment working at his trade. - On Monday of last week a serious accident befell Richard Kellington, a young man in the employ of Mr Gettler, who was in the hush cutting wood when a limb fell striking him and breaking his shoulder bone and otherwise injuring his shoulder. Bro ec field. (Too late for last week.) Stionetr teeorrI-Mekivid'Hays,whofor -many years has'0(:$eu the"stage and parried the mails between Bayfield and Seaforth, died. suddenly at his residenoe in Bruoefield a last Friday morning. He had been drink- ing heavily of late, which was no doubt the cause of his death. He leaves a widow and two small children in destitute oiroum- ' stances to mourn bis untimely end The funeral, which was largely attended, took place last Saturday., BRIEFa—Mr Geo. Simpson left last Mon- day for Exeter, where"he has the position of clerk in Messrs. Richard Pickard dr Sen's store. He will be much missed as he took an active part in Sabbath School, Temper- •ance and Christian Endeavor work. Be carries with him the best wishes of many friends. -Miss Jennie Jameson left on Tuesday morning for St Marys, where she goes to learn the millinery. We wish her success. -Mr Alex Nevin is quite ill, though somewhat improving. A GREAT I'LEssING-Sirs--I have taken three bottles of Burdock B1oodBitters and find it a good medicine for constipation and poor appetite. I will continue taking it as A is a great blessing and I feel a great change in my health since taking it. MRS 3 Y GREEN, 5 Sydenham Street, Toronto, Ont WE MLAIM. THE EARTH --We claim the earth is round, and we know it's true We also claim that Hagyard's Yellow Oil cures sprains, bruises, burns, oolds, 'roup, sore throat, rheumatism, neuralgia, and all painful or inflammatory diseases, and we know this is true. Yellow Oil is a - true family remedy for lameness or soreness in man or beast - Sze DOWN AND THINE'' -qct down and think lst, that dyspepsia is 'eased by wrong action of the stomach ; 2nd, that Burdock have Bold another of their stallions— " Coreoek Chief" to Messrs Wylie +k Walker of Ashfield. Ile is of a good strain. The salon of Carter's Little Liver Pills I. pleasant. mild and natural, They geatly atimulatethe liver, and regulate the bowel•', but do not purge, They are euro to please. Try thew: Mr Time Fteehney haw sold hie farm ptoperty ,in Niaeouri West to Mr Robert Thompson, who will like poseeasion this "rine, lir Freehney with Ma family go to *)folk Co. At the rale of 'dr John McConnell, of Hibbert, last week, every horned beast put nn, but two bulls, was sold. Grade cows ran up to $57 each, and yearling steers to 071.a per Bair. The two large stabloe of the Hicks House at Mitchell, capable of acoonnintarimL200 horses, were completely A ;yeti by fire riday ovg. One bo" ,.Y rind part of the Contents of the .te•., . were consumed. Titofnsur- nese on the huildiuga end nla- chInory ° Bess' Listowel factory, recently bard, was $30.280 Tbe stook was in. rstired for $19,730, bringing the total Maur - mice tip to $40,650. After a eomowhat lengthy and animated Ftr':ggle the Listowel Town Council has 3 decided to adopt the eleotrxo_ light for street lighting purposes. a price to be paid per aro lamp 01 1,500 candle-power Is 12 mute per night, and it is calculated that 10 aro lamps will light the town pretty thoroughly. April drovers may be the forerunner of ltlay flowers, and they aro also certain to bring with them cold in the bead, which if neglected, develops into catarrh, perhaps into consumption and death- Nasal Balm never fails to give instant relief, and will permanently cure the voret ease of catarrh 11 faithfully used. Sold by all dealers; 1URON. Blyth monthly fairs seem to be quite a.Icceaeful. Mr John Ransford, of Clinton, is the poseeesor of a hen that lays eggs 6x8 iuohee -four to a pound. Mr John Beatty, baggageman, of Goder- lcb,will probably succeed Mr Rose,deoeaaed, se station agent at Brumfield. Wingham merchants, began to close their places of basineas at 7 p m, except Saturdays autilOct 1. - John Oaninghame of Clinton ;has already this year need green lettuce and onions. Somewhat early! Mr Gilbert Mair has sold his farm of 100 acres, on the 5th con. of Hullett, to Mr. James Reynold, for the sum of $4000. William M. Diamond, M D.. of Detroit, Mich., was married to Miss Maggie Taylor, of Stanley, on Tuesday, March 24th, 1891. R J Gibson, of Clinton, successfully pass. eel the recent examination at McGill College Montreal, and is entitled to write M D, 0 M after his name. Mr Henry Young, a pioneer of Huron Cot, died at Chnton on Wednesday last, aged 76 years. He was born in Tipperary Ireland. Mr Archibald Robinson, of 'Osborne, acid bis farm recently to Mr John Crawford, Rho recently returned from Britian Colum- bia_ Rev. H Irvine was presented with a purse of $36.75, last week, by his friends of Kip - pen circuit to procure a watch. Chiselhurst gave him about $30 worth of oats and potatoes in• January. Petitions are being circulated len Lueknow, Ripley and Kincardine, asking the railway oompany to run the morning train from London through to Kincardine, instead of waiting at Wingham for the noon freight. II.LPEamAL Cream Baking Powder is made from Pure Cyrstal•Cream Tartar and English Soda. 11 has no equal. Sold by all grocers, Insist on having the Imperial. E W GILLETT, M'f'r Toronto, Ont. Mrs Robert G. Ross, of MoKillop, died on Saturday last. She was just 26 years - of age, and her death is a heavy blow to her friends. She was a daughter of Mrs Sam'l Dorranoe, of Seaforth, and died at her resi- dence. William Dempsey, of Goderich, a young man of respectable conneotione, has been committed for trial at the forthcoming assizes on a charge of having perpetrated rape on the wife of Samuel Barr, a well- known farmer of the 16th concession, Goderinh township, 1)oreT FEEL WELL-Andetyare not y youn sick enough to consult a doctor, or you refrain from so doing for fear you will alarm yourself' and friends-we'will tell you just what you need. It is Hood's Sarsaparilla, Blood Bitters is designed to correot and which will lift you out of that uncertain regulate the stomach; 3rd, that .It a1w,sys unoomforable, dangerous condition, in a cures dyspepsia and costs less than a oeut a state of good health, confidence and cbeer- dose. Can you afford to be dyspeptic ? 1 fulness. You've no idea how potent this peeuliar mcd sir c is in c ;ee8like yours. The magistrates' oonsictions for the quarter., ending Mares the loth. numbered only 23. Of the offences. 6 were for viola- tion of the Crook's Act. all the rest were minor offences. Only 4 were by Clinton magistrates, The total &nee amounted to $144. Dxep Anao,w Bila, beloved wife of afr James Reath, fornterly of Rey, died on the 23rd of March, aged 30 'years, 10 months and 18 days, at Alioodyville, B. r:,. She Passed peacefully away. -Mr W A Valbiek, formerly of flay, died on the 12th of `arch at New Westmiuietnr, British Coif "tibia. aged 50 years and. 7 days. Ou Saturday evg., 28th nit, Mr Alorr.:ider Wilson, an old gentleman 82 years of age, died at hie residence in Seaforth, Fie has been very poorly f'r some time. and tshile acing about the house one day recently had the misfortune to fall. down ;be cellar stairs, front which he received severe injuries. end which hastened hie death. lie went to Seaforth a good many years age, irons Scotlond, and tcok up A farm on the metern edge of thst town animex8EX. The Bishop of Huron was able to 'take a short walk on Sunday- He is improving, hire, Elizabeth Franks, of Parkhill, has goone to take up her resideece re Regina, N Ts The lliddnlph Coauoil has purchased the 8 A. barracks, Lucan, and hereafter council meetiugs will be held in Leon luetead of Gamlen and Clandeboye. At F. Atkinson's cooper shoo at AU a Craig Lob; :Naughton, while cutting staves on Saturday, bad all the fingers on QUA band taken oti at ,he first joint. Loudon butchers intend to raise the price of best joints of meat to 12a nud 15 mite per pound ou anti after April 1. Tull ba+1 been agreed upon at a meeting of the v,.rious meat dealers. While James Kennedy miller for Hay tit Harrison, at Ailsa Craig, was testin'e thy flour off one of the voila Monday his hattel became caught, and only .ter great pr nee of mind he would,llav%peon twwn.. -Tbe .n,?,tsli'•aga'nst George Minhinnielr, charged with imporsouation in the recent East 3iiddleens eleltioo, was dismissed by Squire Jarvis Friday afternoon, no proof of his doing so having bean established. The firm of John Birroll & Co-, of London, have been, temporarily embarraesee, but their bankers have already been arranged with, and it is expected that within few days arrangements will also bo con ` eted with eredors + E Jtheir Ootilergoth• eu, J T TitCnnningbam, Geo >7 Neale, of Parkhill ; J E Hedging, Moores- ville ; Rtohard H Smith and A. M Wilson, of 8' Marys, have enooesetully passed their final examination at tbo Ontario Veterinary College. On Saturday last a man whose name is not known attempted to get on the express going east at Ailsa Craig, but was thrown down and dragged into the cattle guard. He was picked up insensible, but not seri- ously injured. The meeting of the lay workers of Huron Diocese, which was called to meet April 3rd next, has been adjourned to April 23rd ow- ing to Bishop Baldwin's illness. His Lord- ship is improving, but is still very weak and will be unable to attend to his duties for acme days. Deteotiye Allen Friday arrested William G, Collins in Liman on a charge of stealing a watch. ' Squire Smyth remanded the Prisoner for eight days. The watch is a Waltham and is inclosed in a filled oase, open face and screw bezel. A :small- gold twisted chain is attached to the watch. Charles Currie, of Parkhill.the champion weight -putter, contemplates making a trip to Australia. He has been corresponding with Oarsman O'Connor with that object in view. O'Connor thinks there is nothing in the venture of the' Parkhill man, as the people of Australia are interested only in rowing, horse raping and pedeetrianism. A Newfoundland dog owned by a farmer named H Bowman, living near Ailsa Oraig, went mad Tuesday and bit two of Mr Bow- man's own children. One was bitten in the arm and the other in the hack of the head. The doctors think that as the dog's teeth went through oloth before reaching the flesh no poison may have entered the wounds. The dog bit some three or four other dogs also. A sad and almost fatal tragedy oocnrrod a short time ago. Mr James Fraser, of the Adelaide town line, under :a temporary fit of insanity, attempted to take hia life by cutting his throat with a razor. - Us did not succeed' in the attempt, although he inflicted a gash about four inches long, severing some of the smaller arteries,whioh caused a great loss of olood. WoALnN'e BE tlITROUT IT—Mr Alfred Roberts, Manager of the Dominion Railway Advertising Agency, 79 King St W Toronto Ont., June 1, 1888, writes as follows: " desire to testify to the efficacy of St Jacobs Oil as a sure remedy for sprains, bruises, rheumatism, etc., having had occasion to use it in my family for some time pant. In fact I would not be without a bottle ,of the Oil in my house for double the amount charged. Anderson - Blanes -Mr 0, K. Robertson has return. ed home from a visit to friends in Illinois. -Miss E. Robertson who has been in Ham- ilton for the past six months returned home on Saturday. --Mr John, O'Brien was visit- ing friends in this vicinity last week. -Mr. John Scott is seriously ill, -Our school examination Domes off on Friday next ; we hope the school will sustain its former .re cord. -Murray and Anderson's record ;has been beaten by W. an a E. Pym, who cut, split and piled seven cords of stove wood in 3n, hears, Who can beat this ?-Mr J. B, Atkinson lost a valuable dog-either'stray- od or stolen - Miss Rosa Hardy was united in marriage on Tuesday to Mr Daniel Sin- clair, councillor. Free Trade Dead NOTA BIT OFIT! It is True at the recent elections the majority did not seem to favor free trade with the U. S. But we present to you a trade policy which cutriot fail to meet the approval of all, viz : 'the privilege of selling your produce in the highest market and at the same time buying all your supplies in the very lowest market (Bargain Depot). We lop off all high tariff's and unnecessary expenses, thus h Rllarino our profit4 with our CUstomere thus you see see have unrestricted recipro- city and at the saute time maintain a patriotic and true loyalty. . simple solution of Ole vexatious question. To p'ove the genuineness of oar intention we issue valorize register which entitles our customers to a. discount of from 12 to 15. per cent on cash purchases• Call and see the beautiful presents we give away in this way A lovely lot of dress goads just in, also the last consignments of our beau, tifel prints. 3. P. ROSS, Zurich. Bonn's --Mies Jane Johnston has opened a dressmaking establi.hmeutabove Mr H. tfio11'as to niture etore, She is an exc,ilent baud. Tine ladies will do well to give her a val.-Ur anti Mrs Latta vieitod ftiends in thiselhnrst during Easter holidays. --- The f. xn rQ of th a vicinity are buir• anger making. They report ha' ins a goal run titre season. -.!'lie dirrators of the Hay Brame Agricultural So,:iot.v convened hero. on Tue,duy last to erratum matters f.rr the fall fair, --Mr and Mea 1Vnrm are attending the funeral of a deceased relative in 13e' lin. -The promotiona ars over and the boys and girls report a tongs time. ' Kiricton, BRIEVi-11T8 1). W Dnimage and family Ion. the village ou W 1needay last en .r tato for desk future home in Wallacebarg: Mies Barnes of Port Huron, is the guest of Mrs Joseph st,,vane The young son of Mr James Coley FrA on Thursday 1a t from the effects of fnjnNts received. a few days previous; by falling ftp a load of wood. Tbe funeral tonic place D, Saturdayirilast s lawn o,rtee of avwpatli ' o d-.arlai. relatives following the ream resting place in f,ha Presbyterian. Clxscttan nx uxk-A Ah rtiitoe scorn the ' Kirkton °beaker olid!:-': alleuged t e Orme. arty association t:' play a friendly match which finally took place at Oromarty, re. suiting in a sweeping victory for the Ktrkton team. The event was referred t0 in one It thelooal papers a few days after is a match.. between Cromarty and South Perth. This was passed unnoticed by the players of Kirkton club, but ahortly after, Mr J. B Cole was made the recipient of au insulting letter (which is in the bands of your cor- respondent) from the captain of the losing team, which mile for public explanation, as the statements contained have been freely circulated and are not calculated to refieet much credit on the Kirkton club by those unacquainted with the facts, In this beant- ifol specimen of composition and orthography ander consideration areturn match ia oh-. jetted to because the 7C'trkton club _. gathered up from all over the creation." Verity thia a large scope of territory to choose from -almost as large as the defeat experienced; but nevertholeta we assure the Cromarty players' that every men who took part hi the match has been. a bona fade member of Kirkton club for several years, with the exception of one who played in place of his brother, who found it impossible to be present. Com- plaint is also made of paying for the stab, ling of four horses of visiting club, although at the time arrangements weremade for the match, it was agreed that stabling would be provided. If some of the members of Cromarty club cannot take defeat in a friendly match without sending such email - ions epistles ae. before your scribe, the sooner they end their career as 'Meeker players, the -better for their oat and others' benefit; but enough for the preseut, 7eumanlnn est arrare, aud we hope these ex- planations will suffice to show the injustice done to the Kirkton olub, and will alio have a tendency to remove the prejudice of their opponents a .4. litermat cemetery., OH, WHAT A COUGH. Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- selves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50c., to run the risk and do notbing for it We know from experience that Shriohh�',e Cure will cure your cough.. It nevdi-fails; Diphtheria is very prevalent in Parkhill, many deaths haying resulted, besides there - now being many severe cases. The Parkhill cheese factory manufactures obeese at 2a cts per lb, and draws the milk, Messrs Thos and Edw James, ' and Will Munro, left McGillivrayonMonday laat for Manitoba, where they intend to work. Reeve Cluness; of Parkhill, had- the mis- fortune to have a pitchfork proses, accident;,,...d alljr thrust into one of the fingers of itis ,left. hand at the joint the other day, Mr Stephen Nicholson, of the 16th oto- McGillivray near Sylvan, was seriously in- jured by a bull while driving a herd of Ila to Parkhill last Monday. One of his 'fig' was dislocated and his body consider t" bruised, and but for the timely arrival ; his brother Iso wouldcertainly have ,be killed. Do not despair of :ming your sick he aohe when you can so easily obtain Cart Little Liver, Pills .They will effect prompt and permanent euro. T'hsir ne is mild and natural.