HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-3-26, Page 1try
I H. nIOICSON, l3arrister,snli
• eitnr of Supreme Court, Notary
Public, ,lonveyaneer, Commissioner, &c
Money to Goan.
0tfic .ire Fan eon's Block, Exeter.
T) l3. OOLLIN S,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc„
Office over thePost Office.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries ?dilef
Conveyancers &e, &o,
;a -money to Loan at Lowest Bates of
is. v. griwoT.
The Molsons Bank
Paid up Capital ...
RostFuud ...
Ffead0nice, Montreal
20brancbotiicesir tn..ruminion. Ageneie
in tbeDominion,V.S.A.and Barone.
Exeter Braneli,
Open every lawful day, from IO a.m.to3 p.m
SA t'L R11Ait'5.10 a,m to 1 P. re,
4 PerC ent-per annum allowedtormener on
Deposit itoeeirta
Sub -Manager.
I'roltlt Various Sources Tllrougbt
oat the Ltltstrict.
raraN te4,44 1-
Sueoesaor tom L.Billings.
Afembor of the Royal College of Dental in
;lagoons.) Tooth ivaertoa with or without al
Mate, in Gold or Rubber. A safe Anzestitetic
Oven for the painless extraction of teeth.
Plates secured firmly in the mouth by to
deme ea' Patent Valve.
)FF.10E : Over O'Neil's Bank. at
1,ucan. every L'rlday.
• s.
l;'ausun's meek, ;Mtn-st, Exeter, ti
Extracts Teeth without ti
pain. Away at anvMAP-OD
first Friday: Orate. second el
l+r;, and .fourth %`nnaday: and E
a ' s-
Zrrnz cir an the last �' hU r
R1tiPnf each mouth,
W.131',ONNING M. D., Ill.. G h
t) • P. 8, lir arl, urte Victoria truism tee
Office and residence, Demnioe Labt a- a1
tory, Exeter. A
IR. RYN.t)MA.N, coroner for ee of
es... County of Ruron. Otfioo, opp .site ft
Carling liras, atora,Exeter,
DR. J. A.. ROLLINS, M. O. Ji, S. a'
0. Office, !daft St. Exeter, Ont. a''
Residence, tnoune recently (mounted by P. p
DfoPhtliies, Esq,
F. CUTTEN, M. D., C. M., o
1.4 • (-..urinate Trinity University. Tor- b
ontop Fel/ Tan. Mod. sohool, Toronto t Grad. i1
Am Inst.. Craniology ; Member N. Y. Acad. t:
Anthropology; Member Col. P. S., Ont.- g
allico, Dashwood, 0 nt.
Physician. Surgeon. eta. Having pont the c
NewYork, and winter of e
winter in 1Vn-n7 in
Diseases of the
Eye slams and Spectacles furnished for
both Near and Distant Vision,
Always at home, except on Fridays.
No. iS i Queen's Avenue,
London, Ontario.
A.. Auctioneer for Counties Huron and
Middlesex. Itesidence,1 mile south of Exeter.
1'. 0.. Exeter.
IP_ BOSSEN13LRRY, General Li.
11'4 • sensed Auctioneer Sales conducted
in allparts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges
moderato. Heueall P 0, Ont.
1ENJ Y EILBER Licensed A.uo-
�1 tioneer for the Counties of Huron
and Miadlescx. Sales conducted at mod-
erato rates. Office, at Post -office, Ovid -
ton Ont.
r -.1).
D . Auctioneer and LandValuator. orders
sent by mail 'ro my adireas, BayfieldP.O.,
will receive prompt attention. Terms moder-
ate. D. H. PORTER, Auctioneer,
Tennent & Tennent
_.., ...t�� m.. —
Graduatesofthe Ontario Veterinary Col-
Orr'ran : One floor South of Town Hall.
per cent, S25.000 Private Funds, Bost
Loaning Companies represented,
Barrister, Exeter,
Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En-
C-I-izimmfd, ETC.,
Office,Ups tairs.Samwell'sBlock, Exeter,Ont
CANADA . Head Office. London, Ont.
After 31 years of successful business, still.
continues to offer the owners of farm property
and private residences, either on buildings or
csntents,tbe most favorable protection in case
of loss or damage by fire orlightnina, at rates
upon such liberal terms. that no other respect-
able company can afford to write. 42,375 poli:
cies inforce lstJan ,1800. Assets 'It373,428,00
in cash in bank. Government demist. Debon-
tures and. Premium, Notes. JAarats (xit.kwr.
President; D.C. VfcI,o.rAi.D,i\Iarlager. DA.m
Jeeens, anent ao
emour ESEx.
A McKellar, dry goods. boots and shoes.
id groceries, Glencoe. has assigned. He
80 supplied the Patrons of Industry,
Mr Dennis Toohey. Biddulph, has gone
British Columbia --Messrs John Gibscn,
Id J Brnwbell left ,hie station Weduesday
ternoon for the Northwest,
'Id P Macklin, formerly of Laean lamed
rib tram the Detroit Coltepo of raedieine
st w.e1e% a full fledged M. D. t ougretula.
lrno, Percy.
Mr Too McVey, Plover Mille, dlspoaed
wither day of his celebrated imported
'r stall nn :o Bound"tot
too i "Good 1Mr Thee
vane, of S: Marys fora good round sum,
Nasal Balm is need for cold in head and
tarrh from the Atlantic to the Paciao,and
orywhere gives the beat satisfaction. It
cored othera-it will euro you. Try it,
The death of Mr John Currie, of 'Park -
11, is announced in the 80th year of hie
e. He had been a resident of Parkhill
r about twenty years, and was highly
Publisher and Proprietor
Coursoy Bros, and 11 Stewart pnrabased
ono P Curtain, of Coatralia, the imported.
llydosdale stallion "Joe Anderson" for the
in of $1,500. Ile is three years old,
rands 1OI-hauds h:gh and weighs 1750
fteu occur that should bo avoided by using
core caution. The samo with your health;
can be preserved by using Imperial
ream Tartar Baking Powder. Sold by all
rovers, Menufaotnred by
E W GIr LET1', Toronto, Ont.
Mr JP McIntyre, of the 19tH con., West
Villiami+, was one of the three recipients
f a00 in gold from the United States goy.
rnment in Sarnia last week, for their
revery in roaring the anew of the -baige
Weeks," when stranded near Pt Edward a
ear ago.
Thos. Richards, of the firm of Richards
Bros., ashes and soap dealers. of St. Mary':.,
met with a painful accident the other
morning. While driving along the 90). con.
of East Niesouri the heavy load of ashen
which he was endeavoring to steady over a
huge snowdrift, capsized and crushed hire
beneath it. He was taken to a neighbor's
The Alert Lacrosse Club, of St. Marys,.
held an enthusiastic meeting at the Ontario
house to organize for the coming season.
These officers were elected: Honorary gree
ident, F 1 Riddell; houorary vice, John
Walsh • v' r .
alb r 'a R Ramsey to .s
esid ut A u ae a e
ident, W A Maclean ; secretary, 11 R Sharp;
treasurer, George Robinson ; captsin, Geo
Smith ; committee, R l3 Moir, Geo. Spearin
It McIntyre. Charles Smith, James Dormer,
A Dusty, J l3 Thomson -
Mr Thorax Jewett hey sold his farm on
the Bayfleld line to Mr Chas Stewart, for
the auw of $3,800.
Why don't yen try Cartor'a. Little Liver
Pills? They are a positivo euro for sick
headache, and all the ills produced oar
disordered liter. Only one pill a dose.
A fine steer belonging to Mr Alex Camp-
bell, of the 7th con of McGillivray, mot
with death under peculiar circumstances
I It commenced circling around
rho tie pole, and after winding itself no
tight fell down, Thus being suffocated by
I chain around its neck.
An important assembly has been called
by the Bishop of Huron to meet in the
Chupter House on the afternoon of April 2.
The objects of the gathering are, briefly
stated, as follows : •'First a more hearty
co-operation on the part cf laity in the
spiritual and temporal work of each parish.
Secondly, some organized and well develop-
ed plan by which the spiritual and other
gifts of the laity may be nurtured and
mattired for the promotion of God's glory
and the welfare of his church."
Wesley R Warner, a well to do farmer
living on lot 2C, concession 0, -London town-
ship, together with his two daughters, Clara
and Maggie, aged sixteen and nine respect-
ively, were killed Saturday evening at the
C. P. R. crossing on the first sideroad west
of the Proof Line, two miles and a half west
of London. They were struck by the east-
bound express, death being instantaneous.
Both the horses which they were driving
were killed, and the vehicle was smashed to
atoms. The train was Stopped, and the
bodies conveyed to London: The approach
to the crossing is a very dangerous one, and
until within 25 fent of the track it is im-
possible to see a train going east, Mr and
Mrs Warner had held their silver wedding
celebration the evening before the accident.
Mr Warner leaves a family of three children
two of whom are sons. The jury held an
inquest last evening.
WEDDING B8LL9--A. very happy event
took ,=lace on Wednesday afternoon at the
rectory, in C irrton, when Miss Elizabeth,
daughter of Mr James Oriel], at Tucker.
smith, was united in the holy bonds of
matrimony with dr Isaac Modeland, of
Tuckersmith Tho Bev. Mr Edge performed
the interesting ceremony, after which the
happy couple proceeded to the bride's home
in Tuekeramith, where a vert enjoyable
time wad spent and where they were greeted
by about tidy young people assembled to.
ge er to honor the occa isn, The
was assisted byMlss Modelaud while the
happy groom was helped through the trying
ordeal by lits brother. Robert. The bride
was mado the recipient of a beautiful sugar
bowl by the Ladies Aid Scelety, of which
she had acted as secretary for some time.
The many beautiful and costly preseuta
received .by the bride teati0ed to the high
esteem in which she is held. The happy
couple left on the 7,53 a, ton train to.day
for 'Motor's. B. C., followed by the beat
wishes of their hosts 01 trioxide for their
future prosperity.
A horse belonging to a young man in
Auburn, ran away last week and jumping
aver a fence into the river, was drowned.
Dyspepsia's victims aro uuwbered by
thouranda, So are the people who have
been restored to health by Hoed'e Sareap
Attho rend annual meeting of the Huron
foot ball club, held at Seaforth on Thursday
evening, the following officers were elected :
Honorary president, E. Jamieson ; honor-
ary first vice president, G. E. Cresswell
president,t, W. W. Meredith; vice president,
George Anderson ; asoretary,
V. Preuder-
gnat. captain G A Dewar; couusilare, FI.
J Crawford, J, W Livingstone, W. Me -
One night recently while a Millet farmer
was driving home from Clinton, with a
horso and cutter, the horse became unman
ageabla, and throwing him out, got away
from him, when it casco to the railroad
track it turned up on it and ran along the
ties, passing aafely over a long open bridge,
and at the next crass road it turned off and
landed in front of its own stable, little the
worso of Its mishap. How it managed to
safely eroes the bridge is the mystery.
A Seaforth correspondent says :-"We
have hoard people speak of stones being
placed iu the center of a load of hay, that
its weight may be inoreased, and thereby
defrauding purohasore, but noyer hes any.
thing similar came under our observation,
until very recently, in a oertain store in
town, when a Large cake of lard was being
cut the ceutor was found to bo solid salt, on
investigating further two other cakes were
tonna to be made up the same way. Per-
petrators of such frauds should be severely
Probably there aro more cases of cold in
]read and catarrh during March than any
other month in tate year. As a precaution
ary mensal keep Nasal Halm in the house.
It never fails,
A large party left Seaforth Tuesday last
for the west, where they go to seek their
fortune. A special through car elegantly
fitted up with all modern conveniences was
eranted the excursion party. The follow-
ing are the names of a few of the passengers
and their destination :-W. Mustard, wife
and family, and Alex rorsyth, wife and
three obildven, of Brucefield, Solagirth,
Man. ; James Little. Mary Little, and Thos
Little, all of McKillop, McGregor, Man ; J.
Wilson, wife and family, of Stanley, Car•
berry, Man ; Thos Robinson. wife and
family, of Stanley, and J Morded, of Eg-
moudville, Hartney, Man ; P Dodds, of
McKillop, Calgary, Alb ; John Craig, of
McKillop, Griswold, Man ; Jas Aikenhead,
wife and family, of Stanley, Carberry,
Mau ; George McVey, of Tuokersmith,
Neepawa, Mau ; J Elgie, wife and family,
of Tuckersmith, Carberry ; Jas Chesney,
of Tuckersmith, Chas Smith, of Staffa, J.
Coleinan, of McKillop, Deloraine ; Geo.
Plows and family and Robert Plows, of
Brucefield, Thomas Thompson and wife,
Mootejaw ; Jas Thompson of McKillop.
Morden : I Jones, of Stanley, Glenboro ;
M Dickson, of Tuckersmith, Monteith ; G.
Nichol, of Staffa, Carberry ; A Stewart, of
Staffa, Stockton ; F Damen, of Tucker -
smith, Binacarth ; J Morrison, of Staffa,
Cartwright ; Wm White, Tuckersmith,
Killarney ; S Sperling, of Staffa, Elkhorn.
Pn• RTFi.
Protests are to be immediately entered
against Mr Trow in South Perth and Mr.
Grieves in North Perth.
Backache is almost immediately relieved
by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed
Belladona Backache Plasters. Try one and
be free from pain. Pride 25 cents.
Mr John Anderson and Mr James Murray
of Anderson, cut and drew out for Mr John
Lane one hundred and two cords of stove
wood and 2500 rails within the last 14 days,
besides walking to work 3 miles each morn.
ing and back again at night "Beat that
who can."
St. Mary's curlers got possession of ,the
Tankard at London on Tuesday. They beat
London by 21 shots. They now hold the
Beu Wyvis trophy and the western Ontario
Tankard. The two winning rinks were:-
Nioore,.Oddy, Weir, and Spading (skip),
and Clyde, Waring, Robson, and Andrews
(skip). Total shots -London 28 ; St.
Mary's 49.
The investigation into the cause of the
fire which deetroyed Hess Bros: furniture
factory in Listowel on Sunday, March ` 8,
has concluded after a short session, the jury
returned the following verdict: -'We, the
jury empanelled to enquire into the cause
of the firejwhich destroy edthe Rees furnitu e
factory buildings in the town of Listowel ou,
the morning of the 8th of March, give aa.
our verdict that said fire, ,was ;caused by
criminal and villainous incendiarism, by a
party or parties to us unknown."
Children Cry for Pitcherle"Cutori'
Poplar Fill.
Benue -We Aotiee several of the femora
front Glendale and vicinity, pasaing through
bore en route for Exeter grist mill, as all
return smiling at their good fortune, wo
followed suit, and received 38 lbs of drat
class dour to the busk. All right boys go
where you get well used, uext time you go
call at the Tisza (Alice and see what they
give for $1. 1f another proof of the pros-
perity of our country is needed, let me say
that Mr Geo Squire after spending about
:000 10 improvements cments on his farm last
summer, is now prepaaing to build a largo
iatplemeut house together with o'her im-
provements. (ieerge says be will have a
now binder for next harvest. tie don't go
on the tick system eithor,-11Ir Albert Lief
left for Manitoba on the 23rd. --,ler Mc-
Keneie shipped a ear load of horses last
Monday to lfauitoba,--It is suppaaed that
the dog belonging to Mr Forest which was
seen in company with Mr Squire's mad dog
is rabid, as he has left his owners bed and
board without Canso for provocation, barring
the bite that he got, ao it will be observed
that evil communications corrupt good
manners. Don't havo any dealings with
him, lie is a medium sized collie with bob
tail. If yon see him and have a bullet to
spare put it through bis head.
Brutes -Mr J. Elliott, of Exeter, was in the
county town last week. -Mr R H Collins
visited Goderich on Saturday.-Goderich
harbor is so crowded with small fish, that
it appears as though one could walk on
them without sinking. The preparations
for the fishing season and the refitting and
repairing of vessels, are making things
quite lively at the dock. -The last carnival
of the season took plane at the palace skat-
ing rink last Thursday. There was a large
attendance, and a large number of prizes
given. -Rev Mr Rosa, of Clinton, conducted
a service in Gaelic at St Anddew's church,
on Sunday evening. -Rev Mr Edge of Clin-
ton, was the leading speaker at the Gospel
Temperance meeting on Sunday afternoon.
-There was a good gathering at St Pat-
riok's concert in the t*rand Opera House on
Friday evening. Mayor Butler occupied
the cbair,and an exceedingly meritorious
programme was presented. --The young
people of Goderich have issued invitations,
for an assembly next Tuesday evening .-
Inspector of P. S., J. E. Tom was attaoted
by la grippe last week -The' well known
landmarks, the poplars cmthesquare have
been out down to make room for more
popular trees.-Goderich Bich School
closes to day for the Easter holidays: -Roy.
Mr Racey, of Blyth, was in town last week,
Ir nARxasT aroo r -Millions of men and
women are in the dark gloom of disease.
The way out is by uaing Burdock Blood
Meters,'a tried and sure remedy for dyspep
ria, biliousness, constipation, scrofula, clad
blood, and all-diteases of the stomach. liner
I bowel end blood•'
the Evangelical Association and that he
WaDDrso BELLS—The home of Benjamin
Sheppord, l:aq , of McGillivray. was the
scene of a happy event on Wednesday avg.
Iaet, the oacaeion being the marriage of his
daughter, Mary, to Mr William Jones, of
Crediton. Mr Wesley Nouse, brotler of the
groo, anted as best man, while the bride
was assisted by her sister, Brise Jennie
Shapperd, The ceremony was performed
by Rev J E Holmes in the presence of a
number of invited guests from London,
Crediton and elsewhere. After the cere-
mony the company sat down to au elegent
repast, to which all did ample justice. The
remainder of the evening was spent most
happily, and the young couple left for their
new home amidst the usual showers of rice
and best wishes.
BRIETs-At the last regular meeting of
our council board it was decided not to
build the blank bridge this summer as some
experts in the business have agreed to re-
pair the old structure so that it will last for
corn( time to come, this is a step in the
right direction. -Mr Geo T Johnston, First
Deputy Reeve, is preparing to build, a new
brick building as soon as spring opens. He
has the greater part of tho material on the
ground. -Mr Eli Dawher passed through
here last Monday a, m, on bis way to Gran-
ton. Ho had with him a valuable apan of
brood mares and s young stallion Mitch he
intends placing on his brothers ranch near
Calgary. Success attend you my boy, is
the wish of your Meads.
has received an appointment form the New
York Conference of the same denomination.
We understand he will be stationed at
Duffelo N Y.-OrtSunday evening last the
boys had everything tbeir own way on the
streets and the;cousequence was a, great
many broken window panes; evidently the
citizens are awaitine for them to tear down
the houses before they think it necessary to
put a etop to the rowdyism --arise Eliza
Siebert has returned after a few months t
1're e Trad e D earl
It is true at then recent elections the
majority did not seem to favor free trade
with the U. S. But we present to you a
rade policy which eanlut fail to meet
the approval of all, viz : 'the privilege
of selling your produce in the highest
market and at the since time buying alt
your supplies in the very lowest market
(Bargain Depot). V,re lop of all high
tariffs and unnecessary expenses, thus
sharing our profits with our customers,
thus you sec we have unrestricted recipro-
city and at the same time maintain
a patriotic and true lnyatty. A simple
aolution of this vexatious question. To
prove the genulneneaa of our intention we
issue a'prize register which entitles our
customers to a discount of from 12 to 25
per cent on cash purchases. Cali and see
the beautiful presents we give away to
this way A lovely lot of dress goons just
in, also the hast consignments dour bean-
tifel prints.
visit to her parents In Stratford -There is
some talk of auother dreaenakew coming
here to take the shop latelyoccupied
silos Taylor, -.--Wo hear that W. Johne of
Exeter, intends starting a tailor shop here,
shortly. We have another butcher coming
to the village•twico a week, why can't we
havea local butcher here, we certainly
should have ane.
MUSICAL AND LITEn.RY—An entertain-
ment was given in Eden Methodist church
11th con. McGillivray, on the 23rd. A first
rate program was presented. Rev Mr Red -
mend, pastor, occupied the chair, and after
calling Miss Lewis o1 Crediton to the organ,
to lead the gathering in the opening exer-
cises, the Rev. 0. Staebler lead in prayer.
Miss Hawkins of Sharon, Miss Frazer, of
West McGillivray, and Miss Jones of Edeo,
merited great praise by various readings
which were given in an effective manner.
Duette were furnished by the Misses Jones
and Denney, and Misses Lewis and Beaver
of Crediton. Dr. Staebler and his brother
the Rev, 0: Staebler gage addresses, the
former on happiness, and the latter on
music. The Brinaley band interspersed
the program by the rendition of band
music. A similar entertainment is to be
given in the Methodist church, Crediton on
Easter Monday evg A good programme is
being prepared. The titling baud will be
present on the occasion '
BxrErs.—Master Uhristie Gebauer is very
low with au attack of rhenmatics.-Samuel
Mitchell has returned to his home in the
Northwest -Messrs Chas Sanders and John
Mitchell, jr, accompanied bitn to seek their
fortunes in the West. -John Lamport has
returned' from Northern Michigan where he
bad been working during the past winter. -
Miss Dai ling of Brinsley has been here
endeavoring to organize a music class
there is plenty of material here for a large
class, and as teachers are scare here now
she should 1 ave uo trouble in getting a large
number of pupils. -Wm Li Kerr has gone to
Chicago to seoure a mercantile position: -
Our sports have been fortunate in securing
several groundhogs and coon during the
past week. -The ladies of this vicinity are
all busy housecleaning. They; are some-
what earlier than usual this year owing to
the annual conference of the Evangelical
Association being held here shortly, at
tlhich a groat tunny visitors are expected. --
It is reported on good authority that Bev
U Staeblor, of tlaja place, will sever his
connratiou with Ilea Onnnala Conference of
Buren -Mr D. Derstein, aur popular
and paiustaking barber has decided that
annexation is the meet beneficial. If the
government will not grant it, he is taking
the matter into his own Minds and mill ze-
inove to "Uncle Sae.. s Dominions." Re
purposes going to &mimeo., where he hae
obtained a lucrative position as bather.
He will be missed by the village. We
wish hiuz success -Mr R. Hamacher will
continue the jbarl'ering business after the
departure of lair Deratelu---Mrc Oates, of
Chiscliturat, was visiting friends in town
during the past week. -A good hall and
supper will he given in Peine's hull on the
30th, inst. This is the last anti will be
the best of the season. Welcome all.
Mme's. ---31r R Morrison, who for the
peat five years, has conducted a general mer
candle business hero, having purehased a
genoral stook in a village near St Thomas
will move hie family thither 1n a few days.
Mr Morrison nod family will be greatly
missed here ; they were held in the highest
esteem lax everybody and we are sorry to
see them leave Their removal will be a
loss to tiro village. We all join in wishing
thein unbounded success iu their new field.
-A meeting of those interested in the inau-
guration of an Agl. Society, was held here
on'rhuraday. There was a largo attend-
ance and considerable business trausaotel,
amonget which the appointing of Directors
some thirteen being chosen, representing
the village and each of the surrounding
townsbipe. ;The aoeiety was christened
'Hensali Dominion Agricultural Society"
and has its inception under favorable atm.
pines. -Mrs W R Hodgins ]las *returned
tram a visit with friends in Detroit. -Busi-
ness circles bas recently been infused by
the addition of now material and we may
now oxpeot the keenest of competition, -
Wo now have telephonic connection with
the outside world, an t.ffioe baying been
this week opened bore. -Mr. T. J. Berry
mado a shipment of horses this week ; they
were a handsome lot. -Mr. Jas. White has
several fine specimens in his stable, prepar-
atory to shipping. -Mr. Wm Buchanan was
elected Pres. and Mr. Geo. MoEwan Vice
Pres of the Aid Soc'y.-
Bunn—Andy Isaac, of Biddulph, paid
our to rvn a flying visit on Sunday last. -
0, 0. Dorrance intends having a oonoert in
the near future. -Good Friday will be the
scene of a grand food ball match at Luoan
between Centralia and Luoan High School
boys -Mr andMrsB Coughlin wbu hams been
visiting In Montreal during the past week,
returned home on Tuesday. -Wm Boyle of
this village was the guest of Jonnie Neil, of
Mooresville on Sunday 1 §st-On Saturday
a few of our young gents and ladies went to
'Exeter for the purpose of getting their faces
reflected on pasteboard, au exhibition of the
same may be seen in the school. -A couple
of weeks ago one of the female menthe's of
the North Middlesex Teachers' Assooiation
who had been attending the convention, ar-
rived off the train here, and being noticed
by one of onr young men who thought the
roads were snowed up too much for here to
walk, hired a rig and drove her back through
the snow drifts ; but at lot 8th, 2ud con.
Biddulph, he had to take the fields and
found they were blocked too ; he rested his
horse and returned, somewhat disappointed
at not hearing the chime of bells -The hotel
and farm property of the late Thos Hodgins
will be sold here on Thursday, April 9th. -
This is a splendid grain market ; our buy-
ers havo been very busy during the week.
J, 1'. ROSS.
Nies au.ri,
A PLl:AsANT Amine --•A very pleasant
affair took piece at the resi.lenae of 61r J
G McLeod, postmaster of Oliver town'.hip of
Tact Niosouri, on Wednesday, being the
marriage of his daughter Saran,/ to Mr J
W Beavers,of rna, eldest sort of Mr
Benjamin 'leavers, of Woodham. The
ceremony was performed by Bev. TIDOS. J
Sabino, of Menne. The bride wee support-
ed by her eister, Mae Susie McLeod, and
the groom was attended by bis brother, Mr
Martin L Beavers, of Woodham. The bride
was :attired in a dress of mahogany satin
and carrying in her Band a beautifal ba-
guet of choice flowers. A large number of
costly and useful presents teetified to the
popularity of the bride. The happy couple
were driven to Thorndalo, where they took
tite Ave o'elonk train for the went, carryin g
with thein the best wishes of their many
friends for their Mute happiness.
A SIeven WEn rater -One of the moss
enjoyable evenings was spent .at the resi-
dence of Mr Gavin Ross, Gowanside Farm,
Loudon road, on Tuesday evening last.
The occasion was the celebration of the
silver wedding of Mr and Mrs, Ross. Al
the hour of seven o'clock Ibe guests began
to assemble from Exeter. Hensali and the
many friends of the neighborhood, :ill their
commodious house was well filled. The
numerous and ooatly presents allowed the
high esteem in which Mr and Mrs Ross aro
held by the groat assembly present. From
seven to niuo tea was served, and to which
ample justice was done by all, as the tables
groaned with fowl and other good thiugs.
When ten was over popular amusements
wore kept up till it was time for all to wend
their way homeward, feeling sorry that the
evening passed away ao quickly. Before
parting all united in wishing Mr. and Mrs.
Rose continued health and happiness, and
many were the hopes expressed that they
may be spared to celebrate their golden
Briers• -Mr F. Hess, reeve of Hay, and
Mr S J Latta, clerk, were in our village on
Sarurday last. -Messrs S Hardy and R.
Johnston of Zurich, paid our village a short
visit last Saturday. -Miss A Graybil, of
London, spent Saturday and Sunday with
her parents. -Mr J. England has sold his
threshing machine to Mr G. Kellerman, -
The Conservatives ofDasbwood are rejoio:
ing over the victory of Mr Hutchins. --On
Sunday morning last three new members
were admitted into the Evangelical Associa-
tion here. -Misses Harris and Rennie have
started a dress making business in our
village. -The following parties intend build-
ing houses in Dashwood the coming season .
Messrs C Holbein, H Yaeger, H Reese, G.
Killerman, C Sacks and Mrs Shade. We
hope to near of many more. If there is any
other village in this neighborhood making
such rapid improvements we would like to
hear from it. -A number from here attend-
ed the sales on the 14th this week: -Mrs
J. Killerman who has been visiting her
sister in Zurich has returned. -The dudes
of our town had a party iu the country _ on
Tuesday evening. -The clerk and shoe-
maker are having a pretty tough time of it
this week, hurt J. W. is doing well only
the sun rises too: early.
No One knees better than those who
have steed Carter's Little Liver Pills what
relief they have given when takoufor
dyspepsia, ;lizziuees; pain in the Mae,
constipation, aril .di:tordered etoro
BRIEFS. -Lieut. McCullough of the Sal-
vation Army is enjoying a two weeks' ye -
cation at her home in Barrie. -Last week
Bliss Mollie McAuley of Santhampton, re-
turned home after a pleasant visit with
friends here, -On Tuesday of last week
Mrs Stalker left for Cleveland to visit her
daughter ; she was accompanied by Walter
Stalker who intends remaiuing till next
winter. -Mr. Thos. Pollock, Miss Martha
Pollock, and Messrs. Jas. Davison, H. Peak
8. Hanna, and J. Patterson, reoently left
for Manitoba. -Mr. Chas Logan of Detroit
College of Medicine, is home for vacation -
Mr. F. Keegan, who has spent the winter in
Detroit, is home. -Mr Edward Elliott now
has charge of the public scales. -The Ael.
Soe'y intend enlarging their grounds by
purchasing three acres and adding to their
premises, which will be a great advantage.
--H. F. Edwards has purchased of Mr. R.
Morrison, the premises he has occupied the
past four years, and will therefore not be
moving from Bayfield. He has just added
a handsome new stock of staple and fancy
Dry -Goods, Crockery and Glassware, Gro-
ceries, Hats and Boots re Shoes, and is pre-
pared for a large spring trade, -Your oor.
respondent has not supplied you with many
communications during the past season
but do not think that Bayfield is dead. This
winter has been unuaually pleasant, in the
way of amusements. The Methodists have
held several successful socials, the Salvation
Army musical musketeers were here and
our S. A. held a very successful banquet
and jubilee, Prof. Morgan and daughter
Fairy gave a very entertaining oonoert here,
the Foresters had at oyster supper at which
they enjoyed themselves immensely, the
Agl, Soc'y gave a concert, the program being
mainly furnished by the Clinton Amateur
Minstrels who gave very poor satisfaction,
the skating rink was managed by Jno.. Fer-
guson and F. A. Edwards ; five successful
carnivals and a night of races were held.
The people of Bayfield have not lacked en-
tertainment. -The Plymouth Brethren of
Clinton are holding meetings in the town
hall; on: Tuesday and Thursday evenings
and Sunday :afternoon, -Miss Jackson of
Seaforth has been the guest of Mrs. T. J.
Will you heed the warning. The signal
perhaps of the sure ,approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask goer--
our-selves if you canafford for the sake of
saving 50c , to run the risk and do nothing
for it ' We know from experience that
Shiloh'sC"oro w lmare you •Neigh. It
1 never f: i1 ;