HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1960-04-28, Page 88 `the Giotierich Signal -Star, 11110414y%' .A-'Vri1 2841, 1960 �a{, Y 'without lights is one , cf the C ' Deal. - worst traffic hazards that he is SAFETY... Sand By Goderich -`Jaycees' and Towi. Police Wei4, , here it is spring, "we &age;' and with the', nice rol ;er, AO carnes the cyclist. It's not khat we are not glad to See our youngsters. enjoying thein- selves heinselives -arnk"ridintg their "bikes" but paren`! s %rill:realize that a bl,eyele in the bogies o2 a child just learning tit' . id'e can eer.- tainly create a hazard 'should he or she happen to get out an the busy street. If you have a child who will be learning to ride his first "TWO WH," it is the advice of this writer that you spend considerable time With him and explain, the "rules of the road," proper signals when turning, and above all to be elver observant of other persons or vehicles using the roads. If you intend to let them drive at night, PLEAS,see that the cycle is properly., equipped with reflector -tape and - properly 'w lighted. I do not think anytl r y motorist will disagree that a 4 . This Week's Extra Specials Robin Hood Chocolate, White, Spice Reg. 2 pkgs 69c—SAVE 15c MIXE3210ZPk95 Van Kirk Clark's Fancy Quality -- • ever con:frotmted with. Car Club A group of youths in Gode-' rich are attempting to organize a CAR CLUB. While many may ; think that a club of this nature means'�` 1-3LAC1C.. ... ,.L C�KETS .and. r. . • kali. �-4iL4-.'.4���.j r Crl'I J • :'ht.�".l i V�f!,_.`�b'�l1F.w w aF s.�'}�4i �i!" the case. The slogan of these youths is "TH'-K SAFETY" and they are setting rules amongst themselves where they will pay a penalty to their treasurer': Should they violate the local BY-LAWS„ or the HIGHWAY TRL 'FTIG...ACT. A. club of this nature, if given local support, can certainly be an asset to any i community. It is the intention of these youths to encourage each other to keep theirauto- mobiles in .torp shape and to assist their fellow members to do so. Car Roadeo - The local JAYCEES will be holding their annual Car Roadeo in the near future. Watch this columna for the date, time, and l place, Mail Times Arrival and departure times for mail at the,.Goderich Post Office under Daylight°Saving Time - are "as follows: Mail leaves Goderich at 3 p.m., and 6:50 .p.m. (To catch these outgoing mails, letters must be in the Post Office a half hour before the aforemention- ed times). incoming mail ar rives at 7.15 a.m., and 1.25 p.m. The first class mail in these arrivals is sorted and in the Post Office boxes by . approximately 9 a.m.; and 2.30 p.m., respectively. Clip out this story and keep it for ready reference. You will find it will be handy. Auxiliary Gives $50 To School For Retarded Comrade McCann, zone com- mander from' lit -wick', spoke at the regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary, Canadian Leg- ion Brawch 109, Goderich. She presented a past presid- en't's badge. to Mrs. Paul 1 -hill. Comrade Motann was introduc- ed by the president, Mrs. Har- old Young, who was in charge of the meeting. The sum cif $50 Was donated to the Queen Elizabeth School for retarded children, Gcderic.h, arM Mrs. "Mat" McAiiLry`-'was . appointed the auxiliary's repre- sentative on the school board. It was' decided to send $10 to the World Refugee Year.- organ- ization in Goderich. Arrangements were made for five teams to participate in the bawling tournament at Walker- ton an April 27. i It' was report- ed that the rummage sale held recently was a success. The HarriSton card tourna- ment, which drew a large -crowd, was attended by about 20 mem- bers of the local auxiliary. Mrs. Williarm Mak won'first prize for 41"600," anrd Mrs. Leonard Elliott won second ,prize. A bus load of ladies attended the dart tournament in Stratford. A contribution was made to- -'wards the movie screen for the Huron County Home at Clinton. Arrangements were made to cater to two banquets and one wedding. The Ladies' ifrxi']iary birth- day party will be held June 26 hi the Legion Half, with three other auxiliaries invited. Huron Liberals To .' Hold Meet Hon. .T. W, Pickersgill, M.P., Ottawa, will address the annual meeting' of the Huron Liberal Assoeiatton, it was announced this weoiz. The meeting, which' follows a dinner; is being held in the terl,,n'n Hill, .Clint. n, l! ri- ch eVerling, 'May ti, T'i+t~Tcersgil'i is a prominent 'ember of the- 'Liberal oppoai- tiari in Ottawa. He is a former Minister of citizenship and itn- Mtgrati0n. Tickets for the d`nrrr are availtible frim ' arsbeiation ef- t liars in thit varxius munic pal - 4 E Reg. pkg 310 --SAVE 13c 2 6 -oz pkgs 49, Reg. tin 25c—SAVE 3c 2 48 -oz tins 4 Redeem These Valuably Coupons at Your Ate Sidrre Coupons ' Valid Until Saturday May 7th k -'350--SA'VE p g AN' `EXTRA pkg.mf 4 cakes 3 3 c Reg. jar 37c -SAVE 4c Habitant Red Tomato Pickle tion -Scuff 16 -oz jar c Aa..a.'anWayyp{._ ...;y.; '.+'a7�." Reg. ,tin $1.19—SAVE 20c ro qt tin9„c Drastic Reductions on Canned Pork ��. KLIK PREM KAMW.. SPORK 12 -oz tin 12 -oz tin 12 -oz tin ?bI _duality MeafFeatures, L:AN w.4 & OULDER PRINE RIB ROAST SHORT oi CROSS RIB ROAST LEAN 1659 Swift's Premium Barbecue WIENERS Sliced PORK LIVER Lean Meaty ��OR.K HOCKS 1 -Ib cello pkg 43 e 1629c 1623c 3 -Ib tin 89C Jellied RK HEADCHEESE SWEET PICKLED BACK BACON . TND. CUTS 2 to 3 -Ib ,�.,a.�., I6 49 CENTRE CUTS or. SLICES 1b69c Grade "A", 4'to 5 -Ib Average OVEN-READY DUCKS Ib 49c Extra Lean MINCED BEEF Ib 43c BEEF BOLOGNA Ib 29c Sliced Mock CHICKEN LOAF Sea Seald SMOKED FILLETS • Halibut FISH and CHIP DINNERS 20 -oz pkg 59c 1 -Ib pkg 49c 1 -Ib pkg 35 c. Banquet Brand — Tu`1:key, Chicken 'or Beef MEAT PIES - 3fIr969c COMBINATION SALE! WIENERS and ROLLS Pkg of 8 WIENERS_& 8 ROLLS 59c Pkg of 12 WIENERS & 12 ROLLS '6-7c �Ch�c1z A�P'sw ows-on Monday;, T-eesday-•and--Wed-nesday-for-early- week -Meat a_lyd-Produce-Bomm-Buysi SAVE 5c KLEENEX (COLOURED) With this Coupon Without Coupon 2 pkgs of400 6OC, 65c LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER Coupon Valid Until Saturday, May 7th, 1960 Housecleaning Needs Sale Shinola Paste ' FLOOR WAX Szouring Soap Pads Reg. tin 39c—SAVE 4c 1 -lb tin 35, 5. O. S. 2 pkgs of 10.49c 10c Off Deal gym- Reg. btL.79 RV E --A 1 A R. PQOAN 32 -oz btl 69, Ajax SCOURING PADS 2 pkgs of 419c 5c Off Deal _ Special -Offer! IMPORTEt,ENGLISH STAFFORDSHIRE DINNERWARE THIS WEEK'S UNIT CUP ,& SAUCER. • only 39c' WITH PURCHASE OF $3.00. OR MORE AV' !leggier .Pricy 67c SAVE AN EXTRA 6c o tin GttttntA,lraiiiic & 'WIN YtA COM BUY LUE SURF at this SPECIAL Money -Saving . Price . r .. and SAVE! A&P Special Price GIANT SIzE4' w�.,`i BOX Ali Prism fin' 'Inds Ad Qtia d roi gh SotturdstA, April 1'ie,1*60 a. 9 OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 22 -oz tin 23c :4-5 Strand OOM ;AIL DETERGENT For Windows and t,lirr"ors WINDEX Nindex SPRAYER Son Ami b JET SPRAY Reg. 99c—SAVE 10c each 89c- Reg. 9cReg. box 69c—SAVE 4c giant size box 65c Reg. 41c --SAV Etc 20 -oz btl 39c Reg.. each 17c --SAVE 5c 2 medium size.btls 29c Reg. each 69c—SAVE 4c '14 -oz bomb 65c Bakery Features Baked In A&P's Own. Bakery By .Master Bakers JANE PARKER'° RAISIN - PIE each c ._. Reg. 44e Stock Up .Your Freezer At This Low Price Jane Parker (4 Varieties)." Reg. 49c --SAVE 6c ICED- LAYER CAKE each 43c Jane Parker Reg. pkg 39c—SAVE 4c VERMONT DELIGHT ROLLS Pkg 35c Jane°Parker Plain or Sugared Reg. pkg 35c—SAVE 4c ) I9MESTYLE DONUTS Pkg 31c BUY BY THE CARTON -- SAVE 51c BRANDS R CIGARETTES..09 carton of 10 pkgs • SAVE 25c ON THE PURCHASE OF A ROe T OF CEEF�. (Any Size) LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER Coupon Valid Until Saturday, May 7th, 1960 SAVE 5c- MIRACPLE SALAD DRESSING I=PL With this Coupon Without Coupon 16 -oz jar 3 8c 43c .� LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER Coupon Valid Until Saturday, May 7th, 1960 •. Frozen Food Feature Broder's Fancy Quality KERNEL° CORN Reg. 37c—SAVE 2 2 -Ib poly bag '3 5c -Golden Bar HONEY BUTTER Solo Regular,: MARGARINE 12 -oz ctn 37c � TF.-iiY Ad«Y7!K+'a+ti4+k- 5.:a<:W�,:s'aY.icr;p SAVE 1Oc ON THE PURCHASE OF A 10 -LB BAG, OF POTATOES LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER Coupon •Valid•Until Saturday, May 7th, 1960 SAVE 5c WHWANITE TOILET 'TISSUE S With this Coupon Without Coupon 5 3c pkg of 4 rolls 4 8 c . . LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER Coupon Valid Until Setutday, May 7th, 1960 API SAVE 1®c &IP INSTANT -MILK With this Coupon Without Couf on 3 -Ib pkg 89, 99c . - LII1IT , PER"CUSTOMER Coupon Valid Until Saturday, May 7th, 1960 ,1,0b pkos itrif p SUNNYFIELD 'RICE ' . With Aft Coupon Without Coupon 35c LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER Coupon Valid Until Saturday, May 7th, 1960 Fresh Fruit and VegtabIe Features at A&P California, Fancy Grade, Now at their' Best VALENCIA GRAN Ontario Grown (Atmosphere Controlled) Fancy Grade MCI �. 1;Y' PPLES,-� Mexican, No. 1 Grade, Firm RIPE TOMATOES. 54 cello bag 5 3-1b cella. bag 3 2 -Ib pkg 3 0t cello tube 25c Louisiana No. 1 Grade , California, New Crop, No. 1 Grade, Long Whites Original OZ /C • 10-bbag6 C Pint BOX POTATOESStrawberries Leamington 'Grown, Hoth use King, Size Slicers, No. 1. Grade CUCUMBERSS,. GREEN 2 for 29c Arizona, No. 1 Grade, Fresh, Green, Firm - head' 9C LETTUCE Florida, No. 1 Grade, Jumbo Vie, Gt??Tsp, Tender Pascal _ 2for2.CedrYStalks c ' Ftoridt4, No. 1 Grade, Pascal . large bundles �c V Celan.... Hearts wJp Texan, No. 1 Grade, Fresh, Sweet, Tender CARROTS Z 20 -oz cello bags 19c •. SOUP & CRACKER SALE Ann Page Reg. 4 tins 45c—SAVE 2c TOMATO SOUP4 10 -oz tin; 43C Christie, Reg, 35c—SAVE 4c PREMIUM SODAS 1 -Ib pkg 31c SAVE 5c KELLOGG'S. CORN FLAKES With this Coupon • Without Coupon 16 -oz pkg a OC. • 35c . . LIMIT 1 PER 'CUSTOMER Coupon Valid Until Saturday, May 7th, 1960 ECONOMY WAX PAPER With thi't Coupgn Without Coupon -it 24c 29c LIMIT 1 PER CUSTOMER Coupon Valid Until Saturday, May 7th, 1960 G.E. 26,40,T 60 WATT LIGHT BULBS ' Nith this Cod;non With.s.e C�oupon pkg of 4 bulbs 64 89 LIMIT 1 Pert CUST6` Er Coupon Valid Until Satu'irday, M.ay 7th, 1960 — - 1