HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-3-19, Page 5ELEVEN ITALIANS MASSA
itlsv5NOR 14QR TRE Mumma; or Cttsoo rims-
11US 'ZP Ia$L' tt&T'3.
NEW 0RLEANs, La„ Itiarch 14 -New
Urlesiee +struck the ldefia a deathblow
to -day, It roe to ha might almost et
rind day and wreaked a terrible ven-
geance upon the Sicilian aesesains who
killed Dee i • C Hennessey, chief of
police, and though there are eleven.
Men dead to -night who were happy
yesterday aver their victory to tate
greatest criminal trial the city has
eve witnessed, the work of blot dshed
was accomplirbed without unueceasary
disorder, rioting, pillaging or the in-
diction of eothoring upon any inuocen
than, save one,and he was only slightly
hurt. It liras not an unruly midnight
mob. it was amply a sullen, de ter -
spieled body ot sitizene, who t•"ok into
their own hands what justice bed igno-
miniously failed to do. The chief of
ponce was slain on Oct. 15, an,l et ones
the evidence began to accumulate.
Meowing that his death had been de-
liberately Wannest by a secret tribunal
and errried out bottler and successfully
by the tools of the enr'apirators. Ma
trial tasted 25 daya, and though the
evidence seemed conducive,. the jury
tailed to convict. Leat night a be to
of coat.headed men, lawyers, doctors
stler<rhants and potttloat loaders, all
persona of inffueeceand eoctal standing
quietly met and decided that same
action must be taken and the peuple'a
justice, evr.it and sure, viaited upon
those whom the jury. had neglected to
punish, '#'Ilia ruoriiing a Call for a
rams meeting at Clay Square, on t{anai
street. appeared in the papers. The
eigniflcent closing sentence of the call
was, •'Corns prepared for action,'*
At ID o'clock there was a crowd of
revered thousand anxious people con-
gregated around the statue. Titers
were three arldreaaes, short and pithy
And business lure, and the aaaerablage
Was anon keyed up to a high piton.
Tisa time to sot heti come. W S Fett-
erman, the leader, a prominent lawyer
liwre, the preaident et the Southern
.itthultio Clubs Walter D. Dene; er,
notber of the apeakera, announced
that they would lead the way to the
parish prison.
By this time the crowd had swelled
to 3,O1J0or inose, end before anyone
oouid regime what had happened, the
great throng gaining recruits at every
atop, waa tramping down tate streets
to the neighborhood of the prison,
stopping only once, end that was at
the arsenal, where double•barreied
shotguns, Winchester rifles an pistols
Were banded out. Capt. Lem Davis
was on guard at the main entrance
with et scent force of deputies. They
were swept away like obeli' before the
grind. Meanwhile the priaoaers were
stricken with terror, for they could
hear distinctly the Omuta of peorle
vritttt madly demanding their blood,
So a of the bravest among the repro•
r;sntattvea of the Hada wanted to die
fighting for their lives, and they plead-
ed for weapons with which to defend
themselves, and when they could not
find these they sought hiding places.
Capt. Davie refused the request to
open the prison, and aha crowd began
the+work of battering the door. Neigh-
boring houses readily supplied axes
and battering rams, and willing hands
went to work to force en opening.
Soon there was a crash, the door
gave way, and in an instant armed
citizens were pouring through the
small opening, while a mighty shout
wont up from 10,000 throats, Then
the turnkey was overpowered and the
keys taken from him. At this mom
ent a patrol waggon drove up with
a detachment of policemen, who wore
driven away under a fire ot mud and
Mote s. The inmates ot the jail were
ready to direct the way to where the
Italians were.
"Go to the female department,"
someone yelled, and thither the men
with their Winchesters ran, The key
was produced. Thr leader called for
someone who knew ' the right men,
when a volunteer responded and the
door was thrown open. A party of
seven or eight quickly ascended the
staircase, and aa they reached the
landing the assassins fled down at the
other end. Hatt a dozen followed
them hardly a word was spoken.
When the pursued and their pursuers
reached the stone courtyard the for-
mer darted towards the Orleans side
of the gallery and crouched down
be+ide the cells Their faces blanched,
and being disarmed they were abso•
lutely defentieless. In fear and tremb-
ling they screamed for mercy. But
the avengers were merciless. Bang 1
bang! rang out the reports of the
murderous weapons, and a deadly rain
of bullets poured into the crouching
figurea. Gerachi the closest man, was
struck in the back of the head and
his body pitched foreward and lay
Immovable on the stone pavement.
Romero fell to his knees, with his face
in his hands, and in that position he
15 was shot to deatb. Monasterio and
James Caruso fell together, under the
• hie ot half a dozen guns, the leaden
pellets entering their bodies and heads
and the blood gushing from the
the body wee, found the ear wee swollen
so as to hide the wound, which the
coroner bad great difficulty inloeating,
Scoffedi dro, ped like a leg when a
bullet bit him in the eye,
Gel man hlaroheei was the only else.
who waa not killed outright.. He was
ett•uck en the top of the head while he
stood beside hlacheaa, and though he
was mortally wounded he lingered all
the evening.
L o'lize, the crazy man, was looked
in a cell upstairs. The doors were
flung epee, undone of the avengers,
taking aim. shot ium through the body
He was not killed ou•right, and in
order to satisfy the People ou the
outside he was dragged down the
atairs and through the doorway by
which the craved bad entered, A. rope
was provided and tied around hie
neck, and the people pulled rum up
to the crossbar. Not satisfied that be
wee dead, a score of men took aim and
poured a volley of shot into his body,
and for several hours the body was left
dangling in the air,
:3a soon as the bloody work wait done
Mr t'arkerson addressed the crowd aud
asked them to disperse,
Et�P[ ii'ir•
The council met purensnt toadjcurnmeub
in 1' rte'a hotel, Clandeboye, Alarch 2•n4
1991. reeve aid all tiro mewbere present•
The following ; rconnts were ordered to bN
paid JohnTonipson, error in dog las,
51 ; Ed Meayher, ditching div 4 and 5r
$1 ,0 ; 0 0 H(dgins, one day measuring
hrilge. SI r0 ; P Breen, salary as agditor,
ata ; W J Sulythe, salary as auditor. 3t2 ;
W Cenrdnghare, ditr;h'g eon 1, 35; Antony
Conwnv, ohorite. 95 ; A Williams, error in.
as tirseam t. 31; Mee R A Atkinson, station•
ere ter a'idi•ora, 50 elate ; Three tenders
Nr the erection of Armitage'a bridge. wire
received namely n -John Bryan, $370 ;
George Lewitt, 3295 , 1'+ Hardy, 3231. The
tender of George Lewis was ace ^pted, The
reedited! presented their report to the came
alt eoreplitueeting the clerk and treasurer
in trig aceuraev of their work in preparing
tie soda ata•, and in keepingof the Mime
seep eeeauute respectively, Anal further
drew the attentisu of the oauuctl to the
uueetiefaetory state of the licence money
nestle taken annually to carry out the
licence ant, but were unable ander the pre -
wed law to suggest a retneJy, The clerk
area netructee to hsea 2GQ copies of the
report printed in uamphlet forte, The
eounctl adjourned to meet again in the
Temperance hall Guinean, on Monday
April Gth et 10 a.m.
W D STASILaar, Clerk.
Albrieht, Con 16 and 17 -Div 53, 3 to 5
&By7rrling ; div $4, 6 to 10, $ Ralbfleieon,
CREandLRW Div5.5,1to 5,P
Confine ; div 56.6 to 10, a Jacobi ; div
57, 11 tc 15, D Speneer ; div 58, 1s to 2Q,
W Jemnieson ; div 59, 21 to 25. R Taylor ;
div 60, 26 to 29, G Turabull ; div 61, 3Q to
32, T k roott. N B Coe -Div 62, 3Q id 1
anti 2 and 3, N I3, A Modfertrne ; div 63,
4 to 7, Walter Stater ; div 64. to 11, Ohas
Troyer; die 65.12 to 15, of Mendes ; div
06. 16 to 19, J Dinsmore ; div 67, 20 to 23,
J Meyer ; div 68, 24, Wim Niebolson ; div
6 5 3 'Tom
9 tc 0.A h peon. iSoitth bounder
eon -Dir 70, 2 to 7, Wm thing ; div 71,
811,R Isaae ; div 72,12 to 15, J Eeetle ;
div 73,16 to 19, D Wilfong ; div 74, 20 to
22,W Snider ; div 75, 23, E Rothereeilt ;
div 76.24, 0 H.artlelb,sr•,; div 77, 20 to
27, G Willett; der 7s, 28 toS4, J Schroeder;
des 70, 32 to. 37, 1I Tager, Iiensalt village
-Div 80. J Beverley ; div 81, Wtul Eider •,
div 82, J Mitchell ; div 83, Geo Petty ; div
84 Wm 13t•il ; div 8e, Was Tommie ; div
86.D Omelet, t, Ziririek Tillage -Div 87,
south of Zerioh read, Alb 1"Iideni,an ; div'
88. east of town hall, N. Deienert ; ditr 83.
west of town bail, J. 1Yil:iauas, Carried,
Moir. -;Schnell- that the tollewing. obeli be
poend•keepera for 1891, vi 3 Pe:demote.
J Cosevorth, J Nordic -aid It AfeAllister, J
Decker, C Oreb. WniNiebelsou.1) Spencer.
Bobt Turnbull, R Cook. 31 Rearrher. Car:
rie:l. Voelker-Sehnell-that the folk-w-
olk -w-ing actuante be paid, viA ; J A Williams
Co., Roar for indigent, 510;1? Fe noel,
engineer, t10 ; (Jarrow and I'rendkot, ti4 ;
1I Randall, one tnoutlt'a cern of Curran,
815; 4 Lehman. work en road, Sl ; 13 L
Peine, harboring indhient, 50 eta ; P El
Feast, auditor, s6 ; It it Johnston, auditor.
66. Ralbfleisch-..Voelker-that this eoun-
ell adjonrn to meet again on the 11111 of
April at 10 o'aloek a, m.
Saw J Irtrr.t, Clerk,
The council met paranoia to adjournment
on Saturday, the 711i of March ; all the
members present. Kelbfleieole-Voelker•-
Chet the arm of 58 be refunded to MrDuna.
Lord, being the amount of error in school
tax ; sell amount to lie ohergsd t0 No 13.
Carried. Moir-Nelbtleiseb--that all iota
bordering on the town lines be placed on.
the town !lues for statute labor. Carried.
Kalbtleiseb-Snell-that in reference to a
petition from a number of ratepayers Irons
l3 S No. 10, tate clerk notify parties concern-
ed that the nutter will be brougut up at
next meetturr. Carried. This petition
wenn in reference to the forming of a Lew
edition of the northern pad of No. 10.
Kalb4eieoh--Voelker-that in referenda to
a petition from TJ. S. B., No. 9, Hay and
Stanley, to bate certain lots taken from
*laid ecotion, that this council appoint It 11
Johnston arbitrator to set in ooujunotlon
with an arbitrator from Stanley in accord-
ance with the P 9 Aon. Carried. Moir -
Snell -that the auditors' report bo accepted
and that the clerk order 200 oopics printed
for distribution. Carried. R'albfloisoh-
Voelker-that 31 80 bo refunded to L.
Weigand on account of over charge in taxes.
Carried. Voelker-Sohnell-tbst the road
allowance between lots 10 and 11, con. 16,
be exehaneed for a new road allowance from
na,t lot 11, of con 16, belonging to tho
Causda Company and also that the rc..d.
allowance between lots 5 and 6, concession
17, be exchanged for a new road allowance
from lot 5, in the 17th concession, belong-
ing to the Canada Company, and that the
neoeesary by-law be passed. Carried.
Sohnell-Moir-that tenders be received
fur gravel for the center road in the follow.
ing divisions, viz :-Dir 1, from London
Road to road between concessions 4 and 5 ;
div 2, from said road to road between con-.
cessions 8 and 9 ; div 3, from said road to
road between oonoeesions 12 and 13, and
that the reeve and clerk prepare the nec-
essary speoificatione. Carried. Welker -
Kalbfleiech-that the following be fence
vi'wers for 1891, viz :-Wm Russell, Geo
Gram, C Eaorett, Alex, McLaren, Sam
Thompson, H Bower, J Dotter, sr., Sam
Treffrey, M Kearober, J Melliok, W Snider,
C Miller. Carried. Kalbfleisoh -Moir--
that the following persons be and are ap-
pointed pathmasters for the divisions as
herein stated, viz : Con 1 -Div 1, from lot
1 to 5, inclusive, Adam ease div 2, from
lot 6 to 10, inclusive J Hawkins ; div 3.
11 to 15, J Patterson ; div 4, 16 to 20, Wm
Dougall t div 5, 21 to 25, J Gilchrist ; div
6, 26 to 29, Win Thompson: Coe 2 and 3
-Diy 7, 3 to 5, Wm Russell ; div 8, 6 to
10, R Northoott ; div 9, 11 to 15, A. Ingram;
div 10, 16 to 20, J Bonthron ; div 11, 21
to 25, R McArthur ; div 12, 26 to 28, S
Thompson. Con 4 -Div 13, 3 to 5, J Ca-.•
rick ; div 14, 6 to 10, 0 Aldsworth ; div 15,
1L to 15 (4 and 5), G O'Brien ; div 16, 16
to 20, D Bell ; div 17, 21 to 25, Wtn Siull-
holland ; div 18, 26 to 28, J Berry. Cou
5 -Div 19, 3 to 10, J 13oward ; div 20, 16
to 20, Wm Caldwell ; div 21, 21 to 25, C
Redmond ; div 22, 26 to 28, G Reichert.
Con 6 and 7- Div 23, 3 to 5, J Penhale ;
div 24, 6 to 10, J Foster ; div 25, 11 to 15,
G Whiteman'; ttiv 26, 16 to 20, J Gorby ;
wounds. 'Ile bloody executioners did div 27. 21 to 25, H Reichert, jr., ; div 28,
All Men
young, old. or wldtile•eged, who and them
selene nerrone, weak gait eehaaeted, who
ore broken down from exeese or overwork,
resultiug in many of die followingsyrnftoree
Adental depression. premature old age, loan
of vitality, logia of memory, bad dreams,
diwueae of aigltt,;palpitetion of the heart,
emisafoea leek of energy, pain in the kid -
tiers, la;e3e.Ghe, pimples en the face or
holy, ilcbiog er rrcculer eet:eallee about the
scrotum, wasting of the omelet,. dizsiues•e,
spick., before the eyes, twitching of the
museles, see Ii1.s and el ewhere, L.ashful•
meas. &,Tents in tie statuettes of wilt passer
tenderuese of the scalp a,ud spine, week and
liebbr' u t:le.e, dewire to eleep, failure to be
reatedi by shop, constipation, dullness et
hearing, loss of voice, deairo for solitude.
excitability of tewper,eanken ayes aurround•
eel with leaden .circle, oily looking akin, eto.,
are alt syrnetouna of nervous debility that
teal to insanity aid death unless cured.
The spring or vital force baving lost its
tension every function waxes du consequence
Those who through abuse committed In
ignorance may be permaaently cured,
Send your address for beak on all diseases
peculiar to man. address M. V. Lubou, 50
Front St. la., Toronto, Ont. Hooke seat
tree sealed. Heart disease, the symptom
of which are faiut spells, purple lips, numb
neva. palpitation, akin beats, hot flashes,
motto! bloat to the head, dull pain in the
heart with beats stroog, rapid and irregular,
the second heart beat quicker than On first,
pain about the ;meet bone, etc., win poel-
tivelr b0 cured, No cure, no pay. Send
for book. .Address hi. V. LIMN, 50 Front
Street East, Toronto, Ont.
THE Bt 8T ra0TECTIoN.--Aa a proteotloe
from the results et colds, speatne, braises,
barns, scalde, sore throat, and all painful
diseases, Hagyard'a Fellow Oil holds Ars'
Piece. Its efficaey haw been proved. Peones
midst of timed, It should be found in evero
No douche or instrument is required t'
apply Nasal Balm It is eBay to nae, Mete -
ant and agreeable in its efi.ects, Hca uoth-
ing else for catarrh and cold in head.
- their work well, and beneath the con-
tinning fire Cametex and'l'rabinia, two
of the men who had not been tried
but who were charged jointly with the
other accused... fell together. .'Their
bodies were literally riddled ' with
bullets .and they were stone dead al-
most before •the fusillade was 'over,
When the group of assassins was des -
covered ou the gallery, Maoheca,
Scoffedi and old min' Marchesi separ-
atedtrona the other six and ran
upstairs. Thither half a dozen men
followed them, and as the terror-
stricken assassins ran into cells they
were slain. Joe Machesa, who was
charged with being the aroh-oonspir-
ator; was a short fat men and
summarily dealt with. He had his
back: turned when a shat eta uck' him
immediately behind the ear ' and his•
death was instantaneous. There was
no blood from the wound, and when
26 28,E Troyer. Con 8 anti 9-D:v 29,
3 to 5 in 8. 3 to El 5 in 9, Monza Foster ;
div 29 A,' Wi• 5 and 6 in 9, L Hahn ; d v
30, El 6; 7 to; 10 in 9 and G to 10 in 10, J
Decker, jr., ; div 31, 11 to 15, J Decker ;
div 32, 16 to 20. J Koch ; div 33, 21 to 25
in 9, 22 23, E } 24 and 5 in 10, 9 Haberor;
div 34, 26 to 28 in 0, E ; 26, 7 and 8 in 10,
H Willer#. Con 10 and 11 -Div 35, 3 to 5,
J England div 36, 6 to 10, J Ragier,'jjr., ;
dir,37, 11 to 15, A Geiger ; div 38, 16 to°
19, H Wutm ; div 39, 22 to 25 in 11, W} 24
and 25 in' 10, J 3•illmau; div 40 26 to 28 in
11, W ,} 26, 7 and 8 in 10, H Gies. - Coo
12 and 13 -Div 41, 3 to 5, J Grabiel ; div
42, 6 to 10, 0 Elolbein ; div 43. 11 to 15, P
Liender div 44,16 to 20, 0 Oswald ; div
45.21 to 25, 11 Geiger ; div 46, 26 to 28, J
Erb, Con 14 and 15 -Div 47, 3 to 5, 3,
v 49,
'•0 Miller di.
, ; d.i to 10,114 1
Ct untz 48, 6,
II to 15 in 14 and 11 to 14 in 15, G Eisen-
;bach ; div 49 A 15, W pt. 16 and 17 in 15,
E pt. 15 and 16, I;11 E. , 11 Rearoher div
50, 16 to 20, C Treumuer div 51, 21 to
'25, $ Steinbach ; div 52, 26 to 28, A,
Wben Baby was sick, we gave her Criteria.
When shelves a Child, Aho cried. for Castoria.
When sho became Miss, alio clung to Castoria.
When alio had Children, she gave them Castoria.
For Days
Come See Prices
We now offer Stook, Tanware
laxtd t3tsavee Away Down..
No 9 Tin 13oile■s (made from best
Bradley tin) each, 1 75
10 qt Tin Pails, (do), each
10 qt Tits Pads, (dol, each, tint
13 qt Tin Pails Ole), 4 for 1 00
qt Tia Pails (do), rine, 4 for1 5t)
Stove Boards all sizes 1 00
No, 9 Briltiapt Peuenauler Cook
Stove.. ., 14 00
No9ll'eed,Cook. ...,.., 17 00
Floe Art Royal Coal Stove.... • . 20 00
Brilliant Novelty " . 14 00
Second hand Radiant Home Coal.. 8 tit)
One 5 hole Northwest Standard.. 20 60
2 Extended Reserviors, , 20 60
4 Gellone Coal Oil 7i1
65 46 Water White1 00
Uliestrtut Itlaclgsniitlt Cott1
Ilorso'NalIa,..,, ...2 60
Steel nide, ....... 2 90
Cam Iron- 2 60
No 3 Delay Churn... ..... 5 00
An unsuccessful attempt Was made to
burglarize the poet offieo at Parkhill last
Monday night.
English Spavin Liniment removes al
hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes
from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints,
Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore.
and Swollen Throat, Couggs, etc. Save
350 by use of ono bottle. Warranted the
most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known.
Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist,
Established In 1863.
This comj ant has been over-;ighteen
years in iuccessful operation in Western
Onario, and soatinnes to insure against
loss or flamagebv O'ire Buildings Merchan-
dise, Manufactories, and all other descrip-
tions of insurable property. Intending
insurers have the option of insuring on
the Premium Note otOash System .
During Cie oast ten years this Com-
panyoas issued 57,090 Policies. covering
property to the amount of 340.872,039; and
Haid n losses alone 5709,752,00.
,insets, *176,100.00, consisting of Saab
iBank Government Dereaitand the un-
,aseestd Premium Notes ca Lan: and in
orce. W WAnDaw'td. D .Proatdet t 0 .
+1. £4 znen Secretary. J. il.HIIewxa, In-
spector. CHAS: SN ALL. Anent for Master
tinct •.icin;ty.
The direct route between the West and all
paints on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale
des Chalenr,Province of Quebec; also for
New BruIIewick,Nova Sootia,Prince Edward
Capel3retonIslands„andhelvtoundlan dead
St. Pierre,
Express trains leave Mont realan d Halifax
daily (Sundays excepted) and run through
withoutohange between these pointt+in 28
hours and 55 minutes.
The through express train cars of thein-
tercolonial Railway are brilliantlyl=ghted
by electricity andheated by steam from the
locomotive, thins greatly increasing the com-
fort and safety 01 travellers.
New and elegant b.ufetsleeping and day
oars are run onthrough express trains.
TOILET SCI,A.PS-f4l1 litre �l leetaie,
Bueeian, London, Diguan,
Sgie . limes, WOOL 1'u ii*Nt:, tzr,
WOWS, FOt1Lt:RY, 3N snti.tes.
Exeter Roller Flour on hand at
$2.35 per cwt.
Proprietor, Manager.
Canadian -European Mail and
Passenger Route.
P.tesengerafor Great Britain r1r the conti-
nent by leaving Monti cal on t'ridaymorning
win join outward mailsteamer at lalifaa
on Saturday.
The attention of shippers is directed tothe
superior facilities offered by this route for
the transport of flour and gonerol merchan-
dise intended for the Eastern Provincedand
Newfoundland also for shipments of grain
and produce intended for toe Enropeannear.
Tickets may be obtained andinform a tion
about the route ; also freight and passenger
rates on application to
Western Freight ezPaseengerAlien t
93.RossirRouseBlock ,York St .Toronto
Chief luperintendent. •
Railway Office, Nicnoton, N.B,
Jan 1st 91
it ller Mills,
Wheat . , 118e. to $1.01 per bush
Flour, Strong Bakers', $2 75 per 100
do Beat Family .2 30 "
do .Low cir*ule .. 1 75
Blau , . .,.Aria 80e. t6
Middlings .. .. .. 90e. a6
Screening ..100c. "
Chop .. ,.. $1 X15 to 1 25 "
Chop stone running every day.
RedWhast ••
Spring Wosat..,
Barley ...
Clover Saes'
Flonrperbbl ..
Potatoes,per bushel
DniedAppleapr b
Goose perlb.
Turkey per lb
Ducks par lb
Flidesrough, ...
dressed .
Sheepskins eaeb
Wool perlb
Ray porton
Onion snerbnh
We will offer for THIRTY DAYS the following' goods
at Great Reduction in price for CASH ONLY --
«. 1 00 to 1 02
•» 100 to 142
.» 45 to 0048
4710 49
»• 425to46,
1 25 to 1 30
63 to 70
-•• 0 40 to ;,I
- 14 to 14
«. 14 to 0 14
Oct to5.0
-• 40 to 0 40
«. 0 410050
-. 005to006
-. 07 to 08
0 00 to 0 07
,.. 025to030
r. 600 to 625
... 40010525
▪ 200to250
- 350to990
.- 060 to 20
... 050to05G
-, 018to020
... 6 GOto600
,., 0 50 to 0 OS
Sall Wheat 006 1 CO
Spring Wheat... ...... 0 93 0 96
Barmy.-- ...... ......... ............. 0 45 0 e8
0 42
Clover Seed ..................... 3 75 425
Timothy ,.. 1 25 1 80
Peas 065058
Eggs 18 0 18
Butter 12 0 19
Potatoes per bag
Apples per bush 050
Wool per lb 20 0 20
Hay porton 5 50 6 00
Bran per ton ..14 00 14 00
Shorts" " .20 00 2000
Catmoelperbbl _ 6 GO 7 00
Hogs, dressed per 100. ...,.. 5 00 10 5 25
le 13 -We most ask tineas having accounts to settle to do so at otzca -33
75 95
Tine Most Economical Stove.
A Perfect Baker for Pastry of
Wheat, 1.00 to 1.02 per bus. Oats, 46o to
47cor bus. Peas ,63oto 66o per bus. Bar-
Iey,5Initing.551 to 571 per bus. Barley Feed,
45c to 48e par bus Oorn, 641e to 67e per.
Toronto Mar 17 -Wheat Spring -No. 2, 95c
to 95c per bus; red winter.No ,2.1 04 to 1 06 per
bus Manitoba No 2 hard,1 06 to 1 10, No. 3, Ole
to 96c ; PEAS 730 to 74o per bus. OATS 52c
to 53e per bus. FLOUR, extra. $3 90 to '.3.90
per bbl; straight roller. 54:40 to 44.50
a'•rongbakers,444,00to $4.10. BARLEY, No 1:
61dt0 61e ; No 3 extra 5le to 53o; No 2, 58c
to 58e.
For Over Fifty Years.
used by millions of mothers for their children
while teething. If disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child suffering
and crying with pain of outting teeth send at
once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething. It
will relieve,thepoorltlle sufferer immediately,
Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake
about it. It cures Diarboen, regulates tho
Stomaob and Bowelr, cures WindColio. softens
the gums, reduces Infi' nmation, and gives
tone and energy to the whole system.'NI rs
Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teeth-
ing is pleasant to the taste and is the prescrip-
tion of
one of the oldest and best female
pphysioiane andnurses in the United States
Prioe.95:cents a bottle, Sold by al, 'druggists
througboutthe world. Be sure and ask for
Children Cry
for Pitcher's Castor's
The Best Beater, x.
The Best is arnrots' Stps'e and
Oood fur a Person in Town.
Call and see this and other first-class stoves from E.
- C. Gurney Company for sale only by
rug Starer
A full stook of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Win an's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exeter.
One Door South
of Post Office
--RE HAS -
=--STQCR OF --
Boos &
Sewed work a speciality.
Repairing promptlyattended to.
.Fresh an,d New
Just arrived at the family Grooery. Also
1 1 Pure Extracts and Spioea. A beautiful piece of glass
1 ware given away with one lb.
Mayell's Baking Powder.
Daebwood Boller Flour for sale.
Call and examine our goods before pur;
chasing elsewhere.
Overcoatings at any price ; Suit-
ings at any price ; Pantings
at any price
Relable Good
At Prices Lower that so -care. .,
led` Cheap Houses can give:
Rest Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter
Gentlemen 1 leave e our orders early for Undertakino in
with the best staff of Tailors ; the best
stock of Fine Trimmings, and the best
(letting in Tow), yon are sure of satisfao
A.. J. ,4i:V . i LI.or
all if
Snoogsaor to C, & S. Gilley)