HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1891-3-19, Page 1AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY,' VOL. XVIII. NO 20. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 19, 1891 JOHN WHITE & 80N Pnbilaher wad Proprietor .LEGAL. LH. D[OS,BON, Barrister, Soli - .. cater of Supreme Court, Notary Public, '3oiveyancer, Oommiaeioper, &Co Money to Gears. CRieetio Fanaon'sBiook. Faster, TN ff. COLLINS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Btu., IIX"ETFR. , ONT. Office over the Peat Office. ELLIOTmtl ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &o, &o Ie"Mouey to Loan at Lowest Bates of lutereat. Oi FRIF.. MAIN - STR1aF,T, i,TI+TER. 11, v, ata.tar. J. P;LLtQT. DENTAL. ",R. 0. R. INGRAM. DENTIST. 1 Successor to H. L. Billings. Member of the Beget College ot Dental Surgeons.) Teeth inserted with or without Plate. otie venforr Gold 1pwinless extraction f t etti. Plates secured firmly in the mouth by Temente Patent V& vo. OFa1.LQE : Over O' Teil'a Sauk, Liman every Friday, LT 'KINSMAN,AFNTIST.L.D. .s. F'allson's Block, Main•st. Exeter. Extracts Teeth without pain Away at REN»At. ron drat Friday; Or%Igrsecond and fourth Tuesday; and ZURICH ontite last Thine - (Inv or each month. uEDICAL T W. BitOWNINU Lk i. D., U. 0 t • P. 3, Graduate Victoria Unice tyt Office and reedit 4110e, Dominion lath. s- tory. Exeter. ELYNDMAN, coroner for .le County of Huron. Office, opp .site Carling Bros. store, Exeter. J . A. ROLLINS, M.0. 2,S. 0. Office, Main fit. Exeter, Ont, Residence, house recently occupied by P. 7sloPlultipe, teem LF. CUTCEN, M. D,, G. M., • Graduate Trinity Univotaity, Tor- ontoPel. Trin. Mod. school, Toronto ; Grad. Am Inst..Crauiolotry; Member N. Y. Acad. Anthropology; Weather Col. P. S., Ont.- olnoe, Dashwood. Ont. R. DAVID M. STAEBLER, (UNIVERSITY or TORONTO) Physician, Surgeon. oto. Having spent the winter of 1850-87 in Now York, and winter of 1887-83 in Vienna, Austria. Oman OREDITON, ONTARIO. DR. WOODRUFF Diseases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eye glasses and Spectacles furnished for both Near and Distant Vision. Always at home, except op Fridays. No. 185 Queen's Avenue, Lonaon, Ontario. AUCTIONEERS. The Molsons Bank (QUA.ATERED BIZ PA failAMMENT08551 raid up Capital $2.000.00 IteatFund .,, 1000,OC Head Office, rioutreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS.Esq•, GANARALMANAOEb 20 bran cbofftceeintneemu:inion, Ageneie in the DonninioneoeseA,and eseseee, Exeter Branch, Oren every lawful day, front 10 a, unto 3 p.m SATURDAIS.10 a.nt to 1 D. in. 41'orGent,perannum all owedffornum ey an Dopositleecoipta N. DYER HURDON, Sub -Manager. AJ. RQLLINS, LI'ENSED • Auotioneer for Counties Huron and Middlesex. Residence, 1 mile south of Exeter. P. 0.. Exeter. BOSSENI3ERRY, General Li- • caused Auctioneer Salus conducted in allparts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderato. Hensall P 0, Ont. CONDENSED NEWS Front Various Sources Through out the District. the county jail Monday morning where he will remain fol 60 days. Wiee was convict- ed of trespassing ou the G. T. R. property at Parkhill, and also with throwing stones. at the signal lamps. Their gentle action and good effect on the system really make them a perfect little pill. They please those who use them. Carter's Little Liver Pills may well be termed "Perfection," Mr Colin Stewart, of Seat Williams, re. ceivcd .aa: week a large mooeo'a head and prairie wolf ekin whose owners had fallen before the lino of his son, Domlay, in Mani, tuba this winter. The horns of the moose measured 6 feet trona tip to tip. Mise Porte left Parkhill the other day for Detroit, where she intends to reside it; the future. The members of the Meth Sunday school choir, of which Mies Porte was organist recently, waited upon ber, and OW spending a pleasant evg made ber a present of a handsome gold chain and a farewell addreee, H unON. The South Huron Fermata' Institute will Ism a meeting at Brnceneld on Friday. Alert% 27th. We are glad to notice that Mr Frank Case, of Seaforth, is sufficiently recovered to be able to driye ant, At the approaching Huron Melees, to open on April 13th, a heavy calendar will be placed before the court, there being quite a number of criminal cases, Mr Wm Stalk, of the Blind Line, Hay, has traded his 100 acre farm to Ma brother - lodes/. Mr 11 Deters, Mr Stelk got $3,000 to boot. Toth parties moved this week. Dr Williaras' I`tuk Pills are the greatest specific of the ago for the euro at blood die eaece, suppression, irregularities, female weakness, oto. Give them a trial. Never fail. James Newcombe, es -treasurer of Morris, charged with embezzlement of township funds, came up for trial on Tuesday. Marsh 10th and after a lengthy trial, and the ex- amivation of a cumber of witnesses, was discharged. A merry party aasetnbled at the residence of Mr Bien, llnliott, leat Wednesday evg., to witness the marriage of Mr Rinn'ayoung. eat daughter, Kate, to William MoGavin, jr., of McKillop. The two were soon made one by the Itev Peter Musgrave. Otut ANNi.te rrcaie-Will occur in 3une thio year. In preparing your lunch we suggest you use Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder (Sold by all grocers) in making the biscuit cakes &o. itis the most healthy and perfect. M'f'd by E W GILLETT, Toronto Ont. i The teachers and officers of the Union Church Sunday Bebop], Brucefield, met at the residence of Mr Andrew Swan, on Fri- day evening, for the purpose of saying farewell tc Mrs James Thompson, prior to her leaving for the Northwest. She was presented with framed photos of the teach- er°, John Boldrow, con 8, Morris, is the owner of a grade heifer, rising two years, that has been giving six quarts of milk every morn- ing and about half that at night since the first of January. She never hnd a calf. The milk is very rich. Tide is a freak of nature ; if not, it is a very unusual ocour- rouce. Messrs D. McEwen, J Morrison and W Horton left Seaforth for Bathgath, North Dakota, on Thursday, They took with them a oar load of horses. mares and stal- lions. Mr Morrison had a very fine Cana dian bred stallion ; Mr Horton took two young stallions, and Mr MoEwen hnd the imported stallion. THE BEST annum -Every ingredient em- ployed in producing Hood's Sarsaparilla is strictly pure, and is the best of its kind it is possible to buy. All the roots and herbs aro carefully aeleoted, personally examined. and only the beet retained. So that from the time of purchase until Hood's Sareapar ilia is prepared, everything is carefully watched with a view to attaining the best result, Why don't you try it ? ENRY EILBER Licensed Auc- tioneer for the Counties of Huron and Middlesex'. Sales conducted at mod- erato rates. °ince, at Post -office, fired - ton Ont. H. PORTER, GENERAL D • Auctioneeran"1LandValuator. Orders sent by mail o my n d tress, Reynold P. O., will receive prompt attention. Terms moder- ate. D. H. PORTER, Auctioneer, VETERINARY . Tennent & Tennent EXETER. ONT. Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary 001 - lege. OFFICE : One floor South of Town Hall. ;•MONEY TO LOAN. ON,+ Y TO LOAN AT 6 AND ILLpet $25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, SURVEYING. FRED W. FARNCOMB,= Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil En- Office. ETC.,. Office. Upstairs, Samweli'e Block. Exeter.Ont INSURRANCE . ISE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Head Office, London,rOnt. After 31 years of successful, business, still continues to offer the owners of farm proporty and private residences; either on buildings or contents ,tbe most favorable protection in case of logs or dam age by fireorlightnine, at rates upon such liberal terms, that no other respect- able company can afford to write. 42,375 poli: cies in force 1st Jan ,.890. Assets $378,428.00 in cash in bank. Government (tepee t. Deben- tures and Premium Notes. JANES GRANT, President;. D. 0.Mo.DONALn,Maneger• DAVID JAQues, Agent for Exeter andvicinity Renew. The Hibbert spring show will be held at Staffs on Wednesday. Api 8tb, Mr Cosena at Rnsseldale,has retired from the hotel busiaese and moved to Mitchell. In 1887 ',Prow reoelvod 222:4 rotes in South Perth ar,d Sharp 2131. At the last oleotion Trow polled 2303 and Sharp 2186, a gain in both instances, South Perth's record is t 1867-AlaFar- lane, Lib., 97 ; 1572 -Trow, Lib., 427 ; 1874 -Trow aeolan,ation; 1878 -Trow. 77; 1882 -Trow 179 ; 1897 --.Trow 93 ; Trow ,77, Leat week Lawyer Ortniaton left Mitchell for Toronto, where be has formed a part- nersifip with a strong legal firm. He was banqueted prior to hie departure, Ur Davis, the returning officer for South Perth, says: "Every deputy officer did his work thoroughly. All the certificates were properly filled out and there was not a mistake of a single fixture. Derangement of the liver, with constipa- tion injures the complexion, induces pimples sallow man. Remove the pause by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. One done. Try them. Tho Mitchell Advocate says : "Diegraoe- fel scenes =erred at the poll in the Gore of Downie on election day. Men were beastly drunk, personation was practised to a latgn extent, and intimidation was used in several oases to compel mon to vote for Trow. Air Clyne, deputy returning officer, was obliged to appoint two constables to maintain anything him order. On Wednesday the 4th day of Marob, .John Robertson, of the 13th con., Grey, t residents in the township, of the�oldes s departed this life at the advanced age of 80 years. His death was very unexpected to the community, as be had been about as usual shortly before his decease. The cause of Ms death was heart trouble. He was born near Blair, Athol°, Perthshire Scotland, in June 1810, and came to Can- ada in 1847. He owned property near Fnilarton. The following persons this week left this county for the places mentioned :-Mr. Jas Dulmage, of McKillop, left this week for St Thomas, Dak.-Mr J. Crawford and wife, of MoKilfop, left on Tuesday for Port- age le Prairie. -Messrs J McTavish and J. Simpson, of Tuokersmith, left on Tuesday last for Glonboro, Man. -Mr Jas McNeil, of Hullett, left this week for Virden, Man. -Mr R Harburn, of Staffa, left on Tuesday last for Sewell. Man. -R. Douglas. of ' tan - ,ley, left this week fbr Carberry, Man. - Messrs Isaac and Jas Moore and . Mise Moore, of Tuckeremith, left this week for Gilby, Dak.-A large party left Mitchell for Manitoba on. Tuesday, and quite a number more will leave nei:t week for the prairie province. MIDDLESEX. There are pow in use in Parkhill 19 are lights and 12 incandesdent lamps, and the number is being increased every week. Miss Martha, the eldest daughter of Mr John Rosser, of con 5, London, was on the 3rd inst. married to Mr Duncan MoKofiar, of Corbett, Stephen tp. Tne Bishop of Huron who has been low with diphtheria, is reported somewhat bet- ter. In several of the city churches special prayer for his recovery to health was made. The other day n little son of Mr Loudon's of Parkhill, by means of a sleigh, . upon which he was riding, upsetting, wag "serious- ly injured, and fur a time £t was thought be would not recover. David Wise, of Parkhill,'; was lodged al Staffa. BRIEFS' -We are pleased to have Ansa Ella McLaren home with us again, after a long visit with her parents in Toronto - etre John Sadler intends taking possess: ion of hie store about the 20th inst. He intends to stock it entirely with new goods and has engaged A. K. Ferguson, late of the postoffice store, to run the business. TuekerMxtlth 4444.4,14 BRIEFS -Mr John Elgieand wife, Mr Wm, Dayman, wife and family, Albert Piewes, John Chesney and wife, Elam 13n11, Jr,, and wife, leftTuesday with several carloads of household effects farm iwple, merits, stock, eta., which they, were busy loading this week at Kippers station, They go to push their fortunes in the great Northwest. We wish them all tmueh sueeeaa-At Mrs, W h', Gun:twinga' sale leaf week, Ur Herbert Crich, of the 2nd eaueessiom, purchased the imported mare for 8305. She is 9 years old, and is in foal to imported Stud Book Chief, Chiselbuxst, Bnrare-Mr Robert Simpson, who for the past year has been working with S J P. rkiu. alaoeinaker, of this piece, has left to seek employment elaowhere We, are sorry to lose Mr Simpson, he being a quiet citizen, and as a workman he could mot be beat. Owing to the number going West this epriug hired help will be scarce and wages high Good then are getting 820 a month for the season.-.-Mts. R 13 Grilgau, who has been sick for the Inst three menthe is slowly recovering. -James Fitzgerald and Mr Rummeraton atart for Dakota .hie week. -.-.Nicholas Horton expecte to leave for Dakota next week to remain for the summer, -.:lir Niebola buried his little son Alfred on Afcuday last. Dashwood. -- Maws-The 'costlier was very stormy for a few days and as a consequence the roads are somewhat blockaded. -Mr J. Voelker is visiting friends in Tavistock and vicinity at present. -Mrs (Rev) Yaeger is visiting her parent at Seetingville.-Mrs Lingle, of Michigan, is visiting friends in Dashwood. -Miss Block, of Grand Rapids, Miob, was the guest of her uncle. Mr F, Schroeder. -On Wednesday and Thursday next a promotion examination i3 to be held in the public school here. -Mr Graybr.l and wife wore in Hensall on Tuesday visiting their daughter, Mrs Pope, who is i11 at present. -One of our Temperance men caused quite an excitement one evg of last weak. Anderson. Bitters -Miss Nellie White, of Toronto, who has been spending a few weeks with relatives and friends in this vicinity, left for home Tuesday. -The sacred walls of the old church were torn down Monday last and the "sanctity" which possessed the old building has taken its flight into the aohool house, there to restlessly remain until the completion of a magnificent and spacious structure in which it expects to reign supreme. -Cottage prayer meetings have been instituted by the pastor in conse- quence of the lack of any suitable public hall in which to continue the regular weekly services. The first gatnering of this nature was held at Mr John Lane's on Tuesday evg.-The windows of the old ohuroh were purchased by John Anderson, Esq. -Mr John Scott, of the town line, is very low at present by an attack of paralysis. It is hoped that he may speedily recover his usual physical vigor. -Miss Cora Oernish, of Exeter, is the guest of Mise Irene Epplett . NI •111> 4 Card of Thanks. Usborne. DRtrwNIND ACCIDENT --A terrible drown- ing accident happeued to a little six-year• old daughter of Mr. James (lorvett, of Uaborne, Thursday last. e1, creek rune through Mr (xarw'ett'a farm between the house and barn, and it appears that two 'small children were going to the barn an an errand for their mother, and while creasing a log, one of them slipped and fell into the water, The other child was too small to render assistance, and before the news could be communicated to the family the little girl had drowned and been carried n distance dawn the stream by the rapidly flowing waters. The parents have the heartfelt sympathy of the community in thia their sad affliction. A short time ago, Mr Frank Cornish coutructed a severe cold which, sealing an his lungs, rendered his condition very low last week ; latest reports are that be is on a fair way to reeovery. To the Electors of South Perth. GENTLnrrtEN,-As it will be impossible for me to meet personally the many who sup- ported me at the late election, I take this means of returning my, grateful thanks to all those who accorded me their support and suffrages ; particularly do I thank those gentlemen who throughout the Riding as- sisted me at great sacrifice of time to themselves in the organization of my various committees and in the polling of the vote, It will ever be a source of pride to me to oontemplate that I received snoh disin- terested assistance from the Liberal Con- servative party of South Perth, and although defeated I am sure both the party and myself bare good cause to congratulate ourselves that the policy of Sir John A. Macdonald accepted and advocated by us during the late contest has been overwhelm. ingly sustained throughout the Dominion. I remain, gentlemen,, Your obedient servant, H. FRED SHARP. St, Marys, Marsh 11th, 1891. I " fo Children for i'itcher �astAri I Cry St. Marys. 8iddll1plz, Belem --.Mr, John Dixon and family left for the Northweet. Territory on the I7th inst., before teeing the trate Mr Dixon was around saying up some little bills in Clandeboyo, and when he arrived at the station be was minus his pocket -hook and 8175. It is supposed he lost it an the way to the station, --A young Man from hxeter bad come business to transact down to Iliddniph an Mondelest, and pausing through aomme snow drilla Iiia horse begatne unmanageable and ran away. After a spirt of *bent 3 miles he was captured not much the worse for his run. Fins -A disastrous fire occurred here Monday morning, resulting iu the entire dostruotion of Knox Presbyterian church. The fire was first noticed at about seven o'olock in the farnaoe room in the base- ment. An alarm was nomediately sound- ed, and steamer and band fire companies responded promptly. By an unfortunate coincidence, through the negligence of those in charge, both engines were out of order and refused to work. Hundreds of anxious spectators stood by powerless to check the steady progress of the flames. and the magnificent edifice was totally destroyed before their eyes without a drop of water ueing thrown upon it. Tho fire originated from the furnace and must have been smouldering nearly all night. The caretaker left the church apparently all right about 10 o'clock Sunday night. The building is insnred in the Western for $5,000, and the tools estimated at about $15,000. Goderich BRIEFS -Tho returning officer for West Huron, Mr W T Whitely, was present in the court house last Thnredey to open the ballot boxes, but the absence of one pre- vented the declaration being made till Mon- day, when Mr ki 0 Cameron was declared elected with a majority of 379. -During the patt week many of the vessels in the har- bor were being refitted and repaired for the coming season -About six times the quantity of ice packed last season nes been stored for the coming summer's use. -The C P R telegraph company has been much praised for early and correct returns during the recent election. -Mrs McKenzie, moth er of Mrs R Radcliffe, of this town, died at s weok aged son in law's residence last vee 92 years. The deceased was taken to Fort Erse for interment in St Paul's churchyard beside many deceased members of her family, Mrs McKenzie was married in St Paul's, Fort Erie, and all her children were battised therein, and the grave in which she now lies is under the shadow of the old church. Woodham. 444•44.44444.44,.., Hen -^---- Hensall Reuse ---Alex MaIswen and family, left Hewett etationTuesday far Manitoba, --J. Robinson slam I. ft for his home in the west. °Buckle" hoagies. of London, spent a day with Mr. It Il., aur host of the Com niercial, William is alwaye in the best of humour when he is around. -T. Murdock has made a start at his new additiou -� Hensall la going to baro a Fall Fair. A meeting was held last ween, at which it full supply et directors were appointed, and they are bustlers, Next fall will be in first with the lief cf shows. --Ura. W R Hodgins is visiting at Detroit, --J Taylor was immense, j ed to Clinton Tuesday evening as Ina wife is dangerously i11.- The annual ruse ting of the county agrieultural aoelety was• held et toxworth'a hotel at inday It was well i represented from nil eections -We are informed that Mr Arnold, of lfitebPlI, le ening to open mut t'nsineseiu the elated now oeeupied by R Marrieon, who propanes moving to new fields. The latter anal ti.M family will be greatly missed. BRIEFS -Mr Lewis Kirk, of Kiriiton, aged 72 years died very suddenly on Saturday 7th inst. He seemed to feel as well as usual in the morning, and went. to a sale with his boys; se they were returning home, he suddenly aspired. -Mr Wesley Brethour, after an nbsenee of eleven years in Manitoba has been spending the winter at his father's home, and visiting hie old neighbors. He looks hale and well and has been quite sni- oessfnl in taming. He bas valuable pro- perty west of Brandon, the past year he sold over 2000 bushels of wheat at 75 cents per bush. He expects to return this week. Dame Rumor says not alone, as some fair maid of this locality is likely to take his hand and be the partner of his adventures and happiness in that ribing country,- Several young men around here are leaving for Manitoba among them two of Alexander Kirk's eons. of Kirkton, and Josland Arthur Lankin. of Woodham. -Mr Pegler, proprie- tor of the tile works here, has recently re. turned from a yirit to his frieuds in Eng- land. He reports having spent a pleasant time, and is preparing to do a larger busi- ness this year than at any former time. Poplar Hill. Barltre.--lfr. What's -his name, from Where's -the -place, the great combine break- er, !mud smeller and ring buster, swooped down on the unsuspected residentera of Whalen, causing a fever of cxcitftneut ill that usually quiet hamlet. His alleged uurpose is the organization of a branch of the P of I. Someeay that means Pat of Ireland utters say Patrons of Industry. However the \Wlutlenite» claim that this nay:derlous arganizat:on will raise the price of barley to one d.diar per bosh, wheat to iwvico that price, andlarmera will bay .10 lbs sugar for $1, salt 40 ots per barrels, a full load of post holes for 35,olta, other goods in proportion 0! course Wbaalsn is ranch elated on account of a visit from so prounn- ent a pets ,nage, and acts aeoordiugly. Pollee Hiller's delight in entertaining great men, but as Mr What's.his-name hes deni- ed no the privilege of being honored by his presence, we „console ourselves with the hope that ere the time of the singing of birds shall acme the fellow that gathers ashes for the soap works will come along. -- Messrs Albert Leit and Rob Gunning recent- ly cut, split, and piled one cord of hard wood in less than 30 minutes. Mr Motley holding the watch. We would like to hear from others who have done better. -Mr Cicero Wallis has sold his two year old stallion, Mr Slack and Henry, of St Marys being the purchasers; there are four more of the same age in this vicinity all in good marketable cooditiou. Buyers would do well to make a note of this. IN DAREEST GLOOM, -Millions of men and women are in the dark gloom of disease. The way out is by using Burdock Blood Bitters, a tried and sure remely for dyspep sic, biliousness, constipation, scrofula, bad blood, and all diseases of the stomaoh, liver bowels, and bloo.l see FreeTradeDead NOTA BIT OF1T It is true at the recent elections the majority did not seem tofayorfree trade with. the G. S, But we preseut to you a trade policy which ean'iot fail to meet the, approval of all, vitt : 'tile privilege of selling your produce in the highest market and at the same time buying all your supplies in the very lowest market (Bargain Depot). We lop ofr all high tariffs and unnoaeeaary expenses, thus alluring our profits with our customers, thus you see we have unreatrieted recipro- city and at the same time maintain a petriotio and tune loyalty. '1 simple solution of this vexatious question. To prove the genuiuenesa of our intention we issue a'prize ssoitter which entitles our customers to a .discount of from 12 to 15 per cent or, cash purchases. Call and see the beautiful presents we Ore away in this way. A lovely lot of dress goods just in. also the last eousiffmmeete of our beau- tiful prints. J. P.ROSS. examined, A piece of foreign body could be seeu in the windpipe just he - law the vocal chortle. Dr M1cDoutteh trade an opening, from the outasde of the throat ft.to the windpipe below where the body was la,1gesI Iu 'Able opening tubes were inserted through which she breathed. This remove,. the difliaulty of breathing and it was proposed on a'enunt of the p:atient's we.tl;n.eato delay the ttl:.ing. of the piece mut for a time in hopes that the opening would cause It to tome out. In about an hour after the operation a piece of nut shell about the size of one half a 5 emit piece came out of her mouth. In a few days the tubes were removed and the throat allowed to heal. ltibo is now upper. ently recovered and breathes as naturally as ever. Mrs Latta speaks in the highest terms ot the kindness shown her by the nurse», doctore antd hospital authorities, and apart from the anxiety caused by her little daughter's illness, rather enjoyed her short visit there. Frank Leslie's pular Monthly POR aruIL,. 1691. The American Museum of Natural history in the Central Park, New 'York city, occupies a noble pilo of buildings, the repent additions to which are just approach ing completion. It is an institution in which every American ought to take pride. The meet complete description of Its treas- ures, and the educational work it is doing, is Elven, with abundant pietoral illustration, by Mary 'litcomb, in the April number of Frank Leslie'a Popular Monthly. Another seasonable article is Carrie Stevens Waltr's account of a visit to Senator Stanford's famous Palo Alio stock farm. "Some Western Texas Types" are sympathetically drawn by Belle Hunt Shortridge,the poetess of the Lone Star State. 3 E Roessle de- scribes historic Lafayette Park, In Washing ton. D c, and Colonel Nicholas Pike con- tributes a thrilling paper upon the dreaded Octopus or Devil -fish. Other elaborately illustrated articles are "Olives": In the Mountain Paths of Savoy "; "Dickens's Bleak House"; "Some Memorials of Edgar Allen Poe"; "Sherman and Porter," etc. There are short stories by Cecil Charles, David Ker, William Wallace Cook, Bulkeley Booth, and others ; and poems by Douglas Maslen, Adelia Beard, and William F. Burbank. Zurich. BRIEFS -The proprietor of the Huron hotel, Mr Charles Greb, intends erectin. a mammoth barn in connection with his hotel during the coming summer. Mr Greb will have to remove the old one, which is somewhat aged. This is a step in the right direction as it will add to the now good accommodation of this popular house. -Milliners for the coming season have been engaged by our merchants, - The regular annual confirmation services in the Lutheran church will take place on Sunday next. They will be conducted by the pastor, Rev John Strempfer.- Quite a number of our villagers attended the concert given in Hensall by the O'Ban- yon Jubilee singers last week. PERSONAL -,Mr Alfred Faust of the post office store, is attending the Hamilton Business College. -Miss Maggie Lippert has removed to Chesley where she intends to work at the tailoring. --Mrs John Latta who has been keeping house for her son during the absence of Mrs Latta in Tor- onto, has returned home, -Mrs S. Latta with her little da.ighter Stella, returned from Toronto on Saturday last -vlr S. Hauch was in the village on Saturday and Sunday last. -Master Albert Hideman.met with a slight accident at the flaxmill the other day. --M110. B. Latta, of Hillsgreen, paid us a flying visit on Tuesday evening I last= SNALFIIL OPERATION -A couple of weeks ago a skilful operation was performed in the Toronto Hospital on Stella, the two- year-old daughter of Mr Sam'l J. Latta. It seems that two or three days after Xmas she became troubled with a difficulty of breathing which gradually increased until she was in a very critical condition. How- ever in a couple of weeks under the skilful treatment of Dr Buchanan she managed to rally and appeared for a time to get better excepting the breathing which was still very difficult. She was, however, soon taken very bad again In all she had three very bad attacks, each time her condition being most critical. She had become nearly chocked with a nutshell' the day after Xmas and the Dr was strongly of the opinion the shall had lodged in the. windpipe, but still retained hopes that she would cough it up. Ho however had done all that could possibly be done for her outside of an operation and this he strong- ly advised as the only means ot saving the. child's life ; he also advised that she be taken where she could receive proper care and treatment from those who made the throat a special study. On the recom- mendation of Drs Buchanan and Guun she was taken to the Hospital at Toronto and placed under the care of Dr McDonagh. The next Y clay after her arrival at the pospital abe was placed under the influence chloroform and her throat thoroughly SALE REGISTER. Tuesday, March 24th -Farm stock, implements, etc., the property of Mrs Mary Ramseyer, lot 27, con 14, Hay township, Sale at one o'clock. ED. BOSSENBERRY, Auctioneer. Tuesday, March 31st -Real estate, stook, implements, eto , the property of John Welsh, London Road, South Exeter, sale at one o'clock. A J. ROLLINS, Auctioneer. If you decide, from what you have heard or read, that you will take Flood's Sarsa- parilla, do not be induced to buy any substitute instead. All disorders caured by a billions state of the system can be cured by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. No pain, griping or die comfort attending their use. Try them. Dana AND snveeleis-Dark and sluggish describes the condition of bad blood. Health3 blood is ruddy and bright. To cure bad blood and consequences, and to secure good blood and its benefits in the safest, surest and best way use Burdock Blood Bitters, strongly recommended by all who use it as the best blood purifier. CONSIDER THIS FACT -The fact that rheumatism is caused by an acid in the blood points to the remedy Buruock Blood Bitters, which removes all impurities from the blood not only poisonous rhenmatie humors but even obstinate scrofulous and cancerous taints. AN ACCIDENT POLICY -The best Accident.. Policy is to keep Hagyard's Yellow Oil on hand. As a pain cure it is unrivalled,, while for croup, sore throat, quinsy, rheum` atism, neuralgia, oto., its results are, often almost magical; Used externally and internally. Price 25c, There are many forms of nervous debility in men that yield to the use of Carter's Iron Pills. Those who are troubled with Nerv. ous weakness, night sweats, etc., should try them. OH, WHAT A COUGH Will you heed the warning. The sigual perhaps of the sure approach of that inure terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- selves if you can a11prd for the ,sake of saving 50c,, to run the risk and do nothing for it We know from experietrce that Shtlol's Circ wi 1 cure your cough, It never tails.