The Exeter Times, 1891-3-19, Page 8D SVR4 NOR
"fi7 41441,0T, GIQT, AGERT FOR
PANT. of Toronto; also for the l'II ENIB.
NUM R4S1: UNCF. OOA 1.814x. of tcondon,
England„ the Ri)YAIsCANA7?IAS, of Atan-
*real, and the ONTARIO b1t MAL LIFE
ASSr,RANC , 00`r ot Waterlooestalalished
1870. Assuran:esiriforce,$13,127,400, Bonuses
exert' yaar after 3rd year,
., e
„` '1, a0 O
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to feel 14.
Ta srE+ai
time and
Mmes here l w
The Stock, Fair ,yesterday wits a coma
paretive success
The price of wheat on the: Exeter market
has this week advanced to 0.1 03 per bush
Tuesday was St, Patrick's Day. There
wad no celebration of apy kind i a Exeter..
Monday night, March J6ih, wits one of
coldest of the season.
Considerable pressed hey and "draw are
being shipped. from Exeter to Toronto.
Next Sunday evg. in the Presbyterian
church, the Rev. lair PJ rtin will reach
on "Capital Punishment:'
We learn that Mr George Grant, of Sea -
for h, has recovered from his recent m -
The Big Bankrupt Store for wall paper.
Mr. Folioed again has Iiachop in a
proper state of repair. The recent fire
caused him considerable: loss of time and
The small toys on Tuesday evg built 1
two fou time in celebration of Mr 1<n >B•
Hutchins winning the recount by an in-
creased majority
The prints this season are lovely, and
the nicest goods to he seen anywhere are
to he found at Richard Pickard a Son's:
this i3 the unanimous verdiet of the led es.
Silvered delegates front .he Stephan
l shome h•snch Ag'l Society attended the
ring of the South Huron Society at
cefietcd on Monday.
Mr Fulland will reopen hia business on
aturday, having got everything in shape
after the tire If yon want cheap geode
in tinware, hardware, stoves, etc, cell tit
Severe' American horse buyers have
Neu in town tiering the week p»trehaaing
horses- They have succeeded in lousing a
very select hat at good prices
Mr 1. Porretnaan's rabbit hound, lost
wid'e hunting in the Hay swamp some
itre ago, +sok found in Goderich township
last week, h having run that far away.
Several F.xeterites visited London ou
Zllenday, bring interested in the recount in
the matter of the North Middlesex etee
tion,whieh tock place before Jedge Doh.
Ladies, the latest designs and :newest
itaeveltke rt' Millinery this season, Look
jifor the ()Koko tit S paekman'a
Mr (;co. dltutrhford received shoed on I
Meaalay that he haul been euccessfltl in the I
disttibniinra of .+tcarrls made by the Loudon
Free Press,to the amount of $Ltttf.
. h • ttract ivy Stook
of New Wi.utel TI.veeds
Worsteds and Trolls-
a.ngs, new heiu sliowu
Ex -1 t'v'
°r., Ito wet thy et' to site ed' -eel t the I=rat
st +r in town" rr vices :sista to C ie.9; tine
Barge steel; suitable for your needs ; re•
quires experience to buy the goods right,
which naeaus for cash ; requires capital to
sten them to the univcreol eatief;tetion of
our trade ; rexuires ''tact" ; These four
factor& aro ours—yours too—for wo place
them at your disposal. They fine n show-
ing in the new Dress Ginnie and printa
that busy hands are opening for your
gratification and profit Styles this year
are possessed of all the freshness of real
newness. For early spriner wear we aro
dhoti iug septa very toasty Dress Goods
quite unique in their way ; to ace them is
so fall in lova at prat sight You say you
never do that ; we say look through our
beautiful assortment of zlew goods. and if
you don't fall in love with the goods and
prices, then wo can't do anything for you
Gents, remember that we have intporte
all our felt and fur hats direct from the old
land where they know so well how to
make the very best, We rave you all
middle profits and Chow you. an Assortment
that we know is the largest in town by alt
odds We quite proud of our stock of
;gents' goods this season. In ties and shirts
we can give yon good rnouey ; also in or
dared clothing. or ready made. both men's
and boys'. See our new spring stack.
Bankrupt Stock Dealer. Exeter
THURSDAY, 'MARCH 19th, 1&>11.
.What we would like to gee.
The Board of Trade commence the agi-
tation for better fire p oteetion.-The snow
plow do better work —Our correspondents
t more regular with their contributions.—
Spring open and seeding commence.—
Wheat Wanted.
We have made a big sale of flour and
want wheat to fill it. We always pay
outside prices at the mill. We still have
some Manitoba wheat chop for sale but
as this wheat is all picked up it will not
last long. EXETER MILLING Co.."
The Census; 011icers.
Following are the cenano commissioners
for the counties hereabout, as Gazetted
last week :--Bruce East, Edward Kilner.,
Walkerton; Bruce North, James White,
Elsinore ; Bruce West, Robert. Baird,
Kincardine; Huron East. Ephraim 1).
Chamberlain, Blyth ; Huron South, John
To, rause, Varna ; Huron West, Thomas
E. Case, Dungannon ; Middlesex East,
Robert Elliott, Plover's Mills ; Middlesex
North, Edmund F. Stephenson, Parkhill;
Middlesex South, Richard M. McElheran,
London ; Middlesex West, Angus Camp-
bell, Appin; Perth North, Samuel Fuller,
Stratford; Perth South, Geo. Leversage,
1%Iissionary Sermon
The annual Missionary services in con-
nection with the Main-st Me h: church
were held on Sunday Last, but owing to
unavoidable absence of Rev J . W. Holmes
the services were conduoted by the pastor,
Rev. Jasper Wilson, M.A., who preached
two excellent sermons notwithstanding
that he had made no preparation what-
ever. The missionary reports were read,
and the handling and appropriation of the.
moneys, of which there has been so much
said, was thoroughly explained, and we
think to the satisfaction of all. Mr.
Holmes, who was detained in Winvhatn
over Sunday, owing to the train from
Owen Sound being delayed by a snow
blockade,. and failing to connect with the
L 1L. & 73. train, arrived in Exeter
n not wishingto dia-
and ends morning 1VI
Y g�
appoint his Exeter friends, addressed a
gathering in the church on Monday evg.
on missionary topics. His address was
highly instructive and entertaining and
was full of weight, The subscriptions and
collections amounted to $335; last year
the Main-st church subscribed, $330 to
the missionary fund. Despite the ung
favorable weather this year's missionary
services were of a successful character.
Exeter Municipal. Council,
The couneil met by order of the Reeve
at the town hall, Exeter,11th March, '91.
All present, The minutes of previous
meeting were read and confirmed.
vatting—Ross--that ordere be granted
for the Wowing sums, viz ;--day. Creech,
its charity to lura A McIntyre ; do, $2 to
b1 s McIntosh ; do, $1, F Grin, and the
auditors ff8 each foraervees—Carried.
No further grant to Mrs McIntyre until
farther orders,
By-law No 0, 1891, was amended by in-
vertins W. a Persona instead of Richard
Gidley, on motion of W. G Bissett, see by
D. A Rose
The clerk to ash for tenders for eight
inch tile. on motion ot E, Christie aec'd by
fi, G Bissett.
Bylaw NO S, to appoint a chief eugioeer
was daily read and passed on motion of T.
B Carling. see by D. A Ross.
Action ou communication of the Board
of Trade deferred until next meeting of
the cone%
The ouueil adjourned for three weeks,
an rootlet' of T. Bi Carling, seed. by 1) A
Rees. .+1. EAc't:i TS, Cerk-
r .+Rye
'rhe Big %turaup%Store for Uoots and
A goal programs in eonneetion with the
satrt w esu t,r' el L' idly under the iuiapiee:a
of the Y. I'. S. t E. of dames et church
has been prepared and a splendidtime
may be looked for.
The general business of Mr Richard
Pickard will hereafter be conducted under
the name and firm of Richard Pickard .i;
Son, Mr Robert E. I'iekare having recently
been admit ed as partner in the business,
The literary entcrt;ainnteut in tho Caven
Preal.yterian church, last evening. under
the auspices of the Young People's :Society
was quite successful ; she attenalanee was
large and the programme firet•olaes
Mr Thos. Ching tuts slightly recovered
from his recent illness, although he is not
yet out ot danger. Ho is very low and
though he may last for a time. his recon:
cry is impossible.
Ladies, the big atock at millinery has
arrived nt Spackman and Co's new store.
Mr. henry Jones intends erecting e.
brink residence ou the property recently
purchased of Mr John 1I,twkahaw, about
a toile south of the village, Alessicurs
Howard and Damien have the contract.
Mr R. S. Lang, engaged in the grain
buying. has secured Mr Rabt. Richardson
as subagent in the implement business so
successfully carried on by Mr Lang for
years past.
Mies Lizzie, daughter of Mr. Henry
Lambrooke, died en Saturday last of
dropsy. in her IGth year. She had been ill
for a time and her death was expected.
The parents and friends have the sympathy
of the community.
Richard Pickard it Son have just effect,
ed the purchase of a large lot of grey
cottons at figures very much below regular
prices See their yd -wide goons from 5c
upwards. This lot will be sold at very low
prices by the web.
We have received a circular from the
*Dominion Government to the effect that it
has on hand 1,800 bags of the c:lebrated
two.rowed barley. which will be shipped
to the nearest railway station, freight pre-
paid. at the rate of $3 per bag.
The petitions which are being circulated
throughout the county by the temperance
element asking the Government to abolish
the manufacture, importation and sale of
all intoxicating liquor throughout Canada,
are meeting with many signatures.
1. Don't forget the grand millinery opening
at E. J. Speakman & Co's new store ; due
notice will be given of dates.
The storm of Friday, Saturday and Sun
day was the severest of the season, and it
would appear as though Wiggins hadetruck
the correct vein at last. He predicted the
storm, and it materialized inevery par-
ticular. We may now expect a break-up,
followed by spring weather.
We understand that Rev D. M. Ramsay,
M.A., ot Londesboro', is a candidate for
the vacant pastorate of the First Presby-
terian church, St. Marys, Mr Ramsay is
highly :qualified and we hope he may re-
ceive the call The late pastor, Rev. Mr
Turnbull, moved to Toronto.
What might have proved to be a fatal
accident happened to a seven-year•old
daughter of Mr John Welsh, of this place,
on Thursday last. It appears the little
girl was in the stable among the horses,
when one of them struck heron the fore-
head with its front feet, inflicting an ugly
Our merchants last week received large
consignments of new spring goods, which
they have now placed on the shelves. ` The
various stocks are replete with the newest
shades, ooloringaand designs. The shop-
pers of this section never had better stocks
from which to make their selections. We
bespeak for the Exeter merchants a very
large spring trade.
Dr S I. Harrison, of Armourdale, Kan-
sas, a former` resident of Exeter, is well
pleased with the result of the late Domin-
ion election. When he learned that the
rand Old Man,Sir John A. Mac.
donald, had been ustained, he titre w up,
his hat in delight., .Although he is living
in the U.S. he does not wish to see Canada,
his native country, become subservient to
Uncle Sam.
Before purchasing your spring suit call
and see Richard Richard & Son's elegant
range of tweeds and worsteds, black
worsted suits made to order from ,$16.00
Mr. r1.. Bishop. Req., 111. P. P. spent
Sunday with his fanoily, be returned to
the Legislature on Monday.—We regret,
tit artnw;nce the serious illness of Mrs.
(Rev) Wilson, who is low with an nttock
of congestion of the lungs -Miss T.
White has returned to Sarnia to take
charge of the millinery business of Mr
Blunder, of that town.—Rev. J. W.
Holmes. of Owen Sound, called on many
of his old friends in town on Monday
and Toes& y.— iTr. James Jewell. re-
turned on Wednesday last from Eng-
land whither he had gone some months
ago. Elie brother amoupsoled, Men,
and will remain in Canada... -Mr. John
blooper has almost teenvBred fromra
paralytic stroke which seized biro last
week.—It is stated that Mr Archer, late
of the Moleons Bank, Exeter, purposes
to enter the Ministry of the church of
England. and for that -purpose he will
enter the Vniversity of Bishops' College,
rn Quebec. at an early date •-••:Hass
Smith, crit Alliston, engaged as milliner
with E. J. SFaektnan 6: Co, arrived in
town on Monday evening.— Mr James
Loadntttr; of Bay. %dm.1.aat3emd a nor.
alytic stroke last fall was in Landon last;
week, being treated. Ilse is helpless
but hopes are entertained of his re'cori.
eryY..- Mra.Tiolhn Farmer vieitati friends
in London last wccl:.—Mr Chian Ton;
is laird up with an attack of pleurisy,
and we hope soon to report kis recovery.
—Mr Jer. lieltand returned to Dakota
last .week, having left his child. in care of
Mr David Miller's family.— Mita Puke
returns to Chicago this week.—Miss
Cudmure, of lippen, is the guest of
Miss Millie Cudmore, of Exeter. -Mr.
ii. Lambrooke Minn taking a etiek of
wood off a pile last week another stick
fell on his foot and broke one of his
t+nes. Tde uses a crutch. ---Wo under-
stand that Mr, Well Volans will open a
tailor shop in Crediton at an early date.
—Mr. B. Short, shoemaker with Mr.
Trott, is laid up with a felon on his
11;110. —14r. Jos. Lambrocke and family
of Galt ,erre here this week attending
the fu ,anal of Mr. Leinbronke's sister.
--We re sorry to learn that I11r. Rich
W 1111 of this place, is very low at pres-
en .—Mrs, li. Jones, of tiaborno, who
h t' been seriously ill for some time is
A good dwelling f r sale ; see in another
Buy your apring mautlinga at the Big
Bankrupt Store.
Ladies, the widest Printa in town at
3acta per yd at Spackmnu's.
Buy you corsets at the Big Bankrupt
Store ; every pair guaranteed.
Special valve in new black dress goods
at the Big Bankrupt Store.
Ladies, don't forget to see the new
Dress Goods in the latest shades at Spack-
man & Co's new store
Ladies, good value in our new black and
colored Dress Goods at Spackman Co's
new store, one door north of Farmers'
The concluding chapter of the story :
'Hester Benfield,' appears in this issue
This serial has been highly interesting,
and comes in for considerable comment by
many TIMES readers.
The census takingwill commence through
out the Dominion on Monday morning
April 6th. It is the day fixed for that
work throughout the British Empire
Gents, if you want a nobby outfit forthe
spring call on Richard Pickard & Son,they
have just opened up large consignments of
worsteds, tweeds, spring overcoatmgs, felt
hats, ties, cottons, cuffs, etc; call and see
Mr James Willis, late of Chicago, but
now of Exeter, was given an agreeable
surprise on Friday evening last by a bell
ringing troupe giving him a parlor enter-
tainment, Mr Willis is fond of music and
enjoyed the sel-otions very much. The
general manager and advance agent de-
serve credit for the manner in which they
have brought this troupe to the front.
They surpass anything on record.—COM.
On Tuesday morning, between 8 and 9
o'clock,just after the southern bound train
had steamed out of the yard, Thos Rose,
station agent at Brucefield. returning to
his office and seating himselt in his chair,
exclaimed: "I'm dying," and immediately
expii ed. Mr Rose had been suffering from.
heart disease for some time, but lately his
condition grew worse, he having been very
ill during the past few days He was 70
years of age, has been agent at Bruce:
field for some time, and was much esteem:
ed His son was in the office at the time,
Ladies; Spackman & Co.. have special
values in blank and broche Silks at our
new store in Samwell's block, . one door
north of Fanners' grocery.
On Wednesday of last week at the resi-
dence of Mr Robert Frayne, Exeter, the
marriage of Mr Frayne's second daughter,
Sarah, to Mr Thos 'Nark, of Strathroy,
was solemnized by Rev. A. L. Russell, in
the presence of several relatives and
friends. 1 he bride was supported by Miss
Lizzie Frayne, while Mr Duncan McLean,
of Strathroy trathro attended the groom. After
the ceremony
" the usual:festivities were'
indulged in y the happy gathering. The
bride was the recipient of many beautiful
presents, which testified the esteem in
which she is held in Exeter. The young
couple next day took the train for their
future home, amid the congratulations
and: good wishes, of a host of friends.
We are showing a beautiful and complete range of black and colored dress fabrics
of our own importing. The goods are, without doubt, the finest lot ever
shown in this town, and by importing them direct we control the
styles, which are the latest, and are enabled to sell the goods at prices very
much below regular figures. We extend a cordial invitation to every lady in the
town and vicinity to come and inspect our stook.
•T1 o undersigned has opt
ell a stock of Fresh Grocer
and Liquors, in the store re-
eently occupiedr by S. C.
Mersey, opposite Town Hall.
Stecl, i cttualplt'to and Gids gall
to sod at -n..rall margin
()Vol. cost. -
O 4i� t P I+. ' ..
A Call Solicited...
Polack stud cold dress goods Richer
Pickard tG Son lead the tratte They im
port their Min goods direet from the
menufacturers in the Oil Country end
save their customers the wholesale a profit
The English sparrows are outlaws es
they tlesteov other birds and drive them
away. They area nuisance in tlzc summer
season,but they cannot easily be destroyed
as they breed ao rapidly. They may now
be found sheltered under straw stacks,and
either caught and killed, or poisoned with
a little poisoned grain, at this time when
they can get no other food. It would be
well for farmers and frnitg+owers if the
country were rid of them.
Ou Friday evg. next, March 20Lh, the
Fire Companies wilt give a emwcrt in
Drew's Opera douse. A splendid program
has been prepared as will be seen by the
slips in circulation, end an evening's en
joyment is promised all who attend.
Besides receiving full value for . the snurht
sum expended, by your presence you aieo
encourage the Firemen, and actuate then
to a keener vigilance hi cases of fire. They
are an efficient organization and deserve
mote oncouragemert than they receive.
It was mentioned in these columns last
year that alr. D. Johns. of Exeter, had
purchased of the Canada Company a par-
cel of land at Grand Bend, which he in-
n-tended having converted into picnic.
grounds, and to have summer cottages
erected thereon. After having fenced and
otherwise improved the property, we are
informed that Mr. Johns has dropped the
project, deeming the investment an un-
profitable one. The land has reverted to.
the Canada Co.
A meeting of the South Huron Ag'l
Society was held at Hensall on Monday,
when it was decided to hold the County
Fair iu Exeter this fall. The Stephen &
Ushorne Brunch has guar, nteed the sum
of $800 in lieu of the County Society giving
a prize list of $1,300. It is to be hoped
that the weather will be favorable, the
fah prove a success, and that the local
Society this year may come out of the
arrangements with a surplus. The county
spring fair will be held at Brucefield on
Tuesday, April 14th, and that of the
Stephen & Usborne Branch in Exeter on
the 16th.
Last (Wednesday) evg: the members of
the Main-st Methodist choir assembled at
the residence of Mr D. A. Ross, leader, for
the purpose of bidding farewell, to Mr and
Mrs H. Nelson, their esteemed associates.
who on friday take their departure for
Elmira, N. Y, to reside. After the viands
had been disposed of and the gathering
assembled in the drawing room, Mr,
Nelson was made the recipient of a beau-
tiful Bible, while Mrs Nelson waspre-
sented with a handsome gold ring, as
mementos of the pleasant associations with
the choir. Mr Nelson has been
engaged as harness maker with Mr John
'Treble for some years.
GREAT SPELLING MATCH—The greatest spell-
ing match on record is that offered by Ou r
Homes Publishing Oo., in which they will
award the following magnificent Casa Plazas:
One prize of 6300: one prize of 8200 ; two prizes
of 8100 ; four prizes of $50 ;eight prizes of $25;
twenty prizes of 510 :forty prizes of 65 ; one
hundred prizes of 52 Nand two hundred of 51.
These prizes will be awn, ded to the persons
sending in the largest number of correctly
spelled words found in the advertising pagesof
the February number of r nr Ilomes,in whioh
no letters occur but those foundin the sentence
"Our Domes is Unrivalled •4s a Home Maga
zine." Special cash prizes will be given away
eaoh day and each week during competition,
which closes April 25th, 1801. Send 10 cents in
stamps or silver, for a sample copy of the
Februarynumber.wiih rules and regulations
Hogoverning the competition, Address, OUR
miss Pun. Co., Brockville, Ont.
If you will send us your address. we will
mail you our illustrated pamphlet explaining
all about Dr Dye's Col' brated Eleotro-Vollaio
Belt and Appliarces.and theiroharming effects
upon the nervous debilitated system, and how
they will quickly restore you to viggor and man-
hood. Pamphlet free. If you are thus afflicted,
we will send you aBelt and Appliances on a
VOLTAIC BELT Co., Marshall, Mich.
11fi, f \ItE
But don't spring too far.
•e's no reason .air it (viten you have CARLING
BROS. right at Your door.
Boit 'We'll
gentle sono
we are
or the teude
we were going to say is that sprints,
will soon be kmocking at our door, and
Our store is filled with sea, enable goods at
o low they will surprise you,
�''BX1T axe d SATEEN'S, the prettiest we
lava ever : howu. CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES,
and CURTAIL' POLES, the newest, Al. value.
Wall paper, fine display.
Dress Goods of every description.
Staple department, full range.
Por a fancy Tie, we have them.
Try our 25c. Tea; it has no equal.'
Grand Opening of Sur NEW SPORE
E. 3' SPACKMAN & CO. wish to inform the people of Exeter and
surrounding country that they will open their new store,(one door north
of Farmers' Grocery), on
with an entire new stock consisting of DRY GOODS, MILLINERY,
Our Dry Goods stock has been bought within the. past two weeks
from the best houses in the Dominion, consisting of the newest and
latest novelties in the trade.
Having engaged Miss L. Smith (late of Alliston) to manage the
Millinery Department, will take this opportunity of informing the
Ladies that we have visited all the best millinery houses early, thus
enabling us to secure the choicest novelties.
BOOTS & SHOES—Remember this is the largest stock of Boots
and Shoes In the county.
CLOT In —We claim to carry the best lines of Ready-made
Clothing in Western Ontario.
GROCERIES—we have just received the best brands in Grocer'
A full and complete stock will always be found at our store.
OUR MOTTO : "Good Goods and excellent values in all department."
Samwell's Block, Exeter.
f -OTO.
Goldsmith 4. Hall!
lbarpergonahatentiangivon to repairing of
Opposite Post Oflio: PARKHILL
barber Shop,
Hastings,, Prop
Shaving and Hair cutting in the latest
styleof the art..
Every attention paidto cutting
Laaies' anaOh/ldrenslair.