HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-3-19, Page 4Established 1877.. E. , O'rEIL, :BANKER, EXETER, - ONT. 'i:ransaota :MOD eralbankiug buainess, Receives the accounts of merchants and /hers on favorabl a temps. Offers every accommodation eonsisten twith afeandeonservathvebankingprhnchptes. dunces cent 1ntercetallowed on depoeite Or aftsissuelnayableet eny *face of the Merchants Rank. NOTES DISCO C'NTED, d« MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES: ttft '1321'0. THCRSDAI , MARCH 19th, 1891, NOTES AND COMMENTS,. No fewer than 70 of the members of the new House of Ce inmons never sat in the Chamber before. An Ottawa despatch says :---k°Sir Charles Tupper and Sir Jolin Thompson will shortly proceed to \Vashingtoa, with the object of endeavoring toneati- ate a reciprocity treaty, ttfi Two hundred families in North Dako- ta have decided to emigrate to Manitoba and the Northwest on terms proposed by the C P R and the Dominion Gpv- ernment. Agents are now, canvassing in South. Dakota. They are surely do- ing an unwise thing to leave the market of 60,000,000,. There is a movement afoot in England. to secure favored treatment for the pro - dude of the colonies in the British uhar- kete, an arrangement Odell wouldrnake Caentla one of the greatest countries on earth. Wait until the scheme takes abape, and see how the Liberal queer -workers who profess unbounded love for Canada will jump upon it, They regard Canada only from a L nited States standpoint. Tho result of the recount in the North Middlesex election will not be pleasing to our Reform friends, since is has increased the majority for the Con— alwaya been -,Vended on the ground that stattitoaw is so badly adminis- tered that often it altogether fails in reaching offenders, and that citizens are compelled in self defence to take mat- ters into their own hands. Hitherto this action has been confined to out of the way districts, but that a lynching party should form in a large city like .New Orleans and carry out its work without opposition is as astonishing as it is alarming. The plea for the slay- ing of the Italiana is that the jury which tried and acquitted theca was corrupt, That being the case, and proof of it existing, one would think that another jury which could not be corrupted would be secured and the accused again put to trial, but the law- less spirit is rife in New Orleans as it is in many American cities, and no other way suggested itself but niub rnurder of the accused. Where such a horrible thin could happen is not a good coun- try, and sooner or later it will be des- troyed by the lawless element that it now conduces aid, in a measure syn' pathizes with, *at* Mr Blake gives as a reason for not pulalishing his letter to the Rest DM.' ham Reformers before instead of after the election that he did not wish to in- jure his party. The reason appears to bejinsuflicient to justify hint, He de- clined to be the party candidate because his conscience would not allow him to support a policy from which, be not only dissented, but which he clearly shows to have been one of false pretence, that while it could only lead to annexation or rather political absorption his party pretended they were opposed to annex- ation. In short he appears to have thought with Mr Ferrer that "those who ",advocated commercial union preferred "annexation," and that therefore the "party leaders were virtually wearing a "mask," which was a dishonest thing to do. AIr Blake appears to have been villin; to see the party, because be was once its leader, secure a victory by what he shows to be dishonest methods, That is not the very highest political morality. When he dissented from bis party we think he should either have said nothing or should have given his views to the public at a time when they might have assisted in shedding light on an important question upon which the eervativo candidate, As to causing public were about to express an opinion trouble and expense, the move in the at the polls, first place was an unwise one ; and again t f t considering that the riding has for years gone Conservative by large majorities, it would not be otherwise suspected than the deputies would give all doubts io the opposition candidate, as the re- count has proved. Tender these condit— ions, it is difficult to discern in what manner it was thought the majority could be traversed. Had the result of the election proved in favor of the can didate previously in the minority, by a narrow majority, in vtbose favor the deputies were supposed to be, then there would have been grounds for a recount. It has, however, distributed a little surplus eash amoung the lawyers. **aa Typhoid, diphtheria and scarlet fever, the three diseases that have prevailed so widely in Toronto during the past year show no signs of abatement. In- deed, if the present pace is kept up throughout the year, 1891 will have a darker and sadder story to tell than even its predecessor. Compared with the month of January, 1890, the first month of the current year shows an in- crease of these diseases of.over 100 per cent. The figures are : Typhoid fever Diphtheria Scarlet fever 1890 1891 27 64 23 54 23 31 On tho 2nd of March, 1791, John Wesley died, Born in 1703 his unusu' ally protraeted life almost spanned the century, a century characterized by great events and boasting of many dis- tinguished mon whose: name and fame mankind will never suffer to die. But of all the important movements that originated during the century none was destined to be more vide spread in its influence or beneficent in its character than the religious revival originated and. promoted by the founder of Methodism. The moving spirit of the "Roly Club" at Oxford lived to see 120,000 members enrolled in his societies ; a number that has steadily increased until now at the end of the century that has elapsed since his death the actual membership is 5,578,512 while members and adher- ents are estimated at 28,061,190. But astonishing as these figures certainly are, they do not express all the results due to the Methodist revival. Other churches have felt its influence and, have been quickened into a new and better life. On this point Prof. Green in his Re-count in North Middlesex.. BORN. Our Reform friends of North Middle: W sex, doubting.the genuineness of Mr N IT sum 'a majority two,raised the h Hutchins m loray of of $200 and instituted a recount, which took place et London, commencing Satur: day het, before Elia Honor Judge Davis. Mr Terlor, the defeated candidate, was attended by two lawyers, as also was Mr Hutehius. Every ballot was carefully scrutinized and there being about 4,000. the work occupied the better part of three clays. During the count the results of the different divisions varied, at times Air Taylor being twelve and thirteen ahead, again Mr Hutchins leading by similar numbers; but at the final summing up on Tuesiay afternoon, 4r Hutching Wyss de: Glared elected by a majority of six instead of two as declared by the Returning Of: ii er, In Exeter them were three ballots marked for both candidates and counted with. Mr Taylor's, but whieh were thrown out by the judge. Alec in Exeter (Market house poll) there were some twenty five ballots with the number ou the ballot in: stead of on the counterfoil, which were re: lected by His Honor, Luckily, twelve were for Taylor, thireen for Hutchins ; but had not the deputy been checked in time the recount would have resulted in 'Taylor's favor, Hutchins' majority in this division having been 49 Had the work in Exeter been ecrreetly done, Mr Hutch- ins' majority here would have been 150. The first two roses of figures represent the ravens as given by the judge, the latter are those declared by the Returning Officer A comparison will show where the recount has made changes in the number of votes polled The Ottawa correspondent of the Mon- treal Star, discloses, upon high author- ity amongst friends of the Government, some of the features of Sir John Mac- donald's policy in the new Parliament. It Iis stated that the Premier has been for months antecedent to the elections engaged in the consideration of elabor- ate plans looking to the improved con• dition of the farmers of Canada. Al- though Sir John maintains, with a good show of reason and demonstration by fact, that the farmers here have been all around as well off as the farmers of the United States, yet the Premier has, since the beginning, admitted that the hostile legislation of the American Gov- ernment, aimed at Canadian farmers and through them at the very life of the Dominion, has had in certain places a pinching effect upon our farmers, al- though it is felt that the blow directed at us has hit the American consumer equally hard and must eventually result in a relaxation. These efforts will look to the adoption of improved methods of work, improved classes of stock, the raising of specially promising kinds of produce and securing new markets. Now that he is safely installed in pow- er he is said to be resolute in his deter- mination to consider more and more the farming interests as he has the manufacturer au&,,the working man. .*. In what country in the world under Christian Government could a mobin broad daylight break into a jail and butcher eleven prisoners held on sus- picion of being implicated in crime ? Such a thing might happen in Mexico or in some of the South America coun- tries' where revolution is an annual occurrence, but that• it should take place in en' American city is indeed startling. Lynch law in the South has Children Cry for Pitcher', Castoria Div No, 1 I'atkhill 2 ,t 4 Ailsa Craig 5 West Williams 7 tt 8 East Williams 9 "" 10 "" it Exeter 12 " 13 " 14 Lueau t 15 " 16 Bidduiph 17 '" 18 " 19 " 20 " 21 Stephen 22 ", 28 r. 24 "' 23 " 26 " 27 McGillivray 28 "" 29 "` 30 " 31 32 33 fill 66 59 37 33 33 52 19 53 89 89 86 St 76 89 89 55 35 124 69 54 40 70 33 04 49 GO 29 61 " 45 "" 56 Totals 1955 1959 0 9 33 3G 89 8$ 772 112 86 106 24 46 33 11 9 20 16 66 37 50 89 92 1191, 61 47 60 47 77 65 75 68 1959 62 50 66 60 37 33 33 52 19 89 55 80 99 84 75 90 81 55 35 124 69 54 50 69 33 65 49 66 20 61 45 56 1981 1079 39 33 36 89 89 73 72 112 66 106 4$ 250 11 9 24 20 19 65 30 87 92 110 94 61 47 60 48 77 65 76 68 _ 1979 olo4—In 'Osborne, on the 9th inst., the i l' Otte, daughter, wife ofat'1tam0 ,oda g ter, AR 'Osborne,o the 9 h inat „ the Cnw R In n t „ wife of George Coward, a daughter. Qearts—In Dashwood, on the 14th inst,, the wire of Mr R, Callas, a daughter. Deviesott—In Exeter, on Thursday March 12th, 1$91, the wife of Mr Wm. Davidson, a son. Btss.' Y—At the Manse, Londeeboro, on the 30th fist., the wife of Rev D, 111. Rnmsay, a son, M4BIIIE 0. Mc0LAcerearr--BArnn--At Trinity church rectory, Mitebell, by Rev Mr Dawduey, on the 10th inst., Ur D. W Mc0laoherty to Mies Maggie Baird, both of Fullerton.. Otey ure — GILLRIE—On March 3rd, at the residence of the bride's Mather. Robert Gillrie. Peel, Wellington eouuty. by Rev D A 8fo r, Dr M. E Gillrie, of St Marys, to Minnie Gillrio, WARK—FRAY:rs--At the residence of the bride's father, Exeter, on the 11th inst„ by the lieu A L Russell, Mr Thomas. Walk, of Strathroy, to Miss Sarah, daughter of Mr Robert Frayne. McGevix---YI n —4t the residence of the brido'e father. MountPleasaut farm, Hullett, on Wednesday, March 4th, by the Rev Ur Musgrove, Sir Win 1tIeGavin, of Mel;illup, to Miss lotto iiiun, of Hallett. Coeur—PatinaIn Goderieh town. ship, at tltc residence of the bride's father, en the 9th inet, by the Rev Dr tire, Ur Wm. Curry, to Elizabeth Agues, fourth daugh- ter of '•lir rnhn Porter. Srsw. ar—Donswo Tit -.-At the residence of the bride's father. 15th eon,, Goderieh township, on the lith in>t., by Rev Jos. Edge, 4fr Ghee Stewart, to Vise Jennie 1)ndsworth, both of Clinton, WIN —TAMAN t the reaideuee of the bride's parents. Blyth, on the 77th beat., by Rr-v W k' Campbell, Nr W 11 Irwin, Editor of the Standard, to Alien Mary E. Taman. eldoat daughter of Mr Joseph. Taman, of that town, DIED. -- Wenn— At Hepworth, on Saturday, March 7th. Charles White. aged 52 yore's: Nastt---In St Marys, on the 11tH inst., '.Mary, wife of Patrick Nadi, aged 60 yra LixleRnOI>~---In Exeter, on the 14th haat*, Elizabeth Ann, youugeet daughter of Mr Harry Gambrooko, aged 15 years, 8 mos. SurueiwaNA—In St Marys, on the 11 Inst„ Margaret J .Hyslop, wife of Wm, E, Sutherland, aged 75 years, Gp,w x --la. Usborno, on the 12th Inst., Martha M„ daughter of Jamea Gorvett, aged 6 years, 8 months, Penn—In Uaboruo, on the 13th inst., Minnie M., infant daughter of John Peart, aged 5 weeks, Cases—llonoxxs—In. London 'en the 17t11 Inst, by Rev Dean Innes, John Casey of Cleveland. to Mies 'Maggie Hodgins, of Clanthboye, Ont SuxuIEnLAND—Tri St Marys, on Wednesday, Match 111h, 1891, Margaret 3, Hislop, wife of Wm F. Sutherland, late sergeant of the 93rd Biglllandcrs, aged 75 years- Mad ears Maj for Hutchins G 2 The friends of candidate Taylor are not yet stifled and are impressed that the ballots in No 11 div Exeter, and No 18, Biddulph, have been tampered with, and they say they will institute strict inquiry respecting these ballots. This is merely a complaint made to soothe their sad dia. appointment ; but at the same time it is a reflection on the integrity of Mr. Armi- tage,wbo,is above such low taeties,andwho is, and always has been, held in the high- est esteem. Mr Taylor pays all costs. Further Returns. The Returning Officers for the following Ridings have made their official declara- tions, as below : EAST mince; McDonald Brussels 46 Blyth 2 W i n gham ..... , 16 Wroxeter.... 25 Grey 186 Morris 29 Turnberry ..., 90 Eowick 86 "History of the English people" says : "Its action upon the church broke the lethargy of the clergy, and the evangeli- cal movement, which found representa tives like Newton and Cecil within the pale of the establishment, made the fox- hunting parson and the absentee rector at last impossible. In Walpole's day the English clergy were the idlest and most lifeless in the world. In our own time no body of religious ministers sur- passes them in piety, in philanthropic energy or in popular regard. In the nation at large appeared a new moral enthusiasm which rigid and pedantic as it often seemed, was still healthy in its social tone, and whose power was seen in the disappearance of the profligacy which had disgraced the upper classes and the foulness which had infested literature ever since the Restoration." This, the centennial year, finds Method- ism in Canada with 1,718 ministers, 3,142 local preachers and exhorters, 6,198 male class leaders, 945 female class leaders, 233,868 church members, 3,173 Sunday Schools, 28,411 Sunday School officers and teachers, 226,050 Sunc'ey School scholars, 3,092 churches, 1,168 other preaching places, total value of church property $11 597,491, 14 colleges and other educational institut- ions, 57 teachers on the professional staff, 3,157 college students, 473 mission stations, 507 missionaries, 96 native assistants and teachers, and $220,026 of missionary income for 1890. xoons or xxposuRE—Those most ezpos. ed to the rigor of a Canadian winter suffer most with what cannot be well avoided, but eau be certainly and promptly cured by St. Jacobs Oil,- and that is frost -bites. If neglected, they sometimes ORuse the loss of a limb, but they can be easily cured, as stated. The Brussels Post, which by the way is Liberal in politics, gets off the following practical joke on the Goderioh Signal :— "Some people are wondering if the Editor of the Goderieh Signal is going ont of busi- ness owing to the appearance of the fo110w- ing 'advertisement :-FerSale.,—lf.yon are oontomplatine the purchase ofa windmill a first class one can be bad cheap for cash. 8 Apply at the; Signal office. Holmes • 391 Dr McDonald's maj.. 30S There were nine rejected ballots. SOUTH IIIIR0N McMillan Weismiller Reith Bayfield........ 30 42 3 Hay. 344 181 10 374 155 5 351 148 16 201 r'oR SALE --A GOOD :STOREY Land a half frame dwelling. good stable everything convenient, with three-fifths of an acre of lan 1 situated on Gidiey-et. 1Yit1 bo sold cheap. Anpty to 1VALTRn CARLsr, Alletf or EMUS GARLCY. Age .tE 'C'Oian.ted —BY TER^ Dftaaax vs. ooslFouT—Misery is one result of biliousness or liver complaint. Comfort is the first result of using Burdcok Blood Enters es a remedy. Cure is the final result always obtained. We back this with the strongest proof by testimonials from reliable Canadian people. SRoune Be LOO`IENED-9, cough should be loosened at once and all irritation allayed To do this nothing excels Hagyaid's Pect- oral Balsam. Obstivate cougba yield at once to its expeetoraut, soothing and heal inti properties, which loosen phlegm and allay irritation, "DOMINION ILLUSTRATED" In every Canadian town and village. Special inducements offered in addition to commission i'Or particulars address TIIE SABISTON L1TIiO..t; PUB. CO.. Puhlishors, Afontreal. In the Goods of Deborah Long, de- ceased. Notice is hereby given that after publication hereof in three suocossive issues of the Ontario Gazette and the ExsTRIt'rhxrs. the undersign- ed will make application to the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, for a grant of Letters of Administration to the Real and Per- sonal Estate of Debarah Long, late of the town ship of Stephen, in the County of Huron widow, who died on or about the 13th day of January. A.D ,1891, having at the time of her death her fixed plane of abode at the said town ship of Stephen. HENRY EILBER, by B. H. Comma, Exeter, Ont., Crediton, Ont, his Solicitor. Dated at Exeter, the 16th March.1891 86 ABS'1'RAOT Of Receipts and Ependiture for the Village of Exeter for the year 1890 RECEIPTS; To balance on hand from 1889 as per last audit $ 2040.47 Arrears of taxes of '89 coll'ot'd in '93 217.16 Intr'st on the above taxes 8. i. ar'rs 13,69 Taxes collected for municipal pur- poses for 1800 License fund Poll tax County grant Legislative grant Fines and fees Rent of town hall Interest on mortgage investment Interest on deposit in Savings Bank Moneys borrowed by corporation Miscellaneous Rents and tolls Street watering rate collected Total Receipts EXPENDITURE: By paid county treasurer (county rate) $ 505,43 Paid schoolboard(sohool rate & grant) 3858.00 Streets. bridges, labor, etc 3138 22 Town hall a000unt (expenses) Salaries and commissions Loans re -paid Interoeton loans Water supply and fire protection Election expenses Taxes refunded Charities Printing and postage Registrations Insurance on town hall Board of Health Lighting. oil, etc, Railroad debenture account Town hall debenture account Miscellaneous account Street watering Hullett McKillop Seaforth Stanley... ... 199 Tuckersmith .... 346 1845 Weismiller's votes 990 McMillan's maj.. 855 Reith's votes.... 54 158 4 198 15 108 1 990 54 Majority over both 801 Rejected ballots, 5; spoiled, 20. WEST HURON Votes polled for Majority for Cameron Porter. Cameron Porter Ashfield, div 1, 61 83 .. 22 " " 2, 63 64 .. 1 " " 3, 44 63 19 29 ., " "" 4, 85 " " 5, 111 " 6, 126. Colborne " 7, 98 "" "" 8, 35 " " 9, 75 " " 10, 49 Clinton, " 11, 72 " " 12, 71 IS 13, 58 • " " 14, 63 Goderieh tp 15, 52 " 16, 41 !' 17, 30. " 18 60 19, 52 20, 48 21,`47'.. 22. 62 23, 52 24, 56 25, 63 26, 38 W Waw'esh27, 65 " ' 28, 91 ," 29, 74 " 30, 98 E Wawan'h 31. 82 Goderieh 56 27 16 35 41 70 42 63 69 63 47. 90 73 82 70. 77 46 44 47 26 34 59 34 71 60 50 32 41. ." 32, 82 67 33,.67. 39 t" 34, 58 39 Totals 2199 1820 1820 Maj • ' 379 Rejected ballots, 8; spoiled, 15, Si 110 63 5 7 9 2 38 32 62 20 25 2 3 26 22 4 4 31 24 66 41 15 28 19 605 226 This is the way with the B. & C. corset: if you want ease and shapeliness, you buy it—but you don't keep it unless you like it. After two or three weeks' wear, you can return it and have your money. For Salo b STI!+%V ART, Exeter i OR SA-Lly OR TO REN T.—A. goodfarm in llab.ano tewnslhip, well watered, suitable for stock or grain. Apply to F2slnx ,='ulioicers. ete',Exeter. 1O1 SALE OR EEM. --160 T1a acres of land in Manitoba, 6 miles from Virden ,and three miles from ilargravostation. Clear deed* Apply to ,y.11 Mo:teva, F18tf Exeter, Ont. MORTGAGE SALE Valuable Farm In the Township of STEPHEN, 8088.74 572.22 32 00 29.66 219.00 13.0( 33.25 60.00 7.64 2100.00 75.10 70 07 168.92 $13738 83 NEW Mcr1ari__air 1 Under and by virtue of the power of sale conteincd in a certain indenture of mortgage made by Ronald Meleaae and his wife to bar her Dower to the Vendor twbieh will be pro- duced at time of sale) default having been Public nAuction tat thereof. TEL, byd the Village of DASf11y00O, en TUESDAY, the 31st Day of MARCH, 1891 AT 2O'CLOCK P. Al. , by MIL. L. HARDY, Auctioneer. eubject to such condiIll as Anil then be produced, ell that certain parcel or tract of land and promisee, situate, lying and. being In the township of Stephen. in the County of Duren, being cohnpoectl of the south half of Lot number sixteen. (16). in tho thir- teenth (13th) concession of the said township of Stephen, coctaininglifte (50) acres more or less This farm is about 21 miles from Dashwood, in a well settled district, convenient to post office. etc. Timms or SALE : 10 per cont. on day of sale and hatanoe in 3) days or 08may heagreed. For further particulars apply to ELLIOT .2 EL4roT. Vendor's Solicitors, Dated this 9th efoh,'91. Exeter. 52500 210.!.00 36.75 201.30 21.00 24.80 269.03 54.28 9.50 19.50 5.00 33.15 6('0,00 325.00 195.23 161.25 Total Expenditure $12098.09 Total receipts, 413738.83. Total expenditure, 12098.09 Balance l 1640.74 ASSETS Cash on hand Uncollected taxes Mortgage investment Property'and real estate Schoolhouse and property Town hall and property Market houso and property. LIABILITIES Village Railway debentures Part Stephen Railway debenture ;Town hall debentures Judicial Sale! (Late Cutter for R. Pickard) has opena out a stock of In the High Oourt of Justice, Chan- cery Division. Houlden vs. Ledstone. Pursuant to a judgment given herein and. bearing date the 18th day of February, 1891. thorn will be sold with the approbation of Sutherland Malcomson. Esquire, Local Master of tbo Supiome Court of Judi caturefor Ontario at Goderieh by the said Master at the COM - ERCT AL HOTttL. in the Village of HEN- SA,LL, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p.m., on $1640.74. 426.25 1000.00 43086,99 Saturday, the 28th day of March, 1891 CANADIAN AND Imported Tweeds, ST; ITINGS, French:-: Worsted COATI:fiGS,, and all the new- est things iu PA?1"TINGS, trade up in the Latest Style, A good fi.t Guaranteed or no sale. Special attention given to Ladies' JACKET and MANTLE making STAND : One door North of . E. Melee. Barber Shop. the following valuable farm propertyviz: Lot number twenty -see n in the 6th conces- sion of the Township of Hay, County of Huron containing by admeasurement 100 acres more or loss. There are erected on the promises farm butldiegs consisting of a frame houso, 2 frame barns and frame stable. There is a good orchard on the premises. This property is situate,rin afirst class form- ing community and is about five miles from Hensel] and four miles from Zurich. TERMS Op SAL'-' : Ton per cent down on the day of sale to the Plaintiffs' Solicitors and the balance without interest to bo paid in the court within one month thereafter when the purchas- er will be entitled to the conveyance and full possession. The purchaser at the time of sale will be ro- nir of to sighis n agreement for the comple- tionThe property will be put up subject to a reserve bid In all other respects th'• condi- tions of sale will be the standing conditions of this court. For further particulars apply to ME99Ra GARROW & PROUDrOOT. Barristers. Goderieh, JoHN Hosxre, Esq., Q. C.. Toronto, Ont., or to ELLIOT & ELLtOT, S. MALcoiisow, Plaintiffs' Solicitors; Master. Exeter Goderieh, Dated 7th day of 'March, 1891. 810000.00 161764 6500.00. $18117.64 We hereby certify that we have audited the books and accounts of your Treasurer and find them correet and satisfactory. The above is an abstract. Yours respectfully, Ttroatls G,Ruoav, LEWIS H. DIOL♦7ON. Municipal auditor. for the village of Exeter. FARMER te.-im . - Rrp,, A MER, tialO , . Wholesale and, Retail. GROCERS WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANTS. * STAR GROCERY 1891, 1891 A FINE ASSORTMENT FancyGoods Odor Cases, Dressing Cases, Shaving Cases, Collar and Cuff Cases.' Manicures, etc,, MAIN- ST. L'XETER. A LARGE LOT —OF— NL+'W -GOODS rt` NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW PRINTS, beauties at 10c per yd. NEW MILLINERY. NEW ART MUSLIN AND LACE' Special lines of now Tweed and fine black Suitings. We will sell you the best goods cheap. Fresh Groceries; extra value in Teas. ALL ARE INVITED. Highest price paid for Eggs and Butter. Wo will make it to you advantage to buy from us. COME AND SEE. DOUPE & CO., Eirkton. W. B1107111115. EXETER Pork Packing House The undersigned wishes to in- form the public that after six mouths' successful operations in curing, pickling, and salting, they have now on hand large quantities of Sugar -cured and Smoked Hams,' " - Rolls Bacon Sides Also a good supply of Fresh. Salted Meats. " C. Special attention is given to the rendering of pure lard. A large supply on hand at low prices. CASH PAID FOR HUGS. SNELL BROS. & CO. New Fall. Goods New Velvetee ca s. Dress Goods. Mantle Cloths `. Flannels. Table Linens. Shirtings. Cottons. Cashmere Hose. Cashmere Gloves./ Kid Gloves, Corsets. Underwear. ar J. MATHS SON HAY P.O. -- EXETER Nou.TN,:.{