HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-3-26, Page 5eeepeeenseemme
Seedir g has commenced in the Cal-
gary district ,
The disuse known as "black rot" is
carrying off pts in Frontenac,
In We'tern Ontario over 800 farmers
have joined the "Patrons of Industry:"
Numerous burglaries are reported,
from the western 1 art of Ontario,
An extra nf the Official Gazette calls
Dominion Parliament together for
Wednesday, April 29th.
Wm MMcKay's residence, four miles
frau Duncanville, was destroyed by
fire. Wednesday. Total loss about
Hon Geo. E. Foster discredits the
report that British Guiana has rejected
the Unnadian Government's proposals
or reciprocity.
• The citizens of Winnipeg are agitat.
ing for a more vigorou.t policy cit immi-
gration, and will petition the Govern -
anent to adopt enlarged methods.
A wail cat was killed near London
leer week by Jo1an Jeffery. aged 15
years, The mantel weighed 4 0 1 lbs and
tneaured four feet eleven inches from
the enout to the tip of its tail.
W,m, hunt, a retired farmer seventy
years old, accidentally fell into a cis-
tern at Brampton Saturday, and wee
drowned. Ile was one of the pioneer*
of the country.
It is understood that a Canadian
team will be sent to the Shoehnrynpas
artillery meet next summer. It tsfour
years since Canadian artilleiymen cam-
peted in England,
Sir John taIaerlon ld has promised
the Montreal Board of Trade that the
Government win consider its proposal
to reduce the rates on grain coining
through the cane's.
Yonng Robt Rattan, of Paris, while
crossing the railway track at that
place ;.1ean•ley,was run into by a stoma
ingengine and inatantly killed. Ila
ma very tastily mangled.
The Conservatives of North Bruce
have decided to protest the election of
Mr Porter..M, P, P., on the ground of
bribery i•a person and by agents. The
petition wilt be filled next week,
Wellington and James Graham,
brot hers, of Breehin. Ont., were engag,
ed in moving some hay from the loft
over a root house when the roof sud-
denly callapaed, Wellington being in-
stantly killed.
" tIseint;'s store at Wyoming was bur-
glarized on •l'huraday morning last. As
soon ,s discovered the burglars were
pursued, captured and now aro behind
the Kara at, Sarnia. They are profes-
sional cracks,
Dalrl I'hompson, North Dorchester,
hail a vs'uable cow die the other day
of hydrophobia. The cow was good
beet when first taken sick, but was re
dtjced to a skeleton when kilted. This
ia+thn second cow Mr, Thompson has
lost from the above cause within the
last year,
Mashie! Basso, leader of the Italian
colony in Toronto, and practically of
Canada speakine.of the New Orleans
trouble says: "There are 4000 Italians
in Canada who could he depended on
-many of them men who fought un-
der Garibaldi, and all at them good
fighting men.
The atlmirere of lir Parnell in Mon.
tree] are making preparations to rive
his delegates a hearty reception when
they visit that city. The True Witness,
however, urges that no money be sub.
scribed until the present breach in the
party is closed,
Wednesday night 21 pigs owned by
W Walsh, Kingston, Ont, butcher,
died from a disease known as **black
rot." which Is rapidly spreading in
that section. Mr Denny, who lives a
short distance from Kingston, also lost
pigs by the disease.
' Mr Joseph Elliott, one of the best
known and host highly esteemed of
London's bustnes men, died at his
residence Saturday evening. Mr
Eilinit was born in Coventry, England,
in 1£30, and came to this country in
Aman jumped over Niagara •V
elle at
Prospect Point Friday. He came Iron
the west and had a ticket for New
York via the West Shore R. R. He
was shout 24 years of age. He tans
goo looking and well dressed and
weighed about 160 hounds. He had
the appearance ot a Frenchman, and
spoke in broken English.
A lex Campbell, bail it of Kincardine,
was shot twice on Friday while making
a seizure of goods at the farm of Geo.
Oustrarm, near there. He was in •the
act ot leading a horse when shot
Oustrunl was arrested and Campbell
will probably die. •
William Coutts, of Mount Forest,waa
on Thursday last charged with the
murder of his child The infant was
found in a cistern hat October. It had
been left by the mother with the
prisoner, to whom she was married,
ut at the date of the alleged m,arder
a:8 separated from him. The defence
raised was that ot• insanity, and a ver
diet of not.guilty was returned.
Robs a urray and Wm Rowe, farmers
of Metcalf townabip near Strathroy,
met on the road the other day and en-
gaged in a fight with clubs. Rowe
was badly beaten and from the effects
of the wounds. died on Sunday. The
row was over a drain which runs
through their joint properties. Murray
has been arrested on a charge of inur-
,dor. and is in London jail, awaiting
trial. Moth were held to be very re-
The information from Victoria, 13.C.,
of the discovery of six Chinese lepers
during 1110 burning of a pr rt of the
Chinese quarter to make room for the
new market is startling. Four ot them
are still at large. Two were -taken in
charge by the pollee. The four other
lepers may be hiding with a dozen
other Chinese whose daily occupation
takes them in and out of residences,
and the most serious consequences
may follow' the exposure,
Near Dorchester station Monday an
aged lady named Mrs Bowen was
struck by No 5 G. T- R. express and
killed instantly. She had bean visit-
ing at her grandson's who lives on the
opposite side of the street, and on ilei
return while crossing the track ane
was struck by the express. Mrs Bow.
en was 71 years of age, ':o blame*
attaches to any of the roar,, officials or
train iiie!n,.
On Dec 1801 last, Arthur Day was
hanged at Welland, for wife murder,
the charge being that he pushed his
wife over the precipice near the whirl.
pool. at Niagara Falls, when she was
drowned. Mrs Quigley sister of Ar'Isar
Day and who testified against him et
the trial, died at Rochester, N Y, on
Saturday, On her death beri she con.
fessed to baying incited Arthur to the
murder andnssisted him to commit
the deed Arthur D y's stitement'at
the Hallows corresponds with that con-
fel-sed '*y his sister.
A horrible murder was committed
in Belleville 00 .Monday. -las Kane,
hostler at the Queen's ]lotel, went
home at twenty minutes. past `o and
withal at any known reason grabbed the
carving knife and ruching up to his
wife stabbed her to the heart, The
victim gave one hoartren•-ltng shriek
forme cy and sank back on the floor
tinsel So true hod been the assaasin's
aim the knife was sunk almost to
the hiltthat )n her heart. cowardly
fiend wascovered from lie's i to 1001
with his wife's blood. lie was arrested.
They were both about 50 years of age,
No reason as assigned for the rash act
only that Kane was drunk.
Eight hundred union oap makers, la
New York, have gone on strike.
Ninety of the 106 counties of Kansas
report the outlook for the wheat orop
as veru encouraging,
The carpenters and pfaaters of Chi-
cago have ttecided to strike on April.
1, unless their demand for higher
wages he acceded.
7 he recent New York dog allow was
the greatest ever held in America ;
1.537 entered, and as high as 33,000
visitors in a single day.
,Retorts from afontanasay there was
a distinct earthquake shock at 1.15
o"chock Saturday afternoon at Butte,
Anaconda and Billings. The shock was
in some places sufficient to knock
dishes from cupboards.
Charles P Kimball, of Chicago, form-
erly United States consul to Stuttgart,
(Germany died on Thursday et the
BrevonrtlHouse, New York, Ur Kim.
ball was appointed consul by ex -Pee.
sident Cleveland in 1885, but had to
resign two years afterwards on aocomit
of fading health,
Harry Martin while in the delirtum
tremens, on Saturday laat, rushed Int*
the White house, Washington, and
created mute a sensation. an Presidenteat
Harrison thought him an assassin. lag
was arrested but afterwards released.
tae now writes to the President apolo-
gixine for his conduct.
There are 27 railways terminating in
Chicago. They reach from Chicago to
the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Lake
Superior and the Gulf of Mexico, and
all the great cities of the United States
and Canada, as well as the borders of
Manitoba and Mexico. These lines
vary in length from 60 to 7 000 miles.
About a year ago a young mule was
run over by a train at Akron, Ga., and
had one leg crushed below the knee.
The railway company paid s negro to
kill the mule. The negro got a pick-
axe and stuck it in the animal's head
three times, each time the pick going
about three inches deep. Several
hours later the mule was found grazing
about, and was taken up and cared for
by another negro, and to -day is plow-
ing regularly on a plantation.
Last week two men drove to the
resilience ot Mr. Joseph Terrien, a
wealthy gentleman of Detroit, and
giving him a note requesting his pres•
ence at the bed side of a friend, suc-
ceeded in alluringhim to their carriage
They then gagged, blind -folded and
hound him, and drove hitn to their
quarters, evidently for the purpose of
securing a ransom. On Friday night
he returned home, his captors giving
g g
up hope of being ransomed set him at
liberty, first driving him to within a
short distance of his house. l'he kid-
nappers or their rendezvous cannot be
OBITUARY. -One by one the pioneers of
this Election are paesin,t from amore met us
On Sunday last err Wm Johns of Elimville,
(known as uncle William) died at the re-
sidence of err Richard Johns of the 7th eon.
Lrsborne. For Nome time err Johns had
been ill of an affection of the heart resulting
from a severe attack of la grippe. and had
for some weeks been very ill unable to lie
down. air Johns was widely known and
itis many fiienda will be sorry to learn of
hie death. His remains were interred in
the Elimville cemetery on Tuesday.
PEnsoNat—i1r Hueh Gilmour, who lits
made a lengthy visit to his old home in
Stanley, left for Moosejew on Monday last;
be takes with kine a span of harem?. Messrs
Dancata and Daniel Walker left on Tuesday
for the Prairie Province; Duncan id engaged.
with Hugh Gilmour for. rho summer and
Daniel expects to get a school. Mr James
Thompson and wife also leave this week
for their home, we wish them evory snceess.
01atluasx -Death still continues to reap
his harvest of old residents and pioneers.
We aro Balled npon this weekto record the.
death of another of the old resident, of
Stanley -Donald Ross -who ,lied on March
120, at the i.ip° age of seventy eight- De-
ceased was a native of the pariah of Kio-
cardino,Rossshir•e, Relent; the Lille, and in
his yonth followed 'tire oceupation of a
shepherd. When 18 years of age. he
emigrated,with his par eats,, and settled in
Piston County,Nova Seotia,whero be cleared
e farm and lived for nineteen years,' Lease
iug Nova Scotia in 1850,' he settled on a'1d
cleaeed lo,. 27, 2ndcoif. of Stsnloy, .where
lie remained till bis decease. He was a
quiet, peaceable man, civil 'and obliging. a
conetaut member of the Presbyterian church
and is politics a Reformer.
k'ancy And Staple Groceries,
(Now located in 3faee's old stand, Main.st)
For finest Groceries and Teas.
Resell!, to call andseo nae;
For in the corner store, in Mace's block,
You will rind we have the finest atoek
Of goods that people daily use.
Ou, 'leas and Cuffees and our :Rice,
'tvo keep in time -both mean end nieo-
A ••d those who've purchased aught have found
Full sixteen ounces to the pound.
Upon the shelves you'll always find
Canned meats of every sort and kind;
Molal*es too. and honey sweet.
and �vru,, that eannot be bear.:
Dried Fruits and Raisins. sweet and clean,
Fine eheeso awl Ratter way be seen.
And Olives. Catsup. sauces and Oils
Put up in Crottles of all styles:
In fact everything your heart could wish,
From sardines 01' to sister,, tisk.
A 1 1 kinds of brnaties. broorns and rope.
RnsFcets. oat,* tubs besot)
it's will sell Yea cheap by lots or weight: ,
Or trade fur produce, poultry and eitgs,
Vier -Mr Thomas Ilansnu, once a lead-
' •• farmer of the township of Fullertori,
int't with a Feri•)e3 lose in the bit "nine ni
his house recently. The mile portion of
the fatuily were *beset, ant inc.)usegrieuce
little was sesta Most of the fnrnitere, a
gnantity at eared pork, flow, ate , and
clAhing were a total leis, A brain -1r of
Mrs, Menson'*, who was visiting tit ilio
houya, lost a Talise containing iia ;0 in batik
note:=. FnrEunately, Mr Menefee leas
home) on another farm whish lila family
now occupy. The insurance seat ouly 86(i0
The two servants lose the greater part of
their clotlline, Muah sympathy is foil for
11r Hanson, who has beet, in ill health for
some years,
young, old, or tuiddle.aged. who find tbern
halve* nervous, week and exhausted, IOW
area broken down froth excess or overwork,
resulting in many of the following symptoms
Mental deprue.ion, premature old age, loan
of vitality, ,nes of lamely, bss3 dreams,
dimness of sight,tpalpitatiou of the beat,
emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kid -
nape headache. pimple: on the face or
body, ,tolling or mailer sensation about the
,:crotuin, wasting of the organs, dizziness,
*pick* before the eyes, twitching of the
museles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashful.
nose. depoi4talu the urine,losa of will power
tenderness of the scalp and opine, weak and
flabby 1nn3eles. desire to sleep, failure to be
rooted by sleep, coustipatiou, dullness of
hearing. loos of voice, chairs for solitude,
excitability of teinper,smken eyes surround.
ed with leaden circle, oily looking skin, eta.,
are all symptoms of nervous debility that
lead to iusanity and death truisms cured.
rho Spring or vital force baviug lost Its
101151011 every funetion waecs heconsegnouee
'those ,yids through abuse committed in
iguorauce inay be pertneuently cured.
Send your address for book on all diseases
weedier to man. Address M. V. Lebon, 50
Front St, B., Toronto, Ont. Beaks sent
free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms
of which are feint spells, pnrple lips, .rinncb
Hees. palpitation, ekin beats, hot flaahea,
rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the
heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular,
the second heart boat quicker than the first,
pain about the breast bone, etc., can posi-
tively be cured. No cure, no pay, Send
for book. Address M. V. LenoN, 50 Front
Street East. Toronto, Ont.
Whop Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Bliss, she clung to Castoris.
When she bad. Children, she gave them Castoris.
English Spavin Liniment removes al
hard, soft or calloused Lumps andSlemishes
from horses. Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints,
Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sort
and Swollen Throat, Couggs,.etc. Save
a$50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.
Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist.
.Established in 1.863.
This ao
ml•anv has boon over eighteen
years in euoceasfcl operation in Western
(enteric, aud continues to insure against
'Ons or damage by mire Buildings Merchan-
dise, Slanufaotories. and all other descrip-
tions of insurable property Cntendine,.
insurers have the option of inanrinp on
the Premium Note or cash System.
During t'te oast ten years this Com-
panybaa issued 57,096 Policies. covering
property to the s,nuountof 340,872,035; and
paid n tosses alone 3700,752,50.
assets, 4176.100.00, consisting of Cash
,Bank Government Deresit and the un-
,sseaa<.d Ptemiuni Notes en ,.ane and in
orct, W Weme neM. D ,Presider t L ,
d, PAY OR Secretary. J. B.HUGHES, In•
specter. 1HAS. SNELL. aont fpr taixeter
and e•i0inato,
Thedirect route between the West and all
paints on the Lower St, Lawrence and Baie
des Chalenr,Provinoe of Quebec; also for
New Brunswick ,Nova Scotia, Prince Edward
Cape ler etonlslands ,and Newfoundlan eland
St. Pierre,
Express trains leave MontrealandHalifax
daily (Sundays excepted) and ren through
withoutohange between these point:, in 26
home and 55 minutes,
The through express train cars of the In-
tercolouial Railway are brilliantly t,ghted
byeleetrioityand heated by steam from the
locomotive, thus greatly increasing the corrt-
fortend saf ety of travellers,
New and elegant bufretsleeping and day
;cars arerunonthrough eapresstrains.
Tris isss? roorEeTio r.-A,s a protection
from the rosette of colds, sprains, bruises,
barns, scalds, sore throat, and all painful
diseases, Ragyard's.'Yellow 011 holds first
place, Its efficacy has been preyed thous-
ands of times. It should be found in every
tiouselzold, ,
For 30 Days
Come See Prices
We new offer Stook, Tinware
Mild Stoves Away Down.
S eta
No 9 Tin 13oile's (made from Lest
Bradley tin). eaeh, ....... - 1 75
10 qt Tin Pails, (.lo), task........ r?()
10 qt Tin Pas, (clop, ea la, rider 3:,
la qt Tin Pails 1610). 4 for 1 PO
12 qt Tin Pails rido), rine, 4 for1 501 ;;1 1
Stove Boards all sizes 1 li0
No 9 Brilliant Penenasnlar Cook
Stove 1' 00
No 9 tiVcoal, Cook. 17 00
Fine Art l e el Coal Stove 20 (a0
13ritliant Nay elty 'c , . .. . 14 00
Second hand Radiant Horne Coal., ;. Oil
One 6 Hole* Northwest Standard. • 20 CO
2 t:xtei,rleall eserviors......, , fse PO
4 gallons Coit 011711
e, if Water White1 00
Chestnut l 1attksmit1t Cold
c:a 014
We will Offer for THIRTY DAYS the following goods
at Great Reduction in price, • for C ASti ONLY —
SL fI(�r
N B -We meet ask those baying ae:6nnts to settle to sic SO at sacra -D 1
The Host, Econosnica! Stove, I The Best Heater.
Perfect Baker icor Pastry or The licst "arrests` Stora and Et tea.
1 0‘;,74 fur a Person in Tow::.
FTorseitialla.... ................ 2 GO Bread.
Steal. Nail* ... . .... . . . .......... 2 91)
('aril Iran . .... M fi0
10 8 ls,iiay Churn 5 00
TOILET SOAPS—fulllines-l:leetnie,
;ltussian, London, Digean.
hittmar alas. Mersa Won,, Pie',i1Nt;,
Ii tiGS, int` taltY, is sossate,
Exeter Roller Flour on lia):acd at
S2-33 per cwt.
Proprietor, Manager.
;<i4Ke1'Bollor 1.151
Call and sea this and ot lRt*l first-cl
t' C. Gurney Company for sale only by
Canadian -European Mail and
Passer ger Route.
Passengers for Groat 23ritainnr the coati-
ue.nt by leaving Montt sad on lerid ay morning
will join outward mailsteamer at Halifax
on Saturday,
Tho attention of shippers is directed tothe
superior facilities offered by this route for
the transport of flourandgeuorol merchan-
dise intended for the Eastern Provinces and
Newfoundland ; also for shipments of grain
abndpeoducointended for the Eeropeannear-
Tic lcets may be obtained and informs tion
about the route ; also freight and passenger
rateson application to
WesteriFreigbt &Passongcragent
93 Rnsslpliouse Riook,'aork et Toronto'
Chief Superintendent.
liailtvay Office, Moncton, le.B,
Jan 1st 91
Wheat .. Si.03tu 81.01 per bush
Flour, Strong Bakers'. 83 00 per 100
;.1u Best Family 2 73
do Low Oracle .. 2 00 "
Bien ... ... 80c. "
Middlings .. .. .. 0Oc, 't
Screening ..' 1 00*. "
Chop . , ... 81 15 to 1 25 . s.
Chop stone, running evory day.
Spring Wnoat,»
eerloy «.
Clover seed
Timothy •'
Potatoos,per babel
DriodApplespr b
Goeee per lb.
Ducks per Ib
Hidesroug0, ...
dressed .
Sheepskins each
Wool perib
1 0210 1 04
100 to 143
45 to 0050
52 to 54
4 49 to 75
1 2560 1307'
0 40t,
oto to 8101
i2to 13
°otos 6
50 to 055
1 GO to 3 iO
o 460050
07 to 08
0 oeto 0 07
025 to 30
600 to 625
4.00 to 5 25
200 to 250
850 to 390
060 to 20
050 to 0 5G
018 to 020
5 G0 106 0n
050 to 005
250 to 300
Fall Wheat 1 02 1 f3
Spring Wheat 1 00 1 00
Barley ,........ i 0 45 0 18
Oats 0 '0 i 54
Clover Seed 3 75 4 25
Timothy 3 25 ] 3n
Peas 075078
Eggs 12 0 12
Butter 19 0 13
Potatoes per bag - 50 55
Apples per bush 050
Wool per lb 20 0 20
Fray -porton 5 50 6 On
Bran per ton ,-...14 On 14 n0
Shorts .• " ,.,20 00 20 00
oatmeal perbbl...,6 00 7 00
Hogs, dressed per 100. . ,..... 5 0010 525
Wheat. 1.03 to 1.05 per bus, Oats, 490 to
50c per bus. Peas, 63o to 66o per bus. Bar-
ley,Melting. 501 to 57c per bus. Barley Feed,
48e to 48o per bus Corn, 644c to 57e per.
Toronto- Mar 24 -Wheat Springy -No. 2, 18c
to 99c per bus; red winter.No .2.107 to 108 per
bus Manitoba No 2 hard, 1 10 to 1 12, No. 3, 95c
to96c; PEAS 78c to 780 per bus. OATS 56c
to 58c per bus. FLOUR, extra, 34 40 to 34.50
per bbl; straight roller. eel. '65to $4,80;
at:torongha-kers,34,00 to 34,10. BARLEY, No 1.
63o to 63e : No 3 extra 530 to 56o: No 2, 58e
500. - -
For Over Fifty Years.
used by millions of mothers for their children
while teething. If disturbed at night fled
broken of your rest by a sielt child sufferine
and crying with pain of cutting teeth send at
once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" .for children teething. 't
will relieve the poor Mile sufferer immediateh'.
Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake
about it. it +ores Diarhoon, regulates the
Stomach and Bowele, cures 1STincl °olio. softens
the gums, reduces inflammation, and giv s
tone and energy to the whole system, 1 re
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teeth-
ing is pleasant to the taste and l9 the prescrip-
tion of ono of the •,Idest and best female
Physicians and nurses in the U sited States
Price. 25 cents a bottle, Sold by al druggists
throughout the world. Be sure and ask for
'Mos WihsLov. Sooemee. SYRUP."
Tuesday, Marcia 31st -Real estate, stoop,
implements, etc , the properly of John
Welsh, Leeds's Rad, South Exeter, sale at
ono o'clock; A, J. Rotates, Auctioneer.
oyes ft'wu E
Drug Stor
A full stook of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
• inthemark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exetel.
!aihna lyl!
1 One Door Smith.
of Post Off,co
--HE HAS --
--STOCK 01? --
Boots &
Sewed work a :speciality.
Repairing promptiyattended to.
.,4 Fresh and Neu.
Jest arrived at the family Grocery. Also
Pure Extracts and Spices.
A.utlf 1 a t
l piece i glass—
ece of ] , —
ware given away with one lb.
Mayell's Baking Powder,
Dashwood Roller Flour for sale.
Call and examine our goods before pur:
chasing elsewhere.
THE BIGGEST YET i Reliable G�o
Overcoatings at any price ; Suit- •
ings at any price Pantings
l fit Prices Lower that so -cat
at any price led Cheap Houses can g1
Best Ordered Clothing pi ()hoed in Exeter
l' � dt
Gentlemen 1 leave your orders early, • Undertaking97
for��� in all a
with the best staff of Tailors ; the best
stock of Fine Trimmings, and the best
Cutting in Town, yea aro sure of satisfae•
(Successor to C & S. Gidley)